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post your space barbies, discuss and wait for the eventual user posting >still playing warframe
last thread was destroyed by the fomorian
post your space barbies, discuss and wait for the eventual user posting >still playing warframe
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postin sum graphs
i really hope the dont transform focus into a only potato child system
also bye shadow step ;__;
They already said they want to replace zenuriks energy regen with somethihng else. No further clues to what though. So far it might be related to the new class of arcanes that you can embed in operator equipment. They also said The new melee weapon crafting system would use the same kind of new arcanes, so there's also that.
Hopefully it won't be gone completely. Otherwise " remove my will to play" will sum up very well my feelings.
Which warframe would headpat?
that a horseshoe crab?
It's a cat
another graph geez i gotta sort this fucking folder
anyone here still farming ivara? somehow RNG jesus has cursed me and the neuroptics just wont drop
Double dubs means you are graced by kek's bliss.
Go! Go now to your PC!
And farm away, knowing in your heart that your neet ways have been smiled upon. Rejoice, today you have earned his faovor. Don't waste it, for his anger is easily aroused, and his might swiftly employed.
Play videogames
if dubs again i get legendary core in my next sortie
watcha think about my pepsiman hydroid
i was 2greedy i was going to get endo again tbh
And if that wasn't bad enough, all I got from the 20 goddamn minutes of survival drops were relics
You can reset their resistances with your loli laser if you've done that part of the story. Works on everything that gains resistance over time.
For fucksake.
that's a good way of putting it
lipstick just doesn't look right on them, maybe it's because I'm using the most basic colors, but fuck spending money on digital lipstick, I'm not that desperate
not so hot about taters being something between a boy and a girl, I can see early breasts, but those eyes are just boyish as hell. Only way to make them look feminine was to make her asian, but that's not happening
I'll see what mics they have on offer tomorrow, maybe then you'll be able to yell benis at me audibly
For PC it is planned to drop before October, for consoles at the end of the year probably
my true hero
I ope you mean that Second Dream quest
Mag, because the squeaky sound would piss her off
Well, fuck
Since the resources changes polymer bundles, oxium and orokin cells are the only things in short supply.
I know without looking that I have 70 neurodes or more.
As he said something about around October for PC. The only thing I remember about it is the fact that they aren't doing any updates until then.
Wait until the holidays. Most of the time they will give one color pallet away for St. Paddy's/Valentines/Halloween. Also if you get a 75% off it's worth it then to pick up some plat if you like the game well enough.
It's The War Within. You go through a bunch of shit and then you get to get out of your suit and do a bunch of shit
Release will be simultaneous across all platforms
Also release is scheduled for this month not even kidding
I plan on playing this game without spending a cent. I have -75% as a daily reward, it's useless to me.
the system clearance prerequisites are a bitch, I'm going to have to spend a lot of time on Luna now.
Are you seeing it, Mr. Krabs?
How about now, Mr. Krabs?
Are you seeing it now, Mr. Krabs? ARE YOU SEEING IT?!
All I see is a guy whose whole color scheme screams "I'm here to gain brozouf".
are your legs ok user
We will arrive at a point where you will spend more active play time as a kid rather than a squid warframe.
They pushing their potatoes very hard.
And all people that keep playing it are actively enabling it.
You have no one to blame but yourselves.
I remind them every month that the void kids are retarded and that they'll (continue to) get no money from me because of them.
You add your number to the player base.
You actively support the game, even if you don't pay directly.
Remember what happened to Evolve and Stillborn even after they went f2p? Nobody played them even for free so they died.
Friendly reminder to never buy spacekid cosmetics even if you're tying to minimize their ugliness. They need to see that warframe and weapon cosmetics sell in a flash and spacekids are always hated.
Whoop-dee-fuckin'-doo, I give them a login count every so often. That's not at all the same thing as forking over money. They financially subsist on the whales, impulse buyers and people who purchase discounted plat, in that order.
Nice mental gymnastics.
How about you hop off of those uneven bars and explain how people who don't spend money on the game are supporting development?
this aint gonna happen
potato children are (and will) be in spotlight of the main quests but thats just the way they are going for
reminder that the whales are the ones who really support DE and it doesnt matter what we choose or not to "boycott"
1. Whales won't come to a dead game if there are no common folks to show off premium cosmetics to.
2. Chinese publishers won't give you money if your game has no player base.
3. Streamers and gayjournos won't shill your game to whales and chinese publishers if it is dead.
4. Casuals who aren't quite whales but willing to drop a buck once in a while won't touch dead game.
5. If you play the game after negative changes were made you add to the statistics, and from dev's point of view it looks like you accepted changes and like them otherwise you wouldn't be playing and the numbers would drop. So they keep on course.
There are more underlying factors but these 5 should be easy enough to grasp even for a shit eater like you.
as said, there are several factos for DE's behaviour but lets remember for a moment that we cant yet draw a line to where they are extacly going with the potato child after all
they added them in second dream with the totally it works as intended focus system, defined them better in the war within.
if focus rework is going to make the potato children into warriors we have nothing to spectulate until we see what the fug happens in PoE.
we can be here for centuries shitting on operators because they are not space lolis some ppl dont want anything to interfere with the frames and the combat pacing but lets face that we re just being pushed a little out of our comfort zone
hence a little. as of today, focus is for the most part useless, potato children only strictly needed for kuva n a few things. you can pretend they dont exist for the most part so there is no reason to get the pichforks
Space lolis will be fine if they don't go overboard with them and polish up the moveset to make it more enjoyable
At the very least they have something they can be sure every player has access to at all times, which would mean they could do some neat puzzle/challenge rooms
Sure thing Steve.
stay classy Holla Forums
polite sage
Reminder you can turn their transmissions off in the settings to fully forget.
Sure thing bud.
What a fuck is a whale?
In less than 50 days i lost my interest in playing this game, got from mars to completing potato children walking around quest, Finished building 6 prime weapons, got the gorgon wraith and snipetron vandal, and have 5 prime frames at the moment, I guess only waiting for POE to make me interested on the grindfest.
Have a look at this disgusting face, and btw, what the fuck is nezha?
user, are you a NEET?
Disregard flight simulator, got images switched while playing around with ivara.
user, are you gay?
No, I just played for 6 hours more or less a day, i still had shit to do.
Any of the helmets are ugly as fuck
That's what paper bags are for
We're getting some damn fine trips this thread.
F2P games attract a lot of users to get the largest community possible. Whales are members of that community that spend the most money on the game. A F2P game need only a small percentage of its community to be whales to be profitable.
According to Chinese lore he was a beautiful boy. So Nezha is the official trap frame. He's potentially the fastest frame and has some pretty nifty CC and damage reduction abilities.
Ivara is priceless with her augment for spy missions, but yeah, I just stick with the base head.
Also wrong file
Can't disagree with that.
I would have gotten more if it were not rare drops on one relic.
nezha is mostly my go-to solo warframe, hes fast, has a shield with light CC, can protect allies, nice cleaning AoE, can drift, get into weird places teleporting yourself into your own ringu
such a good underrated frame
god i love 90s hercules
Just a funny thing that happened during a sortie, we had an bug where the object for mobile defense got stuck, had to restart but we got there by another rando that disconnected along the game.
Valkyr is my go-to for just about everything, but before she got primed I started using Nezha more and more. Back then I mainly duo'd with a friend so I picked up his aug and kept him in a bubble. That made runs that would otherwise be bust.
Bugs are a common experience unfortunately. When I started back up recently I got the bug in Octavia's quest that prevents the final event from progressing. And it's a super annoying platformer.
Immediately after it I went into a Kuva flood and the last Kuva cloud never showed up so I couldn't complete the event.
postin sum graphs
Why must life be so cruel?
Whoever drew that should make sure they're posting it with a VPN, the Russian governments doesn't like faggots very much.
So you guys aren't seeing Volt Prime doing the finger pistol thing?
Orokin Catalyst alert
i am but a simple farmer tending to my potatoes
It took me almost 20 minutes, but by god I got him to the extraction point alive.
frame bust comparison
I play for an hour a day or so and it usually goes like this.
I bet warframe pussy has the same smell you get from burning an ant exoskeleton with a magnifying glass.
it's a damn shame mag has a diaper butt.
if you can't clear interceptions solo, then it's time to consider giving up on vidya and life.
If you think jewing others out of plat is a way to stop yourself from supporting DE, it won't work. Other than their giveaways, 99.9% of tradable platinum in the eco was conjured via people purchasing it, so all the platinum you ever get via trade was originally someone goying out.
Now you might be thinking, "But it wasn't me who goyed out." But they goyed out so they could trade with you in the first place. You were lucky with RNG or grinded longer than they were willing to or had stuff they couldn't get (Vaulted, rival syndicates). If you and the hundreds of thousands of other players who never buy didn't grind and provide all this trade then the goys would either not buy platinum or buy less of it.
And ultimately nobody would be able to have more than the default amount of weapon/warframe slots if it wasn't for platinum in the eco. That's how the fucking thing is set up. Players eventually have to spend money or obtain platinum from someone who has if they want to continue to advance in the game after exhausting the default commodities.
1K plat is €11 when on 75% discount. How much time and energy do you put into other games that cost that much? You're fine if you're really damn good at trading but the hardest part is starting out when you have nothing to trade and no platinum to advance and get anything to trade. If you are going to buy platinum, 75% discount when you're newer is the optimal situation, especially if you know you can make that amount back via trading later on when you're buffed up.
If you're playing solo it's time to consider playing another game.
learn to read
I understand you might not be set to solo for this to happen but it implies it, so fuck off.
now extend these excellent reading skills to include the entire conversation.
Now extend the situation of playing solo to outside of your conversation.
700+h and less than 10 dollaridoos spent in the game.
there comes a time when you have invested so much time in X game that spending a few bucks on it its not much a big of a deal, time is more valuable than a few bucks.
i could have spent nothing, could have spent 100$ if i wanted to get dresses for my space barbies
if i put that much amount of time in a game how is spending a bit of cash a heretical act.
i dont go out much, i really dont spend currency anywhere else besides maybe a monthly visit to the cinema, i only purchase vidya from time to time, i dont give 2 fucks about putting a 2L coke value in the game
also go to your containtment board with your buzzwords
what region are you playing on? i never find problems to go into public missions
also consider changing your warframe of choice if interception is giving yourself problems, big AoE frames like equinox are very well suited for those situations
I'm still not paying.
Is there anything wrong with that? Maybe anons have a point and wanna voice it.
Right, so I went out and bought a shitty mic for 15 buckaroos, but I couldn't find the Mumble room. I look through the North American servers, but not Swampfire. Couldn't find a direct connect option either.
What am I missing here?
reminder this exists
Should put it in OP for any future threads
The server for just the room? The room name is swampframe. I'd post the server info but I'm not on my wangblows installation so I don't have it right now. I know it's but I forget the port.
found it via stream archive
port: 64738
I couldn't find anything with the word SWAMP or even SW in it. I'm supposed to look for the server through a mumble interface, right? Not a browser or anything like that?
I can't look for it now either, at work.
You just connect with mumble software
label=whatever you want
port: 64738
username: whatever you want
This honestly feels more like a compelling argument not to play. Too bad I'm already 90 hours in, but going at my own pace is more comfortable.
I hate playing MMOs with turbospergs who have to optimize everything and plow through content and missions as fast as possible, because they want the endgame more than they want to play the actual game.
oh, that makes sense, I thought Add New would create a whole new server and I was under the impression that you'd need additional software and payment to do that. I'll try it out tomorrow.
Also I want to see what fucker got my double trips.
It's not an argument to play or not to play. It's the reality of the business model and what is the ideal way to invest if you're looking to. You can get by without paying anything yourself, but someone else will pay for you by proxy.
i swear i have some clanmates in warframe that i cannot understand. every fucking time
"hey guys what are you doing?"
"farming kuva. what to join?"
"sure, send an invite"
"ok, cool…. what do you guys wanna do now?"
"farm kuva"
"oh… how much do you need?"
"as much as we can get"
"want to play anything else?"
"ok… i'll seeya guys later"
"ok, later"
i think im just going to kick them out of my clan.
you in the alliance?
no alliance
Why is limbo on the list dear user?
Interception is easy, a excalibur can very fast clear these guys, I did a void interception in uranus, cleared the goddamn mission, but for god, there were never enough enemies to drop the void stuff.
For what purpose? Riven mods are interesting, but do they really need that high amount of kuva and were they doing flood missions?
user, I don't know if you're aware what game you're playing, but I may have some bad news for you
for the fuggen noobs
i hope you do not play solo banshee with that
And now the crown jewel, with proof.
In the last image i had 80% Equinox buff + Growing power buff + Fissure buff = x55.1 = 5510% dmg increase
Were posting builds? Aura polarity doesnt match but I forma'd the exilus slot in order to switch around without major build upsets
DE has the worst goddamn priorities
theres stuff i could use kuva for. rivens and a few weapons, but im not playing something thats boring for it. i'll just wait for DE to make a better way to get it, or i'll never get it.
i didnt ask why they were farming kuva, but they were playing those kuva syphon missions where a vacuum appears and the retarded worm girl starts yelling.
Is it time to post our shit builds?
Clears all content in the game.
Kuva Flood is identical to normal Kuva Siphon missions however they're marked differently, have enemies scaled for 80-100, and reward double Kuva.
The Zarr is too good for you anways.
how well does tether grenades work with 200% multishot? I'm fine with having a functionally 2 shot magazine if it makes the shot pull better or something.
I use it to set up magnetize, so multishot is going to be strictly worse for that job.
Even against infested where I do stack up nades, I think I'ld prefer more damage per nade anyway to make sure my stack can clear out ancients.
What the fuck
How is this so bad
Why mane? You realize bladestorm costs less per mark when invisible right?
guess i have to finish farming for ivara
Where does it say solo in the Banshee build?
It's a DPS build with an intended EV by your side. Use your brains ffs
It just werks and it's a very little touched build after Ash rework, so i didn't know of the invisible shtick.
Ivara really is helpful and trivializes spy missions with her aug.
I got a rifle riven the other day that wanted me to headshot 40 enemies in a row without taking damage and Ivara was perfect for that. I mean, until Shadow Stalker decided to invade…
postin the good boi build for public/solo jack of all trades but faster
im sick of farming spy, good lord
if you want to squad up for it we can meet in the 8ch steam group chat or smthing, i only have neuroptics left but will stay if you need more
Why redirection? You're just gonna be haloed the whole time anyway.
nullifiers n shit can happen, i dont mind investing 1 slot
We Giger now
you joined a public index or recruited/got recruited in the chat?
I might actually consider installing this game again if anyone's willing to help me with the limbo arch-wing interception mission.
Just sell your duplicate mods, you have to have more than 100+ of rejuvination and other throwaway/timesink drops.
Public, the chat recruiting ones I have seen are for the gold/high risk only. And honestly I don't have the gear for it.
I did also check other money making methods but they were not even close to the time to money ratio.
I already did, but buying a primed mods and then maxing them takes way more than just selling spare mods/oberon parts/shit.
How did the incompetents at DE manage to create something so perfect?
Also, if there a drawfig who would draw him shrieking autistically?
You could also take some initiative and actually form up a squad via recruit and confirm everyone knows what the goal is. That or get some friends/clan that you can rely on. There were 4 of us in the mumble earlier cooping. We helped a MR9 just unlock nodes even though me and the other guy are end game. But let me guess the excuses already. No mic, too anxious to speak, already have a clan (and with absolutely no reason to remain loyal) or can't be bothered to initiate into the chan alliance, don't want to bother downloading mumble because you're a dumbass who doesn't have a package manager, don't want to use mumble specifically because it's 'just another' VOIP despite being literally the best FOSS one with no fucking account, perma username or email necessary.
50 runs of oestrus and still no nidus systemsi want to die
a month worth of mod drops turns into fewer credits than a half hour of decent index.
if you dont have the gear for it go to Akkad, you will normally find a nekros there farming credits 24/7, it was probably the best credit farming spot pre-index
its still really good, you dont need gear for it and you will level up weps nicely too.
if you cant reach Akkad yet you can ask for a taxi, hell i will taxi you to it with my farmin setup if you really need those credits user
also this >>13451295
i hope that the guy who designed nidus is designing some more frames god knows we dont need anymore frames where only 1-2 abilities are ever useful and 0 synergy
I think harrow is fun and useful in the same theme as nidus. Sacrificing something other than energy to get things done,, managing other resources, using one's skill to time ability uses at just the right moment, knowing when to 'retreat'. He's very capable of solo'ing and has things that are great for teamwork, too. In fact Harrow & Nidus go pretty well as a team, especially with Nidus' link thing
excal/streamline/(fleeting expertise if you have it, flow if you don't)/vit/steel fiber
broken war/pp/fury/4x ele
eblade spin attack blind, slash slash, repeat, turn in every 5
someday that last harrow part will drop i guess
frames usually have very nice themes (see atlas) but the execution is a clusterfuck of nonsense that ends up being a kit that appears to be cool in paper but ingame its shit (see atlas)
to make rock golems viable you need to balance your build entirely on them or you can go jojo punch build.
petrification looks cool but its virtuallly useless, the rock walls are basically a shitty volt shield with the only niche use of bunkering your point in the index (with the augment)
and then
motherfucking nidus
great passive that fits his theme perfectly and synergizes with all his kit, its fun to play, ==SCALES GOOD== , has amazing visuals, gives space aids to everyone.
just let the nidus guy rework zephyr and atlas.
also reminder that chroma's 1 is, was, and will ever be SHIT AND THAT REALLY JAMBLES MY JENKINS
They've really stepped up their game recently
I think it's because they ran out of basic "[element] wizard" ideas and had to start being more creative
And also because of spectacle creep making boring generic frames less appetizing
If only this recent upward trend started earlier, fucking necromancy always gets shafted in vidya and now Inaros is more of a kick ass lich than Nekros will ever be
Too bad mesa wasn't made later, either. Instead of an ocelot/wanted gunslinger where we fucking curve bullets, ricochet them off walls or shoot bullets with bullets, we get 3 shitty buff/defences and then press 4 to win. Stance is just SASS and not gun twirling or juggling.I think mesa might be the worst frame in terms of not realizing theme potential.
Atlas is pretty shitty too, though. His passive should've been he didn't need ANY fucking weapons and could go in, grab enemies by the throat and use them as human-fist weapons like the damn hulk.
Oh well at least we have a few good frames for the open world… which is also hopefully not shit.
From what we've seen it's the same old wave defense/horde murder shit they've been doing forever, except instead of infinitely respawning dicks permanently bearing down on you, you can instead fuck off and climb that mountain
They're really bad at gameplay variety
climb what, user?
lets pray to rngesus that the glassframe is on the line of inaros/nidus
Plains of Eidolon drops next monday (I think)
What precautions and preparations are you taking?
FYI they might delay it.
fucking doubt it, but either way, I just potatoed my zephyr and gave her the jeststream augment. Now I can use sniper plasmor and fly across the plains.
post the earliest & latest screenshots you ever took
I've been grinding derelict survival for like three days trying to get the octavia part and that shit's a 22% drop
rng is a bag of dicks
I just finished that quest today. Holy fuck was it annoying. They kept trying to shove empathy for that brat down my throat. Then Lotus has to moral-cuck as hard as she can even though the Harrow quest shit all over her morality.
I sent the kid back to her tribe. Not that it matters.
I only did one salvage before I quit, but it just seems like a less annoying Interception.
Tacitly looking forward to mastering Kuva Spy, but it will be frustrating since, even though the actual drop rate is okay, RNGesus will make sure it feels like 3%.
Kuva spy is almost meaningless with ivara and her prowl, even with no upgrades you can do each terminal with more or less 100 energy per each one.
Or if you don't want to level her up till you get prowl, cloak arrows work fine near the consoles, just watch out for the timer on those.
Another so easy it is just a chore to get to the terminals is lua spy with limbo, as you can just go through every thing at full speed.
Maybe hitler should start gasing those infecteds.
oh trust me its a lot worst then you think for nidus when he came out I got every piece cept neurpotics and proceeded to not get it for months doing a few runs a day.
its terrible because its shares a loot table with shit mods.
The wiki is full of shit on the drop chances, there's no way that table is evenly weighted.
What if the wiki is wrong and you're all farming in the wrong place?
That thought haunted me constantly through the many hours.
I finally got the last piece a little bit earlier today though.
and then forgot I to extract when i was taking a screenshot the first time. came back to see myself dead and my vaporizers near dead on my bonus round in hell
Pretty much all spy is meaningless with her, but I didn't practice it much before I quit and I recall it being a bit trickier than the rest. (except Lua, fuck that).
My Limbo is still Unranked.
I don't have my oldest for some reason so here's some random shit.
Sucy would laugh at that.
Lua i find so easily done, and gives more overall exp. that i would prefer that than any other solo mission.
There is a fast way to not have to deal with the wall latch on the first terminal, open the door, go back to destroyed time, go up on the first pillar then bullet jump to the place behind of the console, from there you bullet jump to the wire on the room that you would need to wall latch while avoiding the lazors, there you simply go through the hole, up the shock hazard and on the hole.
On the second that is circular hall you go right-up, and after the door drop down on the time stuff, use limbo rift and go through ALL lasers, you can even drop down, you just need to go to the pressure open door stuff and to the terminal.
On the other that has a buttom, time rift, then hacker minigame, you just go through till you find the timed button, activate it and rift into it, you can just go on the vent on the side if you want by shooting it too, after this timed thing, you go on the pressure plate, you can even not bother with the race and go rift and then on the middle of the coldfield there will be a time stuff go in, you will be positioned facing a hole, go through, another lazors room, go on the time thing that you see "after" it goes through the mark on the floor that denotes a walled up thing, after this, you are on a memory puzzle room, you can do that or go through the other method that is using the time stuff and through the open/broken door at the left, all the way till you reach the end of the big room near a pillar, go on the time stuff, look up, shot a button near the explosive container, go through time stuff, shoot the explosive container that will be on the ground, go through now broken door, next room is easy you can figure it out.
Always be on the rift with limbo, sensors drones are annoying so you do not want to be seen even in rift, lasers do not trigger in rift, slow effect and shock areas does not hurt or bother you.
Might post a screenshot with each step later if you anons are interested, might be more easy to follow than my jumble of words that was this text.
or a webm
Part 1/2 for the first terminal.
On this terminal just remember to rift after entering the portal thing to pass through the lasers.
There vids on jewtube how they are done the easy way
>decide to start again recently because friends are playing again and frame porn
Bruh what the fuck???? Was I just remembering how things used to be wrong?
[incoherent manlet screeching]
I was thinking, in the Corpus defense mission, would it be possible/practical to spam enemy spawn doors with Nova's Wormhole so that every enemy walking through it would spawn atop the hole and dying instantly?
Already started, i'm not too keen on doing webms, so take screenshots.
Ok, so some routes, on part two you can shoot the button and do a run around the stuff, or go through the vent.
At part 3 you can take the portal and be faced with a hole to go through or shoot the button and do another running part till the end of the hall.
wat? why would you make your grind more suffering???
If you have a good memory you can just end this at the memory puzzle room, if you don't want to be bothered, go through the door at the left.
Just wanted to know if it was possible. Maybe it could mitigate later waves when you couldn't handle that many enemies, you'd at least control their flow somewhat. I realize you'd be missing out on all the possible drops, but I wanted to know for science
On this last room you just hack and shoot the moving button.
Without a single kill, you get this amount of xp for undetected on all terminals.
I find this spy mission to be the fastest to solo with the least amount of problems with limbo.
Probably just need to tweak the mods. If you post 'em here anons will probably help.
In regards to Boar P though. Rather than make an attempt at competency DE decided against properly tuning weapons and instead implemented weapon specific mods with random stats that can be rerolled called Riven mods. Of course this means either grinding ad nauseam for the exact Riven mod you want or trading with another player for it.
These Riven mods have their own sense of "game balance" in them. In that DE can change the mod's "disposition" based on its popularity. Boar P in particular has a "strong" dispostion, meaning it is underused and therefore its Rivens will have much more powerful stats to compensate.
Alternatively you can just upgrade to one of the newer weapons that doesn't need as much TLC. The Sancti Tigris (New Loka), Tigris Prime, and Vaykor Hek (Steel Meridian) are all "tier 1" shotguns by this metric.
I'm personally in love with the Zarr, which is a rifle that either fires exploding (self damaging!) cannon balls or shotgun blasts, and it has a neutral disposition.
Thanks for the write up user, I'll give it a shot tomorrow.
I just like doing lua as you can do it in less than seven minutes the run altogether and not be bothered by enemies, just running on the rift, you don't need any ability just the passive from limbo so a unranked limbo could pull it off.
I'm still trying to find a faster way to do it but, unless my memory is terrible on the day doing the alternative route on the last terminal is the only choice that could affect the time on the run, outside the map RNG and getting a damn maze one km apart everything from everything else.
I'm still trying to get one 2% mod reward of a stance there, got the other two that were 2% but the third one is a bitch to get.
i guess ill be grindin sum focus just in case the rework isnt shit
maybe i just got good rng that day but i only farmed nidus for maybe a few hours after the release of the quest and i got all parts
You should farm Ash instead. :^)
It's the only frame I can build at the moment besides Oberon and I've already played that.
and who'm'th'ed asked for this?
I actually made Ash prime before ash. Those fucking manics either didn't spawn as frequently for me, or simply didn't drop the damn parts. Took me forever to eventually get regular Ash. To be fair I never farmed specifically for him though.
hahaha yeah i got ash prime before ash too (i grinded for aeons that fucking void defence), i actualy got regular ash in an event where most of the enemies were grineeer assasins or whatever the fuckers are called called
Rate my Arca Triton build
I'm quite satisfied
please no bully
See that word? Plural. Meaning it could be 2 of the earliest, 2 of the latest.
2 is plural.
as is anything above 1, like 4.
it can be both, just when you put it the way you did, most people will interpret that as two screenshots: the earliest one and the latest one.
Is any of this shit worth selling off potentially fun prime items?
I apparently only have pornframe images saved and none of the grineer comic strips
good goy, time to get sum ducats
thats a big primed mod
If I dissolve that mod will you die?
i will shitpost a bit with this, why not
png for those lazy enough to not go into the site
Make a transparent template baka
better open your mouth now user cause i aint spoonfeddin u further
heres your metal gear anyway
will this do?
I have 0 shame.
re-did it and tried to fix as many white edges as I could
You know that one super niche mission where if you suck shit in a boss fight you get captured and have to break out of jail
What if they did something like that, but instead you have to use the space loli in a stealth based sabotage/spy mission to shut down the anti-transferrence macguffin and rescue your warframe
That's what I thought was going to happen in war within but lol nope teleport hacks
Havent seen this guy before what is worth getting here from the biweekly jew?
And can i still run missions to get shit to sell for ducats while hes around?
Yes and no.
If you run missions while he's around, you get fresh Ducats. If you horde them after he leaves, they expire when he arrives, forcing you to re-grind. Make your time count.
Of course. Why wouldn't you?
Don't do deadpan satire user. Considering DE I actually believed that for a second.
I will be extremely disappointed if no one makes a loss edit
Well fuck
I guess another week won't hurt, maybe PoE will be out by then
just farm more goy
this is why i always do oxium alerts
How does lephantis still to this day get worse with every update despite the game otherwise being fairly optimized?
Been playing for 3 days and already have a prime, git on my level. Also talk me out of maxing out redirection for muh shield
shields are for bitches. armor makes your balls stronger.
why not all three?
Does armor make your balls bigger, though?
That's the important question.
You will eventually have better mods, and will figure that you just need the space in your frame. Dumping extra shields is a good compromise. But when you're early in the game they help with survivability.
Finally got harrow, it was easier getting vauban p parts than him - but it all balances out.
I hope you didn't potato it for your sake user
and somehow I was the asshole in their eyes in that situation.
thats the risk of going in with randoms, altought i never found two ppl so stupid, the community is pretty good
is there a reason for this? i thought crushing ruin dealt higher damage. i like shattering storm's moveset better though.
fucking pubbies man, I swear to god
hang around in the mumble ( ) and squad up.
still no shield gating and they can't really figure out how to fix 1-shots this late into their crazy damage system
I am in the mumble, noone else is on.
just stay in the swampframe room whenever you're playing. It's lonely most of the time (trust me I know more than anyone else) but there's no point in leaving it. The InfinityGrind clan uses it mostly, get others to. If you have a chan clan add the server info to the clan login message. I might be on soon btw
ivara, she is cute, very nice and pretty. She is also my main
mag is also nice, she is a cute loli
I need a smug Valkyr for things like this.
How do you make something with no facial features smug?
make it resemble recognizable smug pics
Is the prisma grakata anything more than mastery fodder if I already have a soma prime?
So like a shiggy valkyr?
… you could probably use it to build dual grakatasat a loss?
Nah, but it can become the supreme bullet hose if you just wanna fuck around.
It strips armor much faster than Soma Prime, so for very high level armored enemies you can get better kill times with a mixed crit status build. The problem is whether or not you like the fact that it's basically a 5-forma weapon and its shorter effective engagement range than the Soma Prime.
Play spy mission with a group is like super hell
its fun, where soma prime isnt.
Don't ever do this, even on sorties. Git gud enough at hacking that it becomes second nature, use a stealth frame you're proficient with and you'll never need a group for spy missions ever again.
If I'm blowing that many forma on anything it would probably be the Kulstar or Sicarus prime. I'm dying for a more fun/doesn't fucking suck against armor primary though. Maybe I'll get it and sit on it.
You can say that again.
Get paracyst, hema, tigris, or arca plasmor. Armor gets shredded.
Will the Tigris Prime suffice?
Yeah, go for 100% status and nothing will live.
Coulda swore I had, or at least seen, one with the usual girls.
This. I just got done soloing today's sortie (for a fucking forma) and the spy was the easiest part. Excluding the Hijack were I wasn't attacked the entire time.
I only ever do Spy with people I know and trust, and even then rarely.
Fuck dude, why did you go play with randoms on a spy mission and kuva of all things, you know most of then are retards right?
Whenever i'm not sure i can't do these things i just fuck off the vault and don't bother and ask the others randos (but your normal rando can't even say they are incapable), happened to me doing a sortie, the ping was so bad i was seeing the lasers lagging behind and overlapping.
Weird. For some reason my screenshots didn't autosave and pasting them into paint is just a black screen.
I did 12 fissure runs just now and got 4 of the same Braton P parts from radianted relics and 8 Paris P Upper Limbs from normal relics. I had more than enough to buy Primed Point Blank, but it was still kinda odd.
I've wasted all of my Lith V4 relics trying to get Tigris prime today.
What parts you need?
Is paris prime supposed to be this shit?
Paris prime is bad, dread is better in every way and free. I could gib tigris BP later too.
I mean look at the stats, all it has going for it is slightly higher punchthrough. I does the same damage as dread, but it's Puncture instead of Slash and 5% less crit chance.
go dread, you will have time to get yourself a rakta cernos or whatever you want, however dread can work in endgame with the right build
also post yfw stalker hasnt dropped war once since the second dreamcast
I had 700 hours by the time he dropped it for me, and I only started a little before the second dream dropped.
War blueprint is easy, try to get War hilt and war blade drops from sentients.
3 dubs on the last four posts.
yeah, relic excavations seem like a great way to farm two birds with one stone, until you realize it's not completely faceroll and thus beyond the ability of half the playerbase.
just bring a frost, done
but it dropped within my first 10 stalkers user
so did a despair and a hate
if by frost you meant to say "competent people who aren't pub shitters that fully power 2 excavators before reactant is collected", then sure.
Holy shit why do mandachord instruments cost so much
You can't even demo them aside from listening to the little preview so it's like the cost of an entire good frame just to be able to play with the damn thing
For endgame faggots with nothing else to spend plat on or Octavia fags. I'd get them if I could fucking hear Octavia but I turned music off and there's no seperate slider just for mandachord, only for allies' mandachords.
A shame since I'd pause my music (global hotkeys wew) if I saw an octavia fucking around, but alas DE thinks everyone is ok with listening to default Warframe music for 500+ days which they have login milestone rewards for.
Oh it's worse than that user, mandachord isn't under "music"
It's under "sound effects", which includes everything from guns and footsteps to the ambient noises, and it's all loud as FUCK unless you completely mute it
Between that and how the mandachord itself works I think DE's sound guys might be functionally retarded
Just finished my ash farm. Honestly not that bad. Can run mindless survival missions, and there were 24/7 pub squads at Ophelia with hydroids and nekroses, so you can pick up a lifetime supply of polymer, plastids and tellurium while you wait.
You guys were right, sonicor is a fun little fucker. Not much of a damage dealer in enclosed maps, but is fun to mess with enemies. Coupled with Jat Kittag, shit just flies everywhere. Also found this weird untextured stuff you could stand on.
Game glitched out because of me clicking menus when I wasn't supposed to and now I can't choose a reward (click Redeem, to be specific) or exit out of it because I HAVE to pick a reward.
reactor alert up
I really don't get DE's logic with that. There are fuckloads more weapons than there are frames, why shower us with golden potatoes when it is a fact we will need more blue ones? Hell, for a "complete build" it's a three to one ratio already.
by making them more scarce they make you more likely to buy them with plat.
Got to incentivize and monetize the item most people prize, my dear user. yeah
Jat Kittag is now my second favorite melee weapon, right after Tipedo. Going to to upgrade it if Fragor or Skindo Prime turn out to be slow pieces of shit.
Sonicor is LOVE, Sonicor is Life
You can skip the Riven if you don't have and just put on another damage mod - will still almost insta kill on most occasions, but i use it mostly as utility and CC weapon.
Gold potatoes are better new players I guess. They're objectively more important to advancing, too. I'm just sad they don't give the players a choice anymore. We used to be able to choose between gold & blue potatoes.
though honestly, most of the weapons are trash unworthy of a potato, while i'ld probably like to fuck around with all the frames except the mandatory chink appeasement one.
Nezha? He's fun though.
Captcha: fuklag
nezha and wukong are good/fun though.
Nezha is better than Rhino. Too bat he's a fucking andorgynous kid. I'll play more of him when he gets a cool deluxe/prime look, coupled with a decent animation like Nidus'
I got a 182% melee damage, 53.9% attack speed, 102.5% crit chance riven for the Nami Solo. I have no idea what my other 7 mods should be to best make use of it. Do I go balls deep on crit? add status to make it more balanced? 90% elemental or slash damage?
reminder that rhino's iron skin is better as a defensive ability.
nezha's shield is good cause it has light cc, is cheap and has a great augment tho.
This would be a normal crit status slash primary melee build, you can of course swap the elemental to viral if you want viral+slash.
Stop trying to force a general for a dying game that has gone completely to shit years ago you fucking shill, kill yourself.
Nezha is probably gay though, who would want to play him?
I really need to get my hands on blood rush and drifting contact
It doesn't help that Nezha is a girls name in some slavic and arabic countries.
I'm the last person to say this, but it's actually been better in the last couple of months in terms of content.
I guess I didn't need this inventory slot anyway
nezha was the faggot appeasement frame.
He looks more feminine than some of the female frames, I don't know what the fuck DE were thinking with this gay looking bitch.
you wanna farm cryotic together? I don't really need them but I could go for some relics.
Isn't Nezha a canon /cuteboy/ in chinese mythos?
sibear is MR fodder anyways.
So he's not just homos, but Asian homos?
I imagine he's popular with fujoshis.
*just for homos
that's the part that stings the most
nah i don't think i have enough motivation to knock out that much cryotic just yet.
Also it's not gay if it's a feminine penis, nezha is best girl
If it is a penis, it's still gay.
Fug Nezha if you want, but you're still gay.
He's not even the best husbandoframe, you gay.
I bet you kiss girls you faggot
Is there any reason to keep doing the rathuum arena outside the saryn warframe? And possible the small amount of endo.?
give me some good ways to use and build the ogris. status builds can provide some fun to use cc with radiation, cold and blast procs.
dedicated endo farming with nekros and or hydroid, backed up by range nidus and battery trinity.
It's also kind of a fun place to fuck around with fully built weapons. except when gorth comes in to ruin any and all fun with random invincibility phases, or any of the switch teleporting faggots.
just her mod drops and the shotty silencer from one of the exeuctioners.
on mumble - willing to shitpost audibly and share builds and memes
Oh boy…
First picture was in April 2013, i've been playing this game for 5 years now.
Also, can someone invite me to the dojo again? i go away for some months and someone kicked me out.
hey K
yo man
Sometimes people post a funny ass screenshot or play a game I've never heard of before. If it looks interesting, I can ask them what it's really like.
Another place to look up new games is pc games download, one of the prime sources on share threads. I would've never heard of SkyDrift, Livelock or that submarine RTS which I can't remember the name of right now, but have it saved, if it weren't for this sort of checking.
This annoying reward, a 3 day affinity booster of all things, is even more worthless to me than the sculpture or the endo reward.
just rev up those formas
Confirmed no PoE this week. Also confirmed no devstream.
That was already confirmed by them saying it's this month since this is last week of the month so it would have to be this week unless they delayed.
20 plat on it being Friday
It will be DElayed until first half of October, you'll see
Of course, and you probably want to kiss the fuckboy Miku Hatsune cosplayer.
The only way they'd suggest it's this week is if the certification for the console versions is going through. The release is for all platforms so as usual consoles are just slowing us down. I wonder how much bigger and ambitious the open world would've been if they didn't have to limit them for 8th gen consoles.
Miku is entry level "hey guys I'm a weeb too" garbage
Man, you really are gay
I'm not sure you understood what he meant.
He's calling Nezha a Miku cosplayer, it's been a bit of a joke for awhile now.
I don't see it, just looks like a stereotypical little chinese bitch, is it because of the ribbons?
Of course it's the ribbons, it looks like Miku's hair.
I find it funny the majority of Nezha's porn is gay or femdom. There's a webm of him sucking Excalibur's dick while furiously masturbating lol
You mean the one they're giving away?
He's a crossdressing faggot, so of course he's gonna be a slut.
There's not exactly many options with that character design, the best you could hope for is /ss/ but then you also have the actual potato kids to compete with
I want a full squad on mics to explore new area together, cooping in combat and finding things together, chatting etc. Already know 1 lad is up for in mumble. Anyone else?
I think that the biggest hurdle for this game is the engine itself, Unreal is a good engine but DE doesn't have a clear vision of what kind of game they want to make, they jump at every bandwagon that it's popular at the time but there's a limit to what you can do with an engine designed for tile-set based environment.
To be honest I am excited about PoE because I want to see if they can avoid dropping frames like crazy and textures popping in out of nowhere. I want to see how far they can push this engine
It's not Unreal. It's Evolution which I think is the same thing Bioshock was used for. There was still Bioshock textures in the game early on. Can't find the screenshot among all my pictures though.
That's a bit worse, now I know why it takes so much time for console updates.
But I guess that was their only option since they made this game with a shoestring budget
For fugs sake, i thought i could get 100% status chance on the tigris with only one other elemental/status duo, guess i need the last one too.
99.7 is enough m8. In 100 shots the odds that you don't proc is 0.3%
Somehow I don't see this ever affecting your strategy.
How the hell do people see shit on the default brightness in the hive? Had to bump that thing to max just to see this container on top of me.
I'm guiding myself by the status chance guide on the wiki user, there they say that the status chance is divided by all pellets, so a 100% on a tigris would destroy everything by this logic. Might test later on simulacrum when i get the hive mod.
How does he suck dick with no mouth?
The sheer force of cocklust allows him to.
You shouldn't have to use in-game brightness options, ever. Calibrate your monitor (
Screen calibration is so fuckiung important to have things look nice but GPU companys don't give a fuck. Slap on the proprietary physX and get realistic nigger cocks waggling everywhere. But actually maintaing and color profile? Pfft. Nvidia have ingored enforcing profiles since 2013
100% status on shotguns triggers the game's math daemon, making every pellet deal a proc.
99.999999% status means there is a 99.9999999% chance that at least a single pellet will deal a proc. It's still pretty high and pretty good, but 100% turns shotguns like the tigris prime (due to slash procs and high base damage) into monsters.
That is definitely not the actual price.
Looks like they just fixed it. Me and a friend just got it for that price and his account reflects it.
I sincerely doubt that. DE is incompetent but not enough to accidentally list their most expensive prime package at over 90% discount like that.
Well, shit. The forums are saying the same thing, and then this popped up on steam.
Tell your buddy to spend that plat NOW before DE decides they want it back.
Duely noted thanks for pointing that out user. At the rate you're getting dubs I should heed your advice.
Yuss, finally, I can farm.
Didn't get the Nikana Prime hilt like I had hoped, but still a very nice fetch.
if they can take away your plat they can take away anything you buy with the plat too
Nunchucks are fun as hell. Wish they introduced another one with a cool gimmick.
There's more legwork involved in undoing things you've purchased with plat than it is to remove plat. The major issue will be refunding people their money, should they decide to be douchebags.
Another thing they may consider doing is making that plat unable to be traded. Since the more pressing issue is now there's several thousand more plat in the system right now that they didn't plan on.
I wonder how that also works with items purchased from players. Just bought the Ember Prime BP that I've been missing for years.
Too late, got what I wanted.
thatd be a quick way to eliminate the player base. what they should do is put in shill accounts to sell things to players, removing plat from the economy.
holy FUCK that is the worst mission type
constant infested niggers in tight spaces being annoying as fuck while you search for caches
10000% better off just doing liths or some shit and selling the shitty items for plat and getting what you want
That sounds absolutely DEVILISH.
They better not remove the energy regen, I put a fuck ton of effort into maxing that cunt.
Tight spaces + Arca shotgun = clear hallways
i believe increased slash damage increases the likelyhood of slash proc if there are other damage types though.
for example if you have a 500 slash, 200 impact, 200 puncture, theres still a chance of proccing impact and puncture, but slash is the most likely. if that 500 goes up, it increases those chances. same goes for elements.
i could be completely wrong though.
Ash has proven to be boring. What can you do with him other than getting to that secret portion of the orokin challenge room?
His 1 is the same as almost every other frame.
His 2 is really weak combination of Excaliburs 3 and Lokis 2
His 3 can be useful for escapes, but it usually just puts you in a more vulnerable position than you target considering your surroundings
And his 4 is a slow AoE. It isn't even slow enough for your unmodded shields to recharge.
yeah, that's how the wiki has it too, but it's not as exciting. the weapon in question would be going from 60% slash to 77%. a paltry 28% increase compared to the lusty 127% that the text implies.
well im just talking about slash proc chance, that mod in addition to increasing that also increases the damage. but not of the ticks… just the likelyhood of the ticks. which isnt a total
| +
|| L
I don't really know if it's a big secret, but I saw a video of some guy using Loki to place a copy of himself inside that sphere after it closes, there's a tiny little crack there because it doesn't close all the way. I just now realized that he needed to place a decoy first because there was nobody in that sphere, so Ash fails to do even that.
That big ball thing? just use a AOE effect like a gun or ability and it will break the 6 containers inside, there is another place where you can see those "secret" places on the big hall with two of those on the ceiling and a button on the center, supposedly you go on the button and it will open to view the containers to destroy. But with a vacuum companion you just destroy then and will lose maybe a amber/cyan star.
Speaking of secret rooms. Did you know the room used in the umbra reveal trailer is actually in the game? You can access it, and it requires your operator to do so.
Sooooo… maybe this will be part of the umbra quest to come.
its like im really playing path of exile
just vaporizing packs
The room i always had seen, but never bothered to climb a wall to nowhere, pretty neat though.
So a quick question, has any of guys found all kurias? Trying to find then but is turning to be more annoying than difficult, and contrary to what i have seen on most places, each kuria has it own place and text, if you have the room you have the kuria there and if it was scanned nothing more can be gained from it.
I haven't looked at this, but so far I've only found 4, can't be arsed to find all the room screenshots right now, but the easiest one on one of the Mars mission extraction points, just go on the rocks next to it and you'll see a Kuva there.
the best one is at the earth extraction point. it's on a rock in the water below, but the rock is out of bounds. mark it and watch people try over and over to jump to it.
That is so evil, trying to get it solo would make you extract right? I love those asshole places, DE got a little more sadistic in my view.
Posting some of my fashion frame. Starting with batman
Then spawn
And Telperion the silver tree of valinor
I wish I had one of the cooler helmets. Otherwise I like the skin
What in the shit.
Lethal torrent alert, and i found a different corpus container with this thing on the my last mission neat.
You scanned it right? Those are rare containers.
Please tell me you scanned it.
does scanning them give you something special?
different how? Was it one of Corpus Caches or was it one that resembled a dead Diablo 2 boss when you broke it?
No but it adds to the list of scanned things.
there's reason to do it other than completion really
alright good.
i was leaving them unscanned so that they'ld show up as a different color than regular chests if i were looking through walls with a scanner
does anyone know what these are for? ive managed to find and scan 3 of them so far. how many are there? do they have a purpose?
just lore/shit to do
You get a poem once you've got them all.
oh ok, so not even worth it in the slightest? someone told me you get a decoration or some shit, but as far as i have found, there is no such decoration.
oh, there's a statue and a glyph from it too, if you're in to that sort of thing.
once you get them all? is the glyph any good? i cant find that shit anywhere. just vague comments about it.
if its something "nice" i'd take a passive interest in knowing where the things are and getting them as i remember. is there a checklist somewhere in the game so i can remember which i already have?
does anyone know a good way to build the duel kama primes? they seem like complete useless trash.
Wait, what does scanning rare crates do?
What? They're pretty damn good and versatile too. You can build either for status+ condition overload or drifting contact+ blood rush. You can easily red crit or slash proc shit to death.
I just said, it adds to the list of scanned items. That's it.
Why must you lie to me user?
Oh fuck, sorry that was a typo.
can you post me a good build? everything i've seen on warframe forums, leddit, google, and youtube look like complete trash.
DKP are fine. I'm still partial to my Dual Zoren though.
I did a mock up of a basic build on my Zoren. Status is 52% on the DKP and Crit will be 24% which even a partially ranked Blood Rush can ratchet up to Orange numbers. Or you can take out Organ Shatter and True Steel for two more elemental status mods for 76% Status and still pretty decent crit, enough to keep Berserk charged at least.
Stance is up to taste, but most will forma out Crossing Snakes for Swirling Tiger.
I'm not sure, i didn't even try, and i have a helios to do this stuff as i always forget. If humming is rare, then my answer is no.
It was humming like those other cephalon stuff.
this is kinda what i have but i didnt use drifting contact. i have yet to drop a potato into it so mods are limited atm
Now this is a challenge - not of skill, but of patience
That's probably why they seem so underwhelming to you. It's hard going from an established weapon to something else.
DPK has the lowest Riven Disposition of Dual Swords, meaning it is the most widely used. It's probably because that sweetspot of having decent crit, crit multiplier, status, attack speed and base damage with no real drawbacks. Most other dual blades can't compare or have higher stats with drawbacks, like Nami Skyla Prime with it's low multiplier or Dual Zoren with it's low base damage and status.
The next best option is the Prisma Dual Cleavers which has some higher stats, but is slower and requires sacrificing a mod slot for its syndicate mod.
Dante Must Die mode: Do it with an unranked, unmodded Nova.
feels like most of the riven challenges are Do you have Ivara 0/1
Is there even a good reason to have this riven challenge than to choose a weapon to maybe get the riven mod?
As i got a unveiled riven for a weapon that I had never even used before.
That's part of the point of it, to give people an incentive to try a weapon they may not normally use.
I went looking for a basic gameplay video to show someone this shitty game and found this.
It's good for showing someone the basics of gameplay without any annoying commentating or wasting time, but this guy is weird.
The most notable is how he completes the lowest difficulty hacks until they're a click away then uses a cipher. For what purpose?
just got MR 22. On my way to MR 23, just 38 weapons to go.
because he's absolutely mental
Valkyr has found her spearmint, i even forgot i had this stuff.
But somehow i have 3 of the same skin, is there something to do with the duplicates?
literally ded thred
more like undead
Post porn until it dies
the board knows we're too lazy to recreate it and shows mercy
hey kiddo
I'd rather wait till PoE releases untill we create another one, tbh.
New thread in november then
The thread should officially die soon.
is he fucking her bellybutton?
The artist isn't great with anatomy, I know.
Icy Avalanche is hilarious and people who aug dumb shit like frost's wave are doing it wrong.
might as well use this thread for something
well, at least it's not a mutalist moa
I never got this slogan. It's so stupid.