They are not being subtle about it anymore are they?
where the did all you faggots come from and can you please go back
If you're not gonna webm at least use hooktube.
Nice thread op
I want to DOWNVOTE you cultural marxist cunt
Oh FUCK so that's where that sassy blagg afro ladie is from. Wolfenstein of all fucking games.
Here you go.
Good. Looks like it was made in SFM.
All the marketing material i see for this fucking game gives me the impression that they are just trying really hard to appeal to Antifa.
Oh also, (((Netflix)))'s The Punisher has the kikest looking motherfucker playing Frank ever, what are the chances of the bad guy being not-Trump?
The worst part is you know there are proud cucks getting right off to this.
To be fair, she is an ugly fat landwhale. At least it's not a beautiful, healthy pure Aryaness getting violated.
Seriously, its like they came all that once today to shit up the board.
Probably 90% of Holla Forums is getting off to it.
Uh, user, land whales don't count as white people.
So I guess there's no problem then.
Diversity is strength, honestly what reason is there to be against interracial relationships in 2017?
speak for yourself you mongrel
Remember Satan?
How much do you want to bet they'll change it from a fat ugly whale to a nice looking girl for final release?
So it's literally there for shock value and (((virtue))) signalling and nothing else?
This happens all the time in Germany now except the woman is neither fat nor willing. Every fictional universe where the Nazis won looks superior to our own.
Heil Hitler
I wonder if you showed this trailer to someone who was going to buy the game would they still want to purchase it? What would a normal person think when seeing this?
Look at how dead her eyes are.
I'm sick of Holla Forumsniggers coming in and making shitty half assed threads and even sicker of them derailing threads from the sheer mental retardation they possess.
Too bad I liked the first game, this looks like utter shit.
Fuck you you shit eating stormfaggot, punisher is awesome (except the new comics, those suck massive niggerdicks, but less than you do)
Make sure you get the pre order DLC that'll show all those Holla Forumstards amirite fellow leddit invader?
Pretty much. The devs say nothing in the game is related to CURRENT YEAR, but I'd bet money in that being bullshit. Guarantee they've dubbed over some lines of dialogue and changed some background signage as wink and nod Easter eggs to wannabe antifa larpers who will never actually buy this game. That shit would cost next to nothing to add and can be done at any point before the master gets sent to press.
This game is going to bomb. Normal human beings are getting tired of this shit and closing their wallets to it.
I guess you didn't see that webm where 2 nazis are talking about how it's wrong for the resistance to be violent to them(nazis) since they haven't attacked them.
I saw it. Thought it might have been just inserted for the gameplay demo, but everything I've seen since leads me to believe this type of shit will be packed in from start to finish.
I hate this. RtCW is one of my all time favorite games, I replay it every few years. This doesn't look fun. It just looks like propaganda disguised as satire, with some shooter moments sprinkled in between the virtue signaling cutscenes to keep you from falling asleep.
So, it wont much different from TNO. But with additional propaganda.
Killing Nazis by itself isn't enough anymore.
Is the crazy sheboon the resistance leader ?
Inb4 two scoops reference
You're confusing Holla Forums a.k.a jews shilling board with /polk/.
Probably the most realistic thing in that game.
What's with the Disney animation style? These fuckers did this in Shrek Effect too, are all new animators just pure shit?