Speebot demo 2

I'm releasing the second public demo of my game Speebot. I've listened to a lot of your feedback since the last demo (thanks!), and made a few major and minor fixes and improvements in the game.
Complete changelog: kircode.com/post/second-speebot-demo
Speebot site: kircode.com/speebot/
Download (Windows): drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BzIMurAb1QxDS09tNkIzcldrdk0
Don't try to use an old settings file with this new version. Graphics card that supports OpenGL 3.3 is required.
The game is in the final testing phase, but of course I'm still accepting feedback and bug reports. This is probably the last demo before the release.

Other urls found in this thread:


Will try this shit out after work. Thanks user. Have a Nowa.


Am I a filthy casual if i use hump hint? I wasn't using it, but it felt weird not seeing the shadow directly under my character.

No you aren't a casual.

I've become a god of speed.

There's a bug that makes Speebot not move at full speed if you make quick turns with the controller. It becomes a problem when making tight jumps because you don't have enough speed to make it to the next platform. During the whole webm, I have the left stick tilted as far as it can go. The webm is using the previous demo version, but the bug is present in the current demo version as well.

RIP toasters, also on this subject, why do so many games that seem like they'd run well on a toaster need 3.3, when Exanima (which has really top notch visuals) and some others game work with 2.1? I had the same issue with Devil Daggers.

Looking forward to it user, best of luck!


I've been getting this bug, too. Good to know it's not a problem with my controller driver.

Deepest lore

GLSL works differently and is in some ways more convenient to code for and also faster.


Don't be a fag, speebotdev regularly posts on /agdg/

Thanks for reporting. I could only reproduce this on one of my old controllers, but I think I fixed it now.
Try the new version, same link: drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BzIMurAb1QxDS09tNkIzcldrdk0

Game crashes when I try to run it fullscreen.
When I ran it windowed, I maximized the window but when the level started it reverted to a smaller window, which I was then able to maximize.

I'm looking forward to playing a full version user, good work.


that's where youre wrong kiddo

where's the linux build my fellow engine dev?

Thanks, playing right now on my linoox/systemdick machine using Wine. Keyboard control works fine, but the X360 gamepad (witch works fine in other games) does nothing here (yes, I selected it in game settings).

That fixed it.

Still no linux version…

I'm still waiting for the gondola skin


Not bad OP!

But you really need some better music…

you realize that is its actual namesake right?

I don't know if this is an intended mechanic, but you can ride along the yellow rails outside of the fences as long as you hold your analog stick towards the rail. If you let go of the stick you fall into the water.

My thoughts on the controls (gamepad use)
There appears to be momentum on the ground (you come sliding to a stop rather than stopping abruptly) but not in the air. It's extremely easy to land where you intend to, because when you release the stick in midair, the robot stops lateral movement immediately. I would rather there was some momentum in the air because it would feel more natural coupled with the ground movement, and make the game slightly more difficult. You also don't have to get a running start for maximum jump distance, you can get the same lateral distance whether you jumped from a standstill or you were traveling full speed. A long jump should require wind-up in my opinion. I haven't been using jump hint and still find it very easy to land where I intend to.

For crashes you should probably include your hardware so OP can investigate the cause which is probably related to graphics drivers. "It crashed" says nothing useful.

I don't know if you just haven't finished the UI yet or didn't think about it, but it could use some polish for gamepad compatibility.
- gamepad is recognized and works upon game start, but the UI should switch into a gamepad "mode" upon any button being pressed
- in gamepad mode, automatically highlight "start game" on the boot menu, or whatever's at the top of the list on other screens. currently no option is highlighted until you press a direction on the d-pad.
- B should go to the previous screen, instead of having to highlight "back" and press A
- make the analog stick work as a D-pad on menus
- on screens where there's only 2 options, make it more obvious which one is selected by having the border glow or something. The flash already does this but it could stand to be improved.

None of this is really a requirement but would do a lot to make it seem more like a finished product.


wheres the linux port

He has not consulted the Council of the Five. He shall be punished by the /sp/ihad for his crimes, inshallah.

Is this the Dark Souls of 3D platformers?

the first demo is actually the dark souls of 3d platformers if you use the joystick, if you want to be a memeing fuck

Bump for fellow devanon.