Youtube Videogame Video

What are some genuinely interesting gaming related youtube videos? I dont mean streamers per se but actual interesting videogame related material like the mechanics and software limitations of past generations or development secrets etc.

pic unrelated

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Fuck off

Hello, /tg/ here. My name is Byf's Lore Videos on Destiny/Destiny 2.

Let's you experience the only good part of Destiny without having to pay for Shit. It's what I'm using to run a Destiny tabletop RPG, and I've never even touched the game.

0.5 A press.

Post more of that picture and for every picture you post, then I will give you a channel.

Hold on a second, this picture makes no sense. The female trainer is supposed to be 10 but here she looks like an adult and is about to or already raped that boy, but I guess that it's okay since "boys can't be raped by women"

They can't. When I was younger I've always had fantasies of having older women sleep with me.
Men are dominant, if they AREN'T dominant and are forced (I.E Sodomy) THEN it is rape.

Ahoy's Polybius video

All you need to know is that's probably Joey, and her 'Tatas are in the top percentage.

I don't know, if a fat sheboon forced 10yo you at knife point to suck her crusty chimphole, would it be rape?

That would be beastiality my good sir.

Please go back to Holla Forums with your Gumball Rape Fantasies.

Joseph Anderson's review of The Witness

adoredtv isn't necessarily about games, although his research does involve it, he produces the only good content and its easily good enough to convince you that PC gaming is fucked

Come on you fucking (1), bring me the porn.

Is straight shota wrong?

Matt Chat is pretty good channel full of interviews of game developers. His videos are basically just really long skype interviews and he has interviewed guys like Tim Cain, Romero, Lord British and even that Russian guy who made Tetris. It's a gold mine if you're interested in video game history and what was going on behind the scenes.

the only thing wrong with it is that I didn't have a hot milf want to fuck me

Jimquisition and Extra Creditz are pretty great.

I don't enjoy pornography so I wouldn't know but anything with effeminate males being forced into sexual acts by women is pathetic and a sign of societal decay

Probably, but goddamn I love that position.

Its gay as fuck.You are inserting yourself as a wimpy kid instead of a dominant male.

I like this video. It's a guy trying to break the original Pokemon game by making it unbeatable, and how Game Freak changed the remakes to circumvent them.
There's also TheZZAZZglitch, who makes videos on glitches in the original Pokemon games. Since you can't embed more than one video at a time here's one where he uses arbitrary code execution to make a creepypasta save:

pick one:

If it is, I don't want to be right.

Maybe, if the Miniscule Magician smothers under her massive milky melons climactically.

Only if she's got a penis

Not if she's got a penis

Depends on how hot she is

Ross's Game Dungeon (series about lesser known games)
Crowbcat (vidya documentaries made only with footage)
Joseph Anderson (reviews and analyses)
MandaloreGaming (reviews)
MarphitimusBlackimus (shorts about HL1, doom and others)
Matthewmatosis (reviews and analyses)
SsethTzeentach (shitviews)
Turbo Button (short analyses)
ClassicsOfGame (shitposting)
EmptyHero (shitposting and shitviews)

not really I get off to other people being dominated and possibly self insert as a person cucking someone else by fucking the girl in front of them

You get off to males being dominated?

both genders its kinda hot seeing someone pathetic

Haha, no.

Go shit in a diaper and rub it all over yourself in public then.

I'm not getting turned by your posts though.

I think you misread my post

No I think he got it quite right soyboy.


mde fans deserve death

sounds like we got some salty cucks who lost their girls or waifus to better men here

/ss/ is awesome

It's a Holla Forums meme you dunce.

did people really watch this shit?

That would imply I've ever had a girlfriend.
I don't think I'd ever want one seeing as how absolutely no women I know under the age of 35 have been able to hold a stable relationship.

I want to do this to an user!

But i'm not the one who gets off to patheticness here ;^)

That's a weird dick.

This is getting gay fast.

I remember my bf used to lick my dick like that.
I miss him so much ;_;

Reported you, queerio.

Threadbareinc's Deus Ex LP series

Reported to who? The mutaween?

What happened?

He got deported, he's French and he overstayed his visa by several years. He can't come back here until 2025. I can't even visit him because of how his family would react if they found out he's gay.

Wait, there are actual homosexuals on this board? Ewwwwww.

So, he's a nigger?
you deserve to be flung off a building, faggot



It's a shame how hard it is to find these.
Is there a name for that position?

Mommy issues

For fuck's sake Freud, go back to your outdated theories.

Nursing handjob or breastfeeding handjob

I've seen it called the cradle position before.

Why is this piece of shit thread still up?

Trainers in Pokemon BW are a little older than 10 actually.

I like Limit Breaker's useless Dark Souls data.

I don't care, kill yourself.

Player Characters in the games were never 10, that was just the anime. In most games, you're twelve, with you being slightly older in Sinnoh, and around 15/16 in Unova and Kalos.

Exactly, but well, you know how this goes once there is a "tie-in" series, is a shame, Ash would be OK if he at least reached 15.

This. Between him, Ross (accursedfarms) and The Examined Life of Gaming, those are my favorite