The new Link System:
Where to play Yu-Gi-Oh!
For online: YGOPro 2, ChinaPro (Links) YGOPro Percy (still no Links) -
Archive with all games playable on PC (mostly through emulation):
Tag Force 1-6 are the best if you want a story (2006-2011, 6 has only the first 25 XYZ monsters).
Tag Force Special (2015) is the best to play for learning the game with many of the new cards.
The World Championship series (2004-2011) and Duel Academy (2006) are pretty good too. Definitely check out Dungeon Dice Monsters.
All are fun for pet/archetype non-meta decking. Legacy of the Duelist is shit.
Useful Links
How to get better
Read the cards.
Playtest and try suggestions.
Other urls found in this thread:
Sanwitch Guy here, I had an idea to use Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird and Ignition Beast Volcannon as some kind of fusion deck since they both used the same generic fusion materials. Any suggestions would be appreciated, I feel like the main problem is just getting to the poly + the lack of any decent pyro-monsters.
And I'm running the two fusions at 3, plus some xyz's that are Machine and Pyro just to get more material out there.
Rosa is a very fun f2p deck.
I gotta admit, though, I am a little mad at myself. I didn't realize that the extra SR tickets have different cards from the regular ones, so I made the stupid mistake to picked up one Spirit from them. Especially how close it was to the end of the season it was stupid. I could have gotten myself 3x Anti-Magic Arrows. Only 2 it is now.
Unfriendly reminder linkshit is the worst kind of retarded greed that obnoxiously thinks it can force us to buy their shit just to even play the game as always, win or lose.
It does not fucking slow down the game except by killing anything that can't SS enough and both shitty zones Extra Deck monsters can only go in otherwise can both be stolen, making it retardedly impossible to do anything.
Just stick to YGOPRO if you want to say to fuck off.
Reminder you are going to be forever butthurt and say stupid shit.
How are you supposed to summon Sophia now if you can't summon multiple monsters from the extra deck?
How much money did you spend on that now useless pendulum deck friend?
Duel links is really making me want to try a Vampire Deck. Is there anyway they arent complete trash in [CURRENT FORMAT]?
Play on Percy
Blaze Fenix is awesome and I wish there had been more Fusions that required 2 certain types like him.
Definitely a retard detected.
Your arguments:
1) My old cards are not meta any more.
2) My pet deck was never meta to begin with.
3) Why isn't the game slower?
It is the same shit every new generation. Links are not special in any way. You always have to buy the new cards if you want to be competitive or even just relevant.
They were complete trash on release let alone now.
Oh, shit, you're definitely that insufferable false equivalence retard.
I just want a different halloween themed deck than muh ghostricks and i like the bleed idea. It just feels like gy milling is so strong their entire archetype is redundant and in many cases a benefit.
But i still wonder if links format link or pendulum heavy decks could suffer from their bleed effect.
What else makes a good Halloween deck? Shit, what are some good holiday decks now that I'm thinking on that.
Would Burning Abyss be good since it's based on Dante's Inferno?
It's not even about being meta this time, fucktard. You literally cannot play certain things because of Links even casually. Even discounting shit like Sophia, guys like D/D/D and Frightfurs have their gameplans seriously fucked by the system itself, so they can't even operate against decks from their own eras.
People trying to defend Links because their own petdecks benefit from it gets my blood boiling.
Except they are. Synchros didn't stop you playing your fusion deck the way it was meant to be played. XYZ didn't stop you from playing your Synchros the way they were meant to be played. Pendulum didn't stop you from playing your XYZ the way they meant to be played. Links do stop you from playing your decks from the way they meant to be played.
Sure your HERO deck from 10 years ago is shit with all the power creep in the game, but you could still play it like you wanted and swarm the board with fusions just to get all your heros destroyed next turn. But the point is there was no rule added with Synchros/XYZ/Pendulums that limited the way you played your deck.
Anyone who thinks Links is the same as the past card types is either retarded, or intentionally being dishonest.
Fusions were always pretty much shit, so it is not really like Synchro killed them, but it would have anyway. Synchro was pretty much shit when XYZ was released. It was only the Pendulum generation that gave you some more variety. And it is not really down to the summoning method. The things that were good 1-2 years ago are shit now, often despite the ban list. It is all fucking unrelated. It is all in your head and you are just now bitching about it, because it is obvious enough to notice it. And when people wanted to play non-competitive decks they just played them against other non-competitive decks, in whatever format they fucking want to. Konami is not God. they can't tell you what to do with out paper or online simulators. Only what to do in their tournaments and you would have never entered them with your shitty decks.
Organize events, local or online, gather people and fucking play. You autistic faggots. What you really are bitching at is that most people don't care enough to play in a non-current year, made up format.
Lying nigger
Play zombie in goat format
You still can, also, any revived extra deck monster doesn't require a link monster present, link monsters are only needed to summon extra deck monsters for the first time.
Are you guys ready to accept EGAO?
Frightfurs work fine, they just focus on Saber Tooth even more, D/D/Ds just had to alter their combos but still make almost the same fields.
Most people complain about supposedly not being able to play a shitty pet deck.
But as I wrote, if you have read, is that old meta becomes obsolete. Always. Even if Konami shit out something super imbalanced and they have to ban in every ban list for two years, eventually something better gets released. Are you going to disagree with that? Or what now? You are will go back to "But I would still be able to play it!" What's the point of playing it if it is obsolete and pet deck status? You can't win in a competitive environment. So it doesn't matter if you play outside it. It is just combination of people playing with shitty decks at locals and playing against random shitters online. And now you think this has somehow ended. Instead you just will have to learn to stop pretending to be competitive at the game and play however you fucking want, you god damn autists.
You also seem to be missing the fact that any new iterations of any Yugioh vidya that is created from now on will force those new rules on you, even if you're playing for fun.
How hard is it for you to fucking accept this? How autistic do you have to be? If you don't like the rules, don't play by them. And this is ultimately a card game with a few fan made games so you can play it online. The official video games are already basically dead, other than Duel Links, but that is probably going to hit a big stagnation too with how behind newer players are. And if you are really that much about playing the non-online games with whatever deck you want, there is literally no official game with links. Considering you hate links so much you won't like some new link pet deck and buy a link video game, are you? You have no idea how to respond so you are completely moving away from talking about the card game at this point.
If you hate it so much write an angry letter to Konami, stop playing and leave the thread. If you want to do something actually productive start organizing thread/board online tournaments with whatever the fucking rules you want.
Waste of trips. Shut the fuck up already, you obnoxious, blatant screeching, retarded, pretentious faggot.
I already play zambambos, i just want something other than shiranui since they are more spirits than zombies.
Extra Deck
Not a single argument, huh?
i like links even though they killed half my decks
More fanservice Fusions when?
finally got a chance to go to my locals today
i'm surprised that everyone is running trickstars
i've got d/d/ds, and i finally have a reason to run leonidas at 2-3, he more or less kills their trap OTK unless they also have strike/warning
my spyrals can't really compete despite being more or less finished. 90% of the time i get OTKd by the spyral traps before my turns even comes, or they end up locking me in an endless cycle of burns that i can't do enough damage to get out of
i also finally found pre-preparations, so my zombies are complete. can't actually say if they're worth running though, haven't bothered to test them yet. and there doesn't seem to be much of a reason, if the meta is mostly trickstars then i'm almost definitely gonna run d/d/ds
Why's this thread slow?
Because were discussing a card game on a video game board. For an actual discussion point though I'm wondering what some legacy link support would look like?
You're going to repost that sandwitch deck
And you're going to keep attempting that Pyro Machine fusion deck
And you're never going to stop posting
8ch pls
Also ate my image
Your deck has several issues.
Both the gem-knight and Blaze accelerator reloaded engines work on using pyro-type monsters like Volcanic scattershot and Gem-knight Garnet from the deck to the graveyard, and only really brick when the pyro-type monsters are in your hand, which wouldn't be a problem for your deck. Any thoughts?
Didn't I once post an Odd-Eyes deck that got criticized for vanilla Odd-Eyes and hilarious autism for using Entermate Silver Claw?
you'd still be criticized for the same reasons
Might as well post it again
White Wing is shit all around to be honest. Not just the attribute. She exits to get Z-Arc out and has a huge change of being summoned by Tunning and then be used as XYZ material for Startime
Why can't Geminis be treated as Normals in the hand too, Konami
Fuck, ate my pic.
Even with their OP field, Gemini monsters are too slow. Too bad, it is a fun idea. They need some effect when summoned or something too. MAYBE some protection, something like: "This card can only be destroyed by battle or card while it is treated as an effect monsters" or something.
what should i cut from this to fit the brilliant engine in here? (or should i just start from scratch to turn it into vendread shiranui instead?)
You got it champ.
That Blaze Accelerator idea is pretty good actually, I'm going to try that out.
Update: it works extremely well. Working on draw power and interrupting the opponent with solemns, but they deck is a lot more consistent with the Volcanics, thanks.
can confirm vendread shiranui works a lot better
zombie master isn't necessary
gofu isn't necessarily good here. you usually only make 1-2 synchros per turn. and with no lv 3s he's not that great as a tuner either
What would be a good modern day replacement for Waboku that isn't One Day of Peace?
Waboku's a card I've used since I first played the game and it's become a bad habit I can't stop using to bait destruction cards before insultingly immediately activate.
waboku is still good, why do you think paleozoics run it
my body as a shield i guess
lswarms have that infestation spell that saves them from spells/traps
Is Wonder Wand worth using? How many Spellcasters are needed at minimum for it to be a reliable card, even if you just use 1?
Well, that's nice to hear.
How much of a shitty meme would it he for someone to say Elemental Hero Wildheart juiced up with ATK cards solos an entire Paleozoic build? I know it couldn't be that simple.
they still have a good xyz monsters, so that's not happening
even with one it works, spellbooks used to run it all the time
but the new spellbook kind of works better, so its your choice whether wonder wand is worth running
Is Royal Magical Library even usable these days?
it used to work well in igknights, no idea now
again, try spellbooks
It's usually reserved for degenerate decks like Exodia.
I found it pretty nice in my dedicated Spell Counter deck. Choco Magician Girl to dump it and Summon it back, Spell Power Grasp/Magical Boost, and you can draw pretty easily.
That said, in a Spell Counter deck you can probably use Extra Buck for a similar effect, especially if you use Mythical Beast pendulums.
Why are yugioh players so fucking retarded? Most average yugioh players actively hope for more broken cards and a power crept game, and do shit like wanting broken stuff off the banlist or to never be hit at all. I've never seen a more cucked fanbase in my life.
Link monsters were a mistake, definitely, because they only allow more future spam. Master rule 4 was nothing but good for the game and should have happened a long time ago, preferably without link monsters.
Thank fucking god shit like that got hit hard by master rule 4.
I really want them to be good. It would be nice to get some draw power. Maybe a field spell? Some to reemplace magical citadel of endymion. Ways to recover stuff from the extra.
Because they're cheap faggots who hate fun and have shit taste.
Explain because I know that belongs to some shitty show or vidya.
Hey uh… my interest in this game tapered off after Unions. I kinda wanna get back in, but da fuck is all this new shit??? Where's my Maju Garzett deck?
Going to make the video for the Blaze Pheonix Deck soon, I'm very happy with it. Thanks again to the user who suggested volcanics, I can't believe I forgot about them. Should I post the video or just keep giving deck profiles to avoid shilling?
I'll work on it.
Missed doing normal monsters, so I just threw in a bunch of the dinosaurs with high attack for tribute fodder. The igknights may work better, and you can swap Maju Garzett in for Legendary Maju Garzett, I only used him because I think he's just an upgraded version.
>1 High attack
Traded my incomplete ninjas, raigeki and some cheap shit for nearly complete black wings and karakuri core. Anyone got build ideas?
Feels good man.
I summon Celtic Guardian in attack position and end my turn.
I like to combine Great Maju Garzett with Five Headed Dragon, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon/Dragon Master Knight and Ceal's Bow.
using pot of cupidity and drawing gren is such a pleasant feeling.
brick decks best decks
Pot of Cupidity made banishment meme decks so much more playable it's unreal
opinions? i'm missing oroshi and black sonic, but other wise i think i have everything necessary
i could potentially make crystal wing in here but so far the only way to do it is with blizzard and nothung, and i don't feel like limiting myself there. beelze is easier
Drawing 2 and making things like Golden Homonculus and Maju gain 4000 atk is wild.
Got the .ydk for that?
Okay cool so, remember Freezing/Burning Beasts? Are they still viable?
I haven't played this since around the middle of the GX era. Is it worth getting in to? Looking at the new cards without knowledge of the new rules for them, I cant help but feel its all retarded bullshit that will be the opposite of fun.
On mobile, will make one when I get home shouldn't be too hard.
I got kind of bored with the meta, so I'm making a ton of decks based around old cards. Crazy fun if you have a good knowledge of generic support, I'd suggest looking at a Yugiohforrealmen video and making stuff like he does.
Pic related, made a deck based off this shit and it turned out amazing.
There's always goat format if you just want to play some classic yugioh or you could always just pick up one of the world championship/tag force games from your prefered era. The game isn't really the same game anymore though, you'll have to try it to see if you like how it works now.
There's always goat format if you just want to play some classic yugioh or you could always just pick up one of the world championship/tag force game from your prefered era. The game isn't really the same game anymore though, you'll have to try it to see if you like how it works now.
That doesn't really answer my question.
Just saying since I came back from the GX era too and I like the new stuff. Fusion got more support in general, synchro is fun, just add together a tuner monsters levels and a non tuner monsters levels and you can make a synchro monstet that level, but much harder to pull off with links, XYZ are easy to pick up just putting 2 monsters with the same level on top of each other and you can summon one from the extra deck with the same rank. Pendulum summoning is harder to explain, and I don't know a lot about links, but a lot of the fun decks from gx are getting more support and the new mechanics are fun enough.
I say try it out on yugioh pro since it's all automated. Definetly a different game, but I think it's still fun.
Hey nerds, I am going to a yugioh tournament at my local card shop here on thursday. My boss will be there and he's an ex-pro level mtg player. I want to impress his fag ass, but my decks are a little old. I'm planning on taking my old ice barrier deck, but I need some help for making it more viable for tournaments. pic related is the main goal for boardstate.
I know some of these cards are illegal, so does anyone have any suggestions to make this better?
I don't know a lot about Ice Barriers, but I do know it might be worth running strategist and dance princess if only for the extra draw power and the ability to go into bahamut shark and toadally awesome.
Ah my heart
You absolutely need 3 surface and salvage
And you can't run the deck without 3 strategist/prior, all the versions of the deck need them
If you're running link format get mistar boy
I tried man, but I don't know what to do with it. I slapped in moon mirror shields for damage and union support, along with ice and fire hands + toadally awesome but I feel like it's a mess. It may work better in a general union deck but I can't make it work that well.
Oh yeah, the extra deck is 2 Bahamut Shark, 3 Toadally Awesome, and the rest is R4NK.
My deepest heartfelt condolences
that just feels like a lot of recovery and not enough actual build.
I can't really be dropping cards all that often from my hand to be drawing cards. I agree I need draw power, but I'm not sure strategist is it.
thanks, senpai.
I… didn't really ask you to build a deck, I just wanted to know if they were still viable or not.
aww yis, found an oroshi for my blackwings, now they're more or less complete
also tried the karakuris with some crystrons, and they work better than expected
crystrons are kind of confusing though, i'm currently trying to order dinomists from a guy since they give me easier access to lv 8s, while also giving me easy rank 5s and mistar boy
the extra space in the karakuris is ideally for cyber dragons, if i can find them cheap
Upon further inspection, strategist, prior, and surface all have great synergy with the lock pieces. You're right, strategist can pitch either secret guards or defender to draw cards, prior or surface to bring them back, salvage to recycle prior, maybe even magic triangle for dai sojo. If I played my cards right, I could erect the defender/secret guards/dai sojo lock in one turn. Opening hand is the only foreseeable issue, so I'm adding magical mallet for partial mulligans.
Link monsters really aren't necessary for what I'm going for. I only need the one extra deck summon, and its Gungnir.
I took out the banned cards from this revision and backfilled with trash I had laying around.
if you have the money, you really should consider the frog beatdown variant, that shit can actually compete against the meta
Monster Replace can finally be made into a real card.
Is it being printed or something?
herald is back, this is pretty constant so far
lv 6 fairies that can easily be recycled
Advanced Ritual Art among other things.
Is a Loli-themed deck viable? What kind of build would hold up?
traptrix, although trap holes are a bit insignificant these days
Princess Curran and the light counterpart are kind of slow but have good protection being low level and low attack, plus burn.
any suggestions post circuitbreaker? should i just start droping my main deck pendlum hate for spyral hate instead? also any other good tech cards?
your main issue right now is trickstars since they can essentially ftk you, unless you draw cherries to counter their searching
spyrals are gonna be a secondary threat if you ask me
Why are you running Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode in the side deck?
spyrals going second
Anything 3 or 4 star and multiplying power has potential to be abused and splashed. I thought people figured that out with The Calculator, but I guess not.
calculator dindu nuffin
perfectly balanced
good god!
there not too bad there field spell is bretty gud.
true draco plus spyrals= way more cancer than i expected, just summoning master peace is enough but with a firewall dragon and trigate wizard and sleeper how the fuck do you deal with that.
Your image was stupid. Who cares?
Zombie world tends to be a nice fuck you to firewall dragon.
you could put a single last resort in there to make sleeper have no real cost
All the new support is pretty bad, the field spell would be ok at best if it had anything worth searching. The deck desperately needs another ritual spell and a better in theme way to search them.
I would like to see some variance in effect monsters. So far they exist purely as ritual mats.
I'm expecting one to give the ability to ditch a vendread from the deck once per turn at some point. I dislike the latest wave of support specifying vendread rather than just using zombies in their effects unlike the first wave too.
Late, but here is the 01.10.17 update for ChinaPro:
Also the YGOPro 2 updater seems to be shit and their are changing soon(tm). Not sure if it even updates properly or not, but it takes a long fucking time.
Should we start uploading the .yvds instead of just the pic?
You mean .ydk? Sadly it cannot be uploaded on Holla Forums, bu you can always upload it somehere else, I guess.
So I decided to stop playing Duel Links, because it is fucking cancer and play just the normal cancer. At least I can use all cards freely. Net decked (as much as it is possible) an OCG Trickstar deck and played on Pro2. I won, but I didn't really know what I was doing. The opponent was playing some Dark Magician deck. I cock blocked him hard with hand traps. I barely even got to use the Trickstars themselves, but other cards instead.
After that I tried doing some duel against the AI. All games crashed before I could win, but I think I got a better idea of how the deck works, but it feels like I am still missing something. I probably should watch some online video.
I also realized the game is broken or at least my version of it. Monsters didn't seem to get their attack increases from effects.
Yeah, .ydk
I'm going to write a mail to Mark, maybe even one to the cripplekike
the singleplayer ai is broken, go multiplayer and type ai in the password
I asked them before in /sudo/ to let fix the code tag (to have scrolls), but no one cared. That would be more than enough. And I have my doubts that they would let a new file format be uploaded.
What about not getting my ATK buffs? Is that AI related again or not?
i can't summon half my link monsters in the ai
just try the multiplayer one, that usually works fine
Yeah, it worked fine with the multiplayer AI.
I am just not sure if everything is even properly updated now with the updater being unusable again. I downloaded the "updates" from discrord, but who knows if everything is working properly.
well there go my fun decks. i'd rather sell them than spend this much. if shit doesn't drop prices significantly within 2 months i probably will sell
i occasionally get someone playing unknown cards, even though i think i have those cards downloaded
it's buggier all around, but its still the best thing out right now
If you ever wonder how all those limited mats wind up on ebay now you know.
someone please help me understand how to play d/d/d
generally the best case scenario is if i had ragnarok in scale, summon genghis and then NORMAL summon a lamia, go into alexander, and then shit goes into siegfried+whatever other lv 8 synchro
but what do i do if i can't immediately summon genghis? start with a keppler and no gates, got to summon him to start everything and by then even if i get genghis and ragnarok, my combo is fucked and best i can do is decode and maybe a fusion or synchro
WELP, they are out.
The BA one is good. The LS one mills 4 if you manage to summon it. QLI one is fucking good in QLI, Dinomist and for machine decks in general, I guess. The Cryston one is goood. The GB one is good but not good enought. It is better than what I expected but still doesn't save GB
We need a Monarch link monster
fuck you, there's still shit that can lock out of the extra deck, we don't need more
I am still waiting for a Dark Pendulum Magican, Dark Pendulum Magician Girl, Dark Link Magician and Dark Link Magician Girl
How hard does this pic butthurt some people?
I probably should run at least one copy of the equip and the trap.
this deck is fun and i'm getting all the dinomist stuff in the mail tomorrow
ideas on improvement? if i don't start with nishipachi/ninishi i can't really do anything right away. inashich can search everything, but that's a normal summon wasted
i've survived monarchs, i'll survive this
either way, nearly everyone around me is selling their spyrals because they don't feel like shelling out 30 euros for a single double helix. in the end only a few people might end up playing the deck, everyone else will just run trickstars
oh wait, wrong photo
I'm thinking that the most use should be genex ally and R-genex with basically a splash of a couple original genex. Can anyone who has dabbled with them confirm if that's a good idea, or maybe give me some tips. I've only just came back and I'm not all that interested in playing competitively.
watch this shit
Let's say two Double Helix have been used for the extra zones. Both equipped with Last Resor, the field spell is on and Proxy Dragon is on the field. Possible even a Trigate's 3rd effect. Do you really have a response?
play something that doesn't rely on the extra deck?
quaking mirror force/black sonic work well
So you gave up on your deck and going to play a whole other deck to hopefully counter it? Didn't you mean that you are going to survive with your own deck?
And there is Super Agent for removal, Trigate for negation and in my second turn I can even into Firewall/s to remove your monster/s.
oh yeah i forgot
well just run kaijus then
i'm running d/d/ds, zombies and blackwings, each of them has some out of the extra deck option
If the main monster zone is full you cannot tribute an extra zone monster to summon the Kaiju.
I don't think it's needed, DMs don't even go into the extra deck that much, even when I tried the new dragon monster I've found that I don't need to go into anything else.
fine, run 3 storming mirror force then and pray that super agents/sleepers don't kill them
speaking of which, starlight road might be good against sleeper, even if it doesn't kill him you still stop the destruction and get a free stardust dragon
Sleeper destroys 2, Super Agent 1, if set up Trigate can negate 1 as well. And you get no Stardust Dragon, because you need an extra zone. And so you need drawing like all four of them? Setting up the Spyral field is a lot more consistent.
Let me help you. The only realistic way to do it is to play like 9 or more hand traps. At least you have a good chance of drawing one or two of them. And Trickstar already do it.
look m9, i'm not worried about spyrals because hardly anyone can afford to play them efficiently around here
trickstars are the bigger problem for me since they can pretty much FTK me unless i draw into a leonidas on my first turn and they don't strike him
What happened to the /tg/ people that wanted to organize a tournament? Did they even learn that YGOPro Percy actually has a Duel Links format already included in it. Though I have no idea how to activate the thing. It can be activated easily on ChinaPro. Or maybe I just saw it there and only there to begin with? I am not sure.
Okay I learned how it works. You check the anime cards in the deck editor and search for Speed Duel. You add it to your deck and it activates automatically. We should really do some tests of this here with people. I am going to bed now, but if there are people that are interested in this, raise a hand.
I've been trying to make a burning abyss/virus deck, haven't tested it out yet. Thoughts?
Extra Deck:
traded my spyrals prodably for half of what they're really worth since i have no time and money to play them. got the new vendread stuff and a ton of staples/side deck that i've been missing
anyone got builds for vendreads? do i actually want to run their regular monsters now?
anyone know if there's a working ygopro with the circuit break stuff?
my ygopro2 doesn't have the new vendreads and doesn't have them either
Not sure what is "new"
alright, why isn't shit working for me then
updater doesn't do shit
can you post your card database somewhere?
The updater is dead. You have manually update through the discord. The server guy uploaded this pack earlier today cdn.use at your own risk But now that I updated to it I get only 9 Vendread cards. There are different cdbs from the people working on YGOPro2, but they are considered "pre-releases" and don't really work anyway until the main server updates, or so I understand. It is a mess.
that's pretty much all i need, everything else form circuit break is out of my price range right now
the discord link isn't working for me though
I am looking at YGOLINKS and it has it. A least the latest update does. Now if they work online or not, that I don't know. Some cards have being buggy lately
alright, i got the cards from their discord
the last uploaded images there don't have the vendreads though, can someone just give me those?
As my pic shows I miss 3 as well. Did you download the last picture pack?
same one
Did you put it properly? I checked it and I saw at least a few Vendread cards.
i paste it into the ygopro folder and extract there, it does replace one thing from my picture folder, so i'm guessing that it's right
i can't actually find the new vendreads in the picture or pics folders
If not at least some of them got pictures you are doing something wrong. Look carefully of the folders in both the zip and Pro2. Alternatively delete everything and download this
Also I noticed that the cards I have no pictures for are duplicates.
last update pictures that i got from the discord don't have the new vendreads
just upload them somewhere and i'll put them in here myself
But they do. Literally in the zip that I linked
apparently the ones in my database us a different code, probably why you have duplicates
go figure
nigger i know you want that card for your engine but just fucking wait and buy a couple of boosters.
tryhards here have opened at least 2 boxes worth of boosters and still haven't got a double helix
i was right not to waste money on this one, all the shit i need from it is either cheap enough for me to get on my own or too expensive to even hope to get it by luck
alright anyone got build suggestions?
my shitty dinomist karakuri idea actually worked when i tried it irl today, although only against metaphys. only issue i'm having with it is that i can't choose whether i should go for infinity and lose resources or synchros and leave myself with no real defense
haven't had a chance to test the vendreads yet. kind of feels weird to not run shiranuis in here considering how much banish support there is in here, but there's no space for them and i won't go over 40 unless grass goes to at least 2
And the game looks a little bit different if you download their latest big mega link.
No sexy lolis, please. They've already consumed enough.
Another burn. This time even an FTK.
Anyone has that image of the old dragon card with a simple effect, and the same dragon nowadays with dozens of effects and conditions?
banish decks are fun
As someone that has never paid money Duel Links just justified that even more. The fact I had to buy the bullshit boxes just made me quit eventually. And at least in Duel Links you know you will get at the end of the box at least one copy of each card. Seems like that is not even a sure thing for paper YGO, which is even more of a bullshit.
my retarded anime version of d/d/ds will finally be viable
Why is there no porn of certain cards?
Gal Magician Girl is a dark secret Konami wants to bury. Only pure magician girls allowed.
and neet ones.
But in ARC-V they use x3 copies of cards. Especially D/D/D.
I can even find normal fanart of my favorite archetype let alone porn.
Is it possible Alchemic and Slacker are sexy lesbians?
It's unthinkable so many sexy cards straight up don't get the most obvious art made. I thought High Priestess of Prophecy was going to explode in it the second I saw her.
Chimera goes for more than that alone.
I'd play one of those ancient Chaos variants before cards could be forbidden because that deck is half one-ofs of banned cards anyway.
Defend this.
The metagame is always fucking stupid, but dragon rulers weren't even this bad. How the hell are infernities making a comeback?
it will get better
they're not even that broken aside from a bit of indestructibility
just run kaijus and hope that their board isn't full
Anyone with a flashcart feel like playing one of the DS games online with me?
They can be played online through an emulator too, probably.
But really, why not just play some of the fan games with a ban list of your choosing? Seems like a lot simpler to do.
Mostly nostalgia + comfort.
Just play goat format online.
I found a chimera for £5.50 and that was a standout but theres plenty form £9-11 now. That price is dropping quick. Akashik Magician is the bagel bakers target of choice this time.
Infernoids, user.
Though it's still fucking insane how overpowered an archetype centered around never having any cards in your fucking hand is.
How's World Championship 2011? My roommate ordered both of us a copy for Synchro fun on DS and I want to know how much they improved packs and presentation.
Game is good. There are many different AIs to play against, which was one of the things I really liked about it at the time. Otherwise it is YGO. Can't tell you much about the packs, because I cheated with them.
Over the Nexus?
Good game, but a few flaws
1: Hope you enjoy playing swarmers to synchro into beat stick and supporting them with staples, because a ton of stuff is only obtainable post-game (which .
2: You need to duel random opponents a shit ton of times to unlock some packs. This isn't too
3: Some cards are exclusive to a post-duel matching minigame with no hint to who has them. (Save states greatly minimize how much of a pain in the ass this is, though rarer cards are still stupidly rare)
4: Some cards are rewards for a driving minigame, but they're not important if you aren't a completionist.
Oh the final duels have a gimmick where each team duels in sequence, after a team mate loses the next person jumps in with the field and graveyards staying in place. This wouldn't be too bad if you controlled everyone on your team but duels not involving you are skipped with pre-scripted results. Naturally the best option for them being an Exodia deck (If you get Exodia you instantly defeat each opponent as soon as they enter and in the final fight your last ally leaves behind some draw and search stuff to make it even easier.) yet the cutscenes don't really accounts for the possibility, with enemies talking about how they'll avenge the previous guy before losing instantly.
when the fuck is the tcg getting that last cardian synchro
the deck is deader than dead as is
I want to make this deck obviously minus The Fabled Kudabbi and Void Ogre Dragon.
First Synchro deck I've ever thought up all on my own and it's fun as shit.
What the fucking hell
There have been some new dinos. Not sure how they work, but you should research them.
i stand corrected
Is there a more satisfying win than fucking over a meta deck? bodied a spyralfag by pulling zombie world and summoning a red eyes zombies dragon from my graveyard. Nuked his Decode talker and brought it to my side of the field and the zombie synchros showed up. He was red faced and checking his ipad of 'meta' notes and just said "b-but red eyes isnt meta in zombies…"
I was looking at my YGO folder and found this saved in it. But it might be a little outdated by now.
it's literally unusable right now
Well Percy still hasn't updated.
Don't lie to me.
See you next year.
Meant to say that at end-game it's pointless to use anything but the most broken shit (Legendary Six Samurai) so there's no reason to bother with stuff like Fortune Lady, which is also post game only. The dueling random opponents isn't too bad when you've got a good deck that kills them in three turns and just want to complete the album, but there are no hints at who you have to fight without a guide.
Very sad it's going to be the last good YGO game.
Oh, that is just fucking DELICIOUS.
Considering that you are not allowed to keep notes in YGO anymore IDK what to think of this, your opponent just sounds like a giant tryhard thinking he would get free wins by playing the best
I stopped caring about individual offhand wins against meta deck long ago, winning/coming 2nd at locals is the only thing that gets me giddy now a days
also zombies isnt even meta to begin with wtf did he expect
Yeah, it basically stops being fun once you win the dark tournament special courses, the ones where you play against full power deck archetypes and the one where you play against YCS winners.
that doesn't really help me irl
this meta is only going to get worse, isn't it
i miss dragon rulers
Dragon Rulers are the Hitler of Yugioh. :^)
Dragon Rulers did nothing wrong.
after removing the newer support my d/d/ds became relatively consistant and got much needed extra deck space
only downside is that if i don't start with gofu, best i can do is decode+1 synchro, or decode and 2 fusions. alternatively i need a very specific hand to get siegfried+crystal wing
i'd still rather run my zombies for this meta though. if people keep running spyrals i won't have much of a choice
Spirals will probably get nuked soon. The state of things reminds of PePe
i've got an idea for a heroic chamion deck
basically you have to draw into the predaplant engine, and as many heroic challenger cards as possible that aren't thousand blades
summon scorpio, he brings out the other predaplant, he adds brilliant fusion
make invoker
he summons thousand blades from the deck
make missus radiant
brilliant fusion for seraphinite using garnet and trick clown
summon trick clown, also summon thousand blades after taking damage
make firewall dragon with the non heroic monsters to clear board space
and then depending on how many heroic cards you have left in your hand, use thousand blades to summon copies of himself from the deck, then just go into the best possible xyz, ideally rhongominiyad
the combo is easy enough to do, especially considering how easily searchable the predaplant engine is. the bigger problem is NOT drawing more than one thousand blades and having enough heroic cards to use as discard fodder
most often i end up with a firewall and a 3100 gandiva and then maybe abuse the firewall somehow
I really like this archetype. They still need more support though, more starter cards. Something like Ragnarok but that lets you draw/place one spell or trap from the hand/deck
How did the game become this mess? I used to be able to get in and out of it, playing for a couple months every two years or so.
It seems the usual powercreep that i had seen until 2014 has increased tenfold in the past 2 years, and i have to learn an entire encyclopedia just to play a few games again
i've played against a few people with this irl, and they keep fucking up because of necroface
sure, on the offchance it can banish more than half of your deck
but most of the times it just banishes something random that may or may not be useful a turn later
the deck dies to disruption, even with the field spell
also forgot to mention, everyone runs shining angel since he can bring out ragnarok
Are there any duel sims with links that have linux support? there are some decks that i want to try and I cant stand the "do everything yourself" online things due to people not knowing the rules had some dumbass try to tell me link monsters point across the empty space in the center of the field
you could get an android emulator and run that, although the android version with links that i tried was only in gook/chink
This happens too often, they REALLY need more monsters, particularly, small stuff like Ragnarok. I would love to see clones of him, all of them with “f this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can banish the top 3 cards of your Deck, and if you do” followed by either “Draw/Place Spell or Trap/Add banished card to hand” depending on how many Metaphys cards were banished. Maybe add something like “If this card was banished, special summon it during your next standby phase”
and everyone clapped.
well if you really wanna go for it, i've yet to see someone try grinder golem/inferno tempest metaphys. technically you're guaranteed to banish at least one of them then
Enjoying 2011. It just sucks simple things like always showing monsters, having sound effects when Field Spell Cards are played and even just having a nice big dynamic background are gone. I'm gonna have to get 2008 back too just for that and the other little things I liked on top of presentation.
I do like that Shitnami of all Jews went through the trouble of putting an actual AI in the game, and something that innovative for less than $80 no less. I literally see it carefully strategizing with the time taken to make moves and doing more risky, unconventional stuff only humans and other yet undiscovered intelligent life would do to win in the long run, like crashing a monster into one to shut it down, ignoring a weak little Tuner to target Solar Flare Dragon or just plain not doing retarded shit in general. These opponents actually challenge you.
I remember in 2011 learning from the AI some combo that blew me away.
So Xyz is kill isn't it?
How to spot a P2W shitter.
have you played that shit fam? it's garbage
Elaborate how is it garbage
card collecting is pretty much non-existant. you can just get a deck from 4 eras ahead and not care
story mode duels aren't anything special. it's just a linear steamroll
dlc out the ass
tag force games are basically better in every way
You mean card collecting actually makes sense?
Campaign is good
dlc is optional unlike current versions you are playing where you are pretty much crippled if you dont buy latest cards like in hearthstone
Yeah, a booster pack having a pool of 250+ possible cards each, where you have to buy it again and again to get what you want, Atem help you if you need 3 copies of something, especially if its rare, really makes a ton of sense.
What? It's literally the tv shows with 90% of the content cut out and told in a shitty visual novel way.
So what do you expect for you current main archetype in future?
i hope for a vendread synchro or fusion at some point but doubt it.
It's a broken piece of shit save for a few duels in 5Ds and Zexal that expects you to reenact duels by retardedly fucking forcing 3 of every weak monster into a nonfunctional deck that constantly bricks.
Borreload is a great Boss Monster
Why did they change up 2011 so much from 2010? They changed all the sounds and removed animations and backgrounds for no reason.
I don't regret buying back my 2008 even if it did piss me off at parts. I peeked at gameplay of 2009 and it looked like things could only move forward in presentation while not compromising content or making things too cinematic for a single duel.
shilling our guy
You have my interest, but literally who?
ivan from bulgaria, he won round 5 with spyrals against BA
i should have specified, when i said our guy i meant /myguy/, not /ourguy/
Yugioh sales way down
Tell me when the begging starts. I want to savor the desperate fanservice.
So if I were to get an online Yugioh client right now for populated online dueling/spectating, which would I go for exactly? China, Pro2, or Pro?
So whats the deal with some 'world legacy' cards being krawler support?
WL, Krawler and Jack Knife are one large Archetype cuz LORE
show your deck combo notes everyone now
Posting my bad OC.
These shitposts are outstanding.
Good, links were the worst card type they've ever added. I wonder what the kikes at Konami will do to try and win back their pissed off fans.
Nostalgia bait cards. Like the Restricted Eyes and The Coin Toss Machines
What if the new anime manages to get impossibly cancelled?
>"T-t-take a step forward and try!"
They are already doing shit tons of nostalgia bait special packs and boxes, but once those who buy those figure out Links locks them out of their old playstyle, they stop playing.
Konami messed up so bad in screwing over the casual fans, which are the ones who actually BUY the product.
The reaction of linkshitfags is going to be amazing.
Does Konami even make yu gi oh video games anymore.
Yes, but the most recent was shit in an unbelievable amount of ways. That's why there's all these links to a fanmade client and past games.
It's still fun as shit as long as you play with the right people and not netdecking faggots.
they honestly should have done that in the first place, they needed to buff a lot of the outdated metagame. They already have tons of archetypes and they need to slow the fuck down, most of the meta-level archetypes are basically only meta by accident because they were just throwing shit at the wall like Zoodiacs.
if they want to give the game sales, they should kill Link format. The cards themselves would fair fine in a normal format, as long as they play by their linking rules.
They fucked up by restricting every summoning type to need to play along with Links. It's almost impossible to fuck up, the Link gimmick is clear, the idea being to string monsters together so they boost eachother and become an effect wall.
Hell they should have let the Link monsters occupy spell and trap zones too, allowing for 11 monsters on the field, it'd be quite a draw to the mechanic, would have only made the game more popular, the idea being a slower version of Pendulums, but with great potential and much room for growth and varied play.
If you restrict everyone else's playstyle just to introduce a new mechanic of course people would be fucking pissed, if they just threw shit at the wall like they normally do, they would have collected gold fucking bullion.
I play Synchro, and most of my decks got basically fucking canned and unable to be used in the new format. I'm mad.
It's clear to me that Links was meant to restrict only itself; the suits probably thought having Links restrict all Extra Deck Summons would make people buy packs.
Basic psychology should have hinted that people do NOT like options taken away.
As such, if just because of the new Six Samurai support that gives them bonuses for controlling 6 Six Samuari, the board can not change if they introduce a new Master Rule.
they can, however, rejigger it so the extra zone is only for Link monsters and the rest is for everything else.
That's literally all they have to do.
If they would have just given us no more and less than 3 Extra Monster Zones and just made Link Monsters able to revolutionarily "chain" between yours and the opponents' monsters for various effects and whole new strategies that could even empower weaker decks, detractors could have warmed up to it and it would still healthily regulate Extra Deck power.
sadly we all know this is just going to lead to like two weaks of clam before some guy on pojo posts a metaphys deck or some shit that everyone switches to.
that was fast
fuck me though, i got a full blackwing deck like a month ago
guess gofu is pointless now since the proxy dragon takes up too much space considering i have a 1/40 chance of drawing gofu first turn
Did Gofu get "unchained" yet? I want to see how fucking broken its true form is.
it's not really that broken
it's just an instant decode talker, or gofu+missus radiant
it will probably just get replaced by scapegoat
I wish my ending board wasn't just one very vulnerable monsters. I still love them, maybe they will playable in a few years.
i used to own one
I'm talking about Yugioh lore. You clearly see this thing covered in chains holding back both a raging spirit and power and it was able to get hit. There's no way it isn't going to get the Gearfried or Masked Dragon treatment.
If they are miraculously forced to revise Links and at least give us more zones for our Extra Deck, what would have to be done to make sure newer cards don't get banned?
Because even just playing casually, using Sky Iris together with the new Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon quickly insanely stacks pluses. If the rules actually change as an emergency like sudden banlists, he needs to get hit to 1 immediately.
He's got good ATK, an ultimately insanely abusable Pendulum Effect when combo'd properly and he looks gorgeous and a complete love letter to Arc-V and its spectacle.
I think I know what might balance Pendulum just right: a cooldown period for them after their first Pendulum Summon. If someone successfully Pendulum Summons something alongside OEPD and uses them for a Fusion, for example, that particular Odd-Eyes will have to wait at least 2 turn before being allowed to return to the field or will have to have 2 Pendulum Monsters "tributed" to return earlier. Along with logically keeping the Pendulum Zones in the S/T Zones, would this balance or kill Pendulum viability in a different way?
Anyone have Infernities? The unsubtle loathing sarcastic commentary is just fucking perfect.
I can't imagine how fucking hilariously nightmarish Infernity before any hits must have been when Trishula released. Was Junk also a culprit in getting him banned?
For all the shit I give Coonami, I'll admit that YGO is the prime game which has decks which make you go "this gimmicky shit will never be meta" be meta, they made a deck where the gimmick is to have an empty hand consistent as fuck, they made a fucking union deck which blew everyone's asses apart (can't wait for a gemini deck which will somehow be meta) and a FTK deck which won YCS where the main strategy is launching frogs through a cannon, among other decks.
Yugioh is nearly the Holy Land of memes, porn, salt, awesomeness, lore and imagination.
It's possible to command straight up chibis who love and own a dessert kingdom, trap making monstergirl lolis or magic toon circus animals against all powerful sorcerers of light and darkness and the world, warriors of legend with blades that can scar the earth and even the heavens, gargantuan beasts of fantasy or the dangerous power of science that bring absolute destruction and chaos or even straight up gods and reality warping mecha looking dragons that can bitchslap and eat stars and for a snack because fuck you people will want to buy these cards after we animate them doing this.
And with the right new abilities and reinforcements and planning from each, literally all of them are somehow nonsensically on the same level of waging war, like a literal joke fairy scaring a literal living quasar that represents lighting a path to the future and can negate these powers into trying to shield itself from its tiny magical fists.
someone give me a good vendread profile
i've got everything other than their traps. i could get reorigin but i don't think it's worth it. can't find reunions anywhere near me though
There's something undeniably great about card game lore that's this inventive and wacky that you can say with all seriousness that one of the biggest threats in the meta back in the early XYZ era was a toy plastic boat.
The only lore that matters is Sangan. He goes on a wild adventure, gets arrested, gets on a bus with an angel which crashes and he fuses with the witch of the black forest to end his days as Sanwich.
What a hero.
What i'm running to fuck with the metafags
Magic Cards
Trap Cards
and some brief explanations.
Rituals: Right now you want to run 1 Chimera. Ideally you are just using its ability like a shittier xyz then using it to summon something else. Until the 3rd Ritual that comes with its own ritual spell to shake up numbers 1 chimera and 3 slayer is the ideal. Vendreads in the deck exist to summon and buff slayer while debuffing your enemies monsters
Tuners: Currently all variations of Vendreads have one thing in common - until it gets more rituals this is a endgame synchro deck. In particular PSY-Framelord OMEGA, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon and Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend are your Boss Monsters. Ideally you want a tuner in hand as fast as possible. Unizombie at least in a count of 2 is mandatory for any zombie deck but in this case plaguespreader and spectralsword are mandatory for two zombie synchros. In Particular Archefiend Zombie Skull can only be summoned using either of these Tuners but it makes all Zombies immune to effects and as such is worth their inclusion over another Uni Zombie. Destrudo is a test, it was just an interesting circuit break card and while not a zombie is visually a rotting dragon so fits the theme but primarily its an 'oh shit' button. You send it to the graveyard as part of any of the multiple zombie engines that do that and it just sits there till you need an emergency Scarlight.
Regular Monsters: The Vendreads server as fodder for their rituals. The Shiranui as fodder for their Synchros but also some bouncing to and from the graveyard and banish zone. Aside from that triple Mezuki is mandatory in all zombie decks. I usually ran two Gozuki but 1 zombina has worked better and also is an earth type so can still be used to link summon missus radiant. Red Eyes Zombie Dragon is something thats not run often because people seem to think its still only in a super expensive structure deck but it got a tin reprint and with zombie world any enemy card it kills comes back to your side of the field. Watching my opponent waste his entire hand for a decode talker then bringing Zombie red eyes from the GY to nuke it and have it on my side for extra deck advantage is a fun salt mine for metafags
Extra Deck: Still missing a few monsters i would like but both Xyz are walls to just give time. Tapir is a straight wall while Dragulas can flip any monster faced down which to stuff like Links is a straight kill without even going into battle phase. Beyond that its just effect fuckery with Scarlight Being your anime tier "FUCK YOOOUUUUUU" card.
Overall its fun but still even now with double the Vendread Support its still heavily Shiranui based.
isn't a third uni-zombie an easier option anyways
you know that shits at 2 right?
Has a ritual deck ever been good? Not even meta just good.
Zombina is an earth type, missus radiant needs earth types and outside of mezuki and gozuki earth type zombies are not that common. gozuki has its uses but is too often a target for bullshit from players that know they will be in your deck.
There are some Zombie Synchros that specifically demand Plaguespreader, Uni Zombie wont work for them. Either Plaguespeader on the Field or Spectralsword from the graveyard are the only way to get Archfiend Zombie Skull out and its your anti effect protection.
I would run 2 if i had less zombies that can get stuff into and out of the GY/banish zones. Right now i would stick that with one and lean more towards dumping the shiranui field spell in time as more vendread support comes out.
bare in mind i tried Gofu before Zombina but the deck is built heavily around effecting and protecting the [Zombie] monster type. So even if you get it when the fields empty its just rarely as useful. Zombina is a 'not great' by itself card that just seems to work because this deck is what i call a 'Gravedigger' deck and shits always bouncing back and if any zombie is destroyed it really doesnt mean much.
Kind of like certain builds of blue eyes.
were you living under a rock?
aside from that there's also gishkis
Last i heard people were running Zerfa Nekroz in early Pendulum format. I assume that shits dead now because only Odd Eyes made it out of pendulum alive.
Yes, I played during GX era and only came back recently after watching RANK10YGO.
Oh god, did you miss the peak of pendulum bullshit?
Fuck that, I'm waiting for him to nail Tour Guide and comically make every other monster that isn't Dark Magician jealous.
This is exactly why we need a waiting period for Pendulums, so the same ones don't obnoxiously just keep coming back out and Pendulum requires more thinking.
this is what i'm currently running with
i do need to add reunion in here, will do as soon as i find someone who has it, i'm definitely not gonna buy boosters just for it
not sure if i want to run more than one chimera. it doesn't really do much on its own
really wish i had more cards to search origin with, preparation isn't enough
also shoutout to my nigga who randomly won a card, we had 2 other guys who managed to get close to top 32 but fucked up somehow
From my experience i'd say 3 terraformings and 3 vendread nights is way too much of your deck taken up for the same thing. Nights is good but not great. In some Situations Shiranui Synthesis and Zombie world can be more advantageous. Right now making a vendread deck is more 'what am i doing to my opponent' to 'what does this do for me'.
Case in point zombie world. Lotta folks assume why would you run it but it makes ALL cards zombie cards. This fucks with a lot of cards that require types. Links in particular. Then you throw in stuff like Red Eyes Zombie Dragon and Doomkaiser Dragon to graverob your opponent and it gives you more fodder for the rituals and synchros. With V. Night you can search but with stuff like Origin and pre prep the only issue is getting the effect monsters but stuff like zombie master, gozuki/mezuki, zombina and so on all allow me get those out for different spell cards.
Granted im talking about a different deck but 6 cards for an okay but not currently great till more support field card is a large chunk of your deck.
*i mean reunion not origin. But i snapped up Renunion, Chimera, 3 stirges and nights all for £6 off ebay. beats buying boosters like a chode.
I think I missed it, I remember playing tag force special and being really confused by the starter deck.
I later found out that the reason my deck was full of level 4 gadgets is because i was supposed to XYZ summon and I only found that out because my extra deck was shining whenever I had 2 out.
pic related was my first XYZ summon.
for what purpose?
it ran over stardust
wouldn't it also lock up two cards as tribute till it goes to the GY?
The convenience of combining 2 monsters who happens to be the same level to run over something with 2500 or less ATK?
as opposed to tributing two of any level monsters for a blue eyes or something?
The difference is one is in your Extra Deck with room for 15 cards VS the other one being in your deck, possibly giving you a dead draw or burning a hole in your hand.
It's the first Xyz you get in that game.
A good thing about YGO is that there is no setting, or to be more precise the cards and archetypes can literally be anything since it's not a medieval fantasy card game or a cyberpunk card game or anything like that, instead it puts everything into a blender and the final result is wacky, yet awesome when you really think about it. I mean what other card game do you know of where stuff like knights from Arthurian legend go up against humanoid robot things made out of batteries or where evil Jewish Kabbalistic spaceships fight against a tribe of green-haired people who worship the wind.
would it kill all the ygopro clones to actually make their own site with updates and downloads?
at this point the only one that actually works correctly and is up to date without any issues is tdoane and that shit is fucking riddled with ads everywhere
They are all afraid of getting shut down or something. Just learn to use discord, it is basically modern irc.
Percy should be ready to go soon™.
people have been saying this for a year
if it was we wouldn't even have ygopro2
They made an official statement 2 weeks ago that it will be ready to go soon™.
so are goukis good? i got most of the archetype for a few trades a few days ago, and i haven't had the chance to test them out
i've got the predaplants/invoker/missus but i don't have the brilliant engine, only instant fusions. don't have heroic challengers either
can i make anything out of them?
this is what i've got so far
A while ago a guy was posting deck with U.A.s
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