This man has been doing the same exact thing for ten years every week.
Is he autistic?
I miss let's drown out
This man has been doing the same exact thing for ten years every week
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Read the rules next time before you post , specifically rule #9
Speaking seriously for a moment, I actually used to enjoy his content, but nowadays I don't even get a light chuckle out of it, and that's from videos where he doesn't make one of his many "drumpf is so evil you guys" joke.
I'll admit he's a bit funny. But, it's E-celeb shit, so I'll politely sage.
Let's say the most obvious shit and present it as a revelation and be contrarian!
What a deep thinker this man is!
Go fellate ecelebrities elsewhere.
Originally, he used the gimmick of never stopping to drive home a coherent review of what he wanted to play, but I believe a couple of years into the whole thing he started just pandering to the normalfag niche that adores "Cult Classics" a la No More Heroes for no other reason that they think they have superior tastes because the games are slightly less popular. Also nowadays I'm assuming by the amount of shit jokes he used to spout exponentially, he's become the AVGN for the man on the run.
I remember his Super Paper Mario review, he was right about that series needing to be put down
I usually agree with his points but never find him funny.
No place on earth is more obsessed with ecelebs than imageboards but they hate the fact that they are. It's like when a hipster doesn't like being called a hipster. Same psychological thing happening.
One of the things that made me realize how full of shit he was is the fact that despite living in a literal hellhole in Australia with terrible online connection, he goes on rants about how selling a game based on its online multiplayer is shit because every game must have single player or local to be good. While I understand that forcing perfectly LAN capable games to be online is shit, he's retarded in trying to highlight the shortcomings on online games based on his own terrible experience.
Perhaps, since he admitted he got time overs on nearly every stage in Sonic Mania and blamed the game for that.
He's shit at games, a hypocrite, and has huge personal biases that he barely tries to overcome.
Funny, the exact same things could be said about anyone who's usually buttblasted by his videos.
What game did he said was shit that you loved, user?
Like everyone that makes regular video game reviews, he degrades his standards to confine with today's standards. In otherwords, he developed shit taste from playing a lot of shit games. Also, he rushes so don't expect anything with depth.
He is still doing the schtick of "everything is shit", it really doesn't seem like his standards dropped at all, he is just getting weird.
Last video was him reviewing Destiny 2 and he wouldn't shut up about how detailed the wall textures are, which admittedly is the only good thing you can say about that game.
He's getting paid to do it, dumbass. Its literally his job.
i think the term is employed not autistic.
I don't take his reviews very seriously because he doesn't take them seriously either. They're meant to be funny, not to be some brilliant analysis. They're amusing enough, and I'd say he's one of the best e-celebs.
Let's Drown Out was fantastic, easily the best version of "play-a-video-game-and-talk-over-it." I'm genuinely sad that it's gone, probably for good. maybe yahtzee and gabriel will reunite someday
Lurk more, retard.
Praised DmC: Devil May Cry in his review, then shat on it years later in his Hellblade review.
There are people out there who spend their days taking a piece of metal, putting in a machine, pulling a lever, meticulously examine the metal's finished measurements, and then putting the metal piece in a bin. And they do this over 2,500 times a day, five days a week (and sometimes on Saturdays) for 30+ years.
U.A.W = United Autistic Weirdos
Eh, it was ok. The earlier shit where it wasn't so formatted to be a "show" was better since they weren't nearly as in character. I do kind of miss the pseudo-intellectual shitfights they'd get into, but they got old pretty quick.
Also, if you give a fuck, Gabriel is still doing let's plays on the channel KeepetClassy. He doesn't do as well without someone slightly more intelligent there to antagonize, though.