It's been 4 days and none of you faggots even mentioned it. There's weapon disassembly now and a few more tweaks.
General thread too I guess.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread: Misery 2.2 edition
Other urls found in this thread:
daily reminder that Mercs are the best and Misery is shit!
Yep, its still shit
Thats a pretty funny image tbh
Indeed. its the shittiest photoshop I've ever seen
That's probably why nobody has been talking about it.
What better way to advertise your product than with a dead dog
I wasn't expecting it to be praised (was hoping the opposite), but at least mentioned.
Just use DSR or VSR.
Can anyone explain to me why Misery is shit? I've read on the stalker subreddit that it is fairly enjoyable and one of the better mods out there.
there's your problem. go play misery and tell me how fun artificial difficulty is.
Its basically a tedious mod that makes everything more grindy.
If that sounds like your cup of tea then go ahead.
Well sheesh, when they said it'd be released this month I decided to wait for it before starting to play Stalker again. I guess I expected them to delay it and didn't check for it every day, and I missed the release by several days now.
That's my weekend plans decided then!
user, I'm sorry to say but you seem retarded. As for Misery, as others have said, it's one of those mods that thinks making the game as obnoxiously obtuse and difficult as possible means it's a hardcore challenge experience. It's also one of those mods that tries to turn the game into something it was never meant to be (like all the Skyrim mods that try to make it play like Dark Souls).
I've never found Misery to be all that hard. You've got hobo mode where you run around stabbing mutants and finding caches. To get out of Hobo mode, you kill everyone in the Waste Processing station and equip/sell their shit. You either go the artifact route or the headhunter route until you're rich enough to get the best gear and the game becomes easy.
Anyone want to spoon-feed me on installing everything necessary for Call of Misery? I have a surprising amount of misfortune attempting it.
Where do you think you are?
Great, now everything is blurry
100 bucks that its as worthless as the weapon maintance mechanic as a whole, I still find enough money to just go to a repair NPC and not carry 50 different repair items that get destroyed after 1-3 uses while costing about as much as 5 new guns.
That and in order to reach his shitty vision of hurrr hard the dev makes some guns practicly blow up after 10 mags and I aint having that shit, yeah yeah old rusty weapons and all but when I buy my shit from nimble and its carted back from the big land? Shit better not fucking break down after a few mags.
Hes added a million items and through his idea of balance made all of them useless and quite boring really, mutant hunting was a big thing he talked about and its been practically worthless since day one because its not profiting, and you can get food from killed stalkers too, or you know just fucking buy it.
All in all its a stalker thats made to be tedious in every way imaginable so you can tell your friends on reddit how awesome you are.
I'd be much less asspained about all of the above but the guy responsible for balance also was adamant that none of this or the fact that you get 1-3 ammo from a guy that you had to headsot twice that happens to shoot full auto for full 50 seconds through bushes is not artificial difficulty. After being shat on he changed hes stance to "its my vision"
Well its fucking shit, every time I've installed misery I've had to spend half a day just modding some of this retardation out.
The worst part about this mod is the live action trailers and pretty much all the promotional material
Only viable resolution for 1080p is 4K with smoothness set to 0%.
No shit, 2K still looks jagged as all hell
Give me the VSR equivalent of that
I've never used VSR only DSR and apparently you can't set smoothness with VSR.
OP a shit and your thread a greater shit, go shill Misery on 4cuck.
Oh gods what have you done.
I'm not a huge Stalker fan but I preferred CoM to CoC immensely. The base game is good for exploring and shooting stuff I guess? But I quite like the hobo phase and CoM at least delays becoming a hecka stronk overlord for a while. I was able to get a quality weapon to maintain after an hour or two, then a second weapon and an NBC suit after 3-4 hours. I feel it paces gear acquisition pretty well, this time also includes some bumming around, if I made a beeline for the arena in Rostok it would be faster. Additionally it adds some gear that goes in artifact slots like a Camelbak that boosts energy regeneration and some wacky gadgets that protect you from heat and so forth which is welcome. A change I like to artifacts is that you need to put them in special containers to equip them without being irradiated, which makes actually obtaining a usable artifact a bit harder, and is more elegant than having to stack Jellyfish or whichever artifact it was that reduces radiation. Another thing I like is the weapon and enemy/player health balance is pretty good, haven't had any problems with unarmored bandits being too tanky and the lethality of shotguns is absolutely perfect.
The only criticisms I have are:
Ray of Hope is the only mod that tries to optimize the game better than the developers themselves did it.
Any news on Ray of Hope and the latest version of CoC?
Why don't you go there and stay there, don't come here.
Come on, user. I know you're above that.
Also a reminder the gunslinger team has been completely silent since May. Never fucking ever.
There's the Radium team that ported the engine to 64-bit, but that mod is still probably another case of never ever though.
Those mods made by autists aren't fun, they just add useless feature that do not work with the base games and are needlessly grindy for the sake of it
how much of a retard do you have to be to actually think this is a good mod?
Is there anyone actually developing stuff with Open Xray?
I've never played Misery before. Is there an infographic that gives me a rundown of what it changes? Failing that can someone feed me spoons about it?
CoC 1.5 fucking when?
It's garbage. Point blank 3 headshots from an AK are hardly enough to kill that guy in exoskeleton near the ship during the radioactive ship steering wheel anomaly quest. You run like a hobo, your artefacts are almost as cheap as bread, you can't sell anything because it's too expensive, you have to find several artifacts to buy any weapon. AI one shots you from half a kilometer away without even having sights, lots of LARPing going on with weapons like STG44 (described as "popular among experienced stalkers" or KAR98k), artificial difficulty that makes your enemies bullet sponges and you an asthmatic wuss. Your carry weight is effectively something like 5-10 kg due to armor weight and reduced weight carrying ability. You can't sell anything because it's too broken (i think anything
It's shit. It basically extends the murder-hobo phase of the game through almost the entire thing by making the combat completely one-sided while also making you an asthmatic weakling who can't move while carrying more than 20lb and it also butt-fucks the entire economy to stop you from offsetting the combat difficulty with better gear.
It's simply the best survival game experience that's available. Things like ammo and money scarcity, radiation, food and equipment maintenance are actually factors you have to consider pretty much throughout the game instead of just the first 5 minutes. As a result the game is much more slow paced. Some rookie stalkers get buttmad over this because the first two things you should probably buy are something to cook food with and binoculars, instead of your favourite customized weapon and armor.
The combat is deadly because you can't really use medkits during combat, and stimpacks are rare and expensive as hell (and will also fuck you up in more subtle ways). Enemies are also very accurate if they know where you are, so you can expect free ammo deliveries straight to your cranium if you pop your head out from the same spot twice. Switching positions and moving around quietly behind cover is key to staying out of the enemy's sights and even getting the jump on them.
Try S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Zone of Alienation
Anyone got that mod that improved AI accuracy in CoC?
I saw it in last thread but I didn't think the accuracy would be that bad. it is that bad
Why can't we have a mod where people are actually carrying stuff as they should, instead of the wannabe hardcore where you're lucky if an exoskeleton duty has a loaf of bread?
Can't fix that game.
Is there any good sandbox mod for SoC? The game always ends too fast, and after that there's literally nothing to do.
Yeah, I agree that STALKER is fucking shit, it has some of the worst FPS mechanics I've ever seen in my life and game design that is more broken than anything Bethesda or even EA and Ubi have ever shit out, but it's very modable though.
You can edit the amount of ammo NPC carries with ZRP.
The shooting mechanics themselves are world-class and the problem is that the vodkanigger devs didn't utilize them well; all it takes to completely overhaul the entire experience is changing numbers in a few .ltx files. The difference between Stalker and Ubi/Bethshit is like the difference between a well-designed, well-built and poorly decorated house and a poorly-designed, poorly-built house with expensive furniture.
The recoil, dispersion, and accuracy system are fucking shit no matter how you mod it. It lacks recoil and dispersion animations, there's only RNG spread. The guns are way too accurate at short range. The hack devs turned the enemies into unresponsive bullet sponges instead of tackling the inherent problem. Having trajectory and ballistic system doesn't automatically make a gunplay good or even unique. Delta Force from 1996 already has those, and it implemented the mechanic into the gameplay better.
I think it's the other way around. STALKER devs are completely incompetent at level design or even envisioning what their game would be like. They built a bunch of cool furniture but the house itself is made out of cardboard.
Jesus christ this mod is fucking awful. It's the most tedious fucking bullshit I've ever had to deal with in vidya.
How did this shit get popular? Do people think that increased tediousness and blatant bullshit somehow makes a game innately better or something?
Best survival game experience my irradiated ass. It's fucking garbage.
I hate people like you. This is why i can't discuss video games on Holla Forums. I am actually thinking leaving you all pieces of shit to cuckchan, just because you're too elitist for everything and don't actually play video games or too pleb for modding. The elitism on this board reached such critical levels, that even good shit is considered bad. I bet few moments later i'l see a sperg saying that New Vegas and Arma 3 are shit games.
Here's the (You) you were after, but next time apply yourself.
Nah, i am serious. You shit on everything, can't discuss shit here.
Oh okay here's a second one. But no more (You)s before supper, you'll ruin your appetite!
why are you still here?
Post CP so you get permabanned and don't come back
I am not a degenerate like you, pedo kike.
Are the weapon mods for CoC updated for 1.5 yet? Particularly Goulash
Universal kits specifically say they're for all weapon's/armour's though. They should work with all items guns/clothing. Are guns to be considered exempt from universal repair kits for guns? Is armour not to be considered armour for purposes of armour repair kits?
Explain to me how a shoot that does no damage to the target it hits the result of not being able to shoot?
Explain how bullets not registering a target is the result of not being able to shoot?
Explain how hitting a man with a rifle round point black in the chest not killing him when the same thing from a 100 meters away is a thing is the result of not being able to shoot?
I don't know what you're responding too with this.
The grenade explosion carried through the walls. Is that working as intended? Are explosions suppose to pass through several walls?
Give me a serious explanations of your comments here. And would you mind explaining why a silencer is incredibly less expensive than tea while you're at it?
Les mirebles fixes most the issues.
Fags don't know about it because they are new.
Just look up the way to delete the sound files for deth, or don't.
My bet is that you were trying to use the kits below the minimum condition required for them.
All of your shots not being instakills on all enemies, or you missing a shot is not the same as bullets not doing any damage or hits not registering.
To you "being instakilled by a guy 100 meters away". Sometimes enemies also hit you, especially if you stand around like an idiot.
Maybe this did happen, there's always been a little bit of funk when it comes to grenades in Stalker. Still, it mostly boils down to you being asshurt by getting killed.
Oh, yeah. How'd it go after they announced that they weren't actually going to release the server software?
Is CoM way different to Misery or something? I had none of these problems with items, making money or killing mutants/stalkers. One exception being boars which are maybe a little too stronk.
Could you tell me what kind of a gun maintenance / cleaning kit can only be used once the gun reaches certain wear / dirtyness level? Could you also tell me how weapons can go from working as intented to shit's fucked up, yo in only couple of shots while you are at it?
There is a very idiotic system in stalker where you cannot deal any damage to enemies while they are performing certain actions or animations. This seems to be upped in Misery. Not to mention that in my experience (which is quite limited, I'll say that right away) enemies, both human and monsters, take ridiculous ammounts of damage in Misery.
Maybe you are just more hardcore gamer than us babbys.
Y'know, marketing.
It should say on certain repair kits what level of damage they can repair, and its a lower limit not an upper limit. For example, gun oil can only repair guns at or above 90% condition, if they deteriorate further obviously gun oil isn't enough. Same goes for outfits, a small sewing kit can repair minor damage, heavier damage will required heavier duty repair kits. Ideally you want to carry around a few of the cheap gun/outfit repair items and keep them in good shape as the better repair items cost lots and are heavy.
At least this is how it is in CoM, maybe the devs tweaked stuff a bit.
Nah, that thing is a myth. It's the time_to_aim delay making an automatic weapon less powerful. That, and the damage sponge of STALKER in general. You might want to edit the weapons.ltx file and increase the k_hit value if you think the bullet sponge is unbearable. You can also reduce enemies' resistance to damage by editing the stalkers.ltx file.
One thing I heard about Misery is they changed the hit_probability_difficulty value to 1.0, meaning that enemies now have 100% accuracy. If that's true, whoever did that deserves to be lynched.
I enjoy CoD and like Fallout 4 more than NV.
That is an incorrect bet.
I don't expect them to be, but I don't expect the enemies to be either under even worse conditions. If I shoot someone at 15 yards I should see them react in some capacity, not just keep walking, if at 100 I drop to a single shot on an equivalent weapon.
I didn't say I missed. I am speaking hits I know connected/should have connected.
Did I say I was standing around like an idiot? I was in good cover and he was open in front of some reeds in the water.
So why assume the grenade teleported instead of just assuming it screwed up?
No, it boils down to the mod not working correctly. Bullets not connecting. Penetration values being different for you and everyone else. Explosions ignoring multiple rows of indestructible cover. Items not working as they are suppose to. Absurd pricing differences on items.
I would say that guess is an absurd explanation. A silence for an ak should not cost less than boil water with herbs in it. It shouldn't cost less than vodka, or purified water either.
No, the mod is just terrible and poorly put together. You cannot justify the broken mechanics, you only accuse me of actually having missed or not doing anything right. You can accept that or you can continue to pretend that people who don't like it are asshurt if you wish. Doesn't bother me none if an idiot enjoys and idiotic thing. There are far, far better, coherent, and enjoyable stalker mods out there for me to play.
I guess Misery does have good marketing. At least those intro movies and all those graphics they do are nice. Still, it's just not good.
Is there any good mod for SoC? CoP doesn't run well on my laptop. Preferably something that adds sandbox freeplay like CoC.
STALKER has some shitty messed up programming to begin with, Misery makes it worse. Stay away from that garbage.
I found that CoM is more generous with money and loot, so you progress a bit faster. As for mutants, pray to the Zone you don't come across chimeras. They regenerate so fast I assume it might be a bug (if you do enough damage to make them limp, they'll be back up and running after they've leapt away for a moment). Really you need a grenade launcher to reliably kill them.
> use the kits below the below minimum condition
You blyat.
Well that's me told. You must be right about everything and it's always the games fault. I think the developers may even have coded a special version for you just to antagonize you.
Plenty. What are you looking for? Some gameplay changes or somethign more? For the "same but bit different" category, I'd recommend AMK and Oblivion Lost. But for the love of god and all that is holy don't try AMK: sidorovich edition or any such mods of a mods thing. They are almost always complete pieces of shit.
If you want more different experience, try Zone of Alienation. It has plenty of neat features like needing to reload magazines and crashes to desktop around every corner, but it is very rought on the edges so whether you can enjoy it or not depends on your resistance to such bullshit.
If you want completly different storyline and more try the newest version of OGSE, it is somewhat bizarre but propably the most impressive mod for ShoC out there. Older versions of OGSE are closer to the vanilla game with some neat additions and changes and I would highly recommend them too.
If you want the complete "just fuck my shit up" experience with just about everything thrown together, I'd recommend LEGENDARY. There is also the Narodnaya Solyanka (people's soup) stuff, but I personally wouldn't recommend that stuff but plenty of people seem to enjoy it. Most stable "soup" out there is Stalkersoup or Technobacon, I think.
If you want freeplay, I'd recommend Doom's mod merge: user edition.
You will eventually suffer the same fate as me.
here's the game you are looking for, now begone with your pleb taste
Missed this comment. It's too late, the mod left a very sour taste in my mouth. That and I don't think a mod that fixes all that bullshit is an acceptable solution, a mod that's in version 2.2 shouldn't have that much wrong with it to begin with.
I've already uninstalled it.
It's a shame because it has some really amazing concepts in it that I'd consider to be genuine improvements over the base game but it just delivers all of them incredibly poorly, hampered at every turn. It looks like it should be all around fantastic. At least I know I'm not crazy and people seem to dislike it (fanboy aside).
Nice >opinion
A minor quibble given that rapid fire walks the weapon up.
Are you still talking about vanilla? You have to be close enough to fucking count coup for un-modded guns in vanilla to be anything approaching "accurate" in all three games.
This is what I was talking about when I was talking about the mechanics being excellent. The vodkaniggers who made the game did a shit job of it; the fact that you can shift around a few numbers in a .ltx file and make the game 100x better is proof that the mechanics are solid but the design decisions aren't.
Of course not.
I'll put AO3 up against Delta Force any day.
Reddit fucking loves it. And Complete, too.
Yeah, pretty much. There are a ton of people who expect Stalker to be an unbalanced murderhobo sim because of all the dank maymays posted on /r/gaming and /r/pcmasterrace and who consequentially think that Misery is the best way to play Stalker.
CoC + AO3 + ItemSoup might scratch that itch, depending on what in particular you liked. Check the 4cuck /sg/ repo.
Stalkers don't go around carrying just some ammo. They should have inventories similar to yours. But no one can get a game out of this basic fact, opting instead to monkey the shock games where the gist is having as few drops as possible.
At least that's not CS 1.6. CSGO's gunplay is actually really decent for a source game, it's just the game itself being boring and repetitive as hell. Also, CSGO has no ironsight, hence it's not a very good comparison.
Classic CoD has better dispersion system.
It's still annoying to shoot inaccurately in iron sight. Try using iron sight in RO2, the bullet goes where you point the gun at, and instead of RNG, it's the recoil animation that makes aiming a challenge.
Just shoot a wall and pay attention to the bullet holes. Your guns are extremely accurate, it's the bullet sponge and unresponsive enemies' fault you feel like your shots don't register.
Enemies in CoD carry just the right amount of ammunition. I think it's alright to give the enemies 2 mags at their disposal in STALKER, since the main tradeoff is weapon jamming.
how you can immediately identify a plebeian
But it is the Dark Souls of the Stalker mods, meant for hardcore gamers like me.
I use the first two on a regular basis. ItemSoup seems like it will be a neato addition. I'll give it a try, thanks for the suggestion.
Ive being playing Misery 2.2 for 3 hours.
It became stale, since there isnt much to explore and enough missions to make the grinding bearable.
Guess its better to wait for TOZ 2.0, but the exploration might still be a problem.
Its lackluster, would make sense in a free-play scenario with random missions. CoM with a compatible weapon pack all the way.
The one reason I will never reinstall misery is because the AI are unaffected. The world still behaves like normal. The only person stuck slogging through it all is the player.
Don't forget to record it for youtube with a facecam and get 1000000000 views a video. Bonus points if you're a girl and give yourself a name like "wtfsexyheadphones".
What is this meme? The game has 2-4x MSAA built right in, ever since Clear Sky. Did those faggots break something? Haven't touched memesery in like 4 years or something.
Maybe you'd be better off visiting reddit. I'm sure they still have plenty of generic templates for your autism. Maybe some impact font TOP TEXT BOTTOM TEXT GENERIC BACKGROUND IMAGE WITH NICKNAME image macros.
So CoC isn't the only CoP mod that fucks up the balance that badly?
Check the game settings and turn on "hardcore aiming" if you want retarded russian mod-tier "miss or instakill" gameplay.
That would be complex and a complete rewrite of the system. If I remember right, there's some complex shit that randomly generates some things based on the AI stalker's loadout and rank.
How did dork souls get popular?
Also, still CoD:
How do you know it was the greatest stalker mod of all time if it never released and there's no information about it?
It'd have loved a winter-set mod, though.
It's the very definition of artificial difficulty. Bullet sponge enemies, economy is fucked beyond belief with food costing more than some artifacts, and the devs designed it in a way that tries to railroad the player along a linear path. They took inspiration 'from the fucking X series and Eve Online'.
The aesthetic is horrible (slap rust textures on everything, including polymer guns!), and performance is fucking awful. The focus is on the SIKK COMBAT BRUH, when S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is as much about atmosphere and exploration as it is about gunplay, and the Misery team's definition of "good combat" is just throwing excessive numbers of bullet sponges at you.
And then on top of it, redditors seized on it as THE ULTIMATE HARDCORE STALKER EXPERIENCE(tm) when it utterly discards the principles that the game was initially built on. But because these drooling retards can point at it and go HURR DURR I'M SO LE HARDCORE THIS IS LIKE THE DARK SOULS OF FPS GAMES, they ravenously slobber the 2-inch cocks of the mod team, demanding more and more retarded features, micromanagement, artificial difficulty, and mustard-colored semen.
To get an idea of what utter meth-riddled internet-tough-guy cunts the devs are, just watch this video and then look at the comments:
Bullshit. It's "survival" in the same way that your run-of-the-mill Early Access indietrash games made in Unity are "survival". The rest is artificial difficulty that the game neither needs nor wants.
Did ZoA ever get relatively stable? I loved the shit out of that mod, it did difficulty right.
that is some grade A retardation right there
anyone who does not aknowledge that misery is one of the best mods for CoP, ASSUMING you fix the portion of it that is just plain fucking retarded, is just a contrarian newshit on the devhate bandwagon or a disingeniously salty bitch
its 90% honey 10% shit, except the shit is easily fixable
and why should you care if the devs are niggers, if you think they made a retarded design decision, fucking change it yourself you twat, its not like you're giving them your money or some shit
TL;DR: google les miserables and if its not compatible, look up what it changes and modify yourself
the moment you signed up for modding you lost your privilege of being able to say "it aint my job fixing this shit"
Well the only other mention of les miserables is in this thread is directed at me so I'm going to assume you're suppose to be responding to me
I don't think the mod isn't a gem at all though. I hate it. I think it's tedious beyond measure when it isn't being plagued by bugs.
I disagree, I think it's 90% shit, 10% stuff that I can get from other mods that aren't surrounded by bugs and bullshit.
Why would I mod a terrible mod to make it not a terrible mod when I know there are good mods already out there already with mods that make them even better and more enjoyable than Misery Mod? I think it's fundamentally flawed and is at it's core unenjoyable.
So if I don't like the mod I have to mod the mod until I like it, but not playing the mod and playing a better mod isn't okay? Why is it okay for you to expect me to change a mod instead of just changing mods? Are you really suggesting I have to become a modder and enjoy Misery Mod rather than just playing a mod I like instead?
The fuck are you talking about? I signed up to play a mod. Playing mods doesn't mean you have to become a modder.
You can like Misery all you want man, but I think and know it's genuinely shit. If you can get enjoyment out of it more power to you man. Don't demand that I like it, though.
I play COC without it, by two hours I have become destroyer of worlds without any equal. Its boring as shit for me.
We can never have anything good can we?
it's shit user, it will never not be shit, it was doomed from the start.
It is going to be one or two large servers ran by the devs, with no ability to host your own server. They are also going to be selling skins / cosmetics / propably other stuff too. It is going to be the next shoot everyone on sight Dayz-like. It is dead on arrival.
are you a contrarian newshit or a disingeniously salty bitch? then Im responding to you
then youre wrong
then youre wrong
If it was fundamentally flawed and unenjoyable at its CORE then nobody would fucking play it. I dont think you quite understand what "objectivity" means yet.
Next time actually reply to the comment you're replying too rather than just posting a comment without the persons post in it.
No arguing with a blind fanboy I guess.
People play Battleborn and Lawbreakers. People can and will play anything. Especially if it's meme bait.
It's broken at its core. I wouldn't enjoy it no matter how many of the bugs were fixed.
So you're just going to ignore you want on a small rant accusing me of being a modder that has an obligation to fix the mod myself if I don't enjoy it even though I said nothing of the sort?
Double lol.
You stay 'objective', I guess I'll go have fun playing a good mod over here where I can't hear you over the sound of a mod that I find actually fun and challenging instead. Enjoy your last reply lad.
Call of Misery is a different beast to Call of Pripyat's Misery. In CoP the excessive hobo phase and artificial difficulty are stuck in a game with a very small amount of one-time content and almost nothing to do outside of it. You pretty quickly end up doing missions in which the game excepts you to be well equipped with fuck all. Additionally due to map design the survival elements are also just a bloody annoyance since you're never far away from resupplying and the only way they could make it difficult was upping the price/rarity of everything. CoM, on the other hand, is open enough that you just stick to hobo-friendly areas and the survival aspect was fun because, depending on faction, you have to plan for hours away from base. I'd still advise digging into the files and tweaking the traders to be less jewish/ammo drop amounts to be less silly etc (also the other things you mention) but it's a fuckton more fun.
so you are a salty bitch AND a newshit contrarian then, aight
Go back to reddit, faggot
My point anyway was that while CoM still isn't my personal cup of tea I find it significantly more enjoyable than CoP-Misery. I think that's more or less the consensus among anons who have tried it, though many haven't bothered after being burnt by the normal Misery (you might not know if you don't follow Stalker particularly closely but it was hyped up to fuck before release). I'm still a bit upset about Redux2/Wormwood being essentially cancelled.
They redesigning the levels to be larger and more open for more people aren't they? I thought that was what was taking them forever. I don't think the models look too bad. Any shots of them in regular Zone lighting?
What would be different about a Co-op mode and regular multiplayer mode? No Stalker multiplayer mod would ever have friendly-fire toggles, and voice chat should always be proximity based to fit the tone. You can always team up with people you come across. I don't understand how a Co-op mod would function differently. What would a Co-op mode specifically add over regular multiplayer mode?
Do you have proof of anything you've said or are you just making shit up?
ZoA is too unstable to really be enjoyable which is a big shame.
No, I think it's actually 'on hold' too which is modder-speak for almost certainly dead.
Does it even work with current versions of Misery? I'm sure I've heard faggots complaining about it.
Yes, it's much better.
This faggot is correct, Doom's Mod Merge is good for what you're after.
Jesus Christ this thread is a fucking shitshow.
Is this cyka still here moaning because he doesn't have the attention span and patience to enjoy Misery?
Meanwhile in the Zone:
>Foil the bandit attack on the other ship
>Discover you need a lighter to use it
That's the first day. I almost have enough money to buy some armor, but I think I'll buy binoculars first and upgrade them. After that I'll save money to go to Yanov.
Wew lad. Maybe he just has a basic understanding of game design to clearly see how fucking awful that game is.
Almost on the contrary. Misery is much slower paced and resources are more scarce. Actually having to save money to buy things, or having to go through trouble to remove radiation or heal translates to the hyperactives as grind and artificial difficulty.
You honestly don't know the difference between coop and MMO? Do you want to go STALKING with a few bros or do you want a bunch of random deathmatching retards fucking up your experience?
Earlier threads. One of the devs used to shill here and when the announcement was made and everyone responded badly, he stopped posting. Shortly after the shitstorm they lied and said "well (((maybe))) we'll add coop/player hosting in the future".
They seem to be going for a PUBG-like game with STALKER theme and mutants.
It is a poorly balanced shitfest with one-bullet death and some poorly throughout mechanism dumpped on top.
user here. I played Doom's Merge Mod and it's absolutely awesome. The gunplay and damage system are much better this time around. I picked the military character and fighting the loners in cordon is such a thrill. Definitely better than that Misery piece of shit.
Well If you're like most of Holla Forums where they "dropped" the anticipation of it when they heard there will be no co-op, then you "shouldn't care", even though they will still play it and enjoy the best fps mmo that's ever been made. CoC is still CoC, 1.5 is coming out soon
Why is SoC's Strelok a handsome young man but CoP's Strelok is an ugly skinny middle aged slav with the ugliest haircut ever?
the zone changes a man..
but also the in game model is different than the cut scenes. hes basically retained the same look
The cutscene Strelok from SoC has stronger jaw, smaller nose, and more masculine skull shape than the CoP rendition. The skin tone is also much lighter whereas CoP Strelok looks like a Turk.
>no more games where the difficulty level ups the enemy`s damage and yours
does anyone have a functioning link to download dooms mod merge user edition?
There was Metro, but it had a shitload of design flaws. Ranger mode was still surprisingly fun, though.
Glad to hear it user. A lot of people disregard the (relatively) older mods like that nowadays and that's a shame.
I'm assuming the one in the repo is up to date anyway, if not it's probably floating around on moddb or wherever. You could double check with this user
Misery 2.2 is out
Fucking sweet, time to reinstall
You are garbage and your music taste is garbage, the radio songs are top tier
Git gud
The latest version of CoCk 1.5 beta came out, it changed very little compared to the other versions, just fixed some stuff
Radiation and anomalies are one hell of a drug.
Having the shittiest balding pattern a Slavic man can have doesn't really count as a "haircut", even if he grew his hair out a bit more it'd still look like shit, if not worse
Where did I say the issue was that I couldn't pay attention to anything or that I prefer fast paced over slow paced? Show me where I said that please.
Why are Misery fans so fucking quick to butthurt and presuming shit?
Functionally it's not going to be any different. The Zone is filled with bandits that will ruin your experience with friends regardless. Do you want a mode where they take out bandits and monsters too while you play with your friends?
Post proof though. You can't just say it happened and expect people to believe you. Proof please.
Hello mr. Misery dev
STALKER without atmosphere is not STALKER. Not being able to close your gaming borders to rapefugees will destroy the atmosphere.
Obviously not. I want a mode where I am not forced to play with retards who want to play a F2P survival-themed battle royale and have never played a STALKER game before.
So players killing you randomly shouting shit isn't keeping in line with the atmosphere of Stalker but the built in bandits killing you shouting CHEEKI BREEKI is?
Play Stalker single player then, problem solved. Or wait until someone makes a private server.
TL:DR Misery is a Hobo Simulator.
It isn't.
You obviously weren't paying attention when the news dropped. Pretty much everyone said "no coop, no thanks". Nobody wants yet another DayZ clone. You are also missing the point that no coop or private servers means no mods allowed.
I've wanted a Hobo/Homeless sim for a while (well, all the fun parts of one)
It is the way you want it to be.
I have been asking for the source of this for a while now. People keep saying it but no one's offering a source. Give me a source.
These are completely different things.
There was a huge backlash which led to maximum damage control.
Note that this was in full damage control mode after everyone said "more like Ray Of Nope, dropped". They were desperate to recover from their blunder. There will never be actual private servers or LAN.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Misery. The difficulty is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Korean MMOS most of the grinding will go over a typical player’s head.
C'mon man, if you're going to post a slightly modified pasta at least finish it, don't leave it uncooked.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Misery. The difficulty is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Korean MMOs most of the grinding will go over a typical player’s head. There's also the dev's linear outlook, which is deftly woven into his mechanics - the game's philosophy draws heavily from Eve Online, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these mechanics, to realize that they're not just artificially difficult - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Misery truly ARE casuals- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the mechanic of being instakilled from 300 meters by a bandit with a Makarov which itself is a cryptic reference to Arthur's smuggled pistol in Roadside Picnic. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as they sell artifacts for less than the price of a loaf of bread. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
das it mane
…ughhh sure…..