So I've just started playing this and man is it amazing! You have action and amazing platforming mixed with diverse...

So I've just started playing this and man is it amazing! You have action and amazing platforming mixed with diverse hilarious characters. I bought my friends this game and they all love it. So I was hopping my chan friends could join me!

is this the new toddposting?

Randy, you're not fooling anyone

I hope not

It will most likely be reported and deleted because it's not structured like a neogaf general thread with tons of spoonfeeding. Mods like that here on Freddit.

That game looks cool, add me to friends and we can play!

I hear you, fellow channer! Although, I personally prefer a round or two of Lawbreakers, myself. It's a fun blend of hectic arena action and quirky characters! As far as hero shooters go, it's definitely more hardcore than your casual friendly game.

Probably, it's just autism. People think the autism insult is ironic, but nah, you're on an anonymous website, and I guarantee you at least 1/3rd of the posters here are autistic, maybe more. Some are higher on the spectrum than others, sometimes you can even tell by their posting style. The people who post smug anime faces make the job easier of identifying wither or not they are on the spectrum

Shhhhh. They'll call you a goon because they can't accepted others have preferences.

are you going to buy all of your chan friends that game too or are we not really your friends? I see no reason to play with you if you're not really my friend.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

but user, he doesn't have to, it's free to play now.

They don't even post good girls. Most of the images are from the first page of google image search results for "smug anime girl"

You're either attempting to be post-ironic or you're actually admitting to having shit taste.

If you want some smugs, just ask. You don't have to be so tsundere.



Futhermore if any of you would prefer a single player game. Might I suggest the new dishonoured? It comes with one of the first black female protagonists! A progressive installation.

Wonder how long it'll be before Lawbreakers is quietly shut down like Blunderborn.

no r34, no pirate



What are you talking about, fellow 8Channer? There's a whoe subreddit full of it!
I'd post the screencaps, but apparently I don't have them or they're lost to the depths of my hard drive.

you don't belong here