Sup fullchan. I've been a member of /agdg/ for a while and have posted a few times here...

Sup fullchan. I've been a member of /agdg/ for a while and have posted a few times here, though I mostly frequent the discord.

I'll be up front, I released this game on Steam earlier this week and it hasn't really been getting any attention so here's the only shill post I'll attempt.

If the mods leave this thread up for at least 20 posts I'll drop a few keys as thanks.

AMA too I guess. inb4 torrent where

Other urls found in this thread:

Since you created the game and since you put it on steam, can you give away as many copies as you want?

Technically, yes. You can just generate keys for promotion, youtubers, journos, beta testers, etc.

Hello yomyom

What do you do?

What's it about?

Did you put an inordinate amount of time and effort into the UI? (Not just the looks, but the functional layout.)

Are there memes and/or references?

Is this it?
Looks nice, is there yuri?

Well I don't see what rules you're breaking. I do expect a few muh shill reports though.

It's a top-down twin-stick shooter with local co-op. You kill shit basically through each level. Zombies, demons, aliens, and robot type enemies through the similarly themed levels (17 stages)

Not my game.

It's totally shilling which at the very least is frowned upon. I won't do it more than this once either way.

please use

Well you at least put effort into it.
I'll check it out when I get home.

Post some webms of the game.

shit, forgot the wordfilter
It's gamasucker anyway.

Get out.

Sorry about 1080p sizes


I swear I posted this one instead of the hell one twice

only because discussion of a game someone doesnt like gets called a shillpost doesnt mean you can be this lazy when openly making one for your game.
Its no wonder that your game os not getting attention, if you are this lazy/incompetent about telling people.

i also didnt know we had a discord for aggydaggy.


Looks fun but I wouldn't pay for it.

I purposely didn't put those things in there to minimize the shilling.

It's called When It Hits the Fan (obvious enough from the picture).



Key 1: ?HLD4-2?4W6-94?89 YAQ

Just replace each question mark with one of the letters.

Looks alright
Do you have an option for it to be purchased directly from you?
Like, buying from your own site where the funds all go to you? is the closest version to that:

Do they get a cut or do you get all the revenue?
Also redeemed the Key, thanks OP

You can choose to give 0% if you want, but 10% is the default for devs.

It's the hammer and SICKLE that's the commie symbol. It is true, however, that they ban all "neo-nazi" chatrooms.

I also don't care for the privacy issues of discord, but that's where literally everyone went. What's a dev to do?

I preferred IRC, though I can't deny the convenience features like embedded images and videos.

Thanks,I'll give it a purchase and shill it around
if I find it enjoyable

Could you please give me 1 (one) reason to play your game? In what exactly is your game different from other showelware crap which you can find on Steam?
Surely you jest.

I always like it when actual devs come to talk about their game.
Though with these indie games, especially the smaller ones I can't help but have mixed feelings over the prices. Especially for a simple and small twin-stick shooter, I feel ~10 bucks is asking slightly too much. I get you want to make money with it, but I'd think it a much fairer price if it were closer to 5 instead.

What did you work on? Was

Thanks, user. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising.

I'll do a better job on the shilling department way before release next time so I don't have to resort to this

hitting new reply too soon.
Was it a one man project or do you work with multiple people on this? Are you planning any new games yet?


Every level is made by hand instead of this silly rouge-like everything trend. Also co-op games are exceedingly rare

My justification on the price is that there is a literal arcade version. Plus if you don't want to buy it at $10, do what most people do a wishlist + wait until the inevitable 25-50% in a few years.

I did all of the levels and programming. I hired out for the art and music

After this game is wrapped up (bugs from users fixed, etc) I really want to make a Megaman X (SNES-style) series.

This doesn't look too bad. I see a lot of inspiration from Contra top down levels and Touhou. More Co-op games is good too, not enough of those. I liked the not so subtle space invaders reference.
Music is alright too, I hear a lot of Megaman in it.

Not my cup of tea though as I have no one to play it with. What's the average length and is there replay value? Can you select individual stages after you beat them? Are there multiple difficulty settings? Some randomization in the way powerups/enemies are spawned?

No problem
Heres some first impressions

The game is solid, but just that.
You needed something to spice it up plus theres some issues.

I really like the shooting, it feels pretty beefy and the weapon variety even if not creative or extensive becomes really satisfying, the double revolvers as well, did you focus hard on that?
Because it shows

The pacing is alright, maybe a little too short in the first stages.
Do they get longer in later levels?

My main issues are many of the enemies mixing with the background and the art and too simplistic which is too simplistic aside from the Metal Slug inspired weapon art
Those robots really mix up with the streets and there are some color palletes too close to the color of those centipede things.
Maybe do the Zombies a more bright Green, not enough to look ridiculous or out of place, but enough to not make the game look to brown.

The UI does its job well

Shit like the ambushes were good, more of that.

A little too simplistic though user, I'd pay a maximum of 5 dollars for it.
I applaud your effort though, you tried what most of us won't in a lifetime.

You nailed the speed of the game though
Also, are the difficulties locked after you beat the easier ones or are they still not balanced so they aren't avaiable?
please don't tell me its the 1st one

Use Slack, it's basically IRC with all that new shit.

This genre isn't my cup of tea but it looks like it would be fun for people who do like this sort of game, and it has co-op too. I liked the trailer music, it promises a good OST which is always great to have as it makes your game more memorable. Good luck with your game user.

I would guess 2-3 hours for a first playthrough, though knowing all of the shortest routes and knowning how not to die, I can beat it in just under an hour.

You can select each zone once you beat the previous one

To start with there are Easy and Normal. Hardmode is unlocked after beating Normal and doesn't do stupid stuff like buff hp. Most enemies are fast, shoot more bullets, or have a different bullet type (like aliens all have following bullets instead)

Kind of, all items/weapons from crates and enemies are standard, but there are some hidden weapon caches in a few levels, a la DOOM

Thanks, user.

Yes, after the first lab level, I was afraid some of the levels got too long for the difficulty and arcade style, but it seemed to work on in playtesting

This seems to mostly be an issue in the City zone. I'll have to patch a solution for this in the future

Easy and Normal are unlocked by default, Hardmode (and Secret menu) is unlocked by beating Normal. But if you really want hardmode by default you can just edit the wihtf_unlocks file to have the number key from whatever to '31337' to unlock all levels and difficulty modes. You can't do this in the demo however.

I'll check it out. The problem is getting the communities to move with me.

Can't believe I didn't shill the OST. Here's a youtube playlist of the whole thing:

Same "puzzle" as before

Aye , thanks

Yay thanks

bump coz I got it 4free

Fuck off cuck-chan faggot.

What is even the point of distributing keys? It's an honest question.

It's incentive for some people to play and thus word-of-mouth it and an excuse to market

Never denied that it would be on steam goy, but the only thing I have to do with half-chan is /agdg/. I started browsing here during the first GG exodus.

Free advertising if it's good, free feedback if the users think it needs some improvement.

Your game looks cool if it was polished but as of now it looks like something kids play during break time in middle school and I wouldn't pay for it.

this looks kind of fun, however I hope you don't expect us to actually pay for that like good goyim, where the keys at?

Do you want to know how I know you're not from here?
Rather than give keys, you might be better served to upload a free copy outright, OP. You know a game is really obscure when it's not even on igg-games; so you only have exposure to gain.

I've posted 2. I'll post a third one after I get back from lunch and the post count reaches about 75

Why don't you buy it and upload it somewhere? It's drm-free

I've never seen you in a single thread. You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.

Make it more easy to find the videos of gameplay, user. I've checked your Youtube channel and there's ton of videos from many years that are about the game in some way but only a single one depicts the game itself. You didn't even post a webm here. Potential client or pirate shouldn't have to go out of their way to get to know what your game is about.

OP please,, you're not on cuckchan anymore

Looks fun, but like a newgrounds flash game type of fun, i wouldnt pay for it
but im a also a poor slav so i wouldnt buy it anyway

I only buy games on sale. Sorry.

It looks cool though.

so you're cancer?

I don't think you belong here.

Reposted because the user who posted this got his posts erased:
>He actually is a 4cucks crossposter. He's even listed on their ((( gamejam page.

I've always been curious about that, props to you for making it all the way to release, hopefully it picks up some attention over time.

Hey Mark, how about instead of being a faggot you kill yourself you cuckchan sympathizing parasite

Did you think this through?

You won't run me away. We can either talk about video games or ignore the thread and wait for it do die. Either way, as I said, I won't bother you with another thread.

Only 9 more replies and I'll drop one last key anyways

pick one you fat kike

If he actually wanted to improve the board he would ban cuckchan posters.

Is there DRM?

Mark is an utter dipshit that could not make a good moderating decision if his life depended on it. The only reason he's actually halfway competent in being the BO is that he actually listens to feedback (which is typically bullying him for being a dumbass) and the fact that he's not a leftist-leaning borderline normalfag. And in the off chance he actually does make a good decision (eg: banning 4am turbo-cancer) he welches on it a minute later.

He might "listen" to feedback but he sure as fuck never respects it.

I didn't even bother researching how to implement it because DRM is shit

lmao, fuck you, you dumb discord shills. Get fucked mark.

Plan on selling it somewhere other than Steam then?

Don't see why not putting it on GoG, it seems like there's no submission fee

OP, you will never be successful shilling your games in this fashion. How is it you can waste your time building something and not be interested in it enough to say anything about it? Imagine yourself on QVC selling your game. You would open by saying you are a loser who cannot sell and you would lift a poster up and say nothing about it. Then, you would promise viewers if 10 people call in to bully you, then you will send a free copy to the 11th caller.

It's on I'll look into putting it on gog as well.

Final Key: D8?4F-PH?6X-K?ZP8 KAW

I'll keep answering questions though

Point taken, but it's a little late for that now, isn't it? I'm planning a different marketing route for my next game anyways now that I know literally anything about how the business side is done as opposed to before.

Who is your waifu?

How long is your penor?

What's the plan after this?

All of the girls from the Bakemonogatari series. For vidya it's a toss up between Shantae and Samus.


Make a few prototypes and see what sticks. I want to play with VR, but I also want to make a Megaman X styled platformer.

Your game looks like a mix between Crimsonland and Contra III, which is neat as fuck. I won't buy for now because I'm on Loonix, but I wish you the best for your game and maybe please a DRM Free Linux release

It's already DRM free, try it on wine

I guess it is too late if you have already given up on it. If someone buys it, then are you even going to support the product? Stop wasting your time making games you are not interested in.

There is a mac/linux version on in fact that is DRM free

The only thing I've "given up" on is marketing. There's actually a small patch coming today that fixes a couple of small issues players had and a few minor features.


Good to know, thanks a lot
Gonna try it after I get home from work

Was gonna buy 10 copies, now I'm not paying for shit and I'm telling everyone your game is malicious Russian spyware.

I'm sorry to hear that. You can make a new version of your game. Call it Right Wing Death Squad. Change it to top down cities sort of like the earlier GTA games. Enemies are left-wing rioters who have resorted to violence to achieve their goals. Then, shill the game on a bunch of left-wing sites and piss them off. Remember this always. If nobody hates you, then nobody knows who you are.

Oh, now that I think about it, I like Arturia (Saber) from the Fate series. How's that for singular waifu? inb4 fatefag

good taste

How do you go about dealing with music and stuff if you're not artistically inclined? How is payment to other people for music and stuff usually dealt with? I don't know anything about business but I know how to program and I have extensive notes I took from the Castlevania series. I was going to use them to make a game that fits the style.

I can't into art or music very well so I looked around at various places until I found someone who had similar art and music tastes to what I was looking for. Then you reach out to them and write up a contract (how much you pay, what you and they own, etc). That's the basics

Was it a royalty-based thing or just a one-time payment?

I went with one time payment so I wouldn't have to deal with royalties. This usually is also more fair to them because of the percentage of games that don't do well enough to be worth the time and effort it takes for the artists/musicians

torrent where
One of you fags who got the keys should be able to upload to mega or something.

Man that takes me back. I wonder where that fag that was forcing the baskin robbins meme is now.

Normally I'd give you some words of encouragement, cross-posting cuckscum or no, but I can't believe you have the balls to charge $10 for this hideous, low-effort shit. Your gameplay is generic early 2000s flash-tier, and your aesthetic, which was the one thing you could have used to set your game apart from the tens of thousands of other shitty top down shooters out there, is disgusting. This is the definition of "pixelshit". What I really want to know, is what kind of dishonest morons are you surrounding yourself with that they didn't sit you down and tell you this shit before you decided to sell it for 10 fucking dollars?

Haven't seen the game in motion but I don't see anything particularly wrong with that screenshot. I gladly shovel out $20 for games that look like this.

why would i play this when i can just play hotline miami?

This had better be rhetorical

That's too expensive chuvak, fucking Binding of Isaac is like two times cheaper than this.
Does your game have 100 hours of replayability? I highly doubt that.

I know nothing of foreign pricing. I just went with whatever Steam suggested after inputting 10USD

Shit man, that's WAY too expensive for your game.
My point stands. BOI is twice as cheaper, so I guess it's 5 bucks or something in burgerland. And that game is guaranteed to have more content than yours.

It's probably right, the original Binding of Isaac is $5

Too bad content is a piss poor measure of the value of a game.

Yeah, BOI really undervalued itself. It doesn't mean everyone should be selling the games like the app store for $2.99 and less.

But again, there are people paying for it. If you don't like the price now, wait for sales or wait for a torrent and if you like it, tell others about it

I'm just saying is that's most people would react to something like that for 10 dollars.
Take it as you will.
Aces Wild - another flash game, that costs 10 dollars, but it also has much higher production values.
Intrusion 2 costs 5 dollars.
And your steam trailer has framedrops in it what the fuck.

why should I care would be my first question
sell me on it

user there's nothing to say which hasn't been said already. Take this as advice, you suck at marketing your game.
You start a thread with no link to the game, have to be told to post webms of gameplay and don't even describe why the game is worth playing.
If this thread is anything to go by, it just seems like low effort and tip-toeing on your part.
Honestly though, your game looks alright from the few webms I can see, but you really need the exposure.
What have you tried? Have you shilled for YouTubers to do let's plays of the game? Heck you could just offer them a free copy, it's worth the chance that you'll actually get some exposure.
It's not a suggestion I take pride in giving, but I can't deny it's a viable option.
What you need to do is to get as many people to play your game and earn their trust, it's a marathon not a sprint.
Consider this, if you made your first game free for everyone, got everyone to play and enjoy it, you'd have a far larger chance of gaining exposure and sales in future games.
You said you wanted to work on Megaman-like games? Imagine how much better it would go if communities already knew your name.
Anyway, just think about exposure and the long-term, maybe this game might just have to be the sacrificial lamb that'll pave the way for your next ones.

try killing yourself useless faggot. If you're too lazy to port your game you're a shit dev

Im not the dev you retarded mongoloid mouth breather, we have IDs for a reason. And if you knew how to read you'd see the dev said it has a native version anyway.

If you like classic styled hard action games, you'll like this. If that doesn't interest you, that's fine.

Yes, I've heard that multiple times this thread I can read
Yup, I've send hundreds of keys to journalists and youtubers. They also receive hundreds of keys from other developers a week. It's all about prior exposure, which I know I didn't get any of, and luck which I don't seem to have.

I've given keys away to a few places and here. I've spend a few thousand on this project though. I can't just give it away 100% to everyone. If YOU want it for free that badly, save up your good boy points and ask your mommy to buy it for you. As for others, again, just wishlist it and wait for a sale meeting the price you'd be willing to pay.

I do want more people to play it, but I also want to recoup my costs + be able to afford to hire out for more art/music for future titles.

I think this is where you made your biggest misstep.
With small indie games like this you don't have to charge much, just charge a few bucks and cross your fingers hoping it goes viral (actually you should advertise it to see that happen, but I already know what you did with that).
10$ really is too much for your game, most people will see that and won't even bother wishlisting it.
Apart from that, the game looks fun enough, I'll try it later and give you my opinion about it. Also you did good shilling it here (I don't think people would've minded if you were more open about it), this kind of content makes this board interesting and, most importantly, it's the biggest difference between us and half-chan.

The surprising thing is there are a lot of people wishlisting it (can't give numbers because Steam NDAs that), but thanks for the support. And that's why I like here better than there. If there's anything I'm not being open about, let me know and I'll talk about it if it's not NDA related.

That's because they're interested in the game but think the price point is too high. if you lower your price you'll probably end up making more profit.

Well, I didn't say nobody would, but how many are in % to the page visits? I can't imagine most of them would, but maybe I'm wrong.