Skyrim Creation Club is up now
In case you haven't got any bad news today

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Hello I heard this is the place I should ask if I need Todd edits, is this right?

Nyehehehe, welcome stranger




Even the trailer guy sounds dead inside.


I don't know if I should be appalled or laughing my ass off.


the feels




Wait, there is a paywall to the Creation Club itself? Am I reading this right?


I think the steam store doesn't handle microtransactions well and gets confused


This is the most retarded thing anyone could ever pay for


The Age of Mod Piracy has at last dawned upon us.

You've come to the right place friend.

You can ask for dubs too. Check mine, free of charge.


Damn user you just got sacked, , You going to take that shit from him?

Personally, I think the Bethesda Creation Club is a great marketplace you can use to find innovative and creative mods to add onto your favorite Bethesda games and enhance your personal playing experience!

Can't wait for bombing Skyrim.



Hello Toddler

fuck normalfags

Does Todd know that has become a meme?

Huh. Look at that. Too bad they had to buy the game to give it shit ratings; Todd already has their shekels.

That's why Skyrim will be even more fun. Plenty of people own it that had no idea paid mods would be coming (back).

There was a thread on /bane/ about a year ago and someone met Aidan Gillen. Despite not using social media and internet he knew that he was a meme so Todd probably does too

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this handsome gentleman?

The only meme he knows is the "Godd Howard" on Reddit that praises him unironically. Imageboards are probably too problematic and esoteric as Kirkbride's lore for his blood.


Wew Lad

how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man



I honestly wouldn't care if I didn't already know the success of paid mods meant they'll force it in every new game to come. Then again, their games have been really shitty so it isn't like we're losing much. The worst thing they could do now is force paid mods on all of their older games.

Why would they have two different variables to create the word
Christ the game is like 40 gb, they really think not repeating 4 letters in a variable is going to help it?

What success?

I'm just saying that if they get paid mods to stick, they'll do everything they can to make sure paid mods are the only way to mod their future games.

Based on this , they wont.

Its beautiful.

you say that but there are a lot of drones out there more than willing to buy from the $cat club.

Imagine selling your shitty buggy games post TES3 entirely on the backs of modders, but then that's not enough, you have to actually enslave the modders and give them pennies to charge idiots even more for their work

It's been around for some time already since more and more modders moved from modb to steam workshop.

Micro-transactions, day-one DLC, paid mods, episodic content, pay-to-win, always online, DMCAs, blatant propaganda, etc. - How much farther will this jewry progress?

oh hey i can write a negative review for the game to join in on the fun
todd didnt get my shekels either so its a win/win

I-it's not paid mods, guys!

When are we gonna get a mega collection image with all the todds anons can post/find?

T-they don't have the balls to do such a thing. R-right?

Who cares about Skyrim?
Oblivion and Morrowind modding scenes have improved 10x because of this horseshit being released. Since its all on the same engine as well, soon you'll see the OpenMW equivalent for Skyrim.

Bethesda doesn't make games worth actually paying for and this isn't news.

How would Todd run a communist tropical island?


What an age we live in where calling something DLC is seen as an improvement, and received better by people.


You see those bread lines? You can join them.

The same way ALL Communist governments run their countries; it'll be dysfunctional as fuck but he'll continue saying It just works

Also all the mountains will have guard rails and fences all over them but there will be propaganda posters everywhere saying "You CAN climb them!"



who in their right minds would want to pay for FUCKING MODS and give the money straight to bethesda when you can download them from the nexus FOR FREE and if you want to support the modder you donate straight to them, like who are the human beigns that do that kind of shit?

console users.

Woah, don't be that guy.

Modders use the game made by bethesda so its only fair that people pay bethesda



forgot about that

And thus the Kike won again

I don't think people would be so mad with paid mods if they had used rare todd cryptocurrency as a payment method.

So how long we have until Nexus is shut down due to Bethesda's kikery?


it's gonna happen tomorow if i get repeating digits

Why not buy skyrim remastered and skyrim VR, friend? One is an enhanced experience while the other makes you feel like the dragonborn, it will feel like you are actually climbing that mountain.

It will happen mark my words. This whole paid mod business reveals that bethesda is sweating behind the scenes for whatever reason. They would definitely do something so desperately stupid as shutdown mod sites that they see as competition.

I mean, sure, the game is a meme and a complete disappointment but like all bethesda games the enjoyment is in distorting it into something else entirely. I mean, I've turned it into a first person sim city crossed with racettear.
I'm still yet to find a mod that adds Todd Howard to the game as a companion and I'm tempted to make it myself.


It's ok because it's an IRONIC JOKE, it's LAMPOONING the greedy cashgrab that was HorseArmor so it's completely different.


With FO4 they've actually managed to get shitty reviews on steam even with inflation, if the special edition of Skyrim can also then maybe they'll listen doubtful though, they'll probably just continue on since they've already made obscene amounts of profits

If you ever needed proof the review system is bullshit, there you go.

How did FO4 ever have good reviews? It's a total clusterfuck even by Bethesda standards.

how could one doujin turn so fucking disgusting in 10 pages

PS4 users are starved for mods and Bethesda will gladly sell them thousands of poorly done reskins. I thought day one DLCs were Jewish but this is some next level kikery.

because they didn't break the script extender until they released paid mods 2 which also means that many mods that rely on this script extender will no longer work.

Because Japan.

The dialogue has no right being so hilarious and memorable too.

Guess i'll ask here since this is a Skyrim thread and all. But uh, anyone has a MEGA link to the base Skyrim game?


Yes, you should post some here. I don't know why you're offering to flaunt your slutty ass ITT, but that's better than talking about Skyrim.

I mean I get that we need to fight against this so it doesn't become the norm (like DLC microtransactions and pre-order exclusive bonuses) but it's not like the game itself should be relevant anymore. Nor should any game Bethesda release.


The only people who bought Rimjob: Special Ed edition are brand loyal idiots, graphics whores and richfags, so it makes sense why it would have positive Steam ratings. Even normalfags have a limit.


>There are people that play skyrim without lewd mods

Original is so fucking unstable and low energy I'm never playing it again.

You've lived long enough to see paid mods become a reality. This is the gaming industry in 2017

Never. Or at least not for many, many years.

There are several categories of mods that Bethesda can't monetize. Mostly the nudity and skimpy armor kind. There are also a lot of mods that use assets from other games or other artists. On top of that, many of the high quality texture and graphics mods probably can't be monetized either because they will fuck with the minimum system requirements.

If Bethesda wants to kill the Nexus (they don't) then they would need to block all those kinds of mods from being created. They aren't going to do that for Skyrim or Fallout 4 and I doubt they're going to do it for future games either. All those mods add value to their game at almost no cost to Bethesda.

They're going to try and get their grubby hands on as much of the modding community as they can but there's still a ton of things that they will never be able to charge money for.

There are fan made patches for that. They're really easy to get a hold of. That or get rid of those mods you aren't using and refresh the folder.

No, you sound like a plebbitard who doesn't mod his Skyrim over 30 gb. Regular Skyrim just can't handle all the mods and stay stable. Its scripting is also crap and I can't wait for all the good shit to be ported to SE once SKSE and FINS are ported in a year. All this circlejerking over the old shitrim is just so you can be contrarian. What you don't realize is that wanting to jump ship to new Skyrim and shitting on Bethesda isn't mutually exclusive and you can do both.



I don't think they want to be associated with nude mods. It's scares normalfags away and portrays modding community as degenerate perverts. Beth would like mods to be as politically correct and non controversial as possible.

My install of Skyrim runs fine.

You mean that you're actually playing SE even though almost none of the good mods have been ported? Top kek.

Yeah good point. I guess that's why Skyrim and Fallout sold poorly. One of the first mods for Fallout was a nude mod and the game just never recovered.

If you are mad about paid mods, blame capitalism. Someone was going to try this eventually, and the fact that they'll make money off it means it will be a financial success. Devs and modders can't make games out of passion when they need to make studios happy.

You forgot games as well



I see a line, but wheres the hook?



i could be one of these coy bastards telling you something along the lines of
but this egg is one you really don't want to crack, trust me
it's grandma/shota scat porn, vague memory of torture or snuff

Why would I be playing a game I'm waiting mods to be ported for?

Half of them have. If you have specific and obscure tastes, then a third at worst.

If there's money to be made someone's going to try to make money.

t. Kike

And a fool and his money are soon parted. What's your point?

Capitalism is not synonymous with greed.

If you got rid of capitalism there wouldn't be paid mods but only because there wouldn't be a game to mod at all.

Nice arguments, retards.

They kidnapped other shotas and lolis and turned them into personal shit slaves

Why make a rebuttal for obvious bait?

Take your offtopic shit to another board then, this is my territory.


These are properties specific to the economic system we have.

Greed is a meme. Capitalism creates the opportunity to extort people, which anybody who can most likely will because it benefits them. Acting in self-interest isn't "greedy."
Really made me think. Pic unrelated.

oh this is rich. tell me your ideal solution of the problem of "people being retards"

Is this shit really so successful that they're gonna push it everywhere now? I can't imagine many people give a shit.

For one there isn`t any wish for consumers to centralize distribution of mods, the already established player-modder direct relationship is working since it`s inception like 20 years ago. Second Bethesda isn`t providing a better service than what already exists yet they are charging for it, this is unjustified and not at all capitalism`s fault, every system can be exploited that`s why we call a bad practice, lucky we can call them out on it instead of getting shot for criticizing your perfect system.

That`s why you are a commie cuck, you don`t understand economics.


Instead of Piggu pocket all money goes to Party (what destroy country later and take all this money as their property) while porr communist worker still trying to sell his "paper" with Lenin on it to another Party member piggu for food ticket.

Now I have a boner I need to kill.

Is this basically Bethesda getting money from mods they didn't create? if dubs video game industry and all of its faggots get holocausted tomorrow.

The fact that they put it on the only version that fanboys bought makes me think otherwise. Folks can't review bomb a game they don't have after all.

shamefur dispray

Do normalfags buy these (((triple A))) games because of social pressure, or do these dumb fucks honestly believe that they're buying a good game, even after getting fucked in the ass over and over again?

C'mon right over guys!! Those loli mods and futa mods are only 2k Bethesdapoints each

they often don't realize they are getting fucked. Hell, all the console players sing the praises of creation club because now they have mods in the first place.

Normalfags see fallout 3 as a good game so they bought fallout 4. A lot of normalfags were disappointed with 4, probably not enough to stop them from buying whatever shit bethesda comes up with next though

Basically, Bethesda pays these modders a flat fee, per mod, to put them on the store. Said mods are subject to a whole lot of restrictions, mostly about just how large or complex the mods can be.

Ate my pic. And video games were originally much more like the modding communities - people who just love making stuff and sharing it.

You can't be parted from money in a moneyless system.

No, I said if they can do it they will. Huge difference.

Yes, and that is not capitalism. It's more akin to primitive communism than any other historical mode of production.
Which will make them >$0 as opposed to the $0 they would make by not doing it.
Again, they have the chance to do it so they do. They just had to figure out the logistics.
This kind of thing is "not a bug but a feature" of capitalism - the ability to find bullshit to carve up and sell. It's the same reason we have Amiibos and other useless bullshit piling up. The huge companies need to find things to make and sell to have a profit and stay afloat, and most things we need have already been taken care of so they make up new bullshit.
Good luck with that doing anything but making you feel a little better.
The USSR and other ML projects are very shitty attempts at building communism. Nobody got shot for not liking video games though. Under capitalism you definitely will get ding dong bannu'd from forums if you don't toe the line.


If you don't like the idea for paying a creator for his work then don't fucking do it and just download the thousands of mods available for free from anywhere else. Free mods are going to exist no matter what any company tries to do. If someone wants to go through the application process of getting into the creation club because they would like to make a little money off their hard work or just for the publicity then why the hell shouldn't we let them? Grow the fuck up.


Jesus keep going. You realize you can't have money in the first place either right retard? Are you an actual commie?

The modders are getting burned just as badly, though. It isn't as bad as what Beth tried with the Workshop, but they're still screwing modders.

The trips have spoken, become an hero.

You have to remember the reason why people think these games are shit is because the previous games had more depth and more polished. Without that frame of reference, you'll just see people are bitching about a decent game for no reason.

Nice try Trainwiz.

Right, but games like No mans sky and that new mass effect abomination still sold really well right? Anyone could see that NMS was a disaster from the start, yet it cleared like 70 million and those false advertising charges got dropped.

Yes that is the point. Money has a lot of problems, chiefly that it is a tool of social control that acts as a barrier between you and things you need, particularly when those things are not scarce (like software). You don't need money to make society function. It's not even a good tool relative to what current technology is capable of. The reason money is propagandized as being so great is because it's a tool that enshrines power for the extremely wealthy (most of whom are Jews if you care about that shit).


Why are you a communist faggot? What's appealing to it? You even know Jews control the fiat currency around the world, along with the Federal Reserve in the states. You faggots always blow my mind. You make stupidity a virtue.

Do you know why every successful country in the world is capitalist in some form or another? It's because it works. Do you know why it works? Because those who do not work will not eat, and those that do will. There is a barrier between what you want for a fucking reason dumbass. You think everyone should just get it all for free? Or in your video's case, what everyone is allowed to have is determined by the government?

I don't even know why I'm humoring you.

Why even bother engaging him? Do you think you need to show onlookers how retarded communism is? Do you expect a honest debate with him? He has come to a thread on Holla Forums to shit it up, every time they engage in debate with Holla Forums they get BTFO. There is nothing to gain here except shit up a thread

any system that tries to remove competition is always advocated by the weak and pathetic, because its the only strategy that will make their lives viable. they're always low t, beta faggots that don't play enough video games.


People gotta get burned before they learn.
Unfortunately there's too many retards, and new blood to stop the current trend.

Honestly why the fuck are we still playing (((vidya))) and not installing NATSOC in America.

sometimes I wonder if you niggers realise just how stupid this looks to people not involved in the discussion
You can't keep falling for shit like this forever, come on

This post and every post replying to it is exactly why this board's been going to shit.

I'm on it famalam


Thanks sometimes the communist bait is too delicious to eat

Thank you mods

Stop taking the bait

wow first time I see this happen

No really though fuck Bethesda. Torrent Skyrim and install porn instead. If you have autism and dedication you won't regret it.

Please make taking obvious bait a bannable offense.

He did ban the people involved though, check the board logs

Good luck drawing up a list as to what constitutes as obvious bait and having a shitty opinion. Reminder that we wouldn't get shit like pic related if we didn't bully and have fun with retards.

Wew. I wonder if people will pitch a fit over this one in particular.

As russian i dont believe in Communism, Santa and good morning in Mondays.

There's literally no point in installing porn mods for skyrim.
You literally cannot play the game one handed, what's the point? The only satisfaction you get out of it is managing to juggle 400 mods without making the game crash

Good job, but isn't Mark a jew's name?

will the creation club allow sex mods


someone isn't trying hard enough i see

I doubt it since though it would be funny since SJWs would lynch the fuck out of Bethesda if they did. We could see them fight with each other if that happened.

Sure, why not.

Good point

I thought he streamed it as a Floridafag's final film.

Nigga I bought a steam controller and it's still impossible

SJW only attack what they're told to. Chances are they'd be in on it and sneak in lots of gay shit like they do into their patreon flash porn games.

Throw that cuckchan webm out and get with the times user.

How is Bethesda fucking themselves over bad? Skyrim is a shit game, killing its mod community so they can use their autism on better games is a good thing.

Not the stupid ones. They are called useful idiots for a reason. The infighting alone would be amusing. The salt from "muh high art" mod people would be hilarious too. I see enough of that now with free mods, I can;t imagine how fucked the situation would be with paid shit.

You can when the sex animations start. Learn what you're bitching about before making a complaint.

I didn't reply to them fucktard.

I don't think you understand how they already repaid all these two years of effort in both Skyrim and Fallout 4 by just the first week of ps4 mods.

The peasants can have Bethesda's kikery. I hope they drown int.

You have learned nothing from horse armor.

Nothing will stop companies from making money, because the majority of people are mouthbreathing normalfags that exist to give Jews their money. On the other hand, this kind of shit basically destroys modding communities, which in this case is a good thing.


Especially since Fallout 4 is the breaking point for their engine. If they want to make "bigger" games they can't fucking use it anymore which means their next engine will force modders to relearn how to mod to an extent. It's more likely that they'll come together to make a better game than Skyrim with the same tools before they actively try and mod whatever clusterfuck they come out with next.

Modding communites are filled with huge egos and endless drama. When you add shekels to the mix you get yourself a recipe for complete chaos. One single day of paid mods the first time Bethesda tried their bullshit already split the community in two, what do you think prolonged kikery is going to cause?

Like Bethesda is going to allow their next game to be moddable. I guarantee you they'll bury the Creation Club so deep in the game's code nothing will be able to remove it, and they'll do their best to fuck over modders and mods.

It'll probably be closer to what nuDOOM is. A completely gutted moddable process that doesn't allow a fraction of what it originally allowed.


I didn't say they wouldn't stop modding Skyrim. But thinking it'll cause a resurgence of modding in other games is just blind optimism. Skyrim modders make mods for Skyrim for two reasons: they like Skyrim or at least see potential in it, and Skyrim is relatively easy to mod for. The closest thing to Skyrim is other Beth games, so, if you're lucky, some of the modders will move to Morrowind or something. However, considering a lot of Skyrim's audience is casuals or waifu-fags, it's not gonna be a lot. Most of Skyrim's modders who would be interested in modding other games most likely already are. The rest will either put up with Beth's bullshit or give up modding altogether.

There's also the possibility that even if they make mods for another game, they may not release them and mod privately since they may look at modding as a whole as being tainted.

Holy fuck

An anomaly from a Russian guy who tested A.I
Its an exception to the rule and he sold the rights so you could play the game when you did.
He selling those rights was capitalism

This. Now, who's ready for some mod piracy?

So, what pitiful selection of mods do they have. It's weird. OP started hours ago, and the creation club is on steam, but absolutely no one is talking about it, except Holla Forums

Tetris man never sold the rights to tetris, the state took them and when the USSR collapsed he regained it started selling licenses for it.


Bethesda is probably didn't release the marketing machine yet.

Judging from the link, already two of them look like re-purposed versions of other free mods.

We don't care about political affiliation. Just keep it vidya.

Given how horribly the reviews on FO4 are going, I can't imagine they'll be able to maintain this for long.
I sure as hell am not buying a bethesda game any time soon, but then, that was for a while now.

How's about that. Nice job.



What possible reason could there be not to bully Holla Forums?

So what kind of mods will turn Skyrim into the ultimate porn game, Holla Forums?

From what I've gotten, most of the stuff comes from animation tools and loverslab. I haven't played Skyrim in a while so I don't remember much.

I've never understood how Bethesda would ever get money from this. Wouldn't modders recreate the cut content and distributing it for free, completely nullifying the need for CC?

meant for

You would be pirating mods :^]

wait who is janny?
I thought Mark was the BO.
Did somebody bump off our cake gobbling jew and replaced him?
Or is this website shitting itself and showing a board volunteer as an owner?

You''ll need sexlab and its requirements. It's shit, but it's the best there is. You'll probably want schlongs of skyrim. Get racemenu for character customization. You'll want UUNP Bodyslide for the bodies, including the racemenu sliders. You'll need a skeleton with HDT support if you want jiggle physics. Get any character graphics mods you want, like skin textures. Then just browse Loverslab and get what you want. I've written this post assuming you know how mods basically work.

Console users. While you can publish mods on console for free, most modders don't care enough to bother.

No, that's not how it works. You see, Bethesda automatically downloads all the Creation Club assets to your computer, and all paying for it does is give you the file that links the assets to the worldspace. For example, if there's a sword on the Creation Club, you already have the sword textures, model, and damage statistics on your computer. You're just paying to put the sword in the drop tables. Modders don't have to redistribute anything, they just have to make a file which tells the game to actually use the content.

one of these is official artwork.


It's not the first time Mark's used a different name. What matters is the capcode.

Inb4 a modder figures out how to access the files for free.

that sounds fucking hot sauce pls.

You can do that already, all you need is to create an .esb file and put it in the appropriate folder.

People also got it for free if they owned all the previous stuff.


Is that Adam Sessler

People who dont know how to use mods

Dont ever stop giving todd money

Remember to buy my game




"mod fixes" image should really be the mona lisa copy that was actually restored to the painting's original condition

Or use a different painting.
The Mona Lisa was never meant to be high art, it was just a portrait. It's only famous because it was stolen once.

The real question is will there be realistic crab genitalia?

This is why its perfect. It proves piracy improves sales.

That's not a very good copy if you ask me. Far too many differences in scale and positioning of things. It looks nice but it's nowhere near a proper duplicate.

Who is the spic that made that?

Yeah well screw you Phantom Limb, Dr. Girlfriend is now Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, my wife!

I can never feel less of this game. Nevermind what anyone says. I can't even read morrowind dialogues anymore, my eyes just get hurt from its shitty brown font. Its not really dialogues anyway, but like every npc is a walking wikipedia. Skyrim is indeed was a step in right direction, and i am glad i returned to it. I guess you can call it modern gaming addiction, but dealing with stats with no real response is not for me anymore.

Waiting for Skywind now.


It's terminal


time to start building it up

That is xer dead name. Get with the times, user.

Console fags will pay for this and be happy about it

Stats with no real response is exactly what Skyrim. Go play Dragon's Dogma or Dark Souls or some other meme game if you want to experience actual combat.
Fuck me for taking shitty bait.


People not screeching at this like a bunch of angry chimps, like they did with the whole "paid mods" thing, just makes it so the reptiles posing as businessmen who think renaming "admail" to "smartmail" will make people suddenly love getting junk in their mailbox feel like their existence is justified. I want marketers to die.


they fixed the influence of the male gaze obviously, also the mod will be taken down temporarily as a protest against President Trumps Toxic Masculinity.

continue to build the legend of the dragonborn with porn mods!

This. Propagandists deserve death.


> B has been buying from A for quite a while, and in every transaction, the business conditions have always been the same, hence the reason B (((always))) buys from A

That shit should be fucking ilegal, it already is in 3rd shithole countries, why not the US?

In an offline singleplayer game, where you can use microtransactions, is it illegal to use cheat engine? Is it illegal to make a mod similar in creation club mod, but better quality? Is it illegal to unlock on disk content with 3rd party software without purchasing creation club points?

Ah yes, i forgot. SKSE64 just got released for skyrim. Now it has to update for creation club again. SKSE devs cucked almost instantly as alpha was released.

Didn't we already have workshop wtf?

More like Bethesda is embarrassed at their games remaning relevant thanks to enabling forced pregnancy BDSM bestiality vore fetishists. Stamp that out while making shekels off gaymers with shitty impulse control seems to be the plan.

Action 52 is a much better game than Fallout 4.

So, which one is better?


Downvote as much as you can

And remember to blackmail them. SEND SOME FAX TO HURT THEM!!!!! JUST LIKE YOU DID TO NITENJEW!!!

I'm fairly sure the significance of that copy is that it was a far better preserved copy done by one of his students, and so while it is slightly different, gives us insight into the original condition of the painting.

There is one (1) killmove animation using two handed weapons on Draugr.
It's the same animation for Falmer.
Neither of these enemies can be decapitated.
The dynamic killmoves regularly make your character glitch through walls/furniture/everything.
Some of them last far too long, especially if the game decides it's slow motion time.
Some are really terrible, like the two handed headbutt.

Killcam was far better in Fallout: New Vegas. It even helped you as a sniper as you had full control during the slow motion.

Those kill moves were ripped directly from an oblivion mod.

Which mod is that?
You know, so when i'm pirating all my mods, i wont by mistake, pirate yours.

Nah!I just put this ESB file in my mod directory which contains no models or textures, and all your mods were in my game. I don't know how that happen.

You're late

they really are going forward this??
its a dumpster fire of a program

I don't know. We are talking about a group of people with no back bone.


For a sec I thought it said Cremation Club and thought someone had made a really good WW2 mod but alas.

I own the regular edition. Fuck you Bethesda and Zenimax. Go shove your horrible console modding system up your ass.

Nexus shut down a mod a few years ago that replaced the Stormcloaks with Nazi regalia, but it was too problematic for their hugbox that welcomes USSR shit.

Reminder if you buy anything Bethesda or Zenimax related you are enabling the cancer. If you unironically support any of their games you are the cancer that have helped bring vidya to this point.


lost legacy looks best to me.

Its hard for even bethesda to fuck up pinball.

They will find a way, they always do.

There's no torture nor snuff, you remember wrong.

Take this, user. I noticed that you don't have this exquisite Todd Howard image in your Todd Howard folder.


Because he's the Board Owner , not a mod


They kinda did, the Fallout and Skyrim tables are really complicated, with experience points and equipment and shit. I like them far less than the Doom table, which while it has guns, armor, health, and so on, it doesn't beat you over the head with menus to manage it all.


Additionally, killmoves trigger based only on the remaining health of the target, and the base damage of the incoming strike. Note that damage mitigation through armor, blocking, or just moving out of the way is completely ignored. So if you have 100 health left, have 75% damage reduction, and are blocking for an additional 75% damage reduction, a 100 damage incoming strike that would deal 6.25 damage after mitigation can trigger an ubercooldynamicanimationcutscene and kill you. If you want to try to fix Skyrim's combat through mods, the very first thing you need to do is get one that completely disables killmoves.

This should be what modern AAA games look like.

SSME + various fixes, configured skse.ini and performance mods make legendary skyrim run just as well as SE. And SE crashes just as much as legendary with same mods causing memory issues, especially if hands of the end users grow out of ass. Although i have absolutely stable build of LE skyrim with 200 gameplay and quest mods that i've built over months of testing. And i tested special edition and found it severely inferior in amount of available mods. Abandoned projects for LE will NEVER get properly ported on Special Edition. With all that pseudo legal stuff with porting rights. No matter how much you spam comment section of every single god damn mod to port mods for your precious SE. Learn how to be patient and test your skyrim every day mod by mod. Maybe after few months a rookie skyrim player can make a good build of the game. For a knowledgeable nexus user 200 mods build takes a few weeks. SE fags are just as obnoxious as console users. You truly only have better shadows, that on skyrim LE are fixable with right ENB configuration and good GPU. Everything else about special edition is a scam.

And i was actually going to switch to special edition eventually, but now since the game will be constantly updating every time bethesda will be releasing new creation club mods, skse will have to update every time and mods will break, i am not going to bother with that pozzed version.


Wait seriously?! Creation club isn't just some pseudo esp file they have to send you? They have to update the base game files for each mod they make?

Even when i'm trying to avoid finding reasons to hate the creation club, it finds a way.

No, it updates the exe. First thing happened to fallout 4's creation club - it broke skse right after update.

That's not even half of it. All the "mods" in the CC are limited to 5000 record edits, and keep in mind reskinning the Pipboy runs up to 300 or 400 edits. Put simply, this means that the CC can only host reskins and item mods, there will be no big or ambitious quest mods there unless Bethesda changes things.

Also, they promised to fix the issue of CC downloading all the mods onto your hard disk and bloating the gamesize for the PC, but apparently they can't do the same for the PS4 or XBox, so the console peasants can look forward to FO$ eating up all their disk space.

You can actually unlock all the "mods" by making a simple .esp file for them since they're all already on the disk.

Well, of course. Can't have modders overshadow Todd's brilliant fucking work, am I right? Can't let the goyim know that bored autists with too much time on their hands can outdo anything and everything AAA devs shit out, can we?

Never before have I been more glad I pirated this shit.

Kill moves are cancer, and typically result in you dying to total bullshit because you had a tiny portion of your health taken out.

What really gets me is how butthurt Bethesda clearly is about New Vegas, considering FO4 was their retarded attempt to emulate it. Basically, Bethesda, in the span of 4+ years was incapable of replicating what Obsidian had done in less that 18 months. I bet you FO4 has even less content than New Vegas.

I won't be surprised if TES VI is basically just the Creation Kit with a bunch of assets and Bethesda telling the modders to make the game for them. It would likely be miles better than anything Bethesda would make.

It looked already disgusting in the cover with that old giant futa grandma cock.
Also I'm afraid to look for Radiohead on Google now.

I probably would buy that, actually. An open framework to make something decent? Sounds like a dream.

Just came home from the shopping trip on which I had planned to gain Todds favor by purchasing the Fallout 4 GOTY for my console of choice. While I didn't come home empty handed, it wasn't the Fallout 4 GOTY that kept my hands occupied. Because it doesn't exist. No, I don't mean it in the sense of "too bad to count as Game Of The Year". I mean it in the sense that a GOTY is the game on its final patch, with all DLCs included on disc, while the FO4 "GOTY" is just the main game on disc, probably unpatched, plus a one use code to download the DLCs. That's not a GOTY. That's a season pass bundle. On the 2nd hand market that's worth exactly the same as a launch disc: slightly more than a single mint condition tampon, slightly less than a used one.
Dear Todd, dear Pete, I used to overlook a lot of your bullshit because you used to put out a complete, resellable version of your games eventually. You don't do this anymore. Therefore you don't get my shekels anymore. Someone else did, because you greedy chucklefucks wanted to save 5 cents by not printing new discs. Congratulations, you saved 5 cents and lost 50 bucks.
Now let the >console and >paying for Bethesda games tsunami roll over this post
or be frugal with (you)s and use them on better posts as I used my shekels on better games

Well done for avoiding the Bethesda merchant. You'll realise with their next game that you're not missing much.

or you could just use a game engine or an graphics library for any programming language out there

The idea with this is more that you could combine a bunch of things together to make something.
It'd be more akin to Roblox, than some engine smalltime made game.

Oh sweet Jesus someone please post the source already, I'm dying here.
Polite sage for offtopic.

I hate spoonfeeding so here's a clue.

What does it all mean? I'm on the verge of cracking it, I just know it.

Fucking hell, I even posted the artist's name in this thread. You're insulting your own intelligence.

Please respect my son, he's mentally handicapped. Thank you for your help, I've already found the little comic he was looking for.

The modding scene is dead because so many mods depend on others.

Thanks, the photo of my toddfolder is a bit outdated but I was indeed missing todd card

Well no. Or sorta. It's more to do with the game they're modding. Often mods will rely on a base framework which means a little bit more knowledge and a bit more limitation but overall the biggest culprit is the game itself. It's to limited and often doing something in 1 mod may overwrite something else in another. That and the community's turned to shit.

Ya, already heard about the limit. I see the reason for it, likely limited to Console limitation, but still i don't think they even considered having non version parity. The space usage on pc is perfect example. That said, they should have found a way to separate the files from the update on console. Maybe have free DLC which is just the resource files. Not officially part of the updates, but not a mod.

Do they? I bet the average mod would have 2 dependencies.

Once you have those mods for one thing, you have it for the rest.

I'd call you a massive fucking faggot but i'm sure you already know you are one.


Reminder two shills often "argue" with each other to try and draw in other anons into arguing with them as well. We had that whole fucking list way back when during GG when the shilling was so heavy it felt like half the users were shills.

Definitely not the entitled fuckers that want to be paid for it. Or maybe they'll go to TF2. The rest might disperse to other games. Though even New Vegas and Oblivion get mods today so they might be sticking around a real long time.

It's the name mark was forced to take after the sega incident.

4chan did paid mods first.

That explains so many unfair deaths before I used the dance of death mod to make the pc immune to killmoves.
I've got them disabled completely right now because they're so annoying.


it just goes to show you how much neo/v/ truly loves skyrim that their is a thread about the game every day.

I must admit, I do enjoy the Hearthfire expansion. I'm a sucker for comfyness. I'm not touching 64bit Skyrim with a ten foot pole, though. That shit is manky. They didn't even bother to include the bug fixes introduced by the unofficial patch project.

you might be more happy back on reddit with your own folk and kin.

It really depends on the mods you're installing. Often you can't install more than 1 overhaul that effects a lot of shit because it will replace an important file for another mod. Whenever I play Oblivion with mods I have to check to make sure that none of them come with any skeletons for example or else I'll get missing meshes that stretch into the maps default coordinates.

This is why Mod Organizer is great. It'll tell you which mods and which individual files are in conflict, and you can alter their overwrite priority without re-installing anything.

If only Todd himself could be consigned to the void so easily.

Well with Oblivion you're better off with Wrye Bash for multiple reasons. Anybody who uses Nexus is retarded on any of their games though.

Well. There are some solid combat overhauls like Ultimate Combat, Wildcat, Dark Souls Combat Overhaul, Combat Evolved and mods that improve boss enemies like Revenge of Enemies and Ultimate Dragons.
Skyrim is pretty fun combat wise with right mod configuration.

Here's mine


That guy actually covers pretty solid mods that are actually pretty good, too bad no matter what you do the most you can do is turn the game into a poor man's version of Dark Souls.

Mod organizer shat the bed for me on the special edition, have not tried wyrebrash for skyrim se, and I have had generally the best results with a mix of manual install and nmm, but can admit that nmm is not that great, and loot tends to fix my errors more than not. and I am not using any combat overhauls, but am using magic and survival ones

How many times have you rereleased that game?

How many mods have you installed in your life