This comes out in a few hours. Anyone looking forward to it?
Battlechasers: Nightwar
Is this the Joemad game?
Yeah, he created the comic Battle Chasers and wanted to make a game of it to finish it up. He also did the designs for Darksiders.
Tentatively interested, will wait to see how well it plays for real. Watching a few demos it looks ok, but I'll wait a bit. The art looks interesting.
Why are there two threads on this?
Hotwheels system detects it as spam and says the thread wasn't created despite it actually being created.
The beta was tons of fun.
Looks pretty cringeworthy, smells like someone's deviant art.
Where did it get so much budget from? Kikestarter?
I just want to see how the story kinda ends, fucking cockblocked by publishers that he never managed to finish the series.
You got some shit taste kid.
So it's a straight continuation of the comics? I guess it'd be worth it to read those first.
looks interesting might pick it up or at least pirate
Looks like korean mobile game.
90s comic books>korean art
is it not?
Phil, don't you have a wedding to DJ somewhere.
got anymore of that hand holding demon?
Is it just me or Joe Mad's art actually looks decent now?
His art hasn't changed much, but comic printing has made lots of good art look bad, and bad art look terrible.
I was interested in this and I haven't played long, but so far I feel a bit dissappointed. It's not like it's a trash terrible game, it's just that I haven't found anything that felt memorable. I don't see the need to adapt my strategy. Your basic attacks give overcharge that dissappears at the end of battle and you can spend overcharge instead of mana to use your cool abilities. The way most battles develop, you focus one thing, keep your dudes alive and win in 2/3 rotations, maybe spending 5 mana. Each dude has like 10 abilities but I keep using the same 3/4 because it just werks. After 20 battles like that it startes getting tedious. Also, not a fan of random equipment drops. My Gatsu has like 4 coats that are the same, but my level 10 robogolem still has the level 2 cannon. It's a minor complaint all things considered, I could always get him a new one in the shop, so the problem is mostly me being autistic I guess. I never read the comics, the story is whatever to me, we've been dropped on an island because bandits attacked our ship, someone's chasing us and someone's messing with artifacts, but like I said I'm not too deep into the game. There are an arena and hunt quests that unlock later, maybe sidequests inside the main quest get more interesting than reading a book and choosing between 3 options. There's hope. But if you haven't bought it yet, I would recommend to wait for a sale unless someone gives you a good reason why you should buy it.
Devs said the switch delay is because they are waiting for a unity update to allow them to Port it.
game gets grindy as fuck and the majority of kickstarter stories are stupid
Magnet link here.
I weep for what we have lost, tripsman.
I've been saying this the whole time. 90s comic art was the pinnacle of 7 previous decades. Then all the sudden Anime from Asia replaced everything the younger kids watched nothing but dragon ball z.
What happened to Image Comics? Nobody knows who they were anymore.
Truly a brilliant woman.
do you have a bigger version of the fourth pic?
This is because of the terms of the kickstarter. It was supposed to come out on all other platforms first and SWITCH was done after the fact.
So when they said they were going to put it on switch first the backers were furious.
They realized they had a legal problem developing so had it delayed for switch to make sure they did not cheese off the backers.
NINTENDO dropped the ball on this hoping to get some buzz.
I wonder if NINTENDO got the money back they payed for trying to make it EARLY timed exclusive on switch.
I mean Nintendo tried to screw over the kickstarter backers with that shit.
looks like pure shit, america really needs to be nuked
Fuck it, have bigger versions of two of them.