Fallout 1 is free to add on your Steam account, if you download it in the next 12 hours. Since that's all I have to say, this is also a Fallout general.
Fallout 1 is free to add on your Steam account, if you download it in the next 12 hours. Since that's all I have to say...
thanks Todd savior of gaming God of man, but there's already a thread.
Why bother when we already have Fallout 4?
I can't wait for the Remake using 4's engine!
Those potato-looking clay faces are really nasty
Already got 1, 2, and Tactics free courtesy of GoG. Got bored with the first by the time I completed that water quest. Got bored of 2 right past the tutorial, didn't help that the graphics were super fucky for me. Haven't touched Tactics yet.
I unironically think that Todd should just remake 1, 2 and Tactics for their next Fallout games because even though they would suck and be inferior it would still be way better than whatever shit they would come up with by themselves considering they treat the Fallout canon like a joke.
I can see them doing that. They won't do that until they stop milking the dead cow (FO4) though.
Is it any better than gog version?
I don't think there has ever been a game with a better voiceover cast than Fallout 1.
Every single actor in that game was experienced and robustly talented and not a single one gave a bad performance. Jim Cummings and Kath Soucie were perfectly cast for the role of one of the best villains in video games.
If you got the ones from the Interplay giveaway, you got to keep all the old extras, which include the OST, some wallpapers, some artwork, and more importantly, the FO Bible, a document made by Avellone which compiled lots of lore details, forum posts, and general shit they used for their FO p&p sessions. When Bethesda brought the games back, the extras weren't there anymore (in "return", you get installers for Arena and Daggerfall with every Bethesda game purchase). The games themselves are the same, you get to play the "Bethesda" version, which is the game with a launcher on top of it and some mods (the widescreen one), and you get the "Classic" version, which is just the old game.
Fallout is a shitty game praised by tasteless retards who were too busy jerking themselves off to the immersion when it came out to notice the systemic dumbing down of the entire PC RPG genre.
It had nothing to do with the dumbing down. Fallout never found a wide audience. All the credit for that goes to Bioware.
Dumbing down? They've always been like that. The best RPGs are roguelikes and dungeon crawlers.
I would argue that Black Isle Studios games and their fucking shitty, tedious click-to-move engines played an important role in making PC RPGs no longer about gameplay but storytelling.
Fallout itself is an incredibly shallow and content-less game on its own. It's like they blew all their money on voice acting and rushed it out the door. Well no, it's not "like" that, that is in fact what happened. As evidenced by the massive amount of bugs and glitches in the game and outright broken endings.
Yeah yeah, there was a shitload rpg games in before times with great gameplay. Such as legend of zelda or FF. With amazing gameplay such as picking attack on all 4 characters for a millionth time.
Have you ever played games, nigger or you heard about them somewhere? Can you provide examples of good "deep" rpg games with good gameplay and lots of content and without any bugs? Provide fucking examples, you faggot!
Jesus fucking crist. What the fuck is wrong with you?
I have no words. Consider suicide.
You should really go and play the fucking Gold Box games.
I said PC RPGs, idiot. And here is a an example to illustrate my point. This game came out only a couple years before Fallout, has non-retarded controls, and has roughly 6x the content or more. Even more hilariously, it was made by a single guy in his garage. That's right, one dude in a garage could shit out a better game than a whole team of developers with shitloads of money to hire prominent actors to voice their game. Why is Fallout such a piece of shit? Why?
Somehow I expected that you will like only the games no one ever heard about. Because you cant like something someone else likes.
Yeah, game with actions from top down menu is much more sophisticated and pleasant concept.
Are you that one dude?
this is why everyone laughs at you user
But you know what, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here. Let's establish exactly how Fallout is a piece of shit first for the benefit of rose-tinted fanboys.
The game has terrible controls (as do all click-to-move shitfests) and interface, and a huge number of general gameplay flaws resulting from design oversights to a truly massive amount of unfixed bugs. I don't wanna get real specific with those because the problems are so varied from weaponry to bartering to bugged dialogues trees to endings that outright don't work properly. Let's at least note the fact that enemy critical hits can give you a Game Over and there is really nothing you can do to prevent it (besides perhaps maxing out your ST and EN and picking all the extra HP perks). This is a crippling design issue that we will get back, but it makes one of the most tedious savescumming-oriented RPGs I've ever encountered.
All that shit aside, one of the more fundamental problems with Fallout is that it's a really short game whose character building doesn't amount to a whole lot. Random Game Over crit bullshit aside, Fallout is quite easy. The game has a lot of optional character building-oriented side questing you can do, but it unfortunately doesn't affect much in the end. Past a few levels to bump that one combat skill you like up or getting your Speech to something decent, leveling up is largely irrelevant. Fallout simply does not have enough challenging tasks that actually ever warrant doing all the little side quests; the only reason to do them ends up being for completionism's sake. I would normally call this the "Majora's Mask Syndrome" but Fallout actually preceded it and suffers from it considerably worse.
Fallout has a fairly large number of ways to approach situations, facilitating meaty role-playing. Unfortunately, there aren't many wrong decisions besides picking the obvious dialogue choice to make a whole town want to kill you. The game doesn't really punish poor planning as much as it should, so all the role-playing decisions you can make are kind of shallow as far as game design is concerned.
Then there's also the garbage dice roll mechanics mindlessly inherited from tabletop games where increasing a lot of stats merely increasing the probability that a skill will work. Oh, but it can still fail though, so I guess you better keep savescumming. Why bother boosting Steal to 200% when a theft can still fail and get you killed? Why not savescum when a theft can still fail and get you killed? This is a shitty, tedious, unfun mechanic no matter how you approach it. That trap that might explode in your face there? Better save. That locked door that could become un-openable after a failed lockpick? Better save. Walking over to that military base where a random mutant encounter crit could end your game along the way? Better save. Attempting to steal something with 200% skill? Oh you better believe you'd better save.
It really is insane just how many bugs Fallout has though. Sure, there's the little things like an NPC's dialogue tree not working right, but then you get shit like the different ammo types throughout the game not actually doing anything, resulting in a huge red herring for the player. Or there’s the inability to get the good endings for a couple towns because the quests to get them weren't finished. All these massive problems and then I look look at a game like Exile III which was a substantially larger game with boatloads more dungeons, towns, and people to interact with, a grand total of like three obvious bugs in remote corners of the games that aren't really a big deal, and it was coded by literally one guy. What's Fallout's excuse? Spent so much money on Richard Dean Anderson's and David Keith's voice acting that they didn't have enough left for playtesting?
I agree with you. Fallout's gameplay and controls really blows. There are a lot of better RPG's out there, and Elder Scrolls did a much better job at combining exposition, combat, exploration, and progression.
Exposition is for faggots. Go back to the chess club.
In TES you can pay attention to the exposition and have fun, or ignore them all and still have fun. This is what makes it superior to Fallout, the transition between exposition and non-exposition in TES is seamless.
Nah, they're shit either way and you're really stirring up a lot of lies.
What lies? You can have a lot of fun in all TES games without doing a single quest, they're just as fun without the story. The same can't be said for Fallout.
Since this is fallout thread
Im replaying fallout nv and that recently got me thinking.
When Ceasar orders you to kill House he doesnt give a fuck about him and knows pretty much nothing about him. But comparing ceasar and house, they are pretty similar in terms of governing and goals, they just chosen different approaches in accomplishing those goals. But Ceasar and House would make a great duo if only Ceasar wasnt such a retard and decided to use Courier to talk to House instead of killing him outright
While their personalities may look similar, they are also completely incompatible; two power hungry wolfs will always fight for the alpha position instead of cooperating.
I'm no graphics whore, but that looks terrible. I mean, sure, only one guy did everything, let's cut him some slack. But there's no denying that it looks bad. The terrain is grainy shit and the sprites are indistinct. Compare to pic related - it's technically much simpler, but also more easily understandable and pleasant to the eye.
Does anyone on Holla Forums actually not own Fallout 1?
Don't fall for his bait user. is just Todd in disguise.
Vogel has zero design sense, the green amoeba HUD of geneforge being one of the strongest examples of this
I don't think it's that bad, the thing I never liked about Exile III compared to the last two Exile games however is the whispy graphics for surface mountain tiles. It's pretty annoying for delineating between tiles you can walk on and tiles that are walls.
Holla Forums is full of casuals that are intimidated by anything requiring an above average attention span, so yeah I assume so.
Nigger just pirate the GOG version, this is a 4cuck-tier recommendation
The joke is that commies never have food.
Also install Fallout Fixt.
Is it just me or are games with Fallout's style of gameplay shit? Same goes for Jagged Alliance 2, XCOM and other games with this combination of turn-based combat and heavy RNG. The turn based combat is relatively time consuming, and to top it off complete facemelting bullshit can fuck you over at almost any time, generally your options to mitigate this are limited at best. Your options are therefore to savescum shamelessly, or masochistically restrict yourself to a limited number of saves and waste lots of time.
Are you enjoying it? Remember to buy Fallout 4 and the upcoming DLC recreating certain missions from Fallout 1, but not the whole game. That'll be for next year's Fallout 1 Remastered, made in Fallout 4's fantastic engine of course.
Fallout 2 was the best one.
Fallout Tactics would have been fun if it was actually a good game, and not just a good idea.
There is no way anyone at bethesda is clever enough to make a proper port of the 1/2 games to a 3D Engine, even though there were mods that had the right idea they could rip off.
That should be about everything that needs to be said.
Nope, see
First game looks to have aged fucking terribly. That's something I'll have to hand to consoles, their games age a bit better than PC games of yesteryears. That being said, I'm having a hard time enjoying it, but I can forgive it compared to other PC games of the time.
I'd totally play Fallout 1 and 2 remade on Fallout 4. The whole game of course.
This. It's disgusting how you can't skip watching the animations and enemy turn.
I like Fallout 2's dialogue more, it's funnier tbh even though the redditcore cinema memes can get annoying.
There are a huge lot of 1996 PC games that look better than Fallout 1 and 2. The graphics were bashed even back in the day.
I'm using to 0.81 version, but when I search it sometimes loads up versions like 6.7.0. Is 0.81 the latest version or did I miss something?
Managed to fix the problems Junktown has, I'm going to the hub next, and I gotta say, bartering for stuff in this game is a little harder since you don't have alot of space.
oh boy a shit game on a shit service, but it's """"""""""free""""""""" they just own you and your information lol what's a EULA I can't read
Oh look, another user who shows up with a game hardly no one has heard of saying that it's much better than something people like. Your taste must be so superior.
Then make some time to play, faggot, or learn to have patience.
he is right, the game play is slow and boring. its no wonder this genre is pretty much dead outside of a few games made to bank on neckbeard goon nostalgia
Yes, i am quite miffed.
Perhaps the reason you have never heard of it is because you are a tasteless casual. In other words, Fallout's target audience on release.