Still alive thread

So the guys who made armored core are making a new game and the character designs/art is done by Yoji Shinkawa, the dude who did the character design for mgs.

What do you think, Holla Forums?

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Will there be cute girls?

I shouldn't get hyped over a single picture but FUCK I AM

What is this? Just heard about it. The teaser just shows an urban setting and mechas.
Box cover is also an obvious attempt at hype. Put an eyepatch on the dude and he's pretty much Solid Snake.
Do we know anything else? Story? Footage? Anything at all?

low effort OP, try harder next time

Taken from the official website.

Clear the tracks, the hype train is rolling

It's set in the Front Mission universe

I think it's time to stop. If you're going to shill some shit game, post a webm of the gameplay, and a detailed write-up of what is known. If there is no gameplay, fuck off it's not worth discussing yet.

It's gonna be online shooter, maybe pvp, maybe pve, but always online and riddled with microtransactions. I'm telling you.

AC5 and VD were already one foot in online grinder terrritory.
He just draws pretty pictures.
So there will be mechs. Either as main playable unit or as some temporary power up.
Either way nigger doesn't have shit on Kawamori.

So yeah I'm not hyped at all.
Also in the slight chance that it will be a proper single player offline game, which it won't, since it's squeenix PC version will have denuvo which is guaranteed shit performance regardless of hardware and auto-pirate for any thinking person.

Oh great another part of the TRPG franchise that isn't a TRPG, it will sure go well this time.
At least they don't have Front Mission in the title. Yet.

Why the fuck are they even acknowledging that piece of shit?

know there is no Kojima, I keep imagining this is going to be a Mechwarrior Crossed with Metal Gear Stealth missions.

What do you think, nigger? I think you should actually try to put some information about the GAME in your post.

There is at least one playable girl and it's a nip game so there's a good chance she'll be cute.

Was that game actually shit or was everyone just butthurt over the fact that it wasn't turn based?

What exactly was the problem with Evolved again?
Gameplay-wise it's pretty good and feels and plays exactly as I envisioned being in a wanzer.

But Front Mission is a TRPG. How is turning it into a Multiplayer action brawler fateful to the series at all "gameplay-wise"? Even if its a good action multiplayer game, can't you understand why fans of the TRPG might be concerned? This sorta reminds me of what happened with the Bureau: XCOM Declassified.

FME was released in the dark age of video games.
PS360 generation of casuals flocked to the consoles and were only willing to play cinematic movies with press x to win. And while cut-scene heavy FME was a pretty traditional 3rd person action game that heavily relies on dodging, dealing with multiple enemies at once and classic megaman style boss battles. You could cheese it if you knew what you were doing, but you couldn't just hide somewhere and regenerate health or defeat hard boss through QTE.
So casuals hated it.
Meanwhile jaded and angry nerds irritated by casualization of their hobby only accepted old games, and naturally when Front Mission that isn't tactics game came out they dismissed it without playing.
And for Armored Core crowd it was too simplistic, without internal parts, radiators, different targeting systems and all that jazz.

So the game flopped, both critically and financially. It didn't find its audience. There were none at the time.
If it was released today, in an age where normalfags boast about getting good at dark souls and monster hunter, it would meet at least moderate success. And considered how starved mech community by now is, it would probably become a cult classic.
I ain't saying it's prefect game of course, it has a lot of shit points, like retarded story, bad acting, forced terrible on-foot segments, barebones multiplayer and terrible textures being PS360 multiplat and all.
But as far as core gameplay and campaign contents go it totally is worth a playthrough.
It's not even a bad PC port either, having unlimited framerate and internal resolution support with proper AA options.

Faithful as in if you were the singular wanzer pilot, not a commander giving orders from the above.
That kind of mentality is what I'm talking about. It doesn't have a number so there is nothing wrong with spin off being of different genre.
Gun Hazard didn't get shit for being 2D side scroller because it was released in different era.
Neither did Front Mission Online or Final Fantasy Tactics.
But in 2010s it was different attitude.

It actually did, hence why you never saw another Front Mission: Assault Suits Rip-off again.
Nigger shut up.

It was made by the same guy as Vaulken


Will this board get fixed ever?

That depended. It is understandable that clearly a fan of the TRPG's might not be a fan of a spin off genre. The spin off can even be a good game but that doesn't mean its welcomed by the fan-base. For example I never played XCOM Declassified, it might be fun but faithful fans where not happy with the idea of a spin-off.

what did I miss?



This board is dead

What about Fallout 3/NV and Final Fantasy Tactics? They also ignore original games' formats.

Piece of fucking shit. Holy fuck nigger how new are you?
Broken but decent game that at least was more in spirit of the original Fallouts from a story perspective.
Was always presented as a spin-off and not a wholly new mainline game.

Jesus you're fucking retarded.

why are you monitoring 4chan, faggot?


What the fuck is this "spirit" you speak of? A new buzzword?
So was FME.
You are stupid fucking nigger aren't you.

So was Evolved

You are stupid fucking nigger aren't you.

It's the exact same shit as Fallout 3, just with a new name and pointless additions like ammo types.

So why the fuck did Square dump so much money into it like it was supposed to be the hot new FM game following FM5? Why couldn't they give us an actual tactical Front Mission 6?

Nice downbaot to hide how retarded you are.

I played all Fallout games, including Tactics and PS2 one.
NV is pretty mediocre. Compared to 1 and 2 it's outright shit, and geckos, enclave armors and shitty popular culture jokes is not a fucking "spirit". It's a weak fanservice and nothing more.

Because dumping money in TRPGs is never a good idea because they never sell as real time games.
Square missed the time frame with it, they should have either release it a few years earlier or a good few years later.

thius trailer had me guessing at so much so quickly.

the long hallway made me think survival horror.

then the wall blowing in and bullets flying made me think rainbow six seige content update.

then the destroyed city and mechs on helicopters made me think armored core 6.

now its fuckin sruvival action in the front mission universe, directed by the armored core guy with art by yoji shinkawa. dont know what the fuck its going to be but i guess im interested.

There is a tiny bit of gameplay at the end of this trailer.
Hopefully you get to pilot a mech at some point.

Oh shieeet. Remember those sick on-foot segments from front mission evolved?
We at sqeenix heard that you liked them so much we decided to make an entire fucking game out of that.
Enjoy taking wanzers down with rocket launchers for 6~10 hours boys!

What kind of game is it you fuck, learn how to shill properly

< How to draw like Yoji Shinkawa:

I love Holla Forums, it's so contrarian.

prove me wrong

It's a Nier Automata tier effort by SE to combine a bunch of name brands to help shit sell. Not a bad idea, but I doubt it'll be anywhere near as well received as toobie's game was. The biggest draw with Left Alive is the artist and not the actual people developing it.

I agree with this. Black and white styles aren't for the modern era. Like, hello? Ever heard of color, or colored skin? That's another issue, a serious lack of minorities and body variety. Ugh, just look at Meryl and Quiet. Fucking exploitative, pandering designs. Here's my thoughts on how to improve this style.

First, we need to do away with the black and white. Being "somber" or melodromatic like spy movies is out. What we need to do is bring in more blue and orange hues. Think Michael Bay, or J.J. Abrams. Now those are artistic inspirations worth following. Maybe we can really pop those colors and give MSG the atmosphere it deserves by increasing hue and brightness. Imagine how much better those environments would look with lime green vegetation and neon blue skies!

Second, Metal Gear Series, why so white? Let's switch it up, show people that a black Snake could be just as good, if not better, than any white one ever could. We can keep the antagonists white though. Actually, it'd be even better to have all the villains be white, for a more realistic examination of racism in the world. None of this cheesy cyborg or vampire or psychic crap, just good old fashioned black man in black ops beating up neo nazis. Hell, if we want to really take a stand on social issues, make Snake female. Who says Snakes can't be female? Nothing in the lore (which admittedly I haven't gone super in depth on like the old nerds that cling bitterly to it) says we can't have it.

Finally, the female designs. Just… ugh. Let's inject some body positivity in there. How about making Quiet a little bit "thicker", as they say nowadays. Nothing too extreme (to avoid triggering the neo cons), just maybe an additional 75 lbs or so, give her some pudge on the stomach. Not the ass or tits though, that'd be sexist and just trying to appeal to the male gaze. Also, harden her face a little, really square out that jaw. You think a soldier has a jawline like that unrealistic piece of crap? The artist clearly has no understanding of anatomy. We can also fix the clothing design. Let's get rid of all that oppressive bikini wear and replace it with full fatigues. We can also put a fully loaded plate carrier and chest rig over that. Maybe a face-covering helmet too. If they ask how she can move around with agility and speed wearing all that stuff, remind her she's strong, a strong female soldier who doesn't need any help to excel.

Heck, Konami should hire me to design for them, if they really want an artist that actually lives in the current year. Pic related, send me an application! Also, I assume you provide free yoga and soy lattes at your office, it would be extremely problematic if you didn't.

Is that really the best you can do?

Is that really the best you can do?