New thread.
New thread
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Waka waka
off yourself shitaloo
Deviant art is one of the cringiest places on the web. I try to avoid the comments section at all costs there.
dees time for afikaA
I don't like listening to music because it just makes you so unperceptive of what's around you.
But I put on headphones if there's someone like that on it.
Or if I see someone that's about to beg for something.
I had someone ask me for money once, along with racist comments about how I'm white the reason his life sucks. He then got mad I wouldn't walk to a ATM blocks away to get cash to give him for his bus fare. I told him to go fuck himself.
You should just avoid the site altogether.
I only go there when I am desperate for avatar images otherwise I usually do
I'm the type who realizes that I'm cutting off my ability to hear my surroundings, so I become much more active in watching all directions when I'm listening to music while walking.
You know, like a competent human being who wants to avoid causing an accident.
As was his god given right as a minority.
Because, as we all know, it's all always the white man's fault.
If you are white you SHOULD feel guilty.
I spend a lot of time downtown (as in the parts you consider skyscraper central) and you physically can't see a lot of the underground parking exits and just the fact your view is obstructed.
So you kind of have to rely on listening to what's around you to not be hit since that's happened to me twice, at designated crosswalks, when I was given priority. But nah, they were gonna blow through a red light anyways.
Having white privilege is just the worst thing. But even worse is being a male... White... Fuck that. If you are a white... male... heterosexual then you are just the bottom ring of hell. Don't even try to talk to me. What the hell are you one? Do you think you can comprehend my struggle. When everyday I have to drink in your obnoxious and advantaged stink.
Literally kill yourself, or hand yourself into the nearest police station... as you are a racist rape waiting to happen. Dont you dare rape my senses with your very existence. You devil incarnate.
Guilty for what?
Aw, love you too, Scoot.
I actually had to convince a girl in class to not feel guilty about our slavery/colonial past.
I thought it was just an internet meme but she was genuinely concerned.
Well, I suppose that's a difference of location.
My city's pretty small, and we don't really have any hidden roads or parking here.
Are you one of th-those white men?
Lol, you should have trolled the rl kek.
moar redheads
she's in the project group! I need to pass that.
ye ye, link.
Yes. Yes I am.
They've done a bunch of "urban revival" projects to make it look less like just buildings and added public art and made it far more aesthetically pleasing.
That said, it fucking ruins your ability to see if you're on foot, like the majority of people that far downtown, since there's intersections and lights every 50 yards and driving is a nightmare of one way street and bizarre road transitions.
Ah! Please do not dare approach me. I have rights.
What is there even to feel guilty about slavery, 150 years after it ended?
Yes, the vision of another objectified female, thank goodness she is taking back the power.
You patriachal scumbag.
But I am still a fucking white male.
Noticed the TC. Will join at some point. Got horrible-sounding booze
And I am here to stay.
I don't even know if all Brits are ironically SJWs at this point or not.
All of the British posters are SJWs at least.
Holy shit youre right
WOW. You guys really are idiotic, moronic, sexist and racist pigs arent you. Lemme guess, tomorrow you are all going down to the dive to try and rape
soto you wanna join tc later
You fucking what?
Was Uno all SJW-y?
I just said that to lure you out so I could flirt with you tbh
I'd be down if wear something cute for me
Yeah, you wanna come along?
I got a skirt
I can't fucking stand social justice bullshit. Are you retarded or something?
Should I wear a suit?
Imouto soup
that'd be better than that gay combo you asked me about earlier
That's what I thought. Faggot.
are all americans cucks?
I thought all trannies were innately SJWs since it's the only way they'd ever have any acceptance.
Well we know who got triggered by being called an SJW, don't we.
the answer is yes
It's like being a meta sjw
Oh no, Tsuchi, I'm not a girl; I'm mentally ill.
Wow no fucking bully
So you think the suit looks nice on me? ^W^
Retarded enough to have a crush on you so yeah just a bit
I'll rape who I want.
Where's your tumblr where you try to say you're more disadvantaged and have competitions to see if you're more mentally ill than others?
Is it me? I hope it's me.
Oh wow, that is so gay. ♥
I suppose it transforms you from guy who just jumped the border fence to an integrated spic
Any tumblr I've followed that went that way I immediately unfollowed. I don't like those kinds of thing.
Oh wow i think you just complimented me
How cute
Not as gay as you tho
sure sure
but are you in?
the forter still gotta come too
amy come tc with us
Tokai is crossdressing and so am i
hopefully they song crawling in my skin the entire time or it was just a rip off
git rekt
cleared bans
its cool fam, im not tcing anyway
i kinda share an office room with sword, he aint into tcing
well, guess what. TREBLE BAN
hows it been toks?
It's been amazing.
Assad is winning
is that the syrian president dude? if so, good for him teach the rebels to not be such disgusting scum good to hear about you though!
Ye, he da best
that nicely dyed hair
Are those just two random fucking invaders from the wilds of tinychat?
but weeeeiiird
they're my employees
i got muh edick sucked
Do you pay them to sit around and look angsty?
dont mock my workplace
loco pls no
why weird?
every time loco posts that im going to post this shit
i quit.
bitch at loco, not me
ffs test
What'd I do
I want Amy to send me nudes
they're not that good
who doesnt want free nudes
good night you savages.
Good enough to make me cum
night senpai
nini scoob
Hey machi
And how goes the reading?
I'll get back to it.
Thats me
Its good to see you again
I'm sure, when data rates apply.
Same to you. But I don't expect to linger.
First my room needs to drop 5 degrees, then i need to finish Berserk.
You must take this heat, as I have suffered more.
who u
Soto. I'm bored.
Get in the TC you fuck.
Anyone else: Same thing.
Summer will make corpses of us all. Has.
Anyhow, our bar was relocated because of water damage. Our supplier graciously donated a temporary alternative. Bob's your uncle fanny's your aunt, free beer for everybody.
That picture is so cute
I've finished my second batch. I've five gallons of 8.5% ABV ale.
Oh the TC is already up?
I thought this was gonna happen later tonight
I haven't even showered or fapped
Yea, I'm surprised too.
Kinda shitty, I was in-game.
So far it's me, Loco, Tokai and not-Rin.
TP should be joining later, and I'm gonna stay up.
Got some terrible-sounding booze. Should be good.
wow tokai is naked
just some transient
Stronk. but not stronk enough.
That's why I have five gallons.
I just saved a bunch of pictures of asians wearing octopi.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
like living octopi?
You can drink your fancy ales, you can drink them by the gallon
do u have a name
why are u here
You didn't send me the link
Shame on you
machinae, or machi for short. Though it's about as irrelevant here as your name suggests. I'm here on a whim.
I know. It's not the first time I've warped lyrics for my amusement.
For shame.
everybody knows im sci already so i can just make my name whatever
gimme ur favorite music machinae
So many odd people.
Oh yeah, Sci.
There's going to be a discussion in thread about reinstating your ban.
Thought you'd like to be here for that later.
Don't you shame me, shameful man.
To make it easier, I don't have any favourite music. But have something anyway:
What is this?
Too late.
that was neat thank u
You're just a dead heart in a dead world.
I don't expect you'll be wanting more then.
good for u guys
ur really taking a stand huh
Simply thought you'd like to appeal for it. We have already discussed this with Bebop, and a number of us are on board.
Again, thought you would like to stay in the loop.
im too much of a rockist i feel a little dirty if i dont listen to albums
How did it come to this...
It sounded pretty dope.
I don't get why this is a thing
Don't ask me history now.
How's your night?
Because stereotypes.
Asians and tentacles, y'know.
but they are not raping, so it's a lame rip off
I can only imagine what those girls had to endure to get them off.
Anyhow I'm back off for work.
See you in 3 1/2 hours.
whaddaya mean
Phoo.... evil friends by portugal the man?
Oh. That was Bramfatura by 3(Three). Or rather, Joey Eppard, their front man.
But.. you're the master of repetition..
I would hazard to guess they like removed parts or sedated the shit out the things in order to keep them from sucking on I hope
Doesn't mean I wish to say it all the time.
cool thanks!
Thanks qt
Can you not be a cock m8 I am already annoyed right now as is.
IIRC it isn't that hard to make them let go.
You just need a flat surface to get under the sucker and break suction.
7:29PM EST
Hey Bebop how about you actually put your gun collection to good use and shoot yourself already lmao
It's bound to happen.
I don't have a lot of rock.. related.. albums. But that one is guaranteed A-grade. Do you tolerate heavier and faster music?
My pleasure. To be quite honest that track is the epitome of cherry-picking. If you want anything like it i also recommend jon gomm or preston reed.
I can't wait for Trump to be pres so I can legally exterminate your kind
An unfortunate inevitability.
Oh I meant to ask earlier today
How many times has Grim done the whole 'leaving forever' bit then come back? I'm sure he holds the record for this shit.
surprise surprise
fran never managed to escape the gravity of the shitposting black hole, either
It's pretty hard to take that record from Eva.
I hope you're not talking about the same fran I know
Thanks, I did
oh rockist doesnt mean i just listen to rock music just means that i have kind of an old mindset with listening to albums rather than singles, subconsciously assuming popular music isnt as good, etc
what heavier stuff u talkin about?
Oh hey it's the 23rd already
hi tp
hell person who i assume is scientist
The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane.
reed has tractor pull and gomm has passionflower and dance of the last rhino
Very good exhibits of fingerstyle guitarplay.
I knew someone like that. I don't share a holistic view of albums, personally, there's concept albums like that out there anyway.
Hmm.. for example:
What. How?
fucking magnets
for what purpose?
Hm hm.
i don't like people blowing up my damn phone
good news!
apparently im getting permabanned (again) later tonight
Get in the fucking tc Phil
from here? that beepop is such a tyrant
grimu ;;
Oh damn.
I know it's early, but TC is up.
i like how he has an image of wish's avatar drinking bleach lol
i lied it's not really my license. at least i think it isn;t
Which are always amazing
I wish I had more time to play
Yes, they do.
So get in here before it affects you.
was he douchey about it sometimes?
thats cool so u like the djent-y prog metal stuff? i got a couple recs i can shoot over in a minute
yes hes a total fascist!!!!!
no but i guess the furries dont like me or something so they wanna get me banned go figure
whats up with u my man
pls have mercy great leader!
so i guess you're officially back?
i meant my license plate. duuuuuuuude i just got here. i'm not that drunk yet
no im only here cuz theres a tc
why don't they just filter you?
dude i wish like half the posters were perma banned but i only bitch about it a lot of the time
dude you're so crazy
grim why did you quit anyways? i was blacked out at that point
I'm not even drinking yet.
Should I prep?
I don't vape btw
Stop assuming things.
yeah dude get crunk. i want to see some chair standing
some real passionate chair standing
Leave a message after the beep.
Very fun and fast to learn fingerstyle tracks:
coil by opeth
tabidachi/departure (or anything really) by yasupochi
pendulous skin by mastodon
hilariously, drifting by andy mckee. the tuning is DADGAD which is annoying but he has a full tutorial on the song and it's all bark and no bite
Go have fun
Yeah, a bit elitist in fact. Like as though it was disrespectful to upset the track order issued by the artist. So silly.
Indeed, AAL meshuggah and periphery are more or less my trinity, add keith merrow and jeff loomis as arch angels and the tunes won't stop coming.
truly? I had no idea, my knowledge of most things is wishy washy as it has to interest me a ton for me to look too far in lol
ooooo that swig went down so wrong
But I've only got couches and big-comfy charis.
I moved away, man.
I don't know for sure.
Since we don't have octopi up here, first aid training doesn't cover removing them.
but real tip i never sit in my chairs. they are like wood and rigid
fair enough! I even thought salt was a good way to get leeches off of you thankfully I've never experienced it so I didn't get to learn first hand that doing so can make them throw up some of the blood back into the wound infection possibilities rising
dude it's way too early for tiny. tinychats are for at least after it's dark and when you're most apt to make regrettable decisions
Ill take note of that for the next time I get the chance
Delayed hype
Mine are comfy af. So glad.
Second-hand tho
good q, i dunno. i guess they couldnt call me a pedophile then
im not assuming anything! im just going off what the furry told me
haha i've been there. trying to tone it down tho, it's not a good look.
lemme rec focus by cynic, bilo 3.0 by david maxim micic, and ziltoid the omniscient by devin townsend
big question: do u like tool?
i have a feeling that grim will be "not back" a lot more often now that wish is back. or sorry, emma
I'm quitting 5ever and only going to user post because that way I'm really still gone irl btw way because there's no name so that means I'm gone.
Then I'll come back in a few days as a new person but I still quit 5ever.
yeah i have never bought a piece of furniture. always people's shit they don't want. furniture stores sound like a nightmare to me
are you a pedophile?
lol dude sometimes i catch myself trying to sing like you when i'm in the shower or driving
no, im not
I got this stuff for free. Cuz of special care.
hi mandy
Leeches for sure.
You take a card out of your wallet, slide it under the leech against the skin, and then just gently lift the sucker to release suction.
Then it falls right off.
Stop assuming
well that's good. child rape is kinda wrong. maybe just leave the people who you annoy for a bit and make some funny posts or something
then they might start liking you in a couple years
oh cause you're kinda retarded?
How do I sing?
Hello, most holy of crackers. How are you crumbling?
The opeth and mastodon songs may be played with a pick but I feel more comfortable without. Actually that goes for most tracks now since I learned eppard's technique. You can bust out some serious flamenco with it, heh.
I've listened to the DT album (I'm tempted to say "of course"). Checked out the new one yet?
Not big on tool, sorry to say. The other ones have been noted, much obliged.
im not assuming!
im trying to do that they're the ones coming at me
i haven't listened to much of townsend's stuff but i just really love that album—super fun stuff
bummer man i love tool
I dont like using a pick
In fact, I think im pretty bad with one
yuh I just learned that lately, til now I was under the idea of salt or a lighter lol never dealt with leeches
like kinda bad. but i try to do that drawl that you do when you're trying to sing well. it's kawaii af
must be nice being special
look at luka he gets rent for free
eh just tell them "what would posting be like if no one annoyed you and everyone got along. boring af. once i'm gone, who would you attack next? it never ends. smfh"
Tell others to stop acting like they can see into the future then.
i dunno, i think they'd probably be fine roleplaying as ugly animals and jerking each other off
i dont control them...
man that male owl is having a pretty solid three way
yeah for sure, i mean look who you're dealing with. dudes who jerk off to animal porn
What? Damn.
I get other benefits.
yes repulsive
no offense intended. it's good bad. i enjoy your ditties.
hope this nigga didn't really think he sung well
its goin good my dude
havin chinese tn
so this guy is grim right? -->
hi grim
like as much chalk and chalkboards as you can fit in your room?
but hey man we all got our weird shit
once i jerked off to brazilian traps shitting on each other
well actually most of them were shitting on one trap
that one was the runt probably
he is still quit though
he's just here for the 6th time since quitting because tiny
yes thanks u told me about that before...
Em dashes are justice.
You mean ziltoid? Yeah, outstanding. I also like Addicted and the new one (transcendence), at least the couple tracks i've heard so far!
He performed 'kingdom' on EMGtv, you should definitely watch that performance. Do you also like his work on strapping young lad?
IIRC the technique is called rasgueardo. Eppard simplifies it to three fingers (thumb, index, middle). middle and index do a strumming pattern in an up, up, down, down fashion (kind of like a drum roll), thumb does bassey stuff like slaps and percussions. Can't find the tutorial, guessing it was removed..
Good excuses.
That set is actually on my external rn so I can't follow through without either setting that up or hunting something down in my general folder. RIP.
it's memorable
Na, it depends on what I am singing and how I sing it. Usually it doesn't work well with all songs.
Chinese? But that sounds disgusting!
cool, whast the tc link?
i'll have to listen to those ones too since i like ziltoid so much
whats strapping young lad?
hence u probably didnt need to tell me again lmao
thats me hello
my local place makes it nice and fresh
+ it's cheap and huge helpings
Hey, you started it.
You cant just start stuff and back out.
Maybe. I hope not
grim is so based though. i hope he posts user like this forever
remember when that silly arab gave me constant shit for posting user?
what a goof
it's a useful device. that drawl inflection or whatver
scoots room i think
One of DT'd numerous projects. "Love?" is pretty much their best track. Although his powerful voice really shines in tracks like that, i prefer songs like Solar Winds. Like daaaaamn..
at this rate ill be fully sucked in and put on my name
I get valid excuses for most things.
eh just post user bro. your name was kinda obnoxious tbh
i think you could do things fine without the retard bucks
you're not that retarded
okay got it ty
oh wait nvm the tc is gay af right now
absolutely solar winds is great
one of the more memorable tracks on there
Soto, you missed it.
I was camwhoring up a storm.
like hella cool cats post user
like mandeline
You'd be surprised.
hope u are doin well my man
i kinda figured. they're not fun till later. people at least need to finish eating dinner
you went with the big involved name thing. people who use the subject are the tryest of hards
dude i bet you don't even flail uncontrollably
But it is still chinese!
It is just a deep voice, no?
It's just low-key autism and ADD
It's sad, but true
You too.
I know, yo
it's ok
I had jap curry the other day, it was so tasty
wish it was a bit spicier though
okay well im gonna hit the sack
take care everybody i love u and stuff
i'll check out that stuff u mentioned machinae, hope to see u again
new AIKI-S never?
Permission to speak?
A friend told me the album is more or less about DT's life.
yeah dude you have such slight autism
so why did you quit anyways?
Be free.
Don't I, tho?
rip the dream
I got hitched with wish
At least baki is still going on..
yeah it's super slight, like 10 years ago you would just be called weird, and not autistic
oh what?
that dude was cereal?
wasn't it more like that you couldn't take wish leaving?
i kinda figured it was that
like the "i may never see wish post again so why am i here? to fuck bc and luka? they're most likely not even girls" reason
Oh my, someone really wants me to say hi
I just got out of the shower bby
Ill get on rn
Great benefits tho
aw yis
Smiles, where are you and may I beat your dog?
rin your boo is kinda dickgirling soto it seems
hey man ham it up. i would
ugh i feel a case of autism coming on right now actually
did she really beat her dog?
She better have or tsuchi lied
It's really easy to do, really.
I think you really want it.
Might as well end it all..
Alas that these evil days should be ours.
Anyway, I'll be on my way now, just as promised. Take good care of yourselves.
she like said i said something about her abusing animals but i don't remember the exchange. but then she disappeared after that horsefucker dropped boner inducing logs. shame
there's schizophrenia in my family. like my uncle is a potato. kinda tempted to start just faking it for those retarded bucks
Go to bed.
Bye bye machi
There's a clear line where it isn't worth it anymore tho.
yeah i'm not really that good of a pretender to be hounest
feeling a little lonely since your bf is trying to cyber soto?
maybe i can be your dutch girlboy tonight
I felt it without saying that I'm not a brocon.
I just like teasing about it
What's there to tease about? I'm absolutely not a brocon.
Last break of the day. Sup people?
dude apparently tokai is rin's slave and they get off on drunk autists jerking off to them. this tiny is haggard af
Gonna head to bed now.
not a lot
night rin
scoot's room
yay come
Nini Rin.
Lame. Seems pretty dead at the moment.
Maybe after I get off work. TC lags me the fuck out for some reason.
oh cool have fun
This song perfectly describes me coming home for the weekend
Both the lyrics and the tone of the music
Well I have a bit longer for break. I might stop by Walmart. Jack wanted to get drunk this weekend. I might after work tomorrow.
a little but sure it will pick up soon
this is mine
Hopefully. I'm too tired to game tonight so I need something to do.
This actually isn't terrible tbh
work taking it out of you?
sweet bro. i stopped by the target on the way home cause i had to pee and got booze
they have sjw unisex bathrooms lol
ikr? and gucci is skinny since prison lol
Something like that. I bust my tail 6 days a week in 100 degree heat. I still like it though.
Anyhow I have to go. Back in like 2 hours.
9:14 PM - Ikarous Pet-class: An Alicefag said you're saying stuff about me on thread
9:14 PM - Ikarous Pet-class: Saying I'm no threat at all
9:15 PM - Erio: You saw that post
9:15 PM - Ikarous Pet-class: They don't believe you
9:15 PM - Erio: Oh yeah
9:15 PM - Erio: On Holla Forums too lol
9:15 PM - Ikarous Pet-class: hmm
9:15 PM - Ikarous Pet-class: What did you wrote?
9:15 PM - Ikarous Pet-class: They think we're friends and that we're working together
Nice one.
Stop falling for misdirection tactics.
bust your tail hole on the 7th
Hey gurrrl
thank you
so angela is in deeper than we though?
have a good one
I'm ate n wat is this?
You made me feel like less of an idiot because I wasnt the only one paying respects
Yeah wtf is with that ending
Fucking Elliot even had me convinced that Tyrell wasn't real after that prison stunt
Who did I pay respects to?
The thread lel
Truly an evil mastermind that all should fear.
I don't think any of those idiots even managed to actually get hurt by her. All I've heard about is people blocking her for her trying to do things, like literally just telling a person to kill themselves.
This is how I communicate with my friends the alicefafs.
Is it dead?
i kinda knew that terrel was real that whole time
that angela reveal just signed me up for the season three though. she is my favourite character
Well, for a moment there at least
Darlene is deff the best character
Angela has a lot of scenes that I'm iffy with, the Whiterose one was fucking awesome though
Oh, rip ;;
Dude Tokai looks so cute when Im drunk
You know I would never hurt anyone
I don't know why they're acting like that
Im sure itll be fine
that was just a confusing post though
It's true that you would if you could. You've just never really been able to.
How? u weren't the target audience
UwU whats this?
tokai is so beautiful
yeah the thing i like about darlene is how she looks like a meth head but she's just elliots sister
so like not exactly quite as nuts
Kabaneri is fucking lit
based sd with the dank reccos
Anyone is capable of anything, I just choose not to hurt people like you do.
Sauce on girl
Fuck off, retard.
ara ara~
It goes on and on and on
Haikus called she wants her phrase back
i thought you quit
Rip tc
9/23/16 - 9/23/16
I don't get it either. They know I'm a nice person outside of threads
I only started posting about it in the first place because one of them brought me up in their accusations as a supposed example of someone she's been "hurting."
Erio keeps talking about me and I have spies all over the place
we're all the same person
i'll be down later i was just typing more than looking and it was just you and me no homo
I wish Bebop would shoot a school up already
I mean, if annoying counts as hurting, then yeah, totally. Help, I'm a victim!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who are they?
probably this
Are you the spider?
Ah fuck.
Not gonna stick around then. Got stuff to do tomorrow. Later.
You responding with such a reaction simply confirms the accusations
it's all about the intensity my dear 4m
a quick, direct, cold post to shut them down is enough
Shiting on them is an old pasttime and I'm not about to change that.
w-we could make another one? it was just me and soto and i like posting too
bye love
Gah I forgot how boring this place is...
okay :3
why are you making sci posts
get your shit together new grim
Also tbh I'm anxious about something unrelated.
Sometimes sci has good taste
Hope the situation turns out good for you.
Oh shut the fuck up you bitch
They're one of the them, yes.
Basically anyone that has an "Anonymous" name
Nu I'm not a spider...
Cookie ♥
I thought that was Elma for a moment
Do you honestly think I'm capable of hurting anyone? That's Erio's cup of tea, not mine
Not A spider. THE spider.
cause it didn't explain what you posted and you didn't link anyone so it's natural to assume anyone was the target audience
he does. not sure why the owlfucker faction are trying to ban him tbh
he sometimes like good music
Someone cute should into a new throd
three of those are mine so here
you deserve at least one back
i mean get your spam replies together bc
It'll be fine.
I thought it was clear from the log. But as context, I know those people lurk.
because he has problems
You're a good spy for my cult.
Stop that.
i forgot what we were talking about tbh
something about bc and sci and alice?
holy shit how exciting
dindu nuffin
yeah but he isn't as bad anymore
Whew talk about boring
-flies away-
Erio, every time you want to talk about me you should stop what you're doing and think to yourself "Why am I being such a stupid faggot?"
I can only imagine you hovering over their face squeezing out a log while the lick their lips in anticipation.
I actually meant to link Spoilers, lol
How u
bring those wings back
so sorry. you actually like that guy? he seems like he dropped out of highschool
spoilers isn't , what is the right word?
How does it feel knowing that I'm the only one she doesn't see as boring and me linking her is what could keep her around? This is too much power for one man.
You have a pretty dirty mind. :3
He's pretty okay imo. We've had a dumb argument or two in the past but I can overlook it.
that's irrelevant
do you think he's smart?
I love spicy....
decent and chill, you?
Good morning.
hello underage cuck slut
i was going to try to sing that song but then i was like i'm never gonna sing this song then i just posted it
I'm not singingit
dude how fucking based is gucci tho
Morning Goggles
Lets go grab a Aussie BBQ Brekkie Roll at McD's
Those are so delicious
yeah dude i don't really know the lyrics to that many songs
like wish you were here
i don't really listen to lyrics that muc
Sure but i won't be eating. I don't like mcdonald's.
It's great hangover food though
But pink floyd sucks, yo.
I haven't been drinking.
you realize soto has less respect for you than i do right? which is none
you can't hounestly believe that
He's into that though
Just look how Darwin tossed him aside like an expired jar of Vegemite
Well go fall off your skateboard again
But I do.
i mean if i were him i would facetime lucy or some other fake aussie girl
morning Gogs
Hello spoilers.
damn back in the day when i lived with my brother wed get high as fuck in a basement under blacklights listening to this shit for hours
I don't listen to shit music.
yeah like we saw this roger waters concert back in the day. and this animals straight through after the intermission. i nearly came
but was too high to cum
why are you being confrontational?
cause i said you couldn't sing?
you can
it's just bad
wow hey look TP is here, gotta be Friday. SUP TEEPS
floyd is not shit... youre tastes are shit
your opinion has been discarded as excrement
damn dude
did you cry?
No, I just hate that era of music. It's like saying the Beatles are a good band. It is just blatant lies.
Who are you?
the only thing worse than Pink Floyd's First album
is their last album!!!!
but the beatles were a good band
Even looking at their music from a purely musically theortical perspective
....youre daddy. now take your little kiddie ass on to bed and let the grown men talk for awhile
no but i had one of those ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME spazzing out in the lawn moments
oh you don't like the beatles either?
i'll get back to you when you stop trolling friendo
that is like... just your personal view friend
sup broham
I'm sorry, Bard, but I can't agree with you on this.
Aww, that's cute. How big is your beard? Or do you just have some peach fuzz?
I am being dead honest here.
i mean i was ready to listen to his reasons for not liking pink floyd
but then he added the beatles
dude weak troll i trusted you
listen here little missy... you best straiten up or i will put your ass over my knee.
hahaha what happened
Tbh I couldn't stand piper at the gates of dawn
And final cut realty fucking let me down
but I guess I overhyped it a little after listening to the shit in between
a momentary lapse in reason or perhaps
the division bell is probably the best
chillin man
Doing well?
i have thier entire discog. its all good man.
fave album is meddle tho even tied with delicate sound of thunder
we drank 2nite?
So that is no beard, eh?1
ay lad bitches dont know about viking beard.
but naw i keep that bitch trim now bcrl adult thing.
do you know about adult things?
the face when you wulll never get to spark a huge fatty with sama and listen to set the controls for the heart of the sun
dude like we had shitty lawn seats but like when dude said "the lunatics are in the grass"
our section kinda went buck
and then as i said, after intermission waters played animals straight through
for sure. we had a tiny earlier
lol rin has tokai in some kinda master/slave relationship
do you got the sniff my asshole pic i wanna meme it
this will happen... literally the day after I bag Revy
actually I don't.
im cracking bears presently... kinda had rin pegged for a fetishist. honestly im not surprised in the slightest
I doubt every word you say. Including that you have 'adult things' to do.
yeah tokai was in a schoolgirl skirt and had to ask rin's permission to show
of course you do... regardless of all evidence previouls set forth in this place, im certain you would without regard to anything i might do here today. i fail to see the benefit moving forward with this line of inquiry
where did wish and colbert go?
are osu! and pokemon really that entertaining
seems like autism clicks
"Only a fool would believe anything written here as truth"
Also, you are posting an animated girl. Just saying. Big boy.
aww how cute
yeah and then rin sqeeee'd like a slutpig and fake went to bed
Jesus is a friend of mine
Jesus is my friend
Jesus is a friend of mine
I have a friend in jesus
its not relevant like at all
aka cyber
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oh so bard how do you feel about wilco