"Midnight Bread" edition
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>Beginner's guide >>>/agdg/29080
"Midnight Bread" edition
>Wiki >8agdg.wikidot.com
>Beginner's guide >>>/agdg/29080
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I gonna release the next alpha 30th september
then one version for the demoday
then one final for the 30th of october
Then Everyday Lite will be polished enough to represent me for the next 2 or so years i will spend developing the fullgame
Are 8ch demodays different from halfchans?
How do you acquire discipline to code your game
Carry your notes/spec with you everywhere you go, so if you have some downtime you can fit in some coding. If you have empty time with no upcoming deadlines, find somewhere you can concentrate and just get in your groove.
Same idea, but they're separate.
If you have the time but struggle to have the willpower to do anything, then I'll give you a weird suggestion by telling you to try less hard and work less.
Complete either 1 task/addition or program for 1 hour every other day. Even if you complete your task in 5 minutes, you can consider yourself done for the day and play vidya for the rest if you want or continue dev if you want. When the clock hits 10pm or something, stop doing any more work even if you want to. If you can keep that up, increase the amount you work or maybe change it to every day minus Sunday or something.
It may seem like you're wasting huge amounts of time, but ask yourself if it's better to keep struggling forever, or if you should spend a slow year or two to build a consistent discipline so you can learn to work on your stuff more. There's a good chance you'll end up doing more work anyway even with a seemingly pointless schedule, just because you're making yourself dev consistently. The feeling that you don't need to work anymore may also be a huge motivator and actually make you work more, I think that's why many people feel more energized and motivated late in the evening/night.
Also if you fail to complete or accomplish something or things just don't go very well, just remember that you're going to dev again in a while anyway and will keep doing it regularly so it doesn't matter. That'll help you feel less depressed and demotivated about it.
thus, I never joined because I am not a part of their community. The discord channel seems to not care where you're from (if you want to join that fever dream of a discussion at all or want to join a botnet) but their demo day is theirs, ours is ours. Slower, with less participants but I HOPE that with more involvement and fruitful discussion by all of the posters.
just do something, no matter how small, make progress. and try to unlearn falling back on the so called "flow" because there's a million things that can break it
really blurry resized magic wands
I'm really happy with how this came out.
The light blue sprite that comes from the gun seems a little out of place because it's a different hue, but other than that looks good.
Pic is things I'd try. 1=original, 2=adjusted gun particle hue, 3=added additional particles that tie the blues together, 4=adjusted projectile colors
Lemme try removing the +SHADOW flag from the trail effect.
Fucking colorblindness. Thank you though, does this look better, and have a sound for the weapon firing.
hello world
do people here care about graphics; as in high quality fluid animations
What, you have colorblindness? Wouldn't be able to tell by looking at the game.
I mean the gun and the circle particles are kind of purple, while the spiky particles are blue/cyan, which looks weird to me.
It does look better in the new webm though.
Wow rude game
Wow, so this is the pinnacle of independent game development…
You know you don't need that, right?
No, this is.
your just jelly of my incredible gamedev skillz
nah, you need it.
What does this consist of?
Just everybody posts their demos to the board and see who plays them?
small progress
nice progress
sharing progress
To be fair, there is a clause in the C99 standard that states that main has an implicit return value of 0, but I'd still call you a pajeet for defining a function with a return type and not explicitly returning from it. Also I don't know if the same holds in C++ or ANSI C.
Depends on your compiler you nincompoops. And Main won't work without a return, but if you don't add it most compilers will automatically add it during compilation.
It doesn't cost anything to be polite.
Shit coding standards fam
Can i make facial animations by just using textures?
Yes, but you must be highly stylized. See footage of Mega Man Legends.
yeah that's what i'm aiming for.
Do i have to have all the parts on one file/image or can it be multiple files?
I use blender
Would play, I love the Doom/Hexen influence.
Now THAT'S procrastinating!
And actually this sounds like exactly what you're aiming for if I get your correctly:
I have nothing to show…yet.
it's a pain in the long run
it's easy enough if you just want it for the mouth, like have the mouth as a separate texture
but what happens if you want multiple parts of the face to each be animated, and they have to work on their own? you'd need to make multiple textures for everything
blendshapes tend to work better
Thats how i plan to do in my game
I'm not well-versed on the concept, I just encountered videos on it while trying to learn blender. I'm sure things vary by what engine you're using. Here's a tutorial which covers the concept in Blender using one image for the eyes and one image for the mouth.
The way I would do it: separately create textures for separate facial features BUT keep all the frames for each within one texture.
I'd change the offset of the texture by an incrementat to animate.
Post results, I'm curious how this end's up.
I'm not at the texturing phase yet, still making the model itself
never ever
My movement code currently results in movement vector A. This is undesirable, since it makes the character "fall" off of steep slopes instead of walking down them. How can I make it do B?
How about adding weight/gravitational pull sensitivity to characters while they are on stairs?
God I wasted a lot of time on this shit.
Look up vector projection.
Oops. Too much fog.
You did well, user.
might as well go full poz and use endl if you're going to use cout. It flushes the stream for you.
Nice work on the light and all, but stupid question how did you get the rope physics to work naturally? I made a system where the Player gets treated like a physics object, and they have a grappling hook, but the rope physics end up only half working (i.e. it works fine until you get to the lowest point in the swing, then all momentum is lost). I'm using UE4 blueprints.
It's just a rigged mesh pipe with a few subdivisions. The rest is handled by inverse kinematics.
I don't know UE4, but generally speaking rope physics is one of the easiest and visually effective physics simulations you can code.
For example, Fox's tail, Peach's dress, and Marth's cape are all animated using rope physics in Super Smash Bros. Melee.
Really old but:
if dubs i post convo with pretentious cuck faggot leftist nigger fat SJW frog antifa jew nodev
do it annyway
21:15 - me: there's a network helper21:30 - him: sou areeveloing a 3D shit now ?21:32 - me: yes21:32 - him: can i see ur shit dude ?21:32 - him: sendme theexe21:32 - him: so that we can test ur shit together21:32 - him: since it is multiplayer21:33 - me: i can't, the testing team is full, sorry21:34 - him: relly ?21:34 - him: how did u find testing guys ?21:34 - me: it takes time, and talking to people21:34 - him: where ?21:34 - him: did u post an annoucement on steam or smehing ?21:34 - me: in real life21:35 - him: ah21:36 - me: i signed up for a game design course21:36 - him: oh yeah ?21:36 - him: where ?21:36 - me: but those cost money21:36 - me: well, in my city21:36 - him: oh yeah21:36 - him: ?21:36 - him: andhat did u learn ?21:37 - him: it was usefll ? or full of bullshit ?21:37 - me: well, a bit of both21:37 - him: yeeah21:37 - him: i dotn want to go in that workshops shits21:37 - me: i see21:38 - him: i a mtoo clever for that kind of shit
So I've made a nice little platformer project in Godot, but I'm having a hard time coming up with any decent mechanics. Platformers in general test a player in speed, precision, level navigation, and so on. Sometimes even puzzle solving. It's all about interacting with the level, on two axes, that hasn't really changed since Super Mario Brothers.
Basically, can I get some discussion on what people think are good platformers or just the genre in general? I'm hoping that it might give me some interesting ideas. I also realize that it's silly to work on a genre of game that I have no ideas for, but who knows, it might lead to something cool.
Is this guy retarded?
This shit is almost as bad as People Who Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word For No Reason. I hope to god that this guy isn't a native english speaker. I don't expect perfect sentences in irc or anything but this is ridiculous.
he's french and added me from a gamemaker post on steam gm forums
I think I lost a few braincells just from reading that shit.
If you want an excellent platformer with nontraditional movement mechanics, try Umihara Kawase.
How Can Progress Be Real When Our Games Aren't Real
I'm I gunna be the only one who checks the OP?
Now THIS is cancer
Shit game
I've definitely heard of this game before, but I've never played it. I'll try it out, thanks.
At least that makes more sense than the original quote.
Well isn't it the usual sprites vs. 3d model argument again?
You'll take forever to make them fluid, unless you want to make a specific set of animations that are two or three frames long each, but the end result will be easily portable
You just need to set up the end points of the animation but it may come out comical if not handled with care
How do you define "platformer"? What makes it different from, say, The Lost Vikings or Metroid, which are also "move character on a 2D plane with the ability to jump and move around platforms that make-up the level"?
I think if you explore what defines a platformer, in your mind, that will give you the boundary of the domain, at which point you can start looking for unique or novel ways to remix in other game types/goals or finding places the genre hasn't gone before.
Platformer + puzzle? Lost Vikings, Krusty's Fun House, etc (whereas something like Lemmings would be more pure puzzle without direct control of an avatar)
Platformer + exploration and power up collection? Metroidvania
Platformer + creative remixing? Mario Maker
Platformer with light RPG elements? Zelda II (the overworld map moves you between levels almost as transparently as SMB3 does)
Platformer with bad controls, bland action, poor graphics and a bad Hollywood license usage? Alien 3
Now let me tell you gay fags what I just fucking did.
First of all, I finally understood how AABB swept works, which isn't much.
I learned a bit of batch scripting, which, while extremely helpful, is also trivial.
But then, but fucking then. I made fucking mingw run from a pendrive. "Boo fucking hoo" you might think, you autistic fuck, but listen. I made mingwSIXTYFUCKINGFOUR run from a pendrive WITH SDL2 64 AND a couple libraries ON WINDOWS.
TIME FOR MY FUCKING PONG TO COME TO LIFE. If I don't try to install a library that'll fuck SDL again, that is.
Whelp, I should have figured I'd need to dive into definitions and semantics to get some ideas. I think I'll make a design doc and play some "platformers", that should be a good start.
That cheered my shitty evening up a little.
>If I don't try to install a library that'll fuck SDL again, that is.
Enjoy your house of cards while it lasts, user.
i keep fucking up the model, i've spent 29 hours on two models and they both turned out shit how do i GIT GUD
What are you trying to model? I can probably help.
i was trying to make a chibi
Needs more polygons, turn on smooth shading
Anyone know what game servers do in the case of dropped packets if the player count is huge? For a steam of updates it prob doesn't matter, but what if something like dies? It only dies once, that packet gets dropped, client never knows. I get the feeling saving the packet until it passes (kicking the client out after x amount of failures) would cause issues.
First you need to have a good understanding of the 3D shape of everything involved. Look up lots of reference images on google and get a very clear idea of how everything is shaped before you even start to model.
And don't listen to this guy
I'm working on the next frame group for walking animations. I wish I knew how to use ZBrush, I'd make a 3D model and just screen cap the fucker. My computer probably can't run it though so meh. Spent a couple of hours on these feet, this pose is retardedly difficult for me to grasp but I gotta do it. Can't wait 'til I get to deal with running animations!
- RPGdev, Unreal Gold
p.s. Is it weird that I'm using a controller and a draw pad for drawing? The controller can have shortcuts bound to it and sometimes pressing the stylus to the pad fucks up where a pixel should be placed due to lack of steady hands, so I use a trigger for left mouse input.
Here you go fam, feel free to study this
Holy Christ
I used to wonder why anyone would ever do this.
Explain yourself.
what the fuck
I keep my taskbar on the right because on a widescreen screen it takes up less screen real-estate. A taskbar on the bottom needs hiding in order to not take that much of my screen, but on the sides it doesn't really matter.
This doesn't even make any sense
My explanations are going to just piss you guys off anyways, so here is a Deathclaw in armor.
I like how it looks. Don't sweat my #swag.
Might change it to some Matrix inspired scheme soon though.
My resolution sometimes would hide windows behind it (older programs that couldn't be resized, such as the Fallout Tactics Sprite Editor). Besides, doesn't matter where it is at when you are using shortcut keys to jump around anyways. Sometimes it does, but if I have to I can always winkey+R for running stuff.
Again, I like how it looks. Might change it to some low res Matrix style shit soon though, we'll see. Also I'm using a 32" LCD as a screen and sit kinda far away from it, plus if my resolution is too high my computer starts acting like a huge piece of shit (this computer really sucks, need a new one asap). Also it makes my icons larger which is a plus for me. Fun fact: I'm in 16-bit as well.
well sheeeiiit, thinking of abandoning or reworking project. was going to be low poly chibi shit set in a wasteland post apocalyptic world and it was going to be ironic cute.
the open wold survival game was going to be lol the game is a barren wasteland because that is intentional lol right guys like 5 levels of fucking irony.
but back on topic the head really needs to be fucking huge for the "chibi"" look roughly 1/3 of the bodies height should be head, Minimum. your model is not going to deform well on the shoulders as is so adding in a few edge loops or disconnecting the arms from the body, morowind style, would do wonders for your "look" once you start to leave the T pose. if your are thinking of drawing on the face i suggest you look at (the reason for tonight's drinking)
also i got to say starting texturing at 128/256 sized textures really broke the ice for me. as far as getting into the uv space and shit. i'm really starting to think that a lot of modern games are only possible because the developers started on the fundamentally simpler hardware systems of yesteryear. (also ironically the downfall of the industry as new highers are brought up away from hardware restrictions and limitations)
i mean shit if i have to rework my models my animations have to be redone and my code is such a fucking mess, i mean shit i thought i could assign different colliders to the same game object and not have it shit its pants. now iv'e been working under the assumption that my character IS my in game model and ive been attaching scripts to that. now if i ever want to lets say swap the nude player model with some fuck with pants on i have to, kill my player and recreate a new one? i mean shit. don't even get me started on all the tutorials that have you switch weapons by making inactive weapons invisible in your hand. the unity advice site that fills google with sites b4 the fucking god dam documentation is just like yahoo answers is a bunch of idiots fallowing other fucking retards.
it's not that hard of a concept, which of these takes more space?
That doesn't mean anything if your side task bar is three times as wide as a bottom task bar is tall.
Sage for off topic.
yeah, but only madmen like 1ac105 actually do that. I was just explaning why I do it, regularly putting the taskbar on the side doesn't affect it's girth, only length.
I made my pistol better
breddy smart goy tbh :—–DDD
Broke everything, moved movement interpolation code from Actor into a new object type, and then reverted it, changing said object into a new TickTimer class.
That pic is actually kinda clever and I like it.
This is starting to feel comfy
That work environment looks frigging rad!
user, are you working on a secret something I might like just as much as the Unreal project?
well i got around to fixing that issue with the height
now when you're changing terrain height, it lerps between the current height speed and the next height speed
so going up you're progressively going slower, going down you're going faster
and i'm too lazy to do anything more than this
maybe tomorrow i'll get around to other minor features
I think my diagonals are too narrow. Should I make them the full size of the square?
Well, if it was Wasted but good I'd play the hell out of that.
Putting your game on the wiki as active.
What's happening with the taffer dude?
Are there any 3D game engines that aren't bloated pieces of shit? I'm not interested in making lots of shitty little practice programs, I'm interested in making an RTT game, so I'm hoping to find a decent engine, start learning my way around it and getting basic functionality, then improving it as I become better at programming. Basically taking "Premature optimization is the root of all evil." to its logical extreme.
It doesn't need to have loads of bells and whistles, just be a functional 3D game engine so I don't need to reinvent the wheel making my own. It needs to be relatively efficient as I fucking loathe shitty bloated Unity games and would rather neck myself than be responsible for another one.
To be fair, monitors are retardedly wide these days.
Neat, I have an idea
I've been saying for years we need a lightweight game engine.
Nice color scheme.
Oh shit is it time for DEV ENVIRONMENTS
Define lightweight though.
Would be cool to have an engine where you can replace most things with another piece and pick which features you want. For example you could choose between a simplistic and advanced rendering system, so if you just want simple 3D graphics you can pick a simpler renderer, or even make your own component instead of loading any of the premade ones.
I'd like to make something like that myself and make it FOSS, but my abilities in 3D and physics are very limited.
No joke, I had a late 50's friend ask me to "speed up his laptop". W10, desktop looked like that, I shoved all his loose junk in a folder.
(the problem ended up being an unrelated search indexer service on W10 that is known for hitting 100% disk read/write)
Fuck it. Why not.
user why would you do this to yourself.
that was basically what I was going for. An engine where you start off with no inbuilt systems and just plug in what you need built entirely around simplicity. I don't like how cluttered and bloated both Unity and Unreal can be.
Get the fuck out.
I should uninstall skype, honestly. I don't use the shitty program anymore. I use the Twitch streamer thing to pipe it through media player classic to watch a few folks, Discord is used to keep in touch with fellow doom modder people, one of them posts here too and is a cool motherfucker.
Firefox is a piece of crap, but it's better than Chrome and internet explorer.
How the fuck did I not reply to that guy >13492111
Alright. I need to go to bed. Goodnight people.
Sorry, I didn't mean to discriminate against Dillo users.
I've taken the liberty of cropping out things of lesser memetic importance.
I'm slowly de-googlifying myself. Trying to change browsing habits and switch to EPB.
Okay I'm back fuck it, I use gimp for actual image editing, I thought Krita was for painting and shit.
They both serve different purposes.
You can do both in Krita.
text tool
Krita has a text tool last time I checked, my issue with it is that it still sometimes likes to crash.
Krita's text tool is the worst feature any art program has ever had. To be fair they're currently working on replacing it, but still.
you got me
here have this too. I smoothed out the animations when you lower/raise the sword for attacks. I've also started work on the HUD for this guy. It's a little on the xbox huge side but as long as the player can see their cool weapons doing cool things, I think it'll be fine.
Thank you
Look into github.com
how far can i get with no programming knowledge when it comes to 3d platformers?
Something like mario 64 but a tad bit more faster, like Sonic Utopia
whenever i tried programming i copy paste code and i cant comprehend how it actually werks
I'm still around, just don't have anything noteworthy to show.
by copy paste i mean following a guide and typing it out myself
Is that a ventilation shaft or a conveyor belt shaft?
I don't have anything relevant to say, but i know how important is a (you) when starting a new project
You can learn a bit through that I did but you'll be best off if you read a good compsci book like SICP for your foundation, then go through The C Programming Language for muh C. I also recommend reading about x86 protected mode assembly as well: even though you probably won't ever write assembly directly, knowing what your code is being compiled into is very important for optimization (I recommend pacman128.github.io
Aside from that, read the source code of famously well-designed programs and stuff like id Tech engines or suckless programs. Always remember that you're designing programs for actual machines too, not some magical "it runs everything" device: if you understand the hardware architecture your game targets, developing good vidya for it will be much easier.
You could always take a pre-existing game and mod it to get a feel for what you want before grabbing an engine.
Is it bad that I prefer paint.net? I'm not really an artist, but it gets the job done well enough for simple textures for mods.
pic related
You people are fucking scum
I have on a rasp pi, although now it just collects dust as a seedbox.
You know what's really important?
I wish. No that engine is a travesty and I would hate to have to do anything with it. The sprite editor crashes if you just loop animations on it, I don't want to get any closer to the game than I have to. I just use it to rip sprites, such as Deatchclaw sprites. I needed reference for the legs and posture.
Well I guess this finalizes my character design because I can't invalidate your hard work
that is a rendered 3d sprite
why u no go 3d and render out your sprite sheets from there? i know its a new skill to learn but it is so much easier. once you get it set up. aw shit i need to animate the walk the other way? redo the whole fucking thing?,fip it? no just rotate the camera 180 and re-render. need equipmet added? just add in new 3d armor models straped to the armature and re-render forward backwards left right up down turn into new camera angels rather than total reworks of your animations.
Now user can't stop.
Good work.
Know of any good programs? I still want to maintain this 2D look but being able to at least make a template to trace would make this shit way easier from certain angles.
Shit, meant to post an example video of what my sprites should be doing by the end. Honestly I'm going for some sort of PS1 looking sprite based game, sans Unreal Gold for how it looks. Also I love the lighting for Uengine1.
blender is free and just kinda works people will fight you over whether 3ds max or maya is better but blender is free and works.
the camera angles are just moving a camera object and setting the rotation. so you would have to figure it out but it shouldn't be to hard.
why u so obsessed with using sprites in a 3d game?
playtesting more, if i don't find any problems i will be releasing the 1.0 tomorrow
What was your initial thoughts on this one, user? Did your basic platformer originally lean more SMB style, Sonic, or other?
…and the community shits on you for it. FFS. Honestly though, that color scheme makes me want to pull my eyes out, but at least I know that's a subjective opinion.
Depends. What's the "game feel" like? Does it "feel" cramped while playing? Is that an intentional desire of design on your part, to induce that feeling in the player, or was it an unhappy accident?
Krita > GIMP every day of the week and twice on Sundays. I always wanted to like GIMP, too.
The size of the UI elements aren't bad, but having them overlaid like that is. If they were even the same size, but on some sort of dedicated "bar" at the bottom that took up, say, the bottom sixth of the screen or so, that'd be way more natural. Or keep them "floaty" style, but move them more to the side or upper corners. Fucking excited for your project, specifically.
Krita > Paint.NET > GIMP > Photoshop because FUCK ADOBE.
…did you just Rule34 an AGDG project, during development? We're hitting degeneracy levels that shouldn't even be possible! j/k gj
Looks good, user.
Newgrounds though?
My basic platformer is definitely leaning towards a SMB style, focusing on vertical movement and jumps. I've also been playing the game that recommended and I have to say it's pretty dope. The movement is slow and deliberate, and the player doesn't have very many options to move except for a small jump. It feels very restrictive, and it really gets good when you start to learn all the ways to use the grappling mechanic. It's nice to play a platformer that doesn't follow the general "run, jump, double jump, dash" formula (most if not all metroidvanias).
I think the last one was made by Einstein
characters hair looks too saturated imo
As someone who's new to sound design - would anyone be able to provide a short step-by-step breakdown as to what I've got to do to take a recording of my own voice, and apply the same effects as the enemies in the first F.E.A.R.?
A couple of reasons. It makes it easier for crap machines to run the mod, I've never seen anyone make a game remotely similar to how Xenogears plays (or rather does the whole 2D sprites, 3D world thing), and making/importing models into Unreal is kind of a bitch from what I hear.
Newgrounds represent, I love how their portal system is set up. It is how YouTube should be imo.
lol The very first post that showed my desktop was me, the other two posts defending the task bar on their desktop wasn't. Also I don't get everyone's problem with my color scheme, it makes shit way easier to notice and I see it as some sort of psuedo-Blade Runner/cyberpunk thing.
Also before anyone says anything, my mod will NEVER have a color scheme like my desktop.
1. Add noise
2. Crank the gain out the fucking anus
3. Scoop the mids
Maybe do compression somewhere inbetween one of those steps.
its looking good. all of you are doing great. keep it up.
especially you. i fucking love old RPGs and old engines.
Can't quite figure out how to make the ladders "pop"
Any ideas?
Thank you!
not sure what pop means to you
Desaturate the background or give them an outline
I feel like it's too busy visually where they go past the foreground tile
Yeah, basically this, but I can't really desaturate them because I'm using a limited palette
Go into EQ's and put everything to ~12 dB.
Do this again. (in audacity just use ctrl+r)
High pass filter with a cutoff of 1000 Hz and a rolloff of of 6 dB.
Do this two more times.
Repeat everything above again.
For the noise get a sample of TV static/dirty record and slow it down, then pitch it down if you need to, and reduce/increase the volume until it sounds about right. I think that should get you close enough to the noise in sound clips. It doesn't sound like straight white/pink/blue/brown noise. Play around until you get something you like. You don't have to add the noise after you apply the other effects, you could do it before.
Or just get walkie talkies and record your voice coming out of it.
Give them an outline of a strong color like red or blue
Is this Loss, or am I looking too hard?
Well they need to be centerish of the screen like this so if some reason, the player plays at a REALLY small resolution, nothing gets cut off from the screen. But I might at least add something on the sides so it seems more natural, like you said. I'll look into it.
Also have a webm of me starting on this guy's subweapons, unlike the other heroes, he'll have two consistent subweapons: A bomb and a life draining dagger. Subweapon pickups will instead power up and alter the effects of the subweapons for a few shots before going back to normal.
Obviously you won't be able to spam them like you can in the webm currently, there'll be a short cooldown between throws
You're just thinking too hard
Nice, looking forward to brilliance from you.
Welcome to the endless problem of thinking for yourself: you either defend your choices to the hive mind or quit interacting with it. If it works for you, mate, fuck the haters.
Yeah, but the player hands are covered up in the current setup no matter what the resolution is.
Nice. Honestly, spamming them wouldn't be an issue if they did minimal enough damage, and could be a fun play-style. Death by a thousand paper-cuts.
Are there any good socket libraries that work with Unity? I can't find any, and it's pissing me off. I've been working on an online game.
Actually the hands aren't covered when you're using guns, when are centered, I mean sure you don't fully see the hand that flashes out when tossing subweapons or when you hold the sword, but the guns will all be centered
I'm enforcing a cooldown on the bombs and daggers seeing as the daggers will grant a small health boost on hit, probably like 5-6 HP.
What's the in-game explanation of this? Just curious. Are they like…vampire daggers?
It's going to be a spin on Doom 4's Siphon Grenades. Except I'm going to force the player to actually aim with it, seeing as in Doom 4 you could throw siphon grenades carelessly, hit the floor/wall, and still get heals because of the massive drain bubble.
How come there's literally no animation studies done for any of the 3D Mario games?
I'm having trouble getting my animations to blend well with each other and that information would be really useful
Some texture mapping progress to start the weekend off.
I haven't been here for a while. Is this Sigma 4 and knuckles?
Nah. And don't draw Sigma dev's ire onto me, I don't want to be clubbed to death with a C book.
This is really tough. I want to make an online game but setting up matchmaking and a website alone sound like they'll be a massive pain.
I know it isn't what you're looking for, but here is video of an animation viewer.
make it pe2pe
That's actually pretty useful.
Might just get a bunch of footage and study it myself though
I need an authoritative server, though
Just don't make it online.
Even in the off chance that you do actually complete it, which I doubt you will since you'll take ages to figure out how to get it working online, there's never gonna be enough people playing it at the same time to actually make it work.
It's gonna be dead on arrival.
It happens to literally every single online indie game.
Then make it hosted on an user computer, like lan but online
But then the user could cheat
Name one online remote-server-hosted game where someone HAS NEVER been able to cheat
get a guy on Holla Forums to host the server for you and your 5 closest friends for a week b4 everyone gets bored.
Is this a thread for illiterate modders? I thought it was for game development
if you want to make a multiplayer game setting up a website is something that your hire out. if you are able to make a product that is not shit then you can higher out shit but if you end up making the level of content typically produced by single man teams then yea a few anons on a server run for anons is kinda the level we are at. and if it works and your p2p connections are the only fucking drawback then fuck ill put money down to help a fellow user get some fucking servers running. but at the end of the day.
I'm sorry that you keep getting compared to me, I think its because I haven't been posting that much lately because of stuff I've had to do not failing math class which i was like 2-3 weeks behind on for a while but it's good now, and then everyone thinks that BSP = Sigmadev because I wrote all of this shit about BSP engines for over a year.
You can tell it's not me because you're actually making progress, and also you don't have true 3d
What language is that implemented in user? You aren't using a bad language, are you?
At times, I spend hours writing those kinds of page long rants, even when I know it will get deleted tomorrow, at least the ones about the metric system are immortalized.
New screenshot so you know it's me.
Hey I might get something done tonight
I'm having an existential crisis
I'm attempting to make the Slayer's HUD a little nicer
Made the tiles a little nicer
God damn it.
I still don't know how distortion shaders work
No bullying Lua. I'm pretty sure it was some of your BSP links that I dug out of the thread archives too.
Can someone hurry up and make a good game already? Fuck.
Something along the lines of PULSAR or Barotrauma, comfy games made by Holla Forums.
Reporting back with the FEAR Replica soldier mockup.
I'm happy.
fucking amazing
thanks, user!
Only critique I have is the noise should start and stop just barely before and after the talking starts and stops.
Other than that it sounds excellent.
you might want to play with a Half-Life-like system for more speech options, although I am not sure how the quality of that might end up
it sounds like you also recorded yourself breathing.
i dont know if thats actually the case or just the noise you used for the effect.
otherwise it seems spot on.
It's just the static. I rerecorded twice because I kept puffing into the mic like a tard
That actually sounds pretty fun. But I don't know, I'd rather record 200 lines instead of sacrificing quality.
I made progress, despite Unity's best efforts
I am trying to make the Slayer's HUD good looking
That looks like an incoherent mix between Strife and Hexen.
The connections to the edge and trying to get it more central looks really strange. Like the little tumor on the Life box. Being as high as it is, it's trying to get as close to the middle of the screen as possible to get in the way.
The bomb and sword are far too bright and cheerful for the otherwise subdued look, and it also looks like a tumor jutting out to get in the way. I think it'd be even more noticeable if you weren't playing in widescreen.
General alignment and proportions of things seem a bit off, too.
Most HUDs in these sorts of games tend to look like borders around the viewport, so they don't actually feel like they're part of it, or are just individual small elements floating around with transparent or absent backgrounds. By leaving those gaps in there and those chains, it gives the impression that the whole window is supposed to be the viewport, and you got big blocks shoved in your face.
Compare looking out your room's window versus having a border taped to your glasses.
Incidentially, the reason why most games of the era had very blocky HUDs spanning a solid row on the bottom or somewhere else is because it effectively reduces the render resolution. So a partially-blocky HUD like this feels a bit like mixels/rixels to me - aping restrictions without understanding them.
Honestly, just going for the solid row on the bottom probably works best as long as the z-axis doesn't matter too much for your game, which I'd assume for a DOOM mod.
I cannot put the HUD elements in the corner of the screen, for they will be cut off if the player uses a smaller resolution. And the point of this guy is to have his HUD be a little bit of heretic, Hexen, and Doom. Though I can easily subdue the dagger and bomb icons easily.
Though I think I'll toss all of this out and try again from scratch.
Well like I said to that other guy, I wanted this character's HUD to be based around a traditional DOOM HUD, so I grabbed the elements from those, but honestly they're too fucking chunky for me to use. So I'm gonna shitcan this and come back with something different, have a better HUD in the mean time
Why do you make your hud so fat ? Don't you have a design a bit more subtle ?
See the posts above. Wanted to use parts of the original Doom Status bar and try to make it into something that isn't a complete status bar, and that shit just doesn't work. Trashing this and I'll be coming back later with something that isn't awful.
Your own design looks better than the borrowed doom hud. Maybe you could try to give it a bit of a Castlevania feel to it.
Possibly. Someone has offered to take a crack at it, so I'm going to let them try, though I still want numerical readouts for shit like health, armor, and ammo. Along with those dagger and bomb icons, I'll see what he has to offer me later, and if that fails. I'll probably start poking around at Castlevania HUDs, seeing as that's what I did for Blaz's HUD, that and jacking some stuff from Ghouls n Ghosts.
Got texture Y scaling done and added the ability to set whether a top wall's texture is pinned at the top or bottom so that doors raising will look right. Need to fix created wall splits texture clipping and some texture jiggling but feels almost there.
If you want something more blocky I think you should go the whole hog and fill the bottom completely. Right now the blocks are much more distracting than your previous HUD.
No dice, I actually hate how the regular status bar in Doom covers your weapon up, there's a reason why I put a gap in the middle of my attempt. Like I said, I'm shitcanning this awful HUD and I'll be coming back later after I unfuck this.
Melee Weapons in and working nicely
Wow this looks like an actual game
Have you given any thought to how you're gonna handle the movement for the general public? Apparently a lot of people get motion sick if they use a joystick to move in VR
I've been testing Speebot from start to finish the entire week. Here are my highscores. The "best time" you see in the screenshot is basically the time of a segmented speedrun. The actual playtime was about 5 times longer…
Looking back I can see now how ambitious this project was. I'll probably never do this many levels for a game again.
Time to make a new trailer.
That's some fucking dedication
Yeah, I'll include teleport locomotion, as an option in the menu I have. But I'm designing the game around the movement style I like because not many games use it. And I like it.
You should look into how RE7 fixed the motion sickness problem, apparently after a lot of research they realised that if you restrict the FOV of the player while they're moving people don't get as sick.
I think that came from one of the researches that Valve did in VR, although I might be wrong
so are you emotionally prepared to have your game banned in the uk?
Nice. Are you planning on taking a break after the release or moving straight onto another project?
Going to start working on the new game immediately. I've been enduring the temptation for about half a year now.
Help? I'm sure there's a smarter way to do this
I really hope that no one gets bored enough to go through the code of my game. They'd have a bloody aneurysm.
It works the way I want it to and it runs well enough so I'll live with it.
Sure but you can always learn by having to do something, seems like a waste to just make this in the simplest way I can think of
There's always a smarter way for everything, but you'll never be able to come up with the most smart way for anything.
Tell us what you need to do in practice so maybe it's easier to help.
Nah you're right, it's really not worth spending time on, I'll just make it simple
Count total A presses.
Okay does anyone have a meme text I can turn into a longer replica clip? I trashed my last project and I need to make a chain for Audacity so I can do it quicker next time.
If I'm gonna make another, might as well make it worthwhile for everyone involved.
i guess a simple int wont do for that :^)
Read the Navy Seal copypasta.
Oh god, now that there is a challenge.
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the real deal.
Making this felt like I was violating something sacred
im so fucking sorry
Navy Seal copypasta is wip
pretty good user
Fucking around with movement made me realize why people use velocity instead of hard movement
Next step:
-Learn fucking timing so it will run better
-Get recording software that doesn't make my computer look like a potato
-Get more bassrape techno songs
Why not stdbool.h?
Autism. I like to use as little libraries as possible.
It's literally a fucking header with a typedef and a bunch of compiler magic in it. Though, that also makes it not much different from what you're doing.
I know, I'm just retarded and I confuse the names for some reason.
Exactly. If you can do it, autistically do it, if you can't, just import it like a little bitch and hope no one sees it.
Is it software rendered or are you using some kind of acceleration library?
I'm just glad you aren't using python
Although, I don't know how anyone can stand to write code without explicit types. I got mad at C89 because:void point(uint32_t *fb,const uint16_t x,const uint16_t y,const uint32_t color){ //will crash if you try and pick dimensions outside the framebuffer fb[(y * W_WIDTH) + x] = color;}Doesn't work. You have to use "int" which isn't a guaranteed 32-bit number so I don't know if it's good enough for one RGBA pixel! It's like they want me to go straight to non-standard compiler extension land. I know most compilers will use a 32 bit int but I just don't like it.
Hey it's writeanon back again, here with a new chapter summary:
'Thigro has found a solution to the problem at hand and organizes a meeting with Thurstan near one of Felins port. There he reveals that the board has agreed to use Thurstan to carry out a series of assassinations against each member of the Hybrid government. What they plan to do afterwards however, Thigro cannot say. He tells Thurstan that they must severe communications with each other until the entire débâcle is over and the Hybrid government is no more. Some time after parting ways, Thurstan sets his eyes on his first target, a female hybrid he once cherished in his heart.'
Why is there no fantasy writing that uses normal names
Call your guys Bill and John
Here's a screenshot of my horribly outnumbered party going against a zombie horde in my modification of Prophecy of Pendor.
I don't know what that is.
Looks fine, man, diggin those sprites!
I went ahead and used your model to test textures, it werks pretty well so would you mind if i used it for the full model? if you want you can give me a name i can credit you for.
As for the eyes i'd appreciate feedback
Uploading the files for the first time for the first actually online test, let's see if still works well
Fucking hell. At least split walls have properly offset textures and fixed the frustum cropping texture bugs. Messing about with texture density too, so sorry for the eye-cancer-funhouse look.
Pretty cute! The highlight on the right eye moves though.
oh fug i didn't notice, thanks
Alpha 1.0 Release!
my nigga
I dig it
I tried making a 2D Design but i'm not a drawfag so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i used the template posted
made a tiny change
the hoodie was a tad bit too short
SFML or Monogame?
You could get hired at atlus
Just gotta make her a Mary Sue now.
there won't be any dialogue in the game its a 3d plattformer and she's the player
but user, how will you attract the weebs?
She doesn't need dialogue to be a Mary Sue, she just needs to have powers of arbitrary plot-advancement.
i'm not trying to attract anyone, i'm just trying to learn how to make shit, kind of a learning experience
Jumping and running and thats about it
I prefer SFML over Monogame.
Congrats, are you after any specific feedback or just general thoughts? More signs when?
Fucking dropped.
i was considering making the final boss a jewish rat
Anything, likes and dislikes
Most gameplay mechanics are done and working.
Tilesets have been chosen and are working.
I guess it's time to make the first actual map and start populating that shit.
Well done, user.
imo the main screen is too small and the white area is distracting
SFML >>>>>>> Monogame
What's wrong with XNA? :^)
The game is largely text based, the map exists exclusively for movement and to trigger events
Okay good news: I've unfucked the life and armor elements, bad news I have yet to unfuck the ammo side.
Depends on your familiarity with C++
If you already know C++ use SFML, if you're starting use MonoGame and take advantage of things like monogame extended to load TMX mapfiles for you or do animations.
With SFML you will end up coding more engine-y things yourself than monogame. MonoGame's rendering is also more abstracted from OpenGL/DirectX than SFML which lets you make calls straight to OpenGL functions.
t. someone using SFML who also used monogame
Fucking this, I tried convince a retard that making a good interface was something that actually required a lot of work and attention and this guy was not fucking catching on
Serves me right for talking to someone that studies
Admittedly I could solve some of my problems if I just opt out of keeping track of the Slayer's 4 ammo types, but… I want the player to be able to track those. So fuck me, right?
SFML isn't a game engine, you're better off using a real game engine.
Don't even fucking think of it
God himself couldn't stop me from making this game, but I'm still terrified that it's gonna release with more memory leaks and spaghetti code than the ocean has seaweed.
What's the problem?
A lot of times just asking for some help with basic logic here helped me figure out how to program something
Just call the GC before and after each frame and you'll have almost no bad memory footprint!
I'm inclined to agree with
If you gave both a simple/decorative border and pulled the side in a bit to give the screen a more regular aspect ratio, it would look a lot better.
What I want right now is for the character on the right to travel towards the enemy, play a little animation, return to his original spot, then go to the next turn. While the animation is playing, I also want that button to be disabled.
My problems so far are that I don't know how to get him to move backwards after the animation plays, I have an idea on how to disable the button but I'm not sure on the details, and I need the game to let the animation play out in full before switching back to the main overworld. I have a variable called turnActive which does things based on whether the value is 1 or 0, but I think I'm placing it in the wrong spots and I'm not sure if it should use two or three values.
Actually now that I've written all this out, I'm wondering if I could solve most or all of my problems with a simple timer.
Anybody got a list of Quake Arena announcer quotes?
You mean like pic related?
The problem if I do that is that I then have half the screen dedicated to something that just doesn't need that amount of space at all.
More like this
I'll see what I can do
What's a good lightweight c compiler? is it heresy if I want to use Notepad ++ to write code?
Because you got trips I'm gonna be nice, but your computer is in some desperate need of chemotherapy
what engine are you using?
I got trips, but that's not my PC
Windows 10 is a pretty great os, if you don't count the spyware stuff.
I'm thoroughly satisfied with it but thank you for your great insight.
Oh I didn't imply giving up. But I might have to make some compromises to have shit work.
This is cancer. Instead of doing a GC pass every frame you fix the memory leak…
Also, if you have to allocate resources every frame, you're definitely doing it wrong, this is why say C++ vectors waste so much memory, because they realloc a lot of space to avoid being slow. But if you have a legit use for constantly resizing buffers that isn't just "man I cant be arsed to allocate this array right the first time, so i'll import a giant dynamic resizing object"
This is a reminder that you're using a GC because you don't care about leaking memory. If you want to worry about leaks, use another language.
Sorry, next time I'll use more :^) faces so you know I'm just kidding
I remade the Shinobu model I used for the wedding so I can start my next project. I learned a lot about topology and anatomy from the first model so I made sure to make it much better this time around.
Is this the honeymoon?
Nah. I don't really know yet but I'd like something like a Steam VR Home except she is always there and fully interactive character. Kind of like a hub with her in it and you can just do whatever. Would probably work better with augmented reality.
Messing around with different tilesets. Not sure how I want to handle some things.
For example, I pretty much want to have an outline on my things to make it really stand out, but because of the "inner corner" problem, I would need like 48 variants per image. So my solution was to draw the outline frame on a separate layer, which works, but means there's no way to guarantee a particular shape will occur (eg full square, versus unusual edges)
Draw all tiles 1.05x as thick the same color first, then draw the normal colors. It will give a glow effect and should work with any shape including characters.
The fact that can't tell when someone is making an obvious joke, and then spergs out about it, shows he's fresh from reddit. For his convenience, please add /s, kappa, and :^) afterwards to cover your bases.
a) use signals
b) export variables and animate its value
c) animate functions, that is right motherfucker you can call functions from animations
here, use this! fresh off the presses
so you can also do stuff like handholding and headpats ?
I made a new trailer for Speebot. It's shorter and more varied than the Greenlight one a few months ago.
Ika always recommends Pelles C, which looked okay when I checked it out. I'm not a C programmer though.
HolyC != C
Did you not see the wedding? He already has that functionality.
Can we get a "Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?"
That or maybe a DOOR STUCK
Hey dudes,
I'm not sure if I'll be available to download the full thread mirror for archiving everytime it gets to page 13.
This is why I prepared this tutorial on mirroring /agdg/ threads.
I would very much appreciate if some of you downloaded the page content from time to time and posted it on the wiki, especially if it includes content that interests you. Multiple users conducting archival is considered good practice and I don't want to be the sole holder of arcane histories of these threads.
I tried to do DOOR STUCK but unfortunately I can't do it justice.
Since the thread is bump locked a blogpost won't do much harm.
I'm in a weird situation. Until recently I had very little free time to work on my game or other ideas and even if I had time I sometimes had chosen to abstain from doing any creative work on my own because it was lowering my resolve when working on stuff I was doing as part of my duties, especially recently when I was close to a deadline.
Now I have a lot of free time but I feel kinda afraid to do anything, not tired or fed up just afraid of something. I didn't want to lose the momentum I gained during doing what I was doing before so I'm staying active by helping my family with various stuff, cleaning my home and organizing my computer but soon I'll run out of trash, dirty dishes and useless files to take care and I'd rather keep doing something productive than fall back into slacking off until I'm again forced by circumstances to get my shit together.
Should I just sit down and make something and try to break this barrier or something else?
D-do you want to be friends
Breaking down your game into individual jobs has helped me a lot in being productive. It's easy to slack off when you just go to "work on your game" because it's such a massive abstract thing. But if each feature and mechanic and enemy and item and addition is it's own thing, you now have something much more concrete to start and complete every day.
I have a todo list with more or less everything I need, I pick a couple things from it that I should do next and put them to the top, and every time I dev I pick one of them to do. If the feature is too big or abstract I just break it into smaller steps before I add any of it to the top.
I hate unity and visual studio
There has to be a better way
I don't know how it is for you, but for me I just can't sit down and work on something by forcing myself.
Multiple times I've gone for a week without doing ANY work except some mental planning, and then I can spend a whole other week coding for 12 hours a day and actually doing progress because I feel like it.
Maybe if you don't want to work on your game it's because you're not that interested in what you're making. A complete shift in the project could probably help.
looks nice
If you really need it to be lightweight, check out TCC/Tiny C Compiler. It's supposed to be C99-compliant. The last official Windows release was back in 2013 though, so you'll have to compile the latest source from their Git repo if you want C11 and other new shit.
I would still recommend setting up mingw-w64. It's not that hard, just download the installer and run it, then add shit to PATH if the installer doesn't do it for you.
And no, Notepad++ is not heresy.
Am I retarded?
On the left I have shaders for drawing sprites and it's worked so far. When I switch the the shaders on the right, which are supposed to draw a flat color, I see nothing.
I've been staring at this for like half an hour trying to figure out why.
Feels blogposting? I'll join.
I like to include a ton of time-wasting side-stuff in my game to make the world seem more alive. One of the biggest of these was a Puyo-puyo-style puzzle game, but combos unlock weapons that you can use to mess up the opponent's board. Spent two weeks implementing the base game, which was annoying as hell but I pushed myself. Tons of annoying bugs came up that required me to write and rewrite all the code to fix them. The bigger issue, though, was that there were tons of features that I simply had no bloody idea how to implement, even after doing research.
The killing blow was, when I started implementing those weapons, I realized that the concept I had wasn't really that fun. At that point, I just had to abandon it. I might implement it into another project, once I get better at coding and if I have a better concept. But for now I should focus on the core game. Writing a new song now, and gonna rework the existing ones. After that, probably gonna get back to working on the world map.
Why not make another program to make the map creation process easier?
Or at least use an enumerator.
I started working on it but it felt like I was just delaying making actual content. I'll get back on it once I at least have the first area finished.
spaindude here, i wanna go to the protest but i'm making game and now i'm the leader of a small team of 4 (counting me) and if something happens to me game is not make but arfhrghhhghghgh
You pro or against independence?
i'm on Holla Forums, take a WILD guess
By default I'm going to assume you're against pro-facism/against independence
I honestly don't know.
I'm super right wing but I'm pro independence for catalonia because it's the right thing
okay, i think from here we should take it to the Holla Forums thread, politics has done enough damage to videogames
Any good tutorials/articles/papers on sound propagation?
Holla Forums seemed split on the issue
No, friends are too much of a hassle
I think I'll do some small non-binding things for fun and as a practice and in the mean time flesh out my game more so I know what to do. Thanks.
The part that shows gameplay is better than the previous version of the trailer, shows more of how diverse your game is. But I think you made a big mistake with how you edited the second part with a map editor. It looks like you're ending the trailer with a Speebot title logo and reference to your site but then suddenly you show footage from the map editor. It's disorienting. I know I'm looking at map editor but without previous knowledge of your game it looks like this is some 'behind the scenes' stuff you left there by mistake with how suddenly and out of a blue it cuts in. Plus, there is no info that this is a map editor for player to use.
I've been posting on this general for almost two years, the only one who is being proven new is you.
Its not an obvious joke, you should never underestimate how retarded people can be.
Anyone know anything about using the non-commercial version of software if you want to try to dev fulltime? I get the feeling it's one of those things that can sneak up on you. Like you've been using it for years, and when you finally get a foothold the company ran one of your sound/texure/etc files through a tool that checks for their fingerprint and sinks your studio with a lawsuit.
By the time a company cares enough about you to audit you, you'll have enough money to buy a license. They're not going to randomly check one of your files and then sue you.
First pass to mapping the human village, which is supposed to be the second village you get to, but I'm going to use it as a general testing area for quests and events for the time being.
Gonna go over this again and add more detail until I'm satisfied, then it's the interior's turn, then placing the NPCs, then writing events.
Can't believe this took a full day goddamn
Step up your game.
I'm using irrlicht and it's pretty nice
Almost makes that month of sunk dev time worth it.
Why does she have snake eyes?
I'm starting to believe that politics should be strictly taken out of videogames, both libcuck bullshit and Holla Forums-style fanaticism alike.
Holla Forums won't ever be happy, and libcucks are too strict to please and have a good game at the same time.
Because snek has a general snek motif.
But does she have a snake where it counts?
Her… heart?
Hey, would you mind giving out some the resources from where you learned how to make your Mod? I think what you're doing is neat as shit, and I'm curious about maybe trying something like that too.
Well we just hit page 12, but it'll probably be a few hours before 13.
In the meantime, I just fiddled with it a bit. You can now have the level generate randomly (25% chance of solid blocks) or load from a (tab indexed) file. Very crude, but it works without needing me to fuck with code.
Right now, ladders implicitly work because the block is "not air", so gravity doesn't fire, and it just happens to work, but I need to actually do state changes and stuff.
i think he is hoping for a cloaca, a shared anus urethra vagina and penis.
Looking good.