Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/

Catch You Catch Me

October Event Schedule
9/30-10/9 - Violet Violence
10/10-10/24 - Cardcaptor Sakura Collab
10/25-10/30 - Rise of the Beasts
10/31-11/8 - New Scenario Event

1.Infinity - 692908
2.Kihou - 740471
3.Sky Lords - 733000
4.Raven Nest - 1024216

Pastebin with guides and info:

You can play it from your browser by going to

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

Other urls found in this thread:!ha5DgaTa!ZXdB1UPPQ7qrhXHHTXj37A_tw9SmejGeg_VLaCZA1gc

Bumping for big fat draph tats and theres nothing you can do about it.

just turn the thread into gb porn and all's well

yes…….. feed him….. hahahahaa….


Sakura collab is homoswords lesser to me and it feels bad.

you can leave back for cuckchan now

Zeta has an incredibly lewd body. Bitch is asking to get Weinsteined.

You didn't spend money on this, right?

I did, what are you gonna do about it?


So not only do we not get half AP for Co-op but also no Exp bosst in Co-op either? Worst Magnafest ever.

what do you need the co-op half cost anyway?

Did I just fight fucking Godzilla in Halle's 5* episode?

Did you miss out on the Robomi events?

I'm trying to set up a team that can ougi turn 1 outside of strike time, weapon master mc, lyria, Izuminokami Kanesada from touken ranbu event, what other fire character can I use that gains at least 40 charge bar or instant ougi on turn 1?

Sliming is a 3 click buisness now, you can probably run more than 150 slimes in 1 hour, half AP saves a hell of a lot of pots.

He was just trying to survive and you cut him down just for a fifth star…


Funny how the Society's blonde bombshell is likely a pure virgin while her clumsy BFF has repeatedly fucked everyone in the band (except for the bassist).

She just tripped and fell on their dicks, that's just how clumsy she is.

You know she has a benign brain tumor that causes her to be easily confused? I am not excusing her behavior but it does explain a lot of it. lLke her gavure calender when she couldn't understand how bikinis work and put it on upside down.

The Beato has brain damage jokes are all too real.

Which of your teams would you harem? I would fuck the shit out of my dark girls.

To be fair she is just smart enough to know that her ability to sing and talk is her bread and butter and getting the tumor removed has a good chance of fucking that up.

forgot my pick

my dark or fire team
Yuel, Sochie, Clarice
Jeanne, Naru, Zoi, Vampy and soon, Orchis

Fire team.
Although Mirai would be harem wife #1



What games do you usually play in the casino? Tried poker and it was alright, but couldn't get the pokerbot to work. Tried out bingo, and the payout was fine, but it's slower than playing cards.

Do you fags also play Overwatch?


just poker, and try this for bot:!ha5DgaTa!ZXdB1UPPQ7qrhXHHTXj37A_tw9SmejGeg_VLaCZA1gc

I've been using it for about 6 months with no problems.

Oh look! the same faggot!

Goddamn, this really is like the Overcuck threads
answer the question

Never play slots.

I'd rather play a gatcha mobage with cute waifus than that pozzed piece of shit run by faggots who can't even handle a little shitposting and censor GGs in chat.

It's paid and I don't support paid games with lootbox

at least you admit to shitposting

No shit, its like you faggots keep forgetting where you are.
You only have a hugbox because one of the vols plays this garbage else Kikeboy wouldn't give two shits about dumps and derailment.
Just like what happened with Pokemon GO and Miitomo.

There are blatant Cygames shills here as well

what are you reffering to?

he probably refer to chinkolle

I still don't get it, kancolle's a completly different game, what's next, he's going to compare tomb raider to final fantasy?

we pretty universally think cygames are hilariously incompetent at their job. I'm sorry that we play games for fun unlike the rest of Holla Forums though.

no not kancolle but azure lane

Fucking loose whores.

isn't that a vertical shmup? How is that related?

that's not true, pretty much no one replied to that dumbass saying water magna was better than dark magna.


Some people idea of fun is seeing their wife being being railed by a nigger.
Whats your point?
Being fun doesn't make it less shit, look at all the ASSFAGGOTS and MMO addicts out there.

Gotta hand it to 05722c shitposting these threads 4 free is something.

where does he place o autism spectrum

right next to the autistic furry Draph, except he's not cute

Damn right. Hoe long has it been since a new game
mode? Why isn't there different types of guild wars modes that rotate, not just the same over and over.

don't worry Arcarum is coming soon and this time it won't be a failure we promise

Upside will be that there's going to be a fuckton of apologems, downside is that he'll try to pull non-fest limiteds again

I thought they were all on Fate.

Those two have a lot more in common these days.

Holy shit, it works. Thanks user.

Tried the slots a few days ago, and I agree, those payouts are atrocious. Even if you do max bet, you barely get anything out of it.

I'd break my dick off in any member of my wind team. Tiamat included.

What does it mean when I join a nip coop room and they start counting from 1-4? I think its only for slime blasting…

Hosting order, each participant takes turns hosting the mission, on count number.

I'd invite my Dark girls to my room for a "special meeting" too, but I'd want to survive the experience. So Water harem it is. Drowning in pussy doesn't seem like a bad end comparatively.

Isn't HRT busy with his mobile service business plus his side gig as executive producer of Shadowverse (apparently Cygames had KMR and HRT switch positions after last year's numerous fuckups).

…It could be worse, GBF could be getting whoever's currently running the Uma Musume game (due to be released before the end of the year apparently).

Hello clang.

I didn't care for Tia until the cartoon. Both her and Yggs did funny things to my chinchin.

Why yes, yes I would.

Is there any reason to keep character weapons outside my hoarding compulsion? Especially the R ones?
My weapon inventory is getting real clogged with them…

As I understand it, Rs are to be used for skill up fodder. SRs reduced for weapon stones, maybe uncapped with silver bricks to get more stones if you really need them. SSRs mostly can be reduced for weapon stones as well, but there are a few that are good to keep. Any of the story limiteds ones for sure should be saved..

Character weapons from the Gacha can be reduced for their full weapon stone amount, I think you can safely reduce SR weapons for their 15/16 weapon stones, if you really need a certain type of weapon stone, you can use steel bars on it for the extra weapon stones.

I would buy a Weapon stash to keep the SSR weapons in, since there are some that you would probably use some day (Legfest limited weapons come to mind). If you need the weapon stones from a weapon, you could ask the thread if you'll ever use the weapon in your weapon grid.

A handful are useful in primal grids, otherwise they are the best weapons to reduce for mats. Using SR and higher gacha weapons as skill up fodder is a colossal waste.

I didn't care for tiamat until the latest chapter

In my case, I love Nio. Working on her Harp as we speak, but need 20 more silver certs.

I'd probably go for my wind one if I had to choose.

Reminder to do slime search this weekend with the rupie (and exp/rp) journey drops on if you want some quick and easy money.
particularly for the crews who have trouble keeping the crew buffs up. If everyone's rich, then the activation cost is nothing

Is that better than the co op slime?

In terms of rupies, I'd say it is since the 400% boost affects it, whereas for coop you can only sell the items. For RP, and most likely exp, slimeblasting is better. But since right now coop doesn't have the bonus exp, its a good time to grind out some rupies.

Ah that's right, no coop boost this time, forgot about that.

So to up my ranks fast, I only need to do the slime search thing?

Coop room boosts and journey potato boosts. Good luck with that though. Plain damage is reliable damage

In the end I had to install SetupVPN to stop the network errors.
For some reason I can't use crew chat now, but at least I can go back to grindan.

It seems she as given spats, compared with the portrait with Rackam


I have been getting a lot of "F-001" network errors recently, making it almost impossible to start or join any fight at all. This started happening 2 days ago

Reportedly, some italian and south american ISPs are getting fucked up heavily, install the SetupVPN chrome extention and choose a random country, it'll fix most of the errors.
I still get them when trying to call in reinforcements through twitter, when accessing the party screen and for some reason the chat is greyed out.

So its ISP issues and not japan blocking countries? I hope this means its temporary

post cygames memes

There can only be one

extend your fucking viramate sidebar so it covers the button, jesus christ

Friendly reminder Siero chan is cutest potato and is not jewish. She does fair trades to everyone. Imagine a episode of her barelt getting her shit together in the shack, then meeting Karteira and starting comfy world exploration without monsters every .37 lines of conversation



Oh right there is/was supposed to be a event related to anime today, I hope it's like a proper S2 but the main story takes a backseat and we go with animating events

It's most likely an ova with an announcement of and estimated season 2 air date

Yeah but we all know that you need ot get pretty invested in GBF story to care about whats happening after the slog that was first 4 islands, even if it gets better, events on the other hand are, for the most part, good and have the fan favorites, imagine 3-4 episodes for Defenders Oath, the fujobucks will FLOW

They can just make ovas around the events. They suit a small standalone story

stop arguing with me user I want Platinum Sky animated!

I have a question so here's a lewd

I am close to rank 100, my grids are alright but I'm far from solo magna potential
Since I'm getting close to unlocking HL raids when should I start doing Rose Queen?
Since Rose Queen has weapons with good EX should I get one for each element to put in my grid.
I have a bunch of rainbow crystals so I'll be able to host at this moment enough to get 3 of the rose crystal weapons.
I looked on the wiki and it didn't say anything about NOT putting both element rose crystal weapons in a grid
I know that sounds like an awful autistic grind but that's what this game is?

Lewd of the Queen as thanks for reading my post
plz reply

Rose crystal weapons have very niche uses, and there are two "sets" with different uses

The first "set" is pretty straightforward, it has big attack up and defense against the advantaged element, so the fire Rose Crystal Wand has big attack up and lessen wind damage, this set is good if you have no other access to better EX weapons for your grid, most grids however are both getting EX weapons that go up to 15, AND have access to their Xeno weapon, which provides a bigger boost, so you would only want this set of rose crystal weapons if you have access to neither an EX 15 weapon nor a Xeno weapon

The second "set" is also niche, and is identified by having a medium EX Majesty skill, but has a defense up skill that works against the weapon's weak element, so as an example again, the Fire weapon Rose Crystal Bow has a medium Majesty skill (Medium boost to Atk and HP) and has less water damage taken for fire allies. Near as I can tell this set is more for neutral element fights such as Ubaha where taking any of the four main elements means that you'll occasionally be struck by your element's weakness.

So in short, the first set of rose crystal weaps are good filler if you don't have any better EX weapons in your grid, and the second set is for specific raids, you can very easily skip over the first set, as events continue to come out and grant both better and easier to access EX weapons, and the second set you won't have to worry about until you start actually running Ubaha and want to actually contribute.

Come on user, apply yourself, you didn't even post the image.
Here, I'll do it for you this time, just remember to do it yourself next time.




episode 14 of the anime is going to be a halloween episode with cagliostro

All this fucking news while i wasn't looking

New anime for GBF, details unknown, no idea if it's a season 2 or a reboot or what

Vol 7 bd/dvd for the anime will have swimsuit protag skins

Sakura Tange (Cag/Sakura VA) calling for FGO and GBF collab

If it ever happens; I hope it's a story revolving around a fight between the two franchises.

Lancer vs

At least Tomoyo is pure.

You know all we would get out it is worst saber.

I don't follow.

All saber a shit except Miyu when she uses the saber class care.

Regular saber is just a poor man's Atari Dumbledor

check my spacing, dude

And that means nothing, getting umu or any of the other not shit characters would be great but they like to shove Artoria into fucking everything instead.

Fate owners are shit with collabs.

Does Cardcaptor know she's playing with an old man?

been a breddy good magfest so far, in spite of cy gypping our co-op. How are other anons doing? Any progress you're proud of this week?

one silver moon and 2 bronze moons from the draw. Not sure if I should feel happy or sad about that.

Compromise and be happy about your dubs?
Outside of La Coiffe, I've only got 1 bronze moon and a SR cocktease weapon. Hell, last free draws I never broke the R streak. Part of why I'm putting my single tickets towards a spark now, since nothing good comes from single draws on average.

Been too busy to take advantage of magfest but free draws finally gave me something of value (Shiva).

I farmed angel halo to finish my 5th silver relic and farmed enough materials to be able to make three more jewtenshoes when I get the gold bars and weapons.

what is this game

You can click the links and find out or at least go on youtube and watch a video

It's like FGO or Kantai Collection
Basically a video game with a lottery function, you can play for free and make do with whatever you get with chance or pay to have a better shot at what you want

Waifu/Husbando RNG RPG Collectathon Grinder

Anyone know the name of that one doujin where Cagliostro and Gran are arguing about whether getting bullied by lolis or big boobs are superior?

(C91) [Mesuman Teikoku (Kosuke)] 7-kakan Kakete Sekai o Tsukuru yori Kawaii Ossan Ochisaseta Hou ga Ii

Thank you, kind user.

Can some user explain to me why all the doujins that involve Stan X Aliza are NTR/Cheating?

Like 0 (zero) vanilla
Is Stan that hated of a character or something, why is he the DESIGNATED cuckold of the series according to fans?

There's the one where Stan gets strapped down to a bed while Aliza and Alicia sex him, but Alicia's married so I guess that's still cheating.

nobody likes stan and aliza and alicia are top tier waifu material

And can anyone also explain why there's barely any decent vanilla doujin with Djeeta in it? I came across one that looked okay, until I read the tags Percival with a futa Djeeta.

Race mixing is bad, Stan should know better.

It's all untranslated. There are some good Percy/Djeeta doujins but they're all in jap.

cause djeeta is a slut better suited for gangbangs


Pommern spin off

rosamia ssr, yaia silver moon for the third time and two r weps

Where's the luchador gran edit?

You know this ages old "dividing by zero" meme? FGO and GBF collab would be just that

Plebs, the pair of you.

For those that want to gps spoof and get skycompass points, here are burger wrappers for week one of the mcdonalds collab. If you want to risk it.

probably depends on if there's another "Are you sure you want to send this?" window when you take the photo, that was the red flag that poster spoofind was a bad idea, I hope anime S2 doesn't do the same thing, missing out on that SSR ticket would hurt

Since I can't use crew chat evidentally, does anyone know if hard primal raids always dropped SSR angel summons? I can't remember ever seeing them drop but now they are everywhere.

they do

next gacha COULD be the start of Halloween characters so hold off on doing the free roll


Too late


Too late as well, also glad I got him before GW time to slimeblast to get him to 80 and then 100

Too late, and I've been getting nothing but shit from those free rolls.

I'd get fat on cheeseburgers if this collab was in american mcdonalds

Just take a picture and give them to your tasteless friends.

What does Tomoyo do with all her videos?

The world may never know.

Why is lolicon patient zero in a mobile game in 2017?

Maybe she wanted to find someone to fuck her in front of a mirror as she cosplays as Sakura while watching her vids.


Is Vampy getting a 5th star or an event SR?

Seems like a new gacha SR. They're also releasing Azazel as an SSR along with her.

Thank fuck.

Wait, I'm confused. Are Azazel and SR Vampy limited? Or are they going to be regular gacha characters?

Can't see anything on the webpage saying they're limited.

What should I prepare for HL apollo raids? Is there anything special to watch out? I really need to start FLBing some of these meme swords.

RIP crystals

Likes to spam the condition Shorted (which prevents ougi bar gain) and hostility up on a random party member, even on turn 0. Clarity and Veil will fix that problem easily. Beyond that, the fight is just a slugfest and landing a para for the last 10% would be ideal.

Is Apollo a boy or a girl? We just don't know.

if they aren't released during legfest then they won't be limited.

Jesus Christ. Someone send that faggot back to deviantart.

Anyone willing to help me get some of my teams set up well? Mainly for magnas and/or the eternals grinding.
I don't really have a great grid (i'm halfway working on that) and I only have the first 3 class tiers + samurai unlocked.

wouldn't the maids help you more in front row instead of backrow waiting for homosword to die?
and putting Dark Cag in front row MIGHT be better than Lady Gray

Even with lady gray's 5* you think? And I assume you're talking og dark cag, not halloween?

Dark team looks fine, though I'd probably use dark Cag over Lady Grey if Lady Grey isn't 100, or if you're using your dark team to handle the majority of your content right now.

Water team swap Kat and Altair, you want Kat's elemental damage bonus before Altair's crit bonus, even more if you use your water for general content.

Light team I don't use light so I have no advice to give.

neither your dark nor your light team are ready for solo MVPing chev/celeste, chev and celeste are gimmick raids and require either overwhelming strength to just skip past their triggers, or specific skill setups to counteract the gimmicks.

Your water team might stand a chance against colo for solo mvp though. You'll have to experiment and see where you land in that raid by yourself, but you have access to Romeo, Lily, and Yoda, who are great at surviving dimensional slash.

because you have yoda there should be no problem farming for the eternal mats.

Lady gray is mostly redundant with Dark Jeanne unless you have her at lv100 and really need the extra delay. Dark Cag has great buffs, halloween cag is kinda bad.

Thanks guys, did some swapping.
What sort of changes would I need to be looking at for chev and celeste? I have Dispel on my dark team. Throw a Clarity on my light team for Celeste?
And just so I'm clear, Sakura is effectively worthless right? Outside of being cute, anyway…

Oh, look, Rita's joined the crew.
They just can't say no to Sakura Tange

Not quite: She's calling for a GBF VA war, using the Grail War rules: last 7 seiyuu standing gets their characters to appear in the new (possibly season 2) GBF anime.

Clarity when you run celeste yes. Sakura is a better character than homosword with great support skills but her damage is basically nonexistant so the other characters have to be strong enough to pick up the slack. I would probably run Feather/Maids/Clarrise on the front line and Sophia/Sakura on the rear. Feather is basically an SSR that gives pendants, especially after his 5*. Seruel needs his 5* to be more than a veil bot although he is pretty good after that point.

Try this lineup that I use for pendant/Celeste farming.

Because he lacks any other good SSRs, he could also put Seruel to leech exp until he hits 5* or SR Albert there but its mostly filler. The back line is fuckup points. He also could swap one of the front line characters, probably Feather or the Maids for her and have a decent line up.

Neither do I, my light team is either idorus or SR ikemen.

Fucking drops dont exist at all, best I have so far is free bahamut dagger from what makes the sky blue and a diablo bow. I need to make Vampy chan happier


What about this?

Apollo's obviously a shota with how that breastplate forms to his body.

I like the way she thinks.

Is Zooey there only from your lust for power or because you couldn't find anyone else for that "sort" of party?

Zooey's there to yell Get Down.


What? Did they not only fail to translate that as compass, but even get the romanization of it wrong?

I might have gone a little hard yesterday.

Did another free roll, and got pic related. It's somewhat better than what I got these past few days.

3CF97DA2 jk

I got SSR dark bunlce anubis after two days or rare summon meme draws following pulling Dark Zeta the super slut.

The reason I am telling you this is because I am my crew's resident luck shitter. I pull what is wanted before I even knew I wanted it. So I am making this post to brag in advanced because I know the heart of the Gatcha is with me.


What a waste of 50 light quartz…

One of the few SR characters I couldn't score in my time.

Doesn't it increase the load with uncaps?


yeah he could have moonlighted each of them separately to 3*, but not everyone has all their buncles yet, or space to keep useless gacha sr summons

I uncapped my buncles long ago and the Anubis I got yesterday was the last SSR buncle I needed to get. Three more anubis, one more hector, and one Gilgamesh and a MLBed all of em.

pic name related
18m free draws have been super kind to me.


detonate youself for inspiring me to throw all my crystals down thw drain.

Lucky bastard.

Are they 2D?
If not, get out and enjoy your STDs.

So I don't exactly want to follow the basic grid guide, I know that sounds and is COMPLETELY RETARDED

So what I'm looking to do is get 5/6 ATK skill magna weapons and 2/3 HP skill weapons with the Baha/Rose/Seraph weapon

For example the 4 main element grids would look something like 5 ATK Magna, 1 Rose, 1 Baha, 1 Seraph, 2 HP skill weapons

My question is should those HP skill weapons be magna or could they be say… the side story weapons?


I want to fuck Drang's ass.

Depends on your summon.

If you want to use two hp skills, use one normal and onde magna, just like attack, they factor eachother instead of adding

So if I used a magna summon should both of my weapons be magna HP weapons or do I go with the 1 EX 1 magna?

I guess to go even further into detail, since the update of the side story weapons getting a 4th weapon added to the shop so they can be 3* I was thinking of getting both the Phoenix weapons from the Festival of Falling Flame event as both SSR weapons are HP skilled to put in my fire grid

If I wanted fire HP weapons should I get these until a better fire HP weapon comes around or should I use 2 HP magna weapons instead when using a magna summon?

If you really want to do this I'd suggest getting hp skills based on your summon so that it gets the extra boost from the skill multiplier.

Best option is to just use Baha weapons along with the seraph.
You won't get high HP outside of heavily investing in Lumi swords or playing Primal Water if you want to have decent attack power otherwise.

As you level up the weapons in your grid to 150, they will give more hp to your team even if they're attack weapons. Plus at rank 155 you can get a mastery that gives your team more hp. You could also just get chev swords and play light. They have hp on the weapon.

Alternatively, just get lucky and roll varuna and build a fimbul grid which relies on hp and stamina.




but user, hp *is* esports, look at the grids used in ubaha hl

I thought esports was all ATK focus like these grids
thank you for setting me straight

uBaha HL might as well be a different game


You are correct, but the problem is there are two ways to uncap an SR Gacha summon, but no matter which way you uncap them, you still have to start with an SR Gacha summon.

Pick up your monthly Moonlight Stones from the casino, and instead of spending 1 Pixie and 2 Stones to have a 3* Pixie worth 50(+1) Quartz, you could have spent 0 Pixies and 6 Stones to have two 3* Pixies worth 100(+2) Quartz. Light quartz is also one of the more obnoxious quartzes to get, making this particularly important.

You should also be doing the same thing with gacha SR weapons and Steel Bricks - but only do them as you need the quartz/stones, basically.

If you don't have the space to keep gacha SR items in your inventory, leave them in your crate. All Premium Draws go to the No-Limit Crate, so you effectively have infinite space with no expiration with the small drawback of seeing a red number on your home page; this should shortly stop being an issue because us gaijins suffer from at least a permanent (1) for notifications anyway so it's not like it's a blemish on an otherwise perfect screen.

Doesn't the No-Limit get emptied during certain maintenance?


grats. Now grind casino for the moonlight stones


7B1D1A42 niggers from outer space

I've had items in my No-Limit since last February, so if "certain maintenance" empties it, then it hasn't occurred yet.. And we've had anniversary patches. So I don't know what the hell maintenance could possibly empty it if not for the biggest patches we receive on the year.


2040CA02 space niggers from outer space pt2


not everyone is lucky enough to have a summon to replace leviathan omega, fuckboy

lets be honest here, that's what you would have chosen even if those darkness summons were different water summons

Does anyone have a link for the most recent Pokerbot?

652CB4AC jk join as whatever

So, what exactly is this game? I don't really get it.

It's a simple RPG based around auto-attacking combat with various skills. After you pass so much of the story, it becomes heavily grind-based with repeating certain battles hundreds to thousands of times
(see here - spent 12840 AP, probably at a rate of mostly 10-20 per quest, so on the low end probably 600ish quests in a single day)

There's a gachapon that is terrible to western standards but by mobage standards it's incredibly generous, and has a ton of waifus if that's your thing I guess.

The general flow of combat is you use skills, press Attack, and watch your characters attack; then the enemy attacks you, and the turns repeat. There are Charge Attacks based on meter - a lot of big enemies will have a number of Diamonds that charge up every turn until they unleash a big usually AoE attack, and your characters have a meter that builds up to 100% over the course of attacking and taking damage. If all four of your party members are ready to use their CA, then you do a Chain Burst and do extra damage.

The fun of it is in classical treadmill gaming - it's fun to see numbers go up. Additionally, there's a certain amount of joy in building your party based on what skills each character has to cover certain aspects of combat (e.g. having heals, buffs, damage cuts, etc..) and the gachapon means you're always gambling to see if you get new (good) characters.

It's also got a lizard.

it's a mobile waifu bait money trap

Do you like classic JRPGs? Do you like classic JRPGs with cute girls and sexy men? Now add a gacha and Hideo Minaba's art and Nobuo Uematsu's music and call it a decent phone game

Granblue Fantasy also known as the flying lizard game

(this is the third time I'm writing this review because my F*CKING LAPTOP STOPPED WORKING)

*sassy spoiler alert*

writen by someone who is not a native speaker and has dyslexia lol

- first playthrough -

First things first, what the f*ck is the flying lizard, it's totally uncute (#myopinion lol). So moving on, Granblue Fantasy reminds me a little bit of tales of zestiria maybe because of the fantasy stuff (wow, much explanation, good job mara!). I never seen a game before with this kinda art style, but i like it. the story starts of with two girls running from some soldiers and then some stuff happens with a chrystal, and glowing eyes bla bla bla. one of the girls falls from the ship. then the girl is found in the forest by some guy who called gran bla bla bla. the girl get found by the same soldiers who where chasing her, the guy obviously protects her and just stabs the soldiers down with one strike. I dont know what to expect from this mobage because it is based of an anime, but I think that this is going to be a cliché fantasy game…

or maybe not…

Okay, so i am through the tutorial right now and i'm confused as f*ck every 5 seconds a new character gets introduced and the game becomes shitty. and the're is literally a f*cking sharknado in this thing.


my conclusion; this is a cliché rpg mobage with a stupid lizard and a annoying loli!

ps. Of course i know the flying lizard is a dragon (I'm just being sarcastic)

What the acual fuck user? Where did you ge this shit pasta?

Do you want the most recent one or one that works?
If it's the second, look for a mega link in the thread.

Also, we're all playing the game for one reason, and one reason only.

Normal Light grid here I come

Oh. Sorry for asking.

You can do a decent job as F2P. Of course, things are better if you spend thousands of dollars, but there's not much in the way of PvP and even paying players have to spend a ton of time grinding to have good damage.

Pretty much everything you do for the first time in events and story you get Crystals, and mostly the only thing you spend them on is the gacha. During legfests, the only time worth spending on rolls, it's a 6% chance for an SSR, most of which are very good. They also constantly give out free rolls - right now until the 24th we have one free daily roll which is a 3% chance for an SSR.

Like, it's gacha, but they're decently generous about it.

I'm good, I've done my share of gambling and chasing ridiculously small percentage chances in MMOs. I don't really want to subject myself to that kinda shit again.

That's what sparking is for. Save up 300 chance and you get 300 pulls plus one guarenteed pull of your choice.

Nobody plays on mobile except when taking a shit

This thread's very existence for months now is living proof that you're wrong.

Most people play in browser.


I tried playing on my phone and it just ate through a bunch of memory just to download the dam thing + it was slower on my phone compared to laptop browser

Okay this is driving me just a bit nuts.

I need black dragon scales in order to continue uncapping members of my shadow party, in which Ranko is escorted by Vania and Beatrix.

But I never seem to get the right color dragon to make them drop from 6 dragon trial.

Is there another way to obtain them?

I suggest auto running 6 dragon trial until you get the scales as you JUST missed the other more reliable way to get them through The Oblivion Trial special quest

you can buy dragon scales with your coop points if you haven't already. Besides that, as the other user said, oblivion trial and dragon trial. You can also join some Dark angel Olivia and Lich raids. They have 2 chests that can drop a dark scale.

HL Celeste, DAO, and Angel Halo drops black scales as well. Alternate (leech in the case of raids) with those to stave of the boredom of grinding.

News to me. Angel Halo is my grinding spot of choice for my army of darkness, and I don't recall ever getting a black dragon scale from it.

Will have to try Celeste

Angel Halo only drops light scales

I've had it drop the other colors, including black. Pretty rare, though.

I've grinded Angel Halo enough to 5* a GW character and I have never seen a dragon scale that wasn't light. Are you sure you're not thinking of something else?

I'm looking at the basic grids on the wiki, when it says 2 EX for a grid ideally what type of X are they?

Why not just use all magna weapons in place of the 2 EX?
Does magna have some sort of ATK/HP cap it can't go over before it becomes better to use something else?

atk ex weapons. ex, or unkonown, are on different modifiers to magna, so you can get more damage out of your grid with 1-2 of them

It's all working off of modifiers. Let's say you have 1000 ATK, and all of your base damage modifiers are 100%: Normal, Magna, Unknown, Elemental.

You've got 6 Magna weapons, each providing an additional 15% ATK, for 190% ATK. Your damage formula looks like this:
1000ATK * 100% (N) * 190% (M) * 100% (EX) * 100% (ELE).
If you add a seventh Magna weapon, then you get 190% + 15%, for 205%. If you instead use an EX weapon with 15% ATK, then you get a 190% * 115% boost, for 218.5%.

This multiplier just inflates more and more as you add in your Normals (Bahamut) and Elementals (Summons). Your 6/2/2 magna grid should look something like ATK * (100% + 90%*2 [Magna Support Summon]) (M) * 145% (N) * 130% (EX) * (100% + (130% ELE Support Summon) + (50% Weak Point Bonus)). This might be slightly erroneous if I'm forgetting something off the top of my head, but the point of how it's about stacking multiplicity remains.

6/2/2 is generally ideal, but with min-maxing you can get a few oddities. There's also a bunch of things that can change your order up like Seraph, Atma, and Ultima weapons, and in the few cases of having a grid that can make use of a Cosmos that would also change it as Cosmos doesn't actually have a multiplier but starkly increases ATK.

tl;dr diversify yo bonds, bitchboy

Oh ley, look what's up.



I would fuck Cagliostro so hard he would forget he was ever a man.

According to english twitter, it's possible to manipulate the code a bit to see the quests that haven't begun yet, and the characters that will show up
Halloween Mimlemel and Danua incoming

you'd fuck a man so hard that you'd make him forget that he was ever a man?

unless you're female (XX chromosome) that's pretty gay user

Gonna be 10k short of a spark for holloween.>>13609482

Lets hope they are actually good. Most of the current halloween characters are garbage, basically all of them but beato.

Cags isn't like a tranny in that he just has mutilated genitals and a head full of bad wiring. His body is biologically femal so I have to ask Y you think throwing another XX at it will make it not gay. Unless you are one of those beta /u/ faggots that can't give up their delusions.

There is literaply nothing gay about fucking Cags until he is a gaped out ahego wearing mind broken shell of his former self. And then waiting for his auto-recovery to kick in his hymen to regrow, and his cunny to tighten back up.


im a homo for vyrn

That's debatable. Sex with someone like Cagliostro or Da Vinci from Fate/GO or Tanya could very well be considered gay. Of course, it depends on whether you believe in dualism and also whether you believe the soul has a gender, or if that soul's gender depends on what body it inhabits.
I think we should have a more in-depth debate over whether sex with Cag is gay because I've wanted to fap to him/her/it for so long but I have stayed my hand since. I must know if it's gay or not.

Come on user, haven't you heard the age-old adage, "It's not gay unless the balls touch."?

It can't even be gay to have sex with Vyrn because, as a lizard, he has internal genitalia, but I am still truly a homo for Vyrn.

If Caliostro stepping on your cock until you can no longer control yourself, cum all over his stockings, throw him down and fuck him until every orfice prolapses is gay I don't want to be straight.

On a related conversation, is it gay if it's a cuntboy?


Needing other people to confirm for you if something is gay or not is super gay.

Well, look, hear me out. If it's gay with a cuntboy, then would it not also be gay if it were a flatchested tomboyish woman? Therefore, it's not gay, right?

We could consider Cagliostro a cuntboy, and as such it is no longer homo. Honestly, what we should be concerned about is the age gap.

Good point. I'll just conclude that it's gay since I'd feel guilty fapping to it.

First of all, what the fuck is a cuntboy? Also, a flatchested tomboyish woman, no matter how androgynous, is still straight since she has always had a vagina and a female soul.
Cagliostro is a different matter. Honestly I think it's gay. I don't want to admit it, but it very well may be. Consider the following:
Would it be gay if you masturbated to some user speaking to you in a feminine voice over the internet? Even if you thought it was actually a female? The answer is yes.

Clue is in the name, friend. You've heard of dickgirls, right? Well just flip the parts around and you've got a cuntboy.

Well then, maybe you should just accept that you're gay, if that's your concern. No need to feel guilty about your actions that way~!

What if it's a really hot girl, but she has the soul of a wolf? Does fapping to her naked, human body make you a zoofag? Bestiality is gross, user, don't fap to naked, human bodies because they might be therianthropes.

That's a nice try at an analogy, but it's inaccurate. The wolf is a different species, so I wouldn't really care as long as it was a female wolf's soul. Cagliostro is a different matter since it's a man's soul in a female's body.

So you're okay with beasts, as long as they're female? What are you, a furry?

Speaking of beasts, in large parts of the animal kingdom you're seen as a weaker, lesser male if you're not willing to occasionally pin down and force-fuck a guy into submitting to you. Sexual domination is a big part of being a pack alpha.

Souls of beasts you instigating faggot.

But you're saying it must be gay to have sex with the body of a woman based on the male gender soul inhabiting that body. By the same token, it must be zoophilia to have sex with the body of a woman if it's an animal soul inhabiting that body. If you're saying your sexuality in copulation is based on the soul of the one you mate with, then you can't just pick and choose what does and doesn't apply.

No, you don't understand. Species =/= Gender. You can be a different species but still the same gender as a human. This is why it isn't bestiality to fuck any of the Kemono Friends.

Gender does as it applies to humans not exist you faggots. There is only biological sex.



Shouldn't have muted the game back when the event was live.

Female brains are biologically different from male brains, Cagliorostro managed to keep his personallity and memories as such it would pausible to believe that he still posees his old genius male brain, so yes even if every single other part of his body is female it would still be fairly gay. Soul does not exist


I saw this in the sidebar. A collection of all the good music from Drydoit onward. Comfy shit

You are wrong.

Alchemy is some crazy shit man. That guild seems to keep a tight lid on it's teachings, if they didn't I wonder if alchemy would start to wipe out other schools of magic.


That depends on whether you believe Locke's idea that consciousness defines the self.
It's kind of like the age-old question: Is a ship that has had every part of it replaced except for one plank of wood still the same ship? Also, can you explain why you think a soul does not exist?

I HIGHLY doubt 8/v/ is about to solve a question that has plagued philosophers since time immemorial, especially when the basis for doing so isn't to help craft some ground-breaking world viewpoint or to reshape everything we know about a specific school of though, but is instead to help some random user get over his fear that jacking it to an anime girl might be gay.

Ship of Theseus sort of goes out the window when he has pregrown bodies just laying around. Also one has to wonder the effects simple biochemistry have on his body. His body is sort of stuck at the at right at the begining of puberty. So his mind is flooded with female hormones at max level all the time. In a 100% biologically female body, even with his ability to maintain his conscious seperate from it, how much of an effect is that having on his personality. Like no matter how much a tranny pumps estrogen into their body it is still biologically male including the brain. In Cagliostro's case female brain, female hormones, and a soul that is weak without a body.

Well, i personally meet people that had strokes and the old personallity of those people was permanently changed even after some of them were able to recover some of them memories and become half-functional if you talked to them everyone would tell you that it ressembles talking to a different person in your old "buddy" body, Even their pets were scarred about them.

I bet 99% of Diogenes bullshit was made up to justify sitting around a NEET, jerking off in public, and shitposting in real life.


Well, considering that souls in the Granblue universe DO apparently exist, we can take on this argument from that perspective.
As the screenshots from proves, the soul and the body are two separate things, at least in the Granblue universe.
Is it ever explained how Cag's bodies are grown?

She just sort of makes them. In Dark Cag's fate her body is dying off slowly until it get's killed and she instantly manifests a new one.

The weakness attached to a soul could include it's own body. If a soul is such a fragile thing it needs a body to be maintained safely, then how much does the body affect it?

I don't think a body would affect the soul based on how she words it.
Also, we need to figure out if the mind = the soul and whether female hormones, as some anons claim, would really affect Cagliostro's soul

The process is taking raw (once) living material, breaking it down alchemically, and reconstructing the matter into a new living body. Because her normal SSR didn't have to do this, I assume that this is just the "easy way" of doing it and Cagliostro has other ways of creating bodies.

In her dark SSRs fate Cagliostro states that her soul being nearly dissolved jumbled up a lot of her memories, I think the soul works more like a container of information for GBF.

Cag's body isn't human, however, so it's questionable what kind of chemicals are affecting Cagliostro's brain, or how much Cagliostro has modified it.

What if Halloween Danua is the Dark Trial Character instead of Olivia? Remember the Water Trial Character being Summer Izmir instead of Fenrir. It was also really fucking funny.

It wouldn't be difficult to concieve of her mental data to be easily influenced by the human body. The human body is constantly pumping drugs through it. The fact we live with this 24/7 and rarely even notice says something about how much we adapt to tolerate it.

In Cagliostro's case we have to wonder how much time she has spent as pure mental data. Free from the constraints of constant chemical goading to eat, drink, sleep etc she must have been able to refine her art and clarify her mental data for optimal use. I personally would imagine that returning to the hormone stew of piloting a loli meat car after an extended period in that transcendant mental state would leave a consciousness weak to the influence of hormones. That plus the inevitable experimentation stimulating the release of pleasure chemicals would leave Cags a 100% real deal cock hungry slut dripping her lady juices every time she sees a fat faceless old man.

Forbidden Alchemy.

Well that would mean that Danua got a pay rise and advanced to angel status, which I find REALLY FUCKING UNLIKELY

her dark versions body is literally made out of the philosophers stone after she gets absorbed by it and clarisse dokkans her out of it

What do you anons do after you've done your dailies???
Do you keep grinding?
Do you stop playing for the day?
Do you do random quests until you get bored?
Do you chat with your crew members?

Say you've done your normal, hard, magna, and HL raids for the day, what do you do immediately after when you've hit the limit?

i try to play other games or i dump berries into baal till he shits axes

7BADBE3E jk i'll wait 5 ish minute then open just don't leech and it's fine

So I've been trying to get staff flips from the Sakura event for a while now, and I just want to check I'm not wasting my AP big time.

I've been doing my daily Maniacs, then EX+ Solo quest, then doing NM60 when it procs.

In terms of staff drop rate, is it better to do the raid instead, or just carry on doing what I'm doing currently?

what you are doing if you can afford to use rabbit /esser and th9 that halps greatly in terms of drop rate

Depends on my current goals. Right now I'm grinding angel halo to get silver relics for 5* uno, which absolutely is occupying all the time that I'd usually have for other games. But if I have no overarching long term goals, I'll dedicate at least at least a few hours a week to optimizing my grid and getting my HL pendants for the week done, and spend the rest of the time playing other games, currently Grim Dawn.

occasionally I'll come on to shitpost in crew chat when I want to talk.

fuck you

The best part is the year of the dog starts in Feburary, but she still won't be released.

Furfags utterly and eternally blown the HECK out>>13616567

The last two zodiacs were little girls, so expecting water dog to be a titty monster, so the blue people eater is right out.

Here's another question to ponder: Would liking Harvins make me a toddlercon?

No, just has to follow a racial pattern.

Draph -> Erune -> Harvin -.> ???

obvious choice is Human, but it can also be unknown/primal

I don't think Fenrir qualifies as a divine general though, so even if it turns out to be water unknown, it's just unlikely.


No it makes you a man of character and taste.

Hilarious picture user.

So how is it even possible for the Draph to reproduce?
Do the men have tiny penises or the women expansive vaginas?

Elasticity according to my studies. All females of every race can expand enough to accept monsterously large phallus'.

basically the former, according to the GBF universe.

Cag's is the first Homunculus.

They're built Ford tough.

Anyone know of a good grid calculator that isn't outdated like the one Viramite comes with?

It's a little complicated to use, but you'll get used to it

Who's fate talks about draph dicks?

I don't usually come to Holla Forums but go fuck yourself

You can go fuck off where you came from nigger.

That's how they get ya.

New thread