Gamecube vs PS2

Back in the day, it was known by everyone that the Gamecube is a marvel of engineering and easily vastly more powerful than the PS2.

Lately there have been some revisionist fanboys that claim that the PS2 was in fact more powerful and that many games made for the PS2 wouldn't have been possible in the Gamecube.

Where does this meme come from?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because ps2 emulator is worse than gamecube emulator in performance, duh.

At least your screenshots are in the correct aspect ratio this time.

Medal of Honor on on ps2 had no multiplayer unlike Xbox/gcn. That pissed me off when I was younger at a friend's house and saw he had that game but he had it on ps2.

Back in the day most people realized that GameCube was mainly for kids and were really puzzled as to why games like Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil 4 came out on it.

Pretty sure we had this exact same fucking thread like 2 weeks ago.

All video games are for kids, user.

Yeah, maybe the weird TV ads made by David Lynch gave the PS2 some sort of "adult" feel, much like how Sega did back in the day, but all systems have their share of kiddy stuff. Because, you know, vidya is mainly for kids.

What do you mean by this?
In terms of supply chain logistics it was worse than the PS2. Not as awful as the N64 but still pretty bad.

Yet the XB blew both out of the water but you don't see me making a thread about it like a little bitch. Kill yourself.

Ayo mane, want to play sum Haylow 2 mah nigga?

Why are you intentionally typing like a mongoloid?

Because Xbox is the console for mongoloid American niggers

its just a pc in a box

oh wait is see what you did there

I only liked PS2 because there was more edgy games for it than Gamecube

That would be the PS2, it greatly outsold the XB.

they're called sonyggers for a reason

It comes from Gen Z babbies who's first console was PS2. Also GameCube is smaller and more "kiddy" therefore it must be weaker (don't know if that still applies, but that was an attitude at the time).

I think this is the 5th time I've seen this thread in the last 3 months.

By that logic, Nintoddlers must be between 3-6 years old. Which we know isn't true because Mark is at least 25 years old.

Mark is like 30

Right that's why there are barely any M rated games on the GameCube, but plenty on the PlayStation, because kids right?

Source? (and make an appropriate proportionate comparison, because obviously PS2 has more games in quantity)
Anyway, I'm not interested on GC vs PS2.
In terms of raw power in 6th gen it's Xbox>GC>DC>PS2

The Dreamcast was less powerful than the PS2…

the gamecube is pretty much a polygon and T&L crunching machine. anything shader oriented? PS2 blows it away. Complicated physics tasks? Gamecube can't get single digit framerates.

GameCube was just a PSO box for me, that had the extra bonus of being able to play Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, Paper Mario, and a handful of other titles.

Gamecube was technically slightly more powerful than PS2, but that meant little because 90% of games on it looked like then ran on Dreamcast. It had a shitty architecture that made quality programming an ass, opposite to PS2, which wasn't a beast but had a sweat and easy to program architecture that made for some fantastic looking games later on. By some miracle nigger mumbo jumbo RE4 was made and it looked fantastic on GC (if you notice all comparison between GC and PS2 is always RE4) and to my knowledge there isn't a single game on GC that looked even half as good as it id. And being a nintendo console it had barely any third party games compared to PS2.
Still a good console though. 6th gen was the best, after it gaming went to shit - 2007.

Wait, is this a template thread?

Are there any that haven't received a port for the Xbox, PC, 7th gen consoles, or 8th gen consoles thus far?

True, but the Dreamcast was easier to program for, which resulted in early PS2 games looking worse than Dreamcast games. However, later in the systems life, you saw that reversed.


Best is 4th gen, boy.
Also, PS2 was kind of a nightmare to develop for too. Completely opposite to the PS1's dev-friendly tech. The reason everyone was on board with PS2 was because it was selling like crazy.

haha no

Err no

There is no best gen but we can all agree that 7th onwards it has been a wasteland of good titles.

That's true of all of the consoles for the 6th gen?

What is that "haha" trying to convey? Like, you seriously believe your GTA box is better than 4th gen systems, kid?
Nice arguments, by the way.

That started with 6th gen for me. Most games I played on PS2 were arcade ports that I had already played on Saturn (and sometimes, the Saturn version was even better)

Didn't mean to make that a question.

Your'e a fucking idiot. Most GameCube exclusives look better than a lot of shit that gets made today. Mario Sunshine, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime, F-Zero fucking GX, SSBM, Eternal Darkness, etc. all look fucking amazing, especially compared to PS2. A lot of PS2 games look even worse than Dreamcast due to lack of antialiasing and muddy textures.

oh its one of those people who haven't played any games newer than 2007

nothing I said is bait, it shouldn't even upset anyone unless you're a retarded fanboy

Lots of twelve year olds made that assumption over nothing, yes.

I found a GC with Metroid Prime 1&2 at a flea market for 10 euros last year. Otherwise pretty happy about it but no HDMI support kinda kills any non-HD conole feel unless you have a CRT.

Err yes. The system's field based rendering and dual cpu architecture was a challenge for developers to overcome early in its life. Said frankensteined and partially documented architecture is why PCSX2 can have some games run better than original hardware while others run considerably worse or not at all.

FBR was a benefit and helped significantly in achieving 60fps games.

The first-print models of the GC had a plug in the back for a component cable attachment. The problem was that they cables didn't sell will in North America, and Nintendo removed the plug from all future versions of the console (And, on top of that, the cables are now very rare and running for $150 at minimum, last I saw). Also, you can get an HDMI mod for the system:

Get a SCART cable then, most PAL CRTs, even cheap consumer ones, have them as the PAL cube supports RGB.

Except they don't

or just get a late run rvl001 and get cheap component and 480p support and an additional library + some really convenient back up loading.

I just know the ps2 port of re4 is ass never played the gamecube one.

it's not really a good comparison, re4 was designed for the polygon crunching power of the gamecube then ported to a system with much less power in terms of rendering polys. Now if it had a fuckload of transparencies it would be the other way around.

All Gamecubes here run through scart. It's still not very pleasing on Full HD TVs, I usually just play through Dolphin via HDMI.

From the same place as the meme that the PS2 had an amazing launch lineup: kids who were too young to understand what was going on at the time.

fantavision kicks ass but nobody says the ps2 had a good launch line up. everyone says a year later it had a good line up (which it did)

Who the hell ever said that? It didn't get good titles until 2001.

I've never heard anyone say that, ever. Only game I remember from the launch line is SSX.

Didn't the launch also suffer from shortages which resulted in a slight spike in PS1 sales, and Sega tried to cash in on it with the Dreamcast but was unsuccessful?

I don't know, also inb4 someone proposes the "cheap dvd player" meme and I have to dig through best buy catalogs from 2001 to show them that dvd players were 200 bucks cheaper

Consoles are shit, nobody cares which is more powerful. Fuck off.

Shit I forgot about Timesplitters.

Seriously? I see it almost every time in threads discussing older gens. Everyone raves about the PS2's amazing launch, and when you ask them to name some games, they start talking about stuff that didn't come out for at least a year later, like Devil May Cry and FFX. What happened is that a bunch of people who were kids at the time got a PS2 for Christmas or some shit a few years after launch, and since those games were already available, stupid people assume they were launch titles.

consoles are for normalfags op, go back and join the sheep

I've only ever seen people say that it was shit at launch but a year later became great.
they watched the matrix and possibly played dark cloud, time splitters, grandia 2, resident evil code veronica, and the bouncer

I dunno what you're talking about, the PS2 had an amazing launch lineup.

Mystery Men, Lake Placid, 13th Warrior, Encino Man, Platoon, Natural Born Killers, Tarzan, Pirates of the Carribean, etc.

PS2 launched in 2000, though.

You're not understanding. What I'm saying is that the people who say the PS2 had a great launch were people who didn't get it at launch. They got it at least a year or two later, when it had built up a respectable library. They only think those titles were launch titles because they were too young to realize the system had been out for years.

find way back machine archives of the same period, iirc the ones for 2000 best buy were broken.

either way, dvd players were still a lot cheaper.

I've never seen that. that said if you got one in 2000 for christmas you had some games to play, not the best ones but something.

They, at the very least, hold up better than most PS2 games from the same timeframe. F-Zero GX is still one of the best-looking racing games ever made.

DVD players were around the same price as the PS2 when the PS2 launched… I don't have to look at a Wayback Machine, because I was actually in the market for one at the time. PS2 was a 2-for-1 bonus in that regard, and it was a big selling point.

I ended up skipping out on both, because honestly I don't really watch movies all that much, and because even if I had wanted to get a PS2 at launch - they had manufacturing shortages which lead to scalpers and price gouging if you weren't lucky enough to find one in the store during it's first few months. It wasn't uncommon to see PS2s going for anywhere between $400~600.

So it still ended up being more expensive than most DVD players at the time for a LOT of people, and it just wasn't worth it for fucking Fantavision and the Summoner.

No it's not

PS3 launch lineup was better.

Good argument.

Best mascot


not really

your memory is playing tricks on you, perhaps all the years of people telling you how the ps2 was a cheap dvd player, that's why it sold, tricked you.

DVD players were $90-110 on the cheap end, and there were plenty of $120 ones too. PS2's were $300. If it was sold to casuals as a DVD player, then they would have bought a DVD player. People bought PS2's for games and there was a bonus of having a DVD player included.


That… actually does look pretty damn good. Wait…


you haven't played games from the last decade. f-zero GX looks like the 2003 game it is.

You sure? Because here is what the new Battlefront looks like in space battles.

And, this is what Rogue Squadron II is capable of (A GameCube launch title, mind you).

looks significantly better than this:

both look good. What's the issue?

That FOV nearly made me puke

Flipper danced circles around the Graphics Synthesizer and its artificially inflated fill rate.

Which required a shitload of optimization just to get to a level that would still pale in comparison to 1 week of development effort for GC.

yeah but that month of hard work would add up in sales the gamecube would not provide. It was a way for devs to get 60fps to the majority of users easily.

That's the point.

That's because XB was a HUEG GAYMAN PC disguised as a console.

What do you mean with your Butcher Bay example? Is it good or bad in your mind?

David Lynch did TV ads for PS2?

you are bringing up unrelated issues, wasn't the original issue one of hardware performance? Not artists lacking skill? I think all these games look good, and Horizon Zero Dawn is an absolute quantum leap SH3 and EFBB. A shitty youtube screenshot doesn't show the scene complexity, the animation detail, the nuance in subsurface scattering or the minor effects of animation. I don't think the game is without flaws, but you are oversimplifying the issue here.

good game AI isn't really CPU intensive. The AI meme is a messy argument dragged in a million different directions, but it has very little to do with graphical fidelity. Not to mention hiring a team of 6 to push out pretty art assets for your level designers to use is much, much, much, much less expensive than hiring an AI expert or two and getting them to work on a fucking video game and not in a field like automotive AI or robotics or computer learning or medical science (which you would be competing with these million dollar fields)

this actually has been happening very steadily. Don't care much for uncharted 4 but the number of physical objects and physics effects going on in many scenes is absurd.

animations have improved dramatically and there's many things that started on the PS2 no less like Inverse Kinematics that has become industry standard.

you pointed out KT's warriors and how it hasn't changed since the PS2. Why do you think that is? The answer is simple: It doesn't need to change. It fulfills its purpose. There honestly isn't very much that is actually interesting that you can do with the game play concept of "there's a lot of enemies and you can fight them." Honestly it sounds like a design disaster unless you're making a musou game which is built around giving you OP moves to take down hordes of ineffective mobs.

I get your concern, but I think you aren't looking at the full picture. It's a very complicated one, and I think more than anything the best direction for the industry would to make game design focus on simpler qualities.

Yeah. Don't you remember the fucked up ads that had nothing to do with games in any way for PS2.

And shit like that.

Yes, yes it did. Too bad Dreamcast, GameCube, and Xbox games could achieve 60fps with native progressive scan rendering without the need to render games with interlaced fields.

what are some good gamecube exclusives? I never had one so I dont know.

Yeah it was basically a PC with heavily modified Windows.

yet a lot of ps2 games pushed the graphical boundaries despite the system being designed at a similar time to the dreamcast. the dreamcast was pretty similar to the gamecube in the way it processes graphics. It deals best with simple stuff.

In the end, the vast majority of Dreamcast games looked like shit. Unfortunate, but that was the lifespan issue. PS1 and 2 had such long lives that the games near the end cycle could draw out everything. Hell I'd still argue that many last moment PS2 titles look better than some early PS3 titles.

Move goalposts and screech about sales all you want, the fact is PS2's FBR was positively retarded in hindsight and only worked because Sony had enough clout from the PS1s success to convince devs to stick with their fucktarded hardware. FBR has made a lot of otherwise good looking PS2 games look hideous.

looks fine on a decent CRT with a nice comb filter tbh

Sorry, can't hear you over those combing artifacts and jagged aliasing coming from Sony.

So did those other systems.

yeah, and they were usually interlaced like FBR games were

Like I said, if the console would've lasted longer, it would'be been great. All you need to do is look at Shenmue and you know it's a powerhouse, but unfortunately most of the games released did not meet a standard anywhere near to that. I loved the DC, you know and was sad to see it gone so soon.

Just because you played xbox games with standard composite cables doesn't mean they were natively interlaced, fucktard.

How? There seems to be more complexity going on in Bayonetta 2 's gameplay than what's going on in a H:ZD cutscene.
Back in 2004, Monolith Productions composed of just over 100 people, who went on to produce the greatest example of gaming AI a year later in F.E.A.R.. Back in 2008, Bungie had about 120 employees (Up to 200 by 2012), and you can see the improvements in AI they managed to make (Second pic related). Meanwhile, 343i has over 450 employees (Taken from about a dozen different companies, and mostly comprised of gaming veterans) and they cannot make a game more complex than a team less than half their size.
Can agree with you on that. Most of the faults of "bad physics" these days is due to shoddy programmers.
I know this is very much a cherry-picking example, but when the gaming public is trying to hold this game up as an example of prestige gaming, you have to raise your eyebrow.

Holy crap, watch that comparison at 4:05, the PS2 looks like total shit. I didn't even knew that the XB could look that pretty, I don't think that a single PS2 title comes close to that.

Damn, the copied image from Bayo 2 didn't copy over for some reason.

I play my Xbox games with Component y/pb/pr on an Ikegami HTM-2050RA1, most consumers CRTs didn't support 31khz signals, even if they had component and were viewing them in 480i.

That's nice and all, except they were still natively progressive scan games on the fucking disc and that's how the console rendered them and were only shown as interlaced depending on your cable hook up and system settings. Not to mention if your CRT didn't support 480p you would know, usually by the system telling you or your TV displaying errors on screen. I played my Xbox games on a big ass Sony WEGA EDTV that supported up to 1080i.

most people didn't have EDTVs and I find their picture reproduction to be pretty poor for SD systems. Very early digital processing. Most people were using 15khz CRTs for these systems. 480p on a CRT looks great for 6th gen games that support it.


Doesn't mean shit since there were TVs and displays that supported 480p, regardless if the tech back then looks like shit now not to mention almost no one was playing games on professional CRTs outside of game developers themselves. This khz shit means nothing when at the end of the day, the PS2 natively had its games interlaced with FBR when its competition didn't.

15khz=standard definition, 480i and lower (most people had these)
31khz =enhanced definition, PC monitors 480p and up (very few people had these in their living room)
most people were seeing games in 480i.

If you were a poor nigger, sure. EDTVs were more than affordable to a middle income family in 2004. You also must be european for thinking everyone was stuck using 480i since the PAL Xbox and Cube lacked component video output, but supported SCART RGB as a trade-off.

If you were a poor nigger, sure. EDTVs were more than affordable to a middle income family in 2004. You also must be european for thinking everyone was stuck using 480i since the PAL Xbox and Cube lacked component video output, but supported SCART RGB as a trade-off.

Not like it matters when the Gamecube had less games.

the PAL standard is 576i iirc, I live in America. I had a 28" Panasonic from 1997 until about 2006 where my family got a Sony Wega XBR960. I think 2004-2008 was the period where most people got into HD displays, going by the sales numbers at the time.


I hate that the Gamecube's failure meant the death of distinctive console aesthetics. Everything is a minimalist oblong that comes in your choice of black white or grey now. Wouldn't it be great if a new console came out and the default colour was fucking orange or something? Maybe it could be shaped like a triangle, I don't know.

I want gamesphere to be real.

Then allow me to break that cycle, nigger. PS2 multiplats also often suffered from things like longer load times, for example, Killer 7.

If going strictly by games, PS2 was the best console. Most Gamecube games people talk about are mostly first party. Xbox being a PC gimped by it's OS was the best in terms of power. If you only cared about games but could only get one console, then PS2 was the best choice regardless of power or gimmicks. Not to mentioned PS2 and Xbox could play DVDs natively.

Honestly, I like the 7th gen consoles more since the hardware like controllers started using more open standards that allowed them to be used on PCs like bluetooth and USB. And then current gen is even better because easier ports to PC from a lot of x86 consoles.

Nigger, this phenomenon is not exclusive to consoles. Between the ugly bubbly iMac G3s and the Nokia Ngage's, nobody wanted cheesy looking toys. The old Fisher-price designs of old Macs and Cell Phones were replaced with the black towers and elegant slabs we have today.

I think I was the one who made that original thread Every day until the "PS2 was more powerful" meme finally dies user, every day

Sorry "gramps", 5th/6th gen are the best.

How the fuck can somebody be so fucking wrong?
The Gamecube was commodity computer hardware for the most part, the IBM Gekko is a slightly modified PowerPC 750CL. This makes it super easy to program for and is probably what gave it an advantage in terms of horsepower over the PS2 overall

So a TV made before progressive scan output wasn't widely available to consumers.
Right in the middle of 6th gen then

the end of the 6th gen. The 7th gen started in 2005 and also helped usher in HD adoption.

I don't think I've seen a post more wrong than this.

For the Xbox. Gamecube and especially PS2. Also, plasma and lcds were already available to consumers by 2001.
I know youngfag, and it was under complete lies as most 360 games have a max vertical resolution of like 640p with the TV scaling them to HD afterwards, and despite Sony claiming PS3 games would all be in 1080p most PS3 games are 720p at best. Nintendo of course sat HD out.

Fuck mark

*Gamecube and especially PS2 still had games coming out.

In his boypussy ;3

*Gamecube and especially PS2 still had games coming out.

Sony and Nintendo controllers are pretty good for what it's worth. And even the Xbox One controller is pretty nice. Just how rough are you with your controllers dude? Not even being funny with that question, if you meant like 360 controllers, sure but fucking Nintendo controllers? Flimsy?

Besides, a lot of games I've gotten that were ports played pretty good. And I'd rather deal with PC DRM than console DRM.

this is a really interesting conversation that is going nowhere

point is the gamecube is inferior to the ps2

That's where you're wrong. Those are the only Macs I'd ever consider owning. And maybe the Powerbook G3s. And the G4s were cool too. But the puck mouse deserves to fucking burn.

Question; How does controllers being "flimsy pieces of shit" change the fact that your standard controller now uses bluetooth and USB? And unless the controller was either third party or already used by someone who doesn't care, I've never had a controller truly break on me. Do you like throw your controllers around?

Another question: What does DRM (which is what a consoles is too) and being poorly optimized have to do with the fact that more console games are coming to PC? Especially when DRM can be cracked and PC being modular can overcome poor optimization with better parts or mods?

I'd say my post is spot on.

It is less about coming from one place but more about Holla Forums fostering these fags plus samefagging. Back at halfchan, people Kazposting and it was as cancer or more cancer as Toddposting because there were also faggots doing it unironically.

Those were the days. I was very good JA player online. My clan was pure dogshit larping though. Wish i learned about piracy and emulators sooner.

Where did you purchase your Xbox component cables? How much were they?

Sonygger revisionism. The Emotion Engine was a total cluster fuck on release. That's the reason PS2 games were a fucking broken mess for a solid 2 years after the system released.

The PS2 was cool when it was the only thing doing the sleek black oblong look. Now it's boring. I'd love to see coloured transparent plastic again. I like the way both of those devices look, regardless of their actual quality.

Such an ignorance should be illegalized