I'm a few hours into this game. Why did this game receive so much backlash? The only problems I see with it are 1. Alex is autistic and acts like a robot. And 2. Its nothing like deus ex 1. As a standalone this game is alright.
I'm a few hours into this game. Why did this game receive so much backlash? The only problems I see with it are 1...
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what does the D stand for?
Yeah, but it isn't standalone, its a casualized sequel to a complex game.
I loved it when it first came out
There was nothing on OG xbox like it, i want to go back and replay but i fear id hate it.
i replayed it a few years back and fell for cyber ng again
irl ng is trash
I love bodysuits so tight that you can see the navel.
Oh another thing. I love the eye colour of the augmented sluts in this game. They look hypnotized or something which is really fucking hot.
It was pretty meh but I really liked the Templar ending.
They could have at the very least given you a fast travel map to minimize this bullshit. I wanted to give this game a shot really bad but that was just flat out intolerable.
The engine is all kinds of fucked and it's also one of the most damning examples of consolization of a PC franchise to this day.
Also, when it came out every journalist sucked its dick in their reviews, but then a few years later they all turned on it and acted like they had always known it was bad. Worthless pricks.
Those kind of meta arguments aside though, I think it's just a really average game. There are some cool things in it, like interesting weapon mods & hidden unique weapons.
I recently completed it.
I do not fully agree with that. While gameplay and level design is terrible in comparison, it actually packs a somewhat compelling story, and is similar to Deus Ex 1 when it comes to such things as story elements, the importance of choice, dialogue, political discourse and the overall atmosphere. It could have been a great game if it hadn't been handicapped with cramped levels and dumbed down game mechanics.
They did the same thing to Oblivion.
Answered your question right there OP. Honestly, this happened with numerous games during that era (Sequels of previous gen titles that were nothing like the previous games). Doom 3 suffered a similar occurrence, to use as an example.
However, it seems like a similar incident is happening lately in the industry like with BG&E2 and nuPrey. The only difference, however, is that the games released back then like DE:IW, Doom 3, Wind Waker, Prime, etc. is that they were all still good games despite the distanced relationship between their previous entries. However, with all the new shit coming out, they're mediocre at best, terrible at worst, and people pray that they're forgettable enough so that they can memory block it out of the rest of the series. To put it simply, people were upset back then because they didn't receive what they thought they would, however, today, people are upset because the product isn't any good on top of not being what they asked for.
I want autists to kill themselves.
Sometimes that's the easiest way
Denton, of course.
I would most certainly give the D to that female Alex D.
Wasn't it only on Xbox? And isn't Xbox emulation still shit?
Yes, thanks to those fellas
Thanks for reminding me of this
There's a patch that supposedly makes it run, but I haven't tested it myself ttlg.com
What happened here?
Not sure about the other two but some redditor turned an xbox dev kit into his own personal computer while deleting all of the files on it
I guessed the story would be something like that. Fucking Reddit.
Some redditor found a CD with the Starcraft source code and rather than upload it he gave it to Blizzard like a good goy and got some shitty merchandise in return.
For some reason using usb headphones fixed the game crashing on me pretty much 100%
What you see there in the bottom right is the source code for starcraft that was in a box of stuff some dumbass spic bought off ebay, or amazon. Of course being a fucking illiterate taconigger he posted the picture on reddit asking what it was. Blizzard then contacted him, and threatened legal action if he didn't return it, which he did. So the rest of us don't have the source code for starcraft, it will probably never be found again, and blizzard gave him two hundred blizzard dollars to spend at blizzcon as a pittance.
TLDR: Spics were a mistake - Spaniards
is that a Cray XMP? What happened there?
Oh now I think I remember. Some fag destroyed a rare supercomputer to make a crib for his spawn that's probably just as stupid.
I actually played IW before I played the first DX. I thought it was pretty good at the time. About a year later I went back and played the first one and now I totally understand why people treat IW the way they do. The second game lacks all of the depth, complexity and emergent gameplay that was in the first title. As a standalone game, IW might hold up pretty well against other games released in that same time period, but ultimately it's a forgettable experience.
I blame reddit more.
I don't see how that would happen really. These things tend to get recycled once decommissioned, it's just odd someone would acquire them.
Speaking from experience, XMPs aren't exactly great furniture to use, just appropriately stark pieces of technology. A sort of awe-inspiring quality appropriate for monolithic forces of architectural underpinning of modern digital structures or ultra computation.
anyway to keep it video game related, a cray XMP was featured in jurassic park trespasser.
Was gonna post this. By todays standards though, its pretty "complex" sad as that might be.
Hype user, it wasn't as good at the first game. Also, it was cramped as fuck. Xbox limitations at the time didn't allow it to have big levels. Always the fucking ram on these consoles. If it was just a pc exclusive it might have been better, but I remember someone posting pdfs where the console market was the end goal and would would be the key to massive dosh.
the large levels wouldn't have been a problem for the Xbox, the issue was the engine technology wasn't matured enough to fit those large levels into the memory restraints. The issue more has to do with the tech not being optimized and ready, and instead of getting a good solution to it, crippling the rest of the game to fit into the system restraints. It's a terribly optimized game, even on PC, much like Thief 3.
What's the legality on that? Does he technically own the disc and it's contents at that point?
I know 3/4 of this cause my blood to boil, but whats that chalkboard?
It's a Cray Y-MP super computer repurposed as furniture for a toddler named Edison. The formulas are just filler shit parked next to the Cray.
He owns the disc but he doesn't own the intellectual property on it. So in other words, it is perfectly legal for him to have kept it and installed it on his computer but not legal to distribute its contents.
1 - Loads of load screens.
It's also a console game and because of that a lot of areas are chopped up into smaller stages so they aren't all loaded at the same time.
This isn't so bad at the beginning but gets WAY worse as you progress into the game.
You'll never get an area as big as the Liberty Island of DX1 or even the hubs of DXHR.
Also there's a lot of backtracking to make things worse unless you know the game already and can plan a tactical route in advance.
2 - Inventory System
It was a fucking joke that completely changed how it worked on the first for the sake of a console HUD. Weapons all took the same amount of space as did every tool. It was a chore to navigate and didn't made the game any better.
3 - Universal Ammo
There's a point to be made here, where weapons become tools that you use based on the situation since they all draw from the same pool.
But at the same time, carrying different weapons is kinda stupid if they all use the same resource not to mention the loss of specialized ammo for the sake of an alt-fire that could have been decent but half the weapons are either zoom or firing a non-lethal grenade.
4 - The Story
It went for a more Sci-Fi approach without being very much grounded on reality or relevant to the player as well as the first one was, so it didn't stick that well. There's a lot of social class fighting in there and moral quandaries to consider but the writing is shitty, the characters are artificial and it's mostly lost on it's own plot of nanomachines making super warriors and the not-nazis don't want the super warriors.
It's really a shame because the augmentation system was pretty great, lots of variety and freedom to go about it how you want and even some of the weapon mods were quite original.
There are a few tidbits of the story that could have been funnier too if following it wasn't so tedious, but otherwise, it's a bit of a forgettable game that does a lot of cool things but also a lot of shitty things.
Next time you see people complaining about consolization, now you have a live example.
Is Alex the Elliot Rodgers of the Denton series?
game is the victim of focus groups (warren spector said as much in an interview) and consolization.
but it is indeed an alright game on its own, just as the sequel to one of the GOAT it is a sore letdown. pretend it's a spiritual sequel or spinoff or unofficial homage by a different dev or fangame, it's a lot more viable when there aren't such big shoes you're expecting it to fill.
Then you're going to be seeing credits pretty soon
By itself is a good game (except the constsant tutorials in the beginning), but having the Deus Ex name attached to it damaged it's reputation.
Ironically it's the complete opposite of Mankind Divided, in the sense that the gameplay is simplified as fuck but it has a decent story, unlike MK's good gameplay but shit story.
As I said in the previous thread about Human Revolution; IW isn't a good sequel to DX, but it has a lot of small details (namely in the physics and environment) that HR and MD really skimp over, which is why they feel so hollow compared to what Ion Storm made.
Woah nigger let's not get carried away here.
Also that loud mush mouthed e-celeb faggot you embeded needs to shot.
Just replayed it 1 and 2 back to back, and 2 is a fucking mess, kill yourself.
I think one of the big problems with the story is that they exhausted the pool of big conspiracies that DX was built on and got stuck within their universe.
At least the game let you kill all the leaders and bring the augmentation project to it's rightful conclusion.
Except Xbox emulation wouldn't have had any help from anything in that box, as stated by the Xbox emulation devs themselves. Why do you fags always spew this garbage every time the "le reddit destroyed a worthless dev kit XD" picture is posted?
The fact that the spic who got it wiped the contents off the system (which could've also held data for unreleased games and/software) is still infuriating. Reddit ruins everything.
How do you even know the contents were valuable? It's not even the only dev kit in existence.
Because devkits have a track record of holding unreleased shit. How do you even know the contents weren't valuable?
Said absolutely no one.
A negative can't be proven, by virtue of there being no evidence to confirm it. You have to prove the positive.
Thanks for the riveting and thought provoking comment, reddit. Speaking of which I think you should head on back.
Probably the same retards that whine about Caim being boring and having no dialogue.
I didn't realize that all these eleven years have made me a redditor.
The people complained so I heard about the voidce acting in Chinatown at worse. Except it was fine in my playthrough.
A Dreamcast dev kit had the original version of Toejam and Earl 3 on it.
Another Xbox dev kit had an abandoned Sonic skateboarding game that was cancelled very early.
Your turn faggot.
To add some context for the time. When it was released it was actually worse, they tried to save it with patches but no one cared at that point. It also ran like complete despite being crippled for consoles.
Remember too that we're somewhat used to consolized garbage these days they've also gotten better at it, back then it was new and horrifying.
Could someone have actually done anything useful with a 90's supercomputer hardware? I would assume the internal hardware would have been removed before being sold. Cue joke about seeing if a supercomputer can run Crysis.
Can we go at least a single fucking thread without someone posting that faggot?
It's worse than that, they couldn't properly convey the stories and conspiracies they were trying to talk about.
The Order is supposed to be heavily religious but they look more like a cult of assassins or a fantasy Thieves's Guild than anything. There's not even a single shrine in the entire game, depictions of what they worship or even animations for prayer.
WTO is shown having cushy jobs but since most of the places you visit are so empty, there's very little to show you it's upsides and how it benefits society. They end up looking more military than business and give you the feeling of being a mercenary.
Technically, neither the Order nor WTO knew about the DNA program (I think).
But there's a very bad timing in the story there, you learn about the coffee conspiracy that both brands are owned by the same person for tax reasons at the same time that you learn that both organizations work together.
What was supposed to be a clever moment of paralells ends up feeling really cheap and dumb since the coffee story seems more plausible.
I guess there's a point there to be made since as long as there's opposition and two viable sides for anyone to join, they can effectively unite the world together and it's not like either side actively advocates for violence, only the most extremist do.
But it's still controlled opposition and groups created for larping about so people don't revolt or think for themselves, it's downright evil.
You are the kind of faggot that loves being a contrarian nofun faggot for the sake of it.
It's value is not measured by how functionally useful it is as a computer. It's like taking the Mona Lisa and repurposing it as a sketch pad for Shadman.
its a stupid thing to say either way
No, it isn't.
it's absolutely retarded and adds nothing to a conversation.
If you're playing a game that's part of a franchise, but you have no investment in that franchise, you're probably going to have a good time with a game like Invisible War. If you're into the other games, you probably won't. Your expectations are relative.
So the distinction of whether it's a "good game on its own" or a "good game as part of the series" is useful to some people.
If someone wants to play a game that has features very specific to X, which other games may have but are done in X in a way that person likes, knowing that Y is not similar to X can be fairly significan. Because they are thinking of playing Y only because there are things hinting towards it being similar to X, that person may possibly have use for that information.
then say that, not it's a good [game genre] just not a good [game franchise]
You are being retarded on purpose but I'll bite.
There are two qualities at stake here, one is the game on it's own, the gameplay and the story.
The other is the theme and the tradition it carries as well as how it continues the previous instalments.
One person might prefer to play a game specifically for the sake of it's own merit and disregard the entire franchise, ignoring completely the other games.
Another might be interested in seeing how the story develops or how the gameplay advances in newer games that are still familiar since they share characters, story and gameplay and as such they won't expect it to change too much but rather to carry on the standard.
So when you say that X game is a good {genre} but not a good part of the franchise, you're conveying that it's not a bad game but it will disappoint the fans of previous game. It's important to say this because it's a flaw the game has that will only affect a specific group of people, not the game being inherently bad in all aspects.
For instance, if you started playing Thief with the third instalment, Dark Shadows, that game will appear to be pretty great because on it's own it's a pretty nice game. But any fan of Thief that tried the first 2 before trying Dark Shadows will feel disapointed by it, so 2 different groups of people will have a different opinion on the same game because they are evaluating different things.
Same thing for Deus EX, both 2 and HR, somewhat decent games on their own but they don't have the same appeal in the story that the first one has, the second one is riddled with consolization problems and the third one has a terrible progression mechanic, problems you'd only seriously notice if you played the first one and knew what was changed.
then say that, not it's a good [game genre] just not a good [game franchise]
not very hard, stop defending retarded terminology because you like it
But that's exactly what's being said, you're the one with a cognitive disfucntion that prevents you from understanding the nuance of written language.
I can write:
Deus EX IW is a good FPS game with decent augmentation mechanics and a mildly interesting story about the role of human augmentation. But compared with Deux EX it's progression is very shallow, the inventory is terrible and the story is cartoonish, trying to tie in previous good plots with terrible new characters.
Or I can just write:
Deus EX IW is a good game but not a good Deus EX game.
It means the exact same thing for someone that can at least capitalize the first word in their sentence and put periods at the end.
Are you arguing for the sake of having an argument\excuse to bump the thread, or do you actually have a point to make? You're sounding retarded either way.
means a million different things to different people
expresses what you actually mean
also for the record the original deus ex had a cartoon story too stop holding that shit on a pedestal
Name 3 different meanings that can have.
By that logic acronyms, metaphors, sarcasm, euphemisms and other literary objects have no place in a language.
Are you really so daft at reading that you can't understand anything unless it's written explicitly?
You should play more then, there's more to the story than the first missions, some of it bleeding well into reality itself.
If you're too hung up on the cyborgs\androids and can't pay attention to anything else in the story, well… Sucks to be a normalfag\underage.
It was a mediocre game at best, and a disappointment to fans of the first. Really a lot of it stems from trying to be deus ex 1 but falling short of it by such a margin that it lands in another category. Take the books in DX1, there's like a pages worth of text in each, enough to give the impression of more depth than you'd care to explore. In IW there's one or two sentences, that by necessity are written in a way that sounds superficial because there's not enough room to set a tone. In both cases they're superfluous to gameplay, but they help establish completely different feels.
The universal ammo system (you either have ammo for the best gun for the job or none of them, no need to plan ahead or ever improvise) and tiny, cramped levels with too frequent transitions (sit back and wait for the confirmation box to finish animating) didn't help either. Combat also felt dull. Credit for implementing shadows though, not that common at the time and it added a bit to stealth that you'd occasionally see guards shadows before they'd round a corner.
Can be broken down as
You truly sound like a faggot who doesn't get the nuances of language and context. In other words, you have autism, can't speak English natively, or most likely both.
GI Joe had such plots cooked up by Cobra Commander to take over the world by destroying the US currency and propping their own Cobra themed currency to replace the dollar as the defacto world currency, and rule the world as a banking cartel. That was cartoon villainy from the 80's.