/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Game Development and Modding

"Canadian Thanksgiving" edition
Or, "the other Thanksgiving that doesn't matter very much"


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>Beginner's guide >>>/agdg/29080


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Also for the sake of the wiki user:

Having the hardest time concentrating on Blender today.

Making a mod manager
Next step headpats

Get to work, faggot.

updated, wiki-kun. Can't do a full save since I'm on hotel internet.

we need to ban lewd mods
think of the children

\ o / || /\


For the next 3 years, I'll be taking out subsidized school loans so I can work on a game. They're interest-free, so I'm not too worried. Later on I'll be making a lot of money so I'm essentially getting on advance on my earning potential. Plus I can pay back whatever I don't use without much of a penalty. Any good beginners books on learning game programming?

How difficult would it be to create a 2D city building game in Gamemaker Studio 2?

Well i guess its better than going to college learn feminist dance therapy
Also you don't learn programming with books, you learn doing shit

depends how deep you want the mechanics to be

That sort of thing always seemed like the easiest genre to make, but the production quality/budget bar has been set so high by big companies that you'd have to find some way to innovate while cutting down features. Maybe I don't understand city builders, but they all seem to be pretty much the same thing.

I think it would be easier to make in a 3D engine honestly

Made a visualizer for my cave generator

or did you make a cave generator for your visualizer?

I like it. I really need to learn about "core" procgen and noises and pathfinding and shit.

I've tried a few times before but I manage to be grossly incompetent each time


read the fine print.

unrelated, but what the fuck happened to imgur?, i leaved it when it became pc central/tumblr lite, but now is full of weabos and shitlords

At first I would want it to be no more complicated than either Sim City Classic or 2000, but I would eventually like to work my way up to the level of sophistication of 3000 and then improve on it. In my opinion Sim City 3000 was the best game in the series, but I would love to see a game that is closer to it but also with some of the best features of Sim City 4 mixed in. Sim City 4 is too complicated to enjoy as it is, and all the mods that supposedly 'fix' it just turn it into an even more bloated mess.

That sounds like a really bad idea

What a fucking dunce


Worst case scenario, I'll come out with ~50k in debt and a Bachelor's in programming. That'd suck, but I don't think it'd be too painful. Although what will probably happen is much, much better than worst case scenario.

More like making dumb decisions is expensive AF

Wait so are you learning by yourself or taking some kind of classes?
If you have absolutely no knowledge of programming then you really shouldn't go into the deep end straight away. Get a job and start off in your free time.

Best case scenario means you will make enough to pay that loan. Although what will probably happen is much, much worse than worst best scenario.
See how unhinged you sound?

Please someone explain why people do this.


People have been taught for a very long time that being in debt is a sign of being rich. It's a fucked line of thought to be sure.

How elaborate should a stopwatch/timer be? I can implement a very simple one that's basically a timestamp with context and helper functions, or I can do a full stopwatch with lap timers etc

What is this fake depth on a flat plane called?
Wanna try my hand at it

I can also use words I don't foray

This looks like its using a "render target" or whatever equivalent. Basically you draw an interior to a drawable texture, then render that texture on your main screen. I guess.

Does the room actualy exist somewhere else? If so,

I've done a little bit (made a website in node/javascript). It really doesn't seem that difficult, and I'm just starting with an online "real time" card game. Plus the classes along the way will help.

Hoooh fuck, 3D lighting tech is gonna get even harded and slower in the near future

Do you by any chance know if there's a similar tutorial for Unity?

You are putting the cart before the horse, god dammit.

Wait is this the same thing Valve does to make their Skyboxes?

Is the actual thought process of people where I live. I work as a gas station clerk and the majority of times, when people open their wallets, 8-12 pieces of plastic lining the fucking thing. Meanwhile I only have 2 cards. A debit card, a single credit card for emergencies that has no inactivity charge.
I don't understand how anyone can be that reckless with debt/spending, is jewish propaganda real and I just haven't fallen for it or something?

I have no clue.

People are trained their whole life to have certain goals.

If you don't follow this plan, something must be wrong with you. Look at how many support systems we have to ensure you follow this path. Come on, do it.


I think this is the same for Unity

most people are just fucking retards. I knew a waiter who made a bit over minimum wage, and over half of her money went to her car and gas. She lived at home, so she didn't pay rent, but she could be saving up a ton of money in order to do something other than waiter. I guarantee she will die a broke, penniless waiter with a nice car.

another huge chunk of money went to phone bills, at like $200 a month. Rest probably went to food. I'd sooner kill myself than do that, let alone intentionally put myself in that situation, but you know how women are.

Reminded me of this.

I work at Walmart part time, about $17,000 CDN per year. Maybe $600/mo in bills, the rest to food. No student loans because I paid that off in January, and $5,500 banked. It really is about not being a retard.

I'm amazed you don't see this more often, it sounds incredibly simple to do.
I mean sure you can't have all the interiors be different but still, at least you can have something in some windows, that's way more than enough

Sorry back on topic, but are node and component systems mutually exclusive?

I see a bunch of these used in engines (particularly Godot and Unity), but are there any overlap between them? For example, I could make my own system with a scene tree and tons of nodes and subnodes, but on top of that, would it be unreasonable/overkill to give some nodes a component system and attach singleton objects to them?

I'm pretty sure it was used in the new batman games for some building interiors. Although I might just be talking out of my ass.

Not having a console I had to skip it so I have no idea either

Fuck that, I didn't even go to college until I was 21 just because I wanted to work and experience the world a little first. I was also pissed at the realization that 1/4 of our lifespan is wasted by an inefficient education system and was not eager to jump from one education system to another

In my situation I can only save about $100-$150 USD a monthBecause I am landlocked into a situation where I can't get anything better than a minimum wage job. I don't own a car, and the only good paying job I could get would require me to walk 7 miles a day but fuck dude I'm still saving money, trying to make games and it'll take me somewhere some day. I can't imagine living a life of debt where nothing is truly yours. Sounds like the reason why the suicide rates are rising.

Sure beats black or yellow window textures as a lazy attempt to indicate that yes, people live here.

7 miles one-way, so it'd actually be 14 miles a day.

Bicycle ?


I'm in that boat right now. I was very tempted to work on art, but I forced myself to program. Even if you stare, you can still figure out a good way to approach things. In fact, I would say that a lot of programming isn't even the coding itself, but planning the code and reworking it into a better state

I'm in the opposite boat. I can code and like to code but can't do art.

Work together fags.

what's the game you're making?

I'm trying to do a sidescrolling RPG in the same vein as fallout but with an emphasis on tactical thinking. You get into combat and the battle screen is tile based with cover and status effects. You play as a robot called HK-081 hunting for a treasure trove called the caravan, meanwhile building a mercenary band and dealing with the locals in a post apocalyptic not nuclear Washington/Oregon. You search for NAV beacons that will give you the coordinates and between these hunts you keep your band functioning by doing jobs for the factions.

I've been working on this shit for a couple years now, i've got about 100 pages of design documents and writings for the world, but I can never get the actual game to work. I

how does this work exactly

so the actual sprites will pretty much be the same but when combat starts the map is in an isometric view. You can move the sprite up/down and forward/backwards. The battle screen is separate from the side scrolling screen. I've also been working on isometric sprites just in case I make the battlescreen and the sprites look like shit.

I went with sidescrolling because it's easier to make sprites and you can make it look nicer generally. I think the reason lisa looks impressive compared to most other RPG maker games is because the perspective, the actual sprites are fairly basic.

Oh I guess that makes sense, it was much more confusing in my head

So what's the best game engine to use? Is Unity really as shitty as some would have you believe? Is Unreal 4 the best possible solution if you want to publish a game? Can GameMaker produce anything more than memegames? Would it be worth it to learn to git really good at programming so you can build a game from scratch? Before you say, "well it depends on the type of game you want to make" I have to say that I don't want to make just one type of game, I have a bunch of ideas that I'd at least like to attempt to build.

well it depends, what's a video game?

You know, one of those electronic thingamajigs that you see on a screen, or more recently on your phone, that you interact with by pressing buttons and stuff.

A top down stealth game. You are armed with only a knife, and there are guards, civilians, and the target. The goal is to get in, kill the target, then get out, all while not being seen. Guards will shoot on sight, civilians and the target will alert nearby guards. It's generic but it's meant to be a stepping stone to other things.
I haven't worked on it in forever though, I'm currently working on another programming project that isn't a game and doesn't require me to art. Now I just google stuff for people in these threads.

God no.
Unity's pretty fucking great, depends on how you use it.

Because of the royalties I would say no. I'd say it's a pretty bad choice if you're just starting off.

I never used it but I don't see why it wouldn't, there's a few competent titles made in it so I'd suppose it's usable.

You can probably get good fairly quickly and be able to build a 2D game from scratch, I honestly have no knowledge about making a 3D game without an engine.

Gives you nothing to start with but you have hundreds of tutorials and the most active community. If you don't know how to do something it's very likely you can google it and get an idea on how to proceed.
In my experience it's really good to actually learn something new if you already have some programming experience unrelated to C# because of all the support and guides.

From the little I've used it, Unreal gives you a lot to start with, which means that a lot of people usually just edit one of the default controllers to their preference, or even just stick to using the blueprints.

I personally don't think it's as malleable as Unity, but the blueprint stuff is really good for quick prototypes.
It also has less than a fraction of the support Unity has, so if you're stuck on something you're mostly fucked.

I don't know much about Godot, Gamemaker and other 2D engines unfortunately.

Congratulations, you are now overqualified to earn $20/hr doing help desk

You haven't described any actual gameplay. I can't picture what I'd actually be doing in battle, I can vaguely picture beacon hunting but I've got nothing to visualize for gameplay except a Fallout speedrun I watched last year. What does the player actually have to do in combat? What do you have to manage in the overworld?

So combat is turn based, at the beginning of your turn you tell your 3 other party members what to do. You can tell them to move, attack, defend, or use an item. Then the turn sequence begins, the order everyone moves is based on their speed stat so highest goes first and it moves down. You can assign tactics to your party members if you don't feel like instructing them every turn. So telling one of your guys to be aggressive means they'll focus on doing damage but not on healing, that kind of stuff.

The battle map will have objects around like junked cars and rubble you use as cover. Being in cover increases your defense and reduces the damage you take. There are status effects you can inflict and have inflicted on you. Being disturbed will cause you to have a lower chance of hitting and occasionally you miss a turn. Bleeding out will make you take damage every turn etc.

Combat ends when you kill everyone or you run away pussy. experience is given out at the end of combat.

Managing in the overworld is pretty basic, you have an HQ that you go to between missions. You have a strategist, a quartermaster, and a merchant. The quartermaster will enhance your gear, the merchant is your greatest ally, and the strategist will help you in battle by giving you info on your enemies like their HP, along with giving you your jobs. Your HQ needs value to function, you gain value by doing work. Since currency isn't really a thing in this world you do jobs for people in exchange for your essentials to keep the mercenaries functioning like food and ammo. You can have party members that aren't in your party do jobs while you're away but there's a chance they'll come back injured so they can't accompany you later. You'll also get jobs by walking into locations and talking to people.

You make connections and those connections give you leads to find the NAV beacons to continue on your quest for the caravan. There's a main quest arc pretty much since the leads you get are linear. But there are plenty of locations to visit and depending on how you choose to finish jobs you can affect how those locations turn out in the end, à la fallout.

that's the jist of it anyways, there will be other shit to do like dungeons for gathering gear, little jobs that net you materials to upgrade your shit and dialogue.

What's your approach to story in you game? By that I mean environmental storytelling, setting, cutscenes, dialogues etc., everything that conveys some kind of information about your world, its history and its characters. A lot of successful games are a mix of good or ok gameplay and a memorable story or have a gameplay that creates stories on it's own, so it can make or break the game.

I'd like my game to have a very subtle story told through props, the visuals of the enemies and short names of places the action takes place in.

Interior mapping i think. Here is an old UE4 thread about it:
Maybe this can help you out.

Lost of progress for the saw, I've implemented unique drops for most enemies when slain by the saw, fancied up the ammo drops, added a cooldown and a nice little cooldown meter to keep track of how much time you have left before you can ram it into something again.
I'm realizing I have fun making cooldown meters.

I'd imagine the many overlapping mechanics and balancing of could be pretty delicate. Has anyone even tried to analyze how the SimCity games behave internally, particularly 3K?
City builder with waifu advisors. Fund it now.

i'm too dumb to understand what people suggested in last thread so i just went with one of 3 random river textures that get subtracted from the map. i could put an additional noise map on top for extra detail, but i don't think it needs it

i also changed the controls so that it works nearly like in total war - press right mouse button down, and drag in the direction they want to be facing. so now if you want to make something like a square out of your units you can

also added a really simple AI for singleplayer, all it does is run towards your average position

how do i get people to play this shit? on itch i've got 24 views and only 4 downloads, two of whom are IRL friends that i shilled into trying

also lates version

Any idea how to speed up Visual Studio's little helper thing? Every time I add a new line of code, it takes it like a solid minute to parse everything and adjust accordingly, and during that time, it highlights things as errors incorrectly, and other shenanigans.

Truly the most brutal of warfare

usually that's what headers are for
you could always disable the helper though

I'm sorry, I'm retarded. What I really meant was syntax highlighting. It takes a long time for it to kick in when I add new lines of code.

disable it

user I mentioned I'm retarded, I need syntax highlighting to orient myself. I literally have brain damage that makes it really hard to think straight

this was meant for you. I'll just let this situation speak for itself.


Highlighting for keywords or highlighting for errors?

Notepad++ does the former well

It's actually garbage. It has a ton of shitty flaws that should have been fixed months or years ago, but instead they focus on new features (generally mobile) that come with scores of bugs and glitches on their own. Sometimes this even introduces bugs in unrelated features, or reintroduces old bugs. Their community manager only exists to shill diversity. Pic related.

This is my biggest gripe. It still runs on an older superset of .net, so there aren't any package managers and very few libraries that work with it. If you want to use a socket library (like I did) you're going to have to use a shitty, poorly documented version someone half-ported from another one. Oh, it uses tuples? Don't worry, someone made a unity Tuple library. Oh, it needs to support types? I'm sure there's another you can try. Also, remember to replace all the advanced new features in the library like "nameof".

Once I wasted an hour trying to figure out why resizing a collider2D wasn't working anymore. The answer was that unity had silently commented out that function, and replaced it with another under a different name, but never bothered to show a "THIS HAS BEEN DEPRECATED" message or error like they do for everything else.

it still works most of the tyme
am i remembering wrong or could it not support ?

"Unity" also evokes images of communism.
0/10 would not revolt, comrade

Generic typing has been available since C#2.0, and Unity came out at least 4.0; if it doesn't support generics, it was probably written with non-generic typing in mind.

Took a break from devving to get a job. Haven't succeeded yet, unfortunately.

One of the ideas I had for a game involved the combination of Sim City 3000, Age of Empires II, and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. I want the infrastructure and city building aspect of Sim City, rts and age progression of AoE2, and the nation building and somewhat directed blind research in an alien world of SMAC.

I have loads of idea shit written down and no real idea where to start with implementing any of it, and I'm already busy trying to keep my focus on a different project Hell Divers.

i spent two months trying to get a programming/call centre gig and somehow failed
i mean what kind of a job requires you to know what happens if you write a=b=c=5
just remake Stronghold with aliens then

It takes time to do both properly, sometimes a full minute.

I'm on a Thinkpad from 2009, and it only takes a moment when I compile and start my game up. What sort of awful toaster are you using?

I feel like the difference between the saw and the sword is too superficial.
Like you could make a secondary attack on the sword that did exactly what the saw does and it would fit better.

PS I like that you make webms not MP4s which my browser doesnt dispray.

Somebody needs to make a game from this art style like cuphead made one from 1930s childrens cartoons.

Stronghold doesn't have transportation stuffs, RCI zoning, or other city building stuff. I also don't recall it having age progression like AoE.

I've seen worse. There was a job ad for pulling wire for minimum wage, and they required you to have a 4 year degree and 2-3 years experience. Shit man, no one with either of those would do that kind of a job for that low of a wage.

Either change blue faction so it shoots blue waves, or make it so the wave color is whatever that faction is aiming at.

Yeah but it builds your portfolio and connections, user :^)

yea but a blue transparent wave is less noticable than a red one
especially since rivers are also blue
red is nowhere on the map other than the units, it's generally easier to notice

what the fuck do i answer to that

They want a bullshit answer so they can trust you won't abandon them in 2-8 weeks.

if only all interviews acted as if they actually want to hire anyone
i've had one good interview for two months, and even then someone else got the job

well gee, i feel stupid
ever since the start of the project it never once occured to me to change the mass of unit rigidbodies
now a phalanx actually will stop a cavalry charge and even push them back
mass is as such
phalanx>heavy infantry>infantry>artillery=cavalry archers=cavalry
cavalry can still outpush anything lighter than heavy infantry because of their higher velocity though

now your thinking with portals

The easiest way to get a job is to pretend you're the same kind of person as them. A lot of companies have online presence and names of workers. Then go to facebook, look for the boss or interviewer and study what kind of person they are. Often just wearing the same kind of clothes, smiling and doing basic virtue signalling according to their viewpoints in the interview is enough to get the job. I only had 5 job interviews in my life, but never failed one.

All interviews should be like this.

Working on making things properly interactive

Oh yeah, and I can also do cool things like this now, make them all move independently and split and stuff

you could try the minecraft method. create a bunch of villages and make them trade each other until it becomes a self sustaining economy.

be the change that you want to see in the world
also reminder that cuphead's lead dev is literally a chad, as in his name is literally chad and looks like this

I just had a revelation of sorts a while ago, and I felt like I should share since people often have motivation problems.

I need to make a UI. But whenever I thought about it I was having trouble finding the motivation to do it, and I was getting a little confused about how to proceed. But then I realized that I never designed a UI. All I had was some vague concept about movable windows and an inventory that I need to have, but I didn't actually know what exact mechanical pieces I was supposed to add. So I went ahead and actually designed some windows, and now I know exactly what to do and how to construct it, and it seems like no problem at all.

I've had this problem many times where I need to implement some feature but I get uncomfortable when I'm about to do it. I think it's because I don't have a clear vision of the actual thing I need to do. So if you're feeling unmotivated or getting an uncomfortable feeling when you're thinking of doing something, make sure you know exactly what it is you need to do.

Suppose you have a Button widget that does some action when pressed.
Then you also have a scroll bar widget. Should it make its own Button instances to control its scrolling, or what?

I'm not sure what you mean by button instances, but I think of scrollbar the same way I think of a button, only difference being that it's dragged rather than pressed.

As much as book writers tell you to have the plot and setting to be mapped, the best games usually write their plot as the game production moves along. I'd say it's almost suicidal to set anything in stone on paper, because the moment you add a game mechanic that isn't fun, but a lot of plot needs it to be there, you gotta throw the book out. That's usually why walking simulators/QTE games exist, because the main goal isn't to challenge you - it's to make sure everything fits in a narrative to avoid ludonarrative dissonance.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but you're swimming up a creek if you don't care about what the gameplay should be.

A samurai game in that style would be legitimately cool.

I think most well written games have the rough story outline done beforehand and then add to it or change it as the development goes on like you said. You're unlikely to throw the basic premise out of the window since it most likely ties into your whole concept (setting, gameplay, etc.) but changing the details or adapting them to design decisions isn't much of an issue.

I've always thought of UI elements as being modular and self contained, that is, with a "has a" or "is a" relationship to other elements.

Specifically, a scrollbar would be three buttons, an increment, decrement, and a draggable bar (plus whatever visual shit)

get that bullshit out of here

There's many things to learn, both in relation to MC as well as other people important to the game world, but it's all optional. Wanna learn more? Good, go learn more.

Pic completely unrelated

What? UIs are the one rigid game element that I feel needs proper planning.

you're at 8gag, we only use slave/master and segregation terminology here

Has anyone actually ever pressed one of those things beyond seeing what it does?

My buttons/scrollbars will be separate things but function very similarly, they're linked with another object and then do something and change graphics based on it when clicked/dragged.

Actually, those terms are more used to denote whether an object derives from something or simply contains it (the latter usually being a preferable case). An entity/component or a node/scene system is an extreme version of that, since anything can be attached to anything else.

Anyways, I revamped my testing level so I can muck around a bit better. Hoping to get ladders and collisions working properly

the proper term you're looking for there is niglet and it's a subset of what I was just descrbing

Thank you for clarifying, I always get those terms mixed up.

anybody have experience with monkey? is it fun to program games with?

Modloader log is working, now yo make the mod manager list the mods in the UI

the default sample mod will be a difficulty that skips the entire game into the "you win" event :^)

Added a few more robust debug controls (F1-F8 toggle the flags at the top right, ~ toggles debug entirely, F3 shows/hides the tile types)

Is it possible to tell if two GameMaker games came from the same installation of GameMaker, or the same GameMaker account?

New feature; Water Running! If your running fast enough you can now run on water, but it slowly decreases your speed. If you slow down too much you'll fall in.

How do you check how to rotate the player depending on the ground he's going towards?

Are you checking where your movement vector is pointing and returning the normal?

how about you don't make your character run like a middle-schooler?

how else would you know he's going fast?

Yup. Make his forward vector the same as his velocity, and then his up the same as the normal of the ground below him. When standing still I ignore the normal though so he stands upright (unless he's on a wall).

Originally I wasn't going to do the sonic run but it actually looked weird to see the arms moving back and forth that fast.

My script for the player node in Godot moves the way I want it to, plays animations, keeps track of various states and input, but looks like total ass. At least I know what I'll be rewriting tomorrow.

The altfire for the sword is pistol fire though, the saw is a weapon you switch to if you want some ammo or if you want to try to finish up a weakened enemy in the hopes of getting something special, and I don't really want to separate the sword and pistol, because merging the two means less shit you have to cycle through.
Besides I'm basing the Slayer's arsenal off the weapon roster from Doom 4, and the chainsaw there inexplicably made ammo fly out of enemies.

Someone posted an article from the guy that makes godot a few months ago.
His main suggestion was that game code is written quick and dirty and its fine if it's that way was long as it works.

Especially if it's only for you.
Don't waste time fixing something that works just because you feel the need to have a good looking code.

That's just a cubemap.

If it's a small game, then yes, "quick and dirty" is fine. A word of warning if you're making a bigger project though: Don't code yourself into a corner to the point where you end up losing dev time trying to chase down bugs through hundreds of lines of spaghetti code. Try to at least clean and organize it once in a while if possible, you'll only make things worse for yourself as your project gets bigger.
At the end of my last project I wished I had made my code more generic and easier to read through. I ended up wasting weeks of dev time fixing bugs that I had to change stuff for in every scene. A few minutes per scene, whatever, but it stacks quickly when you have 20 scenes and need to playtest all of them. "Quick and dirty" may work for a game jam or something, but if you're planning on making a game that someone will play longer than 30 minutes then please, *please* don't make the same mistake I did, do yourself a favor and structure your code better.

seconding this, my last failed game was because i tried to rewrite shit that did work, if you must do something is to comment everything that is not immediately obvious.

its been tree weeks already and I'm not regaining momentum yet.

Just make sure you comment your code, or you won't understand it in 6 months.

Just make sure you comment your code, or you won't understand it in 6 months.

Finished her Halloween costume. I'll probably add an arm angle offset so she doesn't clip through her dress. ~28k triangles.

maybe make it quick and dirty first and then refactor, so you dont have to both make it work and make it clean at the same time. although i personally hate refactoring, because you cant see any of it, but you will know its necessary if you ever took a break from looking at your code and have to find your way back into it.

singleplayer AI now starts with random units, max 7 for each type
if he has leftover money he gets additional light infantry
he's still too easy, but hey

I do hacky code in the main loop to get it working, then refactor it into its own objects, then refine it a bit based on needs, then extract it into modular engine code.

I don't mind refactoring because it means your code is basically guaranteed to work, and well-written code is very extensible, so you have a lot of potential too

You scare and impress me in equal measure.

C'mon, dude, it's not halfchan! You can use sound in webms!

Hey, do you guys encapsulate everything in classes in C++ or do you only use them when you need them like a structure but with more options ?

I write wrapper classes for my abstractions around C libraries because i like RAII. OOP can be used effectively, but is generally a meme.


It depends, I tend to because I learned Java first. But if I just need something small to work then I'd rather not prematurely genericize

Anybody got any guns you'd like me to animate? I want to practice but last time I went on a search for a gun I liked, I got frustrated and only found one after a full hour of searching.

Just give me a .blend model and I'll animate draw, shoot and reload sequences.

End it now

That's a possibility, but I'd need to get back in shape so that the trip doesn't kill me. Not to mention I live in a temperate climate and winter is right around the corner, so at least until spring, biking is a no-go.

Well that wasn't fun. At least I got some progress on floors and ceilings done today.

Well shit, that kind of flies in the face of everything I know about software design, but I do see the point. I guess I'll only refactor my shit if it's absolutely necessary, like improving performance.

So I'm modding OpenMW and I'd like to make it so that it's always raining and always night time. I've searched for mods that do just that and I haven't found anything. Anyone know what I'd have to do to make this?

mod a better game


it does have really good modding, everything's in xml

That's a totally different kind of game user.

mod morrowind into rimworld

Well, thank you for answering my question I guess.

I've got some models sitting around. Take your pick.

I'll take the bolt action! Haven't tried that yet

Here ya go. Remove the spaces after you copy it into your address bar.
m e g a. nz/#!tjZGmYKb!5jhfTnyATrIQ_QjqJ0ex-aUCwKGFIxr08w9lA5WOxBI

Hell yeah, thanks, user! I'll post the vid here once I'm done.

You're welcome. The Remington 700 is a really common rifle so you should be able to easily find videos of it being fired and reloaded.

just like make mod

I believe he wants to see how it's done to implement it in his own mod.

Not everything is in xml; what the fuck are you talking about? 90% of the game is in compiled C# dlls

Super Mario 64 HD Unity project finally got broken by updates, can't open it anymore.

Very unfortunate, it's one of the very few actually good projects that were released in Unity with full source attached to it, learned a lot from copying what that did.

I mean I guess you can install an older version of Unity and open it in that, but for some reason installing an older version of unity automatically uninstalls your old version no matter what, so it's really annoying.

Did that piece of shit rustdev ever progress past his shitty model, or is he forever the epitome of no-dev faggotry.

I'm pretty sure that Elliot Rodger edit had more work put into it than Rustfag's "game"

Haven't heard from him in ages tbh

I need some help with Unity.

I currently have a Gameobject which contains my model's armature, this Gameobject is tagged with "PlayerArmature".

In my code, on start, I do

playerArmature = GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerArmature");

Which after Debug Logging, does tell me it found the Gameobject.

Later, in my script, I use this armature to do rotations on my player that I need for visual effect only like so

playerArmature.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (rb.velocity);

Now, if I Debug Log the rotation, it does tell me the values are changing, however the rotation isn't changing in the game nor in the inspector.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Is this a proper way to code object interactions? At first I just wanted a few simple flags to determine if it can eg move or be affected by gravity, but now I'm looking at pushing buttons and shit, and can only hold 32 such interactions, and it's very arbitrary

does every single actor need all 32 flags?

if not, then think about this:


as a flag, then having two actorbehavior enums.
or, use multiple enums, or a 64-bit enum. Most computers are either 64-bit, or have MMX extensions which expose 64-bit registers, so it's really not slow, even on a 32-bit machine.

Alternatively, you can code this with emergent behavior. Instead of CAN_CRUSH, give the actor a "weight" attribute, then when the actor is falling, calculate a force from the weight and gravity, and then if that is a big enough force, it CAN_CRUSH the thing from above.

instead of CAN_SLIDE, you can just give it a diffrent amount of friction? you could, for example, set a minimum amount of friction, this would change how "slidy" it is.

Instead of CAN_BE_PUSHED, use the weight and the friction, as well as the force that something is putting on it, to see if it can be pushed.

It sounds like, for a lot of these are you not modeling the physics properly.

Well, the flags were intended to be somewhat emergent, rather than physics-based. For example, the game would have no concept between a player, a rock, and some other object, the "identity" of something would be defined by the behavior flags it reacts to

I think unity was just broken, I restarted and now it's fixed.

Testing some animations with the dash and hitting solid objects, probably gonna need a separate animation instead of this generic "get hit" one but that's alright

Spent 1.5 hours tracking down a texture binding bug and UV coordinate issue. Threw most of it out and just used texture arrays instead. I'm going to set my minimum OpenGL context to 4.2, just because it's easier for me. Sacrifices must be made I guess.


What? I've installed four different versions of Unity on my computer, you just have to change the install folder during the install process.

I must've missed that

I know that feel. Nice keys by the way. What are they for?

You get them by preordering DLC and they unlock additional costumes

Is they a reason anons here hate unity, and usually respond with games that use it with
Is they anything inherently wrong with the engine?

It's easy to miss. Your game's looking good by the way.

aw thanks :3

4.16 won't let me use FVectors as keys so I'm waiting on RMC to update for 4.17 you faggots

Its image.
Unfortunately Unity is extremely accessible, and very easy to pick up, this means that the vast majority of games will be of low quality.

There's nothing inherently wrong with the engine itself, plenty of amazing and great games have been made in it. The argument that unity is bad because there's a lot of bad games for it is the same as saying that the PS2 is the worst console because it has the biggest amount of shovelware.

Of course there's also the problem that most of Holla Forums is filled with retards that would rather parrot someone else's opinion rather than actually inform themselves, which usually leads to quick dismissal of the engine.

There's nothing inherently wrong with it aside from some outdated .net libraries. Only reasons I've seen anons hate it are because they're either /g/tards or they're nodevs :^)

Unity also has the problem of "Made with Unity" being slapped on the front of all the personal license games. Most devs with a professional license use their right to remove that. There's a problem where every bad Unity game is made on a personal license, so people see it's Unity, but then all the high quality Unity games don't have that on the game's startup sequence.
If I were the owner of Unity I'd remove the "Made with Unity" on the personal license and offer to halve the licensing cost for the professional license if the game creator keeps the "Made with Unity" at the start of the game.

Yeah I've heard this being suggested a lot, but I'm not sure if I agree.
The reason as to why Unity is so famous and so used is almost exclusively because of the massive amount of advertisement.

While the image might be bad with the public, everyone that has any interest in developing is aware of Unity because of the same reason.

The only issues I see with it are some of the people in leadership roles there (community manager, current CEO), and their republic-esque methods of handling bugs.
Concerning how they handle bugs, it's a system where people vote on the most important bugs, and thus the dev team focuses on those.
Other bugs get passed over, leading to people saying "they won't fix X", but no, the community doesn't think it's important enough to fix.
When it comes to the current leadership, it is a company, and thus intrinsically it's a necessary evil (we may not like all those who reside in positions of the company hierarchy).
However, considering the otherwise established practices (EULA, rapid feature iteration, reliably fixing bugs, robust feature set, large community, good docs… the list goes on) that are properties of the company practices, and the non-factor of development of ever just "suddenly ending" (i.e. this a factor with "open source" projects); it weights out in favor of the engine being top quality.

Oh yeah, this too

They've been working on this for quite awhile, and the upgrade to the latest .net runtime (well, mono's version) will make official stable landfall soon.

Here's the release notes from 2017.1.0 (june 17'):

Though, it's a "preview", and thus isn't totally stable; so in the coming releases we'll see.
The original issue, and why said upgrades are so recent, stems from a previously long standing issue. Unity originally licensed mono (as to edit source code for C# to C++ comp, they needed a special license), and how they were essentially tied to that platform + license version.
Luckily, this was all solved when mono was bought by microsoft, and they changed the mono license to MIT; thus we're seeing a lot of scripting + .net runtime upgrades due to the above becoming a non-issue.

Wasn't Mono supposed to be an open source equivalent of MS C#?

afaik, and it remains true to this day; with the benefit of a more permissive license.

well that's fucking gay

Sure user, you might try pic related. Has lots of good info on doing things efficiently I hear.

Technically you can if you use ref or out as method parameters, but that's shaky at best. What are you trying to do?

A parody site, I see.

This book make understanding how to program straighforward, as long as you're serious about it and willing to work hard at it at least 15-20hrs/wk. It is literally the single best freshman text on learning how to program, bar none.

One things vultures know how to do user, and that's vultch heh.

Don't do it user, paying back those debts is a massive hole to climb out of.

Need to return a boolean and a distance of a capsulecast, I've used the out method before but it's just really messy.

Apprently I can use a custom class to do so?
Gotta look into it

Do you? I assume you're trying to return true or false if there's a collision, as well as the distance.

Why not just return a float for the distance, and then have the other code check if dist

Actually I'm a fucking dumbass, I can return the RaycastHit and just get the info I need from that



In my defense it's 7 am and I've been working on my game for 24 hours

Time for sleep user. You don't spend more than 12 hours working on a game unless it's one month till gold and your boss is EA

Actually I don't think this can be done, Unity isn't allowing me to return Raycasthit

Looking at the docs, it appears there are two functions:

The second function takes an additional param, hitInfo, that gets populated if the function would return true. Just use that.

Something like:
public void DoSomeCollisionShit(){ bool result = Physics.CapsuleCast(point1, point2, radius, direction, maxDistance, hitInfo, layerMask, queryTriggerInteraction) if(result) { if(hitInfo.Distance

That's already what I'm doing.
However unity's telling me pic related

You're passing it a type instead of an instance of that type. Eg, you're giving it Vector2 instead of "position"

You have to basically create a RaycastHit object somewhere and pass it in

Fuck you're right I was returning RaycastHit instead of hitInfo

But if I change it to return hitinfo it gives me the same error, and if I assign hitinfo to an object it tells me that I can't convert RaycastHit to Object.

Listen nevermind I'm going to sleep I'll get back to this later

"Object" is the supertype of all C# types/instances; you can use it as a variable to store literally any instance, but anything you pass it to will see "object" instead of a more specific type.

What you'll need to do is either

That might get it working, but it might be unstable

Alright Holla Forums. I've come across a problem in my work making terrain render properly. TL;DR I don't know how to send information to a shader such that I can arbitrarily determine what hex on a map gets what biome, and thus what texture should be rendered in that spot.

So, I poked around on the Unity asset store like a good little goyim, and I found this:


It SEEMS like it will do what I want, but there's no way to test things out, and refunds are completely up to the maker. Does anyone have any experience with tools in this price range, and how well they tend to function?

NPC friends that might appear in the hub level, if I ever get that far


nintendo totally won't sue you for copyright on the boo

Oh no, they'll have accessories. They're basically an emote on a white circle with a tail. Inspired mostly from pic related

Someone mentioned making my Unreal mod a Fallout Tactics clone. Keep this video in mind, an older one I did before sprite animation was working.

Is it just me or did Unity change the way Debug.DrawRay worked in the past few months?
I remember giving it a start and a direction and I could swear the ray would just keep going in that direction without anything else.

Now I need to multiply the direction to actually have a longer ray


If anyone wants art assets or any art related help, post it in this thread. I put aside some time from my schedule to practice art every few days but I don't know what to do, so I figured I'd do requests. I'm doing it for practice so it doesn't matter what your game is or if you even end up using it.


do you do textures only? i need UI

I'd ask for porn of mc but I guess I'll just have to earn it by making a good game.

thx, m-0

still no electricity back at home so you dudes are saving my ass.

Anybody know if there's a better way of doing this

rb.velocity != Vector3.zero

It's returning true even if rb.velocity is 0.

Should I just do
Mathf.Approximately(rb.velocity.magnitude, 0f)


never compare floats, those fuckers get rounded all the time, instead use < or > 0.00001 (or any other small number)

Whole numbers are perfectly accurate as floats. Fractions get fucky; youre right though

Well Mathf.Approximately should fix that problem, however it doesn't seem to work at all either

I'll try with your way but the thing just seems fucked

Shotguns are cool
maces are cool
combining the two is a good idea.

you are a good man
if I may make a suggestion

Looking cute. The ghost could use some tweaks though. It's at that awkward size where the circular shape is making that distracting hump.

No kidding. Good shit.

Might want to remove the rust on the outer spikes, the "reset" looks strange.

Was triggering me part of your plan?

i made an upgrade to the singleplayer AI
map is split into 25 sectors
the AI checks which sector has what percentage of the enemy army there and sends that percentage of his own troops there
it's simple but works surprisingly well


Sword, what do you need a knife for? That butter knife could hurt someone! G-d forbid you hurt someone with a spoon!


fun dumb weapons are great, nobody cares if they would work irl or not, that's the whole point of vidya

Where did you get that impression? My first request was an untextured 3D model. I can do basically anything, if you need a UI then let me know what you need.

If your game needs lewd graphics then I may consider it, but I don't want to do drawthread-tier shit.

I might use that for another project in the future, sadly there's no place for a sword gun in the Doomslayer's arsenal.

Which reset are we talking about here? You're the first one to mention this.
Also have the reload animation for the grenade launcher altfire. I am so fucking pleased with this animation goddamn.

something for my main menu
layout and background can be whatever, but the buttons can't be generic white blocks


I was not complaining about the functionality of the gun but rather that they draw it as a folding knife instead of a sword.

Do you have a game or a theme to go along with that menu?

It's hard to design something when I don't know what I'm designing it for.


Alright, I'll see what I can do when I get home.

Come on now, a chopstick? I mean why would that go- i mean guy even shoot wood splinters in the first place?

How do I into an animator that isn't a fucking mess

you can't really do more than that

and have the actual altfire now. It feels to me that it's missing something but this is a good start.

Screenshake for the explosion maybe?

The raycast functions all return booleans.
RaycastHit objects are not returned, they are assigned by the out parameter for the raycast hit.
Don't forget the out keyword before the parameter
Also some of your params are wrong.
forgive me I don't know how to codeblock:

RaycastHit rayhit; // Gets assigned by raycast function
Vector3 point = transform.position; // Or wherever you are raycasting from
Vector3 direction = transform.forward; // Or whatever direction you are raycasting in
float distance = 100; // Or omit this parameter to raycast over an infinite distance
int mask = Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers; // Bitmask of layers to hit, also optional
// And I've never used the queryTriggerInteraction parameter so I'm leaving it out…
if (Physics.Raycast(point, direction, out rayhit, distance, mask)) {
// Do stuff to handle raycast intersection

the capsule cast is fairly similar.

Vector3 top = transform.position + transform.up * .5f;
Vector3 bot = transform.position - transform.up * .5f; // These two define the top and bottom of the capsule being cast, both constitute the capsule.
float radius = .5f;
Vector3 direction = transform.forward;
RaycastHit rayhit;
float distance = 12;
int mask = 1 | 1


Yeah I took a break and fixed it when I came back.
Dunno why I didn't get it before

Interesting story I saw on a handmadecon vid. Not related to anything but kind of interesting to think about.

TL;DW someone invented a better/faster rendering system just because he thought someone else had a better one, even though they actually didn't. He wouldn't have tried to make a better one if he didn't think someone had one-upped him.

I talked about this in a previous thread, but if you want to try and get a step ahead of the rest of the crowd with rendering, I think next-gen real-time rendering is when we're going to see non-realtime rendering techniques merge with real-time techniques.
In other words, physically accurate rendering by using denoising techniques to drastically speed up render times of formerly non-realtime render engines up to real-time speeds of

Just pass some arbitrary enumeration value in as an attribute and check it in the shader?

Interesting. Screen-Space Ray-Tracing Global Illumination in embed is what has my attention currently. It's kind of funny how if you are interested in shaderstuff, you realize studios are actually behind 1-2 years when it comes to newest shading techniques. I remember when i was trying my hands on PBR with OpenGL when i read about it in a blogpost by some french dude many years ago, and only one year later every big studio started using it.

Hey everyone.
Suppose I wanted to make a character with clothes like pic related (T-shirt + Pantsu).
Actually already have most of this character model completed, face and body looks really nice, but hair needs to be re-done and haven't done clothes. No textures either atm. It has been posted here in these /agdg/ threads before but only once and my project is not on wiki. Will get it up on wiki and show you all someday, but today is not that day.

What would be the best approach for modeling, rigging, and animating such clothing?
My game engine, written from scratch, already has a pipeline from Blender to in-engine for designing and simulating rigid body physics using Bullet.
But cloth is not rigid, and Blender uses a different, built-in set of code for cloth simulations (it uses Bullet for rigid body, which made getting the full dev pipeline up and running for rigid bodies a lot easier).

As I was writing this, I came up with one interesting idea:
Bullet CAN do cloth simulation, so…Getting Bullet cloth sim running in both Blender and engine would be a pain, but since only this character would use cloth sim, maybe could do a quick hack on the game engine side for this one special case.

One other idea: You could get a wrinkly-looking mesh by running a cloth simulation on the Blender side, then bake the resulting mesh X frames into the simulation.
Then you could rig the wrinkly clothing mesh to give it something resembling movement…But it probably wouldn't look too terribly realistic.

Any other ideas?

Forgot the pic…

I think there was one dev who had used a program that let you design clothes and how they stitch together and then it puts it on the model for you and bakes in how it would hang physically on the model. I can't recall the name of the program, sorry.

marvelous designer does this

if u want procedural - realistic - movement of clothing then utilize a cloth simulation in-engine; it's a mass spring-damper system.

Thanks, GZDoom.

Are you modding for ZDoom or nigger GZdoom one? I tried your suggested Finaldoomer mod for fixing the weapon sprites based on classes but so far it doesn't work at all in Skullshit 3.0, though unless there was something it was missing all the time that I should have ripped from that mod.




posting here because
>>>/agdg/29515 is dead as fuck

Holla Forums is still slow as fuck, compared to 4 years ago

Even compared to last year it's slowed down a lot.

You should sculpt the clothes by hand. Using physics to create the clothes works for more realistic characters, but I think it would look too wrinkly if you want the anime look.

The clothes in your exemple might be too close to the body for a simulation to make much of a difference (there is going to be almost no drag when the character moves around). Just rig the bottom dangly bits of clothing to move with the rest of the body animation and bake the animation to bones (with no real time physics). Or do something like in embeded video with rigid body if you want something dynamic.


you could ask tetradev

Fucking hell. I looked on /pdf/ for it and couldn't find it, found "The Rook's guide to C++" instead which might be useful.

Smallest pdf of it I could find is 25mb so here's a link


Technically I'm modding for Zandronum 3.0 ultimately. I do the majority of my testing on GZdoom, but I always make sure my shit runs on Zandy 3.0 as well.

Though yeah I had an issue with how finaldoomer did its weapon system, so I had a friend who's way better at this shit than me help me unfuck it, I'll give you a snippet of how this new system works:


how do i make shitty 80s music really easy

Not surprised. Sad, but ultimately I anticipated this


Thanks user

You didn't define anything else so I decided to just go for the same style as your game and the videos it's based on. I was tempted to use photos/art like in some of the videos but decided not to. Separate pieces and source files in link (double resolution), do whatever you want with them.


didn't get to post yesterday due to shit I won't go to

Alright I will check your code later m8, thanks for that.


Share a link to it?

Honestly, I think it's all the site meta drama bullshit. Both internal and external threats are chomping at our heels. Nobody trusts Jim or Codemonkey, and the site's stability, while improving, is still shaky. We're next-door neighbors with two boards that are constantly waging war on each other. One of which is a buzzkill whenever there's not some kind of happening going on, and the other is actively trying to ruin the site through subversion. I don't come to Holla Forums to be buzzkilled or subverted. I don't give a shit about meta drama and inter-board politics. I just want to play and just like make video games. Yet moving to another site seems like a worse option. What we need is a morale boost.

The entire western society needs a morale boost.

I REALLY like this image, can I save it?

Are you asociated with Historia Civilis in any way or you're just a fan?

Anyway, cool game, though it's almost imposible to loose.

I know that creating a trend line for such data makes little sense but it does seem that /agdg/ threads are doing well.

Here's a graph showing the number of our threads each month since their inception, based on my 'research' for the wiki.

The number of threads seem to either be at a constant level over the past year or growing.

The number of active projects is encouraging as well.

Feels good.

It wasn't a particular track but here's a link: cryochamber.bandcamp.com/ It's way too early for me to be worrying about audio but was curious as I've never directly licensed something before. A friend told me some artist he contacted wanted $20k per year of use.

It is but the number is probably a little inflated since it's hard to know if someone hasn't posted for a month and dropped a project or is working their balls off and just hasn't posted. Threads certainly seem more active in general though.

As much as I'd like the implication that the users of this board are getting more involved in agdg and less involved in mindless shitposting. I'd need more data to substantiate such claims first.

Maybe I'll do some actual statistics and placing them on the wiki, we'll see. Right now I'd like to concentrate on me game.

Most of the projects I personally added on the active projects page are ones that I spotted while browsing the current threads so it's marginally inflated.

Good idea, and I like the rigidbody approach; though it seems a bit overkill.
The bone idea is good imo, possibly a similar system as near tomato utilizing a few simple bones to animate the movement of the lower part of the shirt (similar to how one would animate boobs, with movement + squash/stretch of the bones).
Again, you could utilize the bones as really simple springs; which really has negligible overhead for just a few bones (very simple formula) with comparatively realistic results.

Utilize branches into a new sub-tree (this is a common practice for complex state machines).
The idea is to use "master entry transition" states into new sub-trees (you'll see it as an option upon right clicking); which organize your animations into different sets of animations which have a unified single transition.
f.e. an "idle sub-tree", and "locomotion sub-tree", as idle tree requires idle entry state, and locomotion tree requires locomotion entry state.

Does the actor actually respawns when sv_itemrespawn is on? Because it doesn't look like that it does or respecting the sv_weaponstay flag.

Things seem to be respawning just fine, I took notes from demonsteele's item system for this.

i just hope i don't get sued for copyright

just a fan
yeah, the AI right now is 90% vegetable
ideally once i implement supply routes, fortifications and ammo resupplying it might get better

I think one of the key points with a T-shirt (which is especially clear when you play the gif I posted) is the large wrinkle lines.
At least in Blender's cloth sim, there is a bending_stiffness parameter that will give you less smaller, more larger wrinkles as you increase its value, so 's fear of cloth sim resulting in a "too wrinkly" look can be avoided.
That said, I did a quick prototype (see pic related), and I'm not satisfied by these results at all. Since it's a physics simulation, there's a limit to the amount of control I can get over the wrinkles and shape, so this seems like a dead end to me.

So at this point, I'm thinking I should either model out the t-shirt wrinkles by hand and just use a simple rigidbody rig to give the shirt some simple movement, or if wrinkle modeling proves too difficult or doesn't look satisfactory, actually forgo the t-shirt altogether in favor of a nightdress+pantsu along the lines of second pic related, which ought to look reasonably nice even if it doesn't have awesome-looking wrinkles.

If you have good reference, modeling wrinkles should be trivial with the sculpting tools. You should worry more about how the in-game simulation is going to work.

Check the embeded. Even with barely any wrinkles it doesn't look that bad.

The model in the video:

Models from the Atelier games for reference:

The atelier characters look pretty good, but I think they use painted shadows on the clothing, which might not work for your game. They might also use normal maps for some of the wrinkles, but I'm not sure (I haven't downloaded the models yet to check that out). But they definitely use geometry for the big wrinkles and they definitely sculpt them by hand.


OK to make 3d in blender I need 2 screens right?
Just starting to learn blender, I'm a complete noob but I want to make a vidya game.

Don't you mean it loses control?

Pretty much, though, actually. Getting into the game is now a 1/3 gamble since the damn menu doesn't stop scrolling.
But it makes me wonder, if something so deeply retarded can happen without me realizing for so long, what else might I miss?

Why'd you need 2 screens? One is enough. I even managed to get by with 5:4 screen for half a year and even then it wasn't that bad.

Because two screens will make you more productive, right?
Actually thinking of getting rid of my second monitor because I think it's just making it too easy to distract myself

I would wager you are using assembly language that someone else created.

Only times I found a 2nd screen to be really helpful for 3D was when I was doing basic tutorials step by step, or when sculpting and I needed a reference. Otherwise, it's nice but not a game changer.
>too easy to distract myself
Maybe try train yourself to just turn the second screen off whenever you don't use it. Making distractions harder to reach requires more brainpower to access them therefore increasing your chance of stopping yourself.

What the fuck.
I don't even really know how to fix these, either, since both are so different and cause such different issues.
I don't even know who's to blame, the chinks that made these pieces of shit or Game Maker for being so shittilly written.
Or me for buying controllers from chinks and using Game Maker.

sorry for late reply but I'm also going to fuck around in Unreal engine and zbrush. So I thought 2 screens would be good if you watch a tutorial while doing the shit he does.

Try using a 360 or PS3 controller instead.

I know that the standardized controllers work, I've tested them out. I've also tested a few cheap PS2-style ones, and they work fine. I just want the game to support as many controllers as possible, and it sucks that these fuck up, in such spectacular ways, too.

i use the 2 screens heavily when uv unwrapping or texturing (shift click on the resize lets you open a new windows window useful if you have 2 nonidentical monitors)
and if you have reference material its is useful.

Get axis value on frame one, and use that as neutral. Does mean it acts weird when the player fucks around with their controller while starting your game up, but that's their own fault.
Alternatively, completely ignore controller inputs when you hover your mouse over a button, and add a recalibrate option that does option 1 in the options menu.

hey i forgot to ask, can you tell me the font name or share it somehow?

change the shape of the shirt, as it is now it has no motive to return to the skin to form more wrinkles

here is how i usually do form fitting clothing
(if your models is simple enough you can create it as an over posed mesh and continue here

for extra realism separate the model by the seams and fold the seams over themselves then hook them together

don't do it, i regret selling mine every day for various reasons.

for right sided stuff
use references, maps and blend files on the side while working on your main shit.
you can copypaste objects from other blender windows, is cool as shit, you can also drop textures over the models for quick prototyping.
for maping you can have your game open on one side and go through the motions of the map, also godot lets you update models realtime, is quite buggy but is cool shit.

for left side stuff
you can pop up some imagery to get you in the mood, specially true for writting
for coding, write notes as you do in paper on the side, plus the ability to cut, paste and rearrange stuff

psychological stuff:
different physical objects help your brain organize stuff better and prioritize between important tasks and side tasks, more important, it tells your brain the short term memory generated from the second monitor shouldn't overwrite the short memory events generated in the main, pretty useful for getting back in the zone.
watching vlogs, documentaries or just having the wallpapers change every couple of minutes on the side becomes a necessity when you are spending 12+ hours on the computer everyday.

also if you are distracting yourself with two, you will distract harder with one, as the area that reminds you of work is reduced to the task bar, instead of you know, a whole fucking monitor

give up, there is no silver bullet only exceptions. focus on what works and finish your game, leave the rest for later. there is no hope for a game with perfect hardware support if it is not fun

Dont make situations where the player is at fault. It'll only frustrate them

With XNA should I put all my actors and level data in the main class or should I make a "GameState" object with all that crap and a static ref to the current gamestate object?

Basically I want all my objects to have global access to the state as easily as possible without all the fluff. But it seems redundant

progress on the mod manager, it searchs the mod folder automatically, if it detects a new folder it search for a mod manifesto inside, if everything is in order the mod is added to the mod list as a disabled mod, so installing a mod consists of just dropping the mod folder in the [game folder]/mods and enabling it in the main menu

Now go and find out all the names ""Game Journos"" used from their previous game play through and auto-enable this mod :^)

previous version still available at my devblog btw

At least you got quads.

So how do people do spritework nowadays? I've got a drawing tablet and krita, so I'm all set there.

You wasted those quads boy.

I just slap down a 512x512 canvas in PS, put on an 8x8 grid, and then draw 32x32 squares on a background layer and build up from there

I don't mean to sell it. Just put it aside so I don't end up using it to procrastinate.

i made a thing

Not a reply to help as I haven't used Godot, but here is an inspirational vidya for ya. Is Godot any good? Does it use a scripting language? Is it hard to set up?

Not a reply to help as I haven't used Godot, but here is an inspirational vidya for ya. Is Godot any good? Does it use a scripting language? Is it hard to set up?

Not him, but I've used Godot a bit. I got the impression it was basically Unity for 2D. Seems nice, uses a Node/scene system and it's open source

New video, only new thing is the map I've made. I show how it looks in the editor's preview window. I want to take the geometry from my camera training map and move it into this one and use it as a reception hallway into a building. I'll release a demo (maybe) once my custom animations are all finished being drawn.

Fucking flood detection. Glad both of these videos got posted though, I kinda want to check out Godot because of them but I don't know shit about it. I hear it isn't great, but I'd rather not use the blueprint system for UE4. If I can code my shit, I'd prefer that because I can do more with it (I say only having heard people going from UE1 to UE4 saying the interface didn't allow for as much cool shit as they used to be able to do).

I'm not sure how it stacks up against other free and open-source game engines, but I'd say it's pretty good. Godot operates using a SceneTree system using Nodes that represent various game objects, and you can attach scripts to scenes to handle the programming. The scripting is done with GodotScript, which is essentially just python. You can use C++ too, but I don't think there's full support for it yet. It's fairly easy to set up input handling and gui things and stuff like that. The documentation is lacking for some of the 3D API, but the 2D documentation is solid. There's a built in animation player too.

there is no set up, just unzip and start working, for coding it uses its own language based on python, also gdscript is riddled whit OOP shit. the 3d part of the engine is basically placeholder.

OOP works well up to certain complexity as it helps visualize lots of stuff, just don't try to force OOP to every aspect.

Can I make a game and sell it through Godot?


I should mention that I have yet to see any successful commercial games with Godot, but I'd attribute that to the engine being relativity new.

Feels good

Cinzel, it's a free font.


Turns out that you can simply change the SamplerState to draw inverse colors, and avoid shaders entirely. Literally just drawing two sprites to do this

This is my bucket. There are many like it but this one is mine.

learn the difference, it could save your life!

That's some good animation right there

Looks pretty good, you can see the weight of the model, although I think the head is too stationary compared to the rest of the body.It could use some tiny movements, just by a few millimeters, to the sides.
It's for a game, or are you just practicing animation?

I made some more work on the Mourning star


Speaking of Godot, tomorrow its lead developer Juan Linietsky will come to my college in Mar del Plata to give a public talk about the engine. Should I go? I feel like there's a 50/50 chance it'll be just shilling, but sounds interesting.

kek, either GDC people have some high standards or they've really gone to shit.

I dunno, you tell me, mate.

Gee I wonder which it could be

Also yes, you should go.

I woke up at 8AM and I spent the past 6 hours laying in bed doing fuckall

feels bad

I was merely jesting

If you go then record it and share.

Sometimes you just need to let yourself take a break
the hardest part is not feeling guilty about it

Adding mouse look was a pain in the ass since floors and walls are drawn in different ways but got it done. Testing scaling lower res up but might be a bit too lolretro and changed the eye bleeding placeholder textures. A few bugs left but hopefully can move on to starting on entities and shit soon.

But it'll be in Spanish. Besides I have no cellphone and my POS old digital camera will barely record.

I didn't even have the oekaki open, what the fuck.

There's something so nice about low res texture, wish we'd see this more.
Is this your own engine or are you using something else?

I'm using the Löve framework but it's my own 2.5D BSP rendering stuff. It's been fun reading up and learning how to recreate some of the older techniques.

record at least the audio, I know spanish and could translate it if it is interesting.



From what I hear, getting people to assign tags to your game might give it more exposure.

I didn't even know Steam allowed this

Also, do you have a tumblr?

I don't use tumblr, but I've got a blog: kircode.com

What exactly made you think he would?

well if your going to actually publish it would be good to post shit on reedit to tumbler to fagbook. muh viral social marketing of buzwords

Why tumblr specifically, though

Despite the association Tumblr has managed to garner in the past few years, it still is a solid software for blogging, and possibly the only site that's been bought by a big company and commercialised to actually have a very high level of customisation.

Although I don't know how good it is for marketing.

one of many… free add space

Why the fuck do you write like a retard?

Easily accessible for most people, well established, has all the functionality you need. Twitter is in the same boat. Both sites are shit, but so is the internet in general at the moment.

I wouldn't recommend zuccbook though because the normalfag demographic doesn't care about games and it also has a limit on visibility. You have to pay to increase it for each post that gains traction.

I would hold on the release if i were you. A hat in time and cuphead just released and I can't see speebot succeed with the hype around these two

I agree with this

You're right, I heard imgur is good for this kind of thing so I made an album of Speebot gifs: imgur.com/a/uSysb

>no Platformer
Other than that, looking good. Though how much will you be asking for it?

Agreed. Timing is important.

Do Unity colliders actually not have a value for forward?
What the fuck kind of bullshit is this?

This is actually a good point, you only get one release. I'd wait like a week to a month.

You're thinking of tags, these are the categories that Steam offers. I'm guessing users will be quick to tag it appropriately on release though.
It will be $14.99, and have a 10% discount on release.

There's always a game that's coming out, or an event that's happening, or a sale that's upcoming. I can keep holding off forever this way, but I'd rather just release now and work on the next game. Besides, Cuphead shows up as "similar" to me on Steam, so maybe that will even drive some traffic my way.

you can't really expect to leave it like that and gain momentum by itself, leave a comment stating that you will be answering questions and stuff, do giveaways and link them to the demo

am i wrong?


Huh, didn't take that long to get sector entities working. Bit messy though.

Can you share levels you make? If so you may want to mention that in the editor blurb. Also add some pinned topics in the discussions with FAQ and shit so they're not completely empty.

is the steam drm on by default? is it just released on steam?

That's not an ad hominem. At least now we know you're a retard who also happens to type like a retard.

Why is finding a starting place to learning anything remotely related to programming so difficult? Virtually every other thing you could wish to learn has free well planned lessons with good tempo.

When I try to look into where to start with programming it's all over the place. Learn this language, no learn this one, etc. Buy into this program, no buy into this one instead.

Can someone suggest video lessons to me that are quality? I'll try to pirate it if I can.

Don't learn programming through video lessons.

I can completely relate to that feeling. Most of these things are stupidly simple but getting the answer is like building a 5000 piece jigsaw puzzle where the pieces are scattered all over the internet. For example I don't personally agree with nor the link, but who knows that might be the perfect thing for him.

My own journey has been such a jungle trek that I don't think I can recommend anything particular and accurately represent what it took me to learn. I personally have found books to be completely worthless, they seem to go on tangents about shit that don't feel relevant and skip things that seem way more important. For example when I looked at "learn C the hard way" which many people recommend, I had no idea what the fuck I was reading it didn't seem like it was teaching the language to me at all and I figured it's a book people recommend just to troll you or something.

I can tell you though that the program you use is mostly irrelevant. IDEs and text editors and what have you, none of that shit matters in the end as long as you're comfortable with it, the only tool you really need beside a compiler is something to write code with.

As for personal opinions, find something where you can easily get visual results. html5+javascript, love2d, I think there's something for python. It was extremely helpful to me in the beginning to be able to tell the program to draw shit on the screen with a simple function call and experiment with those, I don't think I would have even gotten into programming if I had to learn C or something in the beginning because in that it's such a workload to get anything rendering on a window or even open a window in the first place.

For learning some things (such as 3D design programs), videos are ideal.
For programming, a big fat textbook is your best bet imo.


Fucking congrats, user! Been looking forward to this.

Out of curiosity, do you plan on giving out review copies to sites like NicheGamer and Techraptor, or are you just gonna say 'fuck it' and avoid that altogether.