Discuss this dead af genre.
/r/ing dat Super hydorah.
Discuss this dead af genre.
/r/ing dat Super hydorah.
Raiden Jet > Raiden Fighters > Raiden Fighters 2 > Raiden III > everything else
didn't we have a better name for this pew pew shit? I like R-Type
Shoot em up? Arcade shooter?
This whole time I thought it was pronounced toe-hoe. Too-hoo sounds fucking gay.
So which touhou game is the best?
Phantasmagoria of Flower View
None of them
Stop being gay
AIDS no wait… ah STD, that is what some faggots call it, i think its stupid, we ve called them shmups for decades
that's the one, what did user say STD meant? I personally never understood why they would insist on calling them STD's, this was back in the Ruggarell saga.
You dodge slow moving bullet mazes in a little spaceship that dies in one hit. In Gradius' case you spawn as the slowest thing in the game and have to first collect five upgrades from dead guys to move worth a damn. Although the games look difficult, your own ship has a hitbox the size of OP's penis so you can weave through most things with practice. Said 'practice' is playing the same stages and bosses over and over again to memorize attack patterns which basically turns the game into simon says with eye candy.
Actually, change time to thing
I'd rather play something with actually good spritework and some originality instead of "fight cute angry poorly drawn girl #200"
Blazing Lazers (TG-16)
Here's a list of cute/weird shmups for the PCE/TG-16
Cute em' ups
Air Zonk (Amazing OST) (PCE)
Coryoon - Child of Dragon (PCE)
Deep Blue (PCE)
Rabio Lepus Special (PCE)
Rock On (PCE)
Toilet Kids (wtf) (PCE)
Gate of Thunder (TG-16 CDROM)
You forgot Parodius and Darius and Thunder franchises.
Not exclusive, listen to this crazy shit tho
Lifeforce (Arcade) a decent Gradius clone
TG16-CD games often had killer soundtracks. Yuzo Koshiro wrote a metric fuckton of music for games on that platform.
Do Magical Chase and Cotton not count?
This is an American™ astro boy, I love it.
I totally forgot about Magical Chase and Cotton is a CD game.
You just reminded me of how much I fucking love the PC-Engine music chip.
i want to play gimmick shumps that isn't ikaruga, because colour switching and absorbing isn't a gimmick
Zero Wing has one of my favorite gimmicks, grabbing and throwing props at enemies.
btw saved
Check this out, pretty cool for a C64
Hey that is pretty cool, user. Music surprisingly decent - part of why I love Tyrian so much is the soundtrack.
I wonder if anyone might know of a side-scrolling shmup I played years ago. I think it was mistakenly labeled on a friend's pc as King's Quest, which is actually an adventure game. I think the terrain was mostly natural or cave-like, and the ships were pretty small compared to the screen. I probably played it on an old dos or windows 3.1 machine. I've been trying to find out what it is so I can add it to my collection of old games I used to play.
It looks like this game did the whole first stage in a meteor field before Super R-Type did too.
Already you fuck up.
Frig off.
Sounds like you couldn't git gud.
Check out Giga Wing and Mars Matrix if you want a bullet reflection gimmick.
Western shumps are even worse than 2hu, gtfo.
I'm trying to git gud at Dariusburst Chronicle Saviors.
Is there anything beyond getting good at counter bursting bosses? It's an interesting mechanic, but it feels like it could have been fleshed out. Also I bought all the DLC and don't want to suffer buyer's remorse.
Anyone have any favorite shmups involving good old airplanes? I like this one, as a trash player it's the closest I've ever gotten to 1cc-ing a game. The other one I enjoy is the 194X one where you fly into space to battle that black jet.
Nigger, en.wikipedia.org
I don't know why I like it. It's fairly simple, but charming.
This one
Anons, say the last shumps you played was 1942 and 1943 a long time ago. What are similar titles that are considered great games. I've played a few that looked similar but they ended up being cheap porno titles. I liked the gameplay though and could use some recommendations.
Battle Garegga is basically 1942 on steroids.
Shumps with redbook audio always get me rock hard.
Strikers 1945
Are you out of your fucking mind
May but it's my opinion.
They're called STDs, short for Shoot Them Downs. I dunno where OP's autistic label comes from.
Well user if it's as easy as you say it is, surely you'll have no problem beating this game.
Raiden III is a pretty underrated game, I would put it above the first game at the very least.
I always choke on the last level of Gradius 1. It throws a curve ball in level design designed to fuck me and my laser options.
But it's so slow compared to II and IV, I don't get the appeal. Is V that slow? It comes to PC in like two weeks.
Never understood this crazy complaint. Doesn't feel slow at all to me.
I don't know, man, play a little of III and IV back to back, it is definitely slower.
Love this genre, hate how by the time I'd git gud, I'd be too old to appreciate it.
Just practice often, and stop for the day when you get frustrated. Also, telling yourself that you can't get better is the biggest thing holding you back.
Your game might have been Apidya.
Pretty much. After a point other genres do it better.
Gunbird 2 is the best loli shmup of all time.
Distinctive fucker.
I'm more of an Alexander Brandon guy myself, with those atmospheric arpeggios and pads, but Chris can really get a sense of drive and intensity going.
so where the fuck is the super hydorah torrent at
Anyone know if Super Hydorah has Steam DRM? It would be pretty surprising to me if Locomalito sold out in that manner, but I don't see it for sale anywhere but Steam.
e.s.p rade is good.
are there any good shmups on console yet? i wanna use my bloodborne machine for something.
just work on reading the screen and using bombs appropriately
stg is the nip term but it doesn't really get used anywhere else
if you end up liking garegga, give armored police batrider a shot, it builds on most of the same mechanics with some added gimmicks & teams.
What do I start with If I've only ever played Touhou?
Gradius should be everyone's starting point.m, that or R-Type.
Please return to the following
Better yet, don't even archive since that place is inaccurate as fuck.
Len'en 4 looks fun
oh i just linked the first thing i saw that explained the systems i was talking about. nothing stands out to me as being particularly political or sjwy on that page. treating everything as an extension of gamergate and sperging out about any incidental connection to libtards certainly doesn't make you a bitch at all. there's also a system 11 thread, but it's more technical