Games ruined by devs

What makes balancing multiplayer games so hard?

screeching autists that wont leave until you buff their pet race/unit and/or nerf anyone who can beat them

All the multiplayer modes in future rockstar games are doomed.

how do you screech on a forum?
just close your eyes man

Cause you should always balance for skirmish instead :^)

Honestly, I am surprised every time I reinstall the damn game. It is amazing how far something can fall in all ways possible. The game runs worse on my mid-end computer today than it day on launch with my families low end Mac. I can only imagine what it would be like if crates/skins were never added.

by continuously posting about it

Most feedback is done either by autists or people not playing video games.
Basically either the game designer knows what the fuck he is doing or they have to run through a stupid amount of selective testing.

who else can ruin a game

the community (undertale), publisher (any), and parent company (valve)


haha no

Devs or the balanceteam usually dont play the game and if they do they are actually bad at it compared to their audience, Balancing multiplayer games should be done by the community and the game should have two version so competitive fags dont ruin the fun and vice-versa, This usually require a close knitted comunnity without faggots that actually understand what the multiplayer aspect it's about instead of idiots who decide to fuck around thinking what "cool shit idea" they could bring to the game because it's their game

Because devs tend to try and take the easy road and nerf instead of buff. Battlefleet Gothic Armada is a case example of this mentality.

I did like the void combat in this game but it felt to me like half of a game was missing here. I didn't play MP because I'm a filthy corsair and the single player campaign with the cutscenes was the the highlight anyway.

Imagine Total War but with only naval or skirmish battles. I assume the devs tried really hard to make it resemble the tabletop game but at least the campaign could have had a bit more than just skirmish battles over and over again.

Campaign was meant to have co-op and be like Dawn of War Dark Crusades at one point, i.e. could play as each faction trying to accomplish their own objectives. Also meant to deploy forces accordingly. All that was cut to focus on "muh multiplayer"

Damn, that sucks. A shame really because the cutscenes, atmosphere and writing were amazing and really fit the setting.

everything about BFG was good, except for the actual game itself. once it launched and the eldar came out, they started nerfing everything they could, going so far as to remove abilities from the game, and now it's just a total garbage fire

Basically any game from VALVe, save for Dota 2, as you can't ruin what's already ruined.
I don't get it. I just don't get it. I used to love VALVe with a passion 5 years ago, now they feel like a lifeless husk devoid of any grace. I can't think of anything I despise more than VALVe. How did this happen?

It's like they wanted it to fail.

Non-cosmetic persistent unlocks. You can't balance a multiplayer game and have meaningful unlocks for your shitty skinner box.

They were never very good but had a positive reputation, then they achieved super success with steam and turning all their games into goyim exploitation devices to rake in money for hats and skins that the fat cattle want so badly, and then they fully abandoned the pretense of giving a fuck, including any illusion that they made polished games.

Has TF2 become better or worse over the last few years? I've seen anons mention that the balance slowly started to get worse.

TF2 has gotten worse and worse over time in every single way

It's become stagnant which in turn, makes it appear worse. They've done nothing to add any flavor to it.
It's still fun to play now but only at a very base level. Any attempts to get deeper into Trading/Competitive/MvM will show you how incredibly stagnant the game has become.
There's a huge overhaul in the plan which I have mixed thoughts on as well as the Pyro update that seems to be happening but we've heard nothing on Even though it was meant to come out last year