Games out
I'll post a the magnet when its out
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please do
I was actually a little hype or this game after E3 and Devolver, is it good?
bumping for magnet link
it actually looks fun
Its on IGG
Check there
If not, here
looks kinda gay
good stuff, post it on the Share thread before people start requesting without checking sources.
Thanks fam
From the E3 trailer I thought it they had a cute AI voice helping you through the game with a possible undertone of love, but the launch trailer seems to show that it's actually a human and she's kind of bitchy.
I was hoping for an entire game with something like the AI suit from New Vegas. My hopes are dashed.
She already sounded like a cunt in the trailer.
I thought it was more of a /gfd/ type thing and not a complete bitch thing. Bitchy characters only work as villains, like GLaDOS or Handsome Jack.
Outside of that, it looks like a mediocre twin stick shooter.
I hate how complete soyboys took over that board.
They turned it into yet another fucking generic femdom board with all the shit it was created to avoid.
Ruiner is what I named by cock.
Oh and here's the magnet.
my cock.
not so tough now am I?
Anytime you go somewhere and you see niggas getting their balls stepped on its just like cmon son
It didn't use to be like that, it was completely different but the usual faggots came about and ruined it.
You got named Ruiner by cock?
How tight are you, user?
I liked the original trailer.
To anyone who has played it, how is it?
The game's called Ruiner so I expect to be able to fuck the bitchiness out of her.
Boipussy so tight it ruins cocks.
Fuck off, nigger.
So what's this game about?
sasuga Holla Forums
It's a cyberpunk Hotline Miami clone which isn't actually a Hotline Miami clone at all but is merely called that because it's a violent top-down isometric twin-stick shooter published by the same publisher which published Hotline Miami. You have a dash ability which you can chain together to completely dazzle and flank enemies, on top of some other abilities like an energy shield (which becomes a battering ram if it's active as you dash into enemies) and some other shit I didn't notice. Aesthetics and sound seem cool, from the reviews I'm gathering the reviewers seem to be bitching about the difficulty while not completely ragging on the gameplay, which is usually a good sign
what did they mean by this?
Is it any better than that whatever-the-fuck-it-was-called that came out recently? Mr. Shifty, that was it. Thought it played like shit.
That game does look like it shares the same concept, but when I look at the gameplay footage of both, Ruiner is more combat oriented whereas this Mr Shifty game is more like a puzzle-platformer
But there was gameplay, if only a little bit.
its how you can tell its shit, you can count the seconds of game play on your hands
Oh shit, it's finally out? Guess I'll be doing job applications tomorrow.
They've had footage of gameplay out for months now.
It's polished. Very fast paced.
There is a certain speed bump that hotline miami didn't have that this game does, due to very very very very minimal loading screens.
The game's atmosphere is great. The soundtrack is great, the characters so far are enjoyable.
The overlays and context gives the game a sort of holographic cyberpunk feel.
There is a pretty extensive upgrade system that doesn't seem to force you to go routes as much as let's you tailor your style.
On hard its easier to melee than shoot (at least for me), I haven't played medium or easy because I'm not some sort of dainty faggot who cries about the female narrator using borderline bdsm terms.
It's a game that is hard enough to force you to play well at higher difficulties-I haven't "breezed" through a major fight yet.
It's worth buying imo, but I have a soft spot for devolver in general as well as cyberpunk style stuff so I'm probably biased.
TL;DR its a nice 3D hotline miami style game with a lot of polish and cyberpunk feel. If you like those genres you'll like it.
And the soundtrack?
so far its pretty good-I'm a big fan of perturbator, carpenter brut, etc. so I'd have to say theres nothing quiet that calibur that jumps out but in regards to ambiance it does the trick
Idk, I think its fun now-the point about backgrounds is pretty accurate though
the enemy mix isnt really as much of a problem as when you run into guys with really strong weapons like shotguns or assault rifles-you have to either out shoot them (difficult) or dash and melee (easier)… so I end up just using melee for just about everything
the same strategy has worked on "boss" fights for me-since they end up being a power up pinata if you waylay into them long enough.. there are bosses that can counter that later on so its not as dependable but for the most part it carries well
Thanks for the reminder. Was planning on playing it.
played it at pax until they kicked me off for a dev o play, it was pretty enjoyable.
Hob came out today as well.
Just finished the intro level. Definitely polished. Definitely fast paced. Gameplay has a nice rhythm to it.
In the first level, not very diverse, but very throbbing and brutal. Matches the game well. Not exceptional in the way Hotline Miami was, but definitely a notch or two above average.
Like clockwork
Why the Hotline Miami comparisons
Journos are shit and this is also a retro 80s arcade shooter with the same publishers as Hotline Miami.
top down
edgy not in a bad way though
dark synth soundtrack
At least on Holla Forums we had that shit on it's own board like /cuteboys/ or /furry/.
Did you seriously forget the audio?
I swear, cuckolding/BBC and trap shit is the most elaborate attempt to bullshit to other people that you're not gay. The only good threads on /gif/ is just the tittyfucking threads, and most of the content posted there are reposts.
I just heard of this board now. What a shame, at least we have /ara/.
It works out in the end, but fuck /gfd/
female vs. female wrestling is still alright, particularly 2d
flashget is a piece of shit
wouldn't be surprised if you were the OP
Can we get back to the game instead of porn and shit?
Those kind of girls are only okay when they're actually secretly submissive and get turned into good housewives and mothers after a good dicking.
There's sadly not many stories with this kind of trope.
Can somebody please webm this?
t.lazy faggot
If you want to watch Youtube videos without:
a) Loading their shitty website and giving people views.
b) Begging like a faggot for people to make webms.
Look into using MPV and youtube-dl, together you can have them download a youtube video to RAM, play it in MPV, then delete it. So you avoid ads, giving people views, unnecessary writes to SSDs, etc. It's easy to set up on Linux but it might be trickier on Windows.
Just finished the tutorial/intro sequence. Game Journos are obviously scrubs, but whilst you're still literally getting your bearings it does throw a boss fight and a shit ton of enemies on you, with a strict timer, in a game where you die incredibly quick (on hard at least). It's not impossible by any metric, but they're clearly saying fuck you to a lot of people right off the bat. Looks good overall though, even if the in-game stuff and the comic book art clashes a little.
It's definitely at least kind of a /gfd/ type thing.
I don't appreciate that. The game is actually very fun and I like it.
I don't think I like this. Something about the combat feels really wrong.
Two things that drive me nuts:
the assault rifles suck ass, however the shotguns are what you want most of the time given that they can deal the most damage and have a wide spread, pistols are decent if you know how to lead your shots
Even the shotgun is pathetic compared to dash and smash. Melee makes every gun inferior.
Really? When bosses are involved I find it safer to use a gun whenever possible.
I don't know if the bosses get different but I've done everything up to wizard in the parking garage without guns. It's so much easier. Picking up a gun accidentally is like death for me.
gib music. Pls gib music
The developers are morons and forgot to include the soundtrack in the game download despite making the soundtrack available for purchase as DLC, so nobody is able to get their hands on it yet.
Then our only hope right now is an original sound version, a.k.a GameRip?
I would if I had any experience with Unreal Engine 4, it's either waiting for a rip or waiting until the developers actually upload the damn soundtrack.
How toaster friendly is this game?
I feel like the dash is either inconsistent or doesn't effectively telegraph when something's in the way or I'm out of dash energy. Multiple times I've tried quickly dashing to the next enemy and had it just not work, leading to me getting shot in the face.
It seems fairly optimized and maybe you can handle it on all low settings, but I wouldn't bet my life on it. 9GB, full 3D, tons of effects and shenanigans.
is the magnet legit?
No it's dolphin porn
Can confirm I haven't seen dolphin porn of this quality in ages.
dowloading asap
The dash refills really fast and once you beat the tutorial you can buy an addition dash charge and 60% damage reduction when dodging. I think it makes it too easy.
When you die in this game, your character can still move for 1.5 seconds before the game over screen. It's pretty annoying.
Anyone notice the berserk patch the chick has on her jacket? she's got the fucking brand.
Is there gonna be a copyright issue? These are western devs and that's manga property. Is Miura a sueman?
Bumbling my way through the Creeps place at the moment. I like the game, despite not being a huge fan of these action games. The simplicity of Hotline Miami is why it worked so well, this game follows a similar formula but adds in a bunch of different mechanics and abilities. I think it might get annoying juggling all these in my head and I'll end up just using the same three abilities I bet. It is very satisfying when you pull off a slick and perfect stage though.
These type of games are the ones I have to play in short bursts. An hour or two each session.
I'll get it maybe. I hate paying full price of vidya. It's one of the few games that I've had a modicum of hype for.
Good game
They probably got a deal or are allowed to use it.
Should I be worried? This is the first time it happens.
I'll see you in court.
Copy the crack from the ISO, you moron.
Dear God, please be merciful on my soul, this is my last refuge, I just wanted a comfy board with reasonably average intelligent people with some actual standarts in media.
Compare this board to Reddit or Cuckchan
Christ, compare it to most forums out there
Less stupid =/= not stupid
If you've been here for longer than one month you've seen stupidity.
I've also seen plenty of intelligent and in depth posts.
Better than anything whole sites dedicated to videogames chock full of people have posted in its decade long lifetime.
Curious. Link me to those posts. I've only seem stupidity today.
Holla Forums was really good and comfy for the first month or so post-first exodus.
There was a thread a few months ago which analysed the phrase "right way to play the game" which I archived and bookmarked on my other computer, I will submit the thread at the end of the year when I make the "best thread of the year" thread.
This doesn't feel good to play. I just just button mashing in the directions i tilt both sticks. its pretty mindless. and non of the guns are satisfying. playing on hard.
play a good game instead, like cotton boomerang
How far you'd get? I felt that way until fighting the first boss. Halfway through the fight I just started to feel when it was right to dash
bullshit. 2014 was just another cuckchan. It got good after blue left.
Double bullshit. The first three months after the exodus were some of the best time I've spent posting about video games on the internet. There were almost no shitty template threads, no derailing faggots, nothing but people who wanted to play video games and talk about them.
has anyone else had weird issues with stutter on the menus and in game? trying to figure out what it is but so far no luck
I fucking love Devolver shotguns.
I wonder how they will be handled once they finally develop a first person shooter of some kind.
If I had any artistic skill, I'd be doing gamedev work on an FPS with some nifty mechanics and would probably go to Devolver with a demo. Shotguns would get treated properly.
Just entered the second area and I'm not really liking the fact that dash is activated on button up instead of just activating on button down.
Of course, if dashes activated on button down there can't be a dash queuing system, but I'm not sure why a dash queuing system needed to be made in the first place.
How do you lock on to enemies?
hit the lock on button
One of my dream games would basically be Hotline Miami as an FPS. Lots of sliding and wallrunning and stuff like that to evade gunfire, with lots of throwing guns at enemies and stuff like that.
How is it?
show me the WEBMs you faggots
After this what's the next game Mark will impulsively buy, I wonder.
Devolver is the publisher user, the dev is Reikon Gamers
Now, in case you actually mean devolver publishing a FPS, i gotta remember you they published Serious Sam.
Music is by Susumu Hirasawa. That's why.
It's fun. Pretty tough. The game centers around a slowdown/dash mechanic where you dash into enemies and hit them with melee attacks when you make contact with them. The key is to dash through them, hit and land on the other side since on hardmode a single shotgun guy will fucking murder you. Not a twin stick shooter at all. If you wanna do ranged you're gonna be dashing around to grab weapons since the default one isn't effective at all. You shoot while dashing about since you can shoot on the move. WASD movement is WAY less important than you thin k and is only used for minor positioning changes.
Dennaton didn't make this?
The shotguns work almost exactly like they do in Hotline Miami.
There doesn't seem to be one.
Shit, I liked the game, but I suck at it. I die every fucking time and I'm unable to kill Donvius. I'm almost giving up, maybe I'm can't git gud.
Here, you wanna be playing with a mouse, trust me. Hold right click and the game slows down which allows you to dash about and avoid damage. Pick up the perk that increases attack damage based on dash length and try to swat enemies with the sword. A single hit at the end of a max length dash will 1 hit most trash mobs.
If anyone's having trouble with the grenade launcher boss get the stun grenade perk and you can dash around to grab weapons, dump a stun grenade and unload on that fucker. I've found melee better for large encounters and ranged better for bosses.
Oh, also for the grenade launcher guy, to cheeze it even harder, grab the beam rifle thing from just behind where the transport drops him off. You can kill him with just that and the stun grenade thing I mentioned earlier.
you can post more than one image at a time here you know
there is a difference of 15 minutes between those you paranoid cunt
what does that have to do with anything?
kill yourself you stupid nigger
Those are the cards you get when you finish a fight, not a level. Did you even play the game?
Regardless, the time stamps in the file names are sill 20 minutes apart.
I hadn't seen a D rank card until then so I made another post. Sorry.
No need to be sorry, the guy is a faggot.
It was obvious you simply posted the caps when it was convenient and has an afterthought while you played the game, not due to the fact that you didn't know about posting mutiple images.
Thanks for the caps by the way, I'm a lazy fuck and those things mads me rock hard.
don't listen to this fag you should apologise to me at every opportunity you get or else
The highest rank in the tutorial I managed was C. Time to get gud.
can you buy this on any other website?
cant you just go buy a physical copy? isn't this game in stores?
There's no shame in easy mode, though I haven't succumbed to it yet. I know how you're feeling. Game is definitely hard.
It's available on GOG, man.
The gameplay is below average to be honest, it has a cool setting but almost every twin stick shooter i've played in the last 10 years play better than this one.
Also, can't change controls on PC, that alone means they will not have my money.
I'm playing it with mouse and keyboard, It's pretty fun. I wish there was a way to throw weapons at enemies for quick deaths like in Hotline Miami, but it's not a bad game in any means of the word. I would say it's a GOOD game that is worth the asking price. Not a great game, not GOTYAY, but a good game for sure.
Don't treat this like another Overwatch you faget. At least this game is somewhat decent.
There are physical copies for PC?
If I can find one, if not
thanks for letting me know man
Also have you played hatred?
If so then you're lying faggot as this game is much better.
Does replaying levels have affect on the main plot? I missed a coin the garage.
Makes you wonder what they are trying to get out of hit and running this thread. What is it about this game that makes it a target for likely commie fuckery?
thread's fine, just a few faggots.
he always does this
Tell me you weren'tplaying on normal you faggot
I got an S on that shit and I'm average
They're doing a limited physical release
Think you got your posts mixed up friendo, and that sounds fucking amazing. I gotta get me a copy.
I really hope they go ahead with the linux. the game seems fun
Holy shit I just realized it's an RPG.
I really hope they go ahead with the linux. the game seems fun
Man, how are you even supposed to fight the bosses? They never stop moving or attacking and the only chance I get to breath and counterattack are when I use the ground pound stun, but that only lasts long enough for me to attack once.
Im having a good time with it, its a fun game, I really enjoy cyber punk games
Been a long time since I saw anyone reference Cyber City Oedo.
Game looks good. Doubt it'll run on my computer but it'll probably be more fun with a controller anyway. I wanna fuck the girl, porn when
Wish those didnt just flash by after a second though would be easier to get screens
Pretty fun so far, anyone else notice the Berserk brand button on the girls jacket?
A bunch of mediocre games came out today, why does this one get a thread?
Just finished it. I felt like it was already getting old by the timed I entered the 3rd area. The battles all ended up feeling very similar to one another. Dash in, kill, dash to another target, kill, dash here/there everywhere. Then when a boss shows up you kite it around the arena while dumping all your ammo. That lightspeed transport animation was also way overused. Story seems pretty nonsensical as well, at least on the surface.
cyberpunk games are rare?
or this one looks okay?
I Kind of felt the same. By the end I was breezing past all the sub bosses and the actual end boss fights ended up being chores because of how much easier they are compared to the sub bosses. I almost felt like the bosses were unnecessary and that it would've been better if they had just had a bunch of random mook fights but with more variety, the sub bosses felt far too bullet spongey and I felt like there wasn't much tactics invovled in taking them out, compared to changing up my tactics to take out the various grunts depending on what they were.
played 10 min and it sucks
m&k controls especially, but feels wrong overall, like it tried to be the cyberpunk hotline miami but failed
It feels sucky to everyone at first because of the skewed camera perspective where pressing up doesn't make you go up but somewhat to the northeast. That said you'll get used to it rather quickly. I guess there's an argument to be made that real-time isometric action games might as well always be top-down because your vision isn't as obstructed that way, as developers only tend to go for an isometric camera because it often looks cooler instead of playing better, especially when jumping isn't involved.
it doesn't play like hotline miami at all
Yeah it does, except this time there's no god damn lock on button.
What were they thinking? go melee 100% of the game? Atleast the sword becomes permanent and you don't have to swing that stupid pipe around forever. Gotta say, the pipe felt kinda iconic though, like you'd see alot of Ruiner fanart with the guy holding a pipe.
What race is the main character and his brother? it's hard to tell.
Just gook?
not jap or chinese? just a fucking gook?
The game is literally unplayable on M/KB and anyone who says otherwise is a masochist of the highest order. The diagonal movement is a bug, you dont have that shit on a controller, when you press up you actually go north instead of north-east.
is hotline miami the JoJo's Bizzare Adventure of isometric shooters?
The protagonist is white, during a cutscene in the Hanza factory you could see his bare neck for a short time. No idea about his brother though, I haven't gotten that far yet
Hacker girl lewds when?
not to mention that the level design structure, base combat loop and the player approach to the game are completely different, just fucking think about it man
I'd expect the Steam reviews to bitch en masse about such a vital control issue if that were the case, it's not unplayable on M/KB at all
I tested it and what the fuck, you're right
now this is just completely silly
is there a PNG of this anywhere?
She also has the aphex twin logo on a pin.
is her character suppost to be an otaku as well as a cunt? but yeah don't know why they added the brand of sacrifice maybe she ends up dieing or someshit and they just wanted to hint at that
Maybe the devs are fans of Berserker and wanted fans to know that?
You're overthinking it
Porn of her when?
Great game. First boss and tutorial is shit. Sleep on it and you'll probably kick his ass next time you play if you're stuck.
The biggest joke is that it's a fast game given how much time you spend in bullet time. It's like a third person FEAR in terms of gameplay.
Also, totally doable on M+KB. I'm up to the Trafficking with no problems.
Half the bosses are shit
The cyborg bosses are great but then they ruin it by making you fight one 3 times in a fucking row, and the fucking things are probably most bulletspongy enemies I've encountered.
you don't know what you're talking about kid
What the fuck is wrong with you
Her is my waifu, back the fuck off?!!
Finished it. Could've been better but I liked it.
- great world and art style
- Puppy looks great (he sold me on the game), Her is super cute
- guns are a bit quiet but feel pretty good, the Ruiner pistol is shit though
- too many melee bosses that chase you around, expected more bullet hell (hopefully in the sequel)
- certain sections and bosses repeat a bit too much, could've been trimmed a little
No, fuck you! I saw her first so she is mine.
Heard the enemies are basically all the same, requiring the same tactics?
Hows the music? Contra: Shattered Soldier good?
Ruiner is a decent gun if you have the Weapon Usage and Resourse Efficiency maxed, since it'll let you deal OK damage while you regen your energy, but before that it's just a fucking tickle emitter.
Enemies have some variety, but you won't feel it because they die too fast to your bread and butter moves to matter. And if they don't die fast, you die even faster, so don't bother trying to be fancy.
Music is great, but it sure as hell ain't gonna be to everyone's tastes.
music seems to be based on the music in the movie Akira.
Imma give you a hint to make the game easier. Use the deployable barrier, not the shield.
I just want bullets to go where they need to go. I'm working with thumbsticks here.
I gave up on that the moment the tutorial got to the chain dash mechanics.
the Ruiner is meant to be more of a back-up weapon than be actually good
lead your shots, aim where the enemy WILL go
bullets are projectiles and don't have instant travel time, so compensate for that
If you really want to line up a shot use the bullet time ability as well as deployable shield.
Also worth noting is that some enemies have i-frames during certain actions(usually some form of jumping attack), during which bullets will just pass trough them, so keeping your distance is mandatory when using firearms.
Same, I've got so many games to play that I don't bother buying new games that don't have native ports.
hard to do while surrounded from all directions and the enemies are dashing too.
Am I imagining things or does this happen to anyone else?
I wish there was more than 3 parts to it, man.
Just finished the game, had to take a break because I got frustrated after the CyborgKing part where it crashed during the last part and I had to do it again.
Fucking dissapointing final fight and ending I got to say, feels really fucking rushed.>>13493990
Not once you upgrade it
Then it becomes very useful
Go fuck a whore
Well if your gun is shooting bullets with blank points, of course it wouldn't hurt them
Good bait made me reply
Are you trying to be witty or admitting to being literally retarded?
unfortunately the enemies in this have health bars and take more than one shot to kill most of the time.
It is a slav gaem with the player character wearing a striped tracksuit. Did you expect full functionality? Too bad.
Okay, for the last time, she didn't cuck me, okay? All she did was blow up my arm to override Wizard's hack, that's not cucking me, that's helping me. Yeah, she tells me to go around killing random guys for her and yes, she won't even give them a chance of explaining themselves, but so what? They're bad guys anyway and they have my brother locked away. Yes, she calls me puppy and orders me around; Yes, she's always busy when I want to do something; But that's not cucking me. I don't care what you wetware losers say, You would kill to have a girl like this.
side note: it looks a little like a hockey mask.
but you get your free will at the end of the game
They used one of Susumu Hirasawa's songs for the soundtrack, so I bet they're fans. But who knows.
Ending was disappointing, I figured there would be a twist along those lines. That and any game that DENIES YOU YOUR RIGHTFUL FINAL BOSS FIGHT loses a lot of my respect no matter what reason they decide to pull.
Am I a casual?
Shadow is worse
The plus side to this guy is that he has no shield and fairly low HP.
I just barely beat the guy by being aggressive as fuck while having a more powerful, degrading melee weapon and maxing out reflex booster and dash. Didn't even bother using guns against him. In fact, most guns in this game in general are trash aside from shotguns, miniguns, grenade launchers and lazers.
Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way, the shotgun is objectively the best ranged weapon in the game I encountered so far but man I wish I could set it so the MC switches to melee once the ammo of a "special" weapon runs out instead of going to the pea shooter.
Not being able to rebind keys is the number one problem I have with this game. I can't tell how many times I've accidentally used an ability I didn't intend to use and gotten myself killed over it because I keep forgetting that right click is dash and spacebar is for other abilities.
And as for guns, the Ruiner isn't that bad once I figured out a small trick with it. You can apparently shot enemies while they are offscreen as long as you have a general idea of where they are and while they are offscreen, as far as I know, they don't use abilities or attack and sometimes they just stay offscreen. And since the Ruiner has unlimited ammo, you can just keep firing. This is how I beat Bogdanoff with little to no trouble after dying 40 times
Speaking of dying, what's the titty monster reward in the hub area after you die 50 times?
Yeah. I'm playing blind on hard cause I want to challenge myself and the pipe feels like the only reliable method of damaging enemies. Granted the pipe is fun to use, but all of the skill trees really want you to use guns. The guns in general feel very inconsistent. If you pick up a shotgun, your fine. You pick up a fully auto gun or the flame thrower, your acceptable but still weak. You pick up the pistol or the fucking wimpy burst fire gun, mash F for slow mo and pick up a new gun or your going to down like a house of cards in a tornado.
Karma I believe. Speaking of rewards, I'm not really sure if completing the sidequests work properly. Because there is no reward screen or anything when you turn it in. I do know that hacking the cats work because you get weapon caches in levels which are indicated although hidden. But the rest of them, I don't know what exactly I get from completing them. Probably karma but I wouldn't know because if I do then it's the most insignificant amount of karma imaginable because I haven't leveled up once from a sidequest or seen my level bar go up any noticeable ammount
Say what you want about the game but smashing people in the face with the Armor Breaker mace is great fun.
That happens because the barrel end is further back from enemy's model, depending on the way you're standing.
I just started the game and I already hate it
Is there absolutely any way to change this? Gameplay and Control in options has nothing.
no, devs are prioritizing rebindable controls at the moment, and if you want actual camera-relative movement you need top play with a controller
Just as I was afraid of. Well the ranged weapons are ass anyway right? Might as well. Melee action combat feels way better with a controller anyway.
Love it when items go out of bounds like this
Do you think Ruiner looks like Ryan Gosling under the mask?
"Get up Puppy"
Damnit! I both hate and love this bitch.
What the fuck Mark? Since when was this a thing?
Don't you think that you are a little bit ill once you start thinking in memes and buzzwords instead of being able to form coherent thoughts using your own words?
You tell me, doc.
Is describing certain post formatting using terminology that can be easily understood by most people here that silly?
What other skills are absolutely vital for smooth progression in this game?
I can't tell if this guy is sick of living in a cyberpunk dystopia or if it's a bug.
Had the same happen to me but in a different position, its a bug
Kinetic shield and stun grenade, plus all blink upgrades.
I'm in the second stage of the creep hideout so far. Save for a few encounters absolutely demolishing me, I'm having fun. It feels a bit like Hotline Miami except each encounter lasts a bit longer, and you have way more options to dodge.
Not sure if I'll still like it the more I play it though.
I've also noticed that when you have that last chance slow-mo ability active, it has a naughty habit of disabling your slo-mo if you already have it on. Either that or something turns off reflex time even if you have plenty of energy.
Your average physical retailer deserves the money less than Valve do, I think, and in any case the developer would get a smaller cut from that.
gotta agree. Pirated, hoping for the best. The game seems to be all style and so-so substance. Seems like they prioritized building the art assets above the gameplay. I got tired by the end of the tutorial level because the game seems completely generic. piracy FTW again
>Explosive barrels dash towards the source of damage
Game should have removed ranged weapons altogether.
Not remove but rebalance. Like, shotguns could instakill or two shot because they shut, assault rifles and smgs should 5 or 3 shot because faster fire rates, and the pistol should insta-kill. The fact enemies also have the option to instantly dodge and literally turn intangible is also a problem.
Nope, no amount of tinkering can save this pile of shit.
fun fact: if you stand still during the slow-mo, time actually STOPS. Hope this helps anybody else who was having trouble shooting people in this game. Sure, you need to have a special power to effectively shoot most enemies, it's still cool.
oh man I'm laffin alot
Ok, I broke Ruiner.
Get a railgun and max out the focus booster and almost max out gun/ammo/durability skills so that you have the one which recharges your energy when you fire guns. Also put a point into the weapons drop drone. The railgun actually recharges your energy faster than the focus booster drains it, while also having lots of ammunition (~100, five shots per fire), meaning you can fire it until it runs out, call a new one down and repeat, all without leaving focus mode. If you have the points, you could comfortably add some other skills (grenades, power attack), and power them with the excess energy the railgun generates.
The only problem is that it's taking a literal age to complete Trafficking Again this way.
I think it has something to do with people waiting around for the tip/mock screen to appear when they die instead of just mashing R and getting back into it.
Or maybe I have a femdom fetish.
I don't remember getting rekt by barrels. It is just stuck how fucking retarded it is.
It gets you once and then it's a great mechanic to set up traps for the enemy.
try putting yourself between a barrel and an enemy with a gun and see what happens when you dash out of the way to get the enemy to shoot the barrel
Sounds like you're just blowing a minor thing out of proportion in the hopes that lurkers will join in on your bitching. You're totally jewish. It's not enough for you to dislike something. EVERYBODY around you must agree with you or you get all butthurt. I've seen your type hundreds of times before.
Why would I get butthurt over a shit game that barely functions which I didn't even buy? What is this? Advanced shilling?
the game's not my cup of tea either, mate, but don't act like a fucking Hebe about it
Are western devs finally getting good at making appealing characters?
They never stopped being good,
Just when the sjw brigade gets their mits on art you spent hours on then forces you to change it or change it themselves, you quit being a videogame concept artist.
examples please
fuck you too game
just wasted Trafficking and the game is fucking INTENSE, Im sweating like fuck here
I just beat it.
It's too damn short.
Fucking cool. Being this overpowered feels great. I can't wait to replay the earlier levels with maxed dash and overload. I'm going to beat the game again, but this time, with STYLE.
Exported these out of the game for you to enjoy
There is a third one of these as well, would have posted it myself if I knew where my goddamn screenshots ended up on my computer.
Yeah trying to find it
I believe you get it by achieving a rank between C and A
This one?
That's the one satan
Muh dick
Ha ha.
looks familiar
The ahegao did it for me. Going with a compliant run.
My wrist started savaging me something fierce and I realized I wasted about an hour trying to get through one of the stages. I'm almost 30yrs old. I'm too old to think wasting valuable sands in the hour glass on repeated frustration is worthwhile. Switched to easy, but remembering the days I used to slick through these kinds of games without my hands cramping up…
It isn't one of those.
She's just sticking her tongue out.
Fuck off back to /a/.
nigger the sands in your hourglass aint worth shit if you cant even finish a fucking VIDEO GAME
I looked at some of the reviews because I was curious and noticed all the cucks writing them are super upset about the game for some reason.
Is it because reikon did not pay them off or what?
I'm much older and got bored on whatever the hardest mode is because all you do is use one charge of multidash and the damage multiplying melee dash talent at max range to S+ almost every fight by killing everything right as they land. You are why we need strict eugenics. And poles aren't good enough either or they could make gameplay with actual depth to go with the amazing aesthetics they keep cranking out, fucks sake. Between this and three Witcher games that couldn't stack up to even the worst Souls gameplay I'm beginning to think they're deficient at anything that isn't turn-based.
If you fags like this game you should also try out Furi.
Its kinda like this but more skill based and more polished even if it takes away your ability to upgrade shit.
Its also a Boss Rush game, but its really fucking good.
Holy mother of fucking cancer
Go back to SA, goon
go back to kotakoo
I need some advice here, how in the hell are you supposed to survive in Mother second phase?
The goddamn heatbeam burns through my shield and energy fast as fuck even when I dash around and there is fuck all energy drops, I simply run out of energy and she kills me. Also is the heatbeam meant to randomly start pushing you while you are in a middle of a dash? It doesn't always seem to push you while you dash but I've gotten myself pushed into the dead end while I was dashing, resulting in me getting stuck.
It sounds like you're being too conservative with your dashes. Mash that mf dash button. The shield is not even necessary if you time it right. Timing is also unnecessary if you spam dash. Better yet: queue up your dashes to ensure that there is no pause in the middle. The half second pause in the middle is what will kill you.
Run to one side of the area. When the beam is about to hit you, double, or even triple click the dash button and go the other direction through the beam. Repeat until victorious.
Put all points in dash and bullet time, refund the shield. Chain dash in bullet time like a madman every time shes firing her laser. The beam follows you so if your dash ends inside the beam you gonna get pushed, but if you keep chaindashing it doesnt happen.
No, it's probably just because the protagonist isn't black or gay.
Is the main character a fucking nigger? I don't want to play anything about a nigger.
Where the fuck am I supposed to go. I can't seem to find the entrance after killing Mother.
nevermind, finally found it.
He just says "My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined"
Go to the left, where you fought the second angel. Be close to the top wall. There is the exit.
im getting a decompression error when installing it so i cant play it which is annoying cause it looks fun
Wow I got savaged. haha
Anyway, just beat the game. I liked it but that ending blows and everyone knows it. Found an interview with the devs (French, of course) and they say,
So basically they couldn't come up with anything else good and just made it painfully vague to cover for their ineptitude. Shame because I really would have liked a battle to her core/central servers and being given a choice of what to do there.
It's also really ridiculous. Made me chuckle when it turned out your brother wears the same mask as you. They did a House of the Scorpion deal with the brother there using bigbro's body as an organ harvest to keep himself alive even in old age.
There's too much left unsaid, though, and before some queer starts huffing their ass about
No, I like the stories in my story-driven games (which even the devs call this) to have proper resolution and definition. Not everything needs to be explained but what art-house uni grad student idiot wants to pay $20 for repetitive bosses and an unfinished story?
Slick game, though.
Are you retarded? How do you not know the most iconic H face?
She's mocking you with the ahegao face because of how badly you got destroyed/the guys railed you.
I didn't think I'd have to explain the joke
Why? He was trying to take over from your brother, who was using people like fodder for machinery to run his massive virtual reality empire. King got what he deserved thrice over.
I was surprised that, despite her Sadtistic nature and very femdom overtones at times, she was actually trying to take down a horrifically evil corporation and, in the process, freed you from being a living organ-buffet popsicle.
Really, it turned out like had hoped but just not in the way he thought it would.
Her threats are just her way of saying she loves you.
you better post the links to those images in that image
i think you have some weird fetish.
Will "new game" delete my character abilities and level?
They really should have made multiple save slots like most games do.
Ruiner is getting more levels and stuff probably free.
forgot my image.
Where did this come from? The reason it looks like she's doing the ahegao face is because she has sanpaku eyes.
Played it for about half an hour, wasn't a fan. Already seemed repetitive, there is no weight behind the attacks, the controls sucks, and the music, while it isn't bad, is pretty meh. The aesthetic great, but that's about all it has going for it.
>plans to support Ruiner for the upcoming months
Oh, I see. So the ending is not art-house nonsense of an unfinished story but an intentional lean in for the inevitable rest of the game.
When I look at comments for newly released games and how quickly people are prepared to refund a game for the slightest thing that feels off, I'm getting the idea that I should make the first two hours of my game as explosive as possible to keep people's interest
Stop pretending to be retarded. I already showed you in the image.
Absolute good tier taste.
It's not in game seems to be just in trailers, same with the GITS pin.
Oh well damn. Nice nod though.
Walk forward, enter arena, generic guys rush at you mindlessly, walk forward, enter arena, generic guys rush at you mindlessly … repeat
If the controls are annoying and the game doesn't "feel" good it's hard to justify continuing to play when you have a backlog a mile long.
We get it, fuck.
It's like you're trying to pull off some kind of retarded consensus cracking jewry now.
Yeah you're not really worth listening to.
Why don't you go die in a grease fire?
S-s-sorry for having an opinion user, your well thought out argument has shown me how much of a failed human I am.
it's just the tutorial, bro
Maybe I'm wrong, but after playing that bit I read the reviews on Steam, and people who have finished the game echo the same sentiments.
The game could be good, it just needs to spend a bit more time in the oven. Seems like most of the budget was spent on visuals.
What? No it's the whole game don't lie. It really is
But the atmosphere, music, visuals and character actually make it worth playing through - until the end.
But just wait until they bring in the Angels and that Cyborg mini-boss enemy they recycled over a dozen times in the last third of the game. That was the most "fun" I've had since I had my wisdom tooth pulled.
This is definitely a game worth $20 at most.
I bet its the same people bitching in the stalkan thread right now too
I'm not clicking that.
guess my brain isn't gonna ever let me enjoy this game
What's your disease? How does that happen?
afterimages are a fairly common thing for everyone. I couldn't tell you what exactly is wrong with me regarding the colors though. It happened way back when UT3 was a thing, as well as borderlands 2. something about the dark red colors that engine uses always made me feel hot or give me a headache
when I was like 8 I played doom so much I could not stop hearing cyberdemon footsteps when I stopped playing until I went to sleep and worke up the next day
I also played so much that same time that my fingers were locked in L shapes and I had to unbend them with the other hands
Thread's about to get eaten.