I fucking hate this asshole

I fucking hate this asshole.

Why can't the series just replace him as a protagonist? I enjoy the music and the setting and the mindless action, the games were fun distractions, but through game after game I never gave half a shit about Kratos. He's a completely irredeemable asshole. Every attempt to redeem him just made it worse, because he was always so petty, childish, whiny, arrogant and demanding.

His motivations were always purely selfish, even when he'd tack it to something like revenge, everything we'd be shown would give us no reason to believe he actually cared about whatever he was supposedly avenging. If he cared about his wife and daughter so much, then when he had the ability to go back in time why didn't he prevent them from dying? Why was he fucking all those whores during his "mourning" period? Why's he so ridiculously powerful he's able to kill every damned thing?

Seeing him constantly sacrifice innocents and brutally murder people in fucking cages, watching him murder heroes like Jason, Perseus and Hercules, consistently betray his allies over and over usually over some petty slight or just because he felt like it. Cuckolding Hephaestus, every single sub-plot felt increasingly trite. "Oh, you're my secret brother who grew up in Hades? And now you're dead." "Oh, you're some other guy's daughter? I guess I sort of want to protect you and now you're dead." "Now the Spartans are my thing. My army, my people, my kingd- and now they're dead." "Together with the Titans I will take revenge on Olympus and sla- nevermind killing you guys too lol."

And every single game all the new shit he gets is taken away from him at the start of the next. Now he's got some new son I have no reason to give a shit, feels remorse over killing all of Greek mythology, is reduced to a boomerang axe and feels remorse for doing shit like literally killing the sun?

Fuck you and your bald head, asshole.

You played God of War for the story?

To be fair the gameplay opens up right after you finish it and unlock the challenges. So what do you play GoW for? The nice but once in a game titties?

No, I'm saying I played it in spite of the story.

You played God of War?

The boss battles.

You haven't?

So the ideal hero from Greek mythology then.

Maybe the idea of the game itself was that it happened during the ps2 era where games were still fun and stories in general were a secondary element.

You know, like Mortal Kombat. Just death and destruction for the shockvalue and story because uhh… it happened for some reason.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if in some way GOW spawned off of Mortal Kombat.

The boss battles? I honestly don't remember any of them outside of the generic giant who slams his fist down on you peroidically and you have to slash his arms when he does so that happens to appear in every PS2 era hack and slash including fucking spyro.

GOW actually sort of spawned because of Twisted Metal and its edgyness.

Twister Metal could use a VR comeback. That would make me pretty happy.

Complete with killable pedestrians in survival mode like that one racing game for ps3.

Do you seem to think that the games about brutally mudering everyone in your way should have a fucking care bear as a protagonist?
Kratos wipes out most of humanity in 3 just for revenge, and that's great.
I hate that the new one is trying to pretend that he's a good guy at heart. Even his last selfless action was a fuck you to the gods.

That's what they're doing. They're replacing him with Joel from The Last of Us.

Dubs of insight.

You are the reason writing sucks.

Negative character traits =/= Bad protagonist. Yeah, he's an irredeemable asshole who acts purely on selfish desires, sounds like the perfect protagonist for baby's first hack-n-slash to me.

Have you read any of Hercules's myths? He's surprisingly similar to the way he's portrayed in Marvel. He's basically the ultimate drinking buddy. He's constantly going to ridiculous lengths to fix slights for shit that wasn't even really his fault.

Lemme give you a perfect example, so this king's loved by his people and he's friends with one of the gods, I forget which, Apollo maybe. That god comes and tells him "I've been told by the fates you are fated to die in one month." "Oh no, what will I do?!" "Well, the only way out is if you can find someone to die in your place."

So the king scours the kingdom, but no one volunteers to die in his place despite loving him. Finally the young queen steps forward, and she agrees to die in his place. So the whole kingdom goes into deep mourning, they have countless memorials to her and how great her sacrifice is.

Then Hercules shows up, also friends with the king, and he's like "Oh shit, don't tell Hercules the queen's dead, I don't want to depress him. Take him to this guest hall and tend to his every need. Tell him I can't make it." So Hercules obliviously feasts and gets drunk off his ass and laughs and makes merry. He sings and tells jokes, and none of the servants laugh or join in. Finally in a rage he grabs one and threatens to knock his head off if he doesn't explain why his presence depresses them all so. The servant confesses out of fright "the kingdom is mourning our queen!"

So Hercules is like "Aw shit, I'm such an asshole… I gotta make this right somehow!" So he marches straight into the underworld, physically manifests death itself, and wrestles with it and basically beats the crap out of it until it agrees to let him bring the queen back to life. So, on the day the king was fated to die Hercules comes charging in carrying the queen in his arms "Mourn no longer, for Hercules has resurrected your beloved queen!" At this sight the king immediately has a heart attack and dies at the exact moment the fates had said he would.

If you don't like the character, you won't care about their journey or what happens to them, fuckwit. Do you have any desire to see someone you hate succeed? I'm not even talking about a moral perspective, if you don't care about the protagonist, you can't care about his story. Plenty of villains are still interesting, entertaining characters.

Kratos is just a total piece of shit with a meaningless journey.

He was always intended to be an irredeemable asshole.

Though I do agree that the new game should have focused on a new protagonist.

We are not talking about DmC


Whoa. Look at all these stories with completely unlikeable protagonists! I guess the people who made those just didn't know what they were doing.

Kratos is the most unlikeable piece of shit ever to be a protagonist, yes. If the story was about a murder robot going back in time to ancient greece it would be superior.

IKR, look at this one!

yeah, both of them.

Remember when people were joking about this asshole moving on to killing Norse gods?
Remember when Sony actually did that?

He's too edgy and angry for my taste.

The whole point of Kratos is to satisfy David Jaffe's manchild-like obsession with "being a badass", which to him entails raping women and violently murdering everyone for the hell of it. He has an infantile view of the world which means he's incapable of writing an interesting or good character.

Dante has style and personality, that's why he's a thousand times cooler than Kratos could ever be. Kratos is just a generic SA Goon fantasy of what it's like to be "METAL AS FUCK" and "EPIC PIRATE ASSRAPER".

We have to have a reason for wanting to see their journey through to the end. Link's motivations are always either saving the kingdom or exploration. Name a good protagonist who's completely unlikable and has terrible intentions.

The only possible exceptions I can think of are some games with moral choices, but honestly most of those suck and end up making the character an empty grey blob because the moral choices are either so black and white it's just a good character and a bad character, or so grey they don't make any difference.

The only example of a game with a good protagonist who is also technically irredeemable is Planescape: Torment's Nameless One, and that's an extremely unique example. He has no memory of the things he's done, he's essentially a ton of different people some very good some very bad. What he becomes is up to you, and the dialog is pretty fantastic. On top of that, he doesn't have to kill all of his enemies, he can talk his way through most of the encounters.

What a horrible mysoginist!

Or these guys from vidya.

This. Jaffe was in full 12 year old mode when writing Kratos.

You completely missed the point I was making. I said a villain can still be a good protagonist so long as they're entertaining. You have to care about their actions.

Of the examples given, I'll be totally honest. I hated Clockwork Orange specifically because I didn't like any of the characters. In Ichi the Killer there's no real good guy and the characters are very interesting, it's more like Freddy vs Jason than anything, but the ending was still total shit.

Bronson was a biography about a real person, and at numerous points in his story he's totally sympathetic. His workout book's pretty good too.

I never hated Lewis's character in There Will Be Blood. I disliked him only during his "bastard in a basket" speech. The film was interesting, but after seeing it I've never had any interest in watching it again.

As for Nightcrawler, the entire point was that the guy was a sociopath and if he hadn't stumbled into this job he'd probably be a serial killer. It was more of a hamfisted commentary on the industry itself than anything.

Kane. Kane wants to grab his daughter and get the fuck out. He got his family into this mess, he betrayed his previous friends, he is a remorseless killer. And he'd do it again. Both of the original game's endings highlight that he has fucked up. In one, his daughter dies when he tries to redeem himself and save his men, he arrives too late anyway, the only surviving man hates him for taking so long, his daughter gets shot and Kane starts having a breakdown. In the other Kane runs away with his daughter, who hates him immensely and tries to kill him.
Say what you want about the gameplay but Kane and Lynch has a very appealing story.

I'm now pretty glad they made it that way so people like OP can butthurt this satisfactorily.

Don't quote me on this, but I've heard that was the original plan. They were going to have different protagonists for different mythologies, but for whatever reason they ended up milking the Greek mythology and now they can't make a God of War game without Kratos.

I didn't care for any of these games to be honest, but frankly I've always found the GTA games boring. I had fun with the idea back when it was still an overhead pixel game, for about 15 minutes. Once I got to the point that I'd blown up a couple dozen cop cars, the entire concept lost all appeal to me, so I've always avoided the series.

He is actually pretty accurate given the context.
He's a demigod, and if you read a tid bit of mithology you'd know they were all petty, selfish, and plotting to kill others and take control.
Maybe not all of them, but he's a god of war, so of course he is the angriest man alive.
Sure, I'm justifying an unlikable charachter, but at the same time you shouldn't be playing the games for the plot.

Chinatown Wars has a drug dealing minigame that made it pretty fun

The Greeks were big fans of unavoidable fate and self-fulfilling prophecies.


Except this segment is him protecting an illusion of his family from an endless horde of illusions of himself, as he's being forced to relive the memory of the fact that he killed his own wife and child in a blind rage. And after this when he had a chance to undo that event, he instead went to a time to gain more power for himself, and later changed his goal to wanting his memory of his wife and daughter and killing them erased.

I at least like the full beard they gave him in the new game. The original design with the goatee just looks like some modern day douchebag who tries to start fights with strangers just to feel tough.

Even amongst the soda pop tier versions of mediums that are comicbooks, marvel has always been the most watered down version of anything.Where is his decimation of the amazon nation? Where is his legendary bloodlust?Where is his uncotnrollable rage that led to the death of his family at his own hands?

There's nothing wrong with unlikable characters if they're historically accurate to the myths, the focus of the game isn't the plot anyway.

Hippolyta had it coming, tbh.

You'd be pissed too if a god tricked you into killing your own family. Then another god that helped you get revenge turns into an asshole for no reason and tries to kill you.

God of W4r's new mechanical direction seems pretty lame though, the franchise really should be laid to rest.

Even if his method of escapism is extremely warped, it shows that he feels remorse for his actions. The only reason he even agrees to serve the gods is because he's tormented by the memory of killing his family.

I also remember when Sony cancelled a new science fiction IP for this.

You cucks are pathetic. Kratos, as the example given, may be a giant asshole with utterly selfish motives, but he's still likeable even if only in a virile juvenile way. Not every hero has to be a goody-two shoes with deeply nuanced behavior.

Sometimes a edgelord murdersplat dude is alright.

God of War ended with Kratos gaining self-awareness and killing himself. Protagonist doesn't mean "guy I like", only means main character or leader. A protagonist doesn't need to be likeable, only engaging. I don't need to root for a guy to be interested in what he does. You can fuck right odd with your superhero fantasies.

Kratos was interesting because he always man the player question who was the greater asshole/villain. Kratos was a vengence fueled psychopath who's targets are a bunch of self-serving assholes. Kratos actually had the decency to kill himself after realizing he killed everyone who was a bigger asshole than himself. This is what makes him an interesting protagonist even though he is still an unlikable piece of shit. You fuck right off with your shit taste.

Gerstmann, you don't have to keep defending that game, you have a different job now

What mode is he in now?

Full Retard.

but thats true of almost anything

i'm fairly convinced a this point that we're dealing with another Mr.Shitface situation where the person that is responsible for those was secretly fired and he just ended up taking all the credit.that would also explain the steep decline in quality that followed the series after TM2

How do you feel about this guy?

TM3, 4 and Small Brawl were shit because his team didn't work on it, 909 handled them instead, the same guys who did Syphon Filter 2 and 3.

I love Asura's Wrath so much, I rented it and wound up buying the DLC.

how why the fuck would you be the head-lead of the project if you can't even pick your own team?

I want to see more games were you get to play the villain. I want more characters who have no conscience or delusions of morality. Characters that I can live vicariously through to help me cope with my utter contempt for this planet and its' people!

He had zero involvement with them, it was all Sony milking the IP that's why Black was an incline, back to the old team.

What I would find more interesting was a villain who thought they were morally in the right, that their actions were for the greater good. Virtually every dictator and serial killer in history believed what they were doing was justified. Being bad for the sake of being bad is dumb.

Now a Doctor Doom type is a start, but I'd love to play a game where the protagonist is a dictator along the lines of the 40k Imperium, which is to say maybe he believes he's justified in killing the current set of politicians because "the system is broken" or "they're all corrupt" or whatever, and he gives passionate speeches about how he's making humanity stronger, and he sees his losses as genuine tragedies, but from an external perspective he's still a villain, he's still slaughtering innocents and justifying it. It's more believable. Especially if he *doesn't* seem nuts.


breddy gud

If only more villains were like this nigger.

Don't you mean this nigger?



Kratos is a total faggot but I guess he needs to be some edge fag otherwise the games wouldn't happen.

rare example of kratos not being a total sociopath


Can you stop being a faggot and admit that you must self insert as some sort of moral-cuck or you can't enjoy yourself?

Pretty much this.

Thank you. My thoughts exactly.

He is the only video game character who talked to me on the phone.

Don't know how Sonyggers can people praise this as anything but a really average series, played the first two games and they're nothing but a forgetful blur.

Spartan Total Warrior raped the setting as well, but at least it did its own thing with the alternate history narrative and actually had a huge scope and different gameplay akin to a 3D beat em up in a massive scale.

There's a difference between a protagonist who is an asshole but also likeable and a protagonist who is an unlikeable asshole.
I bet you dipshits think Donte is a well written character because he's an edgy faggot like Kratos.

Spartan Total War should have been more popular, it's basically western Musou except with more focus on tactical battle.

Shit's good.

It really says a lot about the state of the industry that Kid Icarus on NES is a more accurate representation of Greek myth than most games actually taking place in ancient Greece.

Game was fucking rad, never got why Sega didn't deliver a PC port, goddamn thing was made by CA and everything.

Too bad Sega didn't market it well enough.

Ever played Asrgard user?
Was it any good?

I like Asgard, but it lacks the gore and tightness of Spartan: Total Warrior, and it gets kinda repititive at times.

Nowadays I just stick to Mount and Blade if I want my hack and slash mixed with Total War.

They already addressed this. Why are you so insistent on this, did a Kratos looking guy drown your mom in cum?

I dont have a drinking buddy

Fuck everyone. You gave a good review OP.


Why do you even play video games? Go watch telenovelas you fag master.

You know Xavier: Renegade Angel wouldn't work if he were likeable.



Kratos exists as a vehicle for the gameplay to happen. He's perfect for the game he's in and only retards believe that a protagonist who is villainous in nature is poorly written. Likeable does not equal good, you're just a pissy who cant handle watching 1s and 0s get murdered on screen.

Fags like you are the reason games like Gone Homo exist, and why every action game worth its salt is being transformed into a linear walking simulator. Thanks for making the industry worse, cunt.

Isn't he a Greek God? What the fuck did you expect?

You mean

For videogames it doesn't matter. Gameplay is most important. Everybody loves DOOM when the writing is non existent.

Terrible strawman when nobody even said anything them being "good".
Another terrible strawman. You're saying all writing in a videogame has to conform to your stupid standards when that's not what videogames are about.
I'm starting to think it was your ass that was raped by a Kratos looking fuck.

People like him hate fun because they think every game has to have the same writing standards as books and movies, and want everyone else to hate fun as much as he does.
Threads like this show the current problem with videogames.

hello darkness my old friend

If this was about gameplay then he'd hate GoW even more.

Well what sounds better to you:

Good. Then he should talk about how the gameplay, which is the main focus of the game, is shit instead of talking about irrelevant shit.

It's like complaining about what the guitar player was wearing when he was recording on an album he's listening to.

Top kek, capped.

Hey man, Ghost of Sparta is good.

I would have really loved a Jason and the Argonauts style game. I like the Greek Mythology aesthetic. I like Beat-em-ups, I like the "Spectacle Brawler" style of Devil May Cry 3 and Bayoneta. I even had fun playing DmC.

God of War "should" be a series I like. But I fucking hate the games. They suck on so many levels. Kratos is just a emblematic of all the problems with the GoW Series.

user, I am rather familiar with Greek Myth an I have no idea what you are talking about. This actually sounds like you are talking out of your ass or something from Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

Kratos is from an era where GTA made so much fucking money that everyone wanted a slice of the pie, somehow.

So, protagonists who were complete cunts for no reason were "in" at the time.


There is a reason why bad goyim like Vinny was banished to the west with handlers like Austin and Alex. GB died with Ryan, and Ryan was pretty fucking liberal. Let that sink in.

I miss shows and vidya like this. We need less serious soap box games and more silly fun games that have decent writing and even better gameplay.

no u

I keep bringing up narrative because the thread subject is about an unlikeable protagonist and how the protagonist ruins the game for OP, besides there are few games with edgy protags that have good gameplay.

I have no problem with games having simplistic plots and characters if they aren't the focus of the game but unlike DOOM GoW has an emphasis on story, which is the subject of this thread.

That was a response to you strawmanning me as thinking all edgy characters are "bad", they're only bad when they're written poorly.

My "stupid standards" are that characters don't have unironically flanderized, one note personalities.

You seem to be confusing having taste with being butthurt.

First half for

These guys sum up any response I could give pretty well, and you keep shitting the bed by making weird, dumb strawmans.

What a waste of quads. OP just get off your high horse and admit it's not to your taste.

I'm not OP, read my ID you newfag.

isnt gow more about imprecise beatemup controls combined with epic quicktime events and cutscenes than it is about a story?

What makes Mega Man Zero edgy? I played through the game and I don't recall much that can be considered edgy.

Good taste. Haven't watched it in a while, though.

The only jarring thing I found in the series is that they explained away why all the gods aside from ares went nuts by means of some god virus sealed in pandoras box making them nuts, and supposively some gods knew about it but others did not. And yet the gods told him to open the box anyways. And the goddess of wisdom somehow mistaking kratos for his brother.

Kevin Smith was the same actor in both Xena and Hercules.
I agree, more Sam Raimi type games.
Compared to the Classic Mega Man everything from the X series onward is a bit edgy.

you don't deserve these quads

Donte actually isn't edgy at all. He's a bit of a tryhard and curses a lot but he isn't even a little edgy–just uncool. His brother is the actual edgemaster.

I always liked Kratos because he was so over the top and fucking ridiculous it was actually funny.

Greek myth is shit tier.

I saw the ID was different, but you have the same, shitty personality so I assumed you were the same, shitty person. You also picked up where OP left off.

This actually does exist in Nier with the true ending to the game.

He's just another faggot who puts story/characters before gameplay, enough to bitch about it in a game that's mostly driven for the gameplay. They just like to stick together sucking each other off which is why you'll often see them posting together.

I didn't create the image but if I had to guess, it's probably because he uses a sword, has long effeminate hair and has a kinda shady pass, which are typical edgy character tropes.

They're both equally edgy in my opinion.

I don't remember Zero ever being edgy.

The first game was legitimately a Greek tragedy and he was a classic Greek hero who had already suffered a fall. It's one of few video games in existance which has artistic merit despite the somewhat gaudy visuals. Then Sony used their Yakuza powers to threaten the devs into making more games because it sold, and they figured they were stuck with a character that only should have been in one game because muh brand identity.

How is being bad for the sake of being bad dumb? Imagine a character who started out as a good guy but over time, the harshness of reality made them realize that there is no such thing as good and evil and that there was only power and he just decides to say "fuck it!" and give in to complete nihilism. I think that would be rather compelling.

Two be honest, Compared to you "typical goon"™ attitude I am starting to like Kratos.

That's because beards are in fashion now, and the only reason that it doesn't look like the goatee is because numales cannot grow a beard as nice as his and they aren't going around starting fights because they're fags

Is more compelling than

You are a fucking child.

protagonist don't have to be likeable at all. They have to be well written. This line of thinking is why we have bland mary sue characters like Rey in the first place.

When you are playing as a character, they need to be relatable or else people won't like them. When players revolt the character they're playing as, they will like the game less, this is not a difficult concept you fucking sperg. Your argument only applies to non-video games and video games that throw immersion out the window, in which good writing is irrelevant.

This is word for word the "logic" behind marxism, that there is no good or evil only power. That's seriously exactly where SJWs come from, I'm not even trying to be political I'm just saying think of how annoying those rich spoiled college kids are. You remember that video where the college dean is trying to talk to them and they start screaming "RAISING YOUR ARM IS A MICROAGGRESSION! PUT IT DOWN! PUT IT DOWN NOW!" so he does, and then they all start laughing because he did what they told him? That's what every villain would be like.

And I'm not even saying that would be an unrealistic villain, I'm saying they'd be so annoying no one would enjoy the game. It's the same reason for example, I can't even watch Portlandia even though it's an entire series making fun of leftists, the same reason King of the Hill was a hit but The Goode Family was cancelled in one season. Leftists are genuinely aggravating and unpleasant to watch, even when you completely remove politics from the equation.

And the Joker was just pure chaos. That's his most interesting trait. One day he's going to through a pie at you that's just a pie, the next day he's going to throw a pie at you that's filled with acid, there's a 50/50 chance of either. Some days he's a harmless prankster, others he's a mass murderer. He's Two-Face but without the coin, just a random number generator constantly rattling around in his brain. "Today I'm going to order a cheeseburger at a fast food place with a child bound and gagged in the passenger seat, and when the girl at the counter gets my order wrong I'm going to ask for her manager and shoot him in the face. Tomorrow I'm going to cancel my partnership with the Red Skull (this happened in a BatmanxCaptain America crossover comic) because suddenly I feel patriotic and love America."

If Kratos dialog was all voiced by a five year old, you'd see my real problem with his character. He always sounds like he's throwing a tantrum.

I don't mind him killing an entire mythology and fucking random chicks, it's the combination of this with his supposedly "tragic" backstory, and the fucking narration. The narration makes it seem like these stories are going somewhere, but they never fucking do. It's always just "At last, Kratos had come face to face with his past." "Kratos now stood at the end of his path." "Finally, it was clear to Kratos what should have been all along." and in between these dramatic narrations it's just him going "HOW DARE YOU! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE! MY ENEMIES WILL ANSWER FOR THIS! I WILL HAVE WHAT WANT!"

I don't even remember why I did it, I think I'd read there was an extra cinema or something, but I remember unlocking two other phone numbers. I say that because I don't remember that message, but then I never actually heard them.

From what I remember one of them was unlocked from getting a perfect playthrough on the hardest difficulty setting. I kept calling the number, but I was pretty poor at the time and my call wouldn't go through. I passed the number on to this girl I knew online because she asked if she could call in my place, neither of us knowing what it was and she said sure. She said it was Kratos congratulating you and talking about keeping Ares in a box or something.

Maybe the audio clip you got was random.

Greek myth is top tier bruddah. It's simply overused.

When the only available course of action in a game is something I wouldn't do it breaks immersion. I'm fine with the only good choice failing to reward the player: sometimes virtue has to be its own reward. But when it's just not possible to be good it reminds me I'm not actually a hero fighting to protect refugees and seal the breach in the heavens but some fat slob sitting on his couch eating too much and avoiding the harsh realities of his life.


Just the sheer amount of times for the sake of abilitease Kratos willingly gave up all his powers was infuriating. "Kratos, the only way to defeat the colossus is to pour ALL of your power into this sword." But you were already fucking it up, stupid. Kratos, to enter the Elysian fields you must give up all your powers and weapons and then you can see your daughter." DON'T DO THIS AGAIN YOU STUPID F- "Hahaha, by entering here you've allowed my plan to succeed. Now Atlas will destroy Olympus and with it all of reality including where your daughter is. Bye stupid~"

There is a difference between an asshole and an unlikeable asshole.

An asshole is someone who takes his rage out on others. Kratos in the first game is an asshole. You can see his motivation and why he feels no remorse. this is where the series should have ended, it even said he ruled as the god of war to the end of time

An unlikeable asshole is what Kratos became in 2 and 3. He claims to have motivations and then just does what seems cool at the time. He kills people who didn't slight him in the lightest for no other reason than he's angry. He fucks haephastas wife even though he is helping him.

Also fucking kane fucking and fucking lynch fucking is fucking a fucking terrible fucking game fucking that fucking uses fucking swearing fucking as fucking a fucking cruise fucking control fucking for fucking mature fucking writing.

That's how kane and lynch dialogue goes, it's atrocious. And the game play was mediocre at best

I always thought I was the only one who thought 1 was the better game and 2 kinda sucked. I kept hearing all over the place 2 was better, but it literally just felt like a copy pasta of the first game with a titan reskin and lamer locations.

No, and get out.

I don't think 2 did anything that 1 already did as far as gameplay goes. QTE's, alternating between two attack buttons, and a lame sex minigame.

This isn't just about negative character traits. Antiheroes are suitable protagonists, but they aren't 100% negative character traits, they have redeemable ones too. The point is to not have a squeaky clean, boring protagonist, really. Kratos transcends just having interesting flaws. He's unlikeable to the core.

A character of pure chaos would be fun to play.

How about you actually read the communist party manifesto? Are you afraid it'll brainwash you?

Changing Kratos' attitude would affect gameplay because he wouldn't do the retarded things he does if he was changed. His personality is secondary to gameplay, it's just a means to an end.
To use the analogy again, you're complaining about the attire of the musician in a music album you're listening to. Unless the game is a walking simulator where plot is everything, the characters' writing is not the point of these games. The creators would not even consider this type of criticism because it shows you're clearly not the target audience.
If you want to bitch this much about the characters, do it in a game where it matters like a plot driven horror game, walking simulator, or Metal Gear esque cutscene ridden shit.

That's like the one thing I liked about him. He may not be a good character, but compared to all the "gotta save the world" heroes, it was a breath of fresh air to have one that just did not give a fuck. It's pretty edgy looking back on it, but still.

Can you just straight up fucking die please? Thank you

It would be better if he weren't a stand-in for the man Jaffe wants to be but he can't because he's a huge SJW pussy

I wish most greek/roman material survived instead of just a handful (which is also normally incomplete).
Those 2 were 2 of the first and last great societies.

Hey, dude, Kratos is a sensitive man. You just need to give him the benefit of the doubt and look into his inner beauty.

I got the one where Kratos is like "Check out this prison. Look who I have in this cell"
and the guy was really pissed at Kratos.
and then he said god of war 2 is coming

This. Never been a fan of GoW series either, and while I do think the first GoW was the only good game in the series in terms of design and gameplay, the character of Kratos also played a big part in my opinion.

I mean, why do Kratos must be so angry and pissy all the time. A greek warrior who deals with the gods shouldn't behave like a fucking troglodite all the time. It's like he even sleeps, eats, shits or fucks with a frown in his face, shit's ridiculous.
There are many times when Kratos sounds and acts like a spoiled manchild. A true god of war should be able to act smug and/or laugh in face of his own misfortune sometimes.

Seems kind of typical for any Greek hero.
Have you read any of the Greek myths? The gods themselves do some brutal and dickish things just really because they can. I think there is more rape than consensual sex in the canon of the mythos too.

I'm sorry that he's not Disney's Hercules, OP. But he fits in his world and what he wants, at least in 1, is a way to be forgiven for killing his own wife. One of the gods say "Hey go kill Ares and we'll do that." and so now that he's on a mission to KILL A FUCKING GOD (no small feat in game 1 BTW) he has to deal with all sorts of shit. And in the end, the gods say "Nah we can't forgive you for that thing you did but you're the new god of war now."

And so with that he becomes the patron god of Sparta. So in 2 he's doing shit to help SPARTANS and you have to remember Greece at the time wasn't a country it was just a bunch of city states that all had their own patron gods and they often fought each other. Kratos there has no reason to care for any non spartan but what happens?
Whelp, the gods get nervous because he killed Ares (like they told him to) and concoct a plan to not only wipe out the Spartans, HIS PEOPLE, but also to remove his godhood and kill him.
This of course leads him on a mission of revenge where he's releasing the titans from their prisons to go attack Olympus itself.
Again, I see no reason why he should care for any "innocents" in his way here.

Game 3 opens up where 2 left off and lets be clear here, every time he kills a god he's unleashing some force of nature or wrecking the balance in some way that ends up with consequences for the world (or maybe just the greek world? not sure how that works with a 4th game now, haven't played it.). But again..we must consider the fact that what he's destroying while he's destroying the gods are the people that those gods protected. Remember, they killed all the spartans, his people, so why should he give a fuck about killing all the people that those other gods care about while in the path to killing the gods themselves?

The moment someone points out that the USSR enacted every plank of the Communist Manifesto and was still a gigantic failure you faggots slither in and say you've got a newer, better version now that entails GLOBAL DOMINANCE, so this means exactly dick and squat to anyone with a brain. Commies aren't cool.

There is no newer version to consider. The manifesto is dead simple, but also dead wrong and completely incompatible with modern society. You can read it, it's okay. You can see why communism isn't the solution without resorting to complete fiction.

Quads of truth, and are butthurt fags

I would like to play the devil's advocate here and say you're not supposed to sympathize or relate to Kratos. Yes, he's a total rage-fueled asshole, but isn't that the thole point?

The game is a visceral beat 'em up. His whole personality is meant to get you into a mindset of mindless slaughter and violence. I have yet to meet a single person who thinks of him as a good guy or any kind of positive self-insert.

I understand where you anons are coming from.
But in my opinion he could still be the murderous, violent sociopath we all know, without being a manchild who throws tantrums at every antagonist who gets in his way.
I'm not saying Kratos should be relatable, but like I said before if he could, just every once in a while, act smug or laugh at the face of misfortune / hardships, it would add a lot of flair and maturity to his character. Hell, the scriptwriters could even use a sense of humor and sarcasm to make him appear even more of an asshole.

user, I think part of it all is that him being a constant super angry guy is a bit of the humor in itself.

If you've watched any of the "making of" stuff they show the guy voicing him always yelling his lines and shit. It's what they wanted.
The guy who was the director of the first God of War just wanted a character that was brutal and such. That's why he's a nearly nude giant of a man with no hair, almost no eyebrows, and a pointy beard.
You have to remember at the time of creation of Kratos that the title for ultra violent video game was still in the hands of the likes of DOOM and Mortal Kombat.

I don't remember if DOOM 3 was out by then but I do remember that at the time GOW 1 came out nobody really gave a shit about DOOM or Mortal Kombat in a violent sense.
In comes GOW.

And that is what you have. Kratos is the way he is because he is not really a character. He is actually scenery.

so oddly specific, its as if (you) where banned and came back 3 day's latter JUST to post this.

My fucking nigga. Back when I first played Saints Row 2 a long time ago I almost pissed myself laughing during the Boss' cutscenes.

Retards will destroy their own arguments.

My sides. Thank you, user.

Kratos was only remotely relatable in 1 because of his demons that justified all his rage and destruction that made him a passable antihero and made him a perfect vehicle to butcher Greek mythology made as tryhard as possible because basically literally everyone become assholes because of Pandora's Box.

In 2 his lingering bitterness and resentment towards the gods for tricking him topped off by his betrayal and the slaughter of his valued people and men he fought so hard to bring glory and prosperity also justifies his desire for revenge against Zeus.

But come 3 and he's fucking lost it and basically "Fuck the world no matter how beautiful it once was just because of some pieces of shit in it" and literally fucks up everything selfishly despite the logical reasons behind it in the first place. He basically throws a fucking tantrum and unthinkingly kills everything making the world even work just because it's in the way. And then they try to make his death look like some glorious sacrifice.

And yet that's still better than this butchering of a character that started out at least solid in execution for gameplay and setting purposes and is now just an edgy faggot that's an unprovoked asshole because retards like self insert DmC faggot think that makes someone badass turned NUCLEAR TLoU wannabe to try and obnoxiously look "deep".

Well there's also the fact that during the 2000s that was actually "the" look for strong tough guys on movies, TV and games, even before Kratos. Vin Diesel, The Rock, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, and probably others I forgot, all made that look popular starting around the year 2000 and throughout the decade.

In comes GOW.
Doom 3 and the 3D installments of Mortal Kombat never really made headlines because of their violence. Doom 3 actually put less emphasys on violence than previous installments, since it went for a more survival horror gameplay. And the first 3D installments of Mortal Kombat in 5th and 6th gens looked more cartoonish and less violent because of technological limitations. Before God of War, there was GTA. I remember the GTA series being the ultra-violent games of the decade, especially Vice City, however the graphics were also very crude and cartoonish compared to God of War.

Your justification for Kratos makes sense, that's probably what the devs went for. In the end he was supposed to be just an avatar, sort of like Gordon Freeman. But I still believe I'd enjoy the character a lot more if he had been handled the way I suggested, even if maybe he wouldn't have been as iconic.

Well that is kind of a personal problem. What you want is an RPG character but what you're getting, and always have received, is something more akin to Mario.
Ancient Greek mythos is just a framework to hang this gameplay on. It is an aesthetic choice first and foremost. The ideas of it being a NARRATIVE choice are literally afterthoughts that came about after it gained crazy popularity.

Imagine if people suddenly clamoured for the Mario universe to make sense?
Shit, we already saw what happened when they wanted the Zelda games to make sense and have actual timelines.

Always liked the Boss. It was fun playing as a psychopath with comedic elements and a slight tinge of loyalty to your lieutenants. Like the cold as fuck way you take down the former leader of the saints for betraying you. Or what you did to Maero.