Get *psych*ed!
Pozzedstein II - The Jew Collossus
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Fuck, ,messed up spoilers.
We're glad you enjoy this game! Really, just amazing!
more like get kiked
Hey goy, that's not the full version you posted.
Is anybody sursprised?
Yes we all saw it. It's fuck drumpf, and punch nazis the game.
Why would that make anyone want to buy this game?
why does this look like someone took nuDoom and made it more like F.E.A.R.?
meanwhile, 16 years ago
This sucks. I was kinda hoping the next two games in this series but not now with the nigger infestation.
Because it is. Most people lack the analytical ability to have recognized it, but there were several levels in TNO which played very similarly to F.E.A.R. in terms of gameplay style. Emphasis on some, because most levels were CoD-like shit where you had to play peekaboo, sit through cinematic moments, or forced stealth sections because the director must have been huffing paint during production and not realised what made the good parts good. Obviously the success of nuDoom must have rubbed off, because most of the new enemy types don't seem to attack with hitscan at all, and one enemy type in particular seems like they ripped off the Imp from nuDoom completely gauging by the way it moves. Which I wouldn't say is a bad thing. New abilities also seem to include superjumps and ramming through walls Adam Jensen-style so you can move around some more.
I disdain the new Wolfenstein game with a passion. It has a great aesthetic and not half bad gameplay for a modern fps but fuck me, if it isn't the most kikey game I've played in a long time. This trailer tells me they're going for the next level of jewry. Fucking why.
It's not to upset the sheboon. He knows his place in the progressive stack.
But yeah, old games were fine and dandy with the premise of mowing down nazis for the heck of it but now they're not even hiding the agenda, Blaskowitz is no longer in service of the government but instead is the errand boy for fags, junkies and nogs.
Nobody goes to the movies or watches tv anymore. Gotta find another way to push that propaganda.
Blitzkrieg series, Silent Storm, you goofball.
It'll happen, user. Believe you me. Some day it'll happen. If not by someone else, I'll make it happen.
You are right, of course.
You faggots better buy this game, it will be even better than Doom!
You forget the best part, you're still playing as the same BJ from 1992. While little retcons have been made to the overall story, every single Wolfenstein game since 3D/Spear of Destiny are all canon (With only the original two games on the Apple II and Wolfenstein RPG being non-canon).
But, that makes BJ out to be some sort of supersoldier, which he is not. By now, story wise, he should be an older tired man because he's been fighting Nazis for the past 30-40 years.
I got nothing against strategy games, but they're not my type of game.
Because I am not an idiot.
I'll keep believing, user.
Ok all New Order needed to be good was much fucking less cut scenes.
I liked the intro nice you had set up a story now next there should be 3 cut scenes top to the end of the game. Not 10 minutes of not shooting nazis each level.
This entire trailer is mess of extremely unfunny characters. So not only this game will suffer through even more cutscenes, it will also suffer from most unfunny stereotype of black woman imaginable.
I really hate that kind of writing and the characters. The first one was ok but this sounds way too sarcastic/reddit.
imagine being this reddit. just try to imagine.
He is, but in the new game you can choose between transplanting your head to a new body for more max health but less max armor, or to wear the Jewsuit from the first game to keep you alive for more max armor but less max health. So he's a supersoldier now.
The intro to The New Colossus will have a ten-minute rail shooting segment where you're in a wheelchair shooting nazis.
I liked Frau Engel and Deathshead a lot, but they're trying too hard to be Quentin Tarantino here.
I agree.
Yes, they're trying too hard to be a pretentious faggot.
I can't play these linear games because the stories feel stupid to me now.
Although there was one awesome guy in the first nu-wolfenstein. The guy who is a total cocksucking asshole to you the whole time until you find out it was his mission all along to die for you. The rest was shit.
Anyone who has played an id game post-Bethesda acquisition deserves a noose and nothing less.
The characters were already really obnoxious in the previous game but you're right, they're going beyond that as well.
>"Wolfen(((stein))) isn't political, you're just injecting your own insecurities into it.
Nice blogpost jackass
serves you tight fag
We need to create a public outrage against this game
Just kill yourself
What's there to be outraged about? It's just shit AAA console shooter for casuals number 62517482. The id franchises have been dead for quite some time
Go home, shill
Set yourself on fire while yelling that marxism needs to be removed.
Once again it's Nazi Utopia that get's ruined by terrorists, also did you notice how the resistance is full of retards? I'm not going to buy it because I really disliked the gameplay of the first one, but I can't shake the feeling off that someone in the Wolfenstein team is redpilled.
The game will still be about killing toothless Nazi soldiers in different color suits that all behave the same with the odd mini-boss fight in the form of a power armored Nazi. TNO was festering pile of shit and this one will be no better, but they sure managed to make it even more offensive. Fucking Swedes, I hope mudshits slaughter them all.
With all the events going on lately, we just need to redpill normans
You're not even trying /leftypol, but then again, when did you ever try?
Eh, fuck it. TNO was such a borefest that I prefer to think RTCW was the last entry in the series. Like that "The Matrix had no sequels" thing.
Fuck off retard
It's not that they are redpilled, it's that leftists lack self awareness on a very deep level. What makes sense to sane humans sends them into frothing rages where they babble incoherently about an ideology that hasn't been a threat to them in over 70 years. They've been beating the dead Nazi horse close to a century and aren't yet tired of doing so. We'll be hearing about GG in our 80s.
Good luck with your epic protest Holla Forumsro! You couldn't even generate a kotaku article if you tried your hardest.
fuck off commie
TNO was so bad it made me appreciate 2009
And, what about Wolfenstein '09? I haven't really heard anything conclusive about it.
Fuck off lolberg
Both capitalism and communism are bad and booth are sides of the same coin
The best option is Christian corporatism
You're right. No sane person wants to play as a commie in any game.
Just what makes killing nazis in this game such a political statement as opposed to Wolfenstein 3D?
Probably all the "AY YO CRACKA WE GOTTA KILL DA BAD WHITEBOYS AN SHIIIET" going on. As opposed to Wolf 3D which was just straight up action. I think The New Order hit a fair balance with things. Nothing was particularly cringey or retarded, and one of the more fucked up characters in the game is BJ's love interest who you can find out routinely slept with Nazis and then killed them in their sleep - not really the angel that she gets sort of propped up as. The game was weird and over the top enough that it was fun, and didn't feel hamfisted in any way. Not really getting those same vibes from The New Colossus' trailers.
Having Jimi Hendrix in TNO was pretty nicely handled. Compare his character to the random niggress in this, among other characters.
Also you gotta admit that the political climate of today is far flung from the late 90s. Can't really compare the Satanism scare of DnD and Doom to the very obnoxious Nazi name flinging of today.
They're right. Banning you was retarded, but they're right.
Wolfenstein isn't political. It's a generic shooter with a generic enemy, Nazis. If Wolf3D was the first FPS game ever today then you would whine about it being a kike propaganda tool too. You really shouldn't take video games so seriously. If the game had subliminal messaging flashing FUCK DRUMPF every 200th frame then yeah, I'm with you there, political bullshit like that needs to be eliminated. An actual case of this would be Watch Dogs 2, which had a Trump character as a bad guy you had to stop. I don't even like Trump, but this is just political pandering for millenials just for the sake of it.
>Dn'D scare
Mortal Kombat scare (FTFY)
Yeah, suck a cock.
Isn’t it funny how “Christian corporatism”–which I assume you would mean to be a pseudo-collectivist Salamancan economic system (meaning ‘everyone works toward the interests of society, meaning the interests of God, and usury is also punishable by death)–is so similar to national socialism? NatSoc is only socialist insofar as there’s a unifying goal toward which the government pushes corporations. Replace the theonomous culture of Christian corporatism with a heteronomous culture (a NatSoc government maintaining the direction of the economy) and you basically have the same thing.
And by ‘funny’, I mean ‘not really funny, just self-evident’. The only two ideologies to name the jew are Christianity and national socialism, after all.
It goes a lot deeper than that, friend. There have been riots, protests turn violent, and even some Republican senators were almost killed by a Bernie supporter because the political spectrum has turned polarizing. There is a fair number of people in America that think Trump is Hitler 2.0 and it's only a matter of time until he opens Auschwitz again. The shit in the 80s and 90s was a moral panic over a newly emerging form of media.
People are just a lot more divided and angry than they were back then.
Tbh I thought the whole "The Jews are actually a secret society who dictate the flow of the world order and Hitler was basically 100% right, NOW GO BLOW UP THIS BRIDGE FILLED WITH CIVILIANS GOY." was fucking hilarious.
Why are you so upset dubsman?
It's hilarious until you realize the faggots that wrote the story see nothing wrong with what they're presenting. Jews are the victims, despite hiding away all their technology (because their god doesn't want them to share). Meanwhile the Nazis are the bad guys for putting said technology to use for the betterment of society and to colonize the Solar system.
Also, I love how they send Blaskowitz to attack the Nazi fortification alone in the end, without giving him the Jewish power armor that can one punch a mech, only because the crippled cunt can use it to walk around. Guess the white man is expendable for the cause.
Yeah I realized that I was seeing it from a different perspective from how it was written, for sure. Didn't stop me from laughing at it though - and probably part of why I found it funny was because I realized the developers were probably completely dead-pan about it and didn't have any sort of self awareness. Taking the exact same plot point and turning it around would've just made it Holla Forums material.
Haha! Another Epic thread! Simply, upvoted, my friend! :))
its another Holla Forums thread
Jews ruined german words.
I'm not going to buy it.
dafuq is going on in that scene
Either that or they're openly mocking nigger preference for fat women, or they're glorifying it and we just perceive it as mockery. I can't really tell anymore since the left has gone stark raving mad.
Because the epic cyberpunk e-nazi aesthetic is a total failure. It's an attempt to merge two incompatible visual styles; the strength and universal vision of industrial totalitarianism, and the unfocused mockery of classicism, love of product worship, and over-self-awareness that is vaporwave. It weakens both of them and is completely driven by political outcasts arguing on the internet wishing that they had the universal aesthetic that only nationalism provides.
Well this looks like hot garbage piled on with shit. Not even funny anymore or settle. No Mecha crazy alien nazis and just kike shit. Oh well, it will flop as bad as the newest Mass Effect and so will the new Far Cry. Gonna be loads of salt from the rest of this year. No wonder Todd had nothing to do with last E3 and is super quiet since he opposed the Creation Paid Mods shtick.
But their expressions…are they actually fucking?
The black guy looks slightly embarrassed, whereas the sow looks like she's in some sort of "FEED ME MOAR COCKS" trance.
When I played the first game it was " I am a POW and trying to escape a prison of my enemies, oh, they are nazis, whatever. OH SHIT MECHA HITLER". Now its "EY WHITE BOY WE FUCKING NIGGERS N SHIT LOL FUCK NAZIS DRUMPFPFPF".
That's not even remotely related to my post
u mad white boy?
RtCW was
I do love the concept of a nazi zombie army, not the faggot ass COD one, but it would be hilarious in a survival setting.
Did you try the sniper elite spinoffs?
And obviously RtCW
Learn to read buddy
Just have a cold beer there eh bud.
Negative, sniping isn't really my style.
Why does it seems like they fucked the gameplay as well?
As if that wasn't enough, there's sassy crackhead boss lady over there hating you and telling you what to do because she's g*d's chosen.
I just wanted a fun game.
Presumably he is wearing the JEW MAGIC ARMOR he obtained in the previous game.
What a piece of shit.
Well this thread exists, anyone mind giving mr a few sources about the nuclear bombs of WW2 and the (((Bankers))) in charge. I'm trying to give me friend sources about it because he's still in the "Nadsees r ayvil" mindset, but I've managed to stump him a few times.
So, nobody noticed the happy kike in the trailer?
Take your shit to Holla Forums retard
You know this isn't an option right?
There is a reason Holla Forums has "questions that dont deserve their own thread" threads frequently and its for these exact questions. Go check if there is one up
His pants are pulled down so that is pretty obvious.
Wew lad
I'll just check >>>/polarchive/ and be done with it
So, leftists are retards with no self awareness.
I liked it okay. Hub world was a neat idea to get to game levels. Gunplay was decent. Not enough medical experiment mutants and atmospheric creepy vibe, though. More scifi than horror. 7/10.
What are some games made past 2007 where you kill Nazis? They used to be the go to bad guy but not so much any more.
They were. Burning books/art and creating a one party system is evil.
You missed a turn, Reddit is down the hall and to the left
Pretty sure they have never stopped being a generic goon enemy. Just look at zombie nazi army.
Which ones though ? Books burned from the weimar republic were the books on communism, tranny operations, gays and gay literature.
It wasn't *burn the knowledge*, it was *burn those faggot books*
Degenerate art is not 'art'. Porn and communist propaganda are not 'books'.
Gee I wonder what is going to happen next.
What I find hilarious is that the Russians of all people have a greater respect towards Nazis, often showing them as heroic and valiant when fighting, compared to Westerners, and especially Americans (read: Jews) that portray them as cowardly, stereotypically evil buffoons.
Sorry 2nd exodus fag. I like this site because I can say and post what I want.
3rd grade logic.
even if you take away the whole "oh gee i can't believe they made nazis the bad guys again, didn't they know hitler was a sensitive man" part of this, the joke here is fucking terrible. whats the joke? that people are fucking or that the lady with the afro said "motherfucker"?
Was gonna post this, but you can't educate inbred mongrels.
The game is based on politicals, get the fuck over it, kid.
Don't buy this shit, if you do, make sure to pirate it and use it for salt gain aspects. Time to spoil the ending for all the faggots who buy this garbage, Fallout 4 was glorious in salt, we will get the same with this game.
So you want to ban all anime?
Go back.
Don't spoil this shit user, lefty faggots hate it.
The only one who should go back is you. Sorry Holla Forums isn't a hugbox faggot.
Nah. It's OK because it's objectively wrong
Unless you want people to believe they have more than 2 genders, pedosexuality is a real preference, we need refugees and such, and re-indoctrate generations with marxist/leninist propaganda in the form of media, 'art' and comedy, so the seeds of mistrust, manipulation, abstract but a dysfunctional mindset and a false sense of the world are embedded deep within their fragile mind.
They're doing this because it's a threat and has been shown and PROVEN to work, not because "I dun liek it DX", that's such a dumb way of thinking, really! You can do better user.
True, wtf am I doing?
God bless the Finnish!
No fucking shit you cockgobbler, that doesnt make it ok to make retarded off topic political statements like crying about muh nazis and how they are evil. Low effort shitposts like that are clearly meant to desolve the thread into only shitposts but you know that of course because that's the exact tactic faggots like you use to try and create hate between the two biggest boards here. Kill yourself
I'm pretty sure that in every single one of them Blaskowicz shoots all the nazis dead
The joke is that the target audience is women.
All females are ugly, all men are attractive in this game. Except the jew, he is super smart and shit.
Everyone was burning the books of their enemies or confiscating them and jailing their owners at that time.
One of my great-grandfathers was murdered over a pro-democracy, anti-communist newspaper shoved in his locker.
Nobody was nice back then. Get over it.
How can a painting be objectively wrong? Half the unsourced shit posted on this site is wrong but Holla Forums shouldn't be banned either.
There are many rules to this, it's about encouraging mediocrity and an inflated sense of romanticism as well. Manipulation and brainwashing comes in many forms
"It's okay if it's terrible, this is your artstyle. You are unique, you don't have to improve! Fuck everyone who thinks otherwise"
See; CalArts.
Remember that art is a manifestation of the artist's perception of the world through the lens of their ability to create. What art they prefer also reflects their desires of how they wish to the world to be. Jewish art is so warped and horrible because the jew is fundamentally warped and horrible.
It was wrong when the communists did it too user.
Forcing a one party state is wrong and so is banning art.
There is a difference between criticizing something and banning it. By your shit logic it's ok to censor/ban the shitty waifu games japan makes.
did you forget the part about Weimar's degeneracy
I'm sure you're perfectly okay with current school teachings that reward kids in their mediocrity too, since being good in your craft requires talent but also a long time spent on practise
Lack of following proper criteria such as composition, colors, following the principles of perspective & anatomy, an appealing style, etc
No. You are wrong, that is not my logic.
It's more about having enough support for your shit pile that people will vehemently defend it and overwhelm the naysayers.
It was wrong of the gay jews to make gay magazines, which you call art and indulge in extreme riches, while people couldn't buy bread and were whoring themselves out for a meal. Yet they did it and would have kept doing it if nobody had interfered.
If that's not pushing the "totally not political statement" status then I don't know what is.
So we should be banning waifu games then?
It's like I am arguing against tumblr.
I thought the new order was alright, the cybernazi angle with 60's aesthetics really worked. From an artistic standpoint I really enjoyed the concept. I like the resistance fighter angle, though it was done much better in the saboteur and red faction guerrilla. I thought the gameplay was alright, if you crank up the difficulty the game really becomes challenging and makes the stealth system feel useful. The lack of variety is what killed it. The fictional music created for the game is great, it really created a great atmosphere overall.
The new colossus just looks like obnoxious trash. It looks like they never bothered fixing anything from the last game, instead filling it with joke characters like it's a fucking comedy. I get a lot of people acted like the new order was too serious but Christ this is just ridiculous.
Getting triggered because a game involves killing a group you like is fucking moronic. It's like getting pissy because you primarily kill niggers in RE5. If you can't enjoy a game because one of the developers said a thing you don't like you need to grow a thicker skin. I can still enjoy nuclear throne even though Rami Ismail is a piece of shit. When I play a game I judge it as a game first and foremost and worry about the niggling details after i've decided if the games worth my time or not.
This is a retarded argument.
This seriously makes me wonder what a 18th century french art academic would think of pic related.
I'd execute him on the spot.
t. democrat
Japanese artists in general follow those principles of art criteria much closer than your average western modern artist
But please continue with that hateboner of yours towards japanese stuff
That's not what is happening as people are fine with the older wolfenstein games, why are you trying to push this again? They are getting pissy because the game is shit and because the devs are complete virtue signalling faggots. Overall when its out you will see webms and pics to laugh at how shit the game is just like with ME:A. You are probably going to interpret that as people getting triggered though :^)
The game was fucking horrible. Pathetic and minuscule weapon selection, most of which is just boring reskins of shit featured in every other FPS known to man, and they even bragged you could dual wield some weapons as something revolutionary. Pathetic enemy types, mostly boiling down to German soldiers painted grey/white/blue and the odd ubersoldier miniboss. Horrid, forced stealth sections that only serve to break the pace and add nothing to the game, on top of shitty levels that are all different shades of grey, and poorly paced to boot. Just the fact they send you to the Moon base and then give you a ten second walk on the surface, a completely pointless section where you do nothing and encounter nothing of interest, and the only place in the whole game where you encounter a light gravity mechanic proves they had no idea what they were doing.
We don't do that either you leftist cuck. Your kind screeched really loudly about that not being okay so we now kill a diverse cast of infected, in fucking Africa.
Now fuck off and shit on some other fence.
I knew you would.
I am fucking sick and tired of killing Nazis and Germans. What's the fucking point? There's hundreds of games that have done it better, why can't be creative for a change and come up with something else?
Centrist faggots, not even once.
what did they think would happen if it gets shot?
What are you even trying to say? I also said the game looks like shit, I just called you out for trying to pull some bullshit narrative of lol butthurt nazis XD. Maybe think it over a bit why anons are fine with killing nazis in other games but somehow have a problem with this particular game.
Well that should have been obvious when the reason the nazis won WW2 in the last game was that they stole all of the super weapons that the jews were stockpiling for "no reason at all goyim."
That has happened literally thousands of times throughout history. If the Rich weren't allowed to make art while the poor starved than we would have pissed out on many of the best art ever produced.
Either way that isn't an argument for why it should be banned.
I'd love a game about the Sino-Japanese war, or the Chinese civil war, or how about the Japanese invasion of Korea (the old and the more recent one). How about a Middle East Simulator that starts at the end of WW2 and puts you in the shoes of any of the countries there and tasks you with helping your dynasty survive and exterminate Israel.
You have to add more substance to your argument, you know the exact situation I'm talking about. This isn't black and white. Read.
You are deflecting and ignoring my argument and using Stephan Molyneux's slogan as a silver bullet to end all woes.
You have commited and repeated several fallacious arguments against my claims and I have come to terms that you are not really looking for an actual argument, but rather are looking to bring in elementary style tactics to try and make yourself look like the voice of reason without actually listening to anything I have to say and giving a valid refutation. Textbook 'Pilpul'
You didn't make a single argument. Not once have you explained why it's ok to ban things you don't like.
I know you've obviously cherrypicking, but I also never said there werent japanese artists with serious flaws. My case in point is that western governments teach kids that it's perfectly okay to be mediocre (in order for kids of other races to keep up but also to create an "industry" of modern art, by lowering the criteria and values)
Again, I'm expecting japanese artists to be more productive and following at least the bases in art than the majority of western modern artists.
Not to mention western modern artists have a bad tendency to follow up and signal-virtue leftist/progressive politics
fuck the fence shitter meme is retarded. Disagree with fucking any aspect of x or y and now you're muh horsehoe poorly drawn mspaint meme image. That's why Holla Forums turned into a shithole where literature is banned because one mod had a bad day. Or how self improvement is somehow "blackpilling". Oh no can't disagree with anything trumps doing, that'd make you a kike/leftist/socialist/hillary shill.
It's almost like strict moderation turns people into sycophantic faggots that don't want to go against the groupthink in fear of getting downvoted.
You literally just explained why it is wrong to ban stuff.
Freedom of expression is not universal, nor should it be. You do not tolerate the intolerant and the subversive, attributes that can be applied to both the Jews and their leftist lapdogs. If you're punished for yelling "Fire!" in a theater when there is none because that puts people in danger so should degenerate and subversive art and entertainment that damages the moral fabric of society be banned.
I'm sorry you're either retarded or disingenuously misinterpreting what people are saying. Suck a cock.
Hes right though, TNO is a mediocre game with some good gunplay.
It's like I am on tumblr
So it's ok to censor waifu games then?
A game about waiting years for your opponents to arrive so they can shoot their own ships and die of tropical diseases would be boring as hell user.
Thank You.
Holy shit this Jew almost looks like a drawing from A Wyatt Man.
The New Orden had potential, the whole "what if Germany had won the WWII" is an interesting take, too bad that it had really retarded writing and of course it was a Bethesda game.
This game on the contrary was obviously made to cash in the "punch a nazi" fade and probably just took like about 5% of the actual effort that TNO needed. The only thing that will be worst that the history it would be the horde of faggots that think they are hardcore for killing nazis in a videogame.
that's what I fucking said earlier, he turned me saying some aspects of the game are good while other aspects are bad into me being a leftist centrist fenceshitting cuck.
Bans on gays in art brought nothing negative.
Retarded bans like the commie ones brought death in times of peace.
What's degenerate about them? Do you think romance stories aimed at men are a new thing? Do you think a medium that gives men the female ideal they want is wrong? You keep trying to drag Japanese games into the discussion in a pathetic attempt to use them as a shield against valid criticism. Here, read what Gobbles had to say about the difference between moralist (read: Leftist) society and a moral one.
What damages the moral fabric of society? You can ask many different and you'll get different answers. A catholic will say protestantism did, and a protestant will say catholicism did, and an atheist will say both of them did, and so on and so forth.
I agree, Holla Forums has become reddit.
Come on. It's 2017! The S.S deserves more diversity racist! Sad because Call of duty WW2 embraced diversity
#Wolfenstin2isracist #BLM #Blackgermany
Commies were the real losers in the end.
Rabbi, you're getting mixed up here.
You don't need fucking rocket science to figure out the what. Just look at the filth leftists and Jews shit out on a daily basis and what it does to people and you'll have your answer.
Stop moving the goalpost you pathetic cuck. You said nothing about traps. I'm done.
Really, Where am I in that picture?
These people seem to be the retards that jerk off to traps, like "Dank" A.K.A Unfunny forced memes, spout about kek and 'kekistan', masturbate to crossdressers, identify as 'Alt-Right' then worship Milo and Richard Spencer, along with various groups that are controlled opposition.
Basically edgy liberals that don't like being told what to do. Unfortunately these people make up the bigger number, so nothing much changes. The eternal Jew strikes again.
I'm starting to see a pattern here.
Viewing on my phone. Thought it was a literal chimp raping that milk maid
So you admit you don't actually play very many visual novels which often have degeneracy in them including
And even when it is just romance and not porn focused
But no, it's not degenerate if you like it user.
Nigger, just ignore him. He's using pilpul and shitty goon argument tactics, earplugging and giving you not a single inch as he pushes and pushes you.
The same skills that are implemented in (((Comedy Central))) shows. His syntax style should have easily given it away. You can easily piss him off by rebounding his tactics though, zero plus zero makes zero.
But there are countless things which I've heard Holla Forumsacks call degenerate, which to me seem perfectly fine and reasonable. Softcore pornography, alcohol, and fucking video games.
Thanks to 2nd exodus all of those cuck channers are on Holla Forums and in this thread.
Say hi!
I mean, hi.
News at 11
This. There have been multiple threads on Holla Forums about how porn is degenerate, how hentai is degenerate or how just fapping is degenerate.
How am I supposed to trust a bunch of degenerates to tell me what is and isn't degenerate?
Holla Forums is basically stupid place.
NatSoc folk drank/smoked once in a while and engaged in some lewd activities, but Holla Forums think National Socialists are like super prudes that prohibit everything or something. They're warping their perception.
You're moving the goalpost again. You specifically said waifu games, not visual novels in general. Are you clinically retarder or something, or did all the paint huffing at the last Antifa meeting rot what little brain power you had?
It's almost like you're too retarded to grasp the fact that people can disagree and debate about things. Next time try to hide you're from Holla Forums a little better. Again, Gobbles, the guy in charge of what people got to see, read and watch in Nazi Germany was pretty unequivocal about what should and should not be allowed. He made it a clear point to tell moralists to go fuck themselves.
Maybe a minor radiation leak because exploding reactors isn't how Nuclear Power actually works
Not an argument :3
And now they make up the majority of Holla Forums posters. I love this anonymous WE ARE LEGION WE DO NOT FORGET WE WON THE ELECTION
What did I fucking tell you?
I remember how we made fun of those people after that phase and now we are right back to square one.
Yeah, that would be a joy for the crew. A nuclear tank is retarded. It offers no real benefits that would outweigh all the negatives, especially in terms of weight due to all the shielding necessary so the crew doesn't die of radiation poisoning.
I know user, I just couldn't help myself.
It's not like your arguments were good either, in two occasions you just reponded to him by comparing this place to tumblr and shifting the discussion into waifu games
This isn't a difference of opinion, it's a blatant and utter flaw found in one of the main tenets of your ideology. So where is the line to be drawn?
Students did that, not the nazi party.
Rather have one great party than a few shit ones that are controlled and funded by (((them))) like what we have with liberal democracies.
I'm not. Most VNs are waifu games. But not even counting VNs you have the shit like pic related.
But it's ok because it's the type of degeneracy you like.
And yet they destroyed anything the retarded moral guardians can muster.
They have tried this shit on here, but we always deleted it or banned them after a few times. I'll admit sometimes there are slippery cunts that slip through the cracks since people actually reply to their threads. However for the most part, we got this.
Honestly, I feel like Anime in general is a psy-op. Hell, even Astro Boy, the earliest anime to exist, showed him punching Ku Klux Klan members.
You still have non-arguments though (;
May I offer you a backrub?
Waifu shit is degenerate. If it's ok to ban stuff because it's degenerate than it is ok to ban waifu shit.
One of the team members bumplocked it
Also these threads tend to get out of hand with no one reporting the shit storm
Only if you're a grill.
I did report when it started, nothing happened.
I agree. Good luck telling that to otaku's here though. This is still a board for consumption first and foremost.
Ah, the perfect goyim.
It's wise to disassociate yourself from this shit
Hahaha Holla Forumsro lets have a CRINGE THREAD XD DAE go on reddit? XD
can I still hold my opinions on the jews?
Who associates with them here though. All I see are these pics getting dumped when its some faggot thinking Holla Forums would ever follow sargon or call themselves alt right
No one on Holla Forums has ever
No one on Holla Forums has ever expressed anything other than disgust and revulsion for Cuckad and cuckistan.
Here, upload 'Alt-Right' cringe here.
They go to half/pol/ but there are a couple of determined retards that still jerk themselves about kek in this one. Thank god they've started to be shamed for it now about 2 months ago
People got tired of the same D-day to Berlin run that was in every shooter from Medal of Honor onwards. This is why Call of Duty went into modern warfare and let the sand people be the expendable goons, well, MOH did. COD went the direction of having some fucking white males be the puppet masters of the terrorists because we can't have the implication that Islam is what causes terrorism in the Arab world
These dumps keep getting posted because the kneejerk reaction to them is 'muh /leftypol' and 'muh goons' which in turn reinforces the stereotype of the rabid Holla Forumsack (regardless of the dumpers' original intention, maybe he just hates reddit instead of Holla Forums) rather than 'we hate this shit too'
And SJWs go to cuckchan too, stop caring about cuckchan.
And Holla Forums is filled with cuck chan posters so it explains the current state of the site.
Because the one who posts them tries to associate them with Holla Forums immediately outing themselves as a shitposter with nothing to add.
A lot of people here associate with Holla Forums though and that is what Holla Forums is, a cringe filled mess akin to anonymous 2.0.
Diversity bullshit aside: I cant wait to kill some "actual" nazis instead of just "people-who-disagree-with-me" nazis
what happened to the american übermensch who killed commies and nazis and slept with sexy women?
There is a difference between bad art and degenerate art, and there is a difference between bad artists and anti-artists. Japan has its own, living, artistic tradition, whereas modern western "art" doesn't. Modern art students don't study art history, because they don't need to know it: their "art" has no rules and no principles. The only "principles" are leftist principles which have nothing to do with the artwork per se: having an "important" message, "really making you think", "raising awareness". The only value of this artwork is as a piece of leftist propaganda.
Maybe if it wasn't a black woman who wasn't released from a bad 80s time capsule this game might've had a chance to be redeeming
They in turn come here, along with people in this VERY THREAD being cross posters. I'm not going to stop caring.
Thread is bump locked, no need to sage.
It lowers a countries birthrates and causes people to stay at home all day fapping to figures.
That left when "toxic masculinity" became a thing.
But of course toxic masculinity can only be caused by white men too. Rapefugees and niggers are a-okay.
Honestly this cap shows all you need to know about the new wolfenstein
Or to just, you know, derail a thread
If you think that associate with Holla Forums equals to this you couldn't be more wrong at least before the election
They all died user, they all died
Holla Forums was amazing before the 2nd exodus. I have literally met people who go to Holla Forums Holla Forums and most of them are either not white or traps. Those images you see are an accurate representation of the current state of the board.
You cannot compare a niche hobby to literal decades of continuous ZOG media barrage targeting hundreds of million of normalfags. Any given Hollywood movie has done more moral damage than all the anime ever made. 9 minutes of MTV contain more filth than 90 Comikets.
When you try and make your post sound so blunt, don't be surprised when I don't bother reading between the lines.
Better check yourself before you wreck yourself, mongoloid.
Isnt it about time to go shit up other threads by now?
By that logic the plague of furry is ok because it's Niche.
I totally believe you user.
just kidding kys, the board isn't even close to that bad yet even if it has declined considerably.
You can quite literally fuck off.
I bet you were one of those quality posters on Holla Forums before the second exodus what with your massive loads of evidence and solid posts, right?
again, feel free to kill yourself
I don't try to derail other threads that actually manage to stay afloat.
That's hilarious.
It's only useful for collecting nice cringe.
I was talking more in the sense of the anons who agreed with some of the things that Holla Forums says, what you see in those pictures are just faggots that take a single aspect of their life (politics) an built their person around it. It's not like I asked to agreed with Holla Forums I just wanted to play videogames
I think this is more on the side of the comedic value of this nigga having terrible taste in women, like, look at that, he is sticking his dick on raw pork
I literally saw idiots talking about kekistan yesterday. Either way even if they get rid of that cancer there are mountains of it left. Most of Holla Forums is brown people pretending to be white and spamming memes.
Then provide a fucking link
Also that's vague as fucking hell by the way
What does that mean? They were praising it? Shitting on it? Or is the mere act of talking about the phenomenon make you an irredeemable faggot?
Yeah, Holla Forums has declined since the second exodus, there isn't a doubt about that. But its still the best place for political discussion on the internet, save maybe the GG threads here. It is sad what has happened to it, and things are in a sorry state of things, but don't pretend like its at the level of cancer that cuck/pol/ or leddit is; Its not even close.
Maybe both, similar to that south park race difficulty sliders. Ambiguous double meanings and such
This is the most dissonant picture I've seen today. Oh god the cringe, I feel a hernia coming on.
This, there are cringy elements to every community. Vidya has Sonic and the indie shit like Undermeme and Fnaf. Anime has Weebs and fujoshis, politics has alt-right and SJWs.
The day where seeing people with fursuits out in the open is common is the die where I commit a massacre so vast I'm going to make communism look like a wet fart
See the images in the thread.
You're at least getting this one with Iron Harvest, even if it's a fantasy dieselpunk version of the Polish-Bolshevik War.
At least Holla Forums doesn't have this e-celeb bullshit.
8/pol/ shits on kekistan shit, they still suck the kek and trump cock though. That being said I'm starting to see sign of resistance.
Also I did an edit and removed pepe from pic related
why the hell did lefty get such a bangable mascot though.
It's hard to fuck the catgirl concept up they somehow almost did
Because catgirl and also black and red is one of the most solid colour palette. Yes, you are jacking more to the design than anything. And that happens why too often with smut.
Ok can some linguistic anom tell me why i keep writing the wrong words when i don't intend to? Is it dyslexia?
way too often*
kill me
It's called auto correct fucking you Are you posting from a phone, user?
I realize he's talking about fast food burgers there, but it's important to know any kind of meat can become carcinogenic when grilled, fried at high temperatures, processed and/or drugged at the farm. Avoid that kind of shit, and you ought to be fine.
(Mind, some studies apparently suggest red meat is inherently carcinogenic, but so far they're just based on surveys and animal tests.)
I know Holla Forums is filled with a few Christcucks but what is the specific reason Holla Forums hates faggots so much? Like I just realized I never got the reason.
Ask on Holla Forums
It's a bumplocked thread that was already derailed so I figured here would be the best place to ask.
Holy shit, Paul Dano browses Holla Forums?
Well Satan as someone who isn't a Christcuck let me inform you
They're a degenerate group of AIDS ridden cocain snorting pedophiles I myself am unfortunately a rape victim
What Art?
Don't worry that'll never happen instead it will be people having surgery to make them anthro animals like in their furry pics
I've got to admit that's the Whitest Holla Forums meet up I've ever seen, what with 1 nigger, 2 pajeets, 1 mystery meet and 2 or 3 Jews
Usually it's 5 Asians, a nigger, 2 "White" wymyn and like 1 white male