I just beat the first Spyro and I gotta say, it's one of the best 3d platformers ever...

I just beat the first Spyro and I gotta say, it's one of the best 3d platformers ever. I spent half the game holding the charge and jump button down to become a little purple headbanging death machine. It makes me wonder why games don't let you be that fast anymore unless it's Sonic or you're a GDQ assburger. And the whole rescuing dragons thing was really cool since they all had unique models and voice clips. But there were a few things I wondered about plotwise:

One, where the fuck are all the female dragons? I rescued like 60-some dragons so far (gunning for 100% right now), I'd expect that at least one of them would be a woman by sheer mathematical odds. Also there are dragon eggs. Do the dragons shit out eggs asexually or something? My game theory is that they all got captured and are being held in the secret GNORCED.COM headquarters but all the male dragons are gay anyway so they don't care. There's no official explanation for why there are no female dragons.

The second thing is, what happens to all the gnorcs after the game? I read on the wiki that they appear reformed in another game, but then become bad guys again. Then after that, they don't appear. Did the dragons 1488 them or something?

Spyro thread I guess

Other urls found in this thread:


Can you yiff him

This thread seemed promising until you started fantasizing about cucking female dragons.

Yes actually, according to Spyro 3 they all have a massive gang-bang orgy and eggs show up afterwards.

They are harmless entertainers in Spyro 2 during a bonus level.

We don't talk about non-Insomniac Spyro games around these parts.

Dragon thread?


But there are some female dragons that you rescue in 3

How very problematic of you, user.

But that's all artists



Not the first time this has been brought up on imageboards over the years. Early installment weirdness. YotD, wherein the dragon eggs make a comeback as a major collectable and relevant plot point features some female hatchlings if memory serves. And then there's the later games that people are apt to ignore (in some cases for good reason) that feature female dragons around Spyro's age, like Ember in Hero's Tail. Also I think it's stated that fairies bring dragon eggs from somewhere else, but it's been a while to maybe I'm remembering wrong. bear in mind Spyro was intended for kids, even if still surprisingly solid games to play as an adult too.

From what I gathered, you have "natural" gnorcs that are at least neutral to dragons for the most part, and then the ones that were enchanted by Gnasty from treasure he had stolen from the dragons. The former includes Gnasty himself (he had to have come from somewhere originally), but also the ones running Dragon Shores. The latter were the ones Gnasty had as foot-soldiers and the like. So Spyro "killing" the ones born of treasure just reverts them back into a harmless gem. That said, with Hero's Tail having brought Gnasty back, I'm not sure if he recreated more Gnorc foot soldiers or enslaved his own kind, but they drop gems either way, just like before.

Part of it is that Spyro incorporates that speed at a level that feels proper for the character (with supercharge being relegated to only certain areas as a temporary powerup), but also merges into being a means of attack as well. You don't have to choose whether to go fast or deal physical damage, you can do both at once. Whether or not it's going to actually harm the enemy depends on the situation (it won't for fatties and huge enemies, unless the mechanic it to knock them into a hazard), but still.

Go play Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon. They're a bit different in execution, but still good, and many a fan seems to consider Ripto's Rage the pinnacle of Spyro on the mechanics end.

One off there, KoG.


Nope, haha, the faggot got banned for some reason.

We just released this new video. You Spyro frequenters know the drill.

It would look so much less disgusting if you demo'd it with a nice shader.

I kind of liked Hero's Tail.

This looks impressive as hell for something whipped together in unity. The animations on the recreated Spyro model are just a bit off, I can tell when he runs/swims, but still pretty damn good as a whole. I assume the textures are just ripped from the game though right? Can't imagine they are all recreated.

What are you smoking? This looks great.

Also, Cynder.
I really wonder if Spyro has some hidden layer of autism that is difficult to perceive because of its lack of popularity.

God that 80s and 90s anime aesthetic (basically anything pre-millenium) makes me diamonds.

It looks a bit strange at times, but it's definitely better than most of the current shit.

I feel the same way. The newer Slayers series generally got the drawing style right, but the colors were too saturated.

It really doesn't. It looks significantly worse than the original.

I thought Hero's Tail was reasonably decent myself. Not on par with the originals (the PS1 trio will always be the best), and somewhat different in execution, but still a better attempt than most post-Insomniac Spyro games, and not buggy as fuck like its predecessor Enter the Dragonfly was. OST was surprisingly good too, despite not having Copeland involved.

And yet you give zero examples of why you think that is. Other than some animation problems, it looks fucking spot on.

The spyro animations still need a ton of work but every time I see their progress videos on this it blows my mind. The world the made is absolutely gorgeous and fits the spyro world perfectly.

Anyone have that chart thing on the color theory that went into spyro level design?

what is this? a fan remake? inb4 DMCA

Yeah, fan game that aims to create what the Spring Savannah homeworld and worlds might have been like had they not been cut.

oh right, spyro 2 had cut content didn't it?

It's a three page article on Goymasutra.


No, it doesn't. I recommend you go back and play Spyro on Mednafen to see what it actually looks like when it's not being butchered by trash-tier emulation.

Except what you are seeing isn't emulation, it's a fan recreation in Unity, and it's a really damn good recreation of the visual style of the games. The Spyro model was made from scratch in Blender, but it's so well made I honestly thought it was just ripped from the game assets. Like I said, the animations need some work, but the rest is doing great.

Something I do on a regular basis, plus I own the games and can play them on my PS1, PS2, PS3, and PSP.

I know. I'm talking about you apparently being blind as you consider that awful mess to be "spot on" when it looks nothing like what the game actually looks like.
Doubt it. You sound like an ePSXe/PCSX-R shiteater.

You still have made absolutely no specific claims about what looks wrong aside from the animations which I agree are still off. The environments and their texture work look excellent.
Yeah whatever you say, faggot. Pic totally unrelated I guess.

Oh yes, you're a shiteater. The only way you'd think that shit looks good is if you were using some bottom-tier emulator and increasing the IR and not even using a proper shader, shitting all over the aesthetic in the process.

Enjoy your shitty broken renderers, I bet you're using GL or Vulkan like a subhuman.

The HW build lets you select software mode as well, you fucking dumbass, and it's what I have it set to currently. The Vulkan renderer is nice for Tekken 3 because software mode suffers from interlacing and using a shader to try to deinterlace it is less than ideal. Vulkan is just progressive scan out of the gate.

Oh good, everything is bad, so you should be able to specifically name one thing. Go on, I know you can do it.