#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Rest in Peace, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan Edition




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Bonegolem is back and updating Deepfreeze: twitter.com/icejournalism/status/906948110789877761
>Jed Whitaker booted from DToid: archive.is/r5rrW
>Mike Diver fired from Waypoint: archive.fo/wwwrc


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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I'm ready for Maria
Also, feminine benis

Archive of previous bread:

tfw galko sees my galko folder





HABBING NOW: Dave Rubin, Bret Weinstein (the (((white))) prof that was protested at Evergreen State College), and Steve Simpson on Free Speech in America Livestream


Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up

In this scenario the jew is not an inherrent evil, but I recommend keeping vigil like a vulture regardless then again, I say keep vigil over everyone because evreyone is a human capable of fucking over other people.
saw it, was alright

What is gamergay's opinion on localizations like these?

Presented without comment

What's up with the guy who keeps making the "Is Deus Ex BGOAT?" thread? If I didn't knew better I would think that he is trying to make people hate DE by spamming it all the time.

OK, riddle me this, what the fuck happened?

It was a pun in the jap version, so they changed it to a pun in english.

kelly sue deconic

Am I missing something? She looks cute in that one. Just look at cat woman and how ugly she is.

I don't think that scene was a "muh feminism" thing, Immediately after Morrigan says that Arthur say "yeah Tell that to the princess" I think it's just a little joke.

Less shitposting. more digging.
Overlord Volume 12 confirmed on September 30.
Also, season 2 hype–on Winter 2017, at the earliest.

Get ready for Cry Olympics round whatever we're on.
He also said he wants to self-fund World Peace season 2, so that's cool.

As people said in a few other threads, it's too vague of a comment to attribute it to nufeminism (But, there is a possibility).

made a few MVCI webm's though if anyone is interested.

Her head looks kinda small but fine otherwise.




Is it better to change the Nip pun to an English pun, or keep it the exact same and give up the pun for the sake of accuracy?

Preserve the mood and tone when all else fails.

I'd rather have accuracy, personally.

Sponsorships: A new way to earn money with YouTube Gaming


YouTube appears to be letting advertisers specifically opt out of gaming videos. Need to dig into this to find out if this is legit.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus "No More Nazis" Trailer Sports Interracial Nazi Sex



four breasts?

That's all I needed.

I was going to upload it here but I guess we can't upload mp3s. I always thought we could.
I also forgot that apparently he's going to make a CYOA game about testicular torture. I'm never sure how much of what he says is serious, though.

It's called a rib cage dude.

Ryu's VA sounds so goddamn bored describing a fatal plane crash caused by an interdimensional vortex.

Ask yourself several questions first.

Does the changed pun insert politics or views that the original did not have? If no, it's fine.

Can you make the pun work in your language? If no, look below.

Would not changing it make it confusing as fuck all to people who don't understand that to erase the octopus (or in more generic cases does it make sense?) you must use a seemingly unrelated item? if yes, then change it.

Would your changing of it involve it not being funny? if yes then hand it off to someone who can actually tell a good joke or pun.

You seem to be begging the question to try to exploit an either/or situation, but the plain fact is that between languages, there are things that just plain don't translate due to different phonetics being assigned to different meanings.

The only acceptable answer is "If you must do so to preserve the intentions behind the developer's wishes", which in this case means a pun must be made to preserve a quirky humor environment.

It just isn't plain either/or absolutism, it requires that you actually fucking think and make a descision, something a lot of people can't comprehend so they cling to an absolute instead, which doesn't work in every situation.

but the rib cage has nipples?



Hello gents, honest signal here. I present the payload for OP: TIMBER!

Special thanks to anons who offered their time to translate. Next step will be to get it out to our bros over in Nipland.


Next up is the twitter friendly versions, i.e., the juicy parts of the article for easy reading.


are we tweeting it out now?

What the Hell happened to Spidey? Also, Frank's face looks way off. And, Haggar looks like he was ripped from the North American covers of Final Fight. Lastly, I just noticed that Chris sounds like someone failing to do a Bale Batman voice. Also, I should note that I haven't played any of the three series these characters come from.

Is everything in the game just one big deus ex machina?

user, why do your screencaps look so pixelated?

Fucking grade A cancer

Feel free to do so. It seems appropriate given that it's the Tokyo Game Show this week. I'll be reposting the docs for the next few breads for max exposure.

do companies consider journos as customer representatives?

Nice job user, and all the translators.



i am more surprised theres people still following Mcintosh

Thank you for this, anons. You've done a great job!


t. trust fund kid

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:
In the process of organizing and adding more info
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:


Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more)
>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Info & feedback welcome


Excellent work. Now to tag the nips with these and see how it goes.
Also, does anyone have access to the no-gaijin-allowed sections of 2ch? Might be worth dropping these bombs their way too.

Ask Mombot too if she can post these on 2ch.



Ashley Burch voices Chun Li, not Morrigan. Morrigan has her same VA from MvC3

EFF article: New internet censorship bill, the "Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act" (SESTA). Would hold websites legally accountable for any lawbreaking content on them even before they were notified.


The fuck? Weren't there at least 10 female captains and ADMIRALS shown in the series before Janeway? Christ, I fucking hate these people posing as fans of something they obviously have zero god damn experience with.

that is not easy to abuse

isn't she supposed to be on strike?

Comments are calling it out.

No doubt they'll "clarify" and say they meant first leading female captain.

Fantastic work you guys.

This doesn't bode well.

I thought Burch along with the other hacks got their work cut off because of the VA strike.

>They fucking spelled "Trek" wrong when they Tweeted the article
Jesus Christ

What comments? And, I'm not turning of adblocker to get bombarded with 22 ads right off the bat.

Presumably they mean that she was the first female captain that was a principle character. I don't know WHAT the fuck that whole "first black lead" thing is all about though.


I don't see an edit

Maybe "Star Treck" is their own new and original show that has nothing to do with Star Trek, which would make that title accurate if pointless.

Must have been a real big check or she couldn't pass up the chance to voice one of the most recognizable females in video games for feminist brownie points

So Sisko never happened?

Turns out MCU brings in the moneys: Vol. 4 (And characters only nerds know about) screwed up more than the in-game content:

'm going to take this opportunity to shill /strek/

no fucking way

It just means the article writer has never watched Deep Space Nine and didn't do any level of research before opening their shit cannon to speak. Perfectly typical modern journo.

That's just fucking priceless, just further cements how little of a shit these posers really give about the show in the first place. Normally Id assume they just made a typo, but I'm well past the point where newspapers or journos of any source get the benefit of the doubt anymore.

But, as utterly schizophrenic as Janeway was (even her actress complained the character was massively inconsistent), she was a principle character.


True, and she probably got real chummy with people just to land that role.

Holy fuck.


Got the one about Iron Man saying that journalism is a dying profession?

I see someone at Capcom has a sense of humor.

Literally everything about the launch of this game has been an embarrassing disaster.

Seems like she's been scabbing since it started on that part. Though with MvC, it was revealed in December of 2016, with the strike starting late October of the same year, so the lines may or may not have already been recorded. Her and her brother still need to be removed

Fucking hell, they're getting eviscerated. That is just beautiful. I can actually hear that one post from the guy larping as Sisko in Avery Brooks voice.

fucking cringe
do anyone have the japanese version

Nope sorry.

It's gotta be intentional. They're stirring up shit to make a controversy to get people talking about the new series.


I thought she was on strike.

Nope, no Japanese audio here.

They have nipponese subs but not audio?
Is it english there too?

An user commissioned me this.

gas the normalfags
waifu wars now!


Why is Gilda killing Falcom's cat mascot?
I'm mean the fucker has it coming, but why?

Lmao, I warned you all about a year ago that this kind of shit would happen and everyone acted smug and told me to fuck off, that Japan would never let itself be trampled like that. Who's laughing now.

what is this an image for ants?

Archive or it never happened :^)

Why would I archive my own posts?

I want WW3 to reshape the world. Lolis are where I draw the line with Nippon cucking themselves

mother of god

It gets better (worse)

why would you boast about your own predictions

I want WW3 to kill me

I boast about large turds sometimes

Good work user, looks very professional.


I just want the the human population to be cut in half, and the mudslimes/jews/gooks to be extinct.

we can always go the Memeteor route, maybe this saturday?


Friday works best for me

Fun Fact: Memeteors can make surgical strikes.

People have been warning about the olympics for some time. Its been back and forth between panic mode and they will not bow. I don't fucking know why they even wanted the olympics seeing how it ruins everywhere they end up and the places end up in ruins in less than a year.

Thanks. My arm is with design, but not so much with the distribution.

Ideal targets are 2ch and Japanese Twitter, mainly the e-celebs there for maximum exposure. The former for grassroots work and building foundations, the latter to reach the creators themselves.

Nihilism is too easy. I want the Dark Souls of existence: Taking responsibility and meaning-making.


Also no original article, just a picture on twatter. I forgot to add that.


He didn't end it because of pressure or laws, he chose to end it on his own terms rather than risk a truncated ending due to potential future pressure or laws.

 L O L

lazy OC

But then who will create and maintain the tech you horse faced munter?

She wants that Music Degree holder to be Chief Security Officer.

This is an important point, but remember that self censorship due to perceived pressures is still censorship. SJWs, Journos, Localizers, and their ilk are the lords of creating perceived pressures that have caused a great deal of censorship and "Western release never ever" games. If others follow suit and start cutting back on "problematic" content for the upcoming olypmics due to the idea that they can avoid trouble, it could be become the new norm.

It took me too long to realize that's the same person in all of them. Good fucking lord.

They are all the same? You can turn with people into niggers? Why the fuck are normalfags so confused? It's like… I blame skyrim for this. That game also lets you open up the character designer in the middle of the game. That's probably what they want. The ability to go to the the hospital anytime they want to so they can change their gender/race.

Looking it up, it seems to be a real.

The Breitbart article that cap is from
The Brown Daily Herald talking about the dinner discussion groups

an user in the other thread did it for you

And, thus, histor6y repeats itself. How long until martin luther king jr II comes along?

He already has.

If it's a game that is a lot of pun related humor (Pheonix Wright for example) I would say it's fine in order to keep the humor intact.
Overall, I much rather have total accuracy.

Check'd, and your answer is it won't happen.
The Left is much more openly violent than it was during the '60s and unlike then, they don't have an organization of people twiddling their thumbs and doing fuck all outside of claiming responsibility for other people's actions.

If Saint MLK hadn't been martyred by CIAniggers he'd be embroiled in sex and paternity scandals and/or disenchant people with his connections to the GRU/KGB, then if he lived to today… he'd be called a "Uncle Tom" or "House Nigger" by race-baiting scammers like:


Is it any good?

i only just open it and ivenot had my ps4 on for like 6 months so gotta update

Look at all that lolicon fantasy!


of course she would be


Is this Child Porn?

He already has.>>13441818

thanks 8ch

Am I the only person who doesn't care about undisclosed affiliate links? I just care about stopping SJWs and censorship in games.

Thanks for sharing, Marche. Have a (you).

I looked at it, now what?

Gooks dindu nuffin.
I think you meant chinks.

Socjus faggots help each other out with nepotism, undisclosed affiliate links help them to hide other sjws elsewhere.

Tell me more about how you don't care; preferably in long-essay or epic-poem or perhaps interpretative dance form.

This is what you sound like

I'm not even being sarcastic
Well then, fucking MEAN it and be retarded repetitive low-effort low-functioning-autism blackpill Namiposting bullshit that I'M tired of or shut up.

Give no quarter. If you leave a part of a cancer untouched, that part will grow back to it's original size.

Oh, I didn't see the connection. Thanks for clarifying.

Stay mad!

Did the manga end well?

Technology is the reason you could turn into a monster to begin with.

Also the reason you can say stupid things on the internet.

I guess these idiots don't know once again what are they talking about.

Please tell me how hard I fucked up but also tell me that everything is gonna be ok in the end.
Please the anxiety is killing me

Story time?



If you actually read what the author wrote, it's speculation, and this author wrote a similar bit in another book in the past, once again speculating about a law that didn't go anywhere. At this point it's all paranoid bullshit.


My, my, you get so worked up about everything. Come lay your head on onee-san's lap for a while, she'll make you feel better.

Sage for offtopic
>tfw interview was with an ara with cute voice and smile
Fingers crossed lads.

Just say what's on your mind. No matter what happened, there's always a way.

No really; I'm not even being sarcastic.

Tell me how much you don't care.
With this low-effort shitposting, even if fate hadn't picked the current batch of eceleb retards you are desperately envious of; you STILL wouldn't have been "picked" had fate been different and you still would be envious of a different batch of eceleb retards, due to your own lack of effort, drive, attractiveness, charisma, and ability, as well as, your crippling autism.
Like Hillery, even if you had cheated (more) back them, you still would be the jelly shitposting loser you are now.

Searching to improve my art I'm gonna go to another city to study in a private academy, I've taken a loan to pay for it (That's what worries me the less) but I have to get out of my city, abandon family that I have been helping since I've been able to, and I feel guilty and worried that my inner autism and social anxiety will make not sieze this opportunity to it's fullest,since networking is half of what i should do but I'm an insecure introvert faggot masquerading as a normalfag, basically paying for naught.

I know that I'm the only one that can make it or fuck it up, that I and only I have the control of what happens without any kind of excuses, and this is getting me stressed as fuck. If I don't make it the shame will be unbearable.

Sorry for blogposting

Don't think of this as fucking up. If anything, it looks more like you've taken the opportunity to go forward in life. This is something you should be proud of.
The only advice I can do to you is that you shall never stop, never look back, never even slow down. I've done this once, and it unsorted me like you wouldn't believe.
So go, run, fly, blaze through this academy, do it with a shit-eating grin and never scare yourself because you messed a bit here and there.
If you have a moment of hesitation, think yourself that: How would Doomguy do it? The answer is that he would go forward, no questions asked.

He would most likely shoot up the school.
It is satan's institution after all.

Hello! How have things been? I've seen the stuff about how antifa tracked down and punched out a "nazi." I'm almost confident it was a setup and that guy is in on it.

He paints it red.

I'm so sick of CURRENT YEAR where every time a minority does anything it's the first time it's ever happened! I'm so sick of seeing them erase decades of progress just so they can have their five minutes of self congratulatory back patting.

How else are you supposed to rewrite history if everything already has been done, and better?

They forgot to show cultural appropriation?

I remember when someone said you could play as a woman for the first time in Fallout 4, when you could be a woman since the first game. I think it was Salon or something.

should be
>"On the write side of History"

Like with "Muh McCarthyism", Where senator Joe McCarthy pointed out actual enemies of the United States of America" like Alger Hiss, who was acting on behalf of the USSR to undermine American freedom, and led to actual American agents being killed overseas, was recast as a villain because "muh Hollywood Blacklist" (despite actual blacklists that prevent people like Mel Brooks from working), because Leftists own both Education (teachers K-12) and Academia (teachers 12+ through Doctorate) and can just re-write history to say they won no matter what the truth was.

…like how Venezuela wasn't Socialism after Socialism failed Venezuela, like every single time Socialism fails, because it's a worthless pipe-dream conceptualized by a coffeehouse hipster who never worked a day in his whole worthless life.

It's like we left the job of educating children to Team Rocket; who tell children that the same Rocket-ism that blasts off again …and again …and again wasn't real Rocket-ism despite that Pikachu of human-nature.


At least in case of Team Rocket getting BTFO'd was always pleasant to watch.
In commies case it's just annoying.

That antifa at the beach getting fucked up was funny and so was the bike lock professor who taught about the oppressive prison system getting sent to prison was hilarious.
I want the og gang to go on adventures again if it means more misty.

The exception that proves the rule to my overly-convoluted simile; was that, Team Rocket was deadly Effective in Black&White (anime ver)
…until they met that Pikachu of human nature, again.

Then it's good to know that we have something like the internet to even the playing field.

There won't be drastic shifts in how history is portrayed anytime soon, but at least the truth can persist somewhere permanent and be a very annoying aspect to people trying to redefine it.

The first step is always the hardest. You didn't fuck up, you're making the first step towards bettering yourself and your passion. The only way it can be a mistake is if you don't give it your 110%. Speaking for myself, I had to move to go to school too, it's stressful as fuck, you will have some hard times but in the end, it's all in the past and I was able to move on with my life. Keep on trucking and you will make it.

Networking will suck, but start off small and work your way up. You don't have to be a full chad, just try and learn to relax. If you have trouble talking to people, start off with small talk, discuss techniques with others and work your way up from there. For the love of god though, try not to discuss politics and religion, those can make or break relationships fast.

And if you are who I think you are, we all appreciate your work

Wait, bikelock got jailed? I didn't know.


There was also their training video.
They did less effort than I, when I still had P.E. classes. I was so lazy.
I think it won't end well, they need to make something entirely new in Pokemon anime already.

He's facing multiple felony counts including evading arrest I think. He's fucked 6 ways from Sunday.

Well at least he has leddit upvotes from his thread where he tried getting tips on how to get out of the pokey.


That anime was great, but I really don't get why so often the word penis was substituted with cunt or masturbate or something else when clearly she's saying the word for penis in japanese (ochinchin or whatever). Got me wondering if some closet feminists were involved in the translation and wanted more female genitalia representation.


kek. Well done to Holla Forums

That's a nice ass. Poor marche just bought a huge guy

Nurse aint out till january

im honestly surprised how many statues galko has got

Made this webm yesterday from the second summary link

So… I think I went all Holla Forums.

My mother felt incensed when she saw a cat food comertial, talking about how many people is dying of hunger and cats get shrimp. I had to reply that cats deserve it more than fucking africans, especially when they are dying of hunger because they can't even take care of themselves.

I didn't want to go full racist, but I can't help but see them as less than animals. Do I have a problem?

but will she get a second season?

His preliminary hearing is on Sept. 28. In 8 days we'll get to see a public defender try to get him out of jail.

If they weren't solding farming tools on parts given to them by West for cash, then maybe.

yea right after watamote

You should hear the shit Africans say about other Africans when they leave or blacks in America it makes Holla Forums seem reddit.

and sankarea

nothing stopping niggers catching "shrimp"

I'm just tired. I think any empathy I had was drained long ago and I'm getting too edgy. I'm too old to be edgy.

I guess the argument is that cats get to eat a luxury food when africans can't even eat. But for fuck's sake, who's fault is? and even if we send all aid, who will tell no local warlord will take everything for themselves?

"Altruistic Suicide" will be the great mark that Liberalism and Leftist idiocy will continue to teach to dumb gullible kids in college, why make and work for a system that works for the long term when you can protest like a fucking entitled brat when you don't get your way.

Where did it all go so wrong?

we have cats because we can
its a capitalist luxary that is fairly affordable in a western world

will africans buy the cat food if we all give up owning cats? what about the peoples whos job it is to catch the fish and process the cat food where will their jobs go?

fuck her stupidity commie bullshit

Is not commie bullshit.

Is christian bullshit.

tell her the fucking chruch should do it then

It's not like we have much of a choice, but I'm not super enthusiastic about it.


Christianity used to uphold and defend western principles. Slowly and surely it was poisoned with principles of "tolerance" and "love" until the tolerance and love destroyed the values that kept our nations strong, like pride and family.

Which denomination?


Do you know that this Lara actress is one of (((them)))?
Anons noticed it way too late and normalfags don't care.

They are very close nowadays.
If you don't believe me, check current (((pope))) history and his life.


Does she like the Cuck-Pople who surrendered to Islam already?


Mankind was made in the image of God and God only helps those who help themselves. You owe nothing to the African race.
Darwinism. Cats were bred to become more domesticated, therefore they should do better in a domestic environment. If Africans had gone through a similar process they could have seen a similar amount of success.

She believes muslims are satanic, but she obeys the pope, yeah.

Somalis are actually subhuman with an average IQ of 68 retardation IQ is anything below 70.
Also IIRC kids in parts of Africa don't recognize when looking through a mirror that they're looking at themselves until they're 4 years old.

Literally LC's selling point was one of the programmers being in a horny porny mood and faffing with the polygonal models, how can they go so far off from their source material

I'm not sure what this comic means.

You have quite the dilemma there, just tell those bible verses where if the man does not work, he does not get to eat and tell her that the Pope is a cuck with evidence of protecting pedophiles and doing more to destroy the religion and it's adherents with stupid tolerance shit and co-existence with the Mudslimes, if she becomes receptive, you can work your way towards the Jews still being Christ-killers if you want.

C&H should have stopped years ago.

She's 73 and lived through the Franco regime, so she already has something like that.

Besides, I have 5 more siblins that would try to kep her 'tolerant'.

holy shit, I didn't know the actor with the mole and glasses had such terrible English accent

Probably something along the lines of "piracy is stealing".

I'm guessing it has to do with DLC that is taken out of the game and sold separately. I mean, if someone wants a game, they pirate and move on, I don't think anyone loses their shit over games having a cost unless it's too much.

Well good luck on that user.

Besides, asking the poor to eat grade f shrimp that's been left unsold for too long and started smelling funny is a little much


C&H is trying to conflate the entire internet with commies?

Then those closeted feminists picked the strangest anime to plug their ideology. While they can change the dialogue, they can't change the animation that is rather fixated on the penis.

☑ Made a veteran games journalist look dumber than a pigeon.

If you fail at your art, you can always become the next fuhrer like Hitler did.

So he is saying that the public can no longer tip the police off about a crime?

Is this offensive? My country newspaper started to bitch about this company again.


Is that supposed to be an ad for suits?
If so, then someone should be beaten.
Are you a frenchie?


Yes, it is offensive. It's the point.
Complaining about it though is fucking stupid. It's proving the (I suppose) ad's point. "If you don't like what you see you're a loser, so if you don't wanna be a loser just like what we're showing you"
Makes every single whiner sound like a loser instead. Commercials have never given a shit about morals, and always bypassed them, moreover used outrage as a massive lever forward.

Does he have a giantess fetish?

sexy = bad these days

It's Suitsupply.

No, it just looks like normal softcore porn.
I don't know why company making suits would use something like that for ads though.

Piracy is used to check games first, in another cases someone don't have money to buy, someone lives in 3rd world country or game is so rare and old that pirate is only option.

wheres the guardian article about that?

Should correct sentence sound like "Is your beach body ready"
Can any english pros explain this to me?

If the point is for weight loss, the point would be lost if it's "Is your beach body ready". The other way drives the point home that you're a bit out of shape and need assistance. The diction choice is deliberate to motivate the consumer to go to them.

What are you a pleb? Yakuza Kiwami just came out last month

Wait, what? Laura Bailey isn't even voicing FUCKING CHUN LI anymore?

It refers to the idea that a person can be ready to wear most clothes but to be slim enough to look good in a swim suit, to have a "beach body", requires extra work. As they are advertising diet pills, the extra work implied comes from the pills.

Some articles which they used as an example
archive.is/lCppb Cosmopolitan

But isnt referring to the "body" that should be "it" as you and using "are" isnt incorrect?

if you are still in the thread, another point, make sure to pay off your loan as soon as possible. Don't let your interest rate fuck you in the ass unlubed.

Those pictures are pretty bad to be honest. They would look a million times better without that dickhead in there.



Did you expected anything good from this?
Who the fuck is this Taika Waititi?

Did Holowood finally run out of western shit to remake? Is that why they need to make shitty live action anime movies?

Somehow Kristin Stewart got role in this movie.
It will be worst bomb yet from Hollywood.
In this year at least.

Because the modern day anime bubble hasn't popped yet.

He's directing the new Thor movie
I thought people liked the Thor movies

They did, but it was "dull" before them. Waititi "brought it to life"

An islander Russian Jew, who only worked on a bunch of indie hipster films.


I watched these, but I don't remember them at all.

There's no anime bubble, animators and studios barely earn enough money to break even in most cases unless the anime becomes the hottest meme

the first one was ok, the second was meh

user, it already has
Start at 22:58

You mean slay?

I didn't mean it like this, I meant certain titles being more than usually popular like Made in Abyss or Umaru-chan


You and I both know when the lifeless husk of western cartoon companies start doing shitty references, allowing more niche pokeman wannabes on primetie and crappy look a-likes, we're in another anime bubble.

I thought the Chinese were?

You do have a problem, and GG itself has practically gone full Holla Forums. Already six (you)s and not one person told you to keep your fucking power level in check. And around your mother.








Is the left trying to lose all support now?

This post is actually sensible, and it is actually a huge benefit that makes review bombing even more viable as a tool for voicing dissatisfaction. Note this bit:

This usually means that review-bombing really didn't do anything. Devs could just whether it out and wait for it to recover in most cases. Now however, with permanent histograms, that red dip is there to stay for everyone to see.

Good evening, faggots!

Weather it out*
Me speakly goodly.


You forgot the most important one: Do I have the budget to fucking care? If no, then change it or don't change it based on how many seconds you're able to focus on it and then quickly move on to the next task before your boss fires your ass for thinking when you're not paid to think.

This image is so unironic that feminists actually supports this.

This is hardly relevant because redoing art assets takes time. For these sorts of things there are meetings to discuss how to tackle the problem. is right though, the only time changing something is acceptable is when it's a language / region-specific joke or a pun. Those things very rarely, if ever, have any effect on the game as a whole anyway.

Where did you find that, user?

Was it Dave Chappelle or Chris Rock who had this skit about the difference between blacks and niggers? I loved that skit and it's really a foreshadowing to what's happening in the Western world today, from Black Lives Matter to the "poor Muslim immigrants" invasion in Europe. Trust me, it really foretold these events.

If I recall it was Chris Rock, he also has this one which is quite relevant

Update for Rainbow Six: Siege bricks PS4s and apparently it's partly or mostly Sony's fault*.
*According to Ubishit.

Teddy sure has flat teeth.

And this is why you don't let your token diversity hires do big works like developing video games.


I really apreciate news about this kind of black guys. It is the thing that makes me stop going "kill all niggers."

The fucking thing is those kind of blacks have responsibly two to three children which they care and love while hood rats and mudslimes spawn 8 to 9 who survive thanks to white guilt and white tech (medicine and agriculture) so the overall result still is polluted genes and culture.

Oh look at what Google's doing. No agenda here.

Peh. The BBC could give a tired smile about that level of amateurishness at best.

They're not changing the past, they're predicting the future.
The minority of European countries that are closing off immigration are unimportant compared to the amount of countries that are accepting immigrants.

Accept it


Hi Holla Forums. Now, goodbye Holla Forums!


They're pros

take this you and be gone

It's a correct sentence as written, but has a slightly different connotation this way.

"Are you ready?"
"Ok, but are you beach body ready?"

in other words, you can interpret this as a higher level of readiness than just plain "ready".

Chris Rock also had a whole comedy set about the difference between "Black People" and "Niggers" and it was some of his most popular material. Given the way he acts nowadays, with his constant racebaiting, support of BLM, and controversy chasing, he'd probably never tell jokes like this again.

There are some African nations that are actually doing quite well. Ghana has the highest school enrollment and one of the strongest economies in Africa. It's also a primarily Christian nation, but they are likewise being invaded by the ghouls and subhuman trash that have occupied the other parts of Africa for millennia.

It's a generalization to say that all blacks/Africans are subhuman retards, but the exceptions you find tend to prove the rule. The few that are doing well and who aren't pidgin speaking, hooting savages are typically the ones who fully adopted the western mode of thinking, education, and governance. The ones that haven't are no different from the first blacks European explorers discovered centuries ago and theorized that they were not of the same species as whites.

So, for my horror, I just learned that all the beef and lamb on my country is sacrificed by the halal rite.

I loved beef, for fuck's sake.

I would rather prefer to end it all with nuclear armageddon, than to let it happen.
Which will probably happen, if muslims get access to nuclear weapons either by their research or conquering Western Europe by demographic trends.

So which race is truly worthy to dominate world and not fucking destroy it in process/afterwards?
Asians? Arabs? Blacks? Mixed races?

So, do you remember Rolling Stone and the UVA rape hoax they defended until the very end?

And do you also remember that Rolling Stone is looking for a buyer after going tits up just three days ago?

But wait, it gets better:


Oh, fun.

Eat pork

Rape Culture™ wins again!

The amount of money that Rolling Stones will give in damages on those who were falsely accused of rape won't mend the lifetime ruination of those men's lives. Thanks feminists.

Or chicken. Pigs and chickens are sacrificed normally and painlessly.


Why do I have to nominate a existing one? The true enlightened option is to convince big industry to make Octopuses be more co-operative and make them live longer. In their tests, they mostly seem to be more intelligent than humans and they can learn easily learn sign languages to communicate. Clearly we should raise them to be our children.
And even if they fail, at least we might have another intelligent animal on the seas to communicate with, then we will be able to quit crying about there being no aliens.

halal is fucking barbaric and no matter what you're opinions on meat are, I don't think anyone could say that cutting animal throats on an industrial scale and letting them bleed out is remotely humane

And I believe it is illegal, but they do so to sell the meat to kebab restaurants.

For Christ's sake.

Transhumanism and gene engineery eh.
It could go wrong in that many ways that I don't want even to think about it.
Also aliens could/can be Earth already and nobody would even notice them.


Oh Polygon, you never disappoint.

This really is another DmC.

Huh, already know the quality of their "games."

They're still defending it! They can't take the massive smackdown that gamers don't want an half-assed heap of trash that's only meant to virtue signal and indoctrinate in one of the video game industry's household franchise! It's beyond pathetic at this point!


Literally triggered.

Completely offtopic, but fucking Arbies. Do all the big fast food chains have neets in charge of their PR now?


Robot moms are the best.

But user! There's no truth, there's only assertions! Assertions that may or may not be paid for! :^)
In all seriousness, this is another nail in game journalism's coffin, and I can only hope that games journalism goes back to being a hobby.

Fertile Robotic Mother Hips

Feminists will realize long after the acid attacks start. Even then, they will do their best to avoid taking responsibility for their part in it.


another nail in professional game journalism's coffin

Arby's has been funposting for a long time, but it doesn't change that their food is kind of awful. Gas station microwave sandwiches are better than 90% of what they sell.

Like 7/11, Mini Stop?

I'm starting to believe this is all a clickbait master plan and they're not genuinely defending the game. Absolutely no one can actually defend this piece of garbage for so long.

Yeah, the little hamburger sized sandwiches.

Arby's and Wendy's meme war when?

Why do people always block mom when they get btfo? It makes them look even stupider. And do they honestly think they've won?

"If you block #GamerGate supporters and gamers, you've won."

Is being a gay transgender black woman the Dark Souls of black people?

Yes, kind of like how this user puts it
They think that when they give you a "zinger" and then block you, they have won the argument because you can't argue back.

I watched the "Der Fuehrer's Face" cartoon and it showed Donald Duck being so poor that he had to eat bread made of wood. He also had to work and assemble tank shells as soon as he woke up and was threatened with death if he didn't work overtime. Man, living in Nazi Germany must have sucked

They think it makes you irrelevant/disappear. They use the same logic to ban subreddits and then celebrate because they are "gone". They are going to keep doing it to the rest of the internet and think they have won against everything "bad".

Speaking of that, seems COD restored the Nazi symbol in their game as seen in Minute 2:02, Webm if necesary

I wonder if his following of porn twitters can be used against him in isolation from his SJW friends?

Did they shill heavily for the game? If so, its their paychecks on the line if this game flops and game companies connect the dots to "these guys don't have that much influence." Also that it includes all their favorite shit, like an NPC to tell you what to do constantly, progressive politics, the works!

It kind of works when you get to that scale, but then you have to figure a fair amount of people will just start meeting up in real life and on deep web sites. Both are anethema to them, unless they are looking for cold pizza.

only if they're the wrong type user. I legit heard a lecture months ago from some dumb whore going on about how you should consume pornography like you do food: ethically and locally sourced. It boils down to paying some fat dyke to spread her legs (something she supposedly loves, just loves doing anyway) rather than hitting up the web and jerking off to the first random source you find. As with most things, follow the money.

Sex Positivity is one of the most cancerous aspects of the current crop. I think it's because they're all such bland people that survive on base impulses and shock value that it becomes second nature to defend every fetish as natural and Fun(TM) when in reality they come across as just as bad as furries that shove their disgusting obsessions into everything

Aye. Thank you guys.

Yeah those fags should develop some taste for real debauchery

It's merely a joke how the rations for workers in Nazi Germany sucked so much the bread was rock-hard, like sailor hardtack. You also forgot how Donald's "vacation" was looking at a resort backdrop.

And yet this 40s propaganda works far better than what Wolfenstein II has showcased. At worse, it made the Nazi occupation and soldiers seem okay and charming so long as you didn't step out of line instead of grueling. Coupled with the asshole "personalities" of the rebellion, it comes off as a world where you can rightfully say, "Hey, this isn't so bad. Stop fucking up the decent thing we have going by trying to fight back" than the "FUCK NAZIS!! FREEDOM!!" they were going for.

Does anyone know how the journalists reviewed those Blisstina episodes? Because this really reeks of "sexism through over-exaggerating female parts" according the sjw mindset.

Didn't english soldiers surrender to the italians because they ate better than eating english rations.

Look at the ban list.


Please don't tell me that's her actual name.
The fuck is that even supposed to mean?

means they get paid to animate fanfics

That's not her actual name. This is.

You know it's bad when the shitty anime reboot of a near-perfect cartoon is better than the tripe you shit out now. Though I remember watching it about a decade ago and I don't remember outright hating it.


there was nothing they could've done beyond making her the greatest character ever who's way smarter and better than everyone else, who spouts the most pozz'd phrases, and who's 150% yass slay queen bullshit. And even then they'd be attacked for not making her more realistic. It's the Galbrush Threepwood thing all over again.

At the end of the day it's a fucking cartoon that no one likes and odds are any kids watching it don't give a fuck about the colour of any of the super-powered flying children anyway. This author will be forgotten like a fart in the wind and is probably embarrassed to admit that like game journos, they write hundreds of words that are not only wrong, but even worse: no one cares about

Oh yeah, forgot the "it's not enough" cliche.

They're just getting started with.

Man I haven't seen that meme fetish in such a long time

And, the heroic Mombot strikes again!

But, that just makes you look like an ass. That's you're so mature and "in the right" that you have to silence your opponent after you making a point (Regardless of the quality of the point).

What I'd like to know why they just don't depict the Nazi as they actually were when it comes to media. We all know they weren't angels (So, still enough leeway to make them out as "evil" for whatever reason), but, come on, they weren't tossing babies into furnaces to heat the führer house.

To fap in tears of shame in the dark after being dommed

Because propaganda.

You'd think they would keep coming back for more

That was my point about it, it makes you look even stupider. But I guess in their mind blocking out criticism of their hypocrisy is admirable

>(((Google))) will use this to absolve themselves of any guilt regarding their censorship policies

Who was james damore again and why is he shilling for a FBI honeypot like a double retard.

This sounds like something some blogger made up out of whole cloth.

The guy who got fired from Google for telling them that they were doing diversity wrong.

They're fucked.

who got it?

A whole lot of good Brexit did if they're gonna cuck themselves regardless.



Got a link for that? That sounds like the most retarded move he could make, its like the perfect controlled opposition.

Faggots like you ruin gets, I hope you get bullied.

this nigger below you


This is fine.
I'm not mad at all.

How quickly do you think a country can change? Next you will cry about gamergate not erasing SJWs from existance.

Sextuplets of despair!


Damn son.

Very nice.

It was a guy which wrote google manifesto about leftism/far left and how it affects tech in Silicone Valley.

Hex numbers checked.



It isn't that surprising when every muslim male gets the name muhammed.

He lawyered up before publishing the paper, and is currently suing them for discrimination since he got verification that the paper didn't contain anything that could actually get him fired. Naturally, the moment it was posted on the internet with the sources that Gawker claims didn't exist, the SocJus Mafia proceeded to attempt to delete fucking everything.

I don't have much, but I did find this archive: archive.fo/SVUCB


Not just them.


I was talking about the KKK thing, I know about the manifesto thing

Oh, I don't see a source for that anywhere.

They probably add her to the favorites and follow her silently.

Apparently it's because of this tweet.

What have you done!

I just realized something.

Where are Colin and his friends now? Are they not saying a thing about NISA's translation of Ys VIII?


It's literally fucking nothing, wow

Of course they're not, that would be unbiased of them. :^)


Well, "Grand Wizard" honestly is a pretty badass title.

Of course not, NISA's a part of the localization cabal.



Thats exactly what a supporter of the KKK would say

The ku klux kooks are low T. They can't even Wizard properly.

How much is Anita's "listen and believe" actually costing feminists in money, prestige and power?

GG games journalists

Fuck no. NO!! Why? Because advertisers have shown that they don't know a thing about memes or how to use them. All that is produced is dated cringe. (Like a fast food boss.webm)

NOW that people are starting to realize that twitter isn't a marketing strategy.

HueHueHueEternal Goon

What is even funnier, he hates it, dodger likes it quite a bit. dunno if its the same dodger

hilarious how much goons like to go off on anime as if it scores them points with anyone that isnt goons

ONLY because because their goylems are finally turning of them.

He's really an SJW in disguise. He was on a tirade at "anime avatars" a while back.

A bit of that, and a bit of some jew sects hate the alpha jew sects more than goyim and actually value freedom. Whether it is a temporary value or permenant is yet to be seen.

It's just the word Bliss with the name Christina, ignoring that that's not how the other girls are named.

I love the fact that our greatest weapon against the goon is smug anime girls.

Beauty kills the beast, they say.


Anime is God's gift for eternal asshurt.

I am not a sjw but I dislike anime too. Secretly watching it is okay but making it public that you watch it by using a anime avatar is gay. That said, I really don't mind some good lewds.


If someone with an anime avatar is making an argument against one of your points, while pointing out sources that back up their claims, would you be like "hurr anime avatar lol"?

Not really.
I would expect sjweeb or user in disguise.

Then yeah, that's fine. But there are those that use the fact that someone likes anime/use anime avatars to get out of an unrelated argument.



I got genuinely sad back when this faggot was diagnosed with cancer, I even defended him during his Trump derangement because I thought it was just another of his spergouts.
Fuck celebs, I will never look up to anyone again, this world is just me and people who will stab me in the back at the first opportunity, there are no values, only self-interest, fuck everything.

derailing and changing the subject is sjw tactic. They do this all the time when they are about to lose an argument.

Value actions and ideals, not people user

Actions change at the flip of a coin, people will wipe their ass with their stated ideals at the first opportunity to virtue signal.

He wasn't even posting "NIGGER" 50 times like on old Holla Forums, he's merely doing the equivalent of suggesting villains have some kick-ass names or look.

The funny part is that I see liberals say

He has reached the Trump tier for these people, anything he says they will hate him for it no matter what.

Fucked up and clicked reply too soon

This is basically the same thing as that except with names. But because Damore has commited thought crimes in the past, he doesn't get a pass and saying the title "Grand Wizard" sounds cool makes him automatically a KKK sympathizer despite specifically stating the opposite



In defense of Mass Effect: Andromeda and other messy games. Written under Polygon by Sophia Park, a no-name feminist "game dev".



Michele Neylon - "DotCat Registry Offices Raided by Spanish Police"



Days After Sale Announcement, Rolling Stone Hit With Another Legal Setback Involving Botched University of Virginia Story



Also, the original Tomb Raider was meant to be the game that showed off the Sega Saturn's power (Which made it's PlayStation exclusive sequel quite hurtful), but that was a lesser known fact.



I have read enough




The young are proving that they are pissed at limp wristed boomers and suicidal millenials.



They had to go to school with these sandniggers, thats why they arent taking the bullshit. Cant propaganda people out of personal contact



What the fuck is going on

He is awakening. Three more days.


Wait, isn't that the "Ring of Fire"?

Now I might not be an expert but how the fuck is climate change even supposed to affect tectonic movement.

Ah finally, the end of the world as we know it. Get hype.


It doesn't. IIRC, it's actually the reverse.

Oh, something probably will happen, but I don't want to give up the rest of my time on this world quite yet.

Check the Corpse Flowers

I said "as we now it". Just get cozy inside a nice shelter.

Looks like we're about to get some new landmasses

Is this pottery?

Kek wills it.

Someone should make this song the theme of the next thread.

Poor japan and vanuatu. The other 2 deserve it.


Holla Forums better get off their asses and claim them.

I nominate this as the national anthem of the Holla Forumsis

Is a nuclear shelter enough protection against a worldwide cataclysm?

Holla Forums btfo


Gooks save that one gookanon. and Chinks are one in the same user. But chinks should also cease to exist, or cut off the huge population.

He's stirring in his sleep. He is waking up.

Prophecy dubs.

depends on how bad a world wide cataclysm and how close. If your nearby and Yellowstone explodes there is nothing that will save you.

Isn't there actually like 5 different kinds of Chinese that everyone outside of china forgets about?

What are they laughing about?


The world truly is ending.




Thanks Satan.

The actor's nose is really bugging me.



I have a bad feeling about this.

isn't he Shane from the walking dead?


A hero is just a focal point for the self

Well, they know they did not invent it and implement it.

Gross but I still hold that the rabbids xcom looks comfy and am interested in it used. Its the only decent thing made by ubisoft in a decade, and the only reason in that is probably noj meddling.

Gotta take the good with the bad when it comes to Geek Marketing.

It's the eternal dance of the goon.

hopefully those digits give them courage

takes a while for the translation to occurs in their headset, they were having a giggle at the humorous notion said by the president

Fair enough.


Rayman Origins and Legends were top-tier, but otherwise, yes.

Siege is pretty solid

Get fucked Ubicucks.

Yeah, on PC.

Its an abortion

I understand what you are referencing, and yet I recognize no play on words.

Good morning, faggots!

I that image white supremacy?

Is the ultimate goal to destroy anime?

Get your bunkers ready boys

You should, SJWs are going to be wanting to target steam as hard as they can seeing as its the last platform not completely controlled by them and this might be the beginning

Absolutely! And there's more of that on where it came from!

Only to the extent where it is trivialized and commercialized to the point where everyone ends up losing interest in it even weebs.

If Arby's can post something with Felix or Maruruk, I'd like to see TotalBerculosis' face.


Even if he got no attention at all for this tweet, Damore is an idiot. He had an identity that wasn't "twitter comedian/memelord", which is what this tweet aspires to be. Damore was special for Harvard educated, top flight Google engineer with ridiculously civil diversity objections, grounded in science. In other words, the fact that Damore so obviously does not fit the stereotype of the alt-right is his claim to fame. This is buzzfeed-tier tweeting, minus using the KKK as material.

He also has already talked about the media trying to smear him and character assassination from within Google while he was there. He knew – undeserved or not – that this could happen.

well, he has a big nose


It's like that milo pederast comment. We know they aren't what they are smeared to be, they were just joking, but when people are out to ruin your reputation by any means necessary, it might be best to keep your mouth shut sometimes.

Unless there's a drug the CIA developed which makes people lapse in judgement and say anything that's on their mind so they can smear them easily enough to completely discredit their enemiesAnd all along, their targets have very tame thoughts



a lion shits on feminists?



Probably, one of my normalfags did research and found evidence that google is a cia front. Would explain everything.




For what purpose you 3 faggots embed the same video?

They really really like nigger dick

Is this real life?

These are truly the last days.

Seems that way user.

TD related, any of you notice how sjweebs are trying their best to hide that alot of Japanese women draw hentai? I think we might have a opportunity to cause some salt.

Time for me to repent and go nofap during this ending planet. See you on the other side, anons.

Like say… an infographic?

Yea I'm thinking back to this but we go more into depth.

Our Mana art in Kyoto, hallowed be thy name.

Thy smugness come, thy will be done, in 3D as it is in 2D.

Give us this day our daily croissant, and forgive us our shoddy fashion, as we forgive those who commit crimes of fashion against us.

And lead us not into lewdness, but deliver us from idiocy.


Rumblings in the Pacific.

We can include samples per work but crop them so they don't get removed. I'm liking it.

How so?

Where's our giant robots?


How progressive!

Notice how it took Bethesda and Firewatch asshurt to finally enact some change. The Clique is still alive today.


You can always show them this or this article nichegamer.com/2016/03/01/japanese-representative-refutes-un-suggestion-to-ban-media-depicting-sexual-violence/
Yeah, and they didn't realize that some of their beloved creators like Naoko Takeuchi loves that shit and even made some risque art of Usagi.

The problem is that the ones who are most opposed to hentai would be the ones most likely to reach for the magic words of "internalized misogyny" to handwave this away.

Notice that artists of Manga such as Ane Naru Mono are implied to be sexy in real life?

It certainly won't change their minds, but to onlookers, the key people, would readily look at a simpler explanation than some postmodern buzzword.

Pretty much, and those rumors of Naoko and Togashi having crazy times in the sheets might possibly be true.

I have never liked this image. Of all the female artists they could have chosen to represent in this post, they pic an image that looks deviantart tier.


Uh, why not just talk about female hentai artists you like in front of them, and when the SJWs complain, ask them why they're being so misogynistic? End result here is you have SJWs "marginalizing" women. I hate to use their bullshit terms but they're really contradicting themselves.


Oh BTW, can you combine both screenshots for easier spread on Shitter and Leddit?

You fucking wish.

I've read this thing twice and at no point does the author even attempt to either promote or rebuke the "men turned to Trump because they couldn't get laid" statement, I'd honestly be confused where she stands about it if she didn't include that she's left-leaning and AS A WOMAN multiple times. It starts with ad populum against the paper, both condemns and supports political tribalism, goes on a long tangent about abortions, and ends with how hurt her feelings are about stereotypes before and after using them herself. There is this, at least.

It seems like Ryan just read the title of the article and ranted about it. Laber's column is criticizing the polarization brought about by both Trump and the left. Only the ending tagline specifically addresses liberals not dating conservatives. A lot of the time, the editor gets to pick the title without the author's input, so it's likely that Laber would've picked something less attention-grabbing but more accurate,such as: OKCupid's Political Filter Furthers Polarization

That's a whole lot easier actually.

How do people know so much about hentai artists? I can barely recognize when comics are by the same circle. And is Methonium really a cute chubby girl?

Would you believe that the artist who made this manga that became a hentai is a girl too?

tfw no chubby elf waif

Rumiko Takahashi isn't a hentai artist you boor.
But Wamusato Haru is

Didn't mean to post the earthquake picture again, fuck

Where do you think we are, user?

Depends on the artist. Some styles are too distinctive like Homunculus or Rustle

The skeptic™ in me says no, and yet wishing is free.

Without some bar to connect the two wheels that's gonna be hard on the guy.

Pretty sure Methonium just really loves thic
Also I think there is a pic of his face floating around on Nip internet somewhere

Girls like sexy things as much as guys so it's not really surprising. What I don't understand is how that human bicycle outfit is supposed to work. I guess if he had the world's strongest abs you could do the plank but I don't think his face or dick is really in position to be a good seat.

If the world is truly ending, I just want to tell you all, that I love you, you are my brothers even If I haven't seen your faces, it was quite a ride the one we are having, and if dragging the whole world with us is the only way to stop us, I say it was worth it.




You forgot her newer pics.

Why does she have mayonnaise next to her tablet? Reference?

agree with you, SJW and hoop earing kike have just poisoned teh well it all.

He has some good core muscles.

The writer does know that the biggest supporters of abortions are men, right?

Also, according to an user, in another thread (That has now been pruned), abortions done by possible single mothers and black families are the reason why crime started to see a massive drop in the 90's (As demonstrated in these pictures). However, don't take this as 100% fact until we actually have an article supporting this.

While I'm not aware of the history behind a few of the hentai artists (As I don't particularly care), the difference in style is something you come to notice after a couple years.

Where's the source for this one?

Some user dropped it a while back.

I more meant to show the disclosure. The entire article reads like it should be on a Gecocities page.

Oh god, i live right on a fault line. Im fucked coming sep 23rd.

That was a really goofy story.


I dont know much about tomb raider games, but didnt eidos make tomb raider?

Eidos published the game, Core Design developed it. Either way, neither Square nor Enix were responsible.


This is the reason why the entire industry needs to be purged.

hed pets

Dubs won't save you from the oven.

We probably get an Earth update on Saturday, with catgirls and robots…or death

are those made out of paper? or out of Arby's boxes?

I've been trying to figure that out myself. If anything they're laser-cut paper but it still took some talented hands to put them together.

I hope i get a stand or some anime-tier shit.

Deciding to do a bit of research on this, I found a 2004 paper by economist Steven Levitt explaining that with all of the facts taken into account, abortion and an "increase in the prison population" are the strongest factors that caused the decline in crime during the 90's. Following those two factors, what also had a positive impact was the decline in cocaine (Especially for the black population) and increasing the amount of police. However, he also notes that the paper fails to account for is why crime didn't fall sooner. I'll post what he put in the paper's conclusion:
>With respect to new threats looming on the horizon, one potential contributor to increased crime rates that does not appear to be adequately appreciated is the coming of age of so-called “crack babies,” and more generally, those who spent their early childhood years in families and neighborhoods ravaged by crack. The evidence regarding the direct physiological impact of exposure to crack in utero suggests that adverse effects are short-lived, providing reason for optimism. On the other hand, the home environment of such babies, or children raised in crack-afflicted areas more generally, may be quite difficult, inducing a criminogenic effect. Overall, however, it appears that continued crime declines over the next decade remain a realistic possibility, albeit on a scale that is likely to be much more moderate than in the recent past.

So, to sum up what we now we have, crime-rates skyrocketed in the 70's, there isn't a conclusive reason as to why, they steady for the next 20 years, then immediately dropped over a decade's time, and there is no known reason as to why except factors that may have had no relation to the original rise in crime.

Which is totally going to be as equally applied to giant websites like Facebook, Reddit and Google as it is more problematic ones like full and cuckchan. This totally won't be used to go after websites they want gone anyway, no sir.


Who has $5000 and wants to be the owner of a genuine original copy of Sensible Chuckle Magazine?

It's not meant to convince those tards it's more meant to redpill normalfags.

I thought the artist was a man

Yes there is: it's lead.

Lead in inner-city pollution from leaded gasoline, lead in 60's era apartment-block projects antiquated substandard plumbing, peeling lead in paint in those same projects apartment-blocks.
It lowered inner-city blacks IQ by nearly 10 points.

Unfortunately, I can't link to the studies covering this written in the 2000's; as even mentioning this one simple thing is utterly haram in academia: inner city blacks caused so much crime from the 70's-90's was due lower IQ due to childhood lead poisoning from Democrat gimmidats housing projects. muh engenics

Is it because you don't remember the titling or because it's behind a paywall?

Do you have scans of magazine/newspaper articles or reports that can verify this? You may even find some results online since numerous sites have bothered to upload their articles from the 90's and a few years prior.

Preserved for posterity!


You're a little late, meme wars between big companies is already a thing. archive.is/U4hUw

Once a Goon, always a Goon. This brings shame to those 10buxers attempting to shed their Goon experience to go legit.

Low-effort copypasta in the making.

Rumor or not, it does explain why HiatusXHiatus will never ever be finished.

Partially because the studies are behind science journal pay-walls and/or have been rescinded and partially because I can't remember from the early-to-mid 2000's when I was in college.

The current PC term for this has been branded "environmental racism" because keeping monkeys in led-lined concrete zoos called "projects", away from decent people, is racism!


I truly hope Owler takes another batch of commissions now she is living and able to draw again

I wasnt lucky enough to get in when she took them it was galko

Did she die?


Dead for tax reasons?


Thank you for your valuable contribution to online journalism.

whoops, duplicate image

Not knowing things is a virtue now, and the less willing you are to learn, the better you are. Welcome to (((current year)))

Happy Jew Year!

This is the best the Dems got.

I lasted until he picked up the mic. How far did you get, user?



Will Usher - "SJW Media Attacks Valve For Not Preventing Review Bombs On Steam"


Mother of all fucks.


Sup misogyterrorists, I missed the last few weeks. Any happenings? how did the Firewatch thing ended?



At least I got a (you)

Look at these

Look @ this



There's your problem.

I'm not a yank, but I'm assuming there is female handegg league.
But as with the majority of female only leagues, no one is watching because it is boring.


Last I checked, men and women are separated for a reason.
Also, Isn't there a bit of strategy in "hand-egg-ball"? I'm not American, but it looked less "brutish" than I thought it was when I watched it once.

Women are banned from handegg because they kept killing their opponents during the game, especially if they were younger and prettier, tis the truth.

I call bullshit. Archive?

First column is full of lies.
Wrong, few breads ago there was news about weakest male player who become trans to stomp female league. It was Korean.
HA HA, NO.jpg
They sometimes are even worse than sportsmen.
No. Someone didn't checked how much money sportsmen receive per season.

Proof or benis.

Not bad. Was expecting illustrated accounts of exploitation and misogyny.

It was the other way around actually. Bongs got stuff like corned beef even down in the desert while the Italians got hardtack and dried veggies in soup every day.
Bongs did get pelted by artillery all night by the Italians though since they had no cigarette discipline and could be seen for miles in the dark.

Yeah, they had to make their own league where they don't wear that much protective gear.

Search the Internet nerds.


I think the swords were just magic tricks, like when you see a woman sawed in half by a magician on tv. That's what the article says at least.


Good evening, fuckers!

It's pretty much been declared a similar difficulty in strategy to chess.
Oh, football used to be very brutal, which is why they're wearing all that protection in the first place (And some people have still ended up showing bone). And, I'm saying "used to" because officials have gotten wimpier over the sport in the past few years, in addition to politicizing it.

Isn't one of the reasons it is so brutal is the fact that they have so much protection?
That there is no mental block in you brain saying you probably shouldn't go for maximum power?


Re-reading it, you're probably right. Not sure the world is ready for a VR abusive GF simulator anyway.

Ready or not, here it comes!


Just admit (you)'re rusing for attention

Not really:

But what I'm watching is REAL wrestling. Wuhat?!

Greco-Roman, nude-oil, or mud, or go home.

Accord to CG, Bamco censored the most games last year.

Hmm, that's odd.


That is one of the most ridiculous uses for state power I've heard recently, right up there with banning the creation of memes.

Also, not everyone can be a retarded beta teen who was groomed by their teacher.

The lead-crime connection isn't completely paywalled per-say, there are lots of popular articles about it. Just google around:

Most places don't claim IQ specifically was lowered by lead, but rather brain volume was decreased in areas that function as impulse control.

Macaroni can look at the Swedish model of emasculation.

…wait, isn't going to result in women fighting each other over a man (Instead of the reverse)? Basically, a counter-productive law.

I can't wait to visit French Sweden.

I wonder how he will explain away all those blackies going to jail then.
He should focus more on ending truck culture.

Asking for a phone number is now hate speech.

This is why the Free Speech Movement in the US needs to be absolutist. We can't allow any type of "emotional harm" to take priority over the 1st amendment (i.e., like the priority of physical harm)


Serves them right, they voted for a guy who worked for the Rotschild.
I never asked for this why did Le Pen have to lose please save me

Val will defend this.


do it you cheese munching faggots,I double, triple dare you.I want to see more bloggers whine about men not talking to them anymore.

They're already consuming more anime waifus than women already, there's gonna be a huge market for sex bots in France, I tell you.


Nier: Automata hits 2m shipments and digital sales



That's not exactly what the plan is about.
First off, it's not Macron himself, it's the secretary of equality between men and women who's trying to push for that.
Second, there's nothing that is gonna put you in jail for asking a woman's phone number; that's not what the text is about. It's more specifically about targeted harassment and street stalking, shit like that.
Third off, the text has lots of issues in any case and indeed defines things in much too broad terms, but we have a parliament specifically to refine shit like that (and you can't ask the secretary to be any smart, if you could understand french you'd realize she actually is frankly quite stupid, not trying to be mean, she really is).
Fourth off, regardless, everybody agrees that the law is somewhat useless in the first place, since you can't punish someone for a crime unless you prove it happened, and so you'd need a policeman to witness the crime themselves to attest of the "harassment" of happening (no, saying "hello" or "what time is it" to a woman is never gonna become illegal).

So in short, the article is sorta full of shit; yes, the law's retarded, but no, no one is advocating for punishing people for asking a girl on a date or for their phone number.


If this doesn't get the comics cucks furious and begin to boycott Marvel and DC then they're beyond salvation and deserve everything they get.

Shut up Val, you know exactly how the law is going to be used when passed. Girls will start charging "creepy" guys who ask them out or try to talk to them where as muslims and attractive men will get a free pass.

Looks like was right.

Like clockwork!

What does LW stand for?


Literally Who(s)

No it won't you idiot. That's neither how the law works nor how justice works. France is far, far from being a country reaching these levels of pozzing regarding giving muslims a free pass by the way. Just check Charlie Hebdo's last month's cover about "religion of peace" and you'll see.
Moreover, even if the law indeed magically and stupidly turned out to be a "women are allowed to call anyone a rapist or a harasser now if they so please" (which it isn't in the first place), we have several institutions who'd block this shit, from the parliament to the conseil constitutionnel to even our own justice system.
France isn't America and it isn't either what you're reading from Holla Forums or whatever. Imagining muslims get a free pass when we're considered by shitty islamist groups to be the most islamophobic country in Europe (that's genuinely what we've been called by some muslim from the UN by the way) is dumb as fuck.
Anyway, the law itself is fucking dumb but it will never pass as is and will never be enough to justify punishing someone without proof, if it even passes at all.

Val, go kill yourself.

Not in this case.

I think it just means left wing.

I thought that most islamophobic country was Israel.

Israel isn't islamophobic. It kills all non-jews equally.


shit forgot my flag
watch marche treat this post as actual jewish defense


The only thing Israel deserve is nuke.
If only they didn't have them since few decades.


That's what the comics cucks will say about the reviewer that was targeted. Bet by the end of the shitstorm, at least several people will accuse him of Nazism.

You might be right I didn't read the context to realize it was about comics.

This is all speculation on both our parts but if they want to make wolf whistling a crime then the law will have to be able to be prosecutable without evidence otherwise the equality minister or whatever will think its not enough
you may be right anout the muslim part I said though as I was mostly just being cynical, also I'm not an american

The law will never prosecute people without believable evidence of a crime user unless you're black
And that minister is stupid because she used to be a blogger that macron got in to please in her crowd of twitter fans, but every time she opens her mouth it's to try and sound political and failing; most of her ideas and reforms have ended up dying in the egg and she's pretty much useless. She's a mouthpiece and not even pretty enough to warrant looking at her.
She says shit, people who actually have any form of knowledge or understanding of the law tell her "yeah not gonna happen" and then she moves on to something else.
I'm frankly not too worried user.

Wanna know the kicker ? Main reason she's going on the street harassment is because months ago, there was a big affair regarding a part near paris filled with refugees that was so dangerous women were genuinely told to leave and at actual risk, and that lady, who again is supposed to represent women's rights, went with her photo and security teams in that very street and said "yeah nothing happened to me, it's totally safe my man !". The shit she got for it was impressive. That's probably why she's trying to buy herself a new reputation of a feminist that she's pushing for this all
Also no worries hun, it's Holla Forums, you could've told me to suck goat cum and I wouldn't have hated you for it

Excuse me for my ignorance in European law, but don't all European countries fall under "Guilty until proven innocent (And, even then, you're still guilty)"?

sounds like something one of our pozz'd canadian politicians would cook up. At this point there is nothing off the table as far as "too retarded to be true"

what boorus do you use, anons?

Not for the past fifty years, no, user. You're confusing Europe with the UK :^j

I feel like you're being naive on that, especially considering things like rape where its he said/she said. It honestly can't be different than the canadian system

Just the other day feminists were complaining that only one rapist out of a hundred in france get punished.
I'd assume the main reason is "there was no believable evidence".
Thus, as long as you shut the fuck up and let your lawyer speak for you, if there is no evidence incriminating you, you're most likely free to go in france in the end obviously there are exceptions and failures at that, user, but I mean in general I suppose

Depends on how pale you are.

Will European courts respect my sexual emergencies?

anyone informed Holla Forums?
do they even care anymore?

It's a drawing, so you're pretty much fucked. You should have converted to Islam, fucked a real kid and married it in Sweden instead, you'd get away with it.

You know what…
I think I will convert to the relegion of peas!

very good


2D > 3D always applies

Does anyone have the American horror story cheeto dust webm?

I can't find it in the Holla Forums thread.


is this a game? looks intredasting…

Is this Loss?

Didn't know they had one, thanks.

No idea, someone else posted in a thread couple weeks back.

No, but it can be

Brown girls in 2D are mostly just tanned Japanese girls.

Shut up, Val. Your country is retarded and your president is a cowing dog that constantly looks for approval from his whore that's old enough to be his mother.

I might have to rename this to "Val"

Valve can get trucked of peace and still act as everything is fine.


Point still stands.

Here, now may you fap in peas.

Is there a baker?

Flaming Val edition?

Well Valve works for me too.

I know its been a few months since its been released and i cant expect much from idiots but i honestly cannot believe there are retards that think Treehouse is good at what they do when it comes to what they did with Fire Emblem Fates. I still see SJWeebs praise Nintendo over what they did to that game and give it more praises than anything, and how people who hate the translation are in the wrong, as well as in the minority because the game sold well.

Seen it today still being talked about, and nothing pisses me off more than people believing the butchering of a game is "Quality translation" and that other translating companies should take note on what Treehouse does.


Fucking saved

Actually rather huge part of sjws is also Nintendo drones.
I don't know what is cause for this though.

this is even funnier since I've started play P5 and the translation is fucking great. Now I really understand how retarded the clique is when they have trouble with anything that isn't grade 2 level english. Also the voice work is outstanding.


Nintendrones come from a convergence of two separate cancerous lines: low-effort scene-hipsters who only know popular games and omega-beta-male manchildren like movieblob who mistake corporations like Nintendo for parents

The other reason they hate P5 is that the protagonist is a confirmed Gamergay

You'd have a point if not for the fact Hebdo got fucking iced by two sandniggers with AKs.

I think the English VA is great. Mostly better than the JP version, even (Joker's little lines here and there have more oomph in tone in English than the JP verion, where it sounds much lighter). The biggest problem I have with it is the pronunciation of names. Like Suck-aah-moto instead of Saka-moto.

That was much simpler than I thought.

Good job. We need to spread these.

Agreed, repost in next thread please.

It should be clearly stated that "western standards" or "western sensibilities" are being defined by a loud, oppressive, influence-grasping minority which do not represent the whole. These terms are not to be stated as a matter of fact nor as anything concrete or widely accepted. They are frequently-altered subjective standards forced upon the unwilling or the unaware.

Are goons also involved?

Maybe even make it a separate listing in the "current operations" section. It's something that anyone can help with.

Goons are always involved

Do we have a baker?

I could do if you want, no refund.


Who is breading?

I read that as "breeding"

well, I could just shitpost.



Bread to the hungry mind.
It's idiom from another language.

I could breed with you user, but there's a high chance it's probably gonna be gay, and we don't want that, don't you?

Somebody say duck?

Naw, gays burn in Hell.



New Bread?

I know it's not really GamerGate related, but I can't think of anywhere else to ask: what was the name of that YouTuber whose avatar was a floating pink brain and his gimmick was that he had a "so epic deep voice" or something?


Harmful Opinions.

Thank you so fucking much, user.

I'm waiting..

Where's the bread? I don't wanna chew sawdust like Holla Forums.

Don't forget the subject.
I would bake, but I have to leave for lunch.

Just bake it already.

For what?




I warned you
