Post your favorite game from that year before the industry as weknow it went almost completely to shit.
2007 was 10 years ago
Bet you weren't even around for the gamenight fag :^)
halo 3 turned 10 today
Oh shit, thats right
its the only one besides the first tahts good, ODS is a fucking expansion pack to 3 that was kiked by Microsoft and doesn't count
Beyond the Sword for Civ 4.
Does anyone have the webms from that? There's one where my tanks get fugged by tankbusters that I forgot to save.
How he couldn't see the white flags?
Fucking commies
Bannon did nothing wrong
Through a tank's optics in the middle of a Russian winter? Not easily.
runescape came out in 2007, dont you know that?
actually, why did he even shot if they were fleeing?
TF2 faggots are the absolute worst I swear
They weren't fleeing nigger, they were getting out of the woods.
No, Bannon did everything wrong. Then he did the only remaining right thing and killed himself. Malashenko did nothing wrong though.
Banon was annoying but the black guy was worse
How exactly was Webb worse? He was just… there. Was that enough?
Two of them.
This is bait
Webb was a nigger done right
None of those are from 2007
Are you implying that abandoning Sabatier to his death and gunning down surrendering soldiers was the right thing to do?
Shit, misread the OP. I thought we could post games released before 2007 too. My bad.
Well, I guess pic related then.
Need to play WiC again sometime
Inexperience and eagerness
He just wanted to kill commies
Malashenko kills his own CO and prooceds to send his soldiers to their deaths because of a futile war he wanted to happen that killed his family.
Good taste fellow S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Implicit in the date
We need another gamenight
Don't make me post the Deep Valley doujin faggot
Do it
Let's review it shall we?
When the thread is close to death or magically reaches the bump limit
Maybe if you had shit taste, TF2 was a huge letdown compared to the OG.
Well a few important ones. I find it interesting that Battlestations Midway is never mentioned at all despite the fag it was pretty much a better World of Warshits before Warshits was a thing.
So you are saying now is not the time for doujins brother?
Not yet brother
Look, i'm not here to argue about the quality between the OG mod and TF2, but what i'm saying is that Valve (back then, alright i mean back then before they went full coin-grabbing graboids) has made a very fleshed out game with memorable characters on top of having a very active modding community on top of it, and that is why TF2 is / was the colossus of multiplayer shooters until now. The way TF2 is still played by the thousands even after its death in 2012 completely reinforces this. also i prefer tf2 since its fucking better to look at, fite me faglord
Well shit, sorry man i'm not the type of user who remembers when his vidya was released at.
Fuck how could i forget that gem? it what made CoH into a fine cut diamond it is now. and how can i forget the feels from the Panzer Elite campaign
also can we post re-releases too? Scarface was released on 2006 but in 2007 it got released on Wii (lol)
I loved battlestations I bought both games. Shame I sucks a sack of dicks when it came to MP.
Bigger shame was that it was forced to use Goys for Windows Live.
I had it on xbox at the time so that wasn't an issue for me. Still it was annoying because the strategic layer was better for a computer platform while taking direct control of the aircraft lent itself much better to a controller. Also you had to take control of your aircraft in MP if you wanted them to win any engagements.
My fellow person of color.
2007 is the last time Bioware released something creative on PC (and their ToD).
I still remember using a bug to launch a ship out of a dock at 300 knots shooting past enemy lines and into their carrier formation. The other thing I liked doing was shoving a sub in someone's Dock with Shore Batteries trying to engage me, just sit there and the Batteries would do all the work for you.
Man I was dumb as a teenager
Can't believe those kikes at EA are the only ones making mid sized battle FPS games like these nowadays.
Sorry how exactly did you get lost?
Technically there's been a few attempts at it who haven't been Tripjew but they haven't been that successful
Angels Fall First was fun while it lasted but just too buggy to play
I'll have to try that if I can find my old copy and dust off my xbox. Skirmish was really customizable and fun as well. Se even without being good at MP I still got a ton of replay value.
Everyone else has already listed my favorite games from that year so I'm going to take a second to remember the wasted opportunity that was Kane & Lynch. Great concept with shit execution.
I always wanted to try this game but I never got the chance
One of the few RTS games to have a competent German campaign. I'm still pissed about CoH2.
If we could get Cake Wars to run think it'd be good for a game night?
No better comfy handheld visual novels than this one.
Bite me for CoD 4 niggers that game is a classic and the series truly went to shit with MW3.
I might agree with you at some point in the past, but with gun skins and shit hats and unusual effects flying around everywhere? nah
The series went to shit after WaW and if you liked Black Ops or MW3 you should be euthanized.
CoD 4 wasn't anything special aside from its campaign which had great pacing but was still pretty average.
why are the 2010's/2020's so fucking garbage?
I liked Black Ops (but haven't played it 5 years) because it was brightly colored, the maps were good, most of the guns were Cold War rarities/oddities such as the PM63 and G11, and it was a Cold War game which is hard to come by.
There were good games in 2006?
Gaming died in 2004 after half-life 2 came out and introduced most of the shitters that pushed the generic FPS genre e.x. CoD MW and Halo 3
TF2 is partially at fault too for introducing children to the FPS genre which is why we got lootcrates and microtransactions because they love spending money they stole from their parent's credit cards.
The series went to shit after UO
Still, you can't deny that all of that would've been avoided of only Bannon followed Sawyer's orders.
Company of Heroes, Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, DEFCON, Hitman: Blood Money, Red Orchestra 1, BF2142, Star Wars EaW
2006 was also the year EA bundled all the C&C games and re-released them as The First Decade, if you want to count that
Mass scale integration of social media in videogames and the general decay that is rapidly occurring in every facet of society and media.
It was thanks to this game that me and y brother finally stopped fighting with each other. It's a shame I'll never get to experience playing it for the first time again.
Factor 5 is back and they have the rights for Turrican.
People like you make me want to start a YouTube channel just so I could make one long-ass video reviewing and analyzing in-depth everything Valve has ever made.
The truth will horrify you.
The final bell for good games was 2010 really, mostly because good stuff that came out back then (RDR, Fallout NV) still carried on the edge of the old era being in development back then.
Pack it up /agdg/, good games can never be made again.
I thought there's already a channel for that
See embed related
Yeah, i wanna play Vintage but at the moment, its just a small circle of anons trying to duct-tape the whole mod
His radio was damaged
Gaming died in 2001 after halo came out and introduced most of the shitters that pushed the generic FPS genre e.x. CoD and hl2
Getting bad but not full cancer
Yeah, no you're a faggot and by that train of though gayman would be dead by 1997 when FFVII was released since it was the Halo of its time.
oh the irony
I never said I liked Halo
Nice try though
Keek your shit bait to yourself and let the thread die.
I had a cartridge of this game for a while now. Beat it earlier this year, it was surprisingly good. The game is still kinda expensive though.
sure thing, kiddo
cod4 is easily the best shooter ever
3.87 k/d ratio and I never signed out.
Shit taste everyone
What a faggot
Reminder that F.E.A.R was released in 2005.
Reminder that Halo in itself wasn't bad, just its influence .
The 2007 meme is a myth.
Conflict Desert Storm
You're off by like 5 years there.
It is not a myth. It is the herald year where everything began going to shit.
Gaming died when the first FPS games game out. Gaming industry went to shit and never recovered.
If it wasn't for Odyssey, Mario would be completely dead.
Im not going to argue with you cuz reasons but it was pure Trash mate.
Please go and never come back.
Righto fagorinos, what 2007 game do you think anons should play the most?