Divinity: Original Sin 2

Spooky Edition

Which mods are you using? im enjoying the Overlord mod on my solo run quite a lot.

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I'm using the one that spawns more enemies and the one that significantly increases the health of all bosses. But I did just download that Overlord mod to check it out next.

Elves = shit
Undead = cool

Therefore, undead elves must be okay.

Story time:
I had to replay about 10 hours because when on Reaper's Coast I didn't go in to the Bloodmoon Archive so I missed 2 really important quests
1)I didn't figure out Lohse's demond's real name so I couldn't enter his pocket dimension with Malady's rift walking ability
2)I didn't get the blade to the divine edge so I couldn't kill Braccus Rex and Tarquin was pissed that we'll never beat big baddies because I was a fuck up

Holy damn why was so much of the game wrapped up with having 20 wit by the end of Reaper's Coast. ON ANOTHER NOTE I'm still miffed I didn't pick up the Dragon Knight on Fort Joy because he would have been better than Fane as an archer and having 2 Dragons is better than 1. I didn't get him atm because I already had Red Prince but I'd take 2 at this point.

Can you fugg Albedo in the Overlord mod?


After beating this on Honour Mode and bitching heartily on the forums, I don't think I can play through the game again without mods.
Increased AP, massively reduced level scaling, and crafting overhaul are already on my list; what other good shit is out there?

You can have that winter dragon join you? I thought he just blasted the shriekers away for you.

Oh there was a dialogue option to have him join you. I never picked it.

Pretty sure that just results in him shooting the shriekers. I don't think he actually joins your party.

Oh shit just made an stupidly powerful discovery, standing on blood triggers Elemental Affinity for necromancy

What's the best way to deal with those fire slugs in the underground of Fort Joy? Is there a way to get past them without fighting?

Why wouldn't that work? Also grabby hands that cost 2 source and 3 ap for necromaner is op

You need the pet pal talent and you can tell the queen that Braccus is dead.

Well, yeah. That is what it's supposed to do.

Sadly no

im using a mod that halves the grabby hands damage but removes SP cost

If you have red prince you can also marry her. Also get the pryo summon spell to summon one as they are also op.

That's weird. I have pet pal and Red Prince but every time I approach the slugs, they get agitated and fuck me up.

Yeah they can be nasty against anything with a fire vulnerability. You can buy the book in Driftwood square. The slug also comes with Laser Ray as a standard skill right?

Did you already attack them? The queen should initiate dialog right away and the others are passive unless you take hostile action.

Nope, I haven't messed with them. I approach the slugs, the queen initiates dialogue, but I'm not given any option to talk her down with either pet pal or Red Prince and she attacks me.

might want to check out


Overlord mod is pretty rad. Slane is no joke with the tougher bosses mod on. I had my skeletons wail on him for a good 30 minutes before he went down.

2nd pic is my end game elf skeleton warrior. I hated the elves leafy armor early game but I was getting a real nice aztec look going here

Did they manage to fix the issue with the AI spamming CC on fully armored targets at all?

No mods yet, but will mod it once we finish our runthrough.

But this shit just fucking happened:

what dialog options do you have with her?


water elemental is the worst by far, have your mage do a fossil strike and those fire knives to create a different elemental pile.


Yeah, that's how it usually goes.

I can try to explain that I can't understand what she's saying (which is weird since I have pet pal), insult her, or back away (which still leads to a fight).

you need jester and petpal to avoid a fight with her.

Only the character actually with pet pal can talk to someone that needs it.

GOTY right there.

No, just pet pal.

Fuck, that was it. She was initiating dialogue with one of the other party members instead of my character with pet pal. Thanks, man.


Playing this game got me thinking about checking out some of the others so I redownloaded Dragon Commander, wanted one of those hot princesses for my wife as well. First time I tried playing the game bugged out on me a lot. Finally got through the first act and, hell, I don't know if I want to continue with Dragon Commander.

I mean, sure you can shoot them both down, but it just felt out of place for the type of setting, to me. That aside, OS2 is fun, haven't gotten off Fort Joy yet, but I'm having a blast

Just do the opposite of what the whiny cunts are asking, and you'll be fine. Also, Ophelia Necrophilia is best undead/zombie/golem/vampire/human waifu.

I seriously though about Opheilia, but damn, those dwarf tits and dragon tits were a hard choice. I went with the lizard princess.

Merciful Lizard Judge or Judge Dredd laying down the fucking law, excellent taste.

Enjoy your dropping population, you filthy fleshbag

Don't get me wrong, I love my short stacks, and dwarves are pretty high tier short stacks, but daddy issues? No thanks. The lizard had her stuff together it seemed. Sounds like I should keep plugging away at Dragon Commander then.

I like how she comments that you already beat her ass when you see her on the ship

Can you even beat them there?

Nigger can you read? I shot that shitty elf down and the other female general, Scarlet or whatever. Also shot down Catherine that shitty man hating former queen. Wish I could just throw that one overboard. Why in the hell would I let gays marry at any time, especially during a time of global war when breeding is going to be the best chance of re-population once the war is won.

Read you anonymous nigger and comprehend what the words on the page.

She goes invincible at half health, transforms into her dragon form and flies away with Alexander

Listen Muscular dudes need a outlet..once the girls are pregnant you think those males are going to stop having sex? Whats going to happen when all the women are pregnant? the men are magically going to stop having sex?
I liked dragon age approach of children then man servant love. that one guy the dad always goes out shooting with alone.

fuck off faggot

Listen this shits been going on for centuries. Pretending dont change what happens. Sex is weird and humans are weird and male seals eat penguins then rape them. Its all madness. Sex and intelligence are a terrible combo the only constant is that the more intelligent the creature more varied and weird the sex gets.

you know that electroplay is huge in the gay community right. Cross that with the electro "therapy" peddled by upstanding christian men to gay men. I hope I took away a bit of your innocence about how things really go down in the real world.

Still on my first run, doing everything vanilla.

Game of the year! of all years!


Holy fucking shit that battle at the blackpits where you have to rescue a sorcerer was a horrible nightmare, he kept killing himself, i had to teleport the fucker away from danger all day, thank the Divine for teleport scrolls

its only getting worse from here, i hope you don't need healing, because you will be decaying all the time, you will eventually get the Tornado spell that clear surfaces, but until that good luck

really? I had no problem with that fight at all. Just one ranger perched up at the gallows shooting everything was enough to clear the area. I am playing double lone wolves so a full party of 4 may have a harder time?


No, im playing solo overlord
The skelleton AI is absolute shit, so they never focus and you get overwhelmed if you don't position your summons perfectly
On my vanilla playthrough i did fine on that fight with 4 characters




oh yeah I can see how you can have problems then. The overlord/necromancer skill set really lacks a burst damage skill except for necro grabby hands. I agree that the AI for the summons is pretty garbage so right now the only solution is to summon more of them.

It's great. I'm swimming in Divine gear, and I don't have to worry about theft detection AI that I strongly suspect is a bit wonky.

Nah son, I will stick with every single container having bonus loot.

I already have a bunch of cursed fire arrows, blessed water arrows, and static cloud arrows. I haven't even left Fort Joy yet.

Depends on how you progress. Lucky Charm loot is mostly based on container location, while merchants are based on your level, so if you end up overlevelled you definitely are better off with trading in Lucky Charm gear to buy equipment.
I've only used a tiny fraction of what I've found since midway through Reaper's Cost, but it's certainly good for raising dosh to buy the things I do use.

its not like the trader will ever know you stole his stuff

You know there's a mod to scale gear that you find to your level right?

Best part of act1

And the i opened the chest


I wasn't even sure why those other assholes wanted to live. Why the fuck would you want to go on, when all you have is a fucking head?

What pissed me off is that I spent 5 minutes moving all of those fucking goddamned bulbs somewhere far away to safely open the chest and everything around still nonsensically exploded.


You can shoot the bulbs with their corresponding magic type to stop them from constantly going off. Green = poison, red = fire etc

I learned it when I placed about 5k of goods in the trade window and forgot to hit the button to balance it out with the trader's gold.

What's the approximate money to attitude ratio?
Wait, does that mean you can give people gifts to make persuasion easier?

It's really easy to get 100 attitude with a trader. The benefit is you buy at a 20% discount and sell at a 20% mark up with 0 in bartering. You get a huge long term return for a small investment. By endgame I was sitting on 300k, not a single point in bartering either.

Doing this in fort joy is easily done by gifting random trash to traders instead of your gold. Really helps you since act 1 is where the money is the tightest

the gold to attitude ratio will generally go up the further you progress. Giving approximately 100 gold to a trader in fort joy is enough for 100 attitude, but by act 4 you need to drop a couple thousand for 100. You get the idea

Sweet, that's chump change.
Wish I'd known that before act 4

Tactician difficulty is fucking retarded, anything other then classic is fucking retarded.
Fuck this stupid shit.

Talk to the slug that near to a camp first, ask him why the princess are angry and after he tell you the reason you can tell him that Braccus is dead and then the slug tells you that the news will make the princess happy. This unlock the dialogue option to tell the princess the good news when you talk to her.

This game seems to really suffer from the same inconsistent orders and actions of the previous game.

TBH its the same retarded game logic of the previous game.

Wth, I have never seen that happen. I didn't even know that was possible.

Happened several times with that faggot in the first act on the beach, I tell my conjurer to summon a totem and familiar and the nigga will flat out move around and summon him using all his ap

I think I remember seeing a loading screen tip or something about queuing actions during your turn. Is that what you're doing? Are you holding down some button while you perform actions?

For what purpose?

no idea, I've never used it before. If I ever see the loading screen tip again I'll screenshot it

It was a huge pain in the ass for me too until I figured out a mage with high int can teleport him right off the oil structure in to a safe space far to the south near the beach. You then go back and kill the magisters for all the experience and loot. Much better because the problem was the voidwoken blobs not the magisters. But you can just go back and say he's fine to the Lizard Sourcerer and her quest reward is fucking horrible too since you can't talk to animals anymore and have to kill them for 1 source.

Probably for out of combat stuff. Like positioning multiple characters in stealth.

This Overlord mod is fun as fuck. I only have a single skill for Lohse and she can already cause mayhem. I can only imagine what its like once you summon multiple skellies per turn.

What do you think sets this game apart from other CRPGs?
I tried playing most of well known ones, and couldn't stick with anything other than Fallout 2. Games like Arcanum, Baldur's Gate or NWN just didn't fly with me.
I think Fallout did mostly for power armor and miniguns since I love this kind of stuff, but somehow DOS2 also managed to make me play it through the end and it never felt like a slog or work or anything negative, and it doesn't have sci-fi shit and miniguns.

Where do you get the human skulls for the skele book?


All she does is kill the animals in the cloisterwood, there is no negative effect outisde of this

good question, im still looking for them myself

i wish it was so simple

It says in a goddamn description - in bone piles.

i check those all day and only find normal skulls

I've found them randomly at desk.

Oh just tested it, it seems like i didn't lose the petpal before because i already had 3 source points when i spoke to Hannag, or maybe because the petpal character was not the main character

It's just a game that hits all the fundamentals of actually being a cRPG without removing huge swathes of the genre to appeal to casuals.
It's a game that made its concessions in a lot of the right places (control-friendly UI, full voice acting, etc) to appeal to people not super interested in the genre, and they have fairly streamlined versions of the first game's systems that were already fun and relatively unique to work with.

Does it persist through acts for traders like Tarquin?
Could I have given him gifts in the interlude before reaching Reaper's Coast and have that attitude persist through Arx?

lol casual

Yes, Tarquin keeps his attitude towards you.

Why can't western devs write likable characters for shit?

It's not nearly as bad as the writing was in OS 1. That was… almost unplayable, with how hard and often it tried to be "funny".

The only thing that worked for me is playing as one of them cunts and just solo through.
It's pretty good to be an arrogant undead dick to people.

you can search in the bone piles near radeka's cave, or gather the 3 severed heads in fort joy and dunk them in ooze barrels to make skulls. Or you could just buy the books from zaleskar unless you have a mod that modifies his treasure table

Undead = smite, purge, kill!
Elves =cuddle, love, impregnate.

That said, writing is kinda shit.

Everyone is going to be against you if you think Alexandar isn't the greatest POS in the universe. Everyone will be for "no mercy" for the other 3 undead souls, but will be all for mercy for Braccus Rexes whore (and IIRC, her vision is just one of her butchering villagers. Why would anyone desire mercy is beyond me)


Seriously though the armor aesthetics is a huge improvement however why are clothes so BIG?

Lizards have the best helms in the game, tbh


how heavy is the game? is there a linux version?

Steamrolled everything after the oil rig but got rekt twice in act 4. I'm only halfway through level 19 so I might be fucked.

Speaking of which, has anybody ever gotten a character over level 21? Even on my "kill everything" run I only got halfway to 22.

You can reset your character and all companions for free once you get off the prison island, just keep playing, no need to re roll

It's not terribly original, I think what it has going for it is exceedingly good execution. Just gonna list what I consider to be its main positives.



One additional con I didn't include because I'm still in act 1 and don't know the full impact. But it feels like there's an incentive to go full genocide mode at the end of each act to get as much exp and loot as possible before leaving behind a bunch of NPCs you'll never see again.

Let me toss on a little more, from someone who's finished the game:

>fully written sex scenes


It's not the best, far from worst, nothing is original but still the best crpg in 18 years. The writing is better than Tides (I had to quit that game it was so bad) and Pillars. Bonus points because I like playing it.

There's a mod that let's party members share civil abilities to nearby allies and makes character with the highest bartering automatically share their stat regardless of distance.

If you convince Butter to escape with you you'll meet her again in Arx
she's dead on the coastline by a big voidwoken corpse
Other than that I don't think there's any demerit to slaughtering all the NPC's before leaving to the next act


Even worse than this is when it's not even the one you're controlling. I've had many times where someone walked up behind my party and opened dialogue with the closest member - i.e. the one at the back. Or worse and even more common: you're walking along the edges of where the dialogue triggers, and the AI runs a party member inside the threshold.

I thought Butter wasn't in the gang. When I fought them she jumped in to help me.


I hope I can genocide all aayyys at the end of the game, and the cunty gods.

Same happened to me except when her turn came she turnet friendly and started killing the goons for me.

I have a question - is a no kill stealth+persuasion based run even possible?

What are you going to do when you get to the final boss? Be a bitch and give up your source?

Nah, theres a lot of fights that are pretty much unavoidable.

no kill is impossible as some fights are unavoidable no matter what

Do I get a different ending if I resist Lucien at first or is it the same whether I agree with his plan or not

Anyone got build ideas for solo play? I'm thinking of two handed / shield melee with mostly warrior skills mixed with necro and geomancer.

You can't convince magisters and lone wolves to leave you alone, they have to imprison/kill godwoken/sorcerers . Are you asking silly questions here? You are aligned to the faction they despise.

Full Retribution build.
You know you want to do it, faggot.

Can you import custom portraits?

end game 2h warrior is the stronkest. Dump points into STR and WITS, I only needed 20 points in memory for warfare skills and gap closers. With runes, hothead, and my wits I got 100% crit for 8-10k crits. Invisibility is your friend for saving up AP and waiting for cooldowns. If you're a skeletal which you should be you can use play dead solo to end the encounter and then immediately pop right back to restart it. If your wits are high enough, it'll be your turn again at the start of the initiative ladder with 6 AP (assuming you took Lone Wolf, dunno why you wouldn't). You should be strong enough to drop Braccus Rex in four swings on vanilla

nibba you literally summoned jar jar binks, that's good shit

>he didn't kill Braccus with a single Onslaught

Oh man I hope this game gets a big modding scene. There is so much fun to be had, so much magic system potential.

nearly any build can be good for solo, especially if you play undead. if you wanna go nuts, though, go for two-handed with a couple of points in aerothurge, scoundrel, polymorph, necromancy, and warfare. you'll have teleports both for enemies and yourself, defensive abilities like increased dodge and invisibility, hp leech on all damage dealt, and melee AOE + knockdown for CC

I killed Lucian with it the first turn

Can you believe some people think Onslaught is bad?

>Can you believe some people think Onslaught is bad?
I bet they say Overpower is shit too. That saved my ass against the giant golem in Act 3

Thanks dudes, I gotta say I've been thinking about retri & perseverence build for shits & giggles.

Does the death resist talent work with the one that makes you explode on death? Could I dump a lot of points in constitution and be a giant walking bomb?


Is this why they nerfed reactive armor?

Oh man I love combos like this, same with living on the edge, last rites and shackles of pain. You get to resurrect a guy for "free", nuke an enemy and prep yourself for a nice damage buff with death wish.

Must be, I wish they'd buff shitty stuff instead of just nerfing the good ones.

Has anyone else had a problem with the game getting stuck while loading when you activate new mods?

They'd need to buff the enemies too, otherwise the game would be even easier than it is now.


With 20~ mods active I have load times of a couple minutes but it's never gotten stuck before. It's been known that activating a new mod on an existing save will give you a loooong load time, some say up to 10 minutes. I'd say to wait it out for that long and to check check if you have any severe conflicts. Sometimes the load order is the problem so you could fiddle with that as well. Hope you get it fixed soon user


there is a mod to fix the absurd scalling

Update your game, user!

I use that mod, user.

I've updated my game, user.

I guess I just needed to wait it out. 12 minutes and 41 seconds later, it loaded.

You didn't update hard enough!!!

Let's talk about modded skill sets.
First up we got Tempest, the piercing damage skill set for spears (but it works for any weapon)

Void Knight

Overlord mod

Elemental Warfare mod

Chaos Huntsman
>nailbomb grenade skillbook makes my skeleton warrior hard





I hate this shit so much. Do they even get a low ground penalty for this?

glad to hear it, have fun

Is it true if you never kill an innocent or steal you can get some reward later on?

Also can I murder my god? It's a natural development of my RP. He was a pious knight, but it seems like Rhallic or w/e is kind of a dick and approves of shit like necromancy. My guy is a zealot so I think it's fine for him to murder his god for being a necromantic sympathiser. Tarquin is already dead. Ryker too. Oh and Mordus.

There are people who don't murder their gods?
And I've heard if you don't kill/steal, you can pass the Path of Blood without going through the hoops, plus you get a permanent Hovering & Blessed status.

What requirements? Permanent blessed sounds sweet.
No more necrofire. I hope blessed fire won't heal voidlings. It would probably kill undead faster than regular fire too.

Not sure how this plays out, so I am unsure if I aid the divine, become their host or straight up kill them. I'm going for the latter because the dialogue had me deal with Ryker using tortured souls in a ritual, it said my god approved and was annoyed at my rejection of such things.
He's gotta go. If Lohse can't be cured/exorcised I'm finding a way to kill her too, no hanging around waiting for resurrection. I'm effectively Jahan, but with a hatred of necromancers thrown in. Undead get euthanised.

I wonder if destroying Gratianas soul jar is going to block me from my blessing. If so, that sucks because I'm never letting her live.

I'm honestly not sure what the requirements are, because I haven't found anyone outside of Holla Forums talking about it. Most references are to the quest itself - I haven't seen any pictures or videos of people actually passing it legit.

I stole that diseased bitch's pants and killed her when she found out so I imagine I can get this perma bless shit?

No, you're just a nigger.

They do, I hate it much more when you may or may not be able to shoot someone from a ledge but they hit you with their sword while you're 10 feet above them.

What do you think nigga?

But user those pants where needed don't you see?

While people are discussing the perma bless being tied to the path of blood so I figured murdering involves that.
I'm a lizard anyway, the red prince to boot, why would I concern myself with a lady who is about to die anyway?

Gratiana slaughtered thousands of people and fed their souls to her power-drunk husbando. How is that innocent?

I just realized this might have the same problem as fallout, as in steal from legit evil people who deserve to be killed = you're a bad person somehow.

Reading comprehension my man, hes talking about the woman who is dying in her tent in fort joy.

My bad. I assumed 'diseased bitch' was referring to her and not that actual diseased bitch.

Yeah. Especially since EVERYONE is all "mercy, mercy". Even though none have EVER given a fuck outside that, and Ifan kills for money, Sebille is focused entirely on revenge and RP is consistently an asshole to anyone not red and Royal lizard.

Someone elaborate, how is there scaling? I have met enemies higher than me and lower.

I'm playing for the first time, and i'm wondering: Are those "origin" characters just a meme or are they actually cool to play with? Do they have exclusive content or something like that?

They have their own tags for dialogue and quests. They change how things play, e.g you enter a cave with a blind elf, if you have a certain character they will start a fight with them.
You take a certain companion, they murder someone you may have needed.

They change things, they also have talents locked to them, e.g Ifan summons a wolf, Fane gets an extra turn, Lohse drives people mad, etc.

The downside is
But without them you get less content, and it requires more effort to make a game without them.

My advice, ignore Ifan and Sebille. Fuck Red Prince too.

They do have their own storylines and you can still take part in them if you're rolling a custom character provided that they are in your party. Some of their story lines do get cut out if they interject during a character relevant conversation.
i.e. you roll a custom and bring Ifan with you. The first stage of his personal questline is to talk to Magister Borris. If you talk to him with your custom, Ifan will interrupt you and ask if he can talk with him first. After some silence Ifan comes back and gives a vague explanation of what just happened and the quest continues. If you take control of Ifan and talk to Magister Borris first, then you get to experience the dialogue first hand and make your own choices in said dialogue.

And with the tag system, origin characters get a tag with their name on it, allowing them to use unique lines during dialogues

They have extra content but they suck with the writing.

There is no level scaling, people are bitching about how the numbers scale with each level, resulting in obscene 10000 HP hobos by the time you get to Arx.

Honestly I'm surprised there's mods at all. For some reason any modders with talent only work on Bethesda shit.

I never got this. I actually quite like the faelmao style. They don't look only like tall humans with pointy ears, they have a, while not so deviated, unique design

I never got this. I actually quite like the faelmao style. They don't look only like tall humans with pointy ears, they have a, while not so deviated, unique design

Yeah it takes about 2-3 mins for mine to load when activating new mods. Once it loads in just save and it won't do it again.

I never got this. I actually quite like the faelmao style. They don't look only like tall humans with pointy ears, they have a, while not so deviated, unique design.

Try aiming higher/lower on enemy bodies.

I've played as everyone except Beast so far, and the origin characters aren't super different, but they each have their own unique questline which you'd do if they were your party member anyway. However, seeing things from their perspective can be cool, if they're bearable enough for you to deal with. They're all really not as bad as they initially seem to be.

I've played as everyone except Beast so far, and the origin characters aren't super different, but they each have their own unique questline which you'd do if they were your party member anyway. However, seeing things from their perspective can be cool, if they're bearable enough for you to deal with. They're all really not as bad as they initially seem to be.>>13576356

I don't have a problem with the faelmao design. They look somewhat unique and aren't just humans with pointy ears.

Yes, they have their own quest along side the normal one. They have unique dialogue options. For instance I avoided a fight in a torture chamber because I had a skele with me who wanted to talk to the torturer.

Yes, they have their own quest along side the normal one. They have unique dialogue options.

Will this shit ever enjoy the glory of the nwn module community?

They do have their own storylines and you can still take part in them if you're rolling a custom character provided that they are in your party. Some of their story lines do get cut out if they interject during a character relevant conversation.
i.e. you roll a custom and bring Ifan with you. The first stage of his personal questline is to talk to Magister Borris. If you talk to him with your custom, Ifan will interrupt you and ask if he can talk with him first. After some silence Ifan comes back and gives a vague explanation of what just happened and the quest continues. If you take control of Ifan and talk to Magister Borris first, then you get to experience the dialogue first hand and make your own choices in said dialogue.

And with the tag system, origin characters get a tag with their name on it, allowing them to use unique lines during dialogues

The answers are yes and also yes.

Nice list, some of these are quite meh, but some (mostly Overlord and Ascension) will probably become great mods in the following months

So we can all agree it's GOTY right?

Why am I only learning this in Act 4?

Fuck, I wish I'd known that about their storylines. I had at least one or two conversations like that already and was wondering why they were so limp.

story question for anyone who did Sebille's questline

why does Saheila want us to kill the mother tree in act 3? was that really Saheila telling us this? I did not even see Saheila at the saw mill in act 2 so I didn't bother doing anything to the tree

I'm pretty sure quite a few, if not all, skills have craftable-only skillbooks. It's kind of shitty.

Yes, that was the real Saheila. She comes to the conclusion that the existence of a Mother Tree as an object of adoration and servility is keeping the elves from being free to themselves. They're too focused on the Mother Tree's goals to act in their own benefit. Plus, she mentioned something about the Mother Tree planning to attempt a genocide against the other races, kind of like Justinia the dwarf queen was planning with the deathfog. It's actually a tremendous departure from how Saheila acted in the sawmill, where she actively sought to persuade Sebille to fully accept her role as the Prime Scion. If at any point in the storyline this massive change in characterization was explained, I must have missed it.

what in the fuck is going on with the fucking site

yeah that attitude change really threw me off since the last time I saw her was at the cave in fort joy so I thought it was an imposter. I also failed my persuasion check for Sebille when entering the academy so I dunked her in the Arena of the One. I guess everyone who isn't a party member there dies? But in the epilogue it said that Sebille went back to the mother tree to resume her role as Prime Scion so I don't know what the fuck is going on

i feel like playing a duo kind of defeats the point. it's really unfortunate. that, and whenever i go to make a party now, i figure out death knight/ranger-summoner/elemental mage and get stuck on what my number four should be doing. too bad you can't do a lone wolf+2. that'd be neat.

Doesn't the scroll cleanse you of sin? I just used the key for the side entrance.

Driftwood Lumbermill second floor


Its the right side of the compound in the sawmill

At that point you might as well just use cheats.

If you kill the mother tree and leave Seheila alive, she appears in Arx raving about how soon it will be the elves time now that they are free. Sebille comments she is clearly insane.

lone wolf duo may as well be cheating, since one lone wolf character is arguably better than 2 regular characters past about level 4 or 5. you completely outpace the game's content.

Everyone agrees its the most op shit you can use. Dual Lone Wolf shouldn't even be a thing. How are you a LONE wolf if you have a nigga with you?

Considering that the shadow prince seems to be working with the sallow man it might be better to not believe anything he says

presumably so a co-op playthrough can be done where you each just control one character. messes up the game balance and the community though. any and all discussion/guides about optimal class builds are basically just showing off lone wolf stuff

Yes, but then the epilogue states that during the war she is the elven leader, which kind of argues against the insanity idea.

Honestly, though, it seems the epilogue is just a massive fucking shitshow, so maybe it should be completely ignored anyway.

two easy solutions would be to disable it when another party member is in a certain range, or to disable it when not alone. Either solution would be fine.

The game just gave me a "hero" tag because i refused to rat out stingtail(because i needed him for the meme red prince quest) and decided to kill that griff cook guy. Sorta sucked.
Will anything different occur because of that tag, or will it only be the odd dialogue option? Because i wasnt exactly planning to be a knight in shining armor…

As far as I can tell, it just gives you a few new dialogue choices. Maybe some of them are instant Persuasion success choices, but with how fucking obtuse the Persuasion dialogue rules are it's impossible to tell.

Fuck overlord, the anime came out in 2015 and only now they announce an anime for 2018?

Nips are lazy morons.

I've been meaning to tell you this but this fucking shithole of a site hasn't been working

Unique classes grant diffrent dialogue choices as well as changing how certain npc's react to you.

Finished the game with that tag, just like the rest of them it only adds a conversation option

Editor is unstable as hell, I'd make adventures, mods, and maps.

I'm waiting on the inevitable enhanced edition.

Yeah, I think there might be a DDoS attack on the servers at the moment.

Wouldn't they just give you the EE anyways?

Met source hound Thulnir and my heart is breaking.

Someone gas this faggot

One smite for you. Back to the grave, you rotting pile of bones!

But seriously, the writing feels so forced.
There are decision, outlooks and opinions the writers CLEARLY want you to have.

Concepts like duty and sacrifice are shat over, and concepts like pathological alturism, multi-cult-unity and crap like that are lauded.
And what you get in the end? The Mass Effect choice.

Just because you're unique, doesn't mean yo uusefull and NOT shit.

The elf body fix mods are quite popular on the mod Nexus

Any game in which I have to kill dogos is a game I despise.

can anyone confirm what happens to the dog Birdie after you release him and succeed his persuasion check? I can't seem to find him anywhere after that

Just wanted to share this


Oh its just the OST, nvm. I haven't anyone say anything about the music in these thread though.

Persuasion is easy. Essentially all that matters is the persuasion stat.
It's a shit system. I also prefer the old rps system of dealing with companions.

Music is inferior to 1, cello is best instrument and the OST is missing tracks, e.g the music at Stonegarden/Rykers.

Yeah. You know the worst part?
Yep, there is no jarring clash whatsoever when someone suddenly cares about mercy towards a mass murdering necromancer after hating everyone else.
Oh and the morality aspect loses all meaning after the tweest about how source is soylent green. Like why care about anyone when it's completely proven you exist just for your soul to be eaten by your god for energy? Nihilism is the only logical response and genuine nihilism is apathy. So why care about muh discrimination or muh deathfog is inhumane or anything?
I mean I didn't before because Ifan was always a whiny bitch abloo bloo muh horrific deathfog killing my innocent elves and friends. Oh did I ever tell you how many people I murdered because I'm an assassin? But fuck those innocents, only the people Lucian killed matters.

Honestly as far as characters go, I only like Lohse.

Both stats matter, and they matter differently depending on which option you are picking. Some NPCs are easier to persuade with Int rather than Finesse regardless of how many points you have in persuasion. Some options are just impossible no matter what.

For the most part I think the gods were using mortals as "Source collectors" rather than just walking source snacks. They would siphon off the excess but generally didn't need to absorb whole souls. During the story they are beyond desperate though.

Is it possible to make Demon talent based build with 100% fire resist?

Resists are capped at 100 unless you take a talent to raise it. Or you have an item that does the same. So yes it is possible to heal from fire, but you won't heal for much as the talent only raises the cap by 10 (10% of fire damage as healing).

Why is this game so goddamn demanding? I've got a toaster laptop from 2013, but even if I turn down every single asset to the lowest possible in-game and Nvidia Inspector, I still heat up both cards to near 100 degrees celsius. Not even Witcher 3 did that.


i think its just flavour text, i have both HERO and VILLAIN on the same character, all i get are some role playing options that doesn't seem to change much

Bloodstorm is fun, shards of coagulated putrid blood that inflict disease, would be totally legal to cast in California!
Too bad the shards are so fucking random, sometimes i get 5 hits in a single turn on the same enemy, but most of the time its just 1~2

Tell me, is it harder to fight a bunch of enemies, or the same enemies, but stronger?

Fuck i love this game! I still in the first area and discover newer and newer methods to fuck with people! First it was so strange because modern rpgs made me so dull and uncreative then i stated to found it i actually can use my imagery during the fights!

Holy shit Holla Forums! I never would gave this game a chance if it wasn't for you fuckers! Big fucking thank you all!

Spoiler alert: The majority of RPGs do that.

>the canon ending is you giving up your source and sacrificing yourself to hold back Nyx the Void

same stronger would be harder for sure
you can't CC the stronger ones as easily

But more enemies means the action economy is working against you even harder.

Another fun thing to do with teleport is to go behind the gates being guarded by the 4 magisters and a dog and slowly teleport them to you and kill them one by one
The AI doesn't know how to open locked gates

they have twice the AP, but half the effectiveness as a single strong one

Shame the river just made wet wood totems and doesn't count as water.
DivOS is refreshing. Oh and another fun moment
The best part is the game never says you can do any of this.

Wait, when did you fight a shark?

Yeah i did that too!
And i raped the harbor guards with the same method. Of course before that i brought a few barrel for them.

Currently working on a stategy to "joke" the faggot and his connies (the one who turn people into half-zombies).


Throw a 10,000 pound chest at him, killing him instantly.

Act 2 in a cave.
I also saw a vid of a very autistic solution to a fight that I never considered.
This is after being told I can crush enemies with treasure chests. This fucking game. I feel so bland and uncreative when I'm just fighting with magic arrows and other shit.

Yeah, the first time i found out teleport actually have no limits when i tried to reach some chest in the elf's hiddeout cave. First i wanted to teleport one of my buddy to pick up it's content, than i just noticed i'm actually allowed to teleport objects too!

if you are using several characters you can chain teleport (you can buy teleport book with the guy that gives the teleport gloves quest at lv4) one of them super far away from the room, or lock them behind the area outside the luxury room where you find the hidden chest

With more enemy mods its much easier to levelup. I don't find that an issue because i play for fun, but if you fight against a horde - you just spam area attack skills on them as usual and get free xp. Since area attack sometimes is big enough to cover 10 enemies at once, you don't waste AP on fighting 10 same enemies as you fight 2 ones, just because you do same damage area routine.
To be fair you can get from same encounter 5 times more experience.

This was the hardest fight I've had in the game so far. Mostly because of the low level and lack of gear/skills. Fun fight though.

Thanks for the tipp!
Sadly i already opened the locked little room near the painting.

By the way characters: my current team is the Red Prince (two hander), Fane (mage-rogues hybrid), Lone Wolf (ranger) and me custom (character, wizard).
Without any spoiler would be this party enough good? Storywise, not by built. I really curious about that possesed girl, but i have no more room for her, plus my current team members looks way to unique. I hope i wouldn't disappoint.

The guy recommends that you take his other mod to nerf xp gain. That way you don't outlevel everything by the time you leave Fort Joy.

I'l look it up.

Oh I knew that. I meant
Teleport spell couldn't do that.


Teleporter is actually part of the whole game. Like fucking gravity gun. No point in leveling telekinesis at all with it.

You realize you can access waypoints as a corpse, right?

Telekinesis is only for slam dunking people with pouches filled with five-figure weights.


It's beautiful.

I know now.

I did not know this.

I never used the Red Prince in the endgame, but i know he has a lot of unique events for him in the end if you don't have him you have to kill everyone involved also if you are using Fane make sure your main character has high persuasion or he will leave you to join his people in the void
Fane also has some interactions with one the of the characters on the final boss room
Lodse (the half-possessed girl) has a very nice event before one of the hardest optional bosses if you don't have her you cannot choose to weaken the boss before the fight

But can you import custom portraits?

The portraits aren't preset; they're generated based on your character. Even the pre-made characters' portraits change if you use the mirror to adjust their appearance.

This was the most retarded fight for me yet. Not solo, two lone wolf characters.

Anyone know of any mods where i can make my own custom party or are there ways to do it already?

Depending on how the mods do it the Alexander fight will be a true nightmare
Do not focus the big worm, move away from it and let Alexander and his group fight it while you kill them

Another thing to add to this retarded fight - i have no ways of healing this fucker since i heal with food and bedroll myself. And no, he didn't accepted fortification it seems. Zero fucking healing scrolls and no way to return to town.

You can use any of your waypoints to teleport out of there.

Be careful with this because the worm can perma stun someone who is alone.

1. He dies if you go to any location from prison.
2. I am hated in town for having no colar

That sucks man. Combine Penny Bun mushroom and empty potion bottle for basic health potion if you have ingredients then.

Why not just unchain one of the characters and have them go do it?

Not him, but potion crafting sucks.

there are some locations with stupid amounts of empty bottles, specially in ACT2, by ACT4 i had 175+ empty bottles

Yeah that shit pisses me off too, I even carried a broken collar thinking if I wore that it could fool guards but nope.

Eh, it doesn't matter anymore. I have no choice but go inside the prison and kill magisters now. Or do i have any other interesting choice?

There are very few magisters there.
If you pick up the dismembered leg by the undead ghoul you can give it to the head torturer to avoid fighting him
If you get the squeaky red ball you can avoid combat with the source hounds as well.
Also when you fight the high judge you can climb up the side of fort joy if you have teleport and loot his room then use the door as a choke point to funnel them in.

Thanks for advises.

Is there a mod that puts some actual fucking spears in this game?

How much better than the original is this? I thought the original was alright, but never finished it because it just ended up getting stale for me by the time I made it to the second map.

Well damn, didn't had dismembered leg, this is going to be a long one.

There are spears in the game.

There were a couple on my first playthrough. But now? Nothing, nada, zilch. No vendor carried a single fucking spear, apart from a shitty harpoon with no stats.
Almost at Driftwood. Lucky Charm seems to be nerfed to hell and back, too.

Spears are shit in this game anyway. Despite being two-handed they for some reason scale with Finesse, or at least all the ones I found did, meaning that you're needing to put points into a stat that has nothing to do with any of the other two-handed weapons in the game.

Ain't no reason for that.


Oh wait, fuck. I actually had that leg. I was almost enjoying that boss except the chicken part.

just open up more than one client and join your lobby using lan, this allows you to make a whole party of custom characters, after that create the characters, save then close the clients you aren't using and you can control the whole party with one player

You miss out on a lot of exp if you only use one route to escape the island, right? There's so many magisters worth 800 exp or more. Feels like a waste to not slaughter every single one.

Last boss is bullshit.

>Teleport him in front of Lucian
The entire last fight is a joke.

You can get a good one early if you go into the elf-hiddenout (near Fort Joy). You must play with the annoying kid and he will escort you to his "friend". The undead guy will be nailed tot the wall by a spear which you can keep if you pull out from him…

It's a very-very early weapon. Technically my very first two-handed sword made it obsolete.

So, i am able to get out of fort joy apparently. Since this is the last my stop here, should i look around for anything? I know there's a child in the cage of Kniles, but i don't know how to fucking free him, since the butcher already pacified.

Did you know this game has tes-tier leveled equipment that can randomly spawn on enemies depending on your level and there are already mods fixing this shit? I am sure there are leveled spears in the game, they just need high luck to spawn. Don't know about rewarded equipment, but everything located in chests generates by leveled lists. I am sure if you play enough anyone can find a spear to surpass any sword, its just rng as fuck.

wait until the boss or his melee minions use their movement spells, then teleport them to the area behind you, they can't leave it
Also Thunderstorm kills the wurm really fast and keeps Dallis and Braccus stunned until you kill her

You'll still be on the island and you can come back to fort joy, the only difference is magisters will attack you, that's all

I heard about that, but i think the said weapon was fixed since it was Spear of Braccus Rex. And the quest pretty much went arround how you need to remove it from the old knight chest…
Plus i'm aware of that how the unique weapons stats are not fixed, which i think is pretty cool!



I believe you can manually replace the portraits.


This MMS mod is sure interesting.


Not bad.


That shit had me quit the game for the night.
Too heavy, I was going to use a resurrect scroll as well but it wouldn't allow me too.
Fucking bull.

What is the trick to this room?

So, is the perma-bless a real thing or just bullshit? If so, can a party member steal? Thievery is just too good for getting items, plus unlocking chests and such.

Level scaled weapons piss me off
So fucking stupid.

Didn't you rescue Arhu? He literally spells it out for you. If not, go rescue Arhu. Because he literally spells it out for you.

No. Where is he hiding? I've been to his room and found the head Paladin is a dickhead.

Fuck thievery, you can ignore it.
Now murder is much harder. It's amazing what limited exp will drive a man to.
I'm not sure how people play virtuous characters but I garuntee they are weaker than the psychopath who will go the extra mile to save you for max exp, then attack you. Or free a dragon just to kill it, or see two people arguing then siding with one and killing the ally later anyway. Most jarring by far was
It's utterly batshit but I want to reach level 20 because iirc I get a bonus talent every 5 levels, or something. I need more power.

How do I into magical damage party.

I always feel so week after a physical damage play through.

There's clue numero uno.

What happens if you activate Isbeil's deathfog machine?
Other than Ifan turning hostile.

To not suck dick and read what they told you which is even marked on your quest log (L) about the Death Room.

What comes after the Death Room is the final battle and the ending, if you REALLY don't know what to do explore Arx better, spoilers are the solution if you're lazy.

Fucking spell power you idiot

You're only allowed to use thievery to open white locks, not for anything else.
The perma bless is just stupid because it'll be for the final fight which at that time you should have no problems whatsoever.

In other words, being a goody two shoes is not worth it and the endings still make me mad. Truly the best ending is the True Evil, which it's hard to understand since the devs are such moral fags.

Why you gotta be so greedy user?

No, giving the fucking world to massive murderers such as Dallis and Lucien while you get anally fucked and give up your divinity, powers and if Malady doesn't feel like it, be a vegetable the rest of your life is a really bad thing.

Are you telling me that the "true good ending" consists on letting the main villains, the ones that caused all of the problems go unpunished and to top it, rule the world? Fuck that shit, I'd either be the divine and become a warmonger 24/7 against the void or become part of the Void and command it alongside the God King.

Split up your dudes, nigger. Send the one with collar to town.


where the fuck is this shark? i did everything in fucking ACT2 and can't find it

You fucking murder everyone in Arx, what do you think?

Obviously, but is it even possible to finish the game after that? Wouldn't the entire city be impassable?

Only if you're some kinda normalfag or something.

Oh shit nigger I thought they would have removed that by now, it was annoying af in original sins.
Halibut, tomatoes, sheeps cheese

The Cursed Revenants are an awful idea.
I heard Bless didn't cost Source in the pre-release version; maybe that explains part of it. It's still retarded that if you ran into them without any party members having Bless in a memory slot it would be literally unwinnable.


The worst part is that they fire arrows that create surfaces they can spawn in. That's not too bad, except they never stop dying, ever.

I tried to clean up all the surfaces with the source free bless mod but I think some necrofire was stuck in a wall so that whole building was constantly inhabited

Yeah it's crazy on tactician. They actually fight smart.

There's a healing potion in the Houndmaster's room.

I seriously hope you didn't actually try fighting those monsters.

they weren't exactly hard monsters by the time I got to that place, but it annoying to think that I was just wasting my time trying to put out all the fire

I'm pretty sure there's 2 mods for that. 1 to make them scale to strength and 1 to make the finesse skills use spears.

That settles it. This ranks as one of the most retarded fights I have ever encountered in a game.

It's not a hard fight, just a long one. There's also 2 places where necrofire is in the walls and you need Tornado to clear it.

it was a nightmare for me when one of the revenants escape the area and started to pick a fight with everyone around the building

God damn those skeleton encounters in more enemies mods. Its especially frustrating in ship wrecked jungles. Get few hits on them and watch your ass slowly being kicked by a horde of slowly moving rattling bones. This is probably where encounter based mods shine the most.

What do you mean by "encounter based mods"?

Monsters Madness, More Monsters' Spawns, Enemy Randomization, things like that. One thing is when they are gathered around a tight corner, the other when they are spread out on multiple levels of location, and far enough of each other at the start. Pure madness.

The skelly army has prevailed!
I had to force them through a choke. Through sheer numbers that fucking shield toss was decimating all my summons.

Mordus house iirc.
A ship hull spawns after activating a trap.

He started freaking out trying to get to me when he was the last man standing. Using nether swap and other gap closers.

Thank you, finally a good name for my necromancer.

Where i can participate in creation of mods for this game? What tools people use? Do all of guys gather on nexus?

This game just got too real for me!

Alexander is a real bro.
Accepted me as a better candidate and fought to defend me from the others.

I wish more games would do that.

Yeah that was some bullshit, especially the lizard who was plucked by Bracchus and didn't depict doing anything wrong but
Then the one chick gets leeway.

It doesn't matter tho, you don't lose any relationship with party members, I just threw all of them in my inventory for pocket source.

You know what pisses me off about summoner, is that there is a grand fucking total of 2 summons 3 if you're red prince.

You're the type of nigga to get aids and say its worth it.