What's the deal with these things? Every time they're brought up Holla Forums's autism shoots through the roof.
CRT televisions & Monitors
so from what I've gathered so far, the plus sides are:
but they're heavy & use a lot of electricity
Am I missing anything?
Every thread on here is full of autistic fucks. What's your point?
Even more than that. We're talking mega super Autism here.
Even the fact that they're heavy can be somewhat ignored if you pick up a smaller crt rather than one of the 30" ones that look like shit because the image is blown up too much.
I agree, CRT autists really are impressively autistic.
CRT baiting doesn't work if you're this overt with your OP.
Hey you, Start Talking about CRTs
Well Jerry. Unfortunately the topic brings out a lot of people who treats every single CRT as lost alien tech that's always superior at the top of their height and any other technology after it as frozen in their first gen crappiness.
Out of all the threads that has ever been made sitewide, there is maybe only a handful of people that knows the difference between a good CRT vs the VHS combo CRT that hipster hobos found at a curbside pickup.
There is one advantage if you are someone who really knows what they're doing with TV and electronics repair and you have access to parts, some CRTs has more chances of it being repairable. Most LCDs unless you are talking really high end pro grade stuff, are basically consumer grade electronics that when broken you fix by buying a new model. Then again that holds true for a lot of current era electronics.
I just want a comfy small CRT TV to hook up to my Wii and play emulators with it. If only there was a way to connect a Classic Controller Pro directly to the console instead of shitty bluetooth, it would be fucking perfect
I still have a Panasonic Tau set from ~2002 that I use for retro gaming, but it has geometry and blurring issues. Probably going to replace it with a CRT PC monitor at some point, since it's hard to justify a massive CRT set taking up space when I only use it for a single thing (retro gaming).
I'd recommend just picking up an old PC monitor instead of falling for the Trinitron/PVM/BVM meme. That's the real autism.
this is what i use to practice smash although im going to get something like in the op very soon.
forgot pic
How are they involved?
From what I've heard, it was patent jewing and years of lawsuits by a company called Applied Nanotech that killed Canon's SED attempts.
yay crts!
You dont belong here
get straps and a friend
You will never know the pain of moving a couch to the third floor in an apartment built somewhere around the 1930s.
The stairs were like 11inches wide and the incline was bullshit.
Get off your ass and haul the bitch to your manchild cave.
How the hell do you even use those on stairs, am I just retarded here or something
I tried hauling a heavy washing machine, pretty much exactly like that pic, some years ago with those and the moment we hit stairs the guy higher ups gotta squat to keep it sorta even or the thing slides toward the guy on the bottom. Also it's hell on your arms pretty quick, cuts circulation, rather just lift the damn thing normal
Actually speaking if that I see 2 on craigslist, ones a 27 inch toshiba and he other is a 32 inch citizen but has been in some childrens room. I'm wondering which I should go for. Greed tells me the bigger tv but the 27 inch hasn't been used much if the seller is to be believed.
I have one but I didn't strap it down when moving it and it smacked into the back of my truck, not it buzzes pretty bad and the picture is off.
just get those little carts for baggage, rope and a friend
If you're playing on Dolphin the lag introduced by the emulator will cancel out the lack of lag from the CRT.
Post hotglues of the Akari nendo.
my pc runs it at 100% emulation speed with minor hickups. any input lag is negligible and does not affect hand eye or muscle memory when switching to real hardware.
didn't expect anyone to actually be paying attention but whatever.
Some faggotry was involved in making it never ever happen though
don't do this
it's a cumulative effect of everything else along with the emulator.
+ Black is black
+ No native resolution
+ No motion blur
+ No latency
+ Works with light guns
- Is big (this is a problem if you have a tiny room)
- Larger screen sizes (bigger than ~40") rare.
- May make high pitch noise
- Monitors only support analog input. Modern GPUs have dropped VGA support.
- Picture geometry may never be perfect. The geometry at the edges may change even when you moving a window on the desktop. I've never had the chance to use a high quality CRT, so this may not be an issue on something like FW900.
- CRTs produce a small amount of ionizing radiation. The monitor should block it so it shouldn't be dangerous, but who knows how safe some cheap chink monitor is. I've always used CRTs primarily, and I don't have cancer (hopefully), so I don't think they're that dangerous.
+- Picture is slightly blurry. Text may be less clearer, but on the other hand, small non-anti-aliased text may look more pleasant on a CRT monitor, since it's slightly softer.
+- If you're using a cheap monitor, it may not support display frequencies high enough for your eyes, which may cause you headache or eyestrain. The picture may also flicker. This is not really a bad thing though, since it allows lack of motion blur.
CRTs are heavy. This point is so fucking annoying, because it sounds like most people who complain about this are some sort of nu-males who cannot even lift furniture without asking help from Chad. 19" CRT monitors can be carried easily by one man. The shape may make them a tad annoying to grab, but you only have to do it when you move. Some user above also said that his parents gave him a 30" TV. That's not a problem. I can carry my 28" CRT TV on my own, so a 30" TV shouldn't be that much worse. Sure, you will have to put a bit of an effort to carry it 3 floors, but so fucking what. That's life.
sadly. I've considered getting a metal rack shelf, I've seen others use them. For now I have a 4-cube organizer thing from walmart made out of """""""""""""""""""""wood""""""""""""""""""" but it was something else resting my Ikegami on it and hearing the wood "crackle." as it settled in.
only consideration you have to make is that some consoles have additional capacitors for RGB out, gotta make sure those are there. There's also shielding that is very important.
Keep an eye on smaller grocery stores. That's where I got my metros. They were just throwing them away.
If you're using a CRT, you don't really need to worry about shielding too much. Just keep the lead between the console and the box short and use some decent RCA cables and it should be fine. Going to a shitbox like a Framemeister though is dumb.
As I said though, the chink SCART cable usually comes with the capacitors and resistors inside, so you can just salvage those or provide your own replacements. It's usually 220uf caps and 75 ohm resistors.
There's also a lot myths about CRTs that anons eat up to justify their CRT hate for whatever reason. Like the idea CRTs have excessive amounts of radiation and cause eye damage.
A banana has 0.1 sievert unit of radiation. You get 100 bananas of radiation in a single DAY just from background radiation, but a CRT will give you at most 0.3 "bananas" of radiation in a single day, and that's from 24 hours with your face pressed up against it.
FUCK, that's supposed to be
The "It damages your eyes!" thing comes from the fact that you're looking at a close object for extended periods. Competition shooters have similar problems
Still hilariously trivial either way. You get more radiation walking through a produce department.
Most CRT's (32inch) are less than a hundred pounds the only ones that weigh more are are the 40+ inch models(200+ lbs). Most people are gonna have a 32 inch at the most, with a 20 inch being much more common. 100 lbs is not heavy if you can't lift 100 lbs then you are literally a woman, hell even 200 lbs isn't that heavy.
I mean more in terms of audio shielding. this fat guy shows you what I mean
also glad my old ikegami is doing well there.
What the fuck nigger? Are you high? Banana equivalent dose is 0.1 MICROsieverts. That is 0.000001 sieverts.
Just end me
I've never had any issue with the things I've built, and I'm a picky cunt. It's not like gaming systems are audiophile quality hardware anyway. The inside of a console is noisier than the outside could reasonably ever be. If it makes you feel better, you can get shielded 10-wire cable for like $2/foot, and it only really needs 6" per box. The Chink SCART lead's importance is a cheap source of those bullshit proprietary AV connectors console manufacturers loved to fuck you over with. They're pretty easy to split open and install whatever cable you like, though you will have to alter the exit point of the connector enclosure to fit your cable. I wonder if RJ45 cable could be adapted for this purpose.
While I'm asking anything to keep an eye out for? Particular brands or if I nab one of these, anything I should be looking for?
pls respond
You have eaten too many bananas.
CRTs gave off tons of static and made this ear-piercing EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE noise. Unless actual good CRT don't do that, I will always be glad with a normal LED screen.
good ones don't really do that, and the 15khz sine wave becomes unhearable over time.
I'm starting to get more into the sound side of things and I've become interested in digital audio solutions too, I just lack the proper equipment for it yet. You aren't wrong in using a cheapo chink scart cable, it's a good starting point and if signal crosstalk is a concern, setting up your own wiring is a good solution.
Don't ever pay money for a consumer grade CRT. Look for S-Video or Component video. Bring something that can run 240 test suite.
Confirmed millennial.
lcd/led screens can also give an annoying whine if it's a shit screen.
the whine isn't bad and can be worked around if the crt has a headphone jack
Explain your sorcery. I have plenty of optical kit, and this is the next step.
If you get a consumer CRT Sony is a good brand to go with
Holla Forums is rather… special
Do not engage in these threads.
also craigslist usually has something up for trinitron, wega, "big box tv", "tube tv", etc. I'd say never pay more than $20 for a consumer CRT. The difference between even s-video on a pro monitor is massive compared to consumer TVs. pic is s-video on a panasonic
I only said starting, I didn't say I did it yet! Sounds nice though, right?
Don't ever use a CRT's own headphone jack. Run the audio to a stereo head unit or something, hell even a cheap set of logitech PC speakers is better. CRT headphone jacks are super noisy.
Millennial or just value good hearing protection?
People generally naturally lose the range of hearing required to hear CRT whine when they reach adulthood, that was his assertion. You wouldn't be able to hear it at all on a 100/120hz CRT no matter the age though.
There was one for $35 but looks like Ill go with the $20 one instead then. I hope its not to beat up.
But what about the static?
Static? Are you talking about the layer of static that can build up on a CRT's screen? Or are you saying your old CRT constantly produce a loud "staticy sound"? Because I've never heard of this before so now I'm wondering what the hell was wrong with your CRT.
also i forgot to post s-video on a pro monitor. here you go
probably just a bad connection, but that would produce static on anything
Reminds me of how we had to move some fuckhuge safes by hand on my last job. Still surprised I haven't got any grey hair after that experience.
The sole reason I don't own one, I can't stand that noise. Every time I hear it in old shows it gives me a headache.
By the way, if anyones thinking about buying a CRT, here's a hearing test thing, skip towards the end if you wanna know if you can hear the 15 khz noise they make. Fair warning, it'll hurt your ears if you have baby bitch sensitive ears like mine
It becomes imperceptible past 13.6khz for me, always had bad ears as a kid and I remember getting checked up often on that. Definitely don't miss the hearing tests at the doctors office.
17khz master race
So I got this thing off craigslist for free. It was a bitch to get home in my car. Need to move before I can set up though. How'd I do?
It's a Toshiba 30HF86C and it has an HDMI port which is what I really wanted it for.
Neat. I can hear up to 17.3 kHz
HDMI means digital processing which means lag and a smeared look to the image for SD resolutions. I'd be curious how the overscan is too. If you can, hook up your PC to it and see what the max res is and see how much picture is cut off.
Actually, I can still hear a whining into the 20 kHz range, but not as loud as that 17.3 kHz.
You mean one autistic faggot's autism shoots through the roof. CRT shit is basically a template thread now.
Well it's free so not terrible but it can't be used for light guns and isn't lag free like standard CRT's. It also seems to have a max resolution of 1080i. It's good for ps2 and up.
Surprisingly, a super cheap TV cabinet that came with a bunk bed I got when I was younger holds one of those fuckhuge CRTs just fine and has for years. I'm pretty sure that whole furniture set was made from the cheapest wood the chinese factory could get it's hands on.
I'm pretty sure it would break if I sat on it, but that thing is still holding that massive CRT to this very day.
is it wood or is it """""""""""""Wood""""""""""" like that pressed cardboard shit or whatever it is
Must be the radiation.
I also got into the 18 khz range and then it went out. I guess my hearing is not as bad as I thought after the shooting incident in the army service.
Its definitely not plywood. One of the shelves broke at some point, so it's definitely wood given it broke in a manner consistent with how wood works. So unless there's some really convincing fake wood, it's probably some kind of wood that grows really fast.
nice pvmeme
sounds like wood to me. Good! It's actually built to hold some weight beyond a fucking phone and charger.
Wait. It may have been MDF, but I'm not quite sure if that splinters the way actual wood does.
Is Emerson any good? I got a 20" one that takes up to S-Video from an apartment I was fixing, but I already have a CRT of my own. I'll either sell it or toss it like all the other CRTs that get tossed around my place. It's a CRT graveyard around here, but almost all of them are awful.
That CRT looks pretty nice, it definitely beats the hand me down Sanyo I had. What model is it?
I hooked up a laptop to it and it seems fine enough. though right about the blurriness. Might just need to fiddle with some things though.
Well I don't care about lightguns. Though why wouldn't it be lag free? Too big? Also I plan on using it as a monitor and don't mind 1080.
It's not lag free because of the digital processing. A standard CRT doesn't have to convert signals like yours does. It's pretty much a heavier alternative to a standard lcd/led tv. They do have their benefits but not as much as either straight up CRT or lcd/led. I'd enjoy one just for older anime mostly.
what is your resolution? Usually the limit of 1080i sets is 1366x768p, so at the very least you can get an OK 720p monitor out of it. Also looks like there's a bit of overscan, but you may be able to adjust this in the OSD.
And this is coming from someone who has 4 CRTs because of smash tourneyfaggotry. At least know what you're talking about before you go full sperglord and embarrass yourself.
Emersons are alright. Usually they use LG/Goldstar tubes I think. Not bad if you get one for free.
CRTs are utterly superior to LCDs, which makes certain anons butthurt because they can't physically lift one. Pic related.
dont you mean more like this
i mean LIKE THIS
I think LCDfags are too young to remember CRTs. While LCDs are better for any games made to look good at 1600x900 and higher, and can run in an LCD's native resolution, anything that -isn't- running at an LCD's native resolution will always look like total dogshit.
Even running emulators a CRT is better, because it can natively handle [email protected], allowing for a perfect 2x scale of the game, with a perfect 60hz frequency. Kick on Vsync and enjoy that buttery smooth framerate, sharp pixels, accurate color and perfectly sharp pixels.
For fuck's sake, whatever faggot programmed the email protection bullshit needs to fuck off, die, and realize they need to make sure what follows the @ is actually a fucking address.
640x480 @ 60hz
Right. But LCDs buffer a frame, at the very least. That's 1 frame of lag built right in and not avoidable.
Waste of quads, it disappears if you reload the page.
user, it displays fine for me. I think it's either the shitty browser you're using or your Holla Forums site config is fucked
Should it still be low input lag?
It is 1080i. Also I don't know too much about the Overscan but there should be some options to sharpen it up yeah.
I don't nkow for your specific one but I've read that Hd CRT's typically have a input lag of 10-50 ms's It's pretty much the same as your typical living room led/lcd tv. You should look up the timing for yours.
I actually looked it up when I got it, but found nothing. Well I'll use it for a bit, it will either do what I like or I'll trash it and get a nice LCD Monitor.
That looks like shit.
I've tested mine, and it has between 2 and 3 frames of lag. For 99% of games this won't be unplayable.
ossc is better
They're different things that do different things given one is an actual scaler and the other is a line doubler, but no, it's not, the framemeister lets you customize the image more and gives you more options.
Enjoy your $400 device that cost only $200 until a certain youtuber decided to make them popular.
Funny, that's closer to $400 by my estimation, stay in school, kiddo.
You must be 18 years or older to post on this board.
CRTs are short persistence output and have no input buffer, that makes the whole difference. Beamscan digital panels in VR headsets are approaching this gold standard of an output device
Keeping trying so hard to make owning a framemeister seem absurd, really working out for you champ.
That's a funny way to type $325.10
With an HDMI input? That's good, I have a LCD Tv for console stuff so this will be better then that at least.
2-3 frames is from the analog inputs. Digital will likely be less. Digital CRTs have to convert Analog to Digital, scale it, then convert it back to analog for the electron gun. Digital input only has to go from Digital to Analog for the electron gun. They're alright, and give a fuck of a lot better color accuracy. Not as good for 240p, but they're great for 480p and up. If you have a Wii, hook it up via Component and boot up Metroid Prime in progressive scan.
Look, dude. I've got this pickup truck. Toyota. Got nearly 250 grand on the odometer and if it were a human would now be of legal drinking age, and anyone who owns one expect it to keep on running with no major problems for another decade, at least. But most people end up trashing their modern sedan for a new one every five years, and a car a decade old won't run anymore.
They just don't make shit like they used to. And I'm not just saying that to be like an old fart; it's the goddamn truth. Cars nowadays are made of plastic and aluminum, not steel, all in the name of "muh gas mileage" which is additionally hilarious because half of modern cars get what my truck gets, because of God-Tier manual transmission. Everything is like this, nowadays. Made as cheaply and as shittily as possible, with the expectation that it will be replaced sooner rather than later. I don't pretend like my vehicle is the pinnacle of longevity, either; this is a trend of increasing shitty manufacturing that has been going on since long before it was built. There are farmers, right now, using diesel tractors that are a fucking century old and basically indestructible.
CRTs were just made better. They were better televisions, and that's a plain fact.
By the way, do you know why everything is made of plastic and is so fragile the screen breaks if you look at it cross-eyed? It's to make it lighter, but not for YOU. Oh no, fuck no. They don't care about the consumer; it's to lower shipping costs per unit, because every component of every machine gets made in all corners of the globe, being shipped tens of thousands of miles back and forth, back and forth, before it reaches the consumer. If they could make the TV out of motherfucking styrofoam, they would!
Well I've never been much on imput lag, most I'd use if for is RR64 regarding twitch movements. But good to know.
I have a car that's 32 years old, and apart from previous owner neglect it's fine.
But a Styrofoam TV actually sounds neat
When I was a kid, the idea of having a TV shipped to you from a mail order catalog was unheard of. Local delivery from a local shop perhaps, but definitely not through a parcel service, as the shipping was obscenely expensive.
Except for the part where it costs $500 and will definitely break if you accidentally bump it against something. That's the issue, here. A throwaway TV would be fine if it cost $20, but that is not the case. Machines have gotten more and more fragile, and more and more unreliable, and yet they STILL COST THE SAME proportion of an average family's income. Whether you lived in the 60's or 80's or now, a car or TV is the same "level" of investment, but its more and more an objectively inferior product. The cost-savings of technology rarely reaches the consumer; it's all just pocketed as pure profit by the owners of the companies.
Fukken saved
Too young to remember CRTs? I'm pretty sure a lot of people kept their CRTs up until analog broadcasting was within a year or two of being phased out.
Wasn't that like ten years ago? In which case nobody under 156-ish (few people have any significant memories before they are four-years-old) would remember a CRT if their parents got rid of it two years before the digital switch.
Oh, wow, that's what I get when I flub my arithmetic and hastily try to change "15" to "16".
In the US at least, that happened around 2009-2010. Fuck, I don't even qualify as old but it's still crazy that it's been 7 years.
monitor in the OP looked familiar. Mine's a little different (PVM1390) and I need to get the 25-pin D-Sub connector for RGB. This thing is cute.
Fuck off
I could hear into the upper 15k range, but my headphones my top out at that for all i know
See that EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE? You can hear it!
I have an LCD computer monitor that does this, but only when it's off (yet still plugged in aka receiving electricity) and it cycles between loud enough that I can hear it five feet away (but nobody else can) to silent about every two seconds. I have to literally unplug the thing every night or I can't sleep. Nobody I've talked to can explain why the fuck this happens.
25-35 Hz reminds me of an extremely low bass sound they used to have in electronic music back in the early 2000's. It vibrates me down to my fucking bones in a way that is almost orgasmic. I haven't found anyone that can explain this, either.
As for the test, itself, the sound faded past about 14kHz, but then almost immediately I heard SOMETHING that got louder toward the end (like a quiet "weeeeeeooooohhh"). I have to think it was some kind of feedback in my headphones.
I experience something similar with the rumbling noise. Also, is your monitor connected with VGA? If you have the option to use a digital source, you should since your monitor is a digital one.
Cats purr in 18-140 hz as well, and these frequencies are known to have therapeutic effects.
Could I switch my LCD monitor with a CRT completely? Are there any CRTs that can go up to 120hz @ 1080p?
anything below 144hz is unplayable
Well I'm fine with 144hz, just currently using some shitty acer monitor with lightboost so it limits me to 120hz.
Because the majority of CRTs are actually quite shit and the ones worth a damn will run you as much as a good LCD panel, while only being able to display most modern content with letterboxing.
Is nowhere near as bad, 4:3fags.
Pillarboxing isn't the issue, it's the inability to handle analog input, the blurry appearance of non-native resolutions, inherent lag, and disgusting color and black levels of LCDs.
I've always had CRT's because I was poor as fuck and I can still hear the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR, where's your argument now faggot?
I'm not seeing any sharp pixels here.
Nah I remember CRT. They were fucking shit and no I don't care if that's an unpopular opinion here.
Compared to most commercial CRT's, their pretty sharp. These monitors are designed to… well, monitor. To check the image quality during live broadcasts and shit.
That's my Viewsonic P810 PC monitor. (It even has RGBHV BNCs) You're not really going to find a display that runs 640x480 better than a CRT. LCDs can't make a sharp image that isn't an even divisor of its native res.
That's Tinnitus, not the ghosts of CRT's past (I have it too bro).
I like crt's because they create a very organic looking image. It's not the contrast. OLED displays don't seem to have the same quality of a crt, but more similar to the artificial plasticy sheen of lcd monitors.. I think it's due to the diffused reflective properties of the phosphors that give crts such a soft pleasing image. I find that a quality projector with matte screen in a light controlled room to be the nicest image.
It's that gaussian blur. Just enough to make the image less harsh without turning it into mush. Doesn't hurt that the face of the display is glass, not plastic as is the case with most LCD screens today (which as said is to cut weight)
CRT cucks never cease to amaze me. It's like PS1fags who think wobbly textures and dithering is "charming".
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this ID
I understand that shit can look charming through rose-tinted glasses. Doesn't stop it from being shit.
Games are made to look their best on the consumer televisions of their times, and for old games that is the CRT television, how can you argue with this fact?
Except when the developers had professional equipment and no refference to pleb hardware.
user, if devs had access to pro spec kit, what the fuck makes you think there wasn't a TV somewhere in the office, like in a break room, where they could try shit out?
The fact that you believe this and think that all CRTs looked the same only shows the amount of radiation brain damage you have suffered.
Nigger most Nintendo games weren't even the correct aspect ratio aspect
I remember that a lot of games had the option to adjust the screen size.
gdm fw-900s do [email protected] 160hz and you can get a late run Iiyama that does [email protected] 200hz.
What's even the point in this shit?
I don't know, you might sign up that poor resolution for spam email lists.
Nostalgia over PS2. Average age of Holla Forums.
can confirm
t. thoroughly enjoyed the ps2
My fellow plantation worker.
Nigger, I bought my first PS2 with money from my job. Even my old ass is nostalgic for the last console where we weren't getting fucked over with DLC and utter kikery.
You disappoint me user.
if we're talking end-of-crt-era really expensive stuff yes, but generally if a crt does more than 120hz it'll be at a streetshitter resolution.
I'm wasting this thing.
They Only Made 1000
Typo. There's a 32 inch 16:9 1000 line model too, but they must have only made or so because the only ones I've seen sell online go for $5000+. Absolutely stunning to see in real life. would love to own an A32, but they're just too expensive & rare at this point.
I know that feel user.
Good shit, user.
A family owned game store near me has an MVS, but I've never seen anyone else playing on it. God forbid the place ever closes and they have to scrap or sell it, a cabinet that old bleeds character.
Which one? I'm legitimately looking into making one work & wouldn't mind seeing ho they aren't going out of business in the current day.
That looks like shit.
I don't have specifics on how they're doing financially, but the shop has been in business for a few years and recently expanded.
Most of their business comes from non vidya merchandise they sell to kids and hipsters. The store made a killing during the Pokemon Go fad and even started selling fidget spinners this summer; It's shameless, but it makes money.
They've been busy converting the lot next door into an arcade, and brought in a working Top Skater cabinet and some other neat stuff, I can't wait to play Title Fight and Police Trainer once they finish up construction.
I think the arcade is going to bring in the most money from /soc/ tier faggots who don't play games, but I'll save face and try to make the best of it.
Well it's 1000 lines, so it does up to 1080i. It's not really meant for 240p games since the scanlines are so thick. It looks best in 720p & 480i. Shame I don't have any pictures of that.
Matches what I've heard. You really have to have your fingers in every pie to make a game store work. Thanks for the info.
the A32 has sync issues with systems like the master system and worse yet, the bkm-68x analog component board - there's only 500 of those in existence and they can't be easily reproduced as they rely on an FPGA chip that is no longer produced.
If you want retard-expensive BVMs, look at the BVMD20, 24, and 32 instead. Analog component is standard. Even then, there's other great multiformats, I've been seeing a lot of the Ikegami/Panasonic versions of the JVC DT-V1710cg which is a superb 240p-1080i multiformat monitor. Great size too. Plus its easy to make your own RGB/component board for it.
you can find some from early-mid 2000's that'll do the trick.
i didnt i was too young to know the xbox existed
Why not email the owners and tell them that if they ever think about scrapping it they should sell it to you instead?
The pictures I posted are of my BVM-D24E1WU, so yeah, it's like $3000 or so. Was $1000 when I bought it & even then I thought that was insane. Old tech is getting really pricey. Laserdisc & VCR players are creeping up too, so I'm currently trying to get a $500 laserdisc pro deck before they get to the $1000 range. A serviced machine I was looking at ended at $600 recently & I fucked up & didn't think anyone would buy it at that price.
There's someone on either here or /vr/ that's always posting his Ikegami pictures & they look nice, but I don't like the bulky control panels on the sides.
If you have the money & the room make a bid on it. Just be sure you know the carts inside aren't bootlegs. Mexicans love their bootleg neo geo machines.
that's the best part about 'em. The Ikegami HTM-1700RA has no expanded control panel, it's identical to the JVC and Panasonic variant of that monitor - small size footprint, excellent monitor - also surprisingly lightweight. This is the monitor, just swap the badge in your mind with panasonic/ikegami. also the 16:9 bezel is removable to reveal the full 4:3 flat JVC aperture grille.
also that's probably me.
I got my PVM variant for like 60 after seeing a consumer variant slip me by for like 85. You can get them cheap if you check frequently. If the price sounds retarded, it probably is.
We should open up a game store.
Nothing but Cotton & Neo Geo Pockets
seriously though, that'shalf the problem. I wouldn't be able to employ anyone who knows what the fuck they're talking about or doing, & retro game stores kind of need a certain level of expertise to work. If someone comes in asking for an RGB modded NES & you don't know what the fuck they're talking about you lose a sale. (hey it could happen)
I have a 14" ikegami that I'm pretty happy with. A fairly late model one from like 2002. Has a slide out drawer like
It would be a dream to find a 20" but they pretty much never come up. I've had a passive ebay search going for a really long time
Hell yeah here's my resume:
I already work at one. Well, two kinda. I'm the only one who really knows about CRT and everything, but I got my boss to set up CRTs at both shops and even sold him a pro monitor.
I keep telling him it would be a good idea to get some of our higher-end customers into things like RGB, it's a huge market, etc, but he's doing well where he is. I just see an opportunity for expansion. For now I mostly handle repairs, last particularly neat thing I fixed was a Turbo Express, but generally everything more parts heavy I take care of. Game Gears, TG16's, etc. recaps, stuff like that. But otherwise I'm also the clean & pack guy, and I am pretty proud of my cleaning. Pic isn't CRT so it's spoilered. It's a before and after.
Sounds like you know more about what you're selling than your boss. Open your own store.
The people here are shit, and a bunch of casuals, just like anywhere else, and this particular subject makes that more evident than usual. Not that it's not obvious to begin with.
that's sorta the plan in a few years. He told me he aims to retire and I personally aim to open my own branch under his franchise.
He had another ps2 from a friend thank fuck, I wanna support the little guy but they aren't making it easy. Take pride in your cleaning user.
I have a CRT in my room right now I never use. Heavy fucker is staying here when I move.
that's sorta the plan in a few years. He told me he aims to retire and I personally aim to open my own branch under his franchise.
I'm probably going to stockpile laser assemblies to keep my silver phat going for the rest of my lifespan. They're surprisingly cheap
I got a phat but I don't trust the hard drive in it, its how I got freemcboot in the first place, I was able to load it onto a memory card after I got it installed on the HDD, I'll probably get an adapter at some point and use an sd card or something but thats a project for later. My next possible projects are soft moding my WiiU because its a paper weight right now or my old xbox.
I randomly turned on my xbox after about 10 years. Found my fable saves from 2005. Wandered around oakvale for a bit.
I'm not so sure it's blur though. I've seen dlp projectors that have a similar pleasing effect too. Maybe it's just more natural to look at a reflected image vs a light source.
Only thing worse than CRTfags is shaderfags.
You got that right, my dude.
Shaders that blend dithering are fine. It's the shaders that try emulating shadow masks or aperture grille that are utter shite.
The Genesis relied on its shitty composite signal to blend dithering rather than the unique quirks of CRTs.
I think I used RF until the mid 2000s, mainly because I didn't know any better
Get a load of this cuck.
Gdapt and mdapt are the only good shaders.
Pretty much this.
bumping for glorious shadowmasks
RGB mod for the NES is the best damn thing I've ever done.
Very nice. What are you feeding it to?
Ikegami TM14-17r