Sonic Forces

This dumpster fire has Denuvo and doesn't include the Persona 5 costume.

Other urls found in this thread:

You kiddies are so dumb and entitled for complaining about dobubo,
I'm so much cooler than you, I actually sent Sega more money just to piss you off.
Literally every kiddie whining about dabogo anti-tamper tech is a 12 year old pissboy who doesn't even know how domingo works,
it doesn't actually do anything, it only makes pirates mad.
You kiddies are nothing but bootyblasted pirates,
I stand with Sega and big publishers and they even let me suck their cocks, u jelly kiddies? U mad? Ha ha ha.

Don't worry Denuvo will be cracked within 8 day's and everyone will be playing it for free

Good. I wanted it to fail in sales.

Stop lying.

I am not even going to post a screencap.

Look for yourself.

what if the game is actually good?
It's boostshit again and I was tired of it after finishing generations. Levels seem linear.

Yea but if there are lots of levels, boost is fine. The biggest problem for me is not being able to play lots of levels nd spend more than 20 hours.

Especially in 3d sonic games I hate it.

Eveb tough the gameplay seems meh, story seems good and I hope there şs more than 10 levels for modern sonic

Welp, there it is. I guess they learned fuck-all from the Mania shitshow.

Man, Sega is doing a good job of helping me save money by not buying games.

Here we go again.
And to think people honestly believed that Sega learned it's lesson and wanted to change it's ways.


I guess they really do have no confidence in their boost game

Admit its over now. We will be shitting all over for everything this game has. We forgiven it a lot. A LOT. Just for the edgy story.

Sonic forces is a low tier shonen anime written by lazy western author who also wrote sonic colors and lost world. Who also hates Drumpf and sees Eggman in him.

Visual Quality:
Exactly the same game as generations if not worse. Some textures look plain as fuck.

This is where it all goes wrong. Level design is maybe the most linear one from all boost games. Fuck, i've seen better segments in colors than what was shown. Its a shitty linear boost based game with zero skill needed. And with god awful 2d segments that have zero 2d sonic physics and zero inertia. Shit's so casual you could play it blind. "Heroes" style co-op stages with buddy and sonic only make it look even worse.

Worst part of the whole experience, because designers weren't allowed to make a character editor that can make a character "cooler than sonic". And sonic is a hell of a plain character! So its shit in customization, looks like sonic boom general critters and relies on DLC costumes that will be sold for additional shekels.

The only thing that's good about this game is music, and even that was written by some no-name cucks instead of crush 40.

TL;DR - its shit, no chao garden/10
And PC version has a fucking denuvo.

What's there to say?


Guess we will just have to play Sanic Doom :^)

Hell yeah motherfucker.

Speaking of sonic, Sonic World Release 8 is out.

Why would you buy this garbage anyway?

Won't matter, it's not the "right" IP so it can never be good dispute how the game actually plays.

What the fuck is up with the deathegg mk2 boss? I can't get near nega during the last couple of phases.

Shame it didn't work properly during the game night

Well played

By the way, Kaldaien is at it again in discussion forums:

That's not too much of a surprise. Atlus doesn't even know what a PC port is. It's still pretty stupid to not have the costume in the game.


Of course he is. Gotta defend his precious.

What a fucking stain, I'd rather play Nier without FAR than put up with his fucking shit.

What kind of fucking though process is that?

What if sonic will be a door to supporting denuvo in more games, just because fanbase of a game will start shilling denuvo so more people will buy their casual platformer?

You know, not denuvo for sonic, but sonic for denuvo. Denuvo the hedgehog.

This faggot has some /cow/ potential, he's fucking obsessed with defending this shitty DRM.

Lordy God, this guy eats, sleeps and breathes Denuvo. Are we sure he's not actually a Denuvo developer?

I am already associating his avatar with denuvo. It fits.

I guess you never saw it coming.

More from other thread.

And I guess Sega will also never see my money coming their way as long as they keep using Denuvo on their products.

I swear to fucking god, this guy is either an Austrian whos too proud of his fellow countrymen for creating this turd or he actually worked there.

Trips confirm. I have no other explanation as to why he would pop up in every thread talking about Denuvo, regardless of the game. Maybe he buys games just because they have Denuvo.

Oh yes I remember this faggot.

We ever find out what his "computer crimes" were?

Well, lets check the facts:
Tell me he does it for free, and i won't believe you. People receive money for such dedication.

Cheese pizza?

If you buy this shit then you are a fucking retard and I hope you choke on your shit and die.

Have you taken the brown pill yet matey?

He isn't, but God knows how badly he jacks off to the idea of being one.

Oh cool, Sega is pretty based for giving out these sonic games for free on PC

Sonic forces you to pirate.

Welp, good thing I get to save 40 dollars.





Why can't they accept defect already? You will NEVER EVER kill piracy because anything and everything will be pirated no matter what.


i was planning on paying for sonic mania, sega saved me from that

Persona 5 costume will in it after all

I spend too much time here for cuckchanners to get past my grasp.
Go >>>/back/

I don't fucking get it, this completely disproves the theory that Mania was sabotaged.
So that means Mark really did scare them enough to start putting Denuvo in their PC games.
Why is Sega so easily frightened?

face it Sonic was never good in 3D

Probably sega's CEO is some retard who doesn't into computers at all. Or even a jew.

this =>
I honestly would have bought their games but they gave me no other option.
sage for double post

Its probably some retarded executive who doesn't even play videogames and just follows trends.

The Sega CEO is pretty based and I'm pretty sure hes not the one making decisions like these.

Adventure 1 was good

In what fucking planet, the only reason people is nostalgia because they were shit eating kids when they first played it

people have nostalgia*

Adventure 1 was made in 1998. It was first ever fully 3d sonic, that wasn't a racing game. Of course it was buggy as hell. But the ideas were polished in adventure 2 and heroes and it made into a fine series later.
Unleashed, Colors, Generations, Forces are for people who don't understand what makes sonic good.


after mania was this a surprise?

Not really
Just stating the obvious

Salty segafag in full damage control

gold as fug



Never change, Holla Forums.

Do you actually think I'm going to fall for that shit
Go back to >>>/cuckchan/ faggot

And Mario 64 came out in 1996. It was the first ever fully 3D Mario and it shat all over Adventurd

Putting Denuvo aside; the gameplay just looks like crap. They're making the mistake of applying the spindash attack to sidescroller gameplay, which does nothing but cheapen the overall experience. You can't make anything memorable if you have the ability to dash through an entire (perfectly flat) stage.

I didn't even need to know the game had Denuvo, just had to see that Shadow gameplay video to know exactly what to expect. Sonic Team never learns.

I think you got the wrong Holla Forums, buddy.

That didn't look ahegao to me.
t. 2d female orgasm research specialist


Oh, come on. The threads before this bombshell of a discovery were generally optimistic for Forces.

Time to stop posting and go >>>/back/

The half kind of one Holla Forums for sure

During the announcement
Thats about it
After that was the music
As soon as Sega posted the gameplay its been nothing but criticism, and for good reason too.
generations looks better than this in everyway.



Yeah, you definitely got the wrong Holla Forums. It was a mix of Classicfags shitting on it regardless of quality, Adventurefags sore about getting misled about their garbage format, Boostfags genuinely disappointed at how many steps back it takes from Generations and the usual Sonic was never good posters.

Not even. Being afraid of revealing gameplay and announcing a new game on such a low key tone were massive red flags. And sure enough, once gameplay was revealed we discovered why.

Who the fuck ever thought this was good?

Denuvo does nothing to prevent us from getting it, though. It actually means pirates get an objectively superior copy over legit customers.

I just wanted an excuse to post that.

that fox is cute


You want to fuck that fox, don't you?
its ok user, so do I

you know my heart user.

Was gonna get the console version anyway after what happened with Mania on PC but now i have an excuse to pirate the PC version when it's cracked.

I don't have much to look forward to for games since i don't have a switch and Mario platformers never really clicked with me.

I am kidna sad that i won't be buying it and supporting sega. Because that game and mania are supposed to be a money cows for better games being made later on that money. But oh well.

Board has gone full cuckchan

Plenty of other Sega games to buy and support them on
Buy those instead user

How many times do you have to hear this before you finally understand it's a lie?

Why is Denuvo still popular? Does it last longer than other DRM? Is it cheaper?
All Denuvo does is stop me buying games on PC, and it makes it harder for me to recommend games to my PC playing friends.

I'm pretty sure there's some underhanded fuckery involved in getting this shit on games. There hasn't been a single massive success that actually uses Denuvo.


I mean, I was going to pirate in the first place anyway, but this is incredible.

5 days more
No, its actually pretty expensive

Reminder that Divinity Original Sin 2 is DRM free and is still a top seller.
Executives follow trends and nothing more

that's one cute fox

>yet more games are using it, instead of less
I don't get it, are all publishers retarded or just trying to spite their customers?

I will not be surprised that the real reason of denuvo is a company's internal worry about quality of their own product. So they begin to kill it even further. No good game got denuvo'd so far. Mania was a worrisome product because of current year, and Nier Automata was a very shitty pc port.

and nothing of value was lost

You probably mean homing attack, not a spindash. Spindash is the one where you hold down and jump button that was there since sonic 2.
Homing attack in 2d indeed never works, neither ring dash. But that's not important when 2d sections don't even have a simple inertion physics of 2d sonic titles, worse than even sonic 4.

enough with this faggot shit

Forces was shit anyway, but with Mania and before that Nier, it's clear Sega thinks Denuvo is worth a damn.
IMO if you don't want Denuvo- Don't pay and tell the original devs why via social media, email- and especially if they're a company that just chose to publish via Sega rather than connected to/part of Sega).
More devs that turn against Denuvo, less we'll see of it. Especially if they know it'll give them a PR nightmare Although in Mania's case they had no choice, and Kamiya would have blocked you.
And Steam is a form of DRM as well


The next one will be Final Fantasy XV:
170 Gigabytes + Denuvo.

The fuck am i reading?


The 3D games started as a floaty mess you never could get to work the same way twice (while in 2D if you jumped in the same place at the same speed, it was consistent). So after realizing they can't do speed in 3D, they made the levels more forgiving.
Now I think about it, apart for a few indie 30 minute wonders that focus too much on first person parkour (like Cluster Truck) what has done 3D platforming time trials correctly? And can they do it faster (or give a sense of speed without a few set-pieces that are glorified cutscenes)

A fair mistake, Sega is about as fucked up and irrelevant as Square.

There's super cloudbuilt and speedrunners from hell. Also defrag mod for quake 3.

I am so sorry I swore to fuck Sega had a hand in it.
I guess Denuvo is good at convincing Jap investors their shit works.


Fun fact for Sonic Mania when you beat the Egg TV boss in Studiopolis, the buzzing noise the TV makes when it shows the test card is the same tone of buzzing during that event. The test card even shows the date of the livestream
I remember watching through it to hear some of the music (turning down the volume so you could hear the music and not the buzz), even though the Crush 40 guy's voice was fucking wrecked with a cold. Hearing Jun on guitar was nice.

/r/ing this lewd fox showing off her pusspuss

Denuvo is still popular because business execs are slow on the uptake when it comes to these things. Also, the people behind it have generally been shady, so there might be some behind the scenes fuckery regarding contracts and business agreements.

Jap corporates are paranoid as fuck about PC piracy, but this case seems to be more western SEGA's fault than Japanese SEGA's.

The best part was Sonic's anemic dancing.

I don't think that will satisfy the fags in this thread.

Wasn't it Sega of Europe who pushed denuvo in mania?


If you want actually good 3d platformers, its time to buy Switch. They won't get anything good on pc. And this denuvo isn't helping.

Shame. Sonic colors and Mania did so well.


3D Mario isn't very good either.

I went and looked up that video because it sounded retarded. It was.
I need to think up some shitty gimmick to make stupid amounts of jewtube bucks off of, faggots will watch anything and shell out patreon money for anything. Jesus christ.

Ackshually you're a faggot, the music was pretty fucking good, and the handle of sonic and his stages was nice. SA2 would have trumped it if the fucking somersault didn't exist.

Now now. Fuck you.

But i don't like Mario platformers

There was one single sonic game that was neither adventure, nor boost gameplay, and that wasn't sonic lost world.

The only thing I care about from Nintendo is Pocketmon. Mario can go OD on mushrooms, user.

Yeah. It sucked as well.

Maybe here in a bit. I need to get used to a new drawing software anyways so I could use the practice.

Welp, quads demand the fox.

I already played Space Station Silicon Valley, thanks.

Please do not sexualize it


Black Knight was better.

Does space station silicon valley count as a platformer? Half of the animals can't even jump.

So is Jap Manga and Anime. In fact streaming websites & fansites (even if they encourage and link to official releases & merchandise) are hit by DDOS from (((somewhere))).
IIRC, Japan only stopped/toned down it's crusade on the anime & manga side once they realized piracy was a drop in the water. Because folks world-wide had dropped the One Piece Manga to 80% of it's peak readership, it affected their whole damn industry. That's how big a deal it is/was. In fact, Japan has greenlit (and canceled) more shows in the last year or two than the prior 5.

Shame the music so far for this has sounded shit. The Metal Sonic remix sounds awful compared to the Mania one. The main theme sounds OK but has awful lyrics (seriously "Fist Bump" doesn't even rhyme with anything in the song), and nothing in the stages sounds memorable.

No thanks

Taxman was pretty pissed off when Sega wanted to pin Denuvo on them, so telling devs on social media might not be a complete waste.

This game looked a lot better when it was just abstract shapes out in the sky.

So did Mario

Sega of Europe is to blame, specifically, though i wouldn't be surprised if was under orders from the japs.

I too would be pissed off if corporate fucks forced me to put malware inside my game's code.

The only thing that will literally kill piracy is game streaming. That's the holy grail of DRM, and it's coming.

If you mean Robo Blast 2, that's actually pretty fun with the right controller.


M64 looked like shit though.

It will start with people who own a console which to this day still have shit tier HDD space and which people still use as a Netflix machine.

They're already predisposed for thatt push and will easily be conditioned to like it and then defend it.

Just like paid online
Just like DLC
Just like paid maps
Just like Microtransactions
Just like paid mods
Just like always online games
Just like mid gen upgrades

Super Mario Bros 3 didn't though

Very true. Though I do prefer the SNES/GBA versions.

Yes. The ultimate corporate wet dream is to turn gaming into a service like Netflix.

And by right controller, I mean anything with programmable tilt functionality.

You're talking out your ass. People barely put up with that shit now. Xbone is the lowest selling console this generation because they overcharge on their (((Microsoft gold accounts))), creation club is rightfully being treated as a joke by all but Bethesdrones and the most shit tier of Normalfag. Don't assume that just because someone owns a console that they're somehow less intelligent than "Le PC master race XD upboat"

But here is the thing: Game streaming adds convenience, and normal fags will take convenience over freedom every time.

and they shot themselves in the foot from the getgo when they announced that the thing would have manditory online check ups, the kinect, and that ID shit for used games that gimmicks the PC's "steam code in a box" shit, only more gamestop-friendly.

Plenty of normalfags on both platforms and they are a driving force.
Just like Ricky is buying loot crates, Chad is buying Fifa cards and CoDbux.

Creation club and console mods are being well received on consoles, just like Minecraft skins.
>Xbone is the lowest selling console this generation because they overcharge on their (((Microsoft gold accounts)))
Sony is charging the same price you dumbass, are you actually paying for it?

Fact of the matter is that I can buy multiple HDDs/SSDs for pennies while console users are limited whilel games become more and more bloated.
My games can be played throught all the versions of my rig so digital games aren't that much of a issue.

Streaming "fixes" all of that and normalfag console users are more predisposed for that.
Most have already forgotten embed related which will be the new Horse armor/DLC/Microtransactions.

You were laughing before, but you'll be crying later.

Black Knight was the exact same gameplay style, but execute much, much better.

I'm gonna go buy some cereal on sale that promises a chance to win it, that's the most I'll invest in with just Mario Odyssey to offer.

Me too user

The sword gimmick kinda made it worse overall though.

>Xbone is the lowest selling console this generation because they overcharge on their (((Microsoft gold accounts)))
Wrong. They're still suffering from the DRM disaster.

Wake me up when the burgerland (((ISPs))) starts to make better internet speeds then we can worry about game steaming.

No. Nothing is worse than the atrocious controls Secret Rings makes you put up with.

I think he's paid


I'm betting it won't even take ten years for that to be the case.

I was a faggot for forgetting to link the source, but goddman it user read the thread.
Its like two posts below the OP



Fucking hell, and I was excited for the PC release just for the modding community adding copyrighted characters to the custom character creator in this game. I wanted Kermit the frog to work together with Sonic the Hedgehog dammit.

This is a trend. More and more games are shipping with this shit because the PC gaming community didn't put it's collective foot down when it should have.

Just buy it goy, you furfags always have spare money anyway.

I realized all to late I have no idea what fox pussy looks like.

How is it that my desire to play as Oswald Bane makes me a furfag?

if you play on a platform with these people you deserve denuvo and having features cut


at least their parents cared about them enough unlike this pc gamer

That's not mlp.

Try again

That's pretty good.

you still didn't tell him how much he needs to server

For science

That user is pretty much on point then.
Do I want to know what "gauging" is?

looks like it would have been hidden by the tail fur then, so my inoffensive "slit" wasn't the worst trade off.

draw it a wolf cock hahah just kidding i don't mean to offend

either stockholders or yazuka, id guess

Meh, I'm not nearly autistic enough to want to play it in the first place.

Playing as Oswald the Bane is the only proper way to do this.


Only place then you'd find defending of the game after that is youtube.

Incredible. One would think they'd have learned their lesson but apparently not. Is Sega just brain dead?

Why is this considered a good thing?

People who hate Sonic games have short attention spans. Their brain can't remember more than who Sonic is because his name is on the box.

Yeah at some point "Sonic Has too many Friends" became a meme. People who only ever played the genesis games and then never touched a sonic game after that point look at Pic related and don't know how to process the fact that there are characters that have been introduced after Sonic 3.

Even though these characters aren't hard to understand at all. There character designs say everything you need to know about them.

half of the characters on that picture don't even appear every game for more than like, a second.
le epik nerd humour sites like Dorkly and watchmojo top tens tend to bring this 'issue' up

really for most games you only have like 9 of them

Hell, Tikal has a total of one major appearance in the games.

It started with Sonic Adventure having 6 players with all of them being shitty. Their first 3D game and they didn't focus on a good gameplay type. Having anyone other than the classic 3 make an appearance is a sign they haven't learned shit at all and are still trying to make another Poochie. You'd know that if you weren't underage.

Won't get it unless reviews are good and ideally, I can try a demo. The price is lower which has me a bit worried.

Liked Colors and Generations and generally haven't enjoyed the 3D titles.

Better be talking player reviews

True though Sega clearly feels the need to try to shove them in without giving them anything to do. Who bets all the characters in forces will just stand around puns while Sonic does everything. It do

Well if you liked Generations then you might like it. gameplay wise it looks to be just Generations 2 & OC & Shadow & Knuckles

I'll give you that, unlike Sonic I don't chuckle
Hitting against walls and feeling like you are controlling a bar of soap sure is nice, not to mention the horrid camera.

Yeah that's my main issue with most side characters. After 06 and shadow, they stopped playing major parts in the plot, and in generations they just go 'SONIC WE BELIEVE IN YOU' or even just take part in a mini game. Apart from charmy, they're pretty inoffensive. Most people take their sole existence as an issue within itself.

It's pretty much guaranteed at this point that everyone except Tails, Ow the edgehog, Sonic, lil sonic, Original the Character and his evil counterpart, and Eggman are just window dressing

Soinc Forces Hooters DLC confirmed
Damn Sonic leave some Pussy for the rest of us.


Yeah during the Sonic Forces part of Sega's TGS Live Steam out of fucking nowhere they announced some kind of partnership with fucking Hooters.


Not surprising for a jewish founded company.

Generation had linear and short level design. Main levels are easy as fuck to beat in one day/one sitting of playing. Bonus levels were somewhat worthy, somewhat not. Sonic Forces looks even worse. I compared green hill zone of sonic forces with green hill zone of generations, you know - generation ones had more paths and more interesting level design choices than forces version of the level. It only makes it longer by inclusion of avatar stage.

To be honest even myself i hate most of this list. Like if everyone is needed to make up a story. Forces literally has all of them except gamma and chao.
Espio could easily replace Shadow in Sonic Adventure 2.

Better than expected.

So you only like the classic characters and your only giving Team Chaotix a pass because they were in the 32x game.

meant for




I might make a few more webm's tomorrow but at Sega's TGS Showing at Sonic Forces this girl was there and she was a total QT. she seemed to be a Shadow Fangirl it was pretty funny.






we can only hope

Denuvo is a cancer
Sonic Generations was the best 3D Sonic game ever made. 2D Sonic was actually a gimmick in the game that took away from having more 3D levels. The game was a blast to play and having levels be a time based challenge of finding the fastest route and keeping up your boost to reach peak fast while navigating the platforming obstacles was the perfect direction for Sonic in 3D to take after the broken dogshit Adventure games. I was actually hoping Forces would finally be an entire game in this style of play and am disappointed there are more gimmicks, I'll probably still pirate it or buy it on sale down the line and have fun playing the new levels.

Mania was also fantastic.

You can all suck my dick.

generations has press button that isnt up to automatically go faster, like in unleashed, right?

This doesn't even make any sense.

I will never not be astonished by Iizuka's poor dental hygiene.
The girl is a qt though, I would pat and stroke her head while watching her play Shadow the Hedgehog, which I bet is her favourite Sonic game.

How could anyone even consider playing this?
Sonic was never good. Kick and scream all you want but it's an absolutely pathetic series. Even the JUMP sound sucks.

Wat. Isn't Hooters like a dudebro kinda place?

It's almost as if it's possible for others to enjoy things that you don't


So I found one more pic of Hooters Rouge.

and then the rest I found are from the Gay community.


I don't even hate big's campaign, but what the hell are you talking about.

that's a good one.

Man, these are some big hooters right here!

webm'd when they announced the Hooters Partnership. They don't even treat it like a big deal.

That's Japan for you.

And I got two more webm's of the QT girl, They show that Character and I think it's the one the girl made, she put Shadows symbol on her characters shirt, and she freaked out here when she saw Shadow in the game, So yeah I'm pretty sure she's a Shadow fan girl.

Oh man this hooters collab is a gold mine so far.

There is a Live steam happening right now.

Ah gib u 5 dolla man


Livesteam is over but the Chat actually got them to talk about Hooters.

I liked the alligator as a kid, but that bee was broken as shit. Whoever I was playing with would play as the bee, or I would, and the other player would just get used as a blunt object to kill whatever needed to be killed.

The qt is Aoi Yuuki. She voiced Madoka, Tanya from Youjo Senki, Hibiki in Symphogear, and she's good in the new good no Tabi series. Not sure why she was at a Sonic presentation.


Fucking wordfilters, Mark you goddamn kike.

Based on the gameplay they released: No lives just infinite continues, rings are all over the place so impossible to die anyways, Sonic is REALLY annoying with jerking off OC by constant talking, for that matter no one shuts the fuck up, boost shit is three times annoying by playing the bastardized theme they ruined by adding horrible lyrics.
It's like nothing will save it, we can all see the fanfiction story from a mile way and it'll be bad

good ol' spazkid

I wonder how Blaze is going to take the Hooters news.



really nigger

Denuvo Sucks and if someone refuse to buy/play a game that uses it, that's a perfectly legitimate thing to do, But Denuvo is not a valid augment when it comes to criticizing the other aspect of a game.
You don't need to justify not playing a game with Denuvo, but Saying a game is shit Solely because it has Denuvo is just being lazy.

most people just want self validation for pirating games, even if they don't really give a damn about ethics.
It feels good if by fighting the "good" fight you also get to enjoy shit for free. everybody wins, except the studio, but fuck them, that will teach them to make good games.

here is a feature that doesnt let you play the game when you want

really nigger

Just pirate the game, then you have no excuse for not judging the actual gameplay.

so by that logic its ok to say that a shit game is good becuase was used mods in order to fix it

I don't see the problem in saying that Mods can turn a bad game into a good game.

but were talking about DRM that can be negatived by simply pirating, once you have that Pirated version the DRM is no longer a factor to the rest of the game

we are at the same page then

yes if you can bypass the bullshit in the game it can become enjoyable. but just because you can bypass it doesnt automatically makes the game good, or negativated its flaws.
denuvo is even worse because it was not something that was put to enchance the game but just to prevent piracy at some costs.

so ues the game is shit because it has denuvo, does it mean if i can bypass it, i would be able to enjoy it? absolutly!! but that doesnt change the fact the the "normal" state of the game is still shit.

Fine I guess we just have different priorities when it comes to judging a game. I just don't let Denuvo overshadow everything else a game has to offer.

Reposting here so you niggers can enjoy

Live Sanic music soon

This doesn't deserve to even be pirated. It needs to fail, hard.

Since it's 14 GB on Xbone and 7 GB on Switch, does this mean that this game is going to be very short or did they just avoid using uncompressed audio and other assets?

holy fucking shit im dying

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I thought I turned off that flag

At least I got a pleasant surprise from that White Jungle remix.

She looks like a fucking chihuahua!!

The visuals don't look like a huge leap over Generations, so that probably accounts for some of the file size.

Oh look, it's another manchild toy. Are you going to buy it like the cuck you are? Seriously, gamers are fucking pathetic. I wish more companies made shitty, no-effort games so that this overdrawn joke can end already.

What's next? Are you going to say that Sonic was never good?

Thank goodness


I am inspired to draw something silly by this hooters fiasco

The best part about this whole Hooters thing are the reactions to it.


sauce for mild interest?

Was going fast a part of your plan?

to be fair, nobody really actually likes chao gardens

You couldn't be more wrong, it's not just some meme. The Chao Garden has been in consistent demand for years.
I'm not one of those fans who are begging for it to come back, but i'd be cool with seeing it return.


wow that was awful

But user, you are just an autistic nobody. Your very existence proves my point.

They were the only good part of the Adventure games.

So you are saying there was nothing good about the Adventure games?

Chao gardens went hand in hand with the stages. SA2's stages benefited with hidden corners that hid the animals and boxes.

Having a game that is JUST the chao garden would be lame. What worked for SA1 and 2 was the ability to go and stomp through an action stage, then take 5 doing comfy stuff with your chao before going back to the action. It was a sort of cooldown where you could get itchy for action, quell the itch, get better at stages, take 5 to play with your chao, then do it again, making a nice cycle.

Trips of truth.

Absolutely agree with you user. Chao Gardens are nothing more than a forced gimmick that deserves to be taken away. It didn't matter in the past Sonic games, so why does it matter now?


You really are a nigger. Please get lynched.


For what purpose?

I realize I'm saying this in a fucking sonic thread, but you're a true furfag buddy.

Amy was never that great of a character. Why defend Amy when she isn't that great? I would rather keep Wave than Amy Rose. At least Wave is SMARTER than Amy


what did he mean by this?

What do you mean by this?

he means you ought to go back.

Nigger she's been a staple of Sanic for over 20 years now. She may be annoying but she was always meant as a foil to the typical damsel characters who wanted to be rescued and be the bride of the hero. Sonic doesn't love Amy because she's a crazy bitch, and only rescues her out of necessity because it's the right thing to do.
Nigger, Amy a cute.
Who gives a shit about "smart" characters. The bird characters were always fucking boring.

She's both the voice of Sticks in the jap dub of Boom and the female CaC in Forces.

I can't fucking handle this shit

That's pretty funny since she seems like a total shadow fangirl. that would be huge shipping fuel if it was the English VA.

Now THIS is the quality content I was expecting when I found out about the Hooters promotion



Tails is the actual worst. Just Sonic's campaign but shitty.


he is pretty delusional


could you fire flat cat?

Why is the image mirrored?

weird, it posted inverted.

That's some good shit.

Blaze is too much of a QT in that outfit, What monster would complain about her.

people who don't appreciate glorious flat.
I felt bad drawing the last panel and worried it wouldn't be funny.

Don't worry it's funny and sad at the same time. You did a good job

thank you

well i didn't notice this thread hit the bump limit, I'll be sure to post your comic in the next thread so more people can see it, if you don't post it first.

I chuckled

Post cute Amy pics, faggots.

This is the best I got


How does it feel to know you have such shit taste?

At least the denuvo dumpster fire has good music.
Music is not representative of gameplay
Sonic 06 also had good music
I can'nt wait to pirate it and see how it is.

Once the crack is out, should I email SEGA thanking them for providing me justification to pirate the game?


Honestly, the soundtrack has been all over the place this time around. There's some decent songs like this one, but there's also a ton of trap-sounding garbage. I'm not a huge fan of those screeching synths that keep popping up either.

The saving grace for this game so far is making donutsteels, and cute hooters pics.

Pretty much this. One hand you get some decent music like vid related, but on the other, it's all over the place.

That shit supersaw ruins it

Damn they're really going all out with this game? I'm having huge hopes that it's going to be epic like Unleashed.

Jesus fucking Christ these are so hilariously bad