
Flash games are now being released as full games with pricetags.

Have you been in a coma for the last decade or so? This has been a problem with steam for a while now. It's just that most other hacks moved to Unity.

Sage because there's nothing to discuss.

this game was on XBLA and PSN as well, you dope. its been out of flash game territory for a long time.
its actually pretty fun

Steam shills

Nothing new. Good flash games have been re-written in different languages and engines for years now.

On the topic of flash; does anyone know to run flash games offline? There are some really good flash games that for one reason or another just refuse to be ran from an .sfw file without internet connection. With flash being dumped into a ditch in 3 years a lot of browser games will vanish.

welcome to 5 years ago

Don't know about you but it works for me in a browser even when the internet is off
Autism is my life

if you read the fine print, it says it has more levels jammed into it, but that's like saying fancy pants adventure was a shit game which is fairly wrong. but 10 bucks is a bit steep

there's a standalone flash player made for "developers" and gnash it kind of sucks and should only be used to watching homestarrunner cartoons


my instincts tell me life shouldn't be this terrible

Cry harder faggot.

Its lookin pretty good OP, all of those additions and content make it seemingly well worth the price, not to mention that fancy pants is already a pretty damn fun game to begin with.

Keep crying commiecuck. Move to fucking Cuba if you're so mad about it.

I heard Venezuela is doing great right now.

With DRM.

I guess if you were able to dump the files from the server the SWF is set to point to, and then use something like JPEXS to edit the SWF to point toward where you've downloaded the files instead of to that server…

did you hear that in the (((media)))?

Welcome to 2011 I guess.


Try 2004

I remember playing this game in what 2004-5? Good times. It's like Sonic the Hedgehog down to the speed and how you can recollect your health after getting hit. I also remember the animation being more smoother than other Flash games before it.

let's see if flash is broken

Yeah if you become a goldfarmer in RunEscape you can make more than ten times the dosh per hour of a college grad
yfw you can literally kill someone IRL by PKing them in the wilderness so they can't goldfarm to support their family

I hate the modern gamur that forgets the past.

What do you think that Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Isaac were?

Wasn't this released nearly a decade ago?

I wish I was as shameless as you faggots.

Not Real Communismâ„¢

that's right venezuela is a federal republic, just like the good ol US. so you can only really use cuba as an example.

world 4 when?

I want to fuck that Wendy

It's actually state capitalism :^)

Double edged sword.
