New SMW prototype stuff resurfaced from the Nintendo vault from a recent interview.
What do you think?
New SMW prototype stuff resurfaced from the Nintendo vault from a recent interview
yoshi's head design looks more in line with the baby yoshis'
Thanks for the new reaction images.
Those heads have much more character than the regular yoshi's.
Those snake things on likes 260/270 I think ARE this versions of baby Yoshis
I don't really dislike anything about regular, final Yoshi, but I like this one too, he looks a bit weaker/derpy, but he's still cool.
Hopefully someone will recreate and include these sprites in future romhacks.
Even if that's true, don't you think it looks weird?
And Hammer Bro, Sledge Bro, Nipper Plant, and Chain Chomp were set to be in SMW, but were got cut from it mid-production.
They already did.
By the way why is every game journalist just now realising Mario punched Yoshi in the head?
Maybe they're starting to play the games?
do you have a link to the interview?
Is that loss?
No, it's a jojo reference
I always thought he gestured his hand forward, like in a "Hyah! That way!" sort of manner
It was mentioned in the interview along with the Beta Yoshi
Someone needs to make a ROMhack with these ASAP, I will run it on my SNES even.
Selective memory is pretty much their only talent.
I wondered if anyone would notice.
That's just Yoshi though
Original Yoshi fits the games art style better. This new Yoshi should be in a dinosaur themed romhack. Actually I could imagine a pretty well done Mario game that borrows a lot of themes from games like Joe and Mac or Dino City.
I dont know, why would you ever punch your mount in the head? I thought people were just being silly.
They're lying for clicks. Check out the manual here. Page 10 shows Mario clearly pointing, not punching.
I kinda like this one.
That's the manual and the western one at that, they're not going to straight up tell your kids he's punching a dinosaur in the back of the head to extend its tongue. But they confirmed it in the dev interview.
It's a visual gag that works culturally in japan but not in the west.
Reminder that development of SMW started right after SMB3 was finished and it was pushed out on a very unfinished state so the Super Famicom could have a launch title. We will never see the full potential of that game or what could have been.
It kinda shows to be fair. 3's level design was really polished and World's was bland. I still don't know why people prefer World.
I feel it's not really "very" unfinished, rather it's very finished and a robust title. Probably the stuff that was left out were the things we already know (flying cage, bird on map, no yoshi sign). Doesn't feel like it would have made the game too different from the final product.
I personally feel both SMB3 and World are on about the same level, with SMW having a slightly advantage due to more variety and thus depth in its mechanics (SMW is still the only Mario game where you can throw shells/objects upwards. The New series went back to the SMB3 style where you can only kick sideways).
I think both SMB3 and World are really polished, though. Neither is bland at all.
They just polished the edges but cut a lot of stuff that you'll never heard about to rush the release of the game, there's only so much you can do with about a year of development. SMW is easily the blandest out of the two.
You can shoot the horse you’re riding in Red Dead Redemption. Not to say you’d want to, but you can.
The karma bar thing goes down iirc
What the hell are those yellow blobs, baby yoshis? Or those fuzzy things on the top right? What about the chain chomps, a NPC sheet that was later used 20 years on Mario Maker?
That's a Tom & Jerry gag, when Tom gets his neck splatted by a window frame.
The tadpole things are yoshis just look at>>13498729 to see it in motion.
I disagree. World's artstyle is easily one of the best in the franchise. The levels are diverse and the controls/mechanics are tops. Plus the power ups have more depth to them. The Cape alone is one of the best power-ups because of its addictive gliding controls.
How can you be sure? SMW is filled with secrets. If they really just wanted to make a SNES tech demo, they could have made a shorter game displaying the pretty graphics in 30 levels or less.
SMW has secrets within secrets, it's insane.
I try to stay away from the SMB3 vs SMW meme war because I love both. SMB3 was my first Super Mario game, and World I think is slightly technically better for the reasons I already mentioned about the physics.
As noted before, the game had one of the shortest development times out of any mainline Mario game. Miyamoto was at his peak back then and surely had tons of ideas for it.
But how does that shorter time actually hinder what's in the game now? It's definitely comparable or better to 3 as it is I'de say.
Miyamoto always says that he had to cut ideas from the every game he's ever worked on.
Also, he wasn't the only one working on SMW. The real mastermind behind World is Tezuka.
Do we know how long it took them to develop the other ones?
They probably had 2 years to work on World, more or less. They probably were working on both 3 and World at some point late into 3's development.
At any rate, they're both good games. Claiming one is great and the other is bland is a kind of polarized opinion. Not saying you can't have it though.
I bet you think that Sunshine is as good as 64 too
64 was always better than Sunshine. If you want to bitch that one game is worse bring up valid points about the game rather than the time spent on it.
These arguments against world from alleged smb3 fanboys are more often than not incorrect.
Fixed it for you
That's pretty cool. He looks like a frog with that design.
Sorry for the late response, here's the interview in japanese
Fixed it further.
Surprising that the mexicans of all people got this shit. Did they even have SNES in Mexico before 2006?
They got what? And yes, Mexico was literally the only spanish speaking country besides of Spain to have an official Nintendo magazine since the 90s.
Mexico is a huge nintendrone region.
Looks fucking homo.
I thought those were borrowed from a SMBX pack
I always thought he was gesticulating "onwards to glory!" or some shit like that.
To be fair something simple removed can have a large impact on the game. The earliest build of Sonic 2, which is called the "Nick arcade prototype" as it seems to be the very build featured on the former gameshow. There was a feature where if Sonic hit a wall while going fast enough he would bounce off the wall and land on his ass. The code handling this was removed sometime later as it's not present in the infamous Simon Wai Prototype but the sprites are present in the rom
Well, that we will never know. I mentioned the stuff we know for sure were left out from the final game.
You guys seriously need to get that in soon okay?