Medal of Honor

Alright Holla Forums, if you were tasked with rebooting the Medal of Honor franchise (yet again), how would you do it?

Personally I'd revisit the battles of the French resistance fighters, in the same vein as MOH: Underground, I really do think there's a lot of ground that could be covered there and the French resistance seem to have been largely forgotten by WW2 shooters. Either that or I'd go with the Korean War, as that too was an interesting period in history, with the US trying to make use of emerging technologies such as infra-red scopes. and the North Korean forces using pretty much whatever was left over after WW2, there would also be a variety of factions to choose from, The British Commonwealth, the USA and the North Korean forces.

I would remake the first game.

I liked Underground's style too, seems like monkey paw territory though.

Spearhead was fantastic for multiplayer, a mate of mine put it on every computer in high school. Frontline was abit messy but still enjoyable on original xbox, the sound track for frontline was spot on and really set the atmosphere in war torn france.

Hell even the airbourne/paratrooper one wasnt terrible, its just COD had overtaken the ww2 genre at that point.

What happened to MoH? Did EA fuck them somehow? Because they kinda just faded away rather than some epic ""andromeda" style fuck up. Unless I missed it.

You missed the amazing buggy mess that was Warfighter? Or the awful ZOGbot propaganda ending in the american release of MoH 2010?

I think I'm one of about a dozen people who liked MOH: Airborne. I'd like to see them revisit that concept and expand on it.

Or this. I miss the "spy thriller" sections in these games.

Spearhead was fucking garbage

I'd do a HD remake of every pre-2010 release.
As a bonus, the characters/lore of each game would be interwoven with another and you'd have the option to play a complete timeline either by individual character, or by total chronological order with extra missions to explain how certain characters ended up meeting (IE: Manon and Powell in MoHAA)
I'd make sure to include the hidden missions, as well as new ones for the games that didn't have them
There'd also be an effort to adapt all the older, smaller multiplayer maps to work properly with higher playercounts, and every old multiplayer character skin would be brought back.

Best song

I'll make it more like MoH 1 or Goldeneye. I hate scripted events. More solo infiltration missions, leave the big wars to CoD.

I'd pay actual money for this.

Unless I had total control to prevent niggers/women popping up everywhere in a WW1/WW2 setting, I wouldn't touch Medal of Honor.

The whole soundtrack is really good.

Not even close

Killing the monsters that are the nutcrackers would be fun.

I actually don't care about niggers, women, whatnots. Just stop putting so much cutscene and scripted sequences in games, people in video games are supposed to be killed not negotiated with.

So you're ok with nigger nazi women and swastika censorship?

I'd take it from the Nazi side. They are really under and falsely represented in games. The unfortunate thing, since all these games are 100% unquestionably historically accurate, you'd have to have some kind of character zapping system that puts you into the next guard because you'd be getting machined gun by a female mixed race jewish american gi with akimbo thompsons and a bar rifle for a strapon. Maybe you can even have a level were you work as the bread maker at the local concentration camp.

Add MLP characters and Barney for all I care. As long as there are no scripted sequences, not much cutscenes, and I'm allowed to shoot anything, I'm good.

I'd like to see the war from unusual perspectives as well, not just the USA, Brits, or Soviets, how about a campaign as the IJA sneaking around the Commonwealth in Malaysia while outnumbered 2-1? You could have a lot of stealth missions and traveling through jungle on bicycles.
Or what about playing as the Polish resistance where you have to fight the Germans and Soviets at different parts of the campaign?
Maybe even throw in some stuff that wasn't WW2 but related to it like the Winter War, skiing around Soviet tanks and lighting them on fire, fighting relentlessly until you finally run out of ammo.


This is fantastic, your OC?

Do not include Americans at all, nor Russians unless you can play the Finnish North African Theater of war only or Burma.
