Helmets in games

Are you a helm guy or do you check the 'hide helm' button in vidya?

I always get lazy during character creation so I always get a helm that hides my character's retarded face

If the stats are good but the design is ugly or clashes with the rest of the armor then I'll hide it. Otherwise I don't care

if it makes my eyes glow or looks cool, i'll keep the helm

what's with all the low effort threads today?

why make effort?
kim bong chill will nuke us all by morning

nigger I wish


even worse if you can make items look like other items

Too bad most games doesn't incorporate a helmet POV.


Anyone who does anything beyond that is a faggot.


Depends on the game, in some cases I go the distance and equip and remove the helmet depending on the situation while in some other games I just don't give a fuck. The helmet design is also a huge factor, a lot of games have fucking ugly armor design.

Just take it off you fucking pussy.

What shitty fucking faggot games even have a hide helm feature?

but the helmet is the most important piece of armour
muh realism

World of Warcraft is the only one I know of off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure there are more.

Your taste is lower than shit

guild wars 2

Dragon age let's you hide the helmet if I remember correctly (the first one was "alright").

I'm not a helmet person, so I hide that shit.

I'm also super picky about my armor, and it doesn't help that there's a shitload of armor that thinks half the weight should be in the shoulderpads and it's not legendary tier unless you're clipping through hallways.

QFT. It blows when the best aesthetic armors are in the lower tiers and there's no aesthetic slots.

Always hated that armor skill system.

I agree, but if you want to be a snowflake, you should deal with the consequences.

LoTRO lets you hide everything but your legs and chest slots, weapons can be hidden outside of combat and can be cosmetically made to look like other weapons of similar type.Lots of the weapons when you hit Gondor don't look very good and some lower level weapons look much nicer.

What are you? Some kind of fag?

Why bother as long as the stats are good who cares how it looks?

Why would I want to hide my waifu's face?

All Brits are fags. Your opinion doesn't mean shit, limey.

I like to look good but "hide helm" is never an option. If I don't visually have protection there, I'll be damned if I let my stats say otherwise.


I love it when games have an assortment of armor types that can actually be mixed matched into a set without looking like shit. Not a common thing, but it is really good when it happens.

Sharia Law sure is doing wonders to that awful nation of yours.

Games with hide helmet buttons are shit. If you want to see your characters gave do bad you should have to take the protection loss as punishment.

What did he mean by this?


Are those nipple plates?

Double wew

It's called having a CBA.

IDs don't mean shit to me, kid. Just brings out more triggered SJWs out of the woodwork for me to shit on.

depends how i feel, my first run in most games is a faceless knight though, then maybe i'll make a barbarian or something and go with the hide-helm option if there is one

This is either bait or were getting a visit from a normalfag.