Raiden V

Raiden V is being released on non shit platforms in 3 hours.
You fags ready?

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Stop shilling, pajeet

How about you discuss videogames for fucking once?

We have IDs you know.
Go back to cuckchan, nerd.

I describing your point of view you dumbfuck
I'd kill myself before going to that shithole ever again.

We have IDs you know.
Go back to cuckchan, nerd.

I don't like Raiden. Feels too easy to just camp around the top of the screen to shoot enemies down.

Hello nigger


how the fuck did you even get through any Raiden doing this

I love the Raiden series, you bet your lazy nigger ass i'm paying for it. Raiden Fighters 2 is the only game I have managed to 1cc.

He is lying

Raiden Fighters 2 is definitely my favourite out of all Raidens. The medal building system in Jet was cool, but unfortunately the soundtrack was done by some new guy trying to emulate the style of the first two poorly.

That said, Gulti (an offshoot from Seibu Kaihatsu made the Raiden Fighters Aces compilation for the 360) are making a new STG by the name of Project RXN due for release this winter, where you're piloting a mech and might be more similar in style to Raiden Fighters than Raiden. Its music will also be done by Yuzo Koshiro.


Count me in

Does it stop working after the first stages?

Raiden games are usually a slow burn, but bullets certainly become really fast later on, though boss fights should already give you more trouble if you try to always point-blank them with the Vulcan unless you know what you are doing

Alright, I'll give it another shot.

I will be ordering the PS4 version next week, I'm very excited to get this one.


Yes, I like to own my copies :)

I'm getting the PS4 version too for that physical soundtrack. I'll pick up the PC version when it goes on sale on GOG


you'll see what you're missing out on in 2-3 years once a few more ports come, but until then keep replaying old games

Wow, this board is dead.

Yakuza games aren't on the PC yet, the new virtual on isn't getting a PC port, no PC ports of Vanillaware games yet and I'm not gonna hold out for a PC version of Arika's new fighting game.


If anything I'm shilling for PC gaming with my talk of the old ports to come. This is a PC gaming board after all.

the series went to shit with 6
It's not even a mainline series game
Only like one of them can't be emulated


Nothing wrong with emulation.

It's now released on Steam for €35 and strangely €25 on GOG.

just that it's inaccurate

I take innacurate emulation and higher resolutions and FPS any day over shit framerate, low res and using a console controller.

I'm sure you do, you don't know what you're missing. either way enjoy your incredibly bad looking 2D elements I guess

I will, enjoy your jaggies and sub20 fps

looks fine on a crt, consider trying a proper setup before settling some time, makes you look less like a plebe

Oh the faggotry

makes ya mad, doesn't it

No, I just find it amusing, how you type like a fag I mean.


That's a little weird, it's 35 american dollars on both, and that should only be equivalent to 30 euro.

Battle Garegga was also 35 bucks. Sorta odd pricing.

My attempt to get into the game again isn't going great. The bullets are really hard to see.

Go back to NeoFag already you lolcow
8th Gen is fucking garbage just like your posts.

For the smarter goys amongst us, you can buy Raiden V off for 22.79 euros:


And the magnet link for those inclined

Thank you based user

You are a good man

You fuckin retard, it's already a niche genre, you want the genre to stay dead? You are the cancer killing videogames. Enjoy waiting 2+ years for the next shmup release, if it even happens because of your nigger ways.

Not even worth a (You)

Go and play it on your PS4(tm) or something, buy 3 copies while you are at it.

would have more affect on the industry than piracy every would tbh, pirates are nobodies

Raiden V isn't apparently all that good anyways


-t. CRPG pro




Looks like I'll be using the French ship. I cannot fucking stand any Shmup with slow movement, it just feels so wrong, especially when being attacked by fast bullets (Fucking Psikyo, goddamn).

Have you guys played DemonStar?

Slow movement drives me up the fucking wall. We're typically in fancy prototype jets in most shoot 'em ups. I expect them to act like it. Slow movement is more for bullet hells.

If you want a game with hard to see bullets then give Battle Garegga a try.


Heard the 2016 version lets you change bullet colors.

I use a controller whenever I can with these sorts of games.

Feel free to shill this when the GOG/DRM-free release happens. I love some Raiden but Degica is a fucking plague on the PC shmup scene.

Go back and gargle diarrhea with the spineless faggots on the system11 forum. As long as you pay money for this DRM-locked cancer you will receive more of it.

Not sure that's accurate actually. Didn't Gulti come from somewhere else?

read the thread before posting you fucking moron

read the thread before posting you fucking moron
at what point did you think making uninformed blasé hot opinions while making yourself appear like a man of high esteem and honor was a good idea
at what point did you think "I shouldn't research the topic at hand before posting" was a valid thought

You now have me erect and interested.
For people who don't want to contribute to Steam's cancer.

Neat, thanks user.

Calm your autism. If its a good game, people will buy it.

's cool, better than Raiden IV and III

the new weapons are interesting in their usage as they do require some skill to use effectively, for example the Swing Vulcan dishes out a lot of damage but veers its firing angle to wherever you move, meaning you need to stand still if you want to hit a target as much as possible instead of strafing around, the Catch Plasma also requires some maneuvering so as many of your plasma orbs will lock on as possible to a large enemy target, and the Crystal Laser is fairly interesting which launches a crystal whenever you press the shot button and fires a screen-covering laser if you fire your laser into the crystal, but if you position the crystal right you can position the crystal right into large enemies and shoot the crystal to deal fucktons of damage
that said they are rather OP in their usage once you figure them out and can be used to nullify some boss phases entirely

you get a bonus score multiplier per target for killing ships quickly which when done repeatedly builds your flash meter which in turn builds up an overarching score multiplier for all score gains
enemies drop medals on death, and you can pick up all medals on screen by letting go of the fire button, which meshes with the flash shot system much better than the retarded charge shot in Raiden IV where you got comparatively more points for doing the charge attack over and over than killing enemies quickly, whereas here you are trying to balance out killing enemies fast and trying to suck up all medals before they reach the bottom of the screen
the Director's Cut also adds two new bonus missions in the campaign where it's more about scoring than surviving, basically dealing damage to the boss causes medals to drop which you need to suck up the aforementioned way, and getting hit doesn't damage you, but only causes you to drop a good amount of your medals, you get bonus bombs and fairies depending on how you do, fairies being magical beings which come out after you get hit and heal your ship for a quarter portion

you don't have lives here, but you have health, and on default settings you can take around 4-6 hits depending on which ship you take
your sub shot is now tied to the ship you pick, and each ship has its own attack power and movement speed
there's a red, blue, and purple category of weapons (of which you pick one for each at the start of the game), and each time you pick up a weapon pod, the level of the color category you pick is upgraded which goes up to 10
you can only access the TLB if you upgrade all categories to max, which is a pretty smart thing to do since it does force you to change weapon categories instead of fully powering up one on stage 4 just to stick with it for the rest of the game

graphically the game looks pretty good with dynamic stage backgrounds, the only drawback being that some of the bullets can become difficult to see on high-speed background
the 3D graphics are also used to sometimes zoom in and zoom out the screenport depending on the situation, and to rotate right and left instead of always forward, which I think is a fairly neat idea

there's also a STORY LINE attached, but I don't give a single shit about it, yet despite that they keep yammering about it and the dialogue on the screen won't go away, supposedly there is a button which lets you hide all that crap to the side of the screen where it belongs
there are no JP voices at all, even in the JP version the only available dub is the American one for some reason, and it's not that good either, on top of questionable sound quality and audio mixing making it hard to hear

there is a Cheer system thing where when you do something like kill a boss or find a secret, another online player receives a message about that and can press a Cheer button as a kind of way to tell you hi, which also helps fill up your Cheer Gauge faster, the Cheer Gauge being an ultra powerful attack which dishes out ridiculous damage and cancels a lot of bullets

it's pretty good, it might be a little expensive but one run takes around 50 minutes, so it's quite longer than your usual shmup, there's also branching stages but I'm not entirely sure how they work

I just want to know, how's the intro level music?
I remember Raiden 3's sticking with me for a long time.



Wow, another feature that will die on consoles when the servers shut down.

You're a good man user
Thank you

It's apparently possible on PC too if you don't pirate it

The Raiden series peaked at Raiden II or DX. Raiden V just looks like a generic phone game made by some third-worlders with no budget. The lack of detail is especially sad considering the series once rivaled SNK in its artistry.


The Raiden Fighters spinoff series is much better imo

I love all the weapons and scoring options. Gives me real reasons to play the game more than once. How have all developers not realized short games with high replayability are more desirable than long games with no replay value?
Voice volume can be set to 0 in options. Pressing RT toggles subtitles at the top of the screen on and off. I'd love a way to disable that side of the screen completely, or replace story shit with more score information like what's on the left side.
Also a tate mode would be great, I didn't find one in the options menu but I remember there being one in IV

I just bound "cheer" to an unused button then set it to autofire, so I would just cheer everything that comes up. That, plus the constant feed of incoming cheer from other players, results in a constant dinging sound while you play. Can't say I like it, but the concept is interesting.
Also I guess this makes the game harder as less people play it, since you won't get any cheers if noone else is playing.

And how does Raiden V look at all like a phone game?

When are we getting this one?

Does Raiden V have a setting to limit how many continues you get?

yes please

I just learned about the Raiden Fighers compilation for 360. Was it good?

the port quality is good, but it's NTSC only so yuropoors are out of luck
you can play all the Fighters games on MAME anyways, so no big deal there

I bought the Raiden Legacy collection for Android, it's good and cheap

I can't configure MAME for gamepads to save my life, plus it never saves any configurations I try. Read that it was a bug as far as MAME tries to read/write things.

Your subjective opinion is wrong

Nigger are you blind? Raiden V looks like the kind of budget mobile shmup churned out by countless nameless, faceless chinese phone devs. It screams "no effort beyond the bare minimum was put into this".

It looks like they were trying to be M2 with those gauges and such on the sides. Not inherently a bad thing.

The M2 releases came after Raiden V though

just because it uses 3D graphics that aren't overly stylized or AAA-level doesn't mean it's a low-effort product by chinks

Well shit.

Can you turn off the ridiculous bloom filter?

It looks like somebody cobbled it together in a week for a programming class using the 3D equivalent of free clipart.

by your apparent standards you're not going to find much outstanding 3D graphical quality in any shmup since these games are made by a handful of people at most
unless you're going to shift the goalposts from vaguely defined technical quality to art direction, that is

Repeating something 3 times without providing any proof or sturdy argument doesn't make it true

The Perfect Dark port is exactly that and its amazing
Never heard of it before but it looks pretty cool. N64 seems to have a lot of hidden gems.

I pirated a lot of games, and later ended up buying them. Control your autism mate (it would be great if the game came out on GOG, though)

this is the second time I've had to say to read the fucking thread before posting
It's currently cheaper on GOG than it is on Steam

Because of all the autism in this thread I thought the game was a Steam exclusive
Sorry mate, and thanks for the news!

Not sure how I feel about this one. I hadn't planned on using either of those shitstains any time soon. Did V finally switch off Taito X2/WinXP-based arcade board?

GOG and Torrent for the autists

It was developed originally for the Xbone and never even saw an arcade release

Even more concerning.

Are there any other games with music as raw techno as Raiden Fighters?

Holy shit thats awesome
Probably not, can't find anything that raw at least

Closest I've come across is maybe Megarace or Descent II. Kou Hayashi and Daisuke Nagata have done some wonderful techno for their shmups but they're not the industrial techno of the Raiden Fighters games. The first Shock Troopers has an interesting raw drum and bass soundtrack.

Oh there's also John Marwin's music to Clean Asia (more of his music is like this if you check him out). Shame the game isn't very good.

post you're scores

I remember this.

There's no point in posting scores when you can't even clear

tell me more about the christmas cake.

Her VA is mediocre

How can you type while grabbin all those dicks user?