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Webm thread
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Is this a joke? This has to be a joke.
Isn't all anime like that
Oh fuck I forgot to spoiler that shit.
It is not normally this blatant
Why is Nintendo so hateful?
This brings me back to a happier time. Think old-school /f/ on 4chan
Can you upload more of dis
I knew it couldn't be good, but how can it be this bad ? You'd figure hollywood would go for the bland, safe shit, not the crazy bad shit.
You know it funny that they tried to make the nuPennywise creepy and it just comes off as lame where as the old Pennywise was just Tim Curry in clown makeup acting like Tim Curry and was unsettling as fuck.
How bad is it any way? Does it have the gangbang scene from the book?
It also doesn't have the giant spider or the Ritual of Chud. It's just a bunch of kids beating a mostly defenseless clown to death with iron pipes.
It doesn't even have the time skip, doesn't it.
Of course not. How else would have a sequel?
previous webm thread
Replacement rate can never be met if a country is constantly flooded with immigrants since the integer does not remain static thus it cannot be met. Additionally, the inhabitants of said nation are bombarded by anti-hetero anti-male propaganda and chemicals specifically designed to reduce fertility. I think it was either Poland or Hungary that had a baby boom after incentivizing native people to have children with tax credits, child care and such. Whites are in no way incapable of high birth rates until you introduce the things I've mentioned to deliberately lower birth rates. And of course the (((source))) of those things is obvious with even cursory research and the only conclusion is that an active ethnic replacement agenda is at play in practically every white country.
I could've lived my entire life without seeing that shit user.
Wait, he must be kidding right? People seriously assumed that link was going to be trans when that outfit got leaked? This is some next level retardation.
Jordan Peterson is very much a product of the postmodern condition he gets off on wrongly attributing to others. For as much as he preaches against postmodernism and relativism, he fails to see that it's he who is forming the very metanarratives that Lyotard and others were concerned with, particularly his stringing together movements and historical events and conflation of things he has no formal training in. He's guilty of bending the truth, to shoehorn his own overarching narratives into a mythological metanarrative, where he's currently attempting to break the fourth wall and become a hero himself. It's a bloated tragicomedy that involves frog culture and martyrdom.
His shtick all but comes with a wink and a nudge, where the boundaries between his sermons and the mythology of his personal life are breaking away. It's a very postmodern situation where irony is dripping from every facet of this man's existence. I don't even know if he knows he's in on his own joke. Either way, it's meta as fuck.
He has a very immature relation with philosophy, where he misinterprets Nietzsche while appropriating his ideas to preach against sjws, Marxists, Stalinists, communists, feminists, his colleagues, lawyers, and transgender peoples. He also uses Nietzsche to fortify the importance of Christianity. It's absurd. He removes Nietzsche from historical context and attempts to extend his philosophy into the twenty-first century. He treats the contextual conditions by which to examine Nietzsche's philosophy as shackles rather than variables that aided in its inception. Much like the Nazis he's against did (that's literal and not a figurative Nazi reference).
He invokes Dostoevsky, but being a scholar myself, I can attest that these invocations are nothing more than fashion statements to pad the importance of God in every day life through The Grand Inquisitor and vague iterations of "If God does not exist, everything is permitted". He's contributed nothing of value to Russian studies, and has nothing interesting to say about Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn, or Russian literature in general. Here he again attempt to reenact Dostoevsky's execution by firing squad by painting the Marxists and postmodernists as the Siberian prison guards. And his pronunciation of Russian names sucks.
If you want the good-good intro to Russians and Slavs, whether language, culture, or literature, I suggest Irwin Weil of Northwestern in Chicago who'll answer your emails and isn't indentured to Patreon donors!
If you like conspiracy theories, have a slightly antisemitic bent, or need a universal whipping boy to attribute your personal frustrations toward history and current events on… have we got scapegoat for you! Cultural Marxism is back and better than ever baby! Known in Petersonian parlance as neo-Marxists, feminists, transgender folks, liberals, philosophers, Canadian lawyers, human rights, lesbian social workers, baristas, PBS, Whinnie the Pooh, and others, cultural Marxists are Gramsci-worshiping libtards who don't respect freeze peaches. Of Grammatology is a book written in bloody Marxist code, that only Peterson can break like a second-rate Alan Turing. Like Zarathustra, he appears with the one true enough truth, only his cave is in internet tubes and not on a mountain.
His students are obsessed with understanding literature and philosophy as Peterson understands it, and not the mainstream interpretations of the works. For example, they commonly convene to interpret Das Kapital without reading the text itself, relying on a trained psychologist who I'm sure hasn't read the primary text. This sloppy scholarship is (surprise!) a magnet for frogs, Le Pen supporters, and people obsessed with the genitalia and bedroom antics of others.
Has he read a little James, Rorty, and the Communist Manifesto? Maybe. Has he read The History of Sexuality, Capital, or Simulacra and Simulation? I doubt it. For if he had, he'd know that the people he refers to as postmodern were very fearful of the same conditions that Peterson himself is fearful of. I think when all this outrage culture moves on, his pupils may either move on as well, or will be turned on by a Dostoevsky or Baudrillard to pursue their own studies and that's the best we can hope for.
Peterson is a sloppy teacher when he steps beyond the bounds of psychology.
Just kidding, it is.
I have my own problems with Peterson that I won't get into. This copypasta has some severe failings though.
1. Attributing a pathology is not a successful argument.
2. This idea that you must read the entirety of all works to criticize an obviously failed ideology is complete tripe. I don't have to be an electrician to know when a light bulb isn't working.
3. Denying the idea of a leftwing march through the institutions and the pervasive influence of marxist thought on the culture compared to the past is absolutely retarded. Cultural marxism obviously exists and is called such by many marxists themselves. The Frankfurt school was real, adorno and gramsci existed. This is just gaslighting because the proponents know that getting at the root of the systems of cultural control would lead to rejection.
5. A child could understand that Nietzsche was in no way against systemic ideas of morality, he believed that Christianity had failed and a new system needed to be put into place.
'Scholars', like the author of that post, should really think before posting. People in glass houses, etc.
Absolutely yes.
100% this.
Whites endure hardships to have families while minorities are rewarded via welfare.
I would argue that him attempting to rebuild some bizarre syncretic Christianity can at best only lead us to repeat the steps that have brought us to the now. His historical analyses are also incredibly weak as you point out. However, you reek of the typical Holla Forums communist apologist trying to make excuses for the failures of the left's ideologues. Baudrillard and the like might have recognized the problems inherent to postmodernism, but at the critical moment failed to produce anything that would stem the tide of half-rate academic con men and their disciples running wild with faulty interpretations and reckless lack of critical thought of their works that came in their wake.
Much of older movies' horror factor was how mundane everything looked. If you took away the few fantasy elements here and there, in the end you were just getting disturbed by an actor with a very specific and a bit off way of acting. And that was all you needed to be honest.
This is what I've been saying to people since the film came out. The guy playing Pennywise in the movie looks like a bad guy, he looks like a monstrous villain. He's super obvious. But in the miniseries, you had a dude in clown makeup in a storm drain with a deep accent being nice to a kid. Now that's terrifying.
Man, Kubrick's Shining was so fucking good. It's too bad King is too autistic to realize the only way his films ever really do well critically is when you dial back all of the insanity. He's like Kojima or Lucas in that way.
he good
>too bad King is too autistic to realize the only way his films ever really do well critically is when you dial back all of the insanity
you're the kind of fag that enabled the kikes to turn modern day hollywood into the cancer it is
What do you want me to say, user? It was the only word I could think up at the time. Is good more to your liking?
Well, would ya lookie there. One of them fancy word filters
That or good, which is to your liking, user?
holy fuck you have autism
was getting caught part of your plan?
Actually, I have colon cancer. But close enough.
That`s dobson btw, he sounds like tranny on hormones
Keep on going buddy. How many parts of it are there even? I remember the whole thing was like 20 minutes long.
Wow, I'm pretty impressed at how good the metal-against-teeth sound is.
Sorry for the jewtube embed. Im lazy. That is an edit though.
Japan really is the land of garbage.
Damn, impressive. What the hell game was being used for that?
What I got was that they were able to be closer to the book (but left out the actual disturbing scenes because gotta stay PC for the twats) but Tim Curry's original performance of Pennywise was what you'd expect from a clown performer and how he very much seemed like a really nice guy, which was what was unsettling.
damn, i was actually interested in this
I want the "anywhere is" webm now
Who has all three squilliam e3 webms?
Ahh, the sweet release. Thank you.
I wonder (((who))).
Show looks pretty interesting. Know where I could see the full episodes?
I started watching the show and its pretty great. Theres a Holla Forums thread you can track down that has all the episodes.
Alright, thanks man.
shit, this almost made me want to try this game.
how shit is it?
There are only three good movies based on Stephen King's books. Green Mile is okay but kinda weird.
This is an excellent edit. Superb.
So what is this? Japanese Wacky Races?
It's a nice film. Not great by any means and certainly not anything I was anticipating, but it's worth the time.
Get out.
Die before we get our hands on you or you’re going to wish the holocaust had happened.
Same with Haruhi, it seems.
But why are they on the podracing course?
There's some kind of anime project going on, though. I don't know what it is. It was announced some time back.
That's some top quality improv.
Absolutely spot on musical good taste user even though it's pretty degenerate
I hope you at least get paid for posting these every thread now
thanks i'll pass
TL;DR "Peterson is yet another pseudo intellectual and so am I"
Are you actually this intellectually retarded or just willfully stunted on the matter of epistemology and the anthropology of man?
Every human being operates off of a presupposition, the bedrock upon which their entire worldview is built. Absolutely no one is neutral because neutrality does not exist with regards to worldview; unless you're a corpse (or trying to be) you will have strong views on what should and should not be valued, including values themselves. These system of checks and balances is not just something you adopted as a child and carry throughout or else no one would change their mind. No, this is system is a patchwork, makeshift worldview which ultimately rests upon an "ultimate authority" i.e. the presupposition, what we pre-suppose to be evident and irreducible truth.
The Atheistic/Materialist presupposition is inescapably broken. Why? Because there is no ultimate authority except for "randomness".
What created the world? Randomness. Chance. What maintains things? Universal Laws (like the Laws of Physics) Where did these laws come from? Randomness. What reason do we exist? No "reason". We exist because we just so happened to have survived after our beginning materials just so happened to have be formed and randomly altered according to a shifting landscape. Randomness.
This is where the presupposition of the Atheist/Materialist breaks down. "Definition" loses its definition and application when "definition" becomes subjective. "Morality" and "Logic" are on the same level as "Definition" in this regard. Without the Laws of Physics we would have utter chaos, yet we do not. The Laws of Logic are also the same, since there is no such thing as "other/alternative logic" (that would be, by definition, not-logic i.e. "illogical") just as there is no such thing as "other/alternative sanity". There is one distinct defintion of sanity which remains the same regardless of the collective view. If all the world's men believed we could survive off of photosynthesis, that would not alter reality. Their mindset would still be defined as "insanity" and it would be proven by their starved corpses littering the ground.
So if sanity and logic are not dictated by the collective, if the distinct nature of "sanity" and "logic" cannot be as maliable as preference, then where did they come from? The Laws of Logic (which also define "rationality") are immaterial, or "not extended in space". They are perpetually consistent and exist regardless of man's majority view. They do not come from man.
I can go on, but to be short: Is it "rational" and "sane" to believe we can toss out the rule of Cause-and-Effect when it comes to the origin of the universe? That is, we willfully believe that Nothing spawned everything at no cause. Ex nihilo nihil fit: out of nothing, nothing comes. Nothing is literally No-Thing. It is "the absence of". Is it rational to believe absolute absence can itself spawn anything, let alone create this Big Bang of matter?
Hold out your hands. See that air between them? If you just kept your arms apart and kept close watch, how long do you think it'd be before that nothing between your hands spawned an apple? (Note: there's actually molecules and atoms in the empty space, it's not even the absolute vacuum of nothing that we're talking about).
As for the origin of logic and rationality, as well as morality, being outside of God rather than man, tell me when the last time we created a universal law. We label the laws of Physics and Logic just like we label the stars or our internal organs. We never invented them. How can I prove that? I did that earlier - if we invented them then they would be as malleable to our preference as we'd like them to be, but they aren't. We are beholden to a strict rule of logic, otherwise we stray from it and become irrational. We are either sane or…insane. We are either moral or immoral.
God created everything from nothing - being the divine originator and cause - and He created
Is this from a hentai game or something? Because I saw the Play Store/iTunes logos and honestly i'm kind of baffled if isn't. I mean, pretty sure that Google/Apple doesn't approve of that kind of content.
Because there was an in game event that had a giant racing them. This was a tv advertisement that got edited to be lewd.
It's not from a waifu game, it's a weeb Fate Gatcha game that doesn't really have porn in it.
It was a one time event in the Fate/Grand Order mobage that had a giant racing theme.
What's wrong with open back headphones? What kind of headphones did you try so far?
stopped watching there
Eggs for bart
Tiddies aren't enough to make up for your blatant shilling and webm bloat, user. By this point, our servers are probably filled to the brim with Boondocks, DSP, poorly played mario cart, and headphone reviews. Please stop.
I couldn't notice any difference from his opening and closing of the headphone holes.
this must be the same people that did dyE - fantasy
Anyone have that webm of user's wedding? I forgot to save it like a fucking moron
I disagree there, lewds justify a lot of things. Also not every headphone get's a positive review.
listen to the last few seconds, it basically goes from no bass at all, to too much bass.
Think Nintendo will let this slide?
So not only do you admit to shilling you also admit to being retarded.
I'm not sure what you're referring to.
The music is clearly inspired from SMW
First Bar is an exact bar from Athletic, and then every bar after that is mixing it up in slightly higher tones
it's not random lewds, it's the wallpaper used in the review, it's relevant.
my dick is about to be relevant to your ass
this may work when the tits are the core of the video, but this is just a pathetic excuse
(4), not a single webm posted.
(3), not a single webm posted.
(3), not a single webm posted.
How about you guys post some content before you complain?
Your "webms" can barely be labeled as "content"
Still couldn't tell any difference. I know the concept because I used to play drums but really those webms show fucking nothing.
user I've posted my own game videos because I want to entertain people, not shill my content
This seems like extreme shilling
I understand if you dislike his webms, but post some damn webms yourselves ya lazy faggots
Okay fella hhehe a webbum
That's cool of you and I appreciate you doing that, but I don't have the hardware to record nice videos so I have to use whatever I find on youtube. And from the looks of it, most other people do it that way too.
Thats the guy that did all the motion capture for Revolver Ocelot cosplaying as NuNoPersonality Ocelot.
Do you have the Offspring All I Want mash-up?
if this is what you're talking about, yes
do you guys think nintendo invented ragtime?
That's it! Thanks
Listen to the first part of this, then go back and listen to the music in that Cuphead WebM
It could be unintentional, but who knows
First ten seconds, to be more specific
As if that would stop them. I bet you think disney came up with cinderella all on there own to.
Should I be keking? What's the context?
Someone figured out he's a pedo
He is a rapist
Also why the fuck so many Minecraft e-celebs keep turning out to be pedophiles?
Sauce on artist?
You started watching movies in 2014 or what?
The "strong independent woman cop thats neither strong nor independent" is a staple of french media since the dawn of time.
Minecraft is a kids game so of course it attracts pedo's.
French cartoon called Lastman.
It's pretty goddamned awesome. There's a thread on Holla Forums with a link to all of the episodes.
The real answer: jewtuber says he dated 15 year old girl in a stream, life is ruined because now he is retroactively a pedophile
Why are most of the characters black
After looking it up a bit, apparently he was 18 at the time. If that's true, surely it's not that big a deal.
Extremely degenerate, but that's why it's fun.
It's an accurate representation of modern day France. What's wrong with that?
Who is that?
They aren't? Offhand, the only recurring black/dark characters I can think of are the two policemen and Richard's boxing partner Duke.
The Mackenzie brothers, the mob boss, Richard, Siri, Tomie, and Rizon are all white, or if not white then incredibly light. But any episode with a lot of focus on the police will have a larger proportion of black characters because the only two recurring policemen are black.
What game?
fucking good selection.
Such an amazing show. It almost makes me forget that anime is going to be utter shit for yet another decade until another one like it comes by.
Sonicomi I think
The only reason I know that song.
this looks solid, when did it come out cause ive never heard of it.
i like the series a lot, but i'm still waiting for another trigun.
please go away shill
You really should just skip the headphones stuff and post more anime girls. I've saved all of them so far.
yeah I would love to, the last few webms I created are just a excuse to post those girls. But I feel like I will get banned if I post those without any webms along them.
Your life must be suffering.
Now I am pretty satisfied with my life, but I wouldn't mind switching with him. The only drawback of being him is that he is ugly as fuck, but I would very gladly take his audio equipment.
I walk the maze of moments, but every where I turn to begins a new beginning, but never finds the finish.
And there I find another, it all seems so surprising. And then I find that I know:
Do you have the other war song webm I think he sings about napalm?
fuck off leftypol
Really gets the almonds activated.
good post, I would recommend everybody read the pre-socratics to understand that this is and old as fuck idea and a fundamental pillar in western philosophical thinking.
Getting some mileage out of their new style, I guess.
Do you have the other war song webm I think he sings about napalm?
What happened to the guy in the third webm?
hey, to each their own. You don't like them, others do like them. I for example don't like your Holla Forums tier webm's.
glad i didn't buy it, denuvo saved me some money
last headphone vid for now.
Space aids
Someone has to clean the shit from his ass.
Fuck outta here with your smart shit
Sounds pretty bad.
Ah ok, no hard feelings then
fuck off leftypol
Today. It's Made in Abyss.
Who the fuck gives a shit about headphones when it comes to bideo games?
when you're playing games similar to the one in the webms in that post of his, you very much do give a shit about headphones.
Can you feel it mr krabbs?
Nigger don't make me dig it out, but when I posted the first batch of my headphone vids people thanked me for them. One guy even said that he saved all of them. Headphones do matter when playing games, in fact, one of those webm's even show a gaming headset.
Headphones are for fags, I use my loud as fuck thonet vander speakers.
If you are talking about the ability to hear the source of sound in game I have that for something that I think equates to 5 dollardos.
A broad sound stage is really nice.
Be sure to only eat at McDonald's as well; you dont want the Agricultural Jew ripping you off, now do you?
There is a lot more to it then just clarity. Unreal Tournament is a lot more fun on headphones like the dt 1770 pro.
I've found $50 earbuds are vastly better than $300-500 headphones
Hell you can pick up dual driver earbuds for under $30 now, or 14mm fast reaction drivers for $20 through monoprice etc that beat $200 headphones now
are you talking about this?
earbuds are trash. nobass
Is the anime much different from the manga? I read GATE before watching the series and also read Youjo Senki before watching the anime and both of them had weird pacing and changed a lot of personality stuffs, especially Youjo Senki. Kinda ruined the anime for myself.
Spaghetti of this caliber shouldn't be dropped without approval from NATO.
i don't like earbuds because they're uncomfortable.
the bass on a lot of stereo equipment bothers me because it's too much.
i'm pretty happy with my slight amount of bass cheapo hd 201s.
i'm of the understanding that it's darker and slower paced. i cannot bring myself to read mangos.
Does "this" encompass all 7 of those paragraphs?
oh neat ill check it out
we are never getting cans without labels.
That's the one, thanks mate.
Honestly I love that song but I had no idea what it's name was until right now. I hope this will suffice as a thank you.
So, is a virus? mutants? people possessed with lovecraftian horrors? A hidden lineage of monsters passing as humans?
Its watch the series
The fucking french refuse to export it.
They only send their shitty indoctrination badly writen and draw cartoons about furries bullying eachother.
but hitler, it was posted twice in the thread already where you can get the entire show subbed
Holy shit, what's the source of the music in that first webm?
So never watched this but heard bits and pieces, the whole premise is that they go down a giant hole to get shit for industry but the deeper you go the more you get fucked up right? Is the weird monster with the fucked up mouth someone who mutated because of it or something?
Here you go.
I think it's from the end of Dr. Strangelove How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.
B-but, if user is marrying shinobu, then who are the 2 shinobus in the stands?!
It's something else.
Here is another from the same movie:
The song is Who Will Know from Shin Godzilla. The music for that movie is fucking incredible.
holy shit, i bench watched the entire series in 1 go, god what an emitional ride, thank you user for sharing these, this was truly a masterpiece
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Jordan Peterson. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Jordan’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Jordan Peterson truly ARE idiots-
The shit that fucks you up is "the curse of the abyss" going down is easy but just the act of ascending fucks your shit up the further down you go. At a certain point the curse gets so strong you "lose your humanity' which means either instantly dying or turning into something not so human. Furry and the slimeball are side-products from an experiment testing the curse on orphans.
why's that i wonder
There is no real topic to these threads that keeps everyone talking, it's just a place to watch webms and talk about whatever little thing comes up
because the autist that makes them is locked into a loop like a broken record.
This tread annoys me too.
got something to say smoothskin?