A good game with fun guns becomes even better. A shit game with interesting guns at least gives you some reason to play.
What are your favourite guns in vidya? Other weapons welcome too
Favourite vidya guns
Everything from pic related
The Direct Hit has such a nice design, it's one of the few weapons that could be dropped on top of the vanilla game without much fuss.
I recently played through Dark Forces 2 for the first time: The explosives alone are worth all the trouble I had getting the game running on a modern system.
It is a rule that you can measure how good a shooter is to play by how satisfying the shotguns in said game are to use.
I can't pardon what Hi-rez, the company who abandonned tribes for shit ASSFAGGOTS like Smite, did to tribes ascend, it was a decent game with the fucking classes, now its just even more shit than it used to be.
On another note, the spinfusor is one of my favorite weapon of all time, nothing quite does the job like an explosive Frisbee launcher.
I always loved the detail they put on the weapons. This game didn't deserve to die like this.
You can also measure how shit a game is by seeing if the shotgun is the only satisfying weapon in the game (i.e. F.E.A.R.)
The revolver, from any shooter ever.
Old powder guns are god tier, and I'm not sure why most fantasy games lack them.
I love an over/under double-barreled shotfun like nothing else. S.T.A.L.K.E.R's TOZ-34 scratches that itch. I've thrown away fulled upgraded TOZ-66's for an un-upgraded TOZ-34 that's half damaged because side-by-side sucks shit compared to over/under style.
Shooter games suck.
I would call STALKER an exception, considering how clumsy the shotgun is.
Reminds me of the meme way to beat the last boss in NuCom: Enemy Within.
Also, jetpack class + shotgun is top fun, especially if it's a semi auto shotgun with a huge mag, so you can street sweeper them like it's Black Friday in Detroit.
Looks like a good thread to ask.
Help me Holla Forums, whats that top-down shooter what has loads of real world guns in it.
Remember seeing a webm of someone scrolling through the gun store page and it just goes on and on.
M249 on Arma 2 with a scope
Found two more favourites.
The Imperial Repeater from Jedi Academy was great, especially if you combined it with Dark Rage and Speed. It just vomits bullets all over the screen.
Killing Floor's Hunting Shotgun was great against bigger enemies. You could jump up in their face, aim down, and shoot their body through their head for extra damage.
My favorite gun in Metal Gear Solid.
Jagged Alliance.
The Nuke and the Cerebral Bore from Turok 2.
Jagged Alliance 2 with the unofficial 1.13v patch probably.
If you're interested in games like that also check out Brigade E5, 7.62 High Calibre, Marauder (all three in a similar engine by the same dev) and maybe Silent Storm.
I fucking love this thing
I really fucking hated the pipe rifles in fallout 4 because they looked like shit. Their idea of being able to get any attachment and be modified to take any ammunition is fantastic but holy shit is it so much to ask for a paint job?
Also pic related mai raifu.
Best gun.
This bad boy right here
There is nothing more satisfying than insta popping whoever just knocked down your sentry
Shotgun in Doom1 is still memorable. Shotgun in HL1 is ok. AK in Counterstrike classic was ok. The assault rifle, the hunting rifle and .223 pistol in Fallout1, modified glock plasma pistol in Fallout2.
The FJ was awesome when paired with the Gunslinger. FJ + Gunslinger ended up getting a bad reputation because of retards who didn't support the team.
I used to bind Q to drop sentry with one button press.
I came here to post this. The rail det is still my favorite launcher weapon after all these years.
I was literally thinking about this game a couple days ago, and how much I missed it. I fucked shit up on it, always played with music, felt like a badass as a teen when really, I was just a faggot.
God I love it when the damage sounds went a bit weird and all stacked on top of eachother, so they gunshot itself was barely audible but everyone nearby would hear the deafening crack of like 40 headshot sounds being played at once.
Opinions discarded.
If you're not posting a clip with the sound effect it's impossible to explain. It is the most satisfying sound in a game.
i liked the red "clear the map" gun from turok 2.
why dont modern shooters have those anymore? used to be mandatory.
Say what you will about his first few points but when he started talking about the Depth of Field and guns I could completely agree with him.
Other than modded STALKER and 7.62 High Calibre does any game have a semi-only AR15 that isn't a DMR?
After I found this I maxed small arms as far as I reasonabaly could and carried it with me everywhere.
it was shit after you hit the power armour portions of the game, but I still loved the damn thing
Heavy's stock minigun, his signature WHRRRRRRRR is enough to make me play him again for the 100+ hours i've spent on him, and ambushing roaming sollies / demo / jumping scouts never gets old
Shame the stock mini has a bland model, so enjoy his better reskin
pleb, real frontline engies use the jag and are able to pull off crits without that max health bonus
i always cream myself when i finally find one on any playthrough of STALKER
That's abit stretching it though, sure all the gun sounds are good even to the pistols, but the special mention has to be given to the magnum with its metallic roar and loud cocking action
I had a mod just for retexturing pipe guns. Removed most of the rust but kept a little bit because they should be kind of rusty. Pipe/Gun grey with reclaimed wood stocks instead of brown on brown.
I used them a lot more just because they didn't look like worthless brittle shit anymore.
I don't remember this shotgun in E.Y.E, i do remember the Despedazador and Betty Boom.
I loved the sound it did when it fired and it was better when you critted someone. Fallout 1 and 2 has some really nice gore despite the fact that is only small 3d models.
What a massive fucking faggot. The DoF made it fucking aesthetic as fuck when reloading a weapon. Everyone loves reloading his raifu. It's a personal moment between you and the firearm. I want all my focus there and that is why they added DoF during reloads.
As for his screeching over the weapon models, not even /k/ minds it. Everyone with at least 65 IQ acknowledges that this was basically a game that represented Hollywood firefights. Make the guns look big, violent and powerful.
Black is a badass shooter and Holla Forums approved..
The SO is a grenade launcher. It's in the same group as the Sulfatum but you have to unlock it.
It's gimmick is that it fires proximity-detonating sticky grenades. You can shoot them straight at enemies or set traps. The downside is that you set your own grenades off, so you have to remember what you were doing with it before you accidentally kill yourself.
It's also perfectly accurate all the time, so it's great for long range shots while moving.
I fucking love Stock and Family Business. Some twat scout comes at as I'm revving down thinking that he's got the wind up time to kill me and bail before I turn on the Family Business and fuck up any plans of movement due to the push back and increased fire rate.
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System had some good guns. My favorite was the Rivet Gun.
Supreme taste, my friend.
We are surrounded by plebs, you and I.
I always love it when a know-it-all 'pro'scout thought they could air-strafe while meatshotting me while i was revving up the miniguns, then i whipped out the fam-bus and meatshotted em off the sky
Does it kill Deus Exes?
I thought so
Hunting Rifle 4 lyfe
Wow that's some """"""valid"""""" points you made there. Why don't you embed that HL2 as well? Come the think of it, you might be the knoblicker who always embed that knobjockey whenever the topic of HL2 comes up.
Neck yourself faggot, also most vidya recommended by Holla Forums is ok for the most part
Why? because you can't see the enemies on screen? Then don't reload while you're under fire.
The DoF is there to make you focus on the guns, since the guns (admittedly overdesigned to the point of hilarity) are eye candy during that short period of not shooting things.
Please, nobody actually enjoys using the Cerebral Bore, it's just a weapon that is interesting in concept.
The Railguns on the mech in Natural Selection 2, they have a great sound too bad the only videos showing them has faggots talking.
The Colt Navy in Fistful of Frags is pretty damn nice.
I'm a noguns faggot and that shit makes me cringe everytime.
Next you'll tell me FarCry 2 reload animations are good.
Your dubs are the equivalent of your IQ. The game has massive magazine count, huge muzzle flashes, exaggerated rate of fire, and the casics eject at the left side of the weapon because it LOOKS COOL.
It's a GUN PORN SHOOTER where GUNS are meade to LOOK COOL.
Off yourself
You should have informed this
schlub that Jagged Alliance isn't a top down shooter.
This man is correct.
too bad the vidya version is nowhere near as gruesome and metal as it is in the books
Every fucking time I see that gun I think of a drawing somebody here did of a ton of needles flying into MC's ass.
I love Jim's blaster. I love how its designed to encourage you to just spray and pray. It's cartoon violence at some of its greatest.
Old school shooters with SciFi weapons have more gun porn than this cringy bullshit made by Britbongs
In Blac/k/ed you load a 20 round Stanag and get to fire 100 rounds while the weapon is being ammo belt fed.
Shit like that doesn't look cool, it looks fucking awful.
Seems just like you're just out of arguments and trying to label me something I am now.
I play F.E.A.R, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, FarCry, Serious Sam and Half Life, those fucking games are full of autistic errors and non existing weapons and I'm ok with them because they're not fucking garbage and don't work like garbage.
Half Life itself has a SPAS that fires two fucking shella for fucks sake.
I'm totally ok with over the top bullshit, Black advertises itself a over the top gun porn and instesd you get Airsoft tier autism.
Haven't seen that one in a while
You sure it was done here?
so you want him to stop liking what you don't like?
Yeah, it was one of our guys who drew it.
I remember when I played with my friend UT. Shit was so much fun.
I have diamonds in my pants thanks to you.
He can like whatever he wants
I'm just saying that what he likes is objectively trash.
I thought I had seen that popping around before this board even existed.
I guess my recollection of that wasn't accurate.
How new are you?
No they don't user
Anon you're contradicting yourself. You claim that you don't like the fake weapons in Black and yet you play games that have just as fake errors if not worse. And then you claim about "working like garbage" but these games you play work WORSE than Black. Are your latest dubs perhaps your true IQ?
Your reddit is showing. Back to /r/theredpill
Are you having mental issues?
They just look so goddamn cool.
Are you a canadian by any chance?
Seems like you're underage then
No they don't as the gameplay in those games is top tier, and they don't advertise themselves as gun porn.
Read again
I said the weapons and how they work were airsoft tier, as in, they actually work like a shitty airsoft replica looks like.
And why are you so mad?
Fucking hell I need some sleep
he is canadian by birth user
You're retarded
For the most part, true. And Black is right among them as god-tier. If you like those games but dislike Black then you're autistic.
No, they work like they would in a hollywood movie about guns, just like they were designed to work in this game.
Great argument
What the fuck, Holla Forums?
If you give me a decent model of a glock or MP5 that shoots 300 bullets like an Arnie movie I've got no issue with that.
But the moment you bastardize those weapons and advertise it as gun porn you're asking for a pounding.
Why that video user?
That video was amazing. I love Running With Scissors!
Is this the guy who hates serious sam and hates half life 2 because it references half life?
Yes, this is the serious sam guy.
You got it wrong. He hates Serious Sam because it's too hard for him and mildly dislikes HL2 for not being a good sequel for HL even though there's much more wrong with it than that.
He's retarded but you gotta give him credit. Fuckers skin is almost as thick as his skull.
You completely miss the game's design. It is gun porn and there is no denying it. You keep bitching how unrealistic it is when that's exactly the point. Unrealistic, violent loud guns with bullet casings and dust particles flying everywhere.
Yeah, I'd rather play cod at that point, you don't see that shit even in that game.
Despite the shitload amount of stuff flying around, they never actually obscure your vision. The game is god-tier and fun as hell. Try it out. Runs good on the PCSX2 emuator too.
Not in the mood for a brown and grey shooter right now.
Sure is reddit in here
Suit yourself
Doesn't mean I won't give it a try some time later when I really crave some sort of brown and grey shooter. Sounds at least a little better than COD or some other shitty game I guess.
Is the Shogo Assault Rifle based on anything IRL?
plebs, the lot of you
Speaking of Gone Guru, the artist behind it is still making music.
His songs are kinda weird and wonky, but I like them. They're not too serious and many of them are self-aware as fuck, like 'B4 the Internet'.
What are some games with good flamethrowers?
Someone is going to say FarCry 2 like the shit taste plebs they are so I'm going to tell you to play Alien vs Predator 2 before they have the chance to say something that stupid.
I wish Blood Dragon had a different model for the flamethrower, its the only good FarCry game along with the first one
Maybe, maybe not
Thanks, I'll check it out.
I do agree that the Far Cry flamethrower is underwhelming, as is the fire mechanic as a whole imo.
And I didn't like Blood Dragon.
Actually the fire tech is impressive FarCry 2 however is mediocre, which is a shame because it has tons of potencial, should have fleshed out the missions, instead we get repetitive garbage and tons of walking every time.
I can understand why you feel that way, its a reskin of FarCry 3 but more condensed on its mechanics and content and without giving a fuck in terms of gameplay balance and writing.
Nice spot, I think you're on point
If you look closely at the viewmodel while it's bobbing, you can see that the texture stretches in a surreal sort of way. It almost makes the gun look like it's breathing.
the texture was warped on the gun itself, the model has no vertex morphing because no vertexes are actually moving. Monolith has always been incompetent, and none of their shooters are fun to play except fear
Draw thread material right here
I'm only just recently playing through Battlefield Bad Company 2 and even though the game is basically a railed shooter with some semblance of FP elements, it is decently enjoyable.
That being said the shotguns in that game are totally pointless.
Balancing shotguns and making the useful at the same time is really hard in any game because you absolutely -must- include an inertia/drag coefficient that makes them less effective at medium and longer ranges without resorting to the time honored shitty method of simply increasing spread.
I should have specified, their lithtech games are not fun to play.
Are you going to fuckoff or am I going to tell you to?
Any shotguns
Especially break action shotguns
It was an interesting gun but in any realistic game which I'm more inclined to objectively view them against, they're very much a niche tool.
The bullets only fly a bit faster than a .45 acp which in for example ARMA 2 made them not the greatest for open field fighting due to how much you have to hang the bullet and lead the target.
My personal alternative would be the 9a91 or the Vikhr which also fire the 9x39 but are more suited for close quarters fighting which that round would excel.
we get it, you like nolf, it sucks though, so does shogo and blood 2.
Not as much as you suck dick
Call of Duty did shit with modern settings only starting with Modern Warfare, which was released a fair amount of time after Black was. The game is also vastly different in how it plays and what the focus is.
Plenty of games did what Modern Warfare did.
Better too
Fucking game was just shilled to hell and back plus consoles, also the fact that such a popular brand going from a settled setting like WWII to a Modern setting was a novelty back then and thet did extensevely change the mechanics of the previous ones.
Nowadays they just hop from setting to setting without changing any mechanics with the smarter of normalfags wondering why the new games on the same setting they liked back then are now the same as the shit they played in 2007 while they keep buying and playing that garbage of course.
Consoles are heavily limited in terms of how you can handle improved weapon mechanics, hence why you see an increasing number of console FPS games historic or contemporary weapons with little or no recoil at all.
Because fighting recoil with a thumb stick along with tracking your target would fuck up 80% of their audience.
Day of Infamy flamer is pretty good. The flames bounce off of surfaces so you can kill people behind corners.
And even then a shitton of 6th Gen FPS games had recoil like Killzone and Medal of Honor European Assault.
I'm sure the 40K lore about how old tech is extremely powerful even though it looks dated was influenced and taken from something else, but goddamn, its the perfect analogy for most of the media and tech today.
We have to go back.
He has valid reasons for disliking SSam though. SSam is basically not much further from Doom gameplay with a lot bigger maps (and worse designed maps, they are just wide open shooting galleries) and higher enemy counts.
He makes good points
I actually love SS and when I started posting his videos I though most of the faggots here on Holla Forums would like him despite his dislike for some of the games many here like.
But I guess plenty of people here are thin skinned little bitches, he actually has good taste as well.
From Mechwarrior to Marathon
Kinda wish he would talk about more obscure games like the Budget Barrel series, though. Always love those.
I think its on the Half Life 2 stream he did that I watched a bit of that he talks about it, says hes making another one but that he takes a considerable amount of work to get them done.
I disagree. I think he's just an annoying cunt who needs the stupid slapped out of him because what he mostly did in that SS review was whine exactly the same way Milhouse does.
Yeah I watched that shit live. It was pretty enjoyable.
True, but he also had some nice criticism to give out
your channel is shit, do something else.