Why is this company so stupid and backwards?
Nintendo banning YouTube livestreams
Watching some livestreams has sold me on some games I wasn't considering. And made me interested in some games i'd never consider. This is a big mistake.
It's ok when nintendo does it.
Because pewdiepie called someone a nigger on a livestream, and because there is a possibility of a chance of it happening during a stream of zelda or something just like swapnote they are trying to kill a problem before it happens.
Remember they make toys for children in their eyes. The children are just nearing 30 and dont work due to an anxiety disorder or something.
I know you are reading this david.
This is actually entirely valid. But why allow for vulgar LPers to make videos of Nintendo games in that case? This is still horribly ass-backwards.
Nintendo wants to control how people see their IPs. Funny how they're worried about the customer side of that, but let the dev side ruin the brand image no problem.
Considering youtube is fragmenting really bad right now, is this actually going to have any lasting effects?
Good, I am tired to see these good for nothings make a living out of this. Let them try and find a normal job like a honest person.
You think I'm baiting? Figure out where're heading in a direction where you are a wageslave who only has time to watch games, being played by some jew. Streaming needs to be socially shunted, it was better when this club wasn't open to whores.
Are we just going to ignore the nigger and sandnigger webms that OP posted? This is obviously a bait thread.
It’s not OK when Nintendo does it though
good, lets plays kill videogameing
How do you say "oy vey" in Nip?
Service Zangyou
But they've been so preogressive lately with all the DLC and mobile games plus paid online.
オイ ヴァエイ
So… If you have a Youtube account that's in the Nintendo Creator's program then you cannot do live streams. So why join Nintendo's shill network again to make money off of their IPs when you can stream indieshit and make more money instead?
Because flagging is automated because youtube's developers are more interested in UI modification than any actual work on the videosharing aspect of the videosharing website.
Why do you think blocking people on youtube still doesn't actually do anything besides preventing them from commenting on your videos?
Bonus, partners can still comment anyway, even if you block them
Don't enable streamers, user.
If you actually take the time to read their guidelines, the service only applies to videos on YouTube. Not to videos on other streaming sites meaning that Nintendo's program is actually encouraging users to use other sites to the detriment of Google. When you just take a step back and look at it for what it is, it's quite ironic.
I suggest you guys stop inciting a consolewar against Nintendo (the bastion of video games at this point) and stop posting or else I will be forced to get Mark to come on here and ban you all.
You didn't even try.
The shit Nintendo fans will say to justify their favorite company’s decisions
How did you get that from this:
If anything, I'm saying that Nintendo are incompetent on top of already being brainless about the situation.
Intention is irrelevant, the result is the same… Nintendo encourages streamers of their games to move to other services.
The e-mail in the article is referring to Nintendo Creator's Program partners. From what it reads if you live stream a game you're kicked from the program. If Nintendo is smart they would hoard all the monetization for streams of their games and leave the streams on. Otherwise blocking streams is shooting your foot off with a gatling shotgun.
I already shitlist LPers. I don't watch their garbage. Professional LPers already stream indieshit for money. This means those LPers won't stream Nintendo games and will continue to stream indieshit as they already have been doing.
Criticism is not consolewars Nintendrone thumbsucker. Nice bait.
It's *NEVER ok when Nintendo does it.
holy shit mods delete this
Livestreamers are camwhore faggots. Good for Nintendo.
Double dragon thread?
What was it?
It's ok when Nintendoes it*
who the fuck cares about people who use youtube? twitch is better anyways and sony wouldve probably done something similar soon anyways
Something doesn't connect here user.
I am fine with this, ruin all these attention whores, go Nintendo.
unlike Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are actually operated like a big business, so the know not to piss off ANY of their customers and the best way to do that is to keep your mouth shut.
Who the fuck watches livestreams?
Kids and oil barons with a lot of money.
Gay cowboys eating pudding.
everyone, user.
Shitendon't are out of touch and obnoxiously uncaring about it fucking retards.
Shut the fuck up, you insufferable lying shit.
Except the ones that like good games.
Fuck off, mate.
Based nips.
They must be a self hating NEET with poor cooperation skills
I wish sony and microsoft would follow suit as well. Streaming and lets players are cancer.
I'm lost, what's stopping a user from using an account not under the Nintendo Creator's program to stream Nintendo games?
Nothing but possible DMCA takedown. However people don't just shitpost on Youtube for fun anymore. They do it for shekels. So they have to have monetized videos now.
Not only nintendo does this but everyone.
You can't stream on youtube if you're in an affiliate or partner program (besides google).
These rules are from google and not from the devs
To avoid this people make a second channel and stream there.
wait what ?
Even surrounded by 'groids, the white man doesn't step in until the other porch monkey violates the 1 v 1 rule. Fucking class.
The Wii. It really, really cemented Nintendo's backwards-ass direction and made them double down on the stupid. They think they dictate their own market niche, and while casuals buy it up, it will be true. (that niche being approachable in every sense of the word, cheaper buy-in to their platform due to under-powered hardware driven by gimmicks, more cartoony family-friendly characters & marketing while only paying lip-service to mature fans, complete fucking watered down hand-holding gameplay, etc)
Kill yourselves.
Holy shit, wait till they start going after Twitch and the speedrunning "community".
Jontron really IS shit at debate. He should really gather his sources first and then slowly throw one and then the other at his opponent while keeping his discussion on rails and deflecting any ad homs and fallacies that are directed at him.
What, do you think having a job makes you a wageslave? A wageslave is one employed by a jew who keeps him always on the brink of starving, you goddamn idiot. I have my own business.
Fucking good.
Gaming livestreams are cancer.
Maybe they'll get off their asses and get a real job now? Streaming is fucking cancer. Don't make me post that crowbcat CSGO video.
why would they do that? People see those streams and that makes them want to buy those games. I mean I only downloaded cemu because of threads on Holla Forums.
because nintendo loves to assfuck its fans why else
He never claimed to be good at debate, and admitted to being bad at it in a video. He said it was one of the main reasons why he usually avoids talking about politics. Sage for e-celeb discussion.
Being good at debating is overrated unless you want to become a politician. Society today is all about kissing and licking ass. Everyone wants you to present your argument in friendly, non harmful ways. Fucking gay shit.
definitely no slippery slope here
Normalfags would rather watch games than play them. Big companies cater to normalfags now, so the easier it is to watch some faggot squee at a game, the less incentive there is to buy.
I used to, when I was a sad person, broken and defeated by life.
Now? Who the fuck has time for that shit.
You both should die in a fire.
I just want to watch ecelebs burn man
can someone explain the second webm?
Then go bomb Nintendo. Allowing Nintendo to raise lower the standard of jewery is a terrible idea. Just attack the source and you solve both problems.
Pick one and only one, fag.
What's the context behind the 3rd webm?
Good, livestreams are shit.