since then it's been a book, you read in reverse
so you understand less as the pages turn
or a movie so crass, and awkwardly cast, that even I could be the star
since then it's been a book, you read in reverse
so you understand less as the pages turn
or a movie so crass, and awkwardly cast, that even I could be the star
Those were the kids who lives in dilapidated houses and were probably beaten/abused.
Mordin, with a license to kill (time).
Did some work, cooked some dynamite pork chops, went grocery shopping.
Been an alright day
Well if only that is the most embarrassing thing to happen recently, I think that's pretty good going
Don't tell me you just woke up..
sounds like one hell of an alright day. I love me some pork chops. what did you do to them?
Hey, you can go blow Cupcake's gay ass.
I've been up for a couple of hours, I tried to nap but I wasn't tired.
Not his literal ass, that's just weird.
fuji you lewd as heck. I do not remember this from you.
I don't really know anything about him.
He calls everything gay though.
T-That was me...
I got scolded because I accidentally slang'd a bunch of 5 year olds
you find you a girl offline to rape?
But you turned out okayish..
he likes to project because he's insanely gay.
I am home.
Rape? No.
But I've kissed this one like a whole bunch
And this other one showed me her pierced nips but she was too spaghetti to kiss me. It was adorable...
I'm pretty shy though too. Takes one or two drinks at the least.
Sorry for not replying
I just was watching Always Sunny with my little brother
Welcome home, honey. Guro wants to talk to you.
Did you kiss?
my brother is watching that with some of his friends in the living room. very loudly.
gay sex
Oh.. what did you say and what did they do?
Hows it been hanging Bubs?
Welcome home. Check your discord
You literally cannot stop think about dudes asses can you?
Something about playing games or whatever. I dunno.
Fucking love that show.
Put a rub on it, got a good hard sear in my cast iron then popped them in the oven.
I did.
I don't feel well so I'll have to pass on games.
so talented. there are also so many lewd innuendo jokes I could have made about the last two posts you made, but I took the high road. because you aren't gay.
I'm still just bitter that Cupcake wouldn't dress as Bo Peep when I was dressed as Buzz Lightyear.
you ever try a lot of people on there. Then there is a site that my ex likes to use a lot for people with or without fetishes:
smug cups is smug
Thank you, I appreciate the restraint.
I love cooking and am getting better all the time.
How else am I going to make a good housewife?
Pinned you more of a Mrs.Nezzbit.
Cupcake, I'll break your fingers.
I was Mexican Buzz Lightyear.
Let us refrain form such names.
That's just because of how amazing I am.
Plus I have a ton of wonderful people in my life to help me out when I struggle.
Even more gay than you are?
I just said some off hand comment in really QC French to the teacher and she turned into a bitch over it.
Ooh Kyle is here.
Lucky you.
I liked these posts.
you know it bea~
that's a good point. have you tried cooking naked apron style yet? that's pretty key to good housewifery.
oh my
haha, no of course not.
Think she still holds it against you?
Nah, we just laughed
The episode where they get analyzed by a therapist is so lulz
Go join them
How old is your brother anyways?
Oh yeah dude
So like my friends ex sorta came on to me while drunk af and we fucked
My friend is literally in love with this slut even though I know she has slept with 2 other people besides me
We are trying to convince my friend she isn't the one for him but since he lost his virginity to her and is kinda beta he claims he LOVES her
they sorta got together and are still constantly on and off
She's just using him for his money and his car (which she already crashed lol)
At a party this sat he got kinda mad at her and wanted to "talk" and she punched him like several times and gave him a black eye
To make shit worse his gf's friend tried to break it up and my beta friend got mad and punched him then he got his ass kicked
Talk about some pretty bad relationship problems
After all this he still loves her LMAO
23. and no. I don't know his friends. it's weird.
Sorry if that sounded cuntish :x
Coulda fooled me, you were hyping him up pretty well.
She's a crabby old lady, I miss my old one.
Don't break Boston's heart, Soto. Jeebus.
No, I haven't found an apron I liked enough to buy yet.
I have no interest of that kind in him
Good evening.
You seem far too excited to see me.
HAI SQUASHEMS!!!!!!! [excitement]~!!!!
please. no one is as gay as me.
fair enough. it's hard to find a good cute one.
No no, my bad. Just other things on my mind.
What brings you back here? Is it true what they say? You're here forever?
WAY too excited.
It's like you're trying to turn this into the Highlander and have some other degenerate here outgay you.
Old and angry explains it ^^'
How much longer are you gonna be working with her?
I'll remove you.
Sorry, sorry. x_x
she has a point.
Desu and Subtle have a perfectly normal, heterosexual relationship.
How will you ever find your life partner if nobody else can compete?
Nah, just felt like posting I suppose.
Wish doesn't exist anymore at least.
4 more weeks. It's only a 6 week thing and I'm starting my 3rd week now.
Still love this.
I am clearly meant to be alone.
Trying to get out of the carpool lane, eh?
Oh myyyyy
How was work?
I feel because I do not care for most people here your presence is an improvement, however really I was just running out of luluco images and that one was appropriate so I played to it.
Oh god. The seething sarcasm.
It hurts.
Do you love me?
oh right, duh.
She was a cutieunt. Well it's kind of refreshing to see you around here again. Do I just call you Emma, then?
Long and exhausting.
I'll find Allah and Muhammad and Zarathustra and make my way into heaven.
Or whatever Muslim heaven is called.
I'm mentally preparing for my long shift tomorrow. I will be in your boat soon :p
Thirsty little wench.
Don't make me text lascivious photos at you.
Nobody deserves to live like that, though.
Yeah, I suppose so.
Good luck, love.
seems to be what life has decided for me.
that's lovely to hear.
Is Zarathustra the name of the spaghetti monster?
It is ok to be alone, Cupcake.
I can be alone with you if you like.
Then you get your own class?
Darwin, go yell really loudly to the east.
Fight that decision.
Take them to court.
How is everything going for you?
God of Zoroastrianism.
I will not.
It won't be bad I don't think. Who knows. What I really want is a callback so I can afford stuff again.
Like Zoro Zoro?
Lewdo that is a good thing though
this picture cracks me up every time
eh. life has beaten me down for now and my heart is in too many pieces to fix at the moment. we'll see what the future holds, assuming I can't kill myself with alcohol.
I wanna embrace your iris
right back at you~
Darwin, screw your tiramisu.
But why?
A week off then 7 weeks of classes.
I always think things are going terribly, but they're actually going really well, it's nice for a change.
How about for you? Doing okay? :x
Yeah I woke up feeling really hyper too
How are you doing?
I have not gone to a restaurant that serves it.
Because lazy.
I happen to be an expert at jigsaw puzzles.
Tag me in, coach.
All the more reason for such things!
Have it delivered you fuck
I feel ya. I can't wait to sugar daddy again,.
Pass through it.
It's okay. I'm going on a dessert date with some chick to try it. I'll post my tiramisu at you.
What if I was~?
Now my whole day is ruined
naps do that to cuties
I'm about the same as always.
I appreciate the sentiment, but really, it's fine.
for lewd things? goodness. it's getting hot in here again.
I wanna pass through the doors of death
You do that?
B-be my Oedipus~
LOL EW WHAT Who said that?!
What what?
I will try preparing one eventually.
Ehh? Just don't get too drunk, save some for me, please.
For like 2 people.
Good, good....
I forget how things function
I usually wake up very annoyed and irritable. Maybe I should drink more often
I am a master at it.
I just can't help myself.
It has been months!
Well then...
Room for a third~?
Uh.. quite the opposite actually. Though it helps to look at the blue sky when I open my eyes in the morning.
Aki-lucky. It's always cloudy here.
Something going on?
Doesn't this song end with clothes ending up off?
It just takes so much time.
You play cups?!
Exciting :3
I have a cousin who started teaching recently, and a friend, both of them had really different experiences
But that's high-school teaching, maybe not relevant
yeah this is getting weird. who would even like incest. haha
you can have some if you drink it from my mouth
this got real sad real fast
I am a strong advocate for drinking more.
good point. seems like a good place to start~
no no, sorry. the picture is just funny.
True but that doesn't mean skipping the foreplay right? that'd be boring
Consider my hopes dashed..
I wish I wasn't so sleepy when I did it tho
I feel like I wasted it
At least it's not always the same.
No, thank you. I'm actually seeing someone, so...
hey hey, i play!!!!!
let's add each other!!!
A number of things on diffrent matters but, yeah.
Annual camwhoring post.
Pretty whorish
of course not. the foreplay is some of the most fun parts!
did you want to play with me? I'd probably suck. maybe I'll try it someday.
try mixing with red bull next time. vodka goes great with it.
and I was not being serious, pervo.
Ah, that's always shitty. I wish there was something I could do.
Hopefully everything will be all right.
Metal as fuck
I'm the pervo because of something you said?!
lol yeah wtf
that's weeeeeeeeeeeird
You should come back more often.
I have been told by numerous people that it will be.
afraid so. I don't make the rules, emma.
I'm here right now, aren't I?
Who does? I demand a recount!
I remember playing OSU.
they are set in stone and sealed with the blood of shitposters like us. they can't be altered.
You were not good at it.
Yeah but for how long!?
Osu! is hard
I was pretty damn good when I wasn't playing it in my fucking sleep.
Uh, it's actually "osu!", I forgive you though since you didn't know any better.
Oh yeah? Let me have a crack at them.
W-Wanna play together?
I have no idea.
I suppose I could try to show up more.
Has it been that many?
I dunno. I was just being a bully.
you want a crack at the rules? wow, lewd.
Well I mean, if you have been able to keep away then by all means don't feel like you need to. Though it has been refreshing.
I passed out that one time was all.
OSU is not something I still play though.
It was an energy drink already. i drank two of them really fast
Think it's true that the parents can be worse than the kids?
I need to practice a bit more!
Everyone starts that way :3
One of several times you passed out, yes.
well then just don't drink when you've been up for so long.
and then like you they stay that way, right?
How is that even lewd?!
I don't understand any of this.
Eh, I suppose the reason I left went away but I just never really felt like posting after that.
Who knows.
Yeah, I had to sit in for parent-teacher conferences and there are way too many helicopter parents.
Link me your profile.
welcome back.
Who knows, indeed.
yeah sure.
Truly it is most of the time though that doesn't take a thing away from the rest :^)
My user name is embarrassing.
the rest is also fun times~
everything about you is embarrassing.
Thanks gurl.
It was a pretty good concert. ^^
By the way, I'm looking at contacts in my phone that don't have names that have texted me before. Was one of them you? Because some have no previous messages and I got them at times I was doing something in my life that was big and can't recall.
who did you go see, kiss? ICP? I have no idea what your makeup is supposed to be.
It's not like I'd really be doing anything during my downtime.
Subtle says I should be careful with osu! because I'll end up hurting myself or something.
;3 :3 :3
You're so kind.
It's this one, right?
-Cupcake's dad, 2011
Was it just them or did they have an opener?
Man, I just wanna go to a show now.
Are your ears still ringing?
I've seen Kiss like 3 or 4 times lol
yeah I'm a real barrel of sugar
What were those numbers you gave me?
whoop whoop homie lmao wikked klown!!
I would but work gets in the way of everything
Very close.
Did you not save them this time?
So double the dosage of both!
oi erioo
yeah work is the worst
at the very least!
probably in my future, given my family history. so far so good.
I lost the paper with it.
Didn't mean to spoiler that one.
ah right right. I don't listen to them, but they have a nice sound. cool beans.
I stopped playing that game a long time ago. It became too much of a chore to get better but it was neat to see myself improve over time.
IF HE'S 23
I like how you think
Bout the same as before, howubeen?
I turned 27 on the 11th you tard.
I like how you like how I think. I wonder what else we both like
If I went on right now would you message me?
They keep telling me that too.
But I've done plenty of blood sugar tests and they're always fine. I think I have to worry more about having enough blood rather than worrying about sugar in my blood.
I'm a hopeless addict.
oh you're ancient
At least he is safe form Darwin and his unquenchable shota thirst.
Oh, and my ears aren't ringing, but my body was pretty sore for a while. Probably shouldn't have also stood up while working on the makeup for over an hour.
Yeah, people usually seem to like it. :3
How r u, "Social Parasite"?
Pretty good; went to a great concert and caught a $666 bill.
Soon what? Physical expression of our love?
No wonder you need a cane/wheelchair
well my dad didn't get it until he was in his late 30's I think? maybe even early 40's so I am not going to assume anything until I'm at least that old. and if I make it that far I'll probably actually kill myself for real
yup. disgustingly old.
which judging by your taste in darwin is exactly what you like.
Probably not because busy.
I did not.
I started playing No Man's Sky to put all my time in and forget about things. Sadly I have been really busy recently which has stopped me from zoning out.
still social
still a parasite
how are you FAGGOT
thats one of your many names
mein negar right here
You're not allowed to say or think things like that. It makes me feel bad :c
W H A T E L S E I S N E W ?
Ah, I heard a lot of people didn't like that game.
seriously? good grief.
That sounded selfish. Sorry.
Im sorry, I kinda feel bad now
I sorta realized I make fun of you more than I actually give you affection
you're being very unfair here, emma.
that is the ratio I like though.
It's not about the destination but the journey, right?
Yeah but those people are gay. I have found my own fun in the game.
Many things.
Sorry, it's in the rules.
You know, those giant blood things. Have you heard of them?
hey now.
That is a good point, he is lucky in that regard.
It is alright, just a shame you all will have ED before long.
Being old sucks.
see above
Its all just a big metaphor for life ;~:
I don't see that happening to me for a very very long time.
Don't worry sugar snuffles
you're still special to me
Makeup is fun though^^
How were your seats?
As long as you're having fun that's all that matters after all.
I guess a lot of people were expecting something different and didn't really give what they got a proper chance.
Oh? For instance?
I did this earlier and it feels kinda shitty.
Does yo momma know you dance like that?
Lucky you, I hope that statement holds up.
Don't worry, I will cure it for you.
You know youre going on the deep end when you havent eaten anything in almost 30 hrs and you decide to drink instead since a tiny amount is bound to get you shitfaced
I want to protect that smile of yours though
A smiling Buttercup is the best kind
None for you here fam ^W^
My weakness
It seems that way.
Pretty much.
I'm not feeling too well so I'm going to stop posting for however long. It was nice to talk to you again.
This is why you have a dwi, Soto. Have some self-control
I cannot say.
I will eat my fiber.
I say take guesses and we go from there!
lol Really? on the dot?
ok nah lets not
hey cup do you wanna play? no
prancing lala homo man
I don't do a lot of that these days
I know
Are the gays less prone to it?
Take care. It was a pleasure chatting with you.
See a couple posts ago.
It's a song that your two words reminded me of.
I haven't listened to this shit in like a year, it's so good.
Nah but yeah it's pretty bad
Im pretty sure my stomach is working overtime rn lmao
Why are you so sad?
Answer me seriously
What led to your setting your Steam name as that?
And I'm wonderful after the dosage of edgy metal.
Yeah, but I mean I should have sat down while applying it. :3
And it was general admission; I was pretty close. I have some pics on my phone.
See pic in
It came with a golden shower. Well, gold and silver confetti.
probably? no idea.
I prefer things to get right to the point instead of guessing~
usually people think of "all star"
because you aren't inside me.
Do not look at me like that. :c
Is there honestly a difference between Driving Under Influence and Driving While Intoxicated?
Did you mosh~?
Would go to a concert with/10
Wew lad, must have been messy getting all of it in your hair the confetti that is
but neither of us would instantly know what the other is also into?
The thought did briefly cross my mind but was quickly superseded.
that's what the pre fun time discussion would be for.
how horrible. you should do something about that obvious mental deficiency.
I unno just kinda feelin like it
did they play the new song lol
How did you know that
waking up at this time is pure torture
Which part is the mental deficiency?
I'd assume intoxicated has to do with alcohol specifically and perhaps to a certain degree but influence can be any drug.
Ghost isn't really a moshing kind of band, so no one was really doing that. They're more of a "let's all join together and praise Satan" kind of band.
I left it in for a while. .///.
I thought maybe someone called you that or something. Not sure where you got the term.
And yeah, it was the first thing they played~
because I have the key to your heart.
you'll be okay
the fact that any song could overtake the genius of modern musical talent that is "all star" in your head for even a moment.
They can still give you a DUI if you're high as shit and fail the physical tests
I didn't know about that tbh
Now Im mad at you
I don't have such a thing
What's hattenin
Seems legit though talking is a little more boring than just jumping the shark
How lewd, I like it was it all over your face too?
I know. because I have it.
Good morning, sleep okay?
Hell, even that was quickly replaced by the fucking Chainsmokers song.
Don't talk to me
absolutely disgusting.
good point. we should just go right into it.
half a sandwich with peanut butter and half a cup of coffee is my sandwich gotta go bye
its from that song on that album
w-wow i bet it was even better live .///.
did you cry
Sleep way too short.
See ya in 13 hours or something! *pat*
Sleep with me.
I don't like that I enjoy it so much either.
I won't be here.
Good boy
Emma do you like The Weeknd?
Is it too normie tier?
Hmm, have a good day/night then
bye bye cutie pie.
nor should you. feel ashamed this instant.
I'm getting wasted with sama and erio
you are invited
Oh shit the tc is still going on?
Perhaps once I have purchased some vodka of my own.
Well, yeah. Just wasn't sure if they're trying to convert the legal terminology to a catch-all or not. Never been busted for that shit so I have no idea.
Well that's probably the raddest thing I've heard all night tbh.
We had a TC?
Some was, but it mostly ran down my face and stuck to my arms and clothes.
I guess I forgot about that part. ^^
I didn't cry; that could risk making my makeup run~
It held up surprisingly well, though. Only the part on my lips got messed up, which is why I held the money over them in that second pic.
We're on Skype.
Their concerts feel like massive rituals; I think I told you this before. :3
Yeah, I like some of his songs.
I'm more 5SOS / P!atD / DNCE / Daya usually.
I refuse.
Ah this chick is so rad I literally can't even
Oh? why this reaction!
Messy af Erio
Its lemon tree
Depeche mode
Pink Floyd
nostalgia maximum
Very annoyed at work
What about you
You don't
After I get paid Friday I'll get wasted with you if I remember.
because you lewd
wow rude
There was one earlier but I was watching Re:Zero and Always Sunny with my little brother
He headed off to bed so im down to tc
Oh shit
Dude, Ive been becoming more of a normie lately
Like it's getting pretty bad dude
I can't stop, won't stop
Send help pls
We both know you love it
Iunno, I have to be up in like 8 hours to walk to work and there's probably not enough posters to make it happen anyway.
There's nothing wrong with that.
You can enjoy both with no issues.
I'm not rude
My friend told me that if one says they don't drink "anymore" rather than saying they don't drink at all they sound more attractive to chicks instead of a lame.
Listening to music. Do you like Anderson .Paak?
I can see that .//.
Never heard of it
I will. Its on.
No backing on it?
It all depends on if I have Saturday off. If I do we can get wasted.
not a chance that I don't love it
you're a rood dood
Doubling will be the nothing in comparison of real multiplication of how much then!
I have had a sort of balance between the two
Now Im kinda popular with the normie scene and I'm being called a normie by my weeaboo friends
Honestly its cause I havent been keeping up with seasonal anime and don't play OW
Or at least I think it's that
Oh damn dude
Go to bed
There hasn't been anything good anyways, so it was easy to stay up-to-date this season.
Anyways, the person I was waiting up for probably isn't going to wake up so I'm going to head off to bed. Later.
Get that day off.
I guess I'll have to do that then.
But if someone asks me what I used to drink the jig is up.
He a singer from California. Real smooth cat I found him shuffling through my library. Had a bunch of features on Dre's latest album
we're going to multiply? lewd
just tell em you use to drink the henny henny
What's the angle with Hennessy?
it burns like fire lmao idk
Fuck it
oh my
Until the Cups can't stand of course
c-crown royal is a nice one
I meant fuck it as if to say
That'll work
But uh that sounds expensive baby
Some nigger just came in with an attitude trying to use a word he probably just learned today and he was using it incorrectly lol
Did he finally make a new one?
I'm surprised that you don't know of it. But by the same time the LP was very underwhelming. So no soooo surprising
u irl
here comes the opinion train, woot woot.
I haven't really been keeping up with a lot of people
My laptop broke in near the end of winter so I have no idea what has been coming out
i wish i had the willpower to dedicate the rest of my life to baneposting
h-hi there master sama .///.
You're a big guy
Real quote there.
h-hi there slave-kun .///.
*who has been coming out.
I was making a joke.
Shit joke tbh
not my problem
Dude, why do people hate Lima beans?
They taste pretty good in a soup
that's what I'm hoping for at least~
he said my name >/ ///
Do NOT spoil that !
Did you know Chick Peas used to be called Garbanzo beans? They changed the name of them when people started being neo-hippies in the 2000's and gave them a cuter name so they could sell em for a dollar a can or even more because the name stuck and suddenly a worthless bean industry took off again.
and steamy
No fucking way
No wonder I could never find garbanzo beans
I used to boil green/fresh garbanzo beans with salt and sugar then strain em and add hot sauce, lime and salt to them in Guatemala
yeah good luck finding 'garbanzo beans' anymore, but you can find cheap white chick peas in cans for a dollar or less now.
Still, chick peas are really nice in a stir fry.
What I don't get is why wikipedia calls this dude Culpeper,
clearly they included his FUCKING SIGNATURE that says Culpepper, are they mad?
Fucking give the guy his props and don't shorten his name!
Garbanzo is way more fun to say
Okay, the guy has to live with signing his name on his papers with a single p.
But holy shit try reading this. it's only over 350 years old.
For days?
I was hoping weeks.
Latest episode of Steven Universe.
Steven meets Onion's summer friends; Squash, Garbanzo, Pinto, and Soup
Steven universe is fucking garbage
You're fucking garbage.
What do you watch, Naruto?
I'm gemderfluid
This is fine
Lewd af bae
WOW that is lewd.
Oh my gosh thats SO lewd >////
Proooooblem doll?
not at all
Some dude filtered me on /lewd/ cause I told him to kill himself
Good! glad there is none cause I was not stopping
You haven't seen me when I am lewd
new thread
new thread
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new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
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