Losing control?
What games are you looking forward to?
Losing control?
What games are you looking forward to?
Other urls found in this thread:
mario odyseey
Most of the games i was looking forward to this year already came out
Monster Hunter World
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
This yugioh games got me on a big nostalgia kick. Considering watching the yugioh anime in nipponese.
How goes user
Is that a game or shitposting?
Whats good in the hood monica
Lol that should be fun and cheesy as fuck.
I totally forgot about this one.
It hurts to live
Etrian Odyssey 5
Whichever AAA title has the next hilarious flop
Been up since 4 AM yesterday. Camped out at Best Buy for a few hours and got myself an SNES Classic. Then had to go to work afterwards.
Mario Odyssey, Fractured But Whole, Fire Emblem Warriors, other shit idk.
Life's good lads, life's good.
So it was pitch black when i was walking back to my room. Why the fuck was there a vaccume cleaner right in the middle of the hallway? Now im gonna have a bruise on my right arm and right knee. It hurts.
Sucks dude, but you missed the outrage.
pic related
sleep snug, smug
Calling mike pence.
Morning. Glad I'm done classes for the week. My HDD is finally going out so I have to post from my laptop for now. Going to take the drive in to get cloned this weekend. Need to get my coverage card from the school, too, so I can get some dental work done. Tooth has been killing me all week. For now I just bummed some of my brother's old pain meds and thye're working wonders. I also stole 4 more books from the college today
None, really. I was hyped for Fire Emblem Warriors but it turns out the roster is utter trash.
I'm legit pretty mad. I'm also mad because my onahole didn't come in yet. I wanted it to be here for the weekend.
morning everyone. magazine user here.
I'm not really looking forward to any games, since I only play old ones. I guess I'm looking forward to reading more about Lawbreakers going to shit. I want to see Cliffy B really grovel
It'll be less cheesy than the 4kids sadly. The censorship was kinda fun
Your name?
Why are you still up user
Fuck the environment
Because I wanna fucking die.
I got other people in the house.
Too bad i'm not a burger. Neither is he, and hey, at least i completely own him at this point, he can't fucking backstab me like cunts can.
Life's greaaaaaaaat, guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurl, yahoo i'm gayyyyyy
actually im not that of a fag. A fag, yes, megafag, nope.
I made tater tots just to enjoy for 4amgen niggas.
I don't really know about any games coming out that I'm excited for. i don't keep up anymore.
stop being gay. repent for your sins. go to church.
are you the literary sam hyde
what was your site again
Hows life magazine user
What games come on the snes?
And? Its your house!
A fag is a fag, you cant say you're only half.
You don't know what cloning a hard drive is? They basically do an exact copy of what's on it to a new drive, including installations and such.
No, its my dad's apartment.
Sorry about that. Isn't the VA terrible?
Famous anime movie, of course someone with taste like yours wouldn't notice it.
None, all new games are sjw pozz fests.
What little I've heard of the English voices is bad but they confirmed jap audio as an option a while back.
I made some pizzadilla weird pizza on top of quasadilla thing to munch on a bit ago. Its nice.
How goes user
What are you doing there
I watched that awful ghost in the shell live action movie while flying back from nippon. God that was horrible.
How goes user
I go to church regularly. They accept me there. Too bad, too bad
I never denied being a fag, i denied being a god damn cocksucking megafaggot poz lefty childrapist. Despite what people may say, not all fags are megafaggots. There's a distinction, im making.
I just want Hollywood to stop touching muh anime, especially ones from my favorite director.
I love watching AAA shit crash and burn, it's one of the few things I have left to look forward too.
The newest Shinkai movie. Blew up after it's release and became the highest grossing anime film ever made.
EarthBound, Secret of Mana, FF6, SMRPG, Star Fox, Star Fox 2, Yoshi's Island, Contra 3, other shit.
All plays pretty good so far.
There are the few jap games from atlus that are untouched.
Waiting for the collapse of society.
Maybe USUM will be fun to shitpost about being a full price paintjob, I guess.
There better be DKC2 or im gonna be angry.
I'm not really worried.
Ok good, but I heard this one tomboy grill who's supposed be a qt and shit but turned out to have a kiddy boyish preteen voice. It was weird.
I feel ya, especially if my least fav director JewJew is doing it.
I'm ok. Still watching random stuff to learn.
I can't think of any tomboy girls in Warriors. I would need a picture to know who you mean.
If its got male characters then I'll never hear about it
Not really interested in any of those sadly
How goes user
You should be. I'd rather burn every HD I own than let another person touch them
Learn what?
daggermag.com is the site. never been called that before but I am at Sam's right now working on a project
p. good ritsu. mag is selling pretty good and people seem to like it. getting really tired of explaining what it is over and over again to people that don't really use the internet much
be more mad, faggot. I pray to God, and I have men suck my dick all day. Life's gay as fuck, lighten up a bit.
it goes well user
smoking, drinking, chillin.
what kind of church?
please stop being so fucking gay it's not good for you
pics with him or it didn't happen
i don't fucking believe you
Whats the internet?
ur mum
The redheaded chick. Hinoka, I think?
Isnt jj an action movie director? How is he going to do what i assume to be a drama. why jj of all people? its gonna be pozzed to high heaven too
I can only hope
God does not smile down on that degenerate shit, user.
Well I ran out of tangible things to learn without it becoming endless repetition. So I switched to things like vid related for endless repetition.
So i installed some male and female npc replacers on my skyrim build, what do you think of them? They do make a little lag when loading town location, and a little too young in my opinion. Better than vanilla though.
I pretty much live one bad day away from suicide. I figure if I ever get arrested I'll go for the cop's gun and get shot.
Oh, I forgot she's in. She sounds like a boy in the game she's from. Haven't heard her english VA in Warriors.
lel, nigger, i was only pretending to be retarded. Thanks for amusing me for five minutes. We should do this again sometime.
Repent homo gayylord.
Nah, there really are. Fags tend to molest boys eventually, or get the craving to. Might as well kill yourself, fuck off at least
Uh yeah. He also ruined to famous scifi genres.
Nah, I'm content with the idea of suicide by cop. Failing that, I'll probably be dead pretty young from all the drugs and drinking I used to do.
I'm not sure I know any more. How's shakes with you?
I asked him to take a pic for the 4am thread and he said "0 interest in talking to neets" and went back to looking at pictures of beautiful naked women on his phone. believe it or not but I'm giving you guys the play by play
i'm sorry but who are you?
Then i guess im gonna have to deal with a bunch of gay shit in college
Also has anyone confirmed what version of Star Fox 2 is on ShitNES Classic?
He is ritsu. The user who has been making these threads for years now.
he's Mark
what if i told you i just ordered a print copy of dagger
would that grant me a timestamped picture of you and sam hyde
It's a romance, like almost every other Shinkai film.
I can't see any way in which it turns out being even half decent. Shinto is tied into the film's plot very heavily and there's also the scene where they commit an act of domestic terrorism to evacuate the town toward the end that I don't think would go over well with an American audience. It's Shinkai's least adaptable film, but it's the one that made the most money, hence the upcoming remake.
I just beat another longwinded RPG now I feel sad, what do?
JewJew makes all sorts bland homogenized shit for goyim. He's just been making trash scifi for the last 8 years.
Don't make some cop have to bare the burden of having killed you dumb ass.
I'm good. Still hooked to my yugioh game. Trying to find a show to download at the moment.
this tbh
You can bang women there instead of men you know user
Fucking hell. Why couldnt they stay away from anime. At this point ive stopped caring about reboots from american franchies, but atleast keep the anime pure. inb4 a jojo part 1 adaptation by JJ.
Are we being a little retarded so early in the morning, user?
so, what's your favourite movie?
Mine has to be Apollo 13, no niggers in sight, and just smart white men doing what they do best, solving problems. No diversity, no chinks even, and white people exploring space at it's finest. Also, based upon true events and extremely well acted and directed
No fucking thanks
Shrek was really good.
Alright, Turns out I'm getting autismbux, but I can't receive the money for two weeks because I don't have a savings account and I have to wait for the card to come in the mail that will give me access to the money.
Mind blown.
Is this vid you ristu/mark/idefk?
It's video games
No matter what I'll love the OT of Star Wars, I just have to pretend everything else doesn't exist.
I heard it was some orginal version, not a rom, but who knows
Sam doesn't want to take a picture man sorry. you'll see some stuff from the visit soon tho also send me an email at [email protected] about this thread and lemme know the name on the order. I'll sneak some MDE goodies into your order
Do you like Star Trek at all? I'm finding The Orville pretty comfy. I'm also spacing out the last few eps of New Game because I don't want it to be over
In another few months it'll be 2 years. Time is a depressing thing
Terminator 2. Arnold in his prime, super cheesy, lots of good action.
Are you at least looking for a nice christian girl?
Duuuude nice. How'd you do it
everyone knows cops don't have feelings
Im trying but this is cali so im not going to find anything.
user, that's ROB. Get your shit together and lurk more.
these are my top 5 favorite movies
I can't see your email. you in the #4amgeneral IRC room? or do you have steam or discord
Star Trek is commieshit
If its a nigger cop maybe
Are you the guy who was going to start going to churches?
Am I the only one here hoping Sonic Forces will good?
Has anyone definitively confirmed what version of Star Fox 2 is on ShitNES Classic?
Yeah. Im gonna go talk to the orthodox church next week.
if i dont find any good christian girls, i might as well think with my dick and date a nice tanned asian, because they are plentiful here
You truly live in a fantasy world, don't you?
trips for autism
Banging hot nip girls was one of the best things I've ever done, would recommend
i can see your email now nvm
yeah true. what kind of show are you looking for?
It's just the standard editor at daggermag email that's all over the site. I'm not on the IRC
Find another one to play or the sequel to whatever you finished if one was made
They want the Chinese audience
Some of my favorites:
Kiki's Delivery Service
The Raid + The Raid 2
In The Mouth Of Madness
I think they are phillipino, but i'll also look for a nip girl. Im staying far away from chinks and gooks though.
The chinks ruin everything just like the catholics
I beat all the sequels. I guess, I'll just replay it sometime.
right back at you
Nigger that's gross
Are you the guy who finished P3?
Some kind of light US comedy I can put on the background and not pay attention to maybe
Phillipinos can be cute some times.
Please respond.
Is that the one where the guy is being narrated to his death from an author writing a book? I want to watch that.
I regret not talking to this one really cute tanned asian i saw when going to garage sales. That moment is the most reget ive ever felt.
Actually being an autistic nervous wreck in real life, I guess.
Play SMT3, SJ, DDS or persona 1 and 2. If you finished all those, check out wizardry and might and magic.
Before I went full 2d I stopped giving a shit and hit on girls whenever. I made a fool of myself 99% of the time but who cares
Do you have a doctors diagnoses?
Oh fuck i hope i didnt break my knee cap or some shit. Fucking hurts.
Are those other SMT stuff?
Take an aspirin.
glad to see you listened to me about orthodox church
truman show and stranger than fiction are both great
Watchmen's great, go suck 17 dicks.
Stranger Than Fiction is really good. Will Ferrel really breaks his usual mode and does some great acting. Great movie.
Wizardry is what SMT's combat is based off of. Might and magic is more of a DND type combat until 4 when it becomes its own thing. Both are very good and are good games to play after SMT.
um ok I guess, I'll watch it.
Got 51 mods in Fallout 4 right now and I'm actually enjoying it.
I've never really played a game and modded it as I went before. It's so neat to play and think "man it would be cool if I could do this" and then just being able to search for a mod and add it. I played oblivion start to finish on the xbox 360 without loading a single mod and skyrim solely loading up a shitonne of mods to make it into a lewds simulator it wasn't even good at that and had fun but this is completely different. Shit man was this what I was missing out on having never really tried modding before? This is great.
Nothing on my mind at the moment. I don't really care for playing games as soon as they come out and actively avoid the hype train because I've always been disappointed.
You can't even spell it right, must be some movie to get you this excited that you have a seizure.
I was thinking about the lutheran church a while ago, but orthodox seems better.
Are you actually shizune?
I hope you paid for those mods…
nv is better
it's so good mate, it's this meta story except just excetued well and the ending god man it's just fantastic i love that movie watched it 30 times and it stays absolutely fantastic. I LOVE IT
I am conflicted
oh good
Cheers is comfy, the Dick Van Dyke Show (I'm old), Sanford & Son (actually funny), King of the Hill (obvious), Boy Meets World (Lame and surreal but good background noise because it gets really bizarre over time so you look up and suddenly its way different)
Obviously, it's directed by a hack based on a shitty comic written by a marxist pagan.
All church buildings are pozz fests. Just read the Bible. They will leaven you if you keep going.
They make you pay for mods now? wtf?
Did you invite them in?
I prefer frasier to cheers, and I've watched that and KotH into the ground sadly. These shows are too old anyway.
Not him, just saying to Shizu.
Creation club. Paid mods on steroids. Some shitty reskin mods can cost like 10 dollars. They also implimented it into skyrim SE.
How was your trip? I heard you went to nipland.
Why of course, Todd. I even paid for the base game itself.
They just talked to me in slav, very well mannered, too, and gave me a pamphlet.
They must have a nest somewhere around here, this is like the tenth time this year and it's always someone else.
I've been officially autistic since '98, but I've never been tested for anxiety to my knowledge at least. I don't remember the specifics but I think at one point my behavior was assessed by a professional to be sent to the department and my description was "spiced up" a bit for a better chance. Apparently it's perfectly legal to do that.
No one has answered the question, so for the last time:
What version of Star Fox 2 is on the SNES Classic?
Please no passive aggressive shit like
What religion?
Im pretty sure if i was tested i would rank high on the autism scale.
Someone here said it was basically the prototype version with some bug fixes.
Dude, I have no fucking idea.
I'll read the pamphlet in a bit.
Im betting a dollar on it being jehovas witness.
It was a blast. Bought 40 weebfigs, saw a bunch of neat shit, ate a ton of good food, banged a few nip girls at soaplands
Should have followed them.
I need to find a "professional" to help me like that too
Actually last time you asked if anyone had confirmed it not specifically which version it was
That is very likely.
Yeah, nah. What if I arrive at their nest full of big for you slavs and they make me sit through some ceremony.
Yeah, this:
Is a non-answer. Sorry to be a fag about this, but if no one knows for sure or can't point me to a source about this fine. But if you can't say for sure, then don't reply just to say nothing.
yeah I've basically given up on recent stuff. modern sitcoms are pure cancer, man
gotta go to sleep though. you guys have a happy day
What if your gift for joining the cult is 1 free loli
I dunno, slavs are some of the coolest people ive talked to online. My best friend was a russian. They are cool people.
Cya next time, post proof of sam
you get the email my dude?
No thanks. I like my women developed and legal.
I am aware, I have a full family of those.
But there's always black sheep everywhere.
Nice taste. cakes are god tier though
user would you really sell your soul for one loli? That's pathatic.
wtf am i going to do with a loli?
Was that the blowjob cafe I hear so much about? I really want to do that ever since I got a blowjob from under a desk back in highschool.
They would become that eventually. Its like buying fruit before its ripe.
First you actually have to have autism. Do you have autism? I mean, I know about the showershitter fiasco but it's possible that could just be genuine idiocy.
No, he went to soaplands.
And right on the money you were.
Pamphlet links to their website, too.
Then I actually know exactly where the nest is since I've been there before. I probably even know a handful of them.
Cakes and Aras are perfection.
But I want to still have teeth when the fruit is ripe.
Nah you take a bath with and then can do weird massages or just sex with them. The bj bar shit is kinda gross. Those girls literally suck 100 dicks a day and you are guaranteed to get an std from them.
Play video games
You are thinking of someone else
Stop drinking so much soda then
Oh, really? All this time I thought you were one in the same. Anyway, do you have autism?
He has autism, all right.
Just ask his folks. They were devastated when they found him in the shower that day.
that teacher gave me my older women fetish
Surprisingly I never had any teacher whom I had a crush on or anything, just kind of developed on its own.
Guess I was just always tired of girls my age around the time.
Don't let him fuck with you, newanon. He's hoping people forget about it already since most 4am goers left.
The showershitter shit was all from a guy name Huey, you tard.
Man, you never knew the trouble i had in 5th grade. I wasnt even aware of sex or anything but she was the most attractive person ive ever seen. i think she was slightly asian too. Also at the same time i had a girlfriend. That was fun.
In middle school this temporary teacher came in because our teacher had to leave. She was fresh out of college and really hot. Showed us her tramp stamp tattoo once. That was a good year. We just sat around in class doing nothing at all the entire time.
Disgusting. Tattoos, pericings, and dyed hair is so off putting.
Im going to bed. Night.
Do your homework first, user.
Huey was Ritsu's front so he could start avatarfagging.
Night, fag.
Why'd she do that? She was a thot wasn't she?
I had one 8th grade, she was real nice but I was kinda a dick back then.
Night dude.
Not when you are like 12
Cya next time user
bout that……..
Then why the fuck did they avatarfag at the same time?
She had literally just got out of college a month or so before getting hired I think. Didn't know how to be professional at all
How goes user
She should've at least know what teens are like and how horny they are.
If getting insomnia increasingly often due to not working is losing control, then yeah, I guess I am.
Picked up the new Guild Wars 2 expansion because I heard it actually has $30 worth of content, and hoo boy I've never had buyer's remorse set in so quickly.
At least my friends are active again so I guess that's something, they stopped playing FF14 long enough to share in my misery. I've played both and FF14 is way more polished and fun than this turd ever will be
"Huey" started the movement.
Ritsu came later. Come on user, that's 4am 101.
And soaplands is different? Prostitutes are prostitutes, man. Always filthy.
pretty good mayne lil tired sleep been fucked up. Usually like to get to sleep before noon but just can't do it right now. Everything is fucked if you wake up and it's dark out, for me anyway.
I saw some offbrand hostess cupcakes with
on them at the store today, I had to do a double take, I was like is that the fucking FF logo?
still ain't cop em do
sucking dick is literally the nicest thing one can do for thy neighbor
Maybe she liked that idea
Its your own fault user
I wake up at 11pm every night, its max comfy
So she wanted to fuck younger teens? Not even the later teens? wew
I didn't care about the showershitting thing because it;s disgusting but not the worst thing someone has done on the internet by far. If you're lying to me Ritsu, that's way worse.
As fun as it would be to usurp huey's one meme, I'm not lying
It's funny you quote the bible and """sheeple""" get all bent out of shape
He just can't admit to it. You'll have to live with being lied to, user.
You might as well own to it now. Anyone who really cared is long gone anyway.
Where do you think you are? The third temple is finished, the palace inbetween the seas is beginning, (((they))) have power over all the gold and silver of Egypt, and the only thing left is the trangression of desolation and a king to be named for the north.
I don't know who to believe so I won't bring it up anymore.
You will find the truth one day, user.
what do ids have to do with me sucking dick for christ's sake?
I'm drinking 4.5% ABV hard cider in the hopes that it'll relax me and help me sleep, but I don't think it's working like that.
I also just got done playing Pokken Tournament DX. That game can be bullshit, but I think I'm getting the hang of things.
Also, I've picked up Rhythm Heaven again in many years. I wonder how Rhythm Heaven Paradise is like?
Guess I'm pretty late. Not due to sleeping through it for once though.
Pretty much nothing at this point. I mostly play older games though anyhow. Do hope Last Recode turns out well though for those that have PS4s, and that Bamco doesn't butcher the western release.
Also, I need to know something:
Why is everyone treating Cuphead like it's such a great fucking game? It's just another generic platformer with it's biggest draw being its artstyle.
So what if some reviewer sucked at it?
Stay mad, nintendrone.
Well, what new and wonderful thing does it bring to the table? Just the aesthetics?
At least BioShock actually gave you something unique on top of its Art Deco style back ten years ago.
It's fun
There's no need to re-invent the wheel for fucking video games. If anything we ought to go back to its beginnings and focus on more fun gameplay rather than some stories about dykes running away from home.
Fuck off ritsu,stop making these shitty threads