Losing control?
Whats the most unique game you've played?
Losing control?
Whats the most unique game you've played?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't play much unique games.
Illbleed well i havent exactly played it. Shit is expensive. Its basically a haunted house simulator.
ebin :DD
Hey guys.
Tomorrow's that tax free sale I've been hyping up since forever. I just need a plan
Should I just go to bed now and be ready for when it opens?
one smug
to rule the snug
sleep snug, smug
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Found out my folks are leaving for a week at the end of the month. Going to be so comfy. Got some booze still laying around from when I worked so will probably drink and blast weebmusic all the time.
You can make it, I hope.
Still gets kinda lonely all alone.
Undertale. How's everyone tonight?
Umihara Kawase, I guess.
Do it nigger. Get a good nap so you can get the deals monica
How goes anons
Got called in to close tonight because some faggot was having an argument with his sister. Foodrunners gave me a tenner. Boss is pissed at the guy. My day off is tomorrow. Thank fuck.
Idk Fighting Mania.
Keep getting bad hands in the boss fight.
Well, I suppose a game taking place entirely on dead colossi count for something.
Wasn't this shit banned?
If I could I'd own a house in the middle of nowhere and never see anybody tbh
Good choice, how goes user
I'm good. Farting around in yugioh, watching forged in fire.
How are you doing user
How you going to enjoy your day off user
I dindu muffin
Im playing more MM6. I cleared out new sorpigal and now im trying to figure out which dungeon i need to go to next. The temple of baa is too hard, and so is dragoon's lair. The easier bandit cave is surrounded by atleast 100 lizard men.
Idk go game hunting or some shit. Mow some lawns. Make that fuck money.
Where's moonman when you need him?
uh…anyways I'm doing fine.
What's that?
What are you doing on your day off?
How nu r u?
You did a muffin?
I'm completely innocent.
I pirated cuphead on the day of release and beat it within a few hours. So happy I didn't pay for it. In the days that followed I had three different people recommend the game to me and my response was "yea, already beat it, it ain't worth the money".
All three of them think I'm a gaming god. How are people so horrible at video games? That shit was piss easy compared to a lot of NES games I grew up with.
What do you mean by bad hands?
I don't remember any of that in MM6. Do plant man's stage first for the jetpack though
I'll figure something out. Maybe go get a download card for Cuphead at Best Buy or some shit.
Gotta make that fuck money baby.
Might and magic 6. i probably should play megaman 6 too
I had a rough day. My phone fucking broke, it would be almost double the cost to fix it than I paid for it. Gonna have to go into the city without a decent cell phone for my concerts this weekend. It's gonna be rough, but I'll make it work.
Behind in all my classes. Having a hard time keeping up. I know I'll make it though.
I feel like there's a game I've played that's super unique, but whatever it was isn't coming to mind.
Because they're fucking casuals.
Bad Magnus hands. Shit loads of defensive and support cards when I need offensive ones to burn through this nigger bitch with.
People are so pampered by the "no matter what the player has to be able to win" game design of modern times that any game with the tiniest bit of challenge becomes "OMG THE HARDEST GAME EVER"
How much they cost around there?
6 has the best items and gameplay but feels like it was rushed compared to like 3 and 4. Designs and world just look ugly.
I dunno. I still havent played cuphead but it doesnt look too hard. It might be fun doing a no death run, or maybe a 1hp run.
Ive only seriously played 2. the sliding and charge shot messes me up in combat. My brain cant prossess it
Have fun I guess.
What the fuck are you on?
You raped a muffin tho.
Are you sure that's safe?
I'd die right now if my phone broke considering yugioh is the only game I play all day now.
Didn't know that game had tcg mechanics tbh
I beat 3-6. I have a hard time playing 1 and 2 without being able to slide funny enough.
There is literally nothing wrong with having intercourse with a muffin. It was asking for it, just like the shower was asking for the shit.
I'm ok. Learning more everyday. Recently resorted my phone for useful infographs of learning.
That's the only really unique game I have played. The next one I could think of was super paper mario. But the combat system on that one was gimmicky.
I still think 2 is the best megaman game. The rest dont have the charm that it has.
They are and it's terrible. It's why I stopped playing new games because they all pander to those people. Even my own brother has fell so far…he could never keep up with me but he could at least beat an old NES in the day.
You need to play more shit. Get an emulator and pick out random games to play.
Baten Kaitos
Baten Kaitos uses a card oriented combat system. It seems to have a good bit of depth, but luck still plays a role. And I'm stuck using a character I've not used before. Lyude doesn't even seem to have wings.
Hey guys,
I just wanted to say thank you for all the good times over the past months. I've really had a lot of fun with you all and hope you have wonderful lives. I've decided to end it tonight and as some of my few friends I just wanted to say that I appreciate it. I love you all.
I played some Puzzle Fighter today. It's hard getting used to the scoring system because it doesn't value chains as much as Puyo Puyo does. It's still fun though.
One of the original hardcore platformers. You're an anime girl and you go around swinging like fucking spiderman and it's tough as balls.
The same as on Steam or XBLA. No clue if my GCU discount will work.
Thanks famalam.
I like 3 better strictly thanks to the title music.
You also accused of you being Ritsu.
I know, but I want to know what it is.
wtf don't kill yourself nigger!
2 has better title music.
I'll be fine.
wew lad
please don't end it user I love you
I might be under some, detailed watching. Piracy is a never thing for me even so. Are there any old vidya games that had patents expire that would be legal to pirate?
I can't wait for video games to fucking die.
Try being here for 2 fucking years fam. End my life.
3's just feels more epic to me. Idk. I still love 2.
Whoa slow down there user, whats going on?
Whats on the learning menu today?
I like 3 a lot. Its got by far the best music. Nothing can beat snakeman's stage in the rest of the megaman music library.
Do you get to build unique decks or what
Don't die nigger.
oh god
Mega Man 9 actually became my favorite just for the time attack modes, too bad they ruined it in 10 by adding the quick weapon switch from X. Of the classics 2 is my favorite but I do love them all, just not a fan of sliding/charge shot so I rarely use them.
If they dont make money off it anymore, who cares. I downloaded the entireity of the nes and snes roms and nothing happened to me.
I also kinda hate the level design in 3. Snakeman's stage is a nightmare.
My problem is they kinda make you use the charge shot alot.
Most unique isn't a good descriptor because something is either unique or it isn't. Like, people like to say people are all unique because we're all individuals with our own personalities and experiences. So things like Madden, or Call of Duty even though they're the same each year usually have at least a little something that is unique unto themselves to make them unique or set them apart.
Nigger don't kill yourself.
You're missing some words there fam.
Fam, here's what you do. Anything that isn't currently being sold in non 'ebin retro gayming' is fair game as the company isn't getting money unless you buy a brand new system and then buy what amounts to roms.
Two year anniversary of the shower shitting thread is in 2 days.
I mean like if I sneeze wrong I am in deep shit. Is it legal to do such a thing? I know no one cares. But I don't like the risk of (((someone))) someday caring.
Grit your teeth and keep living with the rest of us!
Don't you fucking dare cash-in early. I won't ever forgive you if you do.
It more like tetris or puyo in how you move bricks around?
You can buy whores on steam?
I love me some card games
Does any of the games after 6 capture the charm of the NES ones though?
How goes user
*yourself there fixed and go to hell for typing that shit.
Dont be a pussy. Real men tough out the hard times. Killing yourself leads nowhere
Which country? Just download the no intro packs on archive.org. you have bigger problems than vidya if you're being watched that hard.
Don't worry, I'll be back in 2 days to remind everyone. Hopefully. Depends on how well I sleep.
pretty good haven't jerked for like 60 hours I think shit is pretty weird think that dood actually gonna kill himself ritsu or he just foolin'
Fuck's sake.
Each character gets an active deck that you can build for them from your pool of Magnus. Character class level determines the deck size and hand size, and how many cards you can play per turn. Each card also gets flavor text if you're into that, and using certain combinations of cards, at times hinted at with the descriptions, can net you new cards after battle as possible spoils. For instance, the cucumber card has something like "is it true that the flavor turns melony if eaten with honey?" on it, and if you use it on yourself, followed by a honey card, then you can get a melon card after battle.
9 did it well just make sure you play the Wii version. The Xbox 360 one fucked up the controls. You can't remap them and weapon select is the back button.
Hey Ritsu, glad you could say goodbye. As you may or may not know from previous threads i've talked about how my parents died recently in a car accident. I was living with them as a shut in and we were a poor family. Basically im a worthless piece of shit who isnt doing anything for the world and now that the only people who care about me are gone I dont see any reason to stay here. I'm running out of money and think im going to hitchhike into the woods and end my life in the wilderness. You guys have been the best friends i've ever had. I'm not going to post anymore, I just wanted to let you know that im gone if anyone even will notice.
Speaking of wii games: where would i download the megaman games for wii?
"Fuck money" doesn't necessarily mean I'm trying to buy a hooker. It's just an expression I saw Virgil use once (the wrestler, not the one from DMC). I was talking about buying game download cards.
No. I just don't like the risk. Is it possible to access archive.org over TOR? What makes the no intro packs more legal to patent laws?
Definitley puyo. The game was directly "influenced" by puyo puyo tsu after the latter became big in japan. It even has an all clear mechanic.
It has been a loooong time since I got my Wii collection to 100%. You'll want to search around for .wads for the Mega Man games since they were released through the digital store. The entire library is backed up and available from various places online. There are some good remakes among them, the Castlevania game was really good and stayed true to the NES ones (with improved graphics). Lots of good stuff on the Wii that isn't waggle shit. Just make sure you have a classic controller.
Hopefully not.
Wouldn't be the first 4am suicide though
Post some of the card effects
Don't own a 360 anyway
Come on user, give it some time to mellow out. Worst case scenario you end up on some government gibs and get put up in shitty housing. But at least you'll be alive.
Confirmed for the worse.
Do you think anyone cares if you download some 25-30 year old nes roms?
I have a gamecube controller. How does one load wads onto an sd card?
I've been at the border of suicide before. don't do it lad. It's worth it. stick around.
He shouldn't end his life. But don't expect anything, especially gibs, from any government if you are white. Start learning how to do everything yourself if you want to survive.
What else you up to user
Suuuuuuure. When you going to a soapland nigger
Hopefully not
He'll be fine
There are various loaders and probably better ones then what I use. Go on GBAtemp and read the threads over there. You can also use wadmanager to install them directly to internal memory. I have the games I play most often on internal memory and the rest of the .wads on an external HDD, the loader application I use can load them from there and play them. I suggest picking up a cheap HDD if you're going to get serious about playing a lot of Wii games since an SD-card becomes a pain in the ass and you'll need a USB device (a thumb drive will work) if you want to load Wii/Gamecube backups.
Things might have gotten better since I last looked. I softmodded mine as soon as the first exploit was released, followed the scene for a few years then never updated anything. All my software on mine is really out of date now but I have no reason to touch it because it loads anything I throw at it.
don't you dare!
You're just calling it quits because your folks died? Do you really think for one damned second your parents would want you to off yourself? Have you even imagined what they would say if they if they knew you were about to end your own life? Pull your head out of your ass!
If anything you should go on living FOR them, because they can't anymore. Push on! Don't give in! Mourn, pick yourself up, dust off, and look forward! There's so much more left in life user. It's always darkest before the dawn, user.
Don't you dare give up hope! This is NOT the end for you!
T.GCHQ botnet
When I go to Japan eventually.
Its been so long since I last played chess I can't remember how to honestly
Why not instead of sudoku you buy some supplies and just go innawoods for a week and see how you feel after.
I'd love to play a game before I leave though. Hit me with the best you got
I fixed the link
Just more Elona, really. That act 1 end boss is a real son of a bitch. I've been spending most of my store profits just trying to upgrade my equipment for the first time in the game.
One more question. Is theisozone safe? Will i get into legal trouble if i download gamecube isos from there? Is an adblocker enough or do i need noscript to avoid anything malicious?
Google the address newfag
Haven't you been playing that for months
Whois the whois of the whois of the dns server soupfag.
I don't know, I don't use it. If I were you I'd get them from torrents or the share thread. When I was getting them back in the day I use various direct download sites but I can't remember the names of them.
If you need anything and can't find it ask. If I'm around I'd be willing to upload it for you.
I just want to play a game of chess, and no one will play with me
For those trips, here's two.
Basically I have to use that card after having already played Flash Armor as the previous action.
I use Multi Mod Manager to install wads on mine. That said, I'm not sure how big Mega Man 9 is though, whether you could load the file onto the SD card, or what have to use USB storage. But basically, you run the installation function with the mod manager and it installs as a channel. Do note that digital games can eat up a LOT of space on the Wii's hard drive, especially N64, PC-Engine, and more advanced. Being that Mega Man 9 was meant as a throwback, I'd like to believe that it might have a lower filesize than some other games, but I can't say for sure.
i use emuparadise personally fam, there's some captcha but it's just once a day
I'll look in the share thread. Im mainly just looking for metroid prime 2. I never got to play it. Maybe i'll just download the pack of MP1 and 2 in the trilogy collection and burn it to a disk.
They shut that shit down hardcore. There is barely any first party nintendo games there anymore.
Seems annoying.
I use emuparadise too
Guess you have to wait to sudoku then
Elona plus' act 1 was the entirety of the original game, so just this act has a lot of content.
oh yeah that does happen, happened to cherry rooms and edge emulation back in the day. with emuparadise, I almost feel that shit will be back up a in a year or so though.
Don't burn it to disc, I modified one back in the day for someone and they used it as a DVD player. It made it about 6 months before the laser burned out. If you're a poorfag just grab a thumb drive and load games that way. You'll only be able to put a few on it at a time but it's better than fucking up the hardware.
It's fun, but as I said, there's some amount of luck in it. I think I've heard Origins allows you to build separate offense and defense decks.
Oh neat
Oh I almost forgot
Forever a lone.
Think I'll stick to yugioh
Yep. Supposedly the other 2 acts are just as long as the first, so I guess I've still got a very long way to go.
Shes the best
Have fun with that
Thanks for the game Butt problems user. See you on the other side.
That was a fun game of chess
Aight. I can probably get a 32 gig for cheap anyway.
I hope so. Emuparadise is the best place for roms. its a shame that they dont have class of heroes or class of heroes 2
I hope you come to your senses soon. Suicide is a bad move.
Take a bit of time to think about it user.
honestly if you want to kill yourself just try to take some AIPAC niggers with your or something
Don't do it. It will never solve your problem no matter how bad you feel. Deal with the problem, thou shalt not committeth suicide.
Might at least enjoy the OST even if you don't play them. Game's also really damn pretty. Like seeing an old PS1 era JRPG, but made with the capabilities of the more advanced Gamecube's output in mind, and the character designs feel like a neat mixture of renaissance and tribal.
Im heading to bed. Night.
how long have you been able to download images with their regular names by clicking the filename.. this is amazing
hideki nighto
Cya next time user
I do enjoy jrpg music
I wouldn't say anything about bad moves considering the outcome of that chess game user. I think I know what the right move is
used to be the norm, then it got broke, now its fixed
I'm going to assume you're not just an attention whore and give you some advice: I struggled with those thoughts for years. The only reason I didn't take one of the various guns I owned was a decade of opioid addiction combined with the fact that I couldn't bear the thought of someone in the family finding me with my head blown off. I almost jumped in front of a train and considered going to the woods too.
Recently I had a major death in my family that made all these problems worse. I finally quit methadone and suffered horrible withdrawal from it. On day 8 of withdrawal I met a guy that is quickly becoming a close friend. He gave me DMT and I smoked it at his house. I'll spare you the details of the trip but it seemed to last life times. In reality it was 10 or 15 minutes. Afterwards my entire outlook on life changed. I am still clean of opioids. I can not smoke pot again without anxiety attacks. I cut all the bad people out of my life. I started programming again and focusing on my hobbies. I go hiking every day.
Whatever problems you have can be solved and worked through. If you were here right now I'd have you sorted out within 15 minutes. I suggest you give it some thought and seek out some help. The so-called "family" is every where and it doesn't require any money to become part of it. They're really good people…and I'm not talking about those kids with pins in their hats getting blasted on drugs. I'm talking about folks that take their drug use serious and only use it to enhance the good time they're already having.
Where are you located in the world? If it's near NC I'll come pick you up right now and give you some free MDMA. We'll hang out, play my Neo-Geo, and I'll help you. Don't do it user. Everyone that does it instantly regrets it. You don't want to go out like that…it's exactly what the people in power _want_ you to do. Don't let them win.
This is from the prequel, but if you've played Smash Bros 4 it might sound familiar.
I've used a mix of emuparadise and nicoblog for what few Gamecube downloads I've done. Bear in mind that emuparadise seems to keep some shit hidden behind forum registration (albeit that more affects their Wii offerings), and has been known to do preemptive takedowns of games being rereleased on the PSN and VC lately.
As for ISOzone, I'm not real big on them. They don't have an inbuilt host like emuparadise does, which means for some downloads, depending on the file hosting site used, your going to eventually run into limits. They can still have things other sites won't at times though, like .hack//G.U. undubbed, or someone having fixed the FMVs in AT1 to have English subtitles when played on JP audio. Basically shit that my toaster wouldn't b able to patch myself, or where the original patches might be hard to find.
see you dude i'll probably join you soon. these threads make me want to kill myself even more. this whole site does. i have nowhere else to go.
"my smartphone" "my girlfriend" "college" "work" "shitty normalfag multiplayer game"
that's all i see here, i feel like i'm at a sports bar filled with normalfags right now. i don't belong here. i don't belong anywhere.
Not everyone can get lucky and be a NEET hikki with a 2D gf like me user.
Have you tried some of the smaller boards?
Go be independent of them all then. Learn to make things yourself. Don't commit suicide thats what (((they))) want. Just go innawoods and learn to farm and be independent and shit.
hikki with a waifu? how do you bear being around these people all day? they're like a different species
Theres only like 1 or 2 people here I'd consider to be a normalfag. Not everyone can avoid being pushed into getting jobs or going to college.
am i a normalfag in your eyes, Ritsu?
i've had a job before and i didn't feel the need to blog about it in every single one of my posts. it's fucking gross
Nah you know the woes of 3dpd and have a qt waifu fam
Meh 4am is a good place to vent and jobs fucking suck
You have to limit your interactions with them. I've come to learn just to laugh at normalfags. I've tried living in their world and it doesn't work for me. I only go into it for enough money to eat on past that I couldn't care less about them.
Speaking of, how did you afford your trip to Japan Ritsu? I had enough money saved up for one myself but I blew it all on arcade cabinets.
I pin the blame on increasing notoriety of imageboards in general, as well as Wheelzebub outright welcoming reddit in with open arms. Unfortunately, given the pervasiveness of shitholes like reddit and tumblr, as compared to the era sites like halfchan became established in, it is unlikely that any imageboard will ever be free of them and their normalfags infesting them to some degree. Also not enough oldfags to mold newfags in the crucible of Holla Forums, discarding the refuse that can't take the heat and shaping what can.
I worked a shitty job and had no bills because still leeched off my parents so it was easy to save 4k.
new users should be required to only lurk Holla Forums for at least 2 years before they're allowed to post on it, and another year before they're allowed to lurk other boards, and another year of lurking that board before being allowed to post on it.
Did 4k cover everything? I had about 6k saved up but it quickly got spent when I lost my last normalfag job.
There are plenty of oldfags on IPFS user. Normalfags won't put in the effort to come there yet because there isn't a user friendly way to do it. If you crave the old days you should join us.
stop ID hopping, Shitsu
the joke was never funny and the thread wasn't even good
Oh yeah 4k would have been plenty if I hadn't blown 900$ on soaplands. Was a little broke by the end of the trip but still had fun. Next time I'm bringing 5k for that.
How much per session?
Depends on the place. Payed 400 for a fancy place and 250 for 2 others
I did the same. Lurked Holla Forums back in the day for years, began to lurk other boards as well, and after a few years finally started posting after I understood the community and how things worked. Here I am now over a decade later here. And I think that's something that's been lost. Few have enough respect to not shit where they plan to eat, and delayed gratification of learning how to properly fit in doesn't compare with the instant gratification of being able to shitpost right from the word go. Combine with not enough oldfags in general left to porn-and-gorebomb those that don't and WON'T fit in into oblivion, and you get the newfags overrunning the site, leading to the inmates running the asylum. And newfags after them just follow that as well, for they've not seen otherwise, and the former newfags are their oldfags.
To be honest, I haven't heard of IPFS.
Here you go fam
Doesn't sound too bad, does that come with a happy ending? If I go I'm taking my life long friend. I know enough Japanese to get around but he doesn't. I'd like to treat him to everything worth doing while we're there.
Did you just stick to the cities or did you get out into the country side?
It comes with full service.
And tokyo only. Was comfy and had tons to do
If you're implying you still go to halfchan, please go and stay go. Crossposting tends to lead to reduced post quality, or at least bringing one sites tastes/speaking style into another.
But really, the fact is that the newfags don't have much reason to feel like just lurking, and in terms of general history to look back on, the earlier days are LONG gone. With the loss of various archival services over the years, the older days prior to what foolz covers only survives in screencaps. And beyond that, a good amount of the people that are newfags shouldn't be on imageboards, and wouldn't be if the setting was the same as the old days. Imageboards do best when they're known enough to attract the occasional new poster, but a mixture of general obscurity and reputation keeps that influx to a managable trickle. Funny as it was at the time, Hackers on Steroids did a real number to halfchan over the years, as has stuff like 8ch finding its way into the news. And I think that's really how (((they))) can aim to kill imageboards: if you cause the entire site to go down, you just get a good ol' "Anus of the Internet" situation where the dam bursts and the posters flood out to angrily shitpost (or in Holla Forums's case, redpill) on other sites because their home's gone (if even temporarily), but if you dilute the posterbase with trash eventually the old stock can't cope, the overall demographics change, and oldfags self-exile.
Sounds fun, soon as I save up some money I reckon we'll go. Taking someone else complicates things but it'll be worth it I'm sure. I don't like begin selfish, more fun to watch others have fun. Normalfags don't appreciate that stuff but people like him do. Once I train him up on 3S and BB:CF so more we need to go and just camp machines at the arcades over there. I'll enjoy coming home and rubbing it in all these normalfags faces that got into anime after it became mainstream. The same people that made fun of me in the late 90s for watching and fansubbing it have all come out of the woodwork attempting to be my friend. Even had one tell me I could've practiced Japanese with her when it was obvious she didn't even know the basics. I can't even stand watching modern anime due to the terrible translations and the fact that it's mostly moe-shit. Guess I got spoiled by that huge backlog we fansubbed.
You're going again, right? Perhaps you should come with us. Only downside is I like partaking of certain drugs from time to time. I wonder how easy it would be to sneak in a bit of cannabis. I've flown with drugs before but only domestic flights.
Neat, might look into it. Thanks for the heads up.
I'm hoping to go at some point in the next couple years, would be nice to go with other people and be able to get drunk and do shit at night
I guess 4chan can just be replaced with "imageboards" then for greater accuracy.
We'll go to Nippon. before 2020 might be too soon for me, but we'll see.
Hopefully it isn't too poz'd post 2020
please refer to this image of one of the most badass and heroic teenagers in all of history
It's a hard question, how to keep shitters from intruding on the websites they aren't wanted on. Best solution I can think of, aside from outright banning anyone that says they go to [X community], would be something like setting up newfag traps, where if they don't understand why something is important, or even what it is, then they're a newfag that needs to be forced to at least lurk moar. For instance, I had considered dropping pic related into that "games that never came to fruition" thread a while back, just to see how many people didn't know what it was or why its lack of release was such a sore point amongst anons (or perhaps, /a/nons moreso than Holla Forumsirgins) over the years.
Please refer to the upcoming olympics and Japan being on display to the entire world. Much as I'd like to believe they'd either keep on trucking, there's liable to be some attempts at sanitization, at least for that time frame.
Pretty good. Not a bad answer either tbh, a shmup slash console RPG with dialog trees reminiscent of primitive adventure games is a unique combo. Really good game too.
Super DBZ PS2 is probably my answer, fightfags have puzzled for eons over how to implement design from the Super Mario of fighting games into a 3D space, and still keep zoning, then here's this random bargain bin licensed game from 2005 that got this exact thing completely right on the first try.