Old thread was on Page 13 edition
Old thread was on Page 13 edition
This game needed a run and gun level before every boss. This feels weird to have two run and gun levels, with a handful of bosses. And no fucking level before the devil's lair through hell or something.
Wouldn't cup head's brains fall out?
The cup is the head, the liquid isn't part of his body.
Is this game genuinely good or is just another stupid meme? i can't tell anymore
How do you feel about oppressing those female and black writers when you play this game?
The brain is inside the ceramic overlay of the cup.
Are you so fucking retarded that you can't torrent the game and decide for yourself?
The bosses want to fight you at your best rather than having you wore down from going through an entire level beforehand. There are no checkpoints and every boss fight has multiple stages overall lasting quite a while. Some of the run and gun levels DO have mini-bosses in them.
I fucking hate video games
PewDiePie will pave the way to the 4th Reich.
I'd say 70% of the fun in this game is that you have a bunch of different bosses to fight in no particular order instead of having to prove your skills in stupid long stages.
Quit spamming this shit across boards faggot.
You know how autists get about their waifu
Reminder that you'll get insta-blocked for tweeting that pic to a journo.
I beat the game with 244 deaths. Embarrassment.
I am in a split, should i post good art, or deviantart weird fetishist art.
Why would you post deviantart cancer?
The game sucks.
I enjoy reactions.
Welp, that's it, we're done with this game. People are coming in here just too post porn at this point.
Have you tried posting good art?
Post your tits
The game is fucking short anyway. I beat it in same amount of time i beat sonic mania. But i must say this was a great year for video games. Cuphead, Sonic Mania, A Hat Of Time, finally platformers getting some life.
Are you stuck on it still? Because there's a reall easy way to beat that shit.
Plenty discussion from the past threads.
No I got it. Thanks though. I found out you can cheese the first part by using the spreader on the very very edge of the cart and caved and bought a heart pendant.
I know I'm fucking shit please don't bully I promise I made it that far with 3 HP
I present to you ultimate OC - Toilet head!
Also collages with other games always fun looking.
People said the dragon was hard but I more trouble with sperg bird. I already got every contract so far but I'm stuck on that robot now.
I'm gonna beat the bee. Eventually.
Lobber is your best friend for the final stage.
wow that's pretty shitty
I hope this is a bug, because this bothers me more than it should.
I don't think I will beat this game. I get into autistic rages too easily and this game is so crazy that it takes barely any time to trigger me.
when did tumblr get here?
A mix of boom and poon, I imagine, but the creator likely wasn’t intelligent enough to come up with it and it’s just a typo.
This begs me to ask. Did anyone ever figure out what that white liquid is inside of their heads? It is still there even when you die so its not like their blood or anything. I'm genuinely curious.
That doesn't sound very difficult. I'm not a regular in these threads so is posts like these a joke or something?
There was a trailer where they show Cuphead and Mugman pouring some type of alcoholic liquid into their heads, but I don't think that's in the game
you're getting your D&C confused goon, you're supposed to be shitting on Hat in Time.
It's a great fucking game user, no joke.
It's a joke, it actually takes 15 minutes to beat.
That user is just really bad at the game.
It's their brain.
It's milk or cream, whichever you put in coffee.
DSP beat the game. Polygon beat the game despite crying.
There is no reason to GITGUD unless you plan on playing a different game.
Is there a running counter of it in game? 1/4 of my deaths are throw a ways where I flubbed something and just decided to off myself for a fresh start,
It said XXX
It's liquified porn
this is just a fucking meme game.
fuck off retards
You're a dummy, user.
XXX, or X's in general were and still are used as a grade to determine how strong a beer is, with at least one X indicating that it's stronger than legal small beer limits, and more added to represent even stronger beers. It was also used in some older cartoons to showcase characters getting wasted. I remember there was even an old Disney cartoon showing Pete get wasted drinking beer from the bottle with 'XXX' on it near the beginning, but I don't remember what it was called.
Yes. on the second island in the bottom right. Talk to the lake and he tells you how much you died.
The hell is with these people and making everything wordswordswords
Speak to the rapping lake jew on Inkwell Isle #2.
godamnit this game is really fun don't fucking ruin it you faggots
"XXX" to refer to alcohol originally came from prohibition-era. Both as a way to quickly identify alcohol without explicitly naming it and as a tongue-in-cheeck censorship"fuck you" to the cops. It eventually became a way to determine beer grade
Poster of & here. I finally beat that cackling faggot Dr. Kohn and his robot.
The third stage of that fight lasts so long I initially thought there would be a fourth stage, but that faggot really does take ages to kill while he's firing all that shit at you. My trick, aside from aforementioned tactics in last thread, was to retry any time I lost even a single HP during the robot portions. Saving full HP for that final stage (which takes ages) was so vital that going into it with anything less was a complete waste of time and effort. Before, I kept getting burnt out wasting effort to get to the final stage of the fight and attempting it without full health. Just restarting the fight entirely if any health was lost before the finale was a far better approach.
user pls
The boss battles are pretty long as is. It would be tiring to have a whole level in front of every one.
The only way to save it in the face of Holla Forums is to make it moddable.
Wally Warbles turned out to be the hardest boss for me on Expert so far. I'm just trying to clear Expert bosses. S ranks for them is out of the question for me for now (Although I incidentally S-ranked Beppi when I beat him on Expert). Wally could just fuck me over firing three eggs in a row when I'm trying to dodge shards and he flies down right in front of me to fire another right away. I would usually end up running out of space and taking a hit right before the second phase. Second phase could be routine by just staring at open space and acting on autopilot, but I was prone to slip-up and that would cause most resets. The real motherfucker was Wally's son who now has hitboxes that can cover half the screen at any given time and moves like greased lightning. I had to waste many resets to adjust to him but eventually got it to a science. The final phase, however, made this fight the worst. If I'm lucky enough to have even 2 HP, I still have to deal with a shitload of projectiles and the screen shifting so I wind up right above the bird that fires pills upwards while I'm trying to dodge the unholy random projectile spam. Not to mention how much of his health you have to burn through while trying to avoid getting cornered by the different sources of projectiles. At least Kahl's bullet spam had a recognizable pattern you could learn. Not even he gave me this much trouble.
After I finally beat Wally, I nailed Expert Grim Matchstick with no trouble whatsoever. I just don't know, man.
The shards dont go up and down. Only diagonally and outward. You can hug the wall and dodge the main egg and its harmless
On expert the egg shards do go along the back wall.
I see the humor in this, but I think most anons will just blindly rage
Concise points are their kryptonite, because then they'd have to admit their authoritarian nightmarish ideals.
im a buying a receiver and xbot controller just to play this
this shit better be good faggots
It's 6/10ish. Decent but nothing amazing. Solid title compared to most modern trash though.
is it better than Shovel Knight?
You might be better off using an 8bitdo controller
The game is 9/10. It's near perfectly fucking made, but whether or not you LIKE it is another matter.
They're not really comparable. Cupheads pure gameplay though so expect nothing in the way of story.
Nah. Boss move RNG and half the items being useless bog it down. The parry system's pretty useless to. Also grading's shit since it measures how much super damage you've done as well as parry. I'de say it's a 9/10 compared to releases of 2017. But it's mediocre otherwise outside of the art style.
What items are useless and what about the parry system makes it useless?
fuck that, my fingers had their share of torture from d-pads when i was a kid
Most of the upgrades that serve as clutch items for example are useless. There's no need for heart or double heart. Same goes for the assisted parry. Homing shot has maybe 1 use in a run n gun level and even then is completely easy without it. The parry system's just a product of modern game design. It seems like every game has to have an instant dodge ability at the risk of taking damage these days. Either it doesn't really work well with the game and probably could be replaced with a better mechanic. Pink items are often RNG dependant and when I might need them to help my Super they're often off the edge of the map or in a place that's impossible to get it. Sometimes you can manipulate it but not always. Other than that there's just not much to the gameplay. It's dodge and shoot, not much depth. Which wouldn't be an issue if it wern't a boss rush game. The better levels were the ones that changed up the playstyle like Insane Robot or Ghost Train.
If you're planning on using the dpad you won't have much better of a time. Thankfully the game works fine with analog controls.
Either way it*
This actually made Cagney trivial on expert, because you could parry falling seeds at any time, even close to the ground, rather than prioritizing them.
Are you talking about the parry system? Because the words you're typing have literally no relation to the subject matter.
You can parry them easy before it reaches the lower half of the screen. Just don't get unlucky and have them stack on top of a normal seed.
The subject matter is how parrying doesn't fit into the game cohesively because of how the game often screws up the the pink object placements.
What do you mean there is no need for the hearts? Some people would rather have more HP than the smoke bomb for example if they are just trying to beat the stages instead of going for high ranks. Homing shot as well can let people concentrate more on dodging that getting in damage. The parry system obviously isn't made for dodging stuff as much as it is there for high ranks and building up the cards for super.
What would you suggest it be replaced with?
I somewhat agree with the RNG mechanic and haven't gotten far enough into S ranking stages yet but from what I can tell there are always at least 3 pink items in each boss stage so the RNG of others shouldn't matter.
In regards to "it's dodge and shoot, not much depth." Yea that is the type of game it is. A boss rush game where you dodge the enemy projectiles and try and get in as much damage as fast as possible. What are you suggesting should be added to give it more depth? There isn't a huge difference with the robot and train fights aside from them being side scrollers of sorts and changing the way the enemy reacts with each phase change.
Do you have to rehash this every thread? It usually doesn't go well.
Even then you're nerfing yourself as a result, possible even making the game harder in a few areas. Clutch items have their use, but not for a game as simple as Cuphead. It's unneeded.
You should be doing both. It's how the game is designed after all. And with bosses that have plenty of smaller summons it can actually make the game hell.
I know, and it's pointless because the pinks often how up in impossible areas. If the game needs another element to stack on to dodging to make Supers common enough to be worth while then it should have used something that fit the type of game. Also Super II and III are EXTREMELY useless.
A grab system maybe? Throw projectiles back so instead of getting extra damage for a super that broke the gameflow you could just throw an object for extra damage instead. Or maybe have the super charge based on proximity to the boss or in a zone that has more projectile damage. It could be a "hotzone" or something that occasionally shows up during the round and is often a more difficult path than just sticking to a safer area. There's other ideas but off the top of my head those 2 would work well enough for the game, though the second one may require you to change many of the patterns.
Certainly not all of them, and the fact that you still have to get 3 pinks to get a perfect which is is arbitrary anyway. I'de rather be judged on skill rather than obtusely going into harms way when there's often better strategy's in the load out itself. Supers being necessary for a perfect isn't much better either since you can get a perfect time without them.
I'm not suggesting it needs more depth. Just that flaws are more glaring the simpler your game is.
The train forced you to a platform requiring you to make use of minimal space and movement. It actually changed the flow of the gameplay and forced you to maneuver in a confined space while making use of the parry system to change lanes. The Robot was great because it wasn't based on grinding down his HP and instead required you to think ahead and strategically decide which weak area you wanted to shoot first and manipulating the difficulty. Most other bosses difficulty are dependent on their patterns. You can either get a decent handful ones that are harder or simpler to deal with or (if the game is feeling like it wants to work as intended) a decent mix of everything. I think the reason most people have a hard time with the Robot in particular is because of what I described. You can't cheese your way past him like you can with many of the other bosses by playing until you get an easy pattern.
No it doesn't and that's why I'm ending it here. While it is a flaw I think it's been discussed to death. mostly by me
Fucking codemonkey.
The hardest part about her is trying to wait out for the pink shots from her minions (which you can accidentally blow up before they fire them). If I don't have 3 by Moonphase I just restart because it's just asking to get hit trying to get one at that point.
Holy shit, Charger makes fights short
It's broken as hell. But also requires more skill to use so it's almost not completely OP. I happened to play Rez Infinite before playing so I ended up spamming that shit the frame it became charged consistently.
I feel like I am really bad at this game, but maybe I'm just missing something. I just got to the 2nd island at like 100 or so deaths. Any tips on how to gitgud?
Just finished. Please shame me for being bad at vidya.
Learn how to lead projectiles, focus on two places at once (so you can see where bullets spawn and where they'll go), and try to play defensively, instead of damage racing the boss
Does anyone know how to git gud at the King Dice fight?
The final stage with the cards is horseshit
Just hold fire and point towards him, and constantly bounce on his pink heart cards. If there's a large gap of 2-3 cards, you just dash between them. This is actually a really easy phase
Learn how to parry jump the cards and save your I super for that phase so you can skip one of the card segments as long as you time it right. Also get extra hearts by manipulating where the dice lands. The timing isn't hard. If you do it right you should only have to fight 3 minibosses before you get to him. Also you can change what the board looks like by resetting. And every miniboss is dedicated to a number every time.
It's called folding your arguments over themselves millions of times so they cut sharp like a katana. More characters = more character
This makes sense considering the game is aesthetically 1930.
I'll literally fuck that cup, if you know what i mean.
There is no shame in dying, only in giving up and making excuses.
Trying to S rank all the plane levels is literal hell.
I can't even do it on hilda berg, that fat jew.
Hilda Berg was actually the most difficult of all of the plane levels for me. Not even the robot gave me as much trouble as that fucking bitch.
I am also stuck on her.
Those orange rapid fire cyclones she throws out have such shitty RNG. I think I figured out that if you stay along the back wall or the bottom right corner though you have a better chance of not immediately getting hit. But that with the combination of trying to get the 3 parries before the moon phase and trying to sneak past the UFOs just sucks.
Also I wonder why there isn't the bull phase on expert. Didn't even notice at first till I got stuck on her for this long. Isn't it supposed to have more phases on expert instead of taking them away?
Replaced with the sagittarius phase, which is harder compared to taurus.
Oh that wasn't in the normal mode? Guess it has been a while.
Oh god that intense chromatic aberration.
Easy seems to just have Gemini and Taurus, I think. Normal picks two from the three
Well it works like this
Sagittarius has a small chance to spawn in place of pisces in the normal mode, but in expert he always spawns second and pisces always spawns first.
Correction, gemini. I'm not a very good astrologist.
Normal mode's first transformation was always Taurus. The second transformation could be either Sagittarius or Gemini, but Gemini seemed to be more common.
Hard mode gives no randomness: it's always Gemini first and Sagittarius second.
Rework it a bit so the rim/seat is his jaw. Call him Potty-Mouth.
Play on b&w and realize that the heart cards are parryable.
Someone draw Cuphead and Mugman as dames.
Stop being so fucking GAY. Why do you think WOMEN exist?! Your thinking is a fucking ERROR AGAINST NATURE!
It's REALLY OP right now. The only fight in the entire game I didn't use it was King Dice, and that's because you can't hold the charge while parrying.
I beat him by using spread shot the whole time, and heaving enough health that it didn't matter that I couldn't parry every card. Remember to parry before you hit the cards. Anything else than that you're just gonna have to git gud.
Man being a homosexual is really easy these days :^)
All gays should be put in gas chambers and then gassed to death like the faggot fart sniffers that they are.
Downloading the game at this moment, but it seems pretty linear and short.
I don't understand the need for a general thread. Next time, try to create a topic for discussion related to the game by having a good OP
What's the problem, then?
If you want to talk about Undertale just go back to reddit.
It's either milk or moonshine, and given how Cuphead's special has a translucent white liquid, it seems to be the latter.
Oh shit, you're right.
It's getting nerfed, by the way.
My nigga. I can't stand it when people honestly try to shame people for dying more times than DSP on this game.
So in your experience anons, what is the hardest level and boss?
King DIce is hard.
Also that faggot robot
Both those niggers are easy. Jewberg and the Clown were the hardest.
Clown was easy for me after a couple tries.
Also I fucking HATED that goddamn bee
The problem is tryhards. Everyone here has either beaten the game, or is hellbent on doing so.
So we know its merits and faults: but to some who actually believe the dark souls analogy, every hard game becomes their measure of self worth in life. And a crowd like that always brings down the neighborhood.
I just finally beat the robot. Now I gotta fight King Dice. Fug.
I would've preferred this pic without Cuphead and Mugman having bodies.
It would've been silly and cute.
I would assume that it's just some sort of lemon/lime soda. Mugman drinks himself during his intro animations.
Although you can never be sure if that's considered a parlor trick among his species
Anyone have those lewd genderswap sketches?
Slow down there Tumblr, "cup" isn't a gender
Depends on what tumblr mentality you go off. There's also the "gender doesn't exist so everything is a gender" in which technically I could identify not only as a cup, but a black lesbian soul cup.
Fuck, Finally S ranked Hilda.
A tip for anyone who still needs to do it. On the moon phase it seems easier to get past the UFOs without using the shrink ability. For some reason whenever you try to get past them fast with shrink they always seem to shoot the lasers faster.
I'm still on Isle Two and Wally is probably the hardest so far, though Matchstick is giving me trouble as well. Still trying to learn the last phase. Worst level was the gravity switching one. Absolute bullshit that you parry the card, reset briefly to the ground and then move up. Got hit many times because of that.
it's not autocorrect you fart-sniffing autist, the red part is over the 140 or whatever character limit twitter has
So you fellas having fun playing Contra?
Jesus fuck why? Is it really the high quality assets or is it just Unity being Unity?
You've still got expert and S ranking everything
I want redditors to leave and stay leave
It still amazes me that they use this unironically.
High quality assets. Its all high resolution 2D animated at more than 10 frames per second.
i recall most of the animations are actual 24fps, and the assets are so high quality that even on higher resolutions it still looks good.
just play alien soldier.
As in they have 24 frames of animations?
yeah actual 24fps and not just 24fps animated on each two key-frames for most of the animations.
What. Why there is an ukranian flag symbolic there?
No, this picture of spank fetish doesn't answer my question.
slava ukraine
King Dice isn't so bad when you see his big weakness getting to him is the most stressful part of his fight
I want the cunt who makes these to get run over by a truck of peace.
Fucking 3lamestudio, goddamnit.
Every bit as awful as I remember. Truly, the hero we need but don't deserve.
3lamestudio did it
Cuphead confirmed new undertale
Ban now
It might actually become the new undertale/ Nier automata
did nier really reach the heights of autism of Undertale? Undertale had to be unofficially banned because of the sheer amounts of autism and faggotry radiating from its general thread, IIRC.
Jim Sterling no longer making video game reviews.
I thought it was already with people grooming it as the Dark Souls of platformers, though there is not that much platforming to warrant it.
Automata has gotten close to the level of unmentionable-ness. People sperged hard about it, but I think it's calmed down now. Point being there was nothing particularly offensive about the game and it got some major hate because of being popular.
Did he finally get so fat he can't get both his hands on a controller at the same time?
Actually it got banned because mark didn't like the game and couldn't prove they were actually technically breaking any rules.
Because he got outsmarted by people using fishoil improperly
Draw thread has a version like that
It's almost like Mark can't beat a MEMEGAME
I hope someone saved it because that draw thread is on page 15 with its content being deleted. I only saved one version of it with and without color.
The reason for that is the gravity is switched and THEN the parry jump is activated. Still annoying.
Gave up trying to beat the dragon after ten tries. That second part when you have to dodge those little fire shits is pissing me off and during this level it started to seem like the hit detection isn't as good as I thought.
If sucking on Cuphead and Mugman's straws is equivalent to a blowjob, do they call it mugging?
Take the second phase slowly. Do what damage you can and move as soon as you hear the flames. Use the first Super to get to the next stage faster.
Get Lobber for the last stage. The last stage is the hard part, and Lobber helps a lot with it.
Lobber huh. I've only bought the shottie and the reverse shot specifically for the dragon but it didn't work too well. I'll give it a shot later m8
You're grasping at straws here, Carlos
The fire shits are easy. Just stay at the top of the screen and move when you hear them. I used this part to build up super for the finale. Should use LOBBER. You toss the projectiles over everything toward the left side of the screen. This arched attack also helps in the finale when you must avoid hitting enemy projectiles. LOBBER does a little more damage than PEASHOOTER also.
This is my last purchase before entering the underground casino. What should I buy?
Roundabout has a slightly higher DPS than Peashooter and almost the same range.
I looked at Chaser and Roundabout on youtube. It looks like Roundabout is better. Chaser does little damage and didn't strike destructible projectiles because it was locked to targeting the boss only. I don't need P.Sugar because I can parry decently and being able to use the first parry on anything doesn't seem all that useful compared to other charms.
Looks like Roundabout is the best option.
If you already bought the axe over it, you don't need the sugar
You should be able to buy everything by now if you did all the run and guns and found all the coins in the over world. There is 1 coin in the casino enterance.
See you cup cowboy
What if he isn't actually drinking from her head but instead blowing the liquid into it?
Then you'd get frothy, malty bubbles in her hair and not the one solid one over the entire cup
I love how you can tell whomever took this screenshot is a casual by looking at the HP
I think I found that coin because there's nothing there. I found 1 coin in the forest on the first Isle and I thought I skipped the tutorial coin but it's not there. I got all 5 coins in every run & gun stage on every Isle so far. If I should have them all I am 6 coins short. There are two run & gun stages on every Isle right? The list says I did them & I checked them for how many coins I got from them, every stage says I got all five.
The island's citizens give out coins if you complete their "quests"
**You should get 3 from the apple guy on the first island. on the second island I think you get 1 from someone for finding the shortcut. can't remember the others. walk along every edge of the maps. They are hidden from sight.
on the third island one is behind a sign by the docks i think.**
Did someone say
Wish this game had more gameplay to it beyond just being a boss gauntlet.
Would be cool if they had the boss fights at the end of sections of platforming levels, would add more gameplay and make the game feel more complete.
fuck off back to kc, баттхёрт fag
no one cares
I am not insulting fellow ukrops, my friend
He remembers those cups.
It's got sort of mini-bosses you have to fight at the end of some.
found it, it's impressive this artist managed to make a cup lewd.
I'm playing the post-game, playing all fights again on expert, and I don't really want to go visit the water jew again.
What is the average death count when you've cleared all S/P ranks?
cuphead? more like cukhead
Go back to sleep, grandpa
It will probably be different for everyone. The deaths don't count when you just restart the level do they? That is mostly what you will be doing after taking 1 hit or missing a parry so the deaths probably aren't as high as you might think.
why would anyone use their only charm slot for anything other than the invincibility dash?
i wanna fug that cup
Auto parry is useful for S ranking some stages.
I have the just cups version and one with the dialogue from the original sketch.
I think the run and gun levels were better than most of the boss fights as long as you played them the right way (no smoke dash). I would let the bosses keep their separate node but I would've loved if there were more themed stages leading up to those fights.
Well, it's over. I'm glad it's over because I'm not gud at this game. Only gud enough to barely win in some cases. Some fights were challenging but fun, others were a miserable slog that made me despair-quit. It's like rage-quit, but instead of anger you're profoundly disappointed in your ability and wish your reflexes 1were as quick as they were in your teens and early twenties. Might be worth revisiting the fights I actually had fun with, but I doubt I will bother unless I'm doing co-op to show the game to others.
Why the fuck do people ruin shit like this all the time?,just for a little cash on jewtube?This is the sort of stuff that make people say MEMEGAME FROM REDDIT,i give this a couple of months until people start to shit at the game just because of that sort of crap starts to fill up and grows a "fandom" i just want a fucking good game for once
What did I miss? How much did we enjoy the game before looking at its fanbase blow up?
I tried the lobber but didn't have much luck. What I did was take the charger and aimed low when it was neat. I also burned whatever peashooter specials I had left to burn, which usually weren't many since a full super got me through phase 2 so easily. Took me a good number of tries, mind, but it all worked.
What fights ARE the lobber good on, actually? I wanted to like it.
lobber is good for the bee and dragon
>being a (((based))) nigger
Again, I didn't get anything out of the lobber in dragon, but only because I loved the charger so much. I used charger on phases 1 and 2 of him, then relied on the roundabout because phase 3 was so fucking frantic I couldn't aim and run at the same time
Game's a great Casual Filter. People are obviously making it cancerous but I don't think it will spawn a terrible fanbase past its prime, cause there's barely any backstory to it.
Nice bait. That's Third Reich Mike, and that's a lynching.
>being this (((based)))
woah bro can you tell me whos your fashy girlfriend (male)????
More like third world mike :^)
I'm gonna be pissed if it becomes impossible for Holla Forums to talk about it because too many are mad about awful fans.
Lobber is best used in the dragon stage 2 and the Bee stage 3. However, the charger is broken as shit right now, so if you're good at actually aiming it'll blow everything else out of the water.
I thought I wasn't just imagining it. I use charger for most fights and it's so damn gratifying. Lets me focus on defence and attack. I feel like charger, smoke bomb and giant ghost are the real endgame skills for when you're ready to S-rank stuff and want the high-reward stuff
The charger is so OP right now, it's DPS is only marginally slower than the weapon switching bug.
So what's the deal with the spirit special thing? I admit I haven't really experimented with it at all, I just used it once and didn't understand how it works. How are you supposed to control it?
I can't imagine playing without smoke bomb though.
Press up to go up, press down to make it go down, press side-to-side to make it go from side to side. It controls like a slippery soap in the prison showers, but it's really fun to try and control both your char and the ghost with the same controls at the same time.
Huh, I thought maybe it was using the left stick, but I think I tried that and didn't work.
Okay, I'll try it again.
The Giant Ghost automatically attacks anything it's near as it whirls. But you control where it goes, like said. You move left, he moves left. You move right, he moves right. You push up, he moves up, you push down, he moves down. Don't control it, and it just slips away from you and flies offscreen before prematurely vanishing. If you want it to stay still and hammer in the one spot, you gotta rapidly tap left and right.
The ghost is tricky to control, but his damage is amazing. Best of all, when he vanishes, he drops a heart you can parry for free meter, getting the ghost faster. Given how hard he is to move and how long he lasts, he isn't the wisest choice for every fight, but against the right boss (e.g the devil) he is just too good.
Also where the hell is the JoJo fanart of him, do I actually have to ask?
do tell
Switching weapons will reset the RoF timer and let you fire them faster than you should. I usually use if with spread/lobber if I do use it.
So if I have lobber and spread:
That right?
No, you just switch back and forth constantly. It will increase the RoF of the lobber, but you'll still be doing damage when it's not firing on top of that.
If you press the switch button with a timing faster than 80-60ms, you shoot both weapons at once.
We're getting to a "half press A" level of gameplay here, be careful
If you stand near the hole after the Devil enters his second phase and shoot directly up, you can beat him without ever jumping down the hole.
I know that feel of despair quit. Haven't beaten the game yet though, got a few bosses left and currently doing the last run 'n gun level, the pier one.
Not even close.
That one is just tough, there's no way to cheese it. Good luck, man.
You guys are grand. Don't feel the need to compare yourselves to other people just to enjoy a videogame
Dude that pic is super gay.
Stop it already.
Weapon-switch canceling is a technique from Vanquish, it's not really Mario 64 levels of autism
Whats annoying me is that I played a little session before, quit for a few days to finish up another game, went back to this with a little co-op with my brother (he didn't like it because its too hard) and then started again proper. I loved the first isle and the first couple of bosses on isle two (Von Bon Bon and Peppi) then I was done for the day. Came back to it and it just hasn't been the same. It can't be the difficulty, I've been getting stomped into the ground since the start, but loved it initially.
It sucks because I was having so much fun the first time. Still enjoy it, just nowhere near the level I once was. Real shame.
Maybe one day you niggers will figure out how to utilize the most fertile soil on earth without dying of starvation, lmao.
I think its perfect. If I had the time I'de probably do the same.
Anything is possible in Rule 34
i mean his friend is called mugman for a reason, and not fo robbing people, so yes that is still homosexual
That's you falling out of rhythm. Besides, island two is a big difficulty spike; Von Bon Bon and Peppi aren't the only hard fights there.
Maybe if you replay the earlier stuff to build back up steam?
I bet 3lame is behind this post
The Cuphead launched party looked neato.
Why the fuck does it take 10 minutes for a post to go through now?
I wish I was that good at shitposting as he was.
the undermeme dev wishes he was as professional as the cuphead Chad dev and his team.
Why the fuck does it take 10 20 minutes for a post to go through now?
I wish I was that good at shitposting as he was.
this honeycomb bee shit is the most cancerous fucking autistic shit I've ever had to put up with
Corn straws maybe.
this honeycomb bee shit is the most cancerous fucking autistic shit I've ever had to put up with
What the fuck?
Neat. Kind of stupid they don't list the quantities but whatever
buggy shitty website, sorry for double post
what the fuck is going on with the site
Oh for fucks sake.
Fix this website chodechimp.
did you mean evaxephon?
has this fag never played a platformer?
They're the same person, ricky retardo.
the point is eva isn't developing anything, Ricky Retardo. Just living off of Patreon money for a product he'll never finish.
But he has a publisher now, surely he will deliver a good product in good time and not a shitty game filled with memes.
How was that the point? I never said he was being a developer. Neither did you. That is not a point that was made you autist.
by not calling him yanderedev you fucking dipshit. Fuck, you're dense.
Oh no, I called him Yandere as well, that can only mean that I think he's a japanese schoolgirl trope too! It's not like it's the name everyone knows him by, oh no, he's only called things that people think he is! You must really think he's an Eva unit too, right?
Goons need to stop shitting up these threads with their genetic retardations. Filtered and reported.
So we have learned this year that DSP is more Holla Forums tier than games journalism AND cuckdev.
You're not a native English speaker are you.
Cuphead, more like POOPYhead
We've had several toilet images this thread. Keep up. Early bird shitposts the worm.
Yes, but it's diaper porn
He is trying way too hard. The guy is rushing and being reckless like he's gotta get a perfect speedrun. Why? He really doesn't. He's using the +1HP charm so this is obviously his first time at the level. I get raging at a game, but the guy is causing so much pressure for himself; I hope he doesn't do that too often.
One of his other updates said the publisher had given him a team with people who know what they're doing. With Yanderedev being more of a creative lead, that's easier to focus on.
I was basically at that state for that level. I was basically always 1 health under what I needed to win it. I could see the level end multiple times, but kept dying. I did get to that point where I was reseting the moment I got hit by those enemies.
You obviously can't read into things, little buddy. He can say he's developing something all he wants when they truth is he isn't.
You'll have to be more abstract or fetus milkshake-tier to shock us, user.
I played this shit today. It was fucking great.
Oh, I was the same. Even if I went back Iunno if I'd be able to do the level right. The big lobster and the gauntlet at the end just wouldn't give me any rest.
I really like the regular levels in Cuphead, mind - I imagine there's so few to keep them short and sweet.
Jesus christ, is the bashing bass boosted?
At least you can't see his homing shots.
I am cursed with perfectionism
Hitting your desk usually sounds fucking awful because when the microphone is sitting on the desk, being physically moved makes it do awful things to the audio.
I think it's either salt in the wound or the fact it's animated at 60fps unlike most of the other non-tweened animations in this game
Has anyone tried killing all of the minibosses before dice king by rolling 1 every time?
I didn't bother since it wasn't an achievement and haven't seen anyone mention it.
How do you get/use that secondary bomb attack?
It's an EX attack, so you need 5 cards
Talking about the one he's using without cards.
You literally press Y to switch weapons. It tells you this
Switching weapons does nothing in the flight bosses for me.
Did you try talking to the guy in the second world?
talk to one of the npcs on isle 2 i think.
cant remember who unlocked it since I never bothered using it until isle 3
That worked, thanks
How did you get past Spergbird's last phase, then?
I haven't done World 2's expert yet.
As for the general clearing, I just kinda dodged. But we'll see if I can do it or not
Nah, i mean specifically that last phase on regular difficulty, cause your bullets go horizontally across the screen and Spergbird's covering the entire bottom of the screen, with projectiles leaving about as much space as a nun's cunt to dodge in. How did you manage it without the bombs?
You didn't use easymodo, did you?
Oh, okay. The bombs definitely helped, but he's easy enough with just the gun. Basically, just dodge shit until it pans left and you have time to shoot him. Note that if his heart is active, his body becomes immune to damage (unsure if heart gives extra damage).
The pills are predictable: they float up, wait a moment, then burst, one end heading towards you and the other away. His garbage doesn't have a very big range, unless you're crossing over
I never even noticed the heart business. The bombs were enough to carry me through his last phase that i could just tape the fire button down and concentrate on dodging the awkward trash arcs to get me through the level. But again, I had the bombs, and had learned that their falloff would be perfect for enemies that were below me. Going through that level without the bombs seems like it would have been a slow, tedious nightmare of waiting for him to pan left enough times to win.
Does anyone have a list of all past threads like they do on Holla Forums?
Okay so, I was talking about Cuphead with a friend and we were trying to decide what kind of setup Grim Matchstick would have down there
We decided that he should have an external yellow ballsack with a sheath or whatever, and have three massive horsedicks with bumps/spikes that come out of it
these threads should stop existing, honestly.
Are ya sure?
You can actually just go to the left of the screen and shoot his underside.
I always thought that was his brother.
That's it, these threads need to stop
I hope you die from severe anal trauma/internal bleeding.
You should only be fighting 4-5 at MOST and they are all easy as fuck minibosses.
why haven't you learned by now
just leave cuphead alone
You only have to fight 3 if you time your jumps right. The dice will go over two numbers in one jump. You should go for 3 at the start, then a 1 to get in the safe spot. Repeat until at the end. If you miss the 3 at the start just aim for whatever you need to get to the safe spot.
I…I did it Holla Forums
Got a fucking C+ on the Devil, every other boss I beat with B or higher. All because I missed my super. Oh well, time to redo that and grab the last few coins.