Has there ever been a game made with a false "easy mode".
You go into the game thinking it's gonna be easy but lol. Joke's on you. They made it harder than the normal mode which is actually the game's easy mode.
If not, there should be. I'd do it.
Difficulty troll?
Other urls found in this thread:
Undertale has a secret hard mode if you name yourself Frisk
shut up idiot delete this thread it sucks
That is the case with Stalker. Kind of.
That'd be impossible to pull off in the modern age.
Except not at all.
in stalker, guns are more accurate at higher difficulty levels. both yours and the enemies'
It is, you can check the config files for that. You retard.
Read it and weep, retards.
Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl
Master is easier
Why are you fucks still around? Do you like being perpetually wrong?
why are there two threads about easy modes
also, freedom planet has a goofy looking mode choice
Weapons universally do more damage on higher difficulties, meaning that as long as you've got the first shot the game is easier.
Fungeon of the Endless "Too Easy" mode is just easy and "Easy" is hard.
They don't.
Stop being fucking retarded.
The way STALKER deals with damage is that NPCs and the Player character have completely separate damage multiplier. It has nothing to do with the weapons.
You know what i fucking meant you smarmy cunt
Dragon's Dogma I guess, past the first few dozens levels I guess
Someone post the picture. You know the one I'm talking about.
I need to fucking sleep.
No I don't because you haven't written a single factually correct statement so far
so its easier, still true
No its not because the player gets less loot, does less damage and receives more damage on Master.
You should be playing STALKER on master regardless unless you're a fetid, weeping pussyboy.
I thought we already debunked the "you must play STALKER on Master difficulty" meme.
Prove it.
So it does change things. Noted.
I remember there was this flash game a couple years back where you played as the giant boss spaceship in a shmup game, and because you were the boss the difficulty settings were reversed. Like, the "easy" difficulty was easy for the "hero" ship, ie. hard for you.
>inb4 you mention hit_probability pretending you have any understanding at all of what it does
Dean Takahashi if you're looking for examples to make excuses for your shit performance at Cuphead then you're going to fail.
The original x-com had a bug where any difficulty would default to beginner after the first mission, so it was kinda the exact opposite of what you want.
We established that playing on Master difficulty does jackshit besides making enemies bigger damage sponges. Suck a cock.
IIRC, NBA Jam for PSX had reversed difficulty settings. Play on very easy, and the computer stomps you flat. Play on very hard, and you wonder if your dog is your opponent.
Prove it faggot, why even post claiming that you did if you don't post the proof itself. Was looking like a massive homo part of your plan?
I just went and gave it a quick try, he seems to be right. They do die in less hits on rookie than master. They also seem more proactive on master.
I didn't test extensively though, just the bandits at the carpark with the starting pistol, I can't be arsed to do more.
In Planescape:Torment your character has an armor slot, but there is no armor in the game that he can wear.
Valkyrie Profile is a contender. The better loot from Hard Mode makes the game a lot easier if you're able to make it over an initial bump, which isn't really all that noticeable anyways.
Iceberg games, honestly.
Especially the Endless saga. Put difficulty on easy, still get asswrecked with the slightest mistake. Same with Stellaris.
Didn't Terror from the Deep have the opposite effect too?
Playing Diablo with the Hellfire expansion allowed you to select difficulty modes. Turns out that in Hell/Nightmare modes the early game enemies didn't really get any boost in health, but still retained end-game levels of XP.
Killing a gobbo netted you like 20 levels of XP all at once if you played it with a Lv. 1 character.
Metro 2033 series
Easier modes mean you can take a couple extra bullets but now anything that isn't human requires an entire magazine of dirty rounds to put down. It gets real bad in a tunnel and there's an event for 10-15 mole mutants that each require a magazine of ammo to kill.
No, terror from the deep was really hard because of the fans saying that the first one was too easy, but it does track difficulty correctly
The newest Crach Bandicoot.
A burden on the thinking man.
Can you believe they are re-releasing this game yet again?
Does this count?
I remember that in one E.Y.E. custom farming map you could hack something labeled easy mode that would just spawn an attack copter
Risk of Rain without the glass artifact is WAY HARDER than simply having the handicap of little HP in the early stages.
It's coming to PS4 and Bone I think.
No wonder Hellfire was shit
This looks 9gag-tier
I generally think most OC is great but goddamn this was hard to read
It also doesn't help that Dragon's Dogma is a mediocre game too
Are you seriously implying 9gag creates content?
If they did, it would probably look like that
There are games where it's harder to finish the whole game on easy mode because it literally ends the game well before you finish it
Not with the patch. You can see that if you use a Mind Probe on your opponents to check their stats.
This user knows. But it's more than just better loot. The extra dungeons and having more characters to raise lets you actually play without much worry over gimping yourself in the long run since you actually have a fucking margin for error.
Not really the same, but I was always entertained by games in the old days that would punish the player for choosing easy by not letting them finish the game. By surprise.
"Hey, congrats on making it to the third-last level - this is as far as we'll let you go if you're going to play on Baby Mode. Man up and play the game for real if you want to actually see the ending!"
Dickish, but fun. I had a friend who always used to choose easy mode for everything who had his habit broken by games doing that. (Especially Double Dragon 2, which did it to him TWICE - it was only possible to finish the game if you played on Hard.)
Sadly, I don't think it's really done anymore… I think the last time I saw it was Castlevania 64.
Doesn't that game give you bullets 2 at a time and expect you to make every single shot count? I don't think I remember ever even having a full single magazine, and I ran like mad from almost everything without bothering to fight unless I had to.
cm_sermons. I remember that map also.
unintentionally MGR:R.
it get's harder and enemies hit harder but that means your counter attack does too
There's a lot of differences between SuperEasy and SuperHard in Alien Soldier. More Health-increasing pick-ups and platforms placed over pits for starters.
Good one user
A mediocre game that's better than Gayrim.
Huh, I didn't know CV64 had that. In Touhou, EoSD flat out stops you at stage 5 if you're on easy, and a few others don't let you play Extra mode if you beat it on easy. Also cutely, MoF's stage 6 boss has a harder final spellcard on easy than on normal.
I'd say you can do something similar with /players 8 in Diablo II since it gives you more items and much faster levels early on. But you don't generally want to carry that through the whole game or necessarily against bosses.
No it doesn't. It has the promise of one and then nothing.
Didn't Mountain of Faith do this?
I literally said that
In a sense that is true for Helldivers. It is supposed to be easier with 4 people and harder with 1, yet playing alone on the hardest difficulty is easier than playing with 4 players on the easiest. Playing alone gives you full camera control, allows you to hear enemies better, and removes the chance of someone fucking everything up or killing another player.
I think this is the case for games where hard mode increases your EXP gain, so the beginning is harder but the main game is easier. There was a recent example I'm trying to remember but can't off the top of my head.
I'm working on a game which has the dungeon keeper style twist of your playing the monsters instead of the heroes.
I might decide to do this, on the idea that picking easy mode makes things easier for your enemies.
That's clever. If you represent the antagonists, then it only makes sense for "Easy Mode" to represent your guys getting easier.
I've always found Touhou Perfect Cherry Blossom's easy mode to be significantly harder than normal. I don't know if this is intentional, an accident, or I'm just retarded.
you probably won't see this from AAA games ever again because they're afraid of content not being seen by a player, same reason as to why you don't see that many secret bosses now, they use a fuck ton of money creating it and if the casual player wont see it to them it's a waste of money and would rather just make it a mandatory boss fight
Contra 4 did this and it came out in 2007
Some of clownpiece's cards in LoLK are also easier on lunatic than normal/easy modes.
That's seriously cancer bruh
Fuck I need to make a confession then. Found that shit pretty funny.
Bayonetta does it
If you think about it for a minute, maybe all games are unintendedly like that. What I mean is that the hobo phase coincides with the beginning of the game: devs probably consider it the easiest part of the game, but the scarcity of equipment and your own inexperience makes it actually feel like the toughest in retrospect.
I like playing sports games with friends, but secretly setting the sliders to zero. Its pretty funny watching them miss 12 layups, or have their runningback fumble on every handoff, and seeing them sperg out
You should play better games.
The only game I can think of that does anything like this is Devil May Cry 3's original western release, where "normal mode" was actually hard mode.
ctrl+f "valkyrie" to find this post
listen to this post
Crysis had it so that everyone has less HP on lower difficulties, including the Norks. The game was far less tedious and more enjoyable when I set it to Delta (max) difficulty.
I meant more fuck.
Kingdom Hearts did this. When you choose what time of day your adventure starts in the beginning of the game, it alters how much exp it takes to level up. The earliest (day/dawn) makes it really easy to level early in the game and harder at the end. The last one, twilight or dusk or something, makes early leveling really slow and late-game leveling much faster. Since the second one cuts off the required exp from the levels that need the highest amounts, the total exp to max level is much less than the first one.
I know Twisted Metal 2 did that as if you played on easy iand I believe the Volcano level after you face Minion and destroy him the game ends right there literally telling you if you want to continue on you had to play the game on Normal or a Harder level of Difficulty.
But I definitely missed those days and actually it did user for Castlevania 64. I think after the dungeon once you fought the Minotaur it makes you play the game on a harder difficulty.
Today's "journalists" would call that racist/sexist, if they played your game, which they never would because you're not in the SF indie circlejerk.
I've seen it posted here dozens of times, I think they're newfags trying to fit in.
Castlevania 64's easy mode only lets you play up to stage 5, then tells you to start over with higher difficulty.
Is she pointing toward the PS4 game catalogue?
In a lot of rhythm games, setting your speed lower will make the game seem easier because you have more time to react, but it actually makes it harder because you will very easily get overwhelmed and sequences with rapid button presses will look cramped and confusing.