Planetside thread: Everything is fucked edition

Since Combined Arms hit recently along with a complete rework of the VP system, a few base changes on Indar and a double xp weekend, might as well see if anyone is even interested in seeing how bad it is hint, it's fucking awful.

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Color me intrigued. If other anons are in, I'm down to play and hate myself for wasting my time.

Might as well drop all the changes since there's a fuckload:

The changes are interesting to say the least. I'm going to have to fucking break it up into two posts probably.

Other misc changes include changes to the Crown/Ceres/TI and Tawrich Depot along with a few latice additions to Indar, massive changes to Ikanam and the surrounding basses and the ability for vehicles to capture specific points on certain bases scattered around.

I would say I was only playing for a few weeks or so before taking a break, and coming back after this big update already dropped, so I'm not quite sure what I've missed to be honest.

Have the Vanu been genocided off the game yet?

Does it still run like shit? I remember all the settings hoops and config modifications I had to jump through just to run it in a semi-stable state.

Unfortunately no.

You'll have to upgrade your CPU and probably overclock it in order to actually get noticeable improvements.

Fucking hell, 5 years old and they still can't do anything for toasters. I get that part of it is the scale of it all but shit, I guess I might as well start saving, it's long past time for an upgrade anyways

At the very least you can use the excuse that other games should run better.


Good times; did eagle ever get banned?

I think he stopped playing too quickly to get banned. He's too busy attentionwhoring on /tg/ as NiceDaemonette tbh.

nice numbers faggot

Guessing you guys were on the American servers as well?

Have we started the fire?

Id rather kill myself thanks

I stopped playing because fuck all the fucking nerfs to my Prowler. Is it any better now?

What kind of sick fuck

US East.

For some reason they decided to have HEAT keep the same reload and everyone uses HE because it's the best out of the three now.

It's a feature. It's still hard to outrun them with Racer 2 though.

Ah, shit. I'm so used to AP arcing. How's muzzle speed now?


AP has the highest muzzle velocity, but I'm pretty sure everything falls faster because fuck you. I don't think anyone actually likes the changes, and Vanguards are fucked even worse than Prowlers as the shields got completely nerfed into the ground.

You faggots always pull me back in.

It's a damned anti-tank cannon, it should be able to kill infantry in one hit. So a fucking AT shell can't one hit infantry, but a sniper rifle can fuck you in one hit.
I know I played a part in this because I got good at hitting infantry at most distances.
I miss battlebarding, but the game isn't fun for me anymore. I really miss battlebarding

never stop /bane/

So they are still trying to turn it into an infantry-focused fps even further

Don't worry, ESFs didn't get touched much so they can farm perfectly fine.

Are dedicated AA Lightnings still fucking useless? Because they nerfed AA therefore buffing esf farming.

Christ daybreak can't do fucking anything right.

They just rolled out a hotfix that increased Skyguard's flak damage by 5 and I think CA increased the maximum damage range for the flak.

It's a feature.

Did the flash fury upgrades make it to the live server so that it kills a full health mbt with 1 reload?
Did the flash health upgrade make it through so that there's no way to kill one before it reloads and finishes the tank?
Is it time to continue avoiding planetside again?


It's bad
like, really bad
The patch just amplifies everything obnoxious with the game. Wrel is a complete fucking retard and I hope he gets fired soon.

Here's the big three things you need to know:
Again I would just like to state any fucktard playing this game for a month would see what a tremendously terrible idea these goals are, but Wrel went ahead and did it anyways.

Just fucking stay away. I hate this dumb fucking bandana wearing retard so much

>mfw game started going to shit (according to PS2 threads) just as i got proper hardware to play it with wwew

it's for the best. wwew is probably filled with discord fags, reddit crossposters and all other kinds of cancer by now. Hell, the cancer already found it's way into the group last year, so it's probably 20x as bad.

The balance of the game was guaranteed to go to shit or was shit from the start when you take into account that the devs(and the Vanu/NC players screaming at them) didn't want the game to be Rock, Paper, Scissors with infantry, tanks, and aircraft, but be more Rock, Scissors, Scissors with airchavs demanding and insisting that anti-air be only a "deterrent" to aircraft rather than a hard counter, and that if you wanted to hard counter aircraft, you should use aircraft. This makes no sense because the only reason why anyone would then do ground-to-air fighting is if they've already spent too many certs on infantry or ground vehicles. This means that the only reason to not treat the game as Skies of Auraxis is because you can't capture points while in aircraft.

There used to be a time where ESFs could fight a base turret and win without having to dodge the flak. Planetside 2's playerbase made me hate aircraft forever. I don't know how shit works in reality regarding aircraft but holy shit I swear before I die I will kill some armchair pilot before I go. I have never hated anyone this much before in my life. Due to the map design of the game, aircraft should be exclusively support. It would be amazing if Mosquitoes could dump landmines during runs to keep enemy vehicles out of the way, or if Valkyries didn't die instantly and had mounted AI turrets, or if Battle Gals were more frequent, but no it's just fucking Ace Combat LARPing in VTOLs where the only "skill" in flying a Scythe or whatever is just being able to 180 in the air.

I'd play but my computer caught fire and I'm shitposting through a school computer I stole 11 years ago.

Toasters? I used to have a core i7 3770k and in 2014 the game was at its worst performance-wise, and I was getting anywhere between 20-50fps at absolute minimum settings.

max settings would have been better fps because the codebase is a dumpster fire

Best it be dead than forcing anons to play without having fun, the devs for a moment gave the game some fresh breath of life, than promptly tried to milk the fucking new playerbase, didn't help when they don't have the budget to add content that isn't cosmetic shit and think we did everything in that game, there's nothing left to go than grind for stupid shit. Most of the guys went to play and make a group called Radcorp, they're playing SWAT 4 and Project Reality, check with the lads there.

PS2 was shit before it even released. It's just that it's unique and free so it's one of the games of choice to hop on when you're tired of playing generic objectively shit shooter #471.
wwew came out when it was already bad enough that it spoiled its uniqueness, but we made ps2 fun with friends.
Now it's too shit for even that, which really is a big feat.
I'm guessing if the investor company behind daybreak doesn't just drop the game they're going to go even further beyond and make planetside 2 "more boring than staring at paint dry" which is something AAA developers used to do all the time in the mid 2000s and early 2010s but even they lack the skill to purposefully fuck shit up enough to be that boring nowadays.


That's a very eloquent and long-winded way of saying he slapped the game with his dick over and over.

i miss all of you faggots

Of the people that still play, that's entirely untrue.


really was the best thing to come out of wwew

you might want to back this up before the attempt to sanitize jewtube hits it

I miss you too user. But it's better to let it rest. We still have crown-chan in our hearts.

Hey, guys, wrel here. :^)


It's not worth the gorillion gbs of download

isnt that the faggot that streamed on twitch?
does he still in the outfit?

is he still in the outfit*



A guess would be that ESF KDR whores are whales and it isn't possible to them piss off with a nerf.

and that`s how you fix ps2

stop bumping it already

user, I…