4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite game on the sega saturn?

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Never played any.

I've never played a Sega Saturn game.

Oh wait, saturn. Never played one.

in the current year girls my age

love dicks

sleep snug, smug

Morning everyone, Ritsu here

My sleep schedule is still on nip time. Which is really just NEET sleep schedule I guess. Wake up at like 11pm every night.

Sonic jam. How's everyone tonight?

How is it possible to reset your sleep schedule after it is fucked user?

How goes user

Me either.
What is this

I'm good, grinding in yugioh game and thinking about whats for breakfast. How goes user

No Jetlag?

I'm good, I think.

Morning guys
Why can't I be bothered to paint my minis

Never played any

Hey guys.
I have tomorrow and Wednesday off from work. I'm thinking of hanging out with one of my friends who's balancing both uni and a job at a bookstore. Last time I hung out with him was for his birthday. I got him CvS2 and we played a few rounds of that.

Hope you have a good time with him.

Why the think?

And I usually just stay up a couple hours later each night. Drink a bunch of coffee a couple hours before I went to sleep the night before. Takes a few days or a week but eventually it shifts around.

Nah. I flew against time. Left nippon at 5pm and arrived in the US at 9pm

What kinda minis?

Stay up one night and go to sleep the right time the next. Or just go to sleep when you should and it will reset.

I bought another DS4 today. So i figured out that its the drivers on my computer that is causing the right stick to malfuction. DS4windows fixes it but only on games that like DS4win. Also got tekken 7.

It's possible to be lewd and still have clothes on. But if you want less clothes I can do that.

I wish I wasn't a neet so I could hang out with my online friends I guess. My sleep schedule is fucked.

Can you explain this?

never played on a sega saturn IIRC

I had to sit around at work for 2 hours before I could go home tonight. i finished all my work, so I went and sat at a teacher's desk in a classroom and fucked around on my phone for 2 hours.

Control levels fluctuating, but I'll be ok. Biggest improvement in life lately is no more feelings of unending despair that shit will never get better- I know that things will get better if I keep trying, because it's happened before, so if I keep trying and keep going things will get better.

I really want to get a ds4 some time but my gaming pc is dead anyway so

Gross! And I'm just used to knowing who you are based off of spoiled images tbh

I went in the same directions as time zones, or the opposite? So even though I flew 12 hours, the clock didn't move because I went through 12 timezones.

Space Mexicans

Not that hard, I do it every Friday and Sunday

what kind of minis?
i have warmachine pieces

I still don't get it.

Japan is many hours ahead of us, and when you fly from japan to america, you are flying against the timezones.

The DS4 is the best controller ever next to the duke and gamecube controller. I just wish i could fix the fucking drifting. Its not the controller since both do the same thing and its fine on the ps4. Goddamn it.

But wouldn't that mean you went almost as fast as the earth turns or something? The whole point of the timezones was to have a consistent daylight outside with AM and PM.

Do like I did and dream about nippon to make the future brighter.

What game

Time isn't real and nothing you do matters

Did you try fully deleting the drivers?

No, i might try it though.


I guess, I'm stupid.


Like I said, I left nippon at 5pm in the evening and arrived in the US or at least my final airport at 9pm the same date.

That'll probably help if it ain't the controller


Time is real. Very real infact.

I just dont know why its happening. It was working fine and it just broke one day for no reason. That happens alot with my shit.

Earthworm Jim 2. Though I played it on playstation.

I need to learn how to be able to fap and cum when I want to instead of going hours just fapping to random images and not being able to nut when I want to.

Oh yeah speaking of flying, view from my last plane over TN
Wish I had got some shots over Nippon but always picked aisle seats for those long ass flights so I could go to the toilet and stuff.

Time is just a tool that the dirty capitalists use to measure how much bread to give us comrade.

This shit is why I hate computers

How goes user

I dunno, im able to fap to random images and cum just about whenever i want.

use some lotion
get an onahole nigga

I want to fuk that puddin.

If you ain't own an onahole thats your own fault


Why don't you jerk off before you go to sleep? It'll actually help you.

Eh I've seen better skylines.


do you own an onahole ritsu?


Living large in my mind, at least. How's the post trip life treatin ya?

I used to have a pretty big menoth force back in second edition, then our tournament scene went downhill real quick. My last game was against a guy who had a 20 minute shitfit because he fucked up his deathjack's assassination run and a cult of personality formed around our local pressganger

Game's called Infinity, good stuff

What lotion should I try?

how do I hide an onahole from family members?

I had one of those outlet things that extends wired eithernet connections. Its working fine and one day it just breaks for no reason, like i cant fix it no matter what. Then i change internet companies and it fixes itself, then it breaks like 3 months later in the middle of playing a multiplayer game. No reason, just breaks.

Should i get an ona hole off amazon?

Put it in a box?

I slept through most the flight or else I woulda got some comfy shots of forests when there was better light sadly

I own 3 monica. Was going to get more in nippon but was broke at that point. Was neat seeing entire stores full of them for like 30% less than we pay online.

What game?

I mostly have just sat around watching shit and playing my crack mobile game. Back to the NEET routine.

I just have all mine in a box at the end of my bed. Family knows not to go in my room and when I leave I use a key to lock my door.

I haven't played very much since I got them, but I have friends who play and have pieces so I'm gonna try and get them together to play.

I just use whatever skin lotion is available i stole my mom's for it once
hide it beneath your mattress

I wonder how many silicon loli vaginas customs agents see on a regular basis.

Do they make good ara onaholes?

Buy one off toydemon. Theres fakes on amazon. Plus you get rewards points and a far far better selection.

ever used en-nls.com?

From Dust, its a god game that can get dark under certain circumstances

Did you try installing xpaddder and configuring it that way?

I really need to go nofap, I have to concentrate now.

It had to come back sooner or later. What sorta shit have you been watching lately?

Xpadder wont do anything when the right stick is permanently going up.

I bet you could find something. They sorta base them around ideas so I bet they'd have some loose ara one somewhere out there.

Funny story. On my flight leaving Nippon I was boarding the plane when this security guy calls me over for a secondary security check. He goes to look in my backpack and I say something like "be gentle they are special" and when he unzips it theres a few Ritsu figs sitting on top. He just immediately zipped it back up and let me through.

Nah toydemon's my site. I've got like 8$ in free points on there from buying a few holes and reviewing shit.

Whats it like?

My usual youtube channels and a lot of fresh prince for whatever reason.

Personally I don't see what makes no fap so special.

pic related

Why not just get a 3dqt user?

What faction?
And I find keeping /tg/ stuff just between friends is usually the best way to play. The cool players in your area will eventually make it into your circles anyways

Because it feels better once you go back to fapping?


Its supposed to increase test for like a week before leveling out. Personally, im just gonna keep doing it until i get a girlfriend.

Nice oxymoron.

that's beyond fucking hilarious, holy shit I'm dying

is it really so terrible
i've never used it but it was recommended to me

I have Protectorate of Menoth, the greatest faction.

I've never played a Saturn game, but I'd probably sit down and play Super Tempo if I could ever finish the prequel.

Surely there are some qt's where you anons live?

I've been thinking I'll do that but I've realized I give so little shits about women because I'm convinced porn is a substitute for women.

You just help a bunch of spearchuckers build villages by protecting them from the elements as a god. The game has a lot of infinite sources of materials like water or lava, so it can lead to situations where everything is fucked if you decide to play around for a bit, even with the special powers the game gives you

I was happy to unleash my autism bigly in nippon at least once.

How goes user

Hey guys. Whats up?

Finished my studying for today. Bit behind on some of the shit. School truly is a prison. Also wont be posting plank for rest of my posts to avoid getting banned. Will post general ed edd and eddy pictures.

Maybe, but i cant drive nor do i have a job so i wouldnt be able to even date a qt anyway, provided one actually exists.

I have my waifu for companion needs and porn for sexual needs so w/e. I'll still look for a potential girlfriend but im not gonna find anyone that hasnt slept with 5 people before 18 anyway.

I already have a girlfriend thank you

It like some kinda minecraft game or something?

What classes you taking this semester?

It's going alright. I finished Sonic Advance today, although I didn't get the extra ending because I don't want to play this game for a longer amount of time than necessary to tell myself that I completed it.


Did you get banned in the last thread?

Which one is advance and how high does it rank on the sonic shitometer

Did you do anything lewd there or just normal tourist shit? I'm hoping to find a nopan kissu at the very least if I go

Excellent taste. I hope errants are just as bullshit as they were in second edition

Is it too difficult for you or something?

I went to soaplands a few times

Sonic advance is infamous for its small screen.

nipponese class. social psychology. Psychology motivation (to motivate my dumb ass).

Yeah. I figure posting general stuff about ed edd and eddy would get around it since I wont be just posting plank.

It's fucking stupid, but the only shot I have right now. I was actually thinking of studying japanese in japan since there is a program at my school to go over there.

Only those 3?

Basically all worthless classes that wont net you a job anywhere.

kind of, just with natural disasters and some terraforming mechanics

this just happened pls rate dank meme oc

what did you get at soapland fam?

You can always walk away if you aren't indebted user.

Woah that looks a lot neater than I thought it would

What games you get

Maybe what?

You're most likely right. I don't know what else to do. This economy is shit and too much competition for jobs where I live.

Yeah. I was taking another class but I dropped it because it was boring as fuck.

Not in debt, using financial aid. Once that stuff runs out will probably quit because I am not going to be enslaved to the jew

How many years do you plan to go to college?
Have you got your basic math/english/etc classes done?

Trades, faggot. Learn electrical engeneering or something that the average illegal and pajeet cant do.

i got the third tier for the most games

mah nigga

You nearly have more categories than I do games.

Personally, the trade schools around here are shadier than the college, so im opting for that. I just hope i dont get lynched. do i try to blend in by becoming gay or some shit?

Nep games look cute but the gameplay looks dull

Till I get bachelors. I got my generals out of the way.

Don't know jack about any of that stuff. Is it easy to pick up trade shit?

last time I asked if you went, like the day you got back, you said maybe

so what did you get on your 3 trips to soap land even I though I warned you about budget numerous times?

If you arent a retard, trades are way better than any intellectual shit.

Just get it over with as fast as you can. Most people don't get jobs related to their degree anyway and you can always go teach english in china/nippon/etc if you want

Got some cute nip girls monica

buy more games

i go to trade school at a local community college. the college is actually a really, really nice community college and has a great program, so I'm lucky.

The games are cute but yes the gameplay is a bit dull. I want to play it for the girls, but it's hard to play sometimes tbh fam.


cuties with pink nips or brown?

Yeah, but im in cali so im fucked anyway. I have no future no matter what.

grow longer hair on your head and then keep a semi unkempt clean shave. Also either be overly fat or extremely skinny. Don't eat alot of meats or tough foods so you don't develop manly facial muscles.

Most of it is laughably easy stuff if you are able to learn. Things like memorizing the different piping standards, different wiring standards, and local codes are the only semi-difficult part. Your real problem stems from not the knowledge but the permission/permits/certifications neccessary to get jobs in trades.

leave california asap
you're going to die in the earthquake

That was my backup plan. If I bachelors means I can go teach shit in other countries. I should have another back up plan though.

Will look into it. I know one of my friends said he plans to get computer certs, might be an alternative.

So it was pretty good I assume?
What were the prices like?
How hard is it getting around as an English speaker?

Choir is pretty nifty but I never used them much. I was more into the infantry

Fellow cali fag here. I need to leave this nigger/spic infested place asap.

i already have the hair and beard, and im also so underweight i look like i could be a starving african albino i refuse to give up meat

What if i conquer whats left?

No, bad. Computers are worthless.


Thats why I watch all girl anime instead. When you starting urarar

One had really pale ones, one had brown ones, one had average skin tone ones.

Yeah teaching forever ain't a good career. Shit pay. Get to travel though.

I payed 900 for 3 times. And 1 girl was average but really hot, the next was good service but kinda uggo, third was super cute and great at it.
I got kicked out of one place for not speaking nip, the other places were fine. The girls spoke really broken engrish, it was cute.

everything i've read online about choir say they murder.

Become king of the California wastes? Lead a crusade to remove all the taconiggers and niggers and reclaim California for Christendom?

I dont have anywhere to go.

Im just gonna ride it out to the end.

Real life crusades on an underwater city. It will be like EO3.

noice, 2 out of 3 aint bad ritsu, sounds like you're a lucky man familam

Advance is the one on Gameboy Advance. It had two sequels. It's not the worst Sanic game out there, but it's still pretty bad.

Pick one unless under a king/authority

They were the most famous unit in the army for good reason. They make your shitty Khador jacks into nearly invincible killing machines. Back in my day they made the reckoner one of the scariest jacks to deal with

In usd I assume?

Next time I go definitely taking more money for it.

Can't imagine one on the gba being good

yee das rite

Did you have any dreams or goals at one point in life? Mine was to make a women happy, and to be able to live free and make my own decisions. Nowadays I don't think I'll ever be able to reach those goals.

Insomnia is a nigger

Nope. Its why I ended up NEET

How goes user, besides the no sleep thing

I will pick the comfy certain doom with a chance of escaping during the happening than an uncertain doom living homeless in nevada.

i just want a good job and a wife, she doesnt even have to be too attractive, just a woman that wants to be a wife


well bud maybe you should get a job now, like that swiss guy

I'll get one in a couple months
Just want to enjoy the comfy NEET life for a bit

well, I'd like to finish Samurai Girls, then finish Sekirei and watch the Trinity Seven movie. I'll download it and watch it soon if I want a change of pace.

metal as fuck

just promise me san francisco and all its inhabitants gets erased from time.

Travel the world. Become a martial arts master. Achieve satori. Have a dozen+ kids and teach all my sons martial arts and my trade.

it is indeed

I did and still hold it
I wish to have a family, but now instead of 2 kids I want 5
you aren't living free making your own decisions?

Probably better off tbh.

No I'm living with my parents with a job that makes $11.50 an hour.

I understand Ritsu
if you get a night audit job like me working 4 days out of the week you could live the NEET life on your days off, its pretty close to how my NEET life was before I got it except now I don't have my parents giving me shit

Well if your choice is the desert hell hole of sin city filled with (((rich people))) or commiefornia's many farms filled with spics it becomes a difficult choice.

Got a lot on your plate. Theres only like one season of a show I need to catch up on

what horrible metropolis do you live in that you cant move out on 11.50?


you're just a negative nancy thinking that there be any jobs in the mad max world we are ehaded for

Unless i wanna walk like half of cali to get to idaho, my only choice is nevada.

Is that 11.50 leafs or american dollars?

Not him but canada

I'm halfway through season 2 of samurai girls, and have 2 episodes of sekirei s2 left because it became too focused on the plot and not fanservice and I lost interest and watched something else, the trinity seven movie is only an hour long.

Man, if i wasnt shackled down in modern day shit, the world would be fun again.

Idaho is potato country user, dont you like HUGE potatoes

Its all starch. I want meat.

I fucking love potatoes
Sign me up

why dont you two become roomies if you are canadian?

so get some meat and potatoes fam baked potatoes with a ton of cheese is good too

See Satan knows

Whats trinity seven?

Potatos are the best food. Mashed, fries, chips, soup. Doesn't matter, the best

Your positiveness is too big. Thinking we won't be going full on matrix AND mad max world instead of just mad max.

Can we also go dude sex while we're at it?

I'm playing Advance 2 right now and it's a definite improvement at least. Still could use a bit wider range of sight though.

what shit has you down man?


look like you're the positive one here fam

Well if you are in burgerland don't go to idaho then.

Harem ecchi with one of the best protagonists in any harem show I've ever watched.

Surprised nobody mods roms for emulators with stuff like that

Now the only thing I want is some good potato soup

Everything is too restrictive. Cant say anything conservative outside or i get lynched. Cant get a job cause im white. Cant do anything except play vidyas and get to live the adventurers lifestyle.

It would be hard to mod something like that.

Not even in the end you faggot.

>thinking the (((world))) won't just go full on mad matrix Satanic to maintain control

Why do you do this to me


Idaho has dank potatoes

god damnit now I want some too

I live in a college town
you sure its not because you have shit all on your resume?
learn to do tech shit, it costs literally nothing

>thinking the (((world))) won't just go full on mad matrix Satanic to maintain control

niggers I forgot the last )

Im just waiting for (((them))) to summon the antichrist so i can fight in jesus' army against it.

11.50 leaf dollars.

I got a job and I had fucking nothing going for me on my resume, and I was an autist who did nothing but shitpost and play vidya until I had to get a job. You can get a job, you just need to make yourself look convincing.

I had some canned tater soup the other day that turned out decent when I added a bunch of cream to it and bacon.

You're also in canada. I live surrounded by fucking beans.

Do what?

Just because I tell someone to do something does not mean I lied to them. Idaho is a great place. But you don't wana be there for a different reason.
You don't even contribute to a emulator with openbsd on a powerpc with fully reverse engineered software for all the hardware do you? Computer jobs are dead for whites too unless you are a (((white))), a 30+ fag, or a 60+ old boomer now.

Pretty much this and pray they don't ask for references

I just used my friend's mom for a reference and somehow it worked.

goodnight, niggers

Im heading to bed too. Night.

Cya next time fam

please never wake up again

see you next thread.

I think I'm gonna go to bed. See you guys next thread.

Cya too user

I'de rather fight for christ chan

I usually throw in cheese or crackers to make it thicker

elaborate please

>You don't even contribute to a emulator with openbsd on a powerpc with fully reverse engineered software for all the hardware do you? Computer jobs are dead for whites too unless you are a (((white))), a 30+ fag, or a 60+ old boomer now.




if you take off ritsu have a good night

I prefer mine really soupy. Too thick and I might as well be eating mashed potatoes.

I'm ok with soupy potatoes as long as they aren't only basked in water.

ah but a good stew is great, and mashed taters doesn't usually have cheese or greens mixed in

the reason fam

Deserty climate along with a lack of farmland. Shitty place to live but beats commiefornia or nevada. But if you walk all that way from california you might as well keep walking to leaf land or the dakotas.

I don't know fam, I got family there and yeah its desert but I like it outside of pollen season

Night everyone!

I wish my country was as united as Japan.

me too fam, but we would have to get rid of all the foreigners for that