Itt: subtle references in vidya

What are your favorite subtle references in video games? Not talking about the millions of pop culture shit they throw into modern Blizzard games, but, anything subtle that made you think.

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lol I get it Shrek right?


Oh boy that reference is subtle. No fucking clue what game it is, though.

Been playing The Witcher 3 lately, so that's the first thing that pops into my head. I began reading the first Witcher book, called The Last Wish, which is itself just a collection of short stories that recount Geralt's various adventures. Since I read a few of these stories, I have since realized that the game goes out of its way to reference the stories form the books, either through dialogue and cutscenes, or through the various books that can be found throughout the world. I think it's a nice touch, it's not really all that important an addition, but it's subtle and organically ingrained into the world enough that you wouldn't know the difference if you don't get the reference, and at the same time it's an acknowledgement of the written works that the game is inspired by. It gives the impression that the devs care about the source material, so it's noteworthy.

Battlefield 3. Thats a weird refrence for a modern shooter of all things.

Probably not quite what you're looking for, but I've been keeping a tally of games I find that seem to be making reference to various shitposts, sometimes years before the shitpost even occurred. They're cases of coincidence as the difference in dates would tell, but I still prefer to think of them as "retroactive shitpost games" (which isn't to call them bad by that virtue, just that it adds some extra humor if/when they crop up).

Now I kind of want to see a modded game with a building layout where there's a subtle loss in the arrangement.


Siege of Dragonspear does not exist, user. Please kindly go fuck yourself for reminding me of that blight upon my literal favorite game series.


Well witcher 3 is full of references, but i assume you are not polish so you wouldnt get them.
Some quests are references to polish national myths eg. A Towerful of Mice quest takes a direct inspiration from the legend about creation of Poland
Secondly lots of dialogues take inspiration from polish history, eg. one of the Redanian soldiers singing "Gaude mater Redania" with is a reference to a medieval historical song "Gaude Mater Polonia"
Other dialogues are a reference to polish famous novels from the time of XIX to XX century, like during "Hearts of Stone" dlc you have to go on a wedding, and one of the women there is complaining that she lost her shoe, she says something like "You have to wear shoes on a wedding" its a direct quote from polish drama "The Wedding"

All of this is invisible to an outsider


From a "I didn't know the game had that feature" kind of perspective, a "heh, they wrote cvar documentation like that", and a "I forgot drive-in movies were even a thing".

I dont get it, someone explain pls

You'll die alone and miserable.

I see the girlfiend news post, but what the fuck is the map arrow pointing at?

Its location in the map dummy if you want to see it for yourself

But the map already has the blue player arrow. The red arrow is completely redundant then.

Its a nice touch because it is invisible to an outsider and totally doesnt worsen his experience with a game. Just like a good reference should be.

Is that loss? I see loss.


All the non-visual Elvis references related to The Kings in New Vegas.

If you weren't familiar with Elvis discography these references would go right over your head and it would sound like a fairly normal comment.

it still depresses me that Holla Forums can no longer go back to that time.

ayy lmao

Do recursive references count? Embed related is a reference to this
Which is of course is them missing a reference to the first Monkey Island.