#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Heart Some Bread Edition



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Archive of previous bread


damn op, that's some tasty lewd you got there.

That's a funny way to spell benis

Math puzzle yourself

Do I come back to life if I solve it?

From previous thread.
Is it because she really believes that the book is racist is is it actually that she despises Trump so much that she hates and denies anything that has any relation with him?

Man, where do you find such exquisite cakes?

It's because mass media and marketing have destroyed language so badly that nothing means anything anymore and every word and action is just an empty signifier of what tribe you belong to.

We gotta destroy the internet.

IQDB search.
I just searched a lewd image in the previous thread.
The artist is sasaoka gungu.

Good evening, faggots!

no first for benis, therefore sage


Blease folllw
I got bigly news soon


you're secretly not gay?

How many times the suspensions are now in the count, 4 times? If you keep using cookies without clearing them and stay constantly logged in and if you'll get again suspended because of these, then good for you. Although leo does seems to not to get suspensions anymore, I think.


Why do you follow such gay people


strange. gildafag said the same thing and..

Also the thing about tribes, leftists in trying to destroy the existing tribe instincts are simply replacing them with their own. To see that happening all you need to do is look at how they infiltrate groups and take over whole organisations.

He voted yes.

Almost only a shitpostistan would understand that reference.

user, we both know that isn't true in the slighttest
Picture the tendrils as the (((forces))) trying to control the internet and picture the galaxy itself as the internet.
Thats whats happening right now

Who do you think is better at the game Cuphead?


Mass media is the control, you fool. ALL methods of communication across thousands of miles must be destroyed. Mass media is the solvent that destroys culture and community and renders people into atomized, directionless creatures that can be individually overcome and subsumed under the weight of ten thousand million people they'll never meet.

the cancer is metastasizing
you're well on the road to eceleb faggotry

For starters, Marvel.
These people with their warped personalities and crooked ideologies are so void that the mass won't buy their shit and aren't interested in those pseudo intellectual paradigm which consists of hedonism, nihilism, sociopath tendencies and self inserted character complex.
The only way for them to force themselves to others is through the mediums which the mass uses and is interested in. For example, the entertainment industries. They barge in through connections, threaten everyone who defies them and grabs the power through force under the guise of innocence. Poisoning the medium into their sick fetish come true, stamping their faces everywhere as if they're some next messiah, this sick god complex stench that they reek from miles. And what will happen if their conquered nest crumbles and disappears, will they accept their own doing as being the problem? Of course not, they blame everything on the mass for not being interested to those cancerous ideologies. And in next they'll target the next victim.

Why not though.



The journo because I'm completely convinced DSP is just an act.


>Picture the tendrils as the (((forces))) trying to control the internet and picture the galaxy itself as the internet.
Keyword is "trying", now compare it to other forms of media.

If you think this to be the case then feel free to do so. Talking about revolution and about burning buildings and cutting power-lines is an incredibly easy task, even a five year-old can LARP about it, but until you can do it yourself then you can just shut the fuck up with your retarded fantasies. Taking the easy way out and acting like you would be the one to lead the revolution is weak and pathetic, all you are doing is asking others to do something you yourself are too worthless to even try, which would beg the question from your subordinates as to whether it's even worth it to bother.


So which of you fucks did this?

don't look at me, I only suggested to switch the color pattern

user, I don't think you understand how fucking retarded he really is.

Why is it that people call Cheong the ant man?

I thought it was Arthur Chu?

Also I found this artist's twitter (the artist of the friendly orc comic), I didn't know he did lewds.

…aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand he's homeless.

No miracles.
Only mistakes.
Took job gutting fish to afford food

In related news:

* Kukuruyo just put a downpayment on his new summer villa, and discovered 15 new ways to avoid drawing feet. ("monster girls have monster feet" only worked so long).

* Illeity has outsourced most drawing duties so he can focus 100% on the font. "I realized the people were just background filler. TrueType is my true canvas. Now watch me dive."

* Papadripopoulos just discovered his dick tastes like chocolate and ejaculates money. He's considering cutting it off to avoid the anxiety the inevitable publicity will bring.

* Ko Takeuchi has angered many Twitter users by drawing the delightfully innocent "Rapelay-chan", and her cutesy mommy and sister. Despite drawing praise for the adoreable sketch, Ko has responded with confusion and sadness. "Break rule again? I only draw want happy. Please love & peace."

I'm almost thinking it's some new D&C tactic to post these on boards that won't care for it.

duh sorry but I don't know how to better express it

Also props for Eltonel and Papadripoupolus at trying to follow their passion.
Being an artist in Iberia is suffering

Joseph Anderson shitpostan about Cuphead right now
Yeah, slowpoke as fuck and eceleb while we're at it, but some might like to throw a couple views and (you)s in support of shitting on incompetent journos.
Now billy me for my horrible suggestion, I'm not ashamed of it yet

Pappi is a communist and deserves starvation


Divide & conquer.

Divide and conquer, my ning nong.

Okay, makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

Probably not
Good majority of people pushing this are spurgy as fuck about totally irrelevant shit and trying to push shit so heavy handedly its almost as if they do have autism and really do lack the awareness

Neither is the reason, though she almost certainly does hate Trump with a passion. The reality of the situation is much more cynical though, she simply saw an opportunity to virtue signal on a national level, since she knew denying a gift from the first lady would make her big news for a day or two. I mean just look at the image compilation you posted, shes literally cosplaying as the Cat in the fucking Hat. And whats more, you can find plenty of pictures of Michelle Obama reading Dr.Seuss books to children online, no one has ever thought of Seuss' works as racist until just a few days ago, and they only say it now because this massive retard has made it trendy to do so, and now if you deny that obvious lie, you're also a racist. We are at war with Eastasia. We have always been at war with Eastasia, Dr. Seuss is racist, Dr. Suess has always been racist.

Its not worth it user.

I agree! I'm not there for Skyrim lewd mods. I'm there for vastly superior Oblivion lewd mods.


reminds me of pic related

IIRC Dr. Seuss drew cartoons that supported Japanese internment during WW2 but regretted it and wrote "Horton Hears a Who?" with anti-prejudice theme.

Cat in the hat itself is literally result of writing a story where you're only allowed to use rather limited set of words that some school authority assumed first-graders could read.

Please be benis. Please be benis…. It isn't benis.

holy shit

Did you know that Kadokawa, the company behind the Kemono Friends shitstorm, is also the reason why Falcom games released by XSEED can't get the JP dubs or the Evolution ports of the Trails games?


I actually didn't know about the comics, though that does frame Horton in an entirely new light. Still it all serves to drive the point home even further, no one cared about these cartoons when Baracks husband was reading Seuss to schoolkids, but as soon as Melania Trump comes along, suddenly they're an issue.I shouldnt be surprised given the lefts propensity for double standards, but here I am.

The best about it is a fact that professor is metizo woman commie.
As in

I see that Japan also has its own problems with their corporations.

I did not know that, thanks user.


That's interesting. I knew XSeed had company troubles with acquiring the JP voices, and it wasn't just cheapness.

You're correct. Everybody was fine with Dr.Seuss but he was suddenly classified as racist when Trump's wife decided to donate his books to schoolkids.

Why do they degrade the title of doctor with their pseudo science?

Because cultural marxism is all about degrading western culture?

Gender studies and Culture Studies are both social constructs.


Eastern Europe?

Simo Häyhä spurdo didn't give you a hint?


yo, I have been to Finnland, it's a pretty decent place. Sure, it sucks to pay and take in refugees but Finnland is still a very decent country to live in. That's a price I would gladly pay.

At least you're not Irish.

I hope you guys fight back against this, I have the utmost respect for Finns.

God damn it, now I'm mad.

Now that I know what the guy looks like, sure. I assumed by the dark uniform that was a generic fascist uniform, so I assumed Poland or some other country in Eastern Europe since they got fucked over by Hitler and Stalin.


Report: YouTube Blocking Creators from Linking to Patreon Unless Channel Monetized


There are people who don't know the history of Europe, especially the history of the countries in Eastern Europe.

back to /n/ with you, faggot

One of the chosen tribe, whose name also translates to mean nog

Can't they link them in the description?


Blame mark

I've heard that fat kikes tastes good when cooked in an oven.

what the fuck is this, why are you trying to fuck up one of the few good animes?

Wait until the live action netflix movie comes out.

Is it bad I laughed at loud when I saw this? I have soft spot for crossovers.

Your post isn't making sense.

Nothing wrong at all, it just means you have an extremely high IQ.


What a splendid way to start my morning. Arigato user-kun.

This is heresy.

I chuckled a little.

Wait, Eltonel is homeless?

That's fuckin shitty. The fuck happened to him?

Did the Critical Miss webcomic authors who owned Erin finally get him?

wasn't there a namefag from gg threads that was in the porn business and from montreal, spidey or something?

Last I heard, he's simply going to the art academy.

He made a post here saying how scared he was, which is understandable, but he had to quit his job for this. I think he's going to try and sustain himself on commissions in the meantime.

Yeah, spidey. He went full burnout after falling in with the IRC-fags.


Well, i guess he's having trouble finding a place to stay.

Now I'm worried.

He's gonna have to draw a lot of bushy Vivians to pay for college.

The bushiest.

Vivian as captain caveman except the hair is from her bush

Maybe you should've looked into this before quitting your job, Eltonel.

Do you want her looking like cousin itt?

yuri is only okay when one of the girls is a trap.

A bush so bushy you call it Jeb Bush.

Perhaps, but I don't want him to suffer all the same.

He knew what he was getting himself into. He should.


That was garbage

That joke was a mess. By far the weakest one ITT.


I just realized that only my mother laughs at my jokes. I'm that unfunny.

Don't worry user, most girls have a shitty sense of humor, they would laugh at anything. One girl I know laughed her ass off simply because I called Star Trek Discovery "STD".

Meet a Harvard Professor of Women's Studies and Islamic studies
thegatewaypundit.com/2017/09/islamist-studies-prof-says-shes-allergic-dogs-tries-shut-flight-dragged-off-flight-video/ archive.is/NU0VE

Professors these days are making me wish I was homeschooled, though it wouldn't be a great idea.

I don't think you know any girls, user.


I really wonder, what's up with feminists wanting to be butchered by islam?

Either she's too stupid to know Geisel was a big time liberal and new dealer who complained about the treatment of blacks and jews, or she's a disingenuous cunt virtue signalling for her 15 minutes of fame.

It was two against one, Southwest is in the right here.

Both, probably.

Practice makes perfect user.

That transcends my jimmies.

Females with a fetish for being dominated that are in a society that punishes women for having a fetish for being dominated and not liberated.

I don't know exactly, but this image is kind of right.

I neither, but whatever.

Thanks for the read. I've fapped to it five times already.

Anything we can do to help him out- even if one of us gives him a room to rest his head at night?

Just in case, I'm gonna make a post in that HQ thread explaining there are no orders from us to spread it around 8ch.


The fuck?!?

Flash as a whole is getting phased out. I have to manually enable it on a lot of porn sites I go to now.

Honestly, I will miss Flash a little.
Even if it is broken piece of garbage.

in case any of you didn't know where this comes from
if you haven't read it yet I implore you to do so, you can even get it as a audio book for free here archive.org/details/George-Orwell-1984-Audio-book

Why hasn't it been deleted yet?

Somebody supposedly uploaded their rip of Starfox 2 from their SNES mini.
!!NOTE: I've disabled direct access to any file in my Openload, so you need to use a API-based downloader NOTE!!
Have fun, and remember, NoA can go eat a bag of dicks.

>(((Art course)))
Isn't the proper teaching of it practically dead due to post modernism? You could get better by learning online. Why on Earth would you pay to learn art? The reason Eltonel hasn't been making money with his art isn't because he needed to take art lessons, it's because he doesn't advertise well enough. This was a retarded idea.

is there any difference between this and the leaked version from years ago? I don't feel like playing it again if there is nothing new

I bought five of those mini snes and I got one left over to sell to someone

Haven't had a chance to play through it myself, but from what I've heard lock-on is disabled, Expert mode is locked by default and apparently the Pepper coins actually work as intended.


You are cancer.

share the load, fam.

I'm not those were my family and relatives and one backed out because they got one on their own. I'll just see if anyone at work wants one


Japan has a terrible habit of refusing to rock the boat, and also respecting corporations simply because they're institutions.


I've put in in this room.

Kike food is awful and there's no such thing as kosher pig.

If girls are laughing at shitty jokes it's because they're into you, retard.

Look what card they decided to pull

Hell yeah it is. I had to look up some more of this Heart Some Bread shit. Fucking decent m8

it's basically
Hey cattle, we support Social Justice, and don't want our employees doxxed, goy!

We EA now

Mitä viddua nyt taas

I love Joseph's videos. He reminds me of that one faggot Noah Caldwell except he's not a SJW interjecting it into his videos.

And yet at least a dozen fucks in these threads are horribly upset by shitty tumblr redraws that make their waifus fat, black, or both.

You know it feels like we're Gordon Ramsay, shouting at them for their shit, except they try to fight back with shit arguments to cover their incompetence.
It's a "I ain't no bitch chef" situation.

Shouldn't that be "is"?

Only when it would be one thing. When its in reference to many things then its are.

It still reads wrong to me.I must be a dyslexic retard.

At least your dyslexia didn't hit at the most important moment, like talking about Tifa or something.

Anyone have that post saved?

Some things in English sound weird, despite being grammatically correct.

is correct.

Any proof the harassment & doxxing they did get was a false-flag or third party troll?
Also, the comments (unless they're tailored based on who you follow) are all pretty much saying "Yeah we agree, but stop being shit".
Of course that will be wildly misinterpreted as it being OK to dox & abuse if someone does a shit job.

Bumping this.

Post and archive right here.

So far the only thing I've found were people saying how terrible they are or how shit the dub is. The worse I've found is one comment that said "go kill yourselves."
No doxxing yet

Damn prudes

Best Grill

That is such a bullshit answer just to try and prevent people calling them on their bullshit. This reminds me of the garbage the Friday the 13th devs did.

I guess request some commissions when he's open and advertise his stuff. What else can we do?

I'm gay

I'm really losing patience with this shit.

been gone for a while but i was here at the beginning lads
anything interesting gong on? i know cumqueen put out a book recently

What did Funi do know?
Another epic gamyergate jab in one of their dubbed shows or something else that i've missed?

Latest I heard they stuck a TRUMP LMAO AMIRITE joke into this season's gyaru animu.

And water is wet, what's your point?

The director on "My First Girlfriend Is a Gal" had sneaked in a line about right-wingers being turned on by embarrased women into a gyaru-focused anime (not galko, so the anime's trash, anyway).

Bear with me, so for we got Gamergate on prison school, Lucoa complaining about patriarchy, and a gal saying a Trump joke. All of these, of course, are not from the original text.
This is beyond unprofessional. A WW2 vet with a hatred of Japs would do a better work than this.

Also, I believe a 2nd anime licensing bubble is on the horizon, seeing as how Hollywood is trying to remake live-action films based on the source comics. I know who the victim of the 2nd anime bubble will be (and it won't be Eastern Star or Sentai, let me tell ya).


If you believe Funi is gonna collapse, you're mistaken. Sony acquired them a few months ago.

Reminder sony helped make the ghostbusters reboot a reality.


Let me guess Kadokawa? whatever how it was spelled.

Disgusting. Liking lolis is wrong. Anons should know better by now. There are plenty of 2D girls to like with big luscious titties.

good on you for posting best senran though

I fuckin' hate that word. All because we enjoy the same media doesn't mean we're peas in a pod. Disgusting. It's weasel words like that that gives SJWs an entry way to ruin the "community".

Fuck. Off.

Fuck you faggot!!



That's just proof Funi is in a bad spot. Sony hasn't made good business decisions for years. They've been losing money constantly in all their branches for years.

It's the best of both worlds, user.

I thought their gaming division is making cash. Everything else is fucking up

My nigga.

What came first, the ara or the loli.

Lolis are nice but if you give me the choice I'll choose to rest my head against the soft bosom of an ara.

Ara gives birth to Loli → Loli grows up to become Ara → Ara gives birth to Loli

It's a beautiful cycle.

Real or fake, Holla Forums?

fake news.

The joke is that it actually happened, but his name was "Robert Lee"

wew lad

Advice on beating SJWs. We already knew it, but it bares reiterating.

Don't try to change the mind SJW- make others around them realize their argument is flawed, has the opposite effect, and the SJW itself is an emotion driven idiot.
Talk to them like you're talking to the people around them- logically and calmly. It's like the Quentin or Diamon Dog comics- they get madder and make you look better.
On top of that "What an adult does in his own home is no business of anyone else" is hard to refute.
In addition, they will attempt to change the subject and move goal posts. Don't let them, and go back to the topic at hand. Or just say if they're changing the subject- they forfeit.

I do disagree with his point on comparing it to the failed violent media = violent people argument- since they're still bandying it around like it's fact. Unless you also tail-end it with a source proving it doesn't.
He also says to follow how the Gay Rights movement went about things. I'd say how the media made it look like the Gay Rights movement went. They made it appear like Gay people made sound, reasonable arguments- while opposition went ape-shit. The reality was different, but that's off topic. One element does remain the same however- make yourself look like the better person. The MSM made the anti-Gay people look like lunatics and morons, while (((they))) made the gay activists look like nice guys & gals. For this, rather than make ourselves look better (never be ashamed of who you are, and as an user they should have nothing to go on), the goal is to expose the SJW as adult children who WILL kill someone over their feelings if they think they can get away with it. You can sorta go on the "it's not hurting anyone" side of things, but that's really the absolute limit of making your side look appealing.

If 8ch stuff can leak into mainstream, then SJW hugboxes and figureheads have a few normal people following them who haven't yet been converted.
Don't just ignore stupid public comments and tweets any more.
Argue back and show the world that their opinion is so flawed- others are willing to take time out of their day and have an internet argument with them. And they don't even have a leg to stand on when questioned.

Any of you fuckers got OP Vulcan material?
changingminds.org/disciplines/argument/fallacies/fallacies_alpha.htm (Don't call the fallacy out by name- it's like dropping big words to sound smart- just spell out why their statement is illogical)


Shit like this is the reason why I legitimately believe that this is just a suicidal cry.
They know they're fucked, nothing will change, the only chance of freedom, however fleeting it might be, is to egg on the upcoming civil war and then to die in flames.


He's referring to how the MC of those comics is always calm and rational, but the strawman antagonist is always screaming and spouting irrational shit. Think of the "I AM SILLY" comic if you've never seen a Quentin cominc.

Oh, i get it. Donald trump won by not being that, though, so I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

You are comparing a presidential race to a "normal" every day argument. Id say a presidential race has a ton more factors to it

Shame on you.

But not everyone here is named George.

Are you saying not everyone here is named George?

Oy vey, I have been spotted.

We're all georgey boy down here

This is awkward.


You might see a few of the Clique try to swing Right to save face and keep the flow to their Patreons going.


That won't happen. Virtue signalling is too important to them. It is a social currency that ensures political view compliance. Expect them to double down or e-beg on twitter if money get tight for them. Most seem to be from reasonably wealthy families anyway so money is not a problem (which coincidentally explains why they think that there is money everywhere and all so to make the world a better place, the wealth just needs to be redistributed in true commie fashion).


Got you covered

Let me guess, antifa will assault construction workers now.

That would be fun to watch as "hard as nails" construction workers bury antifa under the wall one body at a time..


the "different materials" have to come from somewhere

I'm ok with this.

What about oppai loli?

I only came back to tell you nice konata

When I said "President", I wasn't talking of Soros.

Who has more power than the president?

Congress as a whole, actually.


I thought gamergate was already over, guys?

Image is from tvtropes. I'm not posting this because it was surprising or anything, but I think we need to give a name to this kind of thing because it is so common: Where an SJW-type person constantly inserts "unless transgender!" as a corner case to anything involving men and women. The ultimate example is, of course, infamous articles like "Yes, Men Can Have Periods".

This is a different thing from being a "trans-trender". It is about how eager people are to bring up transgenderism as an additional possibility to every factual statement.

trans pedantry?
trans nitpicking?
trans reminder?
trans advertiser?

Also it would be fun to suggest ridiculous corner cases to bring up as a way of mocking this behavior.

"Mother's Day is the day you celebrate the parent who gave birth to you, unless of course it was your Father."

"Due to the female wage gap, women earn less over their lifetimes than men, unless of course a transwoman was still a man until retirement."

"Hillary Clinton would have been the first female president, unless of course she decided to become transgender."

Or when someone else is the first to reply with pedantry like "Some women also have a penis!" you can take it one step further with another reply like "Yep. And some women have multiple penises!" (it's just more plastic surgery, right?)

fookin legend

That will just take the fun out of everything.


Funny how they never offer up THEIR money first.

if anything that confirms that funi is done for
i mean sony already bankrupted anime channels before

Then just keep the mockery here for our amusement.


Communist apologists don't understand that they won't be getting free shit, quite the contrary in fact. That, or they consider themselves "more equal than others".

What about Trans-FAT?

Well, you thought wrong. How does it feels being stupid? I bet you're super embarrassed right now

what about trans atlantic?

I thought of "transhumanist".

Like how your house becomes a government house?


Exactly, also pretty much everything you own, if I remember how communism works.

At least they're porn savvy.



Then again, Brazil does have the reputation of having a lot of trannies, along with Thailand.

There is sound.


also, ara quints.

aw shit bully me

Unmute your computer dipshit

I'd bully you, but I failed the quints so I guess we're good.

not only did you fail, you also save the shittiest art, get fucked

ok, what?

That startled me, fuck


who's this asgardian bimbo?

Those quints are wasted on an argument, for shame.



i want to fuck shiraishi

You guys are keeping an eye on this anifem shit right?

I WAS just gonna shitpost with /fit/ dudes, but this is way more important. holy shit.

Fuck, first I thought that read antifeminist

I will never be able to take feminists complaining about anime seriously again, now that the series with the biggest amount of well developed female characters is written by a guy who admitted that he adds them in just for fap fuel.

Which series is that? And even Touhou, which doesn't develop characters too much, has better female characters than feminists.


Who's involved with this? Anyone from funi or nis?

Life is unfair

HeroAca. The writer was asked why there are so many great girls in his serious, and he responded, "Because I'm a pervert." In one girl's character profile he describes her thighs as "healthy"


No, because I'm not easily distracted by retarded shit

plus.google.com/ LPB5K1/posts/QaYtPHW4B3H

Oh man I'm seeing this being spread around more so with how warriors is being treated


a crunchyshit editor and that one bitch from cucktacos that currently makes their anti anime articles

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:
In the process of organizing and adding more info
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more)

>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Info & feedback welcome

This game is unsalvageable.

TL;DR for the really lazy:
>Already running a programme to artificially increase the number of females in "Sakuga": archive.is/gZ9yE

Spread it around lads and the occasional lady
She is less worst than Dina and Zoe but man is she still bad

That's actually pretty bad, wat do, besides boycott crunchyshit which you fags should be doing anyways?

Nothing I hate more than the fact that Japan actually really needs a bit of feminism. Like the second-wave, "Stop actually treating women like shit" kind of feminism. Instead they're going to get a bunch of retards pushing idiotic politics that demand people bow down and worship girls, and that males should feel lucky that women in all their wisdom haven't genocided men yet.

Please know more about feminism before spewing crap like that.

End it

If Japan is as bad as you say, wouldn't those ideals be rejected quickly?

Do you ever ran across some shitposter that keeps shitting up a thread, you report him and nothing happens. A shitposter that seems to be too confident about himself, almost as if it were Mark or some vol themselves?


Please end yourself.

My experience goes like this

Honesty warn the nips that a group of sjws from inside multiple localization companies have banded together to shit up anime. Their attack relies on the fact that nobody knows who they are, so it best to expose them before they set up shop.

I thought they already had that shit.

How dare I believe that women shouldn't be take to sit there an let people molest them because making a scene is bad

Off topic, but I have been reading this person's twitter and now I want to suicide for real.


What are you talking about Japan already has men checking out of society more severely than the west does you introduce any kind of feminism into that and they are done. Also there is no "good feminism" feminism was always cancerous and terrible for society. They started by being actual terrorists blowing things up in order to get the vote without needing to contribute to society. Not to mention the whole white ribbon thing where they would harass soldiers who came back from the war for being failures because they were permanently maimed or disabled. I think the entire reason why Japan is one of the few places where there are creative women who can actually make interesting art is precisely because they have never been tainted by the mind rot that is feminism.

You're right, but too many gamergoobs can't see reason.

Fuck that. I don't know what they need, but they need to some shit about their ridiculous work "culture" they have. That shit's depressing.

did you guys know te burning brain is on twatter again?


I'd say their biggest problem of all is the whole, "It's no my business" bullshit. They'll ignore child abuse because "it's a family matter"

shill plz

Instead of sudoku, be thankful that you are not him.

Nipland is fine.

Child abuse? the fuck you on about?

This thing of japan reminded me that my english teacher inscribed me to a program after find out that I am eager to learn Japanese, now every monday I got to connect with a Japanese guy he shares his Japanese with me and I teach him english, kind of weird deal.


no fuck that, I am glad japan is wising up and removed the gender shit classes from their acedemia.


Their creativity is spectacular but I don't think I could live there, even if I looked and talked like a Jap.

Allegedly it's not all doom and gloom.
They get more holidays per year than the US, and their Suicide rate per capita is only 11- lower than the US and UK.
However, where I heard that from did not provide a source.

But, other elements are still fucked. The commute being so long it's easier to sleep in the office than go home. "I want to see my family" in the western world refers to stumbling in so late you only see your family for a few hours- less if you don't eat dinner with them. In Japan it's literal.
Also, in the west certain jobs & bosses have an "understanding"- you don't have to care. Just as long as the customer is happy and work is done, the boss doesn't care if you don't like your job. In Japan- even the lowliest fucking jobs expect for you to give 110% like it's your fucking calling. If you're not enjoying work- how can you do it to the best of your ability?
Again- this is what I've heard and read with no sources. Trust but verify.

People can't escape it. Feminism is even slowly creeping into islam.
mudshits deserve it

Feminism has always been cancer right from the very start. The man who came up with the basis of it promoted it as "Judging society on how it treats women." for the metric for a functioning.

This was his solution to a society that had abandoned the concept of God, and it is shit.

Next you will tell me that you believe that gender is a valid concept because a child torturing pedophile who drove two boys to suicide back in 1966, told you it was


Yeah, not fooling anyone. Women can drive only on certain days of the week and only with a male relative in Saudi Arabia now.



Her, and it gets much worse.

It gets much deeper into a fucked up rabbit hole (Not the kind this lady would eat out, mind you). Multiple accounts, all mostly this shit.


Alright he is baiting, time to stop responding guys.

I know of a good cure for feminism. It's called a flamethrower.

He is lowtax level of retard/attention whore. Ignore and get on with your life.

Feminism is tainted to it's core, it's foundation built on sand.

I'm not against advocacy for the rights and subsequent responsibilities of women or men, but that doesn't mean I have to couch it in a parasitic ideological framework that's very founding tenets are flawed.


I can't look away though, and I just fucking saw her nudes too.

Feminism is terrible and has never done anything good. Anything you could say could kind of be good was done in the worst way and made shit worse down the line.

Are you retarded? This is literally just some guy shitposting with the exact brand of humor that made 4chan popular among edgelord kiddies. He's just saying weird offensive shit to be funny.

It's not though. Reading through the thread I posted, it's too much to simply be a joke, added to the fact that there are pics of her with that serial killer look that nick bate has.

Good morning, fuckers!


Time to kill myself

Slowly turn off twitter. Load an old ms-dos game into dos-box and play the shit out of it. Let vidya purge your mind.

Is there any more of that comic strip?

Maybe i'll just play cuphead or something fun.

You know, the problem that has been obsessed over by every philosopher since Nietzsche proposed it?

The guy is obviously baiting because the post he responded to doesnt say anything of the sort.


fucking adorable

Actually, I don't know the source or the guy who translates it. You can find more here.

You are overreacting

This concept is so easy to do but I love it every time


Catalonia's referendum is being terrorized by the Spanish government. It's getting messy there.

Turns out I didn't have a proper reaction image for how cute this is on my entire computer, so have something completely random.

Is there any way to archive urls in bulk?

But it is so tasty…

I like their flag.


No, FUCK YOU. I fucking hate how everyone outside Spain has no fucking idea of what's with catalonia yet they pick its side because "muh underdog and poor guys!" Fuck you.

What's going on Catalonia is the total opposite. Catalonians asking for the independence have been brainwashed into thinking that they NEED that, that Spain hates them, that they are oppressed by them and they need to be rescued by the politicians on charge of Catalonia. You don't know how fucked up Catalans are.

For example, don't you guys love when people reqrite the story to push their agenda? That's exactly what's going on right now, what do you think that Catalan kids are learning right now? They are taught to hate Spain.

Why do you think "Spain steals from us" is a thing they keep saying again and again? This shit has been pushed by the politicians so they can completely rule Catalonia and do whatever the fuck they want. But as a matter of fuck, their politics have been actually hurting Catalonia and shit's getting worse and worse, destroying industries and jobs up to a point you can't imagine. of course, they blame Spain for their own mistakes. They don't even know what to say when they are asked what would happen if Catalonia got independent. It would go to utter shit and Spain would get fucked up as well.

One last interesting fact: this referendum is ILLEGAL, there are steps for this shit and they are forcing this shit to happen no matter what.

Don't get fooled, Catalonia is full of rotten politics brainwashing its citizen and rewriting history to push their own agenda.

Watch this video. Don't worry, the audio is on English.

Shill Gab to the Japanese.

Ok now this is relevant to us

>Canada wins



What's cool about this is that Grandpa Hassan is the second best Assassin in the game he's from, only beat by Jack the Ripper.

I guess they aren't making enough to hire proofreaders.

So Catalonians are the Porridge Wogs of the continent.



King Hassan should be above the loli desu. Maria won't hurt him.

So, this boils down to "give us money because people call us out on our BS"?

Yea nice projection there

Spain can go lick my asshole for all I care.

So what will happen if it gets passed?

If they want to fuck themselves, just let them. Why do Spain care?


Now we need a new OP to shill Gab to the Japanese after we finish with Timber.

Kukuryo's living in Madrid, right?! Ask him if he can help a fellow artist, Eltonel.

It's too bad he's on the other side of the pool, or I'd give him a room.

Great stuff - thanks user.


>almost 1k pages and I'm still in September

What are you compiling, user?

Can we go back to memeteor n stuff?

I'll be wanting either of them in the future in the NA version. The fact we're getting the Daily quest revamp so soon is extremely good for raising my Waver's skills and get my new Anne and Mary ready to kill shit.

don't force it user, let it flow naturally

Kuku's Mexican, I think.

Pic related. Sadness very big.

pic ver with archive

My consolidations to Canada, sorry you lost.

I'm searching for undisclosed affiliate tags but since I don't know how to code I'm compiling all their 2017 articles so I can throw it on Excel and refine my search

Hopefully he will get something soon. It's shitty watching this play out.

The site is absolute shit right now, it takes 5 min to post.

This was meant to

We need to get back into mememagic
That got us the saltiest happenings

Shill Gab to the Japanese.

I'm sorry but I don't follow very much anime, what animu is froppy from? She's cute and I need to see more of her

Boku no Hero Academia.

Great, I was actively avoiding that one in the past


HeroAca, it's a beautiful combination of Shounen Shit and Capeshit. Webm related.
The author has gone on record saying he a pervert, which goes to show why there's so many amazing waifus in the show.

Maybe I'll have to check it out after all, my bf didn't want to watch it and convinced me to avoid it as well

inb4 mike pence, I know

Your boyfriend is a dumb nigger then, because this is the best thing Shounen Jump has had in decades.

It's actually really good. Maybe he just has shit taste. Watch it in secret. Here are her best moments.

Alright, OP Froppy. The baker should include this next thread. Though shilling Gab to Japs will be a much harder task.

I'll check it out, I do have a softspot for shounen shit and cute girls

gab is shit
and stop pestering japs who dont give a fuck holy shit

I like and shocker Marche is sour against this.


Is it an edit?

Also aren't the Japanese using something pixiv made that is an alt to Twitter?

That can't be real

I dont think so

It's not official, look at what he's replying to.

Twitter is superior, they will never lose the Nips. Respect the bird.
Seriously, you'd think the Nips would all fuck off to Mastodon.

Was this article written with google translate?

I'm spit on this being a troll or fake I simply cannot tell anymore.

It's not official, read the original twitter post

That would be Pawoo (a Mastodon fork that GNUsocial users know of), and it's mostly populated by Pixiv artists, not average Joes.
and if you're asking about average joes using GNUsocial, don't get your hopes up as these people want stuff that's a cakewalk, and GNUsocial is as difficult to use as IRC, if that makes any sense.

it'll be tough cause they got that there mastodon instances that have picked up quite well. the popular ones being mstdn.jp and pawoo (pixiv's thing).

problem is tho, sjw's gotta sjw

Wasn't the point of GI Joe is that they were elite? The best of the best?

There are some Japanese people in the GNUsocial federation already (Freezepeach had one day where all the posts were in Japanese one time).


Japs find their own sites as do we
TELLING them to go there is basically the same as telling me to go to because you dont like mark

You know it goes by now. SJWs have GI Joe (IDW is filled with Social Justice Advocates, mind you), they use it to exclusively shit on the Military.
SJWs continue Sonic, but use it to shit on the fans (IDW)

Alright I have ~320 pages so far that I need to feed to archive.is. How the fuck am I going to do that?


So what would the normalfag jap use as an alternative?


It's real. The writer is clearly an SJW who knows Jack shit about GI Joe.

Embed related (A Diversity & Comics vid) shows a whole comic about Snake eyes getting the ass beat, because the writer hates the fact that Snake eyes is white. So he has the Asian character (Quick kick) Humiliate Snake eyes in a fight Driven soley by Ego.

I only know surface level of GI Joe, but what I do know is that you don't Shit on a fan favorite like Snake eyes.

Archive or fuck off.

Have you checked how many are already archived - on archive.is or other archive sites? That will cut down the amount for starters.

it's a spam account posting on a trending topic to boost their tweets

I still would need to query ~320 urls to check if they are archived, that's my problem

That might be a start.

Archive? Are these guys actually affiliated with ISIS?

It's real in the same sense that a buffy the vampire slayer fanfic is real–it's not cannon if I understand correctly.

It's a troll account I think.

Yeah expect in this day and age you can probably easily find Fanfic's that have better writing then anything made by an SJW. Yet the SJW's are getting payed to take franchises that stood the test of time due to they're quality, and then run them into the ground.

yes I need something that can query archive.is, feed it a list of URLs one by one, copy the result link and then give me the output. I don't know how to code such thing, that's the whole issue here

Here's my edit. if anyone is interested, that is.

I knew the writer was some obvious faggot who thinks the military is some gay social event, but this is just obvious plagiarism from the X-Men.

What's the best option for making a throwaway email?

Hey, my first one of these!

BTFO so hard he deleted his account.

You better have an archive.


This, their Playstation brand is their only division that makes money

These parasites, they always have to infect everything.

Gab is incredibly shit though, so no one will care

Saw some gameplay of this game, actually looks kind of fun


You can either take OP Dicktionary off now since the redpilling is done, or you can replace that link with the latest thread archive: archive.is/ha7bk

Nah, they already have enough of that. For the most part, their country is set up right. I just want them to have their own military again and find a way to incentive Japanese couples to marry, own a home, and have children. Second, they need to grow some fucking balls, forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki for just a moment, and get themselves a nuclear arsenal. As it stands, they have no real deterrence against NK or China other than the fact that fucking with Japan would be considered the same as fucking with the US's nuclear umbrella.

You know, a lot of Nips are fans of decentralized publishing and federated social media. I find it amazing they want as many hoops as possible to be social and social media

We all need to be spoonfed sometimes.

If you want more marriage then they need less working hours, more vacations, and remove incentives for women going into the work force. My thoughts, anyway, but I am a wageslave who doesn't really care for relationships, so what do I know?

I know about them ruining the Shadow. Hell I don't even care about the diversity shit since GI Joe was diverse, but making GI JOE a series of ragtag losers misses the point. It was always a ragtag group, but they were the elite.

Ouch. This is painful.


Everyone had a good Yom Kippur?

I know this is a in-joke but.

Frogs are more marketable than an autistic cow or an extinct furry elephant.

This isn't something feminism has achieved, ever.
And the current mainstream feminist advice is to not fight back against rape because it makes the girls that don't fight back against rape feel shitty when you do.
I mean, it's the most effective means of stopping yourself from being raped, but who cares? Victims' feelings might get hurt. Much better you get raped, you empowered sister you.

sometimes i think the scots do need some new genetic material, but importing the inbred was not the right way to do this lol


Cold Steel 3 continues to impress.

So, this weekend I finally saw Transformers: The Last Knight and Wonder Woman. To give the consensus on which is better, the answer is Wonder Woman, hand's down, but both of the films suffer from the same problem. I have read numerous anons point out how a lot of recent films are not very good at all when you begin to think about it, but both of these really shot that point home (More so Transformers than WW).

To begin with WW, there's the entire central point of the film itself which is a flashback Dianna has just before going off to "save the day" for some reason (If it's related to BVS, I wouldn't know because I have yet to see it). I get the fact that she's remembering her past, but why does the film start in present day instead of her childhood? Wouldn't that have been a better way show the audience how much she's grown, and then end the film with the present day stuff? If they wanted to show how she becoming the hero she is while taking care of whatever it is she leaves at the end for, why don't they have "flashback" sequences or backstory drops during the down parts of another film? But, let's move on to the secret that she's the "God Killer". If all of the amazons, but her, were alive since their creation, why does everyone not know about her identity? What was the point of her mother "protecting" her when Ares immediately knew who she was? How was it possible to even kill any of the Greek gods? Also, why did Ares reveal himself before the plane took off near the end? If he stayed out of the entire matter, Dianna probably would have lost faith in main, sought him out, and probably join him.

However, let's move onto the bigger fish, Transformers 5 (And, I'll leave out the part where the "original" reason the Cybetronians came to the planet was because of the Allspark/Matrix of Leadership/slave-labor/hunt for criminal robots). First of all, there's no explanation of why Yeager is in the city, he just shows up. Second, why is he on the run from the "military"? Third, who are the TRF, why were they formed, and why is it they "rule the world" yet the various governments seem to be intact? Fourth, when did Galvatron return to being Megatron, why is it he can transform like normal (Instead of becoming a cloud of metal), what's with the random model change, and why is he agreeing to "work" with the humans? Fifth, how and why are there Cybertronians in captivity who are alive, and what happened to "transformium"? Sixth, why is "All of history connected" to where they even have Shia "CTF, Season 6 when?" LaBeouf is included in some secret society, and why is everyone (Including the governments) not in the know about this? Seventh, why is Yeager and Merlin's heiress so quick to think they're quest was for not? Eighth, why are the guardians so quick to kill "All of the intruders" especially after the heiress has activated the staff? Ninth, why did both the guardians the Optimus become "Oh, we're good guys again" over something so little and insignificant happened and with little struggle? Tenth, why isn't this film a two-parter? And, there is much more I can bring than just that

I figured that some anons where exaggerating about how ridiculous these films are, but this is throwing all manner of logic out of the window (And, I haven't even brought up the presence of "space magic"). And, they're successful. TF5 is claimed to be the best one yet, and WW was able to make 5 times it's budget. I'm no stranger to liking brainless films (As, I have very much liked the RE films), but they still made sense in some sort of way. This…this is just lazy with the idea of "As long as it ends with a 'big finish', who gives a damn about what happened in the previous 1-2 hours?" Oh, well, time to get back on-topic.

Wouldn't a good way to counter this would be to start our own blogs/sites/channels, and/or to boost up the sites that are not prioritizing politics in every little post?

I would love to write for a gaming blog/review site. I dont think anyone here would start one up.

Michael Bay and that kike Spielberg weren't really known to be consistent with their movie lore, and you can thanks the Chinks for funding more Transformers shit, Transformers Cinematic Universe here we fucking come! Bumblebee moving next year.

Ebin maymay fellow hatechanner :^)

You took them seriously in the first place?

Here's KIA's automatic archive-bot. I haven't looked at the source but maybe there's some snippet regarding the actual archiving you can pull out even as a non-expert?

The guy behind it currently has an active thread on KIA.

This is only common in hentai you dumb faggot. In real life nippon, this situation is about as common as anywhere else in the first world.

The modern concept that's pushed in the media is not valid. Gender is a perfectly valid concept and existed since long before that faggot diddled those kids.

Does anyone have the longer version?

Pic related

Give me something to draw.



Marche pls leave


Index Season III got announced, 4 cours until the end of old testament and WWIII, work with that please,

loli viv

Cute girls doing cute things to each other.



There was an idea floated about a week or so ago when discussing ara gilda.

ara gilda locked outside in a naked apron while shota vivian snickers from the window

Huh. I guess that's why the new Virtual On wasn't revealed until recently despite it being in development before the index/Virtual On crossover novel released

This guy archived all of ghazi 2 years ago and said he might provide the script on request. His account is still active.


The script might not still work since it's been a while, I saw something in the bot script about a "Cloudflare workaround". Seems worth asking him though.

Vivian in bkub's style


Redraw this but with Serval, Kaban, Lucky, Fennec and Racoon with Kadokawa HQ in the background.


I am very disappointed this does not rhyme.



I'm fucking dying.

This one?

God. Fucking. Dammit. Eltonel.

This is millenial-tier planning. What next? Telling us the loan he took was in bitcoin?

I think that's it, but I feel like there's an even longer one.

Huniepop dev showed off some of Huniepop 2.

Please let there be more gameplay variety because fapping and playing that stupid Be(((jew)))eled shit was annoying in the first game.

Wasn't huniepop the shitty match-3/dating sim game where they heavily abused and over-used heart pupils?

Goddamn it.

Huniepop was the shitty match-3 dating sim that didn't feature the girls enough outside of pop quizes. Huniecam was the shitty incremental game where they overused heart pupils .

I think they did the heart pupils thing with huniecam studio, not the original, so it shouldn't reappear. But yes to the rest

This, with Vivian instead.

But instead of the 3rd panel being DEAD, it's STILL NOT DEAD, and she's not limp like in panel three. She's in the same pose like panel two, and she's looking at the reader with a big, evil fucking grin on her face.

Fucking shit, I can't take this anymore.

everyone besides the mudslime looks disgusting

So, anyone know who's spamming Holla Forums?



All me.

I know, it's who fucking gives a shit, it's Holla Forums.

There is a lot going on with BnH, the text image contains some spoilers though, so be wary.
This show also has 0% bad girls.
You better start watching it (or binge read it) because season 3 is already confirmed.

Cool, I'll avoid reading the pic to avoid spoilers but I think I'll start reading the manga tonight. It will be easier to hide from my bf than watching it

Stop with this literally gay bait you faggot. This is not your blog. There is absolutely no reason to bring up your fag friend.

But its funny

Fag shit hasn't been funny since coxcon.

It makes me laugh still

extra, unreleased stuff from MDE: World Peace

Did you check out the uncensored bumpers as well? There's some good shit in there


oh yeah

Dub/Trips of optimism keeps me alive another day. I'm going to pursue my dream of flying.

Those hungry games were a mess, we ave to make the hungry games great again.


Learn to pilot a helicopter.
Someone is going to need to make a lot of trips out over the ocean in the near future.

Shame on you.



It's not like there a quasi-mystical connection between opposing Cultural Marxist taint in Western, and now Eastern, civilization and cartoon frogs or anything…



Shame on me? I said I'm reading it tonight user, I've already started the first chapter

Okay, good.
It's one of those rare series that lives up to the hype

(Don't mind me. Dumping random Tsuyus.)

Good evening, fuckers.


You are wrong. The best girl is Deku.

**The rest are second best girl.*

Kachan is shit.

I don't want to oversell the idea, but I should point out that Tsuyu/Froppy is practically made for a full-chan OP, because her long hair is tied into a 8/∞ in the back.

Well, seeing the thread is kinda dead… Do anyone play Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires?

I kinda want to play online but it looks like the online is dead.

is this some cuckchan raid?

user, it's morning at Burgerland, so people are just enjoying the weekend so far.

And no, I haven't played Dynasty Warriors or any games beyond the 5th generation. I'm a poor Asian NEET who's running a toaster to emulate games.

Well, when they wake up we can be informed of new stuff.

People say that the Musou games are kinda shit, but the Empire editions are kinda fun. Especially Dynasty Warrior 8 Empires where you can conquer all china and have children.

I would be happier if it was Samurai Warriors, but I guess I'll just wait until I can have my samurai children in future instances.

People say musou games are shit, unaware that people basically like them for the exact reason they hate them.

Canada's being enriched.

Musou and spectacle fighters (God of War -alikes) are the natural 3D evolution from 2D beat-'em-ups like Final Fight.

A guy attacked random folks in a station in Marseille and killed two before getting shot down

Well, things are getting interesting?

You made that bed, Canuckistan, now sleep in it.

DIE-versity is gonna be your STRENGTH!

More like "sad". No news so far about who did the stabbings. It's Marseille so I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it for once wasn't a snackbar amusingly

I guess nothing can wake up people. We are too deep in shit.

I hope Karen and her family are alright

Muslims get shit on hardcore all the time, user, in France. Don't worry. We're all quite aware.
Heck, we'll even take in less immigrants than America this year.

And, top this morning's news off, we have spirals appearing in the sky.

A gamma ray burst from lightyears away, I guess?

For Marseille it would still be a snackbar, just that it's not for Allah, but for drugs.

All too true user.

That could have been me in that attack.

But you don't. Your civilians woken up, but not the politicians, and you're fucked sideways no matter what.


Huniepop was the match 3, Huniecam was the next one with the abused heart pupils.

Aiko is best girl

2 people dying in Marseille for drugs, it's just Tuesday, but I must say that two dead women in a station, killed by a "man of North-African ethnicity" according the news looks more like an act of terrorism than anything else.

That's not entirely true either. Lots of politicians regularly open up their mouths. Hell, even some journalists manage to say very intelligent and collected shit, which is surprising, since, well, they're journalists. Issue is, too many are afraid of doing the same or doing anything at all, or care about reputation and money more than doing their jobs properly. So in the end not much gets done, or at a snail's pace.

This implies that you were taking in more immigrants than America prior to this year. France is roughly about the same size as Texas, and has less than a 3rd of america's population.

Isn't that an extraordinarily high amount of immigration when you factor in size and population of the nation? I wouldn't really consider it waking up.

I hope people play Kerbal Space Program to learn how shit in orbit acts when something "unfortunate" happens and stop being surprised by this happens.

*these happenings

Meh. We're one of the country that takes in the smallest amount anyway in Europe. And that includes a lot of asians and americans too by the way. It's been that way for decades honestly.
I said "this year" because America's taking in a lot I heard.

Then, care to explain it, professor (Because I haven't had any interest in acquiring the game before, and T2's acquisition isn't helping to change that)?

Did Jaden Smiths "anime", which totally wasn't marxists trying to get their foot in the door of the medium, really bomb?

No, it succeeded and became a household name.

A infamous household name.

Everyone who says they've seen it loved it, because it manages that perfect level of "So bad I love it"


People say it's "so bad it's good", but I think it's mostly because of the Toblerone scenes.




Well, that was painful to watch…and at no point did I find it funny (Even ironically).

How Can Skates Be Real If Ice Isn't Real?



he is definitely not acting, look how he tries to enter that car in gta.




Kotaku: Is DSP a White Supremacist?

A few blocks from my apartment too. jesus fucking christ.

Wait, you're in Edmonton? Damn it user! Please be safe!

Now now, terrorism is part and parcel with life in a big city. user respects his fellow Canadians.

I'll be safe, and if not, no one would miss me anyway. It's other Edmontonians I'm worried about, I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone because of a "peaceful religion" and the politicians who do fuck all to help the situation. Hell, not long ago, some refugee molested kids at a waterpark and there was barely any news coverage on this. It pisses me off to no end.



then just pirate it

Agreed so much.



Relax, user.Klepek will ALWAYS be a whiny little bitch who is scared of pretend guns and Schreier will ALWAYS be a talentless hack.







Friendly reminder that Klepek literally only has a career because daddy paid someone to hire him. If he didn't, we wouldn't even know that trust fund hipster even existed.

didn't his dad die?

Yeah, and Patrick literally would not shut the fuck up about it.


Forgive me for sounding uncaring, but didn't the EU basically ask for this? I do know how the English citizens want Brexit, the Greeks are rejected all attempts of a bail-out and trying to pay off their debt correctly, and the Slavics are telling the rest of Europe to "Fuck off", but it seems like the entire continent is trying to keep the "Old World Order" to none of their real benefit. And, all who are really benefiting from all of this are the aristocrats and royalty (Because it seems like even the political elites are getting screwed over and becoming tired if this shit). Actually, out of curiosity, if the U.S. pulled out of the U.N., or even declared that we wouldn't be supporting the facade as much as we do, how much would that effect the EU government?

Huh, I wonder if the creator ever used X-men's Toad as an influence.

It's possible. It's basically a Japanese take/homage/etc on American superheroes.

All Might even uses state/city names for his attacked ( eg "DETROIT SMASH" or "TEXAS SMASH"). He's basically Japanese Captain America.

They would send angry letters and call the US undemocratic.
Then it would demand more money from the countries that are left in that dying organization until they also leave because it's a total loss to be part of it.



I now demand cute art work of Froppy and Toad talking about amphibian related businesses.

They're trying to keep the old world order alive not to further advance their countries not to the benefit of the people, but to the benefit of themselves so they can keep ahold of their power.

Oh wow he remembered that Alberta's a province.


Americomi is a thing in Japan.
It's pretty niche, relative to how big their native manga market is, but there are definitely Westaboos like Kohei Horikoshi who appreciate Western Comics better than anyone at pozzed Marvel.

Just look at Stain here; his character design just oozes that late-80's/early-90's Mirage/Image comics darker and edgier look (…back when the TMNT all had red headbands and before they took wrong turn down a lazy river).

Looks like a combination of the Maxx, Spawn and Daken

He even made Not!Shadowcat into a god damn BADASS

Whats that, Japanese are interested in American comic books? We have to send our PR people and marketing experts to them to know the values of diversity and political correctness!

Gwenpool, Ms Marvel and really anything MArvel related does decently, though the popularity is mostly due to the films making near a billion each.


Is there a way to form a special URL like archive.is/?archive=http://www.example.com
that tell archive.is to begin archiving "example.com"?

If so, then you could use this superuser answer below to load a list of URLs that you've carefully prepared in a text file:

(and you could use something like VIM macros to easily prepare such a text file. I could even do that for you if needed)

If there isn't a way to do create special url instructions for archive.is, then I would suggest trying to write a autohotkey program. Even if you don't make it fully automated, it wouldn't be hard to combine multiple keystrokes and mouse clicks into one button press.


Nice archive nigger.


McIntosh hates Star Trek Discovery

Dysnomia, probably trying to increase his numbers.
does anyone really care? it's Holla Forums.


Reason? He won't say the right one, but anyway.

I'd guess he's going to proclaim himself as a die hard Star Trek fan with "I've been watching the series since, since I was 9 years old"

I never liked Star Trek nor Star Wars. Been more a fan of medieval fantasy and manga/anime.

I kinda like the idea of space travel, exploration, discovery and colonization.

I was only 9 years old

At least he isn't a bug chaser.


It's no secret Spain's grip over that region is almost tyrannical.

Isn't that correct?



You had me worried here.


Proof cause from what I'm hearing from is both sides aren't being fully honest.

It was illegal for America to succeed from the British, and they still fucking did it.

wtf I love STD now.

Try some harder/internally consistent sci-fi.

Try some Stargate.

True. I thought you meant that that claim was wrong. if it succeeds, it won't happen seamlessly that's for sure.

You like what you like, don't force yourself to like something you don't.

I only liked TNG. I also liked Battlestar Galactica, the reboot.

I guess you don't remember that there were previous referendums which the Catalonia people voted for independence.

Babylon 5 nigga. Probably the best space-setting TV show ever written.

You misspelled Farscape there friendo.

Some crazy thing I loved with some weird science is Prophet. It had been storytelled a long time ago in Holla Forums.

Is crazy science with primitive intergalactic travel with humans using biotechnology to build ships and equipment.

Yeah man, so good.


There's no point shitting up the thread with your arguing when you're all wrong.

Lexx is clearly superior.

Would you let her belly rub yours?

Is that a Realdoll?

I agree. Lexx is far better than those two comparatively.

The point isn't that the vote is illegal, it's people saying, "Well they aren't allowed to succeed so they can't." As if that would ever actually stop them.

Stop spelling secede wrong you illiterate nigger. It's triggering my autism.


I knew that spelling didn't feel right

No, Peter


I don't want to be a kangaroo


Except that the argument is that Spain's president will never acknowledge the entire thing, and so even if the election makes the "leave" side win, the only way Catalonia could actually split up would be literal war. Which will never fucking happen in the first place.
Terrorism, though, I wouldn't be too surprised
Also, note that, in Catalonia, most of the "remain" voters didn't want anything to do with the entire event, mostly because they already knew it was dead from the start, and also because they knew police would beat the hell outta them if they went. So of course, almost literally no one but "leave" voters bothered, which overall helps to discredit the vote itself for politicians and the media.
No one's saying the vote isn't what it is; but hoping for anything official to happen in the sense of Catalonia becoming its own country is retarded, or misguided at best.

How many of these voters are pledging to fire weapons at their neighbors though? Isn't this basically an ongoing "protest movement" for more autonomy and/or legal separation, and not a civil war?

This is the second sentence. False alarm?

The only way for catalonia to become independent is civil war.
The right to a nation is for the ones that can take it and keep it.





Why do I believe this is gonna end in civil war?

What is the fascist's anthem? Is it an actual fascist anthem or is it an actual anthem that the account is calling fascist?

Also is an outstretched arm/hand like that really a nazi salute, or just an outstretched arm/hand?

Good job for three years of doing absolutely nothing

gamergates main problem is the fact you people talk to shills instead of neutrals, and form camps siding with random people instead of working together on one coherent goal. Leaderless faction, huh?

Might makes right.

Please stay butthurt.

I hope I'll live long enough to see where this leads.

Our next prime minister.


this is why you failed. Even Holla Forums knows you failed

At least he isn't muslim.


why do we always get salt when the thread is nearly over?

Easier to bait us.

Probably just a song made during fascist Spain.
Those definitely were roman salutes.

So, how is spain doing lately?

I hope it leads to the crusades.


Sikhs are alright, but I don't fucking trust the NDP.

It's still in-production you know, they could make a worthwhile decision like change Abia's profession to truck driver.

That's a page from the Vigilante's spinoff that's made by Court Betten and Hideyuki Furuhashi. Despite how only a few chapters have been translated it's still worthwhile to read, there's alot more condensed character building and storytelling than the original.

Horikoshi still absorbs even modern day comics though and it shows, there's atleast 3 trannies in the story and there's this annoying black hero that got stabbed and blacked.com an asian woman. I'm atleast thankful that Horikoshi doesn't shove the characters only defining trait in your face as often as Marvel loves to do.

why are they okay? Because they are not muslims? They are still brown, and I assume from India which is a pretty shit country.

There's been one

Well, I heard that Indians are always full of shit.

They actually attempt to assimilate and they also keep muslims away from the communities they chill out in. Well at least the ones I've been around.

But the NDP, it's a red flag. I can't shake off the bad feeling, you know?

That's why I said I don't trust the NDP
But holy fuck thank god it isn't Niki Ashton


Isn't Laura Dale working for Kotaku UK now?

Also the journalists don't really get fired, they just hop from one outlet to another. People like Patrick Klepek still exist. Kotaku may be going down but it's taking longer than I'm comfortable with. I want to see Schreier and Totillo squirm.

Yeah, reading that guide it seems a little outdated now. Might be time for an update.

Tora took a visit to Taiwan and then there's the deceased Magne and Magne's friend who was too scared to get surgery. Twice even gets upset at Tomura because he wouldn't say >she when talking about Magne.

Oh, right. I completely glossed over that when I read it, but I remember being confused about why they were calling Magne a woman.

Does it really matter though ? Adding trannies or blacks or whatever isn't really virtue signalling or any other stupid shit if it's done because the artist's having fun with characters, personalities and shit.
It's not in the slightest comparable to marvel's tripe, which does it as the only defining feature of their characters and continuously care about nothing else.

There is nothing wrong with making any character you feel like as long as they're more than just their appearance.

Niggers I can understand but trannies is just normalizing mental illness, unless the mental illness is actually part of the story of course.

Plus, the most noticeable tranny's existence is for a joke. All the students are told their going to meet "The Pussycats," a team of 4 sisters who are rescue specialists. The guys get excited because they hear that each of the sisters in super cute, and then they meet them and see pic related.

no comment



More his hypocrisy than opinion, he shouldn't be telling others to eat salad when he got type 2 diabetes.

how many retweets does this guy get? Is he even relevant?

If you want, but then is showing a character with cancer or with a lost leg "normalizing diseases" you faggot ? Jesus christ, listen to yourself. You even use the same words as those mary sue retards, "normalizing rape culture" or whatever other bullshit. Get a grip user. Just showing characters being human beings who are different and look and think differently isn't "normalizing" shit, it's just showing the fact that your world is filled with human beings. It doesn't defend them being "good" or "right", it's just showing that they fucking exist.
Which they do, whether you like it or not.

Yeah. And that's pretty hilarious. "Woah look at these hotties, that blondie, that brunette, that fat chest, that -what the fuck". That's humor user.

Deluded retard has advice that would be better taken to heart than social media. Also, water is wet.

Get trucked, val

I bet you like Marche you faggot.

Nice argument nerd

open bobs

Bob needs to stop cramming pints o cream,large macs and bonbonbons into his fat fricking face, the diabeetus is affecting his ability to communicate.


That's the anthem of the previous dictator, Franco.

ndp is not liked enough to get majority, ever, the next one will be a bare min minority lib or con with the other close second, and a con minority to bare majority in the following one.

that, would be a surprise to me actually.

universe and the animated series killed it.

Hey, i'm about to report some fan projects that use Patreon to Nintendo so I can ruin their public image. Know of any?



Y-you can't mock Bob. He is an intellectual and a visionary. :^)

Okay so, I am going to report this site that sells reproduction carts of Nintendo games instead.

Reminder to not fuck with the Oklahoma state police.

I always see the common Spanish man being more hot-blooded than any other European, but that's just me.

If he's an intellectual, I'm an Omnissiah. The thing is mama always said I was special.

So did Bob's parents before they died. So did his Grandparents as well. Did you miss the signs that I was not being serious?

archive.org not working on Holla Forums anymore? Just tried to archive a bunch of threads and it didn't work.

There's plenty of dirt on Nintendo without needing to ruin an innocent project.

Too late

Too late

>Did you miss the signs that I was not being serious?
No, but isn't that pretentious ball of fat himself like that?

I figured america would have civil war first.

Ruining an innocent project is the quickest way to put them further in the hole. Of course, you can bring up the "Mortal Kombat" trial and state that Nintendo was the root cause of that, and it would do just as bad to their reputation.

Fug I need to sleep.

Everything leading up to the trial was Liberman's fault. What happened during the trial, however, was entire on Nintendo.

That's gotta be the shittiest op that isn't an outright /revolt/-tier d&c operation (or is it?).
Protip, this is not going to achieve any fucking thing at all other than ruining someone's day and making you look like the asshole you are.
Nintendo stays popular because they have a bunch of franchises people care about and have somehow managed not to completely fuck them up (yet). No one ever liked them for their business practices.

I'm not an asshole, i'm a nice guy if you get to know me. Plus, the guy selling reproduction carts with romhacks is getting fucked.

Apparently the Puerto Rican government isn't giving out welfare that America gave them, just to make Trump look bad.


Is this proof or just some fag on twitter?


Remove Commie when?



He got married? Wow, that's so fucking gay.

Like THAT was unexpected considering Milo.

Do we have a baker?

That sounds awful, but devoid of context. In reality she might just be saying, "Don't hand out shit until we've catalogued it and know how far to spread it," which is terrible, but is necessary in these situations.

Shit makes me smile every time I think of it

I've got a bread machine on the cupboard. I bought it 7 years ago. I stopped using it when I realised the bread would only last 2 days before going moldy, and I couldn't eat an entire loaf in time. It cost me $149.99.

He sure got that right. That jacket is atrocious.

This looks like it's not caused by the mayor mainly, but the union of truck drivers down there.
Reminder that unions are terrible, and to let union businesses shut down.

Where's the baker?

Make a smaller loaf?

Too Bad we can't ship this bread off to Puerto Rico. However if we did, it may end up in the hands of Carmen Yulin.

This bread is going to be elegant!

Eat half and make hardtack from the rest.
Dip hardtack in sweet tea.

First-worlders will never cease to amaze me with their helplessness.

Looks shopped to me fam.

Oh no. My life is a maelstrom of suffering.



What do you mean? Holla Forums always ended on page 15

bumplock lol
