Why the fuck do T-spins exist? It's a meme mechanic that never fucking happens unless you set it up...

Why the fuck do T-spins exist? It's a meme mechanic that never fucking happens unless you set it up, and even then the reward is minimal. Not only that, but a square-shaped rotation like that is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE

Other faggotry

And what the fuck is up with garbage blocks, get good?

What is wrong with you?

nigga you got shit taste

Puyo Puyo is Tetris for for weebs and Puzzle League is Nintendo exclusive shit.

You are human garbage

I'd rather play Bust-A-Move against a medium-level AI and lose badly, than play PDP

I'm so sorry. When did you come out?

What are you trying to accomplish?



Maybe you are the problem user

What's wrong with you?

I feel like you deserve to be banned for that statement.

Git gud.
Puzzle game thread? Post your Puyo VS usernames.

Calling things a meme is a meme

While we're on topic, what's the best, lightest version of tetris? No wacky shit on the sides, just a window with tetris

Tetris DX for the GBC or any of the hundreds of open source clones.

I remember there being an official custom .scm map for Starcraft 1 called Firing Line, that replicated Tetris in the game's engine, somehow. You shot marines to kill them to act as inputs, and it would transform the "blocks"

Maybe this wasn't the right thread to ask this. II guess I'll try to make a proper thread about Puyo VS once I'm done making a copypasta.


whats the problem? set it up

Texmaster if you like the TGM style of play