Nintendo ruins Mario Odyssey

If you thought the White Tanuki garbage from Mario 3D Land and 3D World were stupid then wait until you see the new Assist Mode.

This "everybody gets a trophy/we're all equal/skill doesn't matter" marxist faggotry is ruining gaming. Sure, you can just ignore it, but that doesn't change the fact that you know the option is always there. This in my opinion dulls the sense of achievement and reward you feel when completing a challenge in a game.

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This is exactly the same as if you were to complain about the Konami code in Contra.

Bullshit. A few extra lives is not the same thing. This would be like if the Konami code beat the levels for you.


This is for actually mentally retarded people, yeah? Like Miyamoto's got a son with downs or something, so he made this mode just for him?

My only wish is that they made these things ridiculously patronizing to the point where you swear that mirror is laughing at you

Remember that new tests showed that a majority of people couldn't beat the first level in Super Mario Bros. or maybe it was the first Goomba.

Mario is a game for young children too user. Assist mode is for them.
While you still lose health, I do think the punishment should be at least two or three points of health
This is bullshit you just made up without proof. Are you baiting?

Wow I didn't know so many game journalists posted on Holla Forums.

You can't really ignore it if it was build from the ground up around those "features".
Like the new Hitman games that are next to unplayable if you disable all the hints and UI nonsense.

Cheats were always a thing but there has always been a stigma to them, and rightfully so. This validates "fast forwarding" the game and lessens the achievement of people who actually put in the effort.

That being said, this doesn't bother me that much since Super Mario has never been challenging to begin with and all this will do is result in some neat lolcows when some "pro journalist" inadvertently gets caught using it. It's quite disappointing that they're not giving children more credit than this anymore. It's also disheartening to realize that everyone here was better at vidya at the age of 6 than journos are at 30. But look at me preaching to the choir…

So basically for game journalists.
Tough not one of them will openly admit to play it in that mode, and should it come out somehow, another wave of "hard games are dead" articles will follow.

Nothing new. Even serious titles like skyrim and witcher 3 have it. Fuck, sonic was always about following the trail of floating rings.

Ebin argubend.

It's literally just arrows on the ground. The absolute most detrimental effect it has on the game is taking up minor resources. I'd rather they spend those meager resources elsewhere, but there is no way this effects the design of the game.

So turn it off. Reported.

Nintendo had developers putting down these arrows by hand on every map for people who are going to play their game for maybe 5 mins max and never buy it.

You’re mentally ill. Kill yourself.

I complete agree, but i know you are ignoring an elephant in the room.
There's no lives in mario odyssey. And assist mode removes the punishment for falling into the pit, aside of adding arrows.

And The Wonderful 101 lets you continue at the exact point you died unlimited times allowing even the most handicapped person to complete the game eventually, yet the game is still pure excellence.

It's still very much possible to not beat a game just because you got 10 extra lives. The core gameplay and the challenge is unchanged. You still need skill to get through the levels themselves.

Assist Mode, on the other hand, removes all challenge and skill. You just passively walk through the game as if you had a God Mode cheat code turned on.


And nobody played that unknown shit.

I thought this way as well but it hasn't ruined anything yet in fact Nintendo's games have seemed to ave gotten harder. Like the stupid cheating stuff gives them leeway to make the games harder since faggots can just cheat their way through.

Stay retarded.

I already said I didn't lik-
Then what's the fucking problem? Don't play on fucking easy mode.

This bothers me somewhat but it's been an inevitability since Super Mario World where lives already became obsolete because you can get so fucking many of them.

What an eloquent argument about the quality of a game.

I fucking hate this shit

Way to out yourself, reddit.

Call of Assist: Mario War

This. OP is a faggot.

It's like you had to do a written test but it had a little checkbox in the end that if marked made you succeedd in the test no matter what your actual score would be. You could just ignore it and take the test properl, but there's also no reason not to do it. If you struggle with a question, instead of studying and getting smarter in order to succeed in the test, you can always just check that box. If you actually pass the test without checking the box, there's no merit, all you had to do was check the box, anyone could, it loses all it's value as a test.
It's like there's a target on the ground and you had to throw a ball on it, but if you missed the target you'd still win. There's no point, it would be retarded game no one would like to play.

I don't play games that were released on a low supported platform which whole point was to be replaced by switch. I know its a platinum's chibi top down bayonetta for babies, but don't compare it to mario.


Are there games with easy modes such as this except the designers put in npcs or text to relentlessly mock your enormous normalfag pussy?

Watch the argument be "its for kids" like they had any problem with kids in the millions of previous mario titles.


To be honest i never completed mario as a child. Played a lot, but never to completion of the game as a whole.

I don't really care that much about it, we've past the point where dickheads who struggle to beat first bosses were the minority.
I just wish there were downsides to using it, like locking out content or just making fun of the player if they start fucking up (and quite rightly so).
It'd be pretty cool to see a game journo unaware that a game starts insulting you for playing on the super easy difficulty setting and then writing in their review that they thought it wasn't fair for the game to start insulting them.

Yes there is. It's more fun. Unless you're a journo or some autist who literally can't play vidya, where's the fun in following arrows in a game about exploration and discovery?

There are tons of games that give you the option to switch to easy mode when you want. But why would you do that when you could have fun overcoming the challenge?

There are plenty of games that offer no reward or penalties for beating them on easier and harder modes other than increased challenge on the harder modes. There's merit in your accomplishment of beating it without easy mode. Why the fuck do you play games nigger?

Baby mode allows regular mode to retain its challenge. The other option is that the entire game is designed for the kind of faggots that can't hold the jump button.

McKill yourself, you autistic mongoloid.

Y'know the bubble thing in assist mode I can agree is definite hand holding because you don't lose coins I bet. But I actually think the bubble could work but in a mechanic where in some action games you lose a life you revive at a safe spot close to where you died. Bring back the lives system and modify it so that you can choose how many you can carry with you between checkpoints. Better yet, when you get 100 coins you can choose two types of items, one is a the 1-up used for if you died from getting damage, and another is a bubble which can save you from a pit. Use any of the two to prevent you from reviving at a checkpoint or allow you to continue a boss. This would encourage players not interested in the other games knick knacks like clothing to still grab the coins, but also gives more freedom of choice because you're choosing plus a reward for exploring for all of those coins. And more importantly, it would've solved the feeling of nullness from getting like 100 lives during your coin collecting gameplay yet still dying and reviving in the same checkpoint as if it doesn't matter how many lives you got. There's only like one or two checkpoint normally in a Mario game, so it could work.

Mario is a casual game anyway. Its not donkey kong country.

There is no skip. You still have to do all the things, you're just allowed to fuck up a lot more because it's babby mode.

There are some that I know I've played before, but I don't think the mocking went beyond the description of the easy mode.

Really, the argument should be

This is the legacy of quest arrows.

Time spent on this was time not spent elsewhere, that's my problem.

Nah that argument is already used up, look at the previous decades of casualizing and overall making games easier. Normal mode is the easy mode of 10/15 years ago.

MGSV is not the best MGS, but it's still a great game.

It really is. That's why easy mode today is babby mode.

(((Nintendo))) ruins fucking everything. The best thing you can do to save yourself aggravation is to acquire all of their systems, used, of course, learn how to softmod, mod chip, hack, or other methods of allowing you to run software without paying for it for their shitboxes. Those fucking Jewpanese samukikes can't make a good game to save their asses anymore, so don't let yourself get conned.

Or hey emulate everything possible, because perfect accuracy is not even icing on the cake, but glaze on the sprinkles on the icing on the cake. Problem with emulating more recent systems is that you have to deal with (((intel))) or ((AMD)).

"Hmm a boss is killing me, lemme see what's my best option for the same result of beating the boss"
I play games to try and beat them as optimally as possible with all tools the game gives me, be these tools changing controls, equiping better gear I find, abuse certain strategies that I find or etc. Every choice or action you do in a game has the aim of making it easier to complete, otherwise you'd just suicide the character everytime, there, hardest game ever. Changing the difficulty is a tool like any other, except it takes no skill or effort to do.

Don't like it?

Don't use it.

It's simple as that.

Nice clickbait subject thread name, by the way.

oh fuck! A toy company with the target audience of children under the age of 10 and autistic neckbeards adds a retard assist mode? who could of thought this would happen?!

Imagine a game journalist playing SM64 now. They probably wouldn't know which door to enter.


Galaxy 2 also had a mode that would play the game for you but I never see anyone complain about that

That's because you are new around these parts.

I see the ndf is out in full force this evening.

These are the fun ones.
Wew lad. So all the touhous except imperishable night I believe, are shit for having an easy mode? You feel absolutely no motivation to complete the games on harder difficulties becuase the easiest and most efficient solution to beating the games is to play them on easy mode, right? Do you seriously play nearly all your games on easy mode because of this logic? I thought one's goal in a game is to have fun through challenge, not to make the game as easy as possible. That's fucking Journothink right there.

Games for kids were harder back then.

Oh man, after decades of making mario games for children only now did they finally make the games playable for them!

Expecting a 10/10 ign score. Will be hilarious when journos post game pics and they all have the arrows.

The correct response is to design your game to exclude those people not to indulge them.


Its scares me how much your joke can become true one day.

Its scares me how much your joke can become true one day.

It's a game for children on a console made for children. Their target audience is children. I don't see the issue at all.

To me, fun is playing smart and winning the game, whatever the means, unless it's outright cheating(like codes or external sofware), that would invalidade a fair playtrough.

Except you can't Touhou on lunatic and change it to easy once you hit Flandre.
If you can change it mid game, it's not a mode, it's a toggleable option. You just clear the game in the end, no matter what option was toggled when you beat it.
If it doesn't let you change, you can say you beat the game on hard and it means you really played the entire game on hard. If you can change saying you beat the game on hard means you had it hard turned on, but there's no guaranteeing you didn't turn it off just for that one annoying part.
Before you say it's about bragging, these examples are just to show what it means and feels like to clear the game with are options/mechanics as accomplishments to the player, even if no one ever knows you he played the game.
When it lets me change, I try to see what's the most balanced one and stick to it, but It's always on the back of my head that I'm not playing the game as intended by design, I had to make a weird ruleset myself in order to have fun with the game.

It's not marxist faggotry on Nutendo's part, they're just being ricejew opportunists by making Odyssey more accessible for increased shekels. Hell, this feature was probably intended for 4 year olds and marxist faggots only latched on to it because they have the aptitude of 4 year olds. Don't get me wrong, Nutendo should die screaming, but I doubt their intentions had anything to do with commies.

Hey remember when "Nintendo hard" was a thing? Ha ha. Ha…

Daily reminder that it's only A-OK when Nintendo does it!™
Only PRETENDOS think otherwise!

Why would Nintendo intentionally narrow their consumer base?

so were these

I play play on which ever difficulty modes that give me some benefit for the trouble. If super death mode lets me obtain some great armor or weapon or lets me level up at twice the normal rate then hell yeah I'll play it. On the other hand if it's just the same as regular mode only this time you have your dick in an angle grinder the entire time, well fuck that.
It's the game designers job to challenge me if they can't bother then I'm not going to do their work for them and if they sink so low as to put a give up button right in their game then it isn't worth my time to even play it at all.

And now they're teaching children that life is never difficult, they'll always win without trying, and they never have to improve themselves.

We're living in the [CURRENT YEAR]+2 though, get on with the times gramps.

It's like I travelled back in time, why do you defend casualizing a game to the point where it almost plays itself? Oh gotta keep making the game easier and easier so everyone can play it, this will most surely get us the most sales. Gotta keep chasing the people who dont play your videogames

Because It's Okay When Nutendo Does it™. Nintendo is a dead, buried, desiccated corpse and Nutendo just pissed on its grave and salted the earth.

Long video, but the guy has a pleasant reading voice even if some of his content is /x/ cringe.
TL;DW rats/mice raised in an overpopulated enclosed habitat with no privacy separated aggressively into societal roles, which ultimately lead to the colony's self destruction via the last generation of surviving mice not being socially adjusted and being out of touch with reality and females dying out without raising any of their own offspring, lacking maternal instincts

If Nintendo doesn't make its games playable by casuals, they will just play smartphone games instead. They can either add a baby-mode, or they can make the entire game baby mode.

That's just the state of the industry, nigger.

To hell with them then.


[spoiler]You just described imageboards[/spoilers]

This isn't even babbymode. It's fetusmode.

You can just start an easy run and quickly get back to where you were. It would likely be faster and more efficient than trying and failing repeatedly on lunatic.
Semantics. You could say the same thing if someone handed you the controller right before the final hit on the final boss of game. The phrase that makes sense for describing the accomplishment is "You beat the whole game on hard".
Guaranteeing you completed the whole game on hard is as simple not using the the toggle.

Nice consistency.

I remember just recently everyone thought is was hilarious that Automata had a literal "game plays itself" mode and everyone decided it was journalist mode and no one really gave a shit other than to laugh at those who used it. Now Mario has a babby mode and it's a sin against Holla Forums culture™.


Here's a better one chap.

Oh I give up. Maybe Nutendo did this for me and my rotting brain.

It's not funny when taint spreads.

Nintendo games were already babby mode, this reads like some suit saying that his senile grandma who never had any contact with technology should be able to play the game. And he considers her the target audience. There is a fucking line that got crossed years ago but somehow you still have faggots defending casualization this day. If you never challenge people they will never improve, next you will be making even easier games for the people who cant play babbiest mode. In a couple of years they will be making movies


So you'd rather go back to the days with one mode that was "Shit Easy", instead of having "Shit Easy" and "Easy"?



Are you a parent by any chance?


Shut up retard

That's already a thing, nigga.

Sounds like Assist Mode is right up your alley.

The whole arrows that point where you're meant to go… isn't that bad level design? They even have the coins which they can use to guide the player about. I'm less mad that they included it but more of what it means
i.e. shit level design

Using white tanuki impeded the player from getting the same reward as a player wich didn't beat any level using it.

Which will be the end of games in the mainstream and for multiple reasons too. Games are far too long to compete with movies and their plots are inferior to them even when you figure in the extremely low bar set by modern Hollywood. What games have over movies is their interactivity. Its story becomes your story. You become invested in it. Take that away or functionally take it away and you're not left with much.

No I want to go back to the days of easy modes that fucked you in the ass and hard modes that did the same but without lube.

You seem to have conveniently overlooked my last sentence. Here let me help you out.

this nigger gets it
Picking a hard mode just because you want a bigger challenge is just willingly crippling yourself for an added challenge. Sort of fine if you can only choose it in the beggining, you can treat it as a different game than the other difficulties.

Except you can't reach the final bosses on the easier difficulties.
It's not about beating it, it's about beating it and not feeling that instead of all that hard work all you had to do was toggle the easy option.

And that "inconsistency" is exacly why I'm complaining. The most fun I have is when I best the game with all the tools, but when they have those retarded easy modes, specially when toggleable midgame as a crutch, I have to pretend they don't exist in order to try and have fun. Never feels right, seems like I'm trying to make a not fun game into a fun game, which should be the dev's work by making actual good, balanced game design.

That just means the difficulty setting isn't an actual difficulty setting, but an alternate mode with it's own risks and rewards, that you chose based on your preferences, not to arbitrarily make it harder for you. The best thing wouldn't be having an easy easy mode, a normal normal mode and a hard hard mode, it's having a good game that is challenging in it's challenging parts and easy on it's easy parts, if you lose you git gud, if you win it means you're gud.

Only on certain games. I already mentioned one. Not sure if there are even others.
And with different modes that can't be changed, all you had to do was start on easy mode.

Am I supposed to only read the last sentence and ignore everything else you typed in the post? Based on the rest of your post, your idea of challenge is fucking retarded.

best timeline


That's one hell of a stretch, user.

Then you'll clear the game's easy mode.
If you could change it, you could also switch it back to normal or hard after said bossfight. And when you clear it, you will clear the game, no difference for clearing it with any other option toggled at any part of the game.

The "merely pretending to be a retard" bait is getting really old.

You are suppose to take the entire post together as a whole. Here, let me restate it again, hopefully in a clearer fashion.
Games should neither have an easy mode for retards nor a hard mode that simply inflates enemy stats and nerfs player stats for no reason and no benefit.
Games should be exactly as challenging as the should be, no more no less.

Then what's the point of playing that game on that mode? It sounds like something you'd turn on for a 3-year-old.

You seriously buy this "having a babby toggle" ruins the sense of accomplishment bull? I feel accomplished when I complete things with restraints. That what videogames are. A set of restraints on your actions towards completing a goal. If you choose to be a beta faggot and remove those restraints with a babby toggle, that's your fault for being a nigger.


*caps, not retyping that

You left out the part where you want the game to shower difficulty-lowering rewards on you for playing "hard" mode.

How can a person be this retarded?

I read the entire post and responded to the part that demonstrated you're a fucking cancer on the industry who wants easy modes to be labeled "hard".

The journey is more important than the destination faggot. The difference is I had fun beating the game on the difficulty setting I chose and felt good for beating it. If you can ruin your own fun and decide to do so, that's your prerogative.

OP posted no proof of this.

How the fuck did you manage to make THAT leap of "logic"?

Your life auto-regenerates in Assist Mode.

And? Enemies still harm you. You're not invincible and if you repeatly get hit before regen kicks in, you die. It's a shit mode for shit people. But enemies still harm you.

By reading parts of your post that weren't the last sentence.
You are explicitly asking for "super death mode" to give you a bunch of extra shit that makes the game easier.

He's asking for Dragon's Dogma.

The journey isn't the same to me if I travel to the wild with a backpack full of supplies and just refuse to eat it in order to have that "authentic survival" experience.

He didn't get that what you want is alternative modes with different properties, positive and negative to the player rather then just added difficulty just for the sake of it. Hard mode just being the name of it because it takes overall more skill than the standard mode.

ITT Nintendo drones defend their shit loyalty

I pretty sure I posted something similar yesterday, but here you go, the nu-vidya articles timeline:

That sounds exactly like what I'm talking about, yes.

It takes more skill at the start of the game, but then becomes a fucking cakewalk as the rewards start coming in. In other words, it's badly designed. Fuck any dev who labels that a hard mode.

Dragon's Dogma tried something but messed it up.
The point of that kind of mode is to have more meaningful battles, but you'd want less grinding in the game so you don't need a too many meaningful battles, it becomes exhausting to grind when every battle is a real fight for your life, but the fruits of the grinding in that game were too great, you'd soon get enough gear to turn those meaningful battles into trivial shit, resulting in only the increased rewards whitout the meaningful battles, resulting in an easier game than the standard difficulty. At least you can't change it to normal after getting all the gear for an even easier game. :^)

Who said anything making easier? I wand higher difficulty modes to make things interesting and worth my time. Or at least give me some fucking sword as a "CONGRADUATIONS YOU DONE IT" reward.

Yes, precisely that, thank you.


Which doesn't actually decrease difficulty you stooge.
What it does is allow an actual difficulty in DD, I was level 143 when DD expansion came out and I was using magic archer to kill bosses within seconds.

I haven't played much Dragon's Dogma, so you're gonna have to explain how being massively overleveled and able to kill bosses in seconds "doesn't decrease difficulty".

Yeah, I agree. Touhou is a shit game. Only Lunatic should exist. Also, the only acceptable level of difficulty for DmC is Hell and Hell.

In exchange for having to deal with a greater challenge, maybe even from the start.
It's like beating Death in Castlevania 1, you have to git gud. You can either choose to git gud by learning to dodge all his scythe projectiles or you can choose to bring the holy water from the first room on a single life (4 hits). Both strategies have their benefits and both are still a challenge they just differ in the sort of challenge.

In this analogy, which of those strategies is equivalent to "use the double exp gain to easily level up to a point where you can kill Death in one hit"?

It's more like 'greater challenge, but only at the start.' Faster leveling turns the late game into a cakewalk every time.

Only if it's badly implemented, they need to make proper scaling on the character and enemies to counterbalance the extra shit you get.

The point of those modes should be exactly to have enemies who can take you at the higher levels from the get go, so you can face them sooner with the extra stuff and just have to grind less.

That killing speed is when the game was in normal mode, pre-DA when hard mode wasn't a thing. On hard mode, on the same level he was on normal, the fight would take longer. He just wouldn't need to grind as much.
The game becomes easier on hard, because grinding impacts DD too much, "removing" it breaks the game, even with stronger foes.

You also missed the part where where he said no MORE no less.
Extra hard modes like that are interesting as some sort of "ultimate challenge" kind of thing. I don't see the point of hard modes in between the extreme challenges in non arcade games, though.

Only at the beginning of the game. After that, the leveling puts you ahead of the enemies thus removing the challenge. A proper hard mode wouldn't give this type of benefit since it defeats the purpose of the hard mode by quickly making it not hard.

That the part that most supports my explanation of why his idea of game difficulty is stupid. No more no less, means one difficulty, no easier, no harder.


Fixed that for you. Of course this is a problem with devs poorly balancing the EXP system in the first place.

Then they should provide another benefit. Ideally they should not make leveling up a pain in the ass grind to begin with anyway.

My sides, help me find them

>completely lock out the player from the main plot, replacing it with a shoestring plot about transracial lesbian men with dialogue lifted from gay pornos

♂Fuck you♂

It's badly conceived. Leveling up makes the game easier.

Bethesda logic. Creating two systems, one that makes the player stronger and one that makes the enemy stronger, and tying them together so they cancel each other out. Twice the development work for zero times the benefit.

WOW! How was I supposed to know to jump into this!

The proper solution is different enemy behavior, abilites, new enemies, etc. Rewards for the player can include access to non-gamebreaking equipment and items with something unique to them that isn't bigger numbers.

DSP beat Cuphead. Dank Takahalfwit BTFO.

except that would require you to know the code. back then it was more of a secret that you had to be told about. It also was more or less just extra lives, I remember beating the game just to find out afterward that it existed.
It wasn't a big deal because it was a secret.

I don't understand why you need to be rewarded for starting to play hard mode.

Chrono Cross is one of the only games to get leveling right.
Leveling is suppose to make you character/party better, if it only makes the game easier then either the designer fucked up at adding progressive challenges or they fucked up designing the leveling system in the first place.

Do you fags even understand how the game works mechanically?
1-100 gives stats, 100-200 gives greatly reduced stats.
So when your 100+ hard mode increase a greater challenge, gold doesn't matter because you are limited to loot rolls which is the only thing that greatly increase your survivability.

But its Early game and Late game where hard difficulty shows itself.

Not for starting, but at some point later in the game. And it shouldn't be something that trivializes hard mode. I'm also not saying it's necessary.

Just here to spite cunts who sage.

Why shouldn't those equipment and items be in normal mode?

No more no less, means one difficulty, no easier, no harder.
Last time I checked, Lunatic is harder than normal difficulty.
Still, those sort of difficulties are fine if there's different score lists for each(arcade games).

That's why those modes should make the enemies strong enough to take you on on high levels.

The goal isn't to have enemies that get stronger as you also get stronger.
But making levels easy to get, but getting enemies that are balanced to take you on with all those extra levels. effectively having a mode that reduces grinding in a game that has a grind heavy standard mode. Best way to do this is giving you max level from the start and having the enemies balanced out for that, and for the gear available at whatever point in the game you are.
That's why this sort of thing are usually alternative modes to games that otherwise give you the opportunity to overlevel and kill enemies easier. Thus being harder.

If it was balanced in the first place, doubling exp gain would fuck it up, retard.

Because casual fags playing on normal didn't earn it.

I never said it wasn't. What I was saying, under the limitation of "no more no less", is that Lunatic should be the normal difficulty and that there should be no other.

Depends on the game and on what leveling actually does.

If you cancel out the harder enemies with easier leveling, the result is not harder.

So players need to be punished for playing on normal by having options taken away from them?

Just don't use it lol. The fact that there's an option for retard friendly mode shouldn't take away whatever sense of achievement you get if you don't use it. The game will probably still be piss easy without it anyway, so I don't get where this sense of accomplishment is to begin with.

Cancer. Let the casual plebs suffer for intruding on a hobby and community they despise. Most of them are outed as outsiders when they don't actually complete their undeserved advanced copy. This casual hand-holding shit is primarily promoted by people who don't play games, hate gaming, hate gamers, push propaganda, shill for gifts/positions/cash, etc. Walking garbage essentially.

No, players playing on hard need to have more options given to them.



The difference is that they can make the enemies balanced to be stronger than what expected from that level and you wouldn't be able to grind more to beat it with higher numbers.

But user, the ability to use that option completely nullifies any accomplishment or sense of.

You have to look at it in the larger context. It's another drop in the bucket in the casualization and ruination of vidya. It's especially bad when a mainline Mario game by Nintendo also normalizes it.

>not having a feeling of accomplishment from beating a mario game

There's no reason those options shouldn't be in normal mode. Hard mode should require players to make better use of the options available, not hand out extra options that weren't available on normal.

Look, give the player whatever you think they deserve when they beat hard mode. But don't give them extra options just for playing hard mode at all.

…with double exp? I was never talking about your max level idea.

You know every time you use this word incorrectly you look like a moron, right? You do know this? In fully automated luxury communism video games will be made for the people who actually enjoy them instead of attempting to pander to the disinterested with consumptive "experiences" designed to be played once and then quickly replaced with the next item to maximize revenue.

Dont feed commies, let nature take its course.


imagine an hipotetical rpg game
In normal mode the strongest sword you can get has
50 attack and 50 magical attack
In hard mode you can get "stronger" exclusive swords
one has 45 attack and 60 magical attack
other has 60 attack and 45 magic attack
enemies get stronger because hard mode
in normal mode they have 30 def and 30 mag def
in hard mode they get 40 def and 40 mag def
See why those extra options are there and how they make the game harder?

Whitout the max level thing then grinding will always mess with the difficulty, on easy or hard mode, but with proper scaling on the character stats, like higher levels giving you less stats, or scaling on the monsters, high level monsteres getting higher boosts in stats, it can be less impactful.

Both of the hard mode swords are obviously superior to the normal mode sword.

If the monsters have equal defense and magic defense, there's no point in choosing between normal and magical attacks. Rather than giving the player more options, you've given them two items with the same ultimate effect.

The stronger swords aren't making the game harder, they're just counteracting the enemies' higher stats.

A thread this retarded and you somehow manage to make the dumbest post on it after over 150 replies, leftists really are a thing to behold.

This user is right. What you should have said was
This increase situational complexity rather than simple stat bloating and the options in way to match that. Keep in mind this is an oversimplified example.

Umm, let me expand on that, I didn't explain it well. The damage you deal isn't a sum of both damage types, the sword will use either damage individually depending on what skill/attack you use.
You use a spell, it calculates the damage using magical attack only, physical skill, normal attack only.

It's just a simple example, with only one character and assuming every single enemy has the same relation of def/magicdef, in theory you'd just need to focus on one damage type and it's not that hard to do that. But add in party members, all with different build archetypes and other weapons with similar but different situations like that going on, then you have something.
This makes character and party building much more critical and difficult to organize properly, making the game harder in other ways rather than just inflating the enemies stats.

This is just as silly as bitching about the alternate controls in REmake HD.
Don't like it? Don't use it. It's really that simple.

A perfect example of poe's law. 10/10; you could pass for a real marxist.

I just love seeing commie kikes trying to astroturf on Holla Forums, where you can literally eat a ban for being jewish. I know they're 'goose stepping' (their parlance) now that they basically overtook 4, but come on. Not happening.

At least this shit requires you to actually play the game.

Horse armor

No. Having non-tank controls casualizes the game and lets normalfags and journos in. The same goesfor mario games, because difficulty has always been a staple of the franchise. :^)

They probably just don't have the skill to program a superguide in a 3D game.

Calm down

ITT: "It's okay when Nintendo does it."
If you ever needed proof that Holla Forums is infested with rabid Nintendo fanboys here you go

What a fucking surprise, Satan wants to ruin gaming while pretending like "its just an optional thing nobody's going to use!"
Now let's look at what happened after Fire Emblem introduced a "casual" mode in Awakening

And coincidence? Everything about the game fucking SUCKS

WoW quest finder for Mario? HAHAHAHAHA

There is no hope for mankind if there are people out there that are more retarded than DSP.

Under communism you would be too busy starving to death in a bread line to make video games.


I would charge money for this mode just to fuck with people. I hope the Assist Mode label appears in the screen whenever you play the game just remind you that you suck.

what if want to give this game to my 5 year old?

She'd surely love the assist mode, fuck you autists shouldn't you be playing fighting games or yu gi oh idk , leave these games for the kids you assholes


Great argument.

You're a faggot

Why the fuck is Rock, Paper, Shotgun fucking here
Can they fucking leave, I mean I'm fucking shit at video games and I'd rather a game I can't beat than one I can

Name 1 good Marxist made game other than Tetris

Gonna put this out there just in case you're actually not pretending to be retarded.

Full automation still means that people are in control of those machines, and unless you can make machines that don't break you can't people will still have to repair them.

On top of that the people who control the automation have full power over every human being under it. And do you think a people that knows no struggle will stay peaceful? No, they have a standard of living and will want more, even in an unrealistic enviroment. When people are handed everything they learn nothing and become sacks of meat on a couch with no value. Through this you create a people made up of trash and nothing. Through this people will be dissatisfied and rebel.

No matter what you do you will still have people who crave conflict, both positive and negitive, and communism is unrealistic because of this.

Without some sort of struggle, there is no passion. No passion means nothing made.

You want to eliminate one thing that got us to the point where you can freely express your desire for an intentionally flawed system, and that's conflict.

A system of government that ignores or tries to steamroll over human nature is destined to fail, no matter what.

And when you fail, people die.

The only way you'll get your paradise is if you make advances in technology through science, not social theory bullshit.

Quality of life is what you should aim for, because your endless desire for control over other human beings does not get results. But you're a sack of shit with no skills, so you attached yourself to a movement that seeks to make change, that anybody can join.

But you can't change a fucking thing. And you can kick and scream all you like, but bring harm to people and you'll be put down.

next will be the game will play itself.

Well I played games when I was 5, I sucked at them but I still had fun

It's a fucking shame too because I thought a lot of people stopped being Nintendrones when XBC:X happened like Me

Calm down

Get angry!


Less angry.

Blood for the Blood God

Just right.

If I can switch it off, and it means they aren't jamming their handhold bullshit into my experience, I can live with it.
Yes, yes, I know surrendering ground to the casuals bad, but this is Nintendo. This is a mainline Mario game. The alternative seems to be Mario Galaxy where the game is just piss easy, and there's no hard mode.

I don't really care that the mode is there, but the "the game's for children, the assist mode is for them" is a dumb arguement.
Mario 64 is for children and that didn't have a retard mode.

Even though I've never once used the easy mode in the Galaxies or 3D World, they still shouldn't have been in the game. If this is not penalized I've really lost hope in Nintendo.

Mario 64 is also really easy. We don't know yet, but in theory a mode like this could allow them to make the core game harder without leaving the babby audience behind. Seemed to work that way in Tropical Freeze.

But in practice the complete opposite happens

I kinda like it, it means that i can give it to my 3 year old nephew to play.

Look at Breath of the Wild vs Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. In Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword they held your hand and made everything easy. In Breath of the Wild, they gave you a challenge, but also the option to trivialise it by hoarding potions. That seems to be Nintendo's format these days.

It's the same shit as picking "retard baby easy mode" in most games, in that nobody with a modicum of self respect will use it.
I don't particularly care that someone's 6-year-old kid managed to see the end credits because of it.

I prefer it. I'd rather have a hard game with an optional easy mode than an entire dumbed down game built for retards.
This way, I can actually play a game I like the way I like it.
It looks here like we've moved from having an entire easy game to having a hard game with a baby mode.

Right, and while I'd love to go back to the SNES era where you got good or didn't get to win, I can live with this. Tropical Freeze is probably the hardest platformer to come out of a AAA studio in years, and we only got it because using the babby balloons was an option.

When did this place become a video game journalist article?
Next people will be complaining that they have to beat bosses to continue with the game.

Nintendo is just catering to their audience.

We've thought about it reasonably and come to the conclusion this isn't a huge deal. You're having a spergy knee jerk reaction.

Ninja gaiden on xbox did, the characters treat you differently based on the difficulty you choose.

The majority of people are not meant to play videogames.


These "majority of people" need to be euthanized.

Very good question.

I'm not defending it. I'm saying I'd rather have an optional retard mode that I can just not turn on than an entire easy game.
This isn't black and white. I'm saying I want the option that still lets me play a fun, difficult game.
It's not like easy modes are new, either. The original Devil May Cry even had an easy mode.

And he did it by only dying like around 200 or LESS deaths.

Why the fuck did it feel the need to take a selfie by fucking merchandise? I hope the store wiped that area down, god knows what kind of shit it left behind.

this is the reason rpgs have no difficulty and will remain broken in that aspect.
What you should do instead is let the player fight more enemies.
For example: in normal mode you fight the regular group consisting of two trolls, in hard mode the group would consist of two trolls and a large troll. Additionally the enemies can deal a bit more damage but shouldn't receive less from the player or it would result in grinding.

what is that

I don't want my children to grow mentally stunted

They DO, childs just want to press buttons and see shit happen, have you ever been near a kid playing shit on a smartphone? or even the kid that is happy playing with a disconnected controller? well this is the mode for them, plus they might learn how to play games actually by using it, i think it is a good idea. Not all games must catter to the neckbeard audience.


do you spergs get pissy when there's an easy mode in other games? or just odyssey because muh sour grapes

Short for drag queen I assume.

Indeed, W101 is way better than Mario.

So you admit you're retarded normalfag whom this casual mode was made for.

Nah they sperged too when they learned about the easy modo in Nier Tomato

Yeah that was Ninja dog mode I think that was added in Black. You have to die 3 times on the first level and the game asks you 3 times if your sure you want to pick easy. Ayane then basically says "I thought you were supposed to be a ninja master not a little bitch"

When playing on Ninja Dog your forced to where a frilly ribbon on your wrist. and you have unlimited Talismans of Rebirth making it impossible to actually die.

Damn that game was the only reason i wanted to own a PS 3

Hopefully thinking on my part.
Now that Team Ninja is done with Nioh they could be working on NG4, and since Nioh is coming to PC that would likely mean NG4 would come to PC as well. If that were the case it would be the prefect time to port the whole series to PC to build hype.

you're right user, its the marxism boogeyman. good job! :)

But this is Nintendo! The cancer spreading from DMC to other games is bad! :^)

Did you design Dank Memes 2?

Then teach them to play on harder modes and don't use videogames as a crutch for actual child rearing.

The way I recall it, people didn't give a shit other than to call it game journo mode and laugh at those who used it.

It's really not. The state of the industry is that casuals will play literally anything you put in front of them. It just so happens that corporate execs think that making games easier will attract more players, when it doesn't. Just like making a game harder doesn't turn players away. People are going to play what they want to, and get as good as they need to be to beat it.

Kids have gotten more retarded and coddled over time. It's why millennials are fuck all useless out in the real world compared to previous generations.

Why don't they just put in a button to skip bosses to make it more inclusive? In fact, we need a fast forward button too. Why can I fast forward movies but not games?

heyo dicksuckers
Does anybody realize that his canceled game nearly bankrupt his company?

At least disable trophies/cheevos or something. Jesus fucking christ games are finally entering on their final phase to become movies.

His games are pretty good. Too bad I pirated all of them. :^)

Well some of you have. The rest of us realize that it's just part of the long slippery slope that's continuing to drag games down into shit.

Soon at your favorite game reviewer:

In this case I hope it actually is pure coincidence that game journos have started making articles demanding this exact shit en masse.

What's the issue here? it's a fucking difficulty setting…

Doom, one of the best games ever made, has 5 difficulty settings. "i'm too young to die" is so trivially easy that even a game journo could beat it.

Also…you can save the game anywhere.

So, why is this an issue? As long as the game has a "standard" difficulty that is not impacted by this faggotry it should be fine.

No. Making it easy is one thing. Skipping is another. You still have to play the game, even if it's shit easy.


Thread got me thinking, I really kiss cheat codes and unlockables. They were fun

"I don't see why this is so bad"

Yeah, because you aren't using your brain. You don't remember what it was like to throw yourself at something as a little kid and the sense of achievement when you finally succeeded. This isn't anything like cheat codes either, those still required you to at least continually input them when your 4 year old scrub ass failed even with them on. This is about as good for kids as stuffing them full of sugar and fried meat and making them sit on a couch all day. You are making them mentally obese and lazy.

Listen I can understand if this was done in a series known for its difficulty, but it's fucking Mario. It's never been about being hard. Who cares?

It was a satirical article.

nigger, the game doesn't just GIVE YOU the code.
YOU have to seek it out.

If you want to see how to do easy mode right in a game than just Take a look at Bram Stoker's Dracula.
This a full playthrough in TRAINER mode.

Good Cheat codes are made when devs understand what fun is, and are aloud to actually put something fun in a game.
Publishers hate fun.

And this is what it looks like on REGULAR or HARD.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is This Shit Ruining The Game Hahahaha Nigga Just Don't Pause The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

It's less about the mode's existence and more about how the palsy-stricken retards at gaming news sites are being pandered to. Nobody was asking for Nintendo to include waypoints in Mario games, but "journalists" like John Walker have somehow convinced them that what they say is still worth a damn.

I'd make the argument that journos would still struggle to complete the game, even with assist mode.

Well, it's just like cheat codes in the fact that people won't use it if they don't want to.

It's just easy mode. You're complaining about easy mode being easy. The only thing disappointing about it is Nintendo is putting more effort into their easy mode than most companies put into their hard mode. Even then, the arrows are just quest markers that plenty of modern games use by default. On top of that it's ironic you have to turn the quest markers on, where in other games you would have to turn them off.
At this point, I'm just thankful the babby-tier handholding is optional.

you've got a point, OP. Participation ribbons devalue the achievements of first place winners and make the losers who got those ribbons either feel ashamed of themselves or have a false sense of accomplishment.

Same deal with video games. Practice is no longer seen as a virtue nor a necessary step to becoming truly great but an inconvenience. People feel they should already be great without putting any effort or practice into anything they set their minds to so things that make them even slightly frustrated, confused, or challenged in any way is seen as abominable. I can honestly say that the sort of thing this new Mario game is doing is reinforcing a superficial and vapid attitude in people.

No marxist ever made a good game.
Tetris was an accident in Soviet Russia made by a computer engineer testing software.

philosophically majority of the games are marxist because you fight an opponent in direct opposition to you whereas you rarely synthesize with him as a result of the fight
Marx is Hegel for braindead fucking retards with a stunning discovery
if someone read and understood marx, he'd know that classless utopias exist and are referred to as "gulags" or "concentration/labor camps"


Marx was a NEET that never worked a day in his damn life and had no understanding of basic economics. He lived off his friend's money.


>actually legit inspiring and powerful post

Indeed, and most marxists fail to understand the only point marx accidentally made.

For Nintendo this is actually a step back up the slope. This is the company who made Skyward Sword, remember. I'm just glad letting me turn all of that babby shit off is an option now.

Thing is, all these marxists are like Marx. They are mostly NEETs that live with their parents never knowing a hard day's work and live off of Patreon.

Nintendo have been working on this system since Super Guide.

Can't forget how Dick Freeze had an "Auto-complete the level" mode if you died enough. Said mode didn't give you the collectables, though. Wonder if Odyssey will be similar.

It was fine when Devil May Cry did it.

No it wasn't.

Do they think there audience is nothing but infants?

if its going to make my tiny nephew happy and not get sad because "waaah game haaaard" im fine. no one is forcing you to enable it unless it recommend it to you if you start dying multiple times like in mario 3D games then i'll be upset


but yes

Then there wouldn't be an option. They think half of their audience is infants.

Tell your nephew to STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH

Rename "Assist Mode" to "Game Journalist Mode" as a bit of mockery and I'm on board. Alternatively, call it "Twitch Streamer Mode," they are almost as bad.

Thanks, I need sleep.


he's still getting used to hitting buttons on a controller since all the games he used to play were ipad games, so gimmicky games like arms and mario kart are really good for him

Games journalists caused this. Nintendo is trying to appeal to casual as fuck games journos, so they can whiz through the game and give it a higher score because it didn't trigger them.

I bet you didn't know this existed

Literally any kind of resistance to anything I do puts me in a state of anxiety where I violently lash out in response.
It's so nice that Nintendo has finally implemented a way for me to actually enjoy my video gaming experience.
Nobody can tell me I'm not good at this game now because I finally can get 100% in a video game.
Nintendo is literally the best game company ever and it is these kinds of actions that make them so good.
I think I'll buy a switch for my wife son for Newtonmas this year in support of such a loving company.


and you actually had to buy a Wii U to play it!


Isnt this optional?

Shit meant to reply to OP

Play games for adults
Nintendos "Blue Ocean" shit already made it irredeemable kiddie shit ages ago

kill yourself for the love of god

Didn't even Devil May Cry have an "easy automatic" mode?


Again: End your life.

Hobbies are objectively better when they're not mainstream. Stay mad, faggot.

I remember being a 6 year old staying up late playing Mario All-Stars and being glued to the screen. At school the next day my friends and I would share tips and tricks and stories of funny deaths.
And now adult hipsters want fucking Mario Galaxy to be easier because they blog for a living.

I would say most roguelikes are made by either commies and SJWs. I'm playing IVAN right now for example.
Dwarf fortress was made by a Hillary supporter, Cataclysm DDA has been consistently fucked up the ass by faggots.
Just a few examples, but these are pretty good games regardless of the developers political views imo.

Also things like OP are usually done for the sake of marketing to a more profitable casual audience.
Actual communist countries haven't made good games (apart from a few meme-worthy bootlegs), but its adherents do.

Bullshit. I've never heard of someone saying, "Yeah, I'd buy this brightly-colored Mario game for my child, but it looks a little difficult."

I blame that on the "instant gratification" issue from technology.
People want shit so they don't have to think, it's marketing to those people.

That cheat code originated in the Famicom port of Gradius, and it was used for debugging by the guy porting the game.

Small hobbies can be worse or better than the average. Gaming was better then it regressed hard to the mean, look that "regression to the mean" shit up, it's interesting.

so it's a scientific fact that things have way higher potential to be better when they aren;t mainstream.

>People crying that just because the mode exists doesn't mean it ruins the game

Casualisation of game difficulties actually affects me pretty badly. I used to play games on normal and that was enjoyable difficulty enough.
Nowadays since they've casualised everything, normal mode is too easy and by the time I realise it's not going to get any harder I've invested too much time into a save to go back and pick hard.
When your easiest mode is too easy, the difficulties above that tend to become easier by default.

Then you should let your 5 year old kid get good. Thats what kids did when these options were not there. Thats what I did with my daughter. Sure she got frustrated and put it down once in a while, but theres nore to do than just vidya you know.

This is true.

Isn't he dicking the back of her neck?

mentally ill pls go