blue pill
live in bliss
enjoy life
Blue pill
inb4 cute things
today was great
because I got paid
in ignorance you mean?
oh so bard how do you feel about wilco
Sure thing, valley girl.
whatever you say there beefy tits
Roger, Wilco
Can't say I've heard of them though
you got any other tracks?
The vocals are turnin me off but i like the loungy ambience
the owlfuckers and beepop are getting their panties in a bunch about sci
ban luka and no one would give a shit
meme batr is worst batr
when arenty they butthurt about sci, i mean...
yankee hotel foxtrot is considered among most music officiators as like top 5 rock albums
Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
gilmour's solo's shaped mine not gonna lie
the glory of sorrow redefined my notions of music and still breaks my heart and moves me each time i hear it
also sorry about calling you a dude back there luka
i know you're non binary
have you not watched the matrix?
gilmour made me realize that i could just hit the right note at the right time
zappa made me realize i fucking sucked
for real tho.. i cant wait til luka's sexuality explodes.
oh the mushroom cloud it will leave
they had a unisex bathroom at the target
no matter what someone somewhere will surpass you, thats the bad news... the good news is no matter what you create its been done before. there is nothing new in this world. so we create for enjoyment, not because its new but because its enjoyable
like... for those lgbt folks that really had to go but couldnt decide which one to enter out of fear of political incorectness
take grey pill
yeah bro like even when i played sax i sat next to a fucking prodigy
all my bands playing guitar were not special. i just kinda gave up
you are a druggie
it's the only target that has it
pretty sure it's a second broom closet cause like mostly black people work that store
no he just failed out of highschool and has autism
what is your excuse
im pure~
i dont do bad stuffs like swearing... or drinking... or smoking... or drugs.
not a reason to give up... either do it because you like it or give it up and find something else to apply your creative mind to
theyd call it a "family" restroom... for those awkward moments a parent had to take they kid in for potty or changing
for what? are you even following the line of conversation?
holy shit it was a joke, calm yourself nerd but darn you can't get any more lacking in fun there were your parents hardcore catholics?
i still have my guitar
i envision myself being like a mac demarco type
no not at all
how was your day?
decent, yours tp?
like the lab manager was off so it was a clusterfuck
thats cool tho... do you enjoy playing music for yourself?
no not really
i like my guitar though
i don't think i will ever let her go
bitch is custom
hectic at least keeps things busy, the worst days at the book store are the ones when there's almost zero to do leaves only reading or chilling which gets boring after a couple of hours probably worse for something like whatever you were doing though I guess
what is it man?
spoilers do you want to tiny with squash, sama and i?
we're about to get a gay bear fest going on
you work at a book store?
didn't luka work at a video store?
we bear fest nao
mexican strat neck, american body that we refinished and added new hardware like a mini humbuck
wood grain finish
classy.. get the locking nut and tuning won the trem bar?
im a floyd rose man myself
Going to wank before I TC.
it basically started as a squire and ended as a 2g legit guitar
wanna check out Teeps fiddle in tc if possible
well 2g in my eyes
i will never sell it
maybe in a few just finishing up some noodles
I had explained this back when I started posting lol it's nothing special just a part time job that wasn't even supposed to go on this long but still at a loss for what I'm going to do
ive upscaled a couple squires in my time... its always nice to see a starter go pro in some way
it's a boring strat but you know sentimental
the tone off those humbucks tho
im sure you wont play for us, id still like to see it tho
and like the finish is beautiful
for sure
i don't have an amp
im partial to sunburst jobs
right on... what do you play through? a stereo, or?
i don't play
so you just chose to be that way for no reason?
exiting thread for tc... later folks
i choose to be good!
if anyone is interested in seeing like some real niggas
click that
The future has already been decided. There is no cheating destiny.
TP is gonna show is weiner
kyle is still not on cam
beastly loooking broads
noboddy likes my memes ;~:
nobody really gives a heck about sci either
sup gays
i mean guys
Gonna hit up @Desu on Fuckbook
wbu ?
sama my man what are you doin tonight
meme credits de la scoootaloo
kyle fucked test
while claiming that he did not know that i lived in chicago
batr pls come tc with us
did this really happen
Bae, we can bang next time I come by.
it actually did
ask test
Test and I got burgers and that's about it.
test was kinda thirsty tho
he wants to anime conventions now
sorry man you slutted it up
like your old school
just made a salad and had a sammich too
really tired
here is my impression of kyle rolling through illinois
oh hey test do you want to jiggle my balls?
test: yeah dude i work at mcdonalds
here's my impression of tp
*cleans ur butt*
come back to tc already
Anyhow I'm going to go jiggle my balls.
i'm literally the only person who is ever nice to you anymore
it was a toilet paper joke
get it
because your name is tp....
wait I didn't put a long enough ellipses
it's just you love
not really
i'm one of the few people that tries to keep your dumbass alive
i fucking know!
I did an impression of "tp" , which is what most people refer to as "toilet paper".
The joke here being that your name is the same as what people refer to as toilet paper, so I was doing an impression of you that doesn't make sense, because it's NOT an impression of you, but actually an impression of toilet paper!
What a shitty joke, right?
why do i even bother sometimes
hey nezi the joke is that people hate you and i can do whatever i want
it was just you and i
what do you want
i... i-i dont know
hey man i don't get it
i like you
most people fucking hate you tho
What a disgusting way to refer to bumping uglies.
sorry nezi i'm a bit hype on gucci atm
real question
who the fuck is kaybe
A gfur that used to hate me and is now okay with me I guess
there's a lot of these
I didn't hate you we just never talked.
look at me
i have transformed into a cornhole poster so kyle may response
the bottom line is that kyle should chill
and stop trying to talk to beepop about banning people
i mean shit if anyone should be banned it should be autists trying to fuck animals
At some point someone said you hated me
We played league together
inb4 luka and i exchange few "cute" images and i eventually move along because luka isnt interested in having an actual conversation as he would prefer to videogame than be a sociable
(emoticon reaction)
sama san i know you like luka
but he is pretty much a leech
not a girl
I don't think that's true. I almost certainly made fun of you though. That's typical smack talk though.
Sama the 80s synth pop keyboardist...
even colbert knows that luka is a dude
and he plays pokemon hard
And Sama the science fiction starship captain.
...its liek
i dont even care at this point
you kinda should?
out of all that you find a pronoun... its fine luka, just peachy
you have thread whores swarming
i should?... please explain why
cheer up
so i can post relevant images
find a valid method of communication
yes i don't care about your thread drama
you cant
did luka ever admit how old he was?
he sure talked about it being his bday enough
that just shows you what a huge piece of shit luka is
i can... im just tired of the staus quo with you
i tire of our witless banter
moving forward I require substantive communique from the one they call Luka...
i'm not here for you, i'm here for me.
rekt :)
why even engage in tiresome communication without substance then...
beef commencing...
ladeedah ladeedum
sorry for putting you on blast luka
did you ever admit how old you were?
i mean you sure milk when your birthday is enough
so fucking tired...
im just done caring tonihgt... case in point.
im done tonight, going to watch a damn movie or something
so sleep then
sounds like you just got triggered
nah I just don't feel like sleeping yet
*misanthropy peaking
yea, im lit... seeing bullshit everywhere
nite or whatever
somehow back in the day i decided that i would ride or die with gucci mane
it was a weird time but i am a man of my word
Im fucked up dawg
Goddamn it Ian you alcoholic
honestly i'm tired of fucking retards like luka telling new threads
luka and beepop spam
there needs to be a way to get rid of them
can we please all agree that beepop is a horrible admin?
he claimed that he would give it up but i know he won't
beepop is a pedophile and will NEVER give up his power
the cashier was like the spitting image of cupcake
a ginger trans?
ye very long red hair
i walked in the door and immediately made conctact and my first thought was like oh god i hope i dont run into them that would be so fucking awkward and then i realized i was just higih and it obvs wasnt it was just someone in my town
also beepop remember when you talked about giving up your shit?
you're a fucking liar and a pussy beepop
What? I like NWA.
.just to make things clear beepop
100 percent of posters find you creepy and feel that you should not be admin
i like niggers with attitude
colbert is a lush
he likes nwa
in the pokemon arena
i shelled out for rockband 1 2 and beatles on ps3
super fucking hype to play with my best frriend and local niggeas
not touching that shit
aw jeeez dont look at me like that
it has free online
would ps2 be better?
cause i;m not racist like colbert
nigger nigger nigger
yeah colbert you fuckin rascist
I aint no nigga fuck that shit
so test i heard you met up with a furry poster on fucked
Evening. Enjoying the start of the weekend?
what is this meme
fir sur
I met up with Squash while he was driving home to Iowa. We didn't fuck.
test which poster did you fuck
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh riiiiiiiiiiiiiight
He's fucked himself lotsa times.
i tend to believe neither of you
this is MY STATE!!! get OUT REEEE
hey i found this thing for the anniversary of the game and it reminded me of the conversation we had so i thought hey ill come and see if they are on to show them
This is by the same person that did that really good animated Mettaton fight, huh?
test and kyle are professional cucks
ily tp
Wait... who are we cucking and/or getting cucked by?
I cucked both unintentionally.
who havent you cuckedd
i dunno i dont really religiously keep up with stuff like i did for the first few months, i think it might be the same channel??
You couldn't cuck a paper towel.
what the fuck does that even mean
this is the good feeling
the fact that test mr k mr mcdonalds fucked based squish aka duck murderer
is based
We are taking this as fact now?
i unno
kind of a weird thought
first thing that popped into my head when i saw this image was i want to bend her knees down to the sides and see if they snap
thats kinda weird
I personally can not beleive this meme
Back in my day memes were funny
[hamburger bun garees dick]
um they met
keep up
Me neither. Christopher is not fat; therefore, there is no chance Kyle is interested in him sexually.
That would be in line with your behavior, you are a psychopath after all.
It would not be sensible to.
But apocryphal tales seem more fun.
i am going to meet up with squash and not sex
Mom's gonna freak
Those days when you feel awful and just want to kill yourself, then you go to work and make 50$ in tips in 3 hours
I am a raycis
That shit Ray.
whatever you say fam
i me i felt like shit and wanted to kill myself, 50 dollars probably would not fix it
You'll be able to afford that gun in no time.
I dont like PENIs in Real l ife
What about $39?
how about you ask less retarded question and be more of a likeable person in general before even linking me in one of your posts
your kind is not welcome here
it's a picture of yui
shes being cute : )
-hugs thread-
Just as boring as ever, I see. Good to know that some things never change. Like sudden infant death syndrome, or car accidents.
its' so simple
I had to keep the song simple
and when i get home
i'm gonna open all the windows
kyle thinks that if he flirts with people they will somehow forget that he has aids
Yui is always being cute
what a silly thing to say
my brother died of sids
does squash actually really in real life have aids
right because im not willing to humor you, and pretend your "haha, what if right, you made even less money, would you still want to kill yourself?" joke was funny
even if that was the case look what you said right up here you filthy furry
just some smack talk right?
no but he deserves an aids rumour
he has been not doing it right
Do you actually have to ask this?
yeah d you know how many people hadve aids statistically?
It would be a surprise is at least
one person in this community
didnt have hiv
mordin do you try to be the biggest slut or something?
Humor me? Get over yourself. Of course it's smack talk. The difference is when you talk smack you sound like a boring whiny bitch. That's all. No hard feelings or anything you empty box. Good luck sorting your socks tonight with AM radio to keep you company.
i wish threads automatically kept track of percentage of posts tied with a name so i could yell at TP for contributing 30% of the posts himself more often
ok beepop why don't you ban yourse;f
i literally don't even have to smackdog you, holy shit you trying to smackdog people makes you sound milquetoast
and you're inconsistent as all hell at that
I've never met or talked to someone with aids. I feel like they'd have better things to do than coming here, like feeling sorry for themselves and dying.
Yep, I try hard too. Very diligently.
That's not bebop.
i am not bebop
this is why you lost a popularity poll to me
same difference tbh
i guess when i talk to kaybe i really just cant think about smacking dogs
All I ever do is feel sorry for yself and ease day by day closer to death
yet I am still here every night
Right, you don't even have to "smackdog" me, you're case is just so apparently compelling. I'm milquetoast, yeah man, you got the right adjective there. AND I'm inconsistent. Jesus, dude, you really know how to scar a guy. You got me rocked to my core. What do I even believe anymore? How was I so blind?
Keep the insults coming. I really enjoy taking these opportunities to learn about myself through the eyes of others. Especially when they are so bad at insulting people that it comes off as either intentionally ironic or socially handicapped.
i am going to spam here just so you can't feel special about being the only one making empty meaningless posts
pls no
i honestly have no idea what you are doing
You don't know that you'll die. Maybe science will find a way to keep you alive forever before you expire.
what if I have hiv
not only do i not care but i welcome "spam"
damn beepop might be pissed
he only likes spam when posters who he thinks are girls spam
It's not particularly complicated, but I understand from your history that you have some fundamental difficulties understanding the concept.
I- I don't think bebop is here right now
he is always here and should be removed tbh
no see, what im confused about, is that you seem to be under the mistaken assumption that i wanted to engage you for anything other than to tell you what a complete fuckup you are
exchange complete
are you kidding
bebop is awlays here
i mean how many moves does it take to remove beepop
he's one person
and he's out of control
all of the pills, please.
what have they been doing here that is so out of control
beepop can you please give up the board?
like you said you would?
otherwise imma take it
doin ya mom
That is too many pills.
You don't.
I take it you're the type that gets confused a lot, about a lot of different things. Your assumptions also seem to need some work. And the whole personality thing, particularly the glaring lack thereof. Just try to be better in the future. For your own sake, if not for my own.
That is too fast to take them.
just remember
you can't spell blood chan
without Bacon Hold
It's a medical emergency.
(hue or soon to be one) do you know....
it is painful to see you type things and i doubt im the only one who thinks so, your text is like awkwardly tripping through a room filled with legos barefoot, i have more personality in parts of my body i leave behind like my hair and fingernails than you have ever likely demonstrated in your existence
what in the living fuck bard
no one even likes you
most people find you pedophilia
just retire
what is it with the rising frequency in which pedophilia is brought up in some form?
honestly i blame the move to Holla Forums still
I am you.
why can't weeeeee be friends?
why can't weeeeeeeeeee be friends?
nezi pls
i voted yes tho
if i dont care why would i vote
our admin likes to fuck kids
you don't
get with it
You get to vote that you don't care. that's the point of democracy isn't it?
i really want to TP TP's house
You're probably not the only one, you're right, there are a lot of people here who are just kind of shitty, you know? Just not very good people. People that I have no respect for, that I let know that. Your simile is dumb, and while you're technically right about having a personality, "technically" is not the kind of right you want to be with something like that. I wish, perhaps even harder than you do, that you were a good person. We're both on the same team here.
you either fuck dogs ir you fuck children
pick one faggot
i liked chiri before he pretended to be a girl for several years
why he is still here is beyond me
democracy needs to give me a blowjob if it wants me to come out and vote on something i don't care about anyways
w-what is this feeling
kaybe ive been the center of your fucking WORLD since i got here, all you have been doing is try to step up to me and ive been posting and talking to other people, laughing, having a good time, skillfully ignoring bard etc.
now look at you, last four or five posts, who are they all too sugar, now just take five for a little bit okay?
you know who really doesnt like jews?
what a goof
an apartment is just a big house you only get to use part of HOME, whatever
ill do the inside too bitch
why are you ignoring me skillfully
as great as Yui is, the more I see her with Ritsu makes me love how dynamic Ritsu is, that the light music club really needed a Yui because what's the fun of being the dimbulb? Ritsu loves that she is the second from last dimbulb now.
AND she can have random fun with Yui.
also if you read the K-On High School manga it's apparent that genius is a genetic trait of all Hirasawas. Nao, a composer for the club, accidentally wrote songs too complex for them to play- the drummer wasn't able to, and Sawako looked at the track and said she would need three arms to play it! so Nao had to cut it down so it worked. but then they also realized Ui's guitar track would require six fingers but she didn't seem to have a problem with it and they all stared at her.
My guesses as to why are
A) I'm cute and therefore got tipped well
B) I looked like I was about to cry and got tipped well
Either way, I just made $20+/hour delivering breadmeat to drunk people
Woah, dude, take a step back and cool it down there. Just because I'm shitposting at you doesn't mean you're the center of my world. Sort of an insane thing to say. Don't go all Fatal Attraction on me, okay? This is just over the internet, talking on the internet, get it? No need to boil any pets.
because if i was clumsily ignoring you i would reply- AWEH FUCK SHIT
wow you really are a girl
haha then you weren't my 45 minute late pizza driver cause you got tipped fuck all.
im going to stop replying to you now
Finally a resolution to our pain.
ritus is a cutie patootie with real durm skill
I used to drum to HTT tunes back when i had my kit up
I miss it
Great, I would hate to argue and waste time in a thread for arguing and wasting time. Good to see that the spirit of this place is alive and well.
I could play Cagayake Girls on my bass before I sold it to you. I had a drum kit years earlier too, but it got scavenged by my roommate until nothing was left of it, I loved playing drums.
I'm very Ritsu.
u can die from loneliness
smeone hug me
is that a fact or just hear-say?
we should test it, scientifically, don't hug them
You're 28 now?
Dr. Oz tole 'em.
what is a good folder size?
i was making a folder to send to someone and i guess i should use here
I mean, you can get by on 20 or less. But 200 gives you a decent amount of breathing room.
that feel when someone wants you to come watch them stream so they can draw a porn comic :l
if it doesnt have a minimum of 5000 images
it's not a folder
the rule is 100 images
oh wow is Luka 28?
HB my BC cousin, here is the least depressed/angry looking picture of Neiko!
yea 20 and 200 great fucking range choice there
get so fucking PUMPED UP on a drum kit
he is but luka will never admit his age
he only amps up his birthday so people may give him free things
I said you can get by on very little, but a couple hundred is a good size. I know that you're mad, and you're trying really hard not to reply to me, all I'm asking is that you try a little bit harder buddy. I know you can do it. You sounded so resolute too. Go watch your ugly friend make shitty porn comics.
I'm up to 83 after hand picking every single one so far
oof thats steep seeing as there doesn't seem to be that much art for this
i have a shit load of pics of myself doing generic rich white kid things to use too
sometimes i feel like all japanese people do is draw porn or think about drawing porn
The best choice is having an avatar which suits your emotions; often a message gets an extra punch when it has an avatar attached that seems to match it and give it an extra kick.
Or kill yourself, or stop posting on Holla Forums, maybe get a job in finance or finish school.
i said i wouldn't reply to you i never said i'd stop making fun of you
i never liked bern
but he did folders right
and i feel like he had a limit like that
wow now my friend is ugly and his comics are SHITTY, because i'm mad
I know that feeling.
When I'm at work alone I beatbox and get into some crazy solo jams
dont sink so low you dont even link the person your addressing come on bd hats babby posting
that's harsh weird dogfucker
deal w/it
Hand-picked? What do you even mean? You're not using an AI? I figured that, yeah.
Good to see you're a man of few convictions, and even less follow through. Have fun "not responding" while directly responding to my posts you neurotic weirdo.
have fun pretending to be friendly while being a toxic person
Your friend is ugly and his comics are shitty because they are, that you happen to be mad is just a coincidence.
every folder i've made before was usually at least 1k images but it was just a mess. i plan to organize and properly make them now though
i mean like im not just grabbing a shit load of pics at random
its taking a while too because muh a(u)rtistic side
put it in a deep pot on the stove and turn the heat to 1, and increase it slowly.
Where exactly do I pretend to be friendly? Was it when I called you a faggy loser? I can see how that could be misconstrued by a faggy loser as a positive, I guess.
2:16 AM - Lenko is now Online.
2:16 AM - Lenko: Jesus
2:16 AM - Lenko: Why does all the UNDERAGE pussy flock to you?
2:17 AM - Lenko: Why can't you get normal age girls like the rest of us?
it's better than what his mom yells at him down in the basement, he assumed you were being nice.
I don't think it's worth making a folder if a bunch of shit just gets thrown in it. It should take a little bit of time.
what kind of system do you use for organizing a folder
oh my goooood they have been streaming this stuff for 18 hours
beepop can you please give the board up?
you being the admin was chii's fuck you to US
THE POSTERS. why do you not get this
please relinquish your control
My friend had that exact same problem when he was 18, just picking up 15 year olds online and they'd show up not wearing bras and being all flirty even when I was around too.
Man, fuck online dating, it sucks.
Aww, now I feel bad for this fake conception of Baddog that you've thrust upon me. Poor guy.
Does this have to do with Piggy?
There are very few other people it could go to. Who exactly did you have in mind?
life must be pretty rough with no house and just a desk and laptop
i don't know how you do it, sounds awful
what the fuck
Himself obviously.
t e s t
Sorry, I didn't mean to embellish his good qualities or make him out to be a better person.
No comment.
if you both want to choke on my dick i can just give you my address
I don't even have a laptop.
give me the board
All the "NEW ADMIN PLEASE" complaining is just bored people wanting more drama. It's been a while since there was a total board meltdown now, used to be far more common just last year.
you're kinda mean though
here I am
love me
see we can both make shit up its easy
sometimes i feel like thats what some people here do. that or just doesnt fit well i guess
one that is still in the process of being made, it's only somewhat general though, idk how to explain
i already did and nobody realizes it
ayy lmao they are good times
no but i've been thinking about that a little lately tbh
Yeah, he's at the top of the short list. Somehow I don't think that's who TP had in mind though, if he's giving Bebop so much shit.
You did a bad, bad thing. You're a bad boy. You're sleeping outside tonight. I mean, you usually sleep outside, because you're homeless, but tonight you'll sleep, like, really outside, okay?
One zinger after another. You should do this for a living.
Get shit on by men, I mean, not go into comedy.
I sort my images by emeotion conveyed
I would ban everyone I don't like from posting forever
Good thing I live on the west coast now, it's fuckin nice outside.
Plants are still green.
getting shit on by men would be something that just pops into his head
no you absolutely have never done this
just because you say that you did doesn't make it so
you are literal cancer
id make a better mod than both of you and i never even come here
my strawpoll went pretty much as predicted.
I definitely need to be mod now.
Yeah, and I can see why, with the people who were in the role of admin. The choices were almost literally as bad as they could have possibly been.
I mean, I think some people just have bad taste, more than anything.
I mean, I have it on good authority that she's like 38 so you're good.
starting to think beepop is going to need to be forced out
kinda sucks
he didn't learn his lesson from luka
They're green because they're so nauseous that they have to be around you all the time. A similar thing happens me and plants, except it's them turning green with envy.
And pops on to your chest for thirty bucks.
You seem like you'd be an idiot as a mod, as you are an idiot as a poster.
It doesn't bother me that you don't like Bebop, it bothers me that you have no criticism. You just want a shitty moderator who has you as a favorite.
does that actually happen?
jesus I'm just trying to eat well enough to counter my rampant alcoholism so I don't poop blood.
kind of better than being shitty at literally everything like you are
so are you level-headed or an alcoholic? because im pretty sure you can only pick one of those
im bad with seeing that stuff :/
you would give me shit even if i gave proof and had them come here
probably yeah.
lol perfect, totally care about the laws im enforcing on others now :^)
beepop rapes kids though
idk im not gay
and i do not poop
If you're going to respond to my post, at least say something that makes sense in the context of the conversation. Just calling me a smelly poopyhead whenever I say something doesn't do anything. Good job with your continued relies, though, you really put the foot down.
When? What does this even mean.
Both; when intoxicated I tend to think and behave like a normal, average-IQ individual such as yourself.
Feels bad doesn't it, when someone who's drunk is smarter and more eloquent than you when you're sober?
Rolled 2 (1d2)she loves me
she loves me not
it would be great if you realized the mistakes you were pointing out while you were making them yourself
proof of what? you have proven you can't handle it
it just took bc telling you to make ids
you are horribly corruptible
not really all i see is a useless smarmy piece of shit that's trying to convince me they are anything otherwise, is there a hidden curtain back here or something? is there a second door to open? where is option "B"
Let it be known you were the first to insult me during this correspondance.
I take offense to being described as 'smarmy' but I do so love the word itself.
No, I kept my insults fairly well on topic. I like on topic insults better than boring shitty ones, which is where our tastes divulge, I suppose. If you can call licking poop off of another man's rectum "taste", that is.
of giving it to someone. i mean why should i show proof of anything i do when you like to go around and make lies of everything anyway without any proof whatsoever
here's a gif of what the loli like yesterday was like when she got off the bus from school ;^)
Everybody who wasn't a fucking moron or trolling requested IDs.
are you fucking retarded? you can't just point out harsh or vulgar words as "insults", you implied you were smarter than me drunk and what's so insulting about that is you're hardly more competent than Kaybe
so uh yea, suck my fucking dick for being a massive bad liar? and that's just so early on in this exchange!
you did pretend to be a lesbian for several years
if i were beepop i would ban you tbh
Rolled 2 (1d2)For once I am not the angry person in the thread
everyone knows you are pedophile though
it is well known
You also called me a piece of shit.
What are you, ten years old? Fuck off, kid. I don't want to babysit your ass.
Go to or something.
Epic lesbian content.
What a stupid moderator action that would be.
Why will nobody tell me how Bebop diddled a kid. I want the deets.
should i sleep
since you are, indeed, retarded, i will point out that you said that after you were finished being a douchebag
are you under the impression that me calling you a piece of shit is someone different from you comparing my sober intelligence to your inebriated intelligence?
maybe you should stick with conversations that are between people within your reference level
Rolled 2 (1d2)
I havent and im fine
and that is really my biggest thing against beepop being admin
he has a thing for kids
also chii only gave him the board cause she had a hissy fit and wanted to get back at "us"
ban tp
somehow different*
I, too have been trying to figure this out.
i have set standards for myself unlike you though
Hey, can you attempt to write a sentence or must I squint at this chicken scrawl?
Perhaps you are a chicken? bauk! bawk bok
that wouldn't go well
perhaps you missed the new eva debacle
Post above-standard lolis.
i mean if you could think of something interesting to talk about we could probably have a conversation but somehow i doubt you can manage that
Our ignorance is our shield.
Rolled 1 (1d2) (user was banned for this post)
your full of shit is next level full of shit
I hate it when my lolis escape.
(user was banned for this post)
i dont have many that i can post here because of file size
have this instead :^)
i used the bathroom like 30minutes ago???
What's the point? All you want out of this conversation is an ego stroking, which you would be left without if it were not for my gracious presence.
no way beepop can even believe the bullshit he spews
bottom line you said you would not be a shitty mod here permanently
why did you lie?
Is that legal
not true at all. im more than willing to chat with people, you just wanted to jump in and protect your buddy here from i dont know, killing themselves? don't make yourself a target for aggression and then whine about it you stupid cunt. i will fucking RAPE you
beepop no one likes you
everyone finds you creepy
no hablo inglés
I'll just assume she's 18.
I don't have any 'buddies'.
cause my best friend killed himself in 2009.
I'm just making fun of you because you are stupid, as well as relentless, and the combination is both fascinating and entertaining to me; I see plenty of potential for fucking with you until I may inevitably become bored.
not bias
19 at time of recording
Phew, FBI dodged.
vote for Chiri.
I won't abuse my power.
I will be lenient until the point where I need to put my foot down.
I'm intelligent and responsible, and completely outside of your petty drama, that I care nothing about.
I would do my job.
who are you anywho
see that's funny because i see no potential in you, do you know why that is? it's because you actually are stupid
you say I am the first to throw insults after making comments about moms basement and how that is being generous for me, and then either pretend like i wasn't supposed to see or notice it, or that i'm not supposed to bring it up to make you look like the dumb piece of shit you are, and since you are wrong, right out of the gate, anything you add on to it will just be more of you being wrong. because you can't just accept that you fucked up and restart.
so im going to go to bed feeling satisfied with my visit here and you can go cry or do whatever it is people do when i finish raping them, your endless effort to deflect or pretend like i am the stupid one while feigning superiority is not only old and dull its also extremely hollow so uh yea if i stop by again don't expect me to drop you a line
i sent it to lenko and he asked to so i said "if they dont know they cant do nothin"
ily btw nohomo
i mean you vs this idiot?
hands down you
I vote for Overwatchbot. A future we can believe in. Not a bright future, but a future nonetheless.
oh eww
vote for ikt
I will abuse my power.
I will be susceptible to bribes in monetary form, Steam keys, anime pics and lewds.
I will sometimes accidentally hit ban but with a small fee of 1 dank meme this can be resolved.
I would leave this place a burning hellhole.
why does ikt feel the need to change his name
he has a gigantic penis
why is that not enough
it's already a burning hellhole
Oh no, the first sentence almost had me tensed up but the reason you 'see no potential' in me is because? - I am apparently stupid.
Here's a post proving I'm not stupid; I decided to not read the rest of your shit post and you now have the right to not read the rest of this one. Good thinking, Chiri.
goodnight to all!
i leave you with very wise lyrics from an old song
Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man,
Well, it surely means that I don't know
aw shit never mind
i want to be a little girl with a gigantic penis
because loli explosions
i will burn your hellhole
oh my god, her fashion sense looks like Regular Show threw up on her.
And nothing of value was lost.
you just want to be a girl
cya TP you were cool but goddamn you are obsessed with getting dirt on bebops good name
also when someone goes out of their way to tell you they didn't read all of your post it almost ALWAYS mean they read it and felt unable to reply properly so they are pussying out, just pro tips for pros
it's big brother. like they're locked in a house for a season
not really
beepop knows he is full of shit
Overwatchbot is the only one we can trust. Only ever does his job. Gives competitive stats when asked, no matter how shitty they are. A harsh but fair judge.
I miss having girls look at me that way but committing adultery is just one of my many sins. I had to stop that shit after she had a kid. I don't know if it's mine or his.
My fetish is to have sex before i die
oh already took my name off to post in another Holla Forums thread but bye alchemist
Not even Cupcake has been able to sweet talk Overwatchbot into compromising Overwatchbot's principles. Praise be to Overwatchbot.
God, the only captives are the audience watching shit like that which passes as entertainment.
sex is overrated
like cumming in plastic is just weird
Later, man.
If Cup could suck Overwatchbot's dick till he had diamond stats there'd be no holding him back.
Before dying or during the instance of dying?
why even live
haha true
and here i am watching a retard who pretended to be a lesbian
came back
ikt are you a virgin?
It would probably be even harder to hold him back if sucking Overwatchbot's dick lowered his ranked score, honestly. He's super into that kind of thing. He would probably put his mascara on just so that he could let it run with his tears as he chocked on the dick of Overwatchbot while his mmr dropped.
Yep, you seem to be drawn to these kitchy drama-related shitholes you find entertaining.
Not that I'm criticizing your tastes.
You will never use an onahole with a bigger penis than you
dude you'll do fine with that massive dong
I talk to Satan
he listens
ill be your onahole .//.
honestly i'm kinda surprised that ikt has never stuck his massive dong in anything
is tp gay?
straight /gay is a spectrum
but no i do not stalk dudes on the internet
if that's what you mean
so you're neurotypical then?
man beepop seems rattled that i challenged his ruling
you are a pedo
and gay
and you were not elected
eat shit
i'm just whatever bro
Trying to play that in the thread made my whole computer start shitting out and now the video is froze
I've never heard of this guy before
this isn't bad
i'm way more straight than gay cause like open vaginas gets me going
Okay bye tell me about the kids you diddled on Skype so I can read it later thanks.
Jaydens the shit too bad he out of thee game to become a tranny
please think about what i said
about you lukaing
and how you were not elected
and you're kinda retarded
oh man beepop is the fucking worst
why is that autist even still allowed to post
oh right he the admin
I think it's pretty funny he's trying to rap now
what is that?
like the bird?
that's trill af
kinda dangerous
The nigga from the cult uses one
it was also in the californication video
honestly pretentious rock stars talking about guitars is the fucking worst
personally I prefer the gold
I love the garish loook
and I'm not really a gigging musician so i dont have to worry about that
if i get bored of it i can ust trade it for basically any other guitar i want because of its value
fuckin siiiiick
that link was spam
secondly like you should be able to get niggas wet with your music and not your look
true true
I am a real sucker for those good lookin geetars though
growing up i was stucn a plain ole dot fretboard acoustic and since i fainally have money to spend on something nice here soon
I want top of the line
i was considering a les paul but i really wanta holloowbody for the acoustic amplification and the warmer jazzy tone
my favoite memes are dogs
im a meme
its flooding very badly in my state at this moment
Why fall in love when you can fall asleep
I'm awake again.
go back to sleep
and don't wake up this time
Are you mad because I haven't replied to you the last few days?
hi daddy
why would I care about that
You have made pot shots more often when I don't.
That is nothing new
It shows when you want my attention.
Good morning siR sqUASHES
in your filthy faggot dogfucking dreams maybe
Morning, Bard.
It is almost adorable when you anime people get so upset by lack of (You)s.
gotta say I am quite feeling the fatigue
how are things since you woke up
(You)s mean nothing to me
Feeling relatively better.
Might sleep more before work though.
better is already relative
Relatively more betterer.
An avarage week in america. Hope ya guys own some firearms, gonna need it.
this meme is cancerous and retarded
I live in conservative small town of under 7000 people in the breadbasket of america
i do not fear ape uprisings or terror attacks
syd was pretty qt